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In general, people want to feel that they have been treated fairly and feel
that they have been understood and respected, regardless of what is
being communicated. The ability to listen respectfully can be effective in
many emotionally charged situations, such as listening to concerns about
sexual harassment, discrimination, authorship order, or in discussing
academic grading and evaluations. You should try to figure out how the
other person will perceive the significance of what is being said in light
of their circumstances. This knowledge may alter how, or what, you are
going to do or say. This does not mean that you will necessarily change
the direction you are going, but it can help you steer around problems
getting there. To be most effective, initially you will need to gather the
appropriate information in an impartial, non-judgmental manner. You do
not want to be, or appear to be, a polarized advocate or adversary. It may
be useful to affirm the feelings that you hear-but say explicitly that you
must stay neutral on the facts. People stop talking if they perceive
disapproval. At this stage, it is usually not wise that you agree or
disagree with what is being said. Instead, gather information to
understand what is driving (worrying) the person with whom you are
communicating and let them know you understand how they might be
feeling. If you are open-minded about what you hear, problems that
might otherwise escalate may be seen in better perspective.

You can validate a person's feelings without agreeing or disagreeing with

the content of their concerns by:
1. Prepare by asking yourself:
Why am I choosing to do, or say, this?
Am I confusing my personal feelings with my objectivity?
Would I like to be treated this way?
Would I want everyone to be treated this way?
If this were to become public, would I be comfortable with
my actions?
2. Listen effectively.
Avoid jumping to conclusions, making premature judgments,
agreements, comparisons, or criticisms.
Seek the reasons behind the comments or statements of those
with whom you are speaking. Ask, "Why?"
Remember you are hearing only one side of a story. Ask for
permission if you wish to speak with others.
Emphasize facts. Gather objective information. Do not try to
solve a problem until facts on all sides are available.
Early on, it is better to understand the point of view of other
people than it is to agree or disagree with it.
Be consistent.
3. Ask yourself: "What kind of data would make me change my mind?"
Ask for help from knowledgeable people.
Familiarize yourself with the policies and procedures that
4. Be respectful.

Don't embarrass others, especially in public.

Don't misdirect your anger.
5. Act thoughtfully and carefully don't react.
You usually do not have to agree to any course of action on
the spot. It may be wiser, and safer, to wait.
Keep a record of the conversation.
Behave professionally, no matter what the other person says
or how you feel. Your own behavior can change the focus of the
discussion and decision making from the issue at hand.
Setting the orientation of the organizational culture and choosing the
type of organ gram that will facilitate the organizational communication
and overcome the eventual obstacles in communication.
Though it is considered to be "invisible" by numerous specialists and is
neglected by a series of managers, the organizational culture has a
serious impact on the modern enterprises functionality and
performances, representing the "key" for excellence in an organization.
The organizational culture can be considered a "social binder" that
shapes and determinates the behaviors, attitudes and actions of the
organizations members, reflecting the mix of personalities and
leadership styles put in practice.
Many more organizations are aware now of the "force" the
organizational culture incorporates; this force is representing an
important strategic instrument used to guide and raise the people
towards common goals. Therefore, it is a significant element that must
be taken into account when changes intervene in the existence of the
organizations, a lever favoring or breaking the innovations. It is

necessary, at the same time, to reproject organizational structure, aiming

to reduce the number of hierarchical levels, to simplify the
communication process, without affecting the quality of the messages
sent and received. More and more organizations prefer the circular
structures, where the horizontal communication is dominant, as well as
the network structures, which are oriented on the team and encourage
the communication between the employers, offering them a lot more
responsibility and autonomy.
The continuous improvement of employees abilities to speak and listen
represents an important method for the improvement of the
organizational communication because the practical reality points out the
fact there are serious deficiencies present in the manner in which
messages are transmitted and received, that "there are many speaking
and a lot fewer listening".
Choosing the most adequate transmission channels for messages, an
action a manager must approach depending on the actual situation, the
problem that emerged, the persons involved in the communication
process etc.
Capitalizing on the multiple valences of informal communication,
considered a dissemination vector of the organizations values. It is a
general rule that informal relationships between employees must be
accepted and exploited as a source of long term competitive advantage
and, therefore, they must be encouraged. The improvement of the
organizational communication must represent a priority and a permanent
concern for any manager, due to its direct influence on the work
environment and the efficacy of the actions taken. Choosing the most
adequate directions of action depends on the managers vision and the
organizations possibilities of evolution at that respective time.





