Aquaculture Full Proposal Application Form 3-3-2013

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Science & Technology

Development Fund

Ministry of State for Scientific Research

General Conditions and Guidelines for Writing

an STDF Research Project Proposal
These guidelines, as well as the "Proposal Application Form"
shown hereafter, apply to all grant applications submitted in
response to the targeted call for research proposals in the area of
"Sustainable development of fish resources in the Arab Republic
of Egypt" (Call code: TC/3/MAR/2013/SDFR).
The text written in italics is only provided for guidance, and
should be removed from your proposal.
All proposals must be uploaded to




( Proposals submitted by e-mail or sent as hard

copies will not be considered.
The total number of pages of the application should not exceed
33 pages including a cover page, as well as all sections of the
proposal (as given hereafter). Applications exceeding the pages
limit or not prepared according to this application template will
not be considered.
In addition to the completed application form, the project's
principal investigator (PI) is required to provide an endorsement
letter from the institution to which he/she is affiliated. The
endorsement letter must be stamped and signed by the head of
the institution, or its legally authorized representative.
Submitted applications will be evaluated and the applicant will be
informed with the evaluation result of his/her proposal within 2
Read carefully and adhere to STDF guidelines, IPR rules,
code of ethics, etc. ( These are integral
parts of STDF contracts.

Science & Technology
Development Fund

Ministry of State for Scientific Research

STDF technical decisions made by remote reviewers or panels of

experts are final.

Proposal Application Form

Cover page
Title of the
Name of
Applicant's Contact Information:
Date of




Project subject (please refer to the "Call for Proposals" for the full
:subject titles)
6.1. Biotechnological tools for improvement of fish production
6.1.1. The use of biotechnology to increase fish resistance to
6.1.2. The use of biotechnology in the production of cold-tolerant tilapia
6.1.3. The use of biotechnology to improve the nutritional value of .
6.1.4. Conservation of genetic origins of Egyptian fish
6.2. Development of aquaculture systems in Egypt
6.2.1. Hatching new types of commercial marine fish
6.2.2. Hatching marine invertebrates
6.2.3. Marine fish farming in floating cages
6.2.4. Net enclosures for fish farming under environment-friendly systems
6.2.5. Intensive and integrated fish farming
6.2.6. Development of integrated aquaculture system in desert areas
6.2.7. Development of live and artificial fish feed
6.3. Fish disease control
6.3.1. Production of vaccines against bacterial diseases in farmed fish
6.3.2. Control of external parasites in aquaculture
6.3.3. Control of viral diseases in fish and crustaceans
6.4. Development of natural fishery systems
6.4.1. Management and development of Egyptian water fisheries in ..
6.4.2. Stock assessment and characterization of fishing gears in ...
6.4.3. Evaluation of day time purse seine and its impact on the ..

Science & Technology
Development Fund

Ministry of State for Scientific Research

6.4.4. Management and development of fish production in Egyptian lakes

6.4.5. Stock assessment in Egyptian lakes
6.4.6. The impact of environmental pollutants on some .
6.4.7. Studying the economic and social dimensions of the ..
6.4.8. Updating the fishery information and statistical systems as
6.5. Improving the added value of fish and fish wastes
6.5.1. Processing of some fish species to increase their marketability
6.5.2. Efficient utilization of fish wastes and fish by-products
6.6. Developing an integrated scientific system for the protection of .


Part A: The Research Team

A.1. Research Team Information Table (one page)
Complete the table provided hereafter (Annex 1), giving information
about all members of the research team.
A.2. Biographies (five pages maximum)
Biographies (resumes, no more than one page each) of the PI, the Co-PI
and 1-3 other team members (who play the leading roles in the project
activities) should be provided. If the proposal is accepted, the CVs of other
team members should be provided at the time of contracting. Please
.follow the CV format provided hereafter (Annex 2)

Part B: The Research Proposal

The research proposal should provide a clear definition of the problem to
be investigated, the projects objectives, as well as a relatively detailed
description of the method or approach that will be followed to reach these
objectives, and the expected measurable outcomes from implementation
of the proposed project. The proposal (Part B) should not exceed 26
:pages and must include the following
B.1. English Abstract (one page maximum)
The summary should briefly describe the problem to be addressed, the
objectives of the proposed research, as well as the methodology,
expected outcomes and potential economic impact, if any.
B.2. Arabic Abstract (one page maximum)
The Arabic Abstract should be an understandable translation of the
English summary
B.3. Introduction/Background (two pages maximum)

Science & Technology
Development Fund

Ministry of State for Scientific Research

This section of the proposal should include a definition of the problem to

be addressed by the proposed research, its importance and economic
impact, as well as a description of previous attempts by others to
address/solve the problem, and the research approach that you propose.
Emphasis should be put on the state-of-the-art aspects of your proposed
research approach. Any relevant previous achievements or pilot studies
which have been conducted by you (your team) should be mentioned in
this section. Also, mention your relevant international publications,
patents and former research grants in the project subject matter.
B.4. Objectives (one page maximum)
List your projects wider and specific objectives, avoiding the use of
redundant or vague statements.

