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Functional Expressions

Starting the Communication

Every nurse or midwife needs a
communication skill. When you
communicate to a stranger, patient,
doctor, or medical staff, you need
some expressions to start your

It is some important words, phrases, or sentences

that are used daily wherever we are, it depends on
our profession
Useful Expression for Nurse
Good morning, Mr. Brown.
Selamat pagi Tuan Brown.
How are you today Mrs. Sarah?
Bagaimana kabar anda hari ini Ny. Sarah?
What is your complaint?
Apa keluhan Anda?

Untuk maksud yang sama boleh menggunakan:

What's wrong with you?
What's the matter with you?
What's troubling you?
Have you taken your medicine?
Sudahkah Anda minum obat?
Sleep well, Mr. Rahmat?
Selamat tidur Tuan Rahmat.
I hope you will get well soon.
Saya harap Anda segera sembuh
Can I ask you something?
Boleh saya bertanya sesuatu kepada Anda?
Does it hurt here?
Apakah sakit di sini?
How long have you felt like this?
Sudah berapa lama Anda merasakannya?
Let me examine you, Mrs. Brown.
Mari saya periksa. Ny. Brown.
Good bye, see you. ,,
Selamat tinggal, sampai jumpa.

Useful Expression for Patient

Good morning, nurse.
Selamat pagi, Suster.
I am fine, and you?
Saya baik-baik dan bagaimana dengan Anda?
I am really unwell.
Saya merasa tidak enak badan.
I feel like vomiting.
Rasanya saya ingin muntah.
Ouch! it's very painful.
Aduh sakit sekali
Please don't be angry.
Mohon jangan marah.
You are very kind, nurse.
Anda sangat baik, Suster,
I have got headache.
Saya sakit kepala.
Thank you, nurse.
Terima kasih, Suster.
Untuk maksud yang sama boleh menggunakan: I really feel in bad shape. I
really don't feel well. I am going to be sick.

nurse and her patient in the room
n: nurse
p: patient
n : Hello, Good morning Mr. Rahmad, how are you?
p : Im fine thanks
n : So, how do you feel Mr. Rahmad?
p : I think there is something wrong with my stomach.
every time I eat I feel like vomiting. I really feel unwell
n : How long have you felt like this?
p : for about two days
n : have you taken any medicine?
p : No, I havent nurse!
n : Ok!, let me examine you, Mr. Rahmad, lie down here

midwife and her patient in the room
m : midwife p: patient
m : Hello, Good evening mom, how are you?
p : Im not feeling well mom
m : What do you feel? You look so pale
p : I have headache and feel like vomiting. Every evening
m : How long have you felt like this?
p : for about three days
m : Ok!, let me examine you, let me check your blood
pressure and tapping sound of your heart
p : Im nervous
m : Dont be afraid, you will be ok and get well soon after I
give you medicine

Present perfect
( sudah/ telah )
I, you, they, we : have + verb 3
he, she, it : has + verb 3
have to
had to
had to
hospitalized hospitalized obname
translate into English!
1. sudahkah anda sarapan?
2. maaf, saya belum bertemu dokter
3. apakah anda pernah obname di rumah sakit?
4. saya mempunyai penyakit hipertensi (hypertension)
5. anda harus istirahat sementara (for a moment)

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