There are varieties of factors which can affect productivity, both

positively and negatively. Some factors can be controlled and some
cannot be controlled due to natural limitations.
Factors affecting productivity are
capital investments in production
capital investments in technology
capital investments in equipment
capital investments in facilities
economies of scale
workforce knowledge and skill resulting from training and
technological changes
work methods
Quality of products
Quality of processes
quality of management
legislative and regulatory environment
general levels of education
social environment
geographic factors
Factor productivity or partial productivity indices are of following types:
i) Labour productivity: The important function in any production set-up
is that the budgeted quantity of work must be achieved over a period of
time. Labour productivity depends upon how labors are utilized. The

productivity of labour can be increased by increasing efficiency of

labour and reducing labour time.
ii) Material productivity: Production system converts raw material into
finished product with the help of mechanical or chemical processes.
Material productivity plays important role in cost of production.
Material productivity depends upon how material is effectively utilized
in its conversion into finished product. Material productivity depends
upon percentage of rejection, creation of scrap, level of spoilage,
obsolescence, work wastage etc.
iii) Machine Productivity: Production system converts raw material into
finished product through mechanical or chemical process with the help
of machines and equipments. Machine productivity depends upon
availability of raw material, power, skill of workers, machine layout etc.
iv)Capital productivity: For any production set-up, facilities of
machines, tools, land etc. are required which are assets of organization.
Capital is needed for such assets. As huge capital is locked in assets,
their effective utilization is absolutely necessary. Capital productivity
depends on how effectively assets are utilized. Therefore decision is
necessary to take about replacement of fixed assets. Early replacement
of fixed assets brings down maintenance cost but requires capital
expenses. On the other hand, late replacement of fixed assets improves
ratio of production to capital expenditure, but it increases maintenance
cost. Therefore proper balance is necessary. Organization spent large
amount (direct expenditure) for assets like direct material, direct wages,
land, building, equipment etc. But a production system incurs a lot of
direct expenditure like salaries of manpower employed in planning, store
keeping, record keeping, inspection etc. Indirect labour is also used for
material movement, good housekeeping, cleaning etc. Indirect

expenditure is incurred on indirect material like tools, oils, lubricant etc.

This index measures the productivity of the entire organization with use
of all resources. It is a way of evaluating efficiency of entire plant or
firm. It has been said that the challenge of productivity has become a
challenge of measurement. Productivity is difficult to measure and can
only be measured indirectly, that is, by measuring other variables and
then calculating productivity from them. This difficulty in measurement
stems from the fact that inputs and outputs are not only difficult to
define but are also difficult to quantify
Any productivity measurement system should produce some sort of
overall index of productivity. A smart measurement program combines
productivity measurements into an overall rating of performance. This
type of system should be flexible in order to accommodate changes in
goals and policies over time. It should also have the ability to aggregate
the measurement systems of different units into a single system and be
able to compare productivity across different units.




Productivity is an attitude of mind. Productivity means doing

something better today than yesterday. Productivity means continuous
improvement. According to Michael Porter Productivity makes you
wealthy, it allows you to support high wages, it allows you to support
high returns on capital Investment in high output and modern plant &
equipment and new technology - capital intensive approach. Improving
the efficiency and effectiveness of existing resources better
management approach. The soft or qualitative aspects - to create an
environment conducive to productivity. The technical or quantitative
aspect - to measure productivity.
The soft aspects of productivity are

Productivity culture
Team work
Quality work
Delighting customers
Work ethic
Caring for the work force

Different productivity levels are

National Productivity
Industry Productivity
Company Productivity
Divisional Productivity
Branch Productivity
Individual Productivity

Improving productivity can offset the impact of some of the problems of

developing countries where rapid population growth, growing
indebtedness & inflation are very common. The role of Productivity in
increasing national welfare is now universally recognized. In every

country the main source of economic growth is an increase in

Productivity & slackening of growth stagnation & decline entail or is
accompanied by a slowdown in Productivity improvement.

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