Science & Technology
Development Fund

Ministry of State for Scientific Research

B.5. Research Approach and Methodology (nine pages maximum)

Describes how your project will be implemented, including your scientific
approach, detailed tasks/activities to be conducted, methods and
equipment to be used, and project inputs. Specify the methods to the
extent needed to give a clear idea of the tasks to be conducted and the
findings they will yield.
8.6. Equipment (two pages maximum)
List the equipment available at your institution, as well as the equipment
that you need to purchase using STDF funds. The needed equipment
should be listed in a table that also shows the purpose for which each
equipment will be used in the project, and its cost.
B.7. Project Management (two pages maximum)
Describe how the proposed research work will be divided into "Work
packages", or tasks/activities. State clearly the role of each research team
member in the different tasks/activities. Whenever possible, the
tasks/activities should be listed in the order in which they will be
B.8. Time Schedule - Gantt Chart (two pages maximum)
The Gantt chart should show the timeframe for conducting the different
project activities. Whenever possible, the titles and numbering of the
tasks/activities should be the same as those given in the "Project
Management" section. The Gantt chart should be prepared using the
template given in Annex 3.
B.9. Expected Project Outcomes and Impact (one page maximum)
List your expected projects outputs (typically tangible products, such as
International journal articles or know-how (patent), product(s), extension
bulletins, prototype, product(s), MSc and PhD theses or any other specific,
clear, and measurable outputs. Avoid general benefits and focus on
specific, measurable benefits only.
8.10. Budget Table (2-3 pages, depending on the project
A separate budget table should be completed for each year of the project,
using the template provided hereafter (Annex 4).
B.11. Budget Justification (one page maximum)
For different budget items that are listed in the budget table, and which
may be un-detailed (e.g. travel costs, laboratory supplies, other costs,

Science & Technology
Development Fund

Ministry of State for Scientific Research

etc.), give more detailed information about these listed items, and explain
how their total costs were calculated.
B.12. Key References (one page maximum)
List outstanding, recent and relevant literature cited in the proposal.

Science & Technology
Development Fund

Ministry of State for Scientific Research


Science & Technology
Development Fund

Ministry of State for Scientific Research

Science & Technology
Development Fund

Ministry of State for Scientific Research

Annex 1: Research Team Information Table (Please fill out in English):

Name of Res.
Team Member in

Name of Res.
Team Member
in Arabic

University /
Institute In

Position / Title

% of
spent on

No. of

per month

National ID No.

Number of
and their

Total % of
spent on


Science & Technology
Development Fund

Ministry of State for
Scientific Research

Annex 2
CV Format
1. Basic Information
Full name in English: (As you write it in Int.
publications, underline family name):

Full Name in Arabic:

Date of Birth:
National ID
Last University Degree

Faculty, University, Country


Field of specialization:

Graduation Date

Current Position:
Contact Information:
Mobile Phone:
h index

2. Scientific Achievements
Total no. of Int. publications in Scopus

Last three recent relevant publications

Authors (underline your name), year, title, Journal, vol. and pages
If applicable, state other salient scientific achievements such as patents
(granted only) and scientific prizes

Previous or running projects with STDF

a. Running (ID no. & type of grant, role of applicant)
b. Previous (ID no., type, role of applicant and deliverables to be

Science & Technology
Development Fund

Annex 3 Gantt chart*

Title of the project:

Ministry of State for Scientific Research
Project ID:
Actual start date of the project:




1st Year





Title of Task/Subtask






2nd Year

outcomes of
implementation of
the task

Science & Technology
Development Fund

Ministry of State for Scientific Research

* The above chart is given as an example. In this example, cells highlighted in yellow indicate main tasks, and cells highlighted
in green indicate sub-tasks.
Cells highlighted in red indicate the last months of the reporting periods. A progress/final report should be submitted shortly
after the end of each period.
Please add more columns (for projects longer than 24 months) and/or rows (for tasks and sub-task) if needed.

Science & Technology
Development Fund

Ministry of State for Scientific Research

Annex 4

Budget Table (please fill in a separate table for each year of the project)
Eligible costs


Team member




% of time
spent on the


No. of

*Researcher A
(A) Incentives
(Total incentives not to
exceed 25% of total budget)

*Researcher B
*Researcher C
Manual laborers
Total incentives

(B) Equipment

A separate breakdown is required


(C) Expendable Supplies &


Miscellaneous Laboratory supplies (chemicals, kits, glassware, etc.)

Total expendable supplies & materials

(D) Travel
(Total cost of travel should
not exceed 10% of total
budget, with a maximum of
100,000 LE)


Air tickets
Per Diem (governmental regulations apply to allowed per diem)
Transportation (Bus/train tickets, public transportation, etc.)
Per Diem (governmental regulations apply to allowed per diem)

Conference registration
Total travel
Computer supplies/services (software, printer cartridges, printing of drawings etc.)
Report preparation and publication costs

( E ) Other Direct Costs

Others (rental of land/equipment, minor construction works, etc.)
Total other direct costs

( F) Total Direct Costs

(G) Modified Total Direct Cost
( H ) Indirect Costs as 20% of

(I) Total Project


Sum of (A ) through ( E ) above

Total direct costs minus Equipment ( F minus B )
20% of Modified Total Direct Cost ( MTDC)
(Total Direct Costs Plus Indirect costs ( F Plus H )

*Researcher A = Ph.D. holder

Researcher B = M.Sc. holder

Researcher C = B.Sc. holder

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