Cwu 1305802754 11BOB017 t140 BT Operate - Ser

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Dear Order Management Colleagues

Since February we have been testing a new concept within Edinburgh with Order Managers
answering calls from a group of GS customers helping to restore their confidence in BTs
support for volume orders. This was necessary due to declining customer satisfaction and high
profile customers making it plain to Global Services that service for volume orders was poor due
to confusion over who to contact and when in the order journey.
To date the trial has been a great success and customers including Manchester City Council,
JLP and Scottish Police Authority have been pleased with having one point of contact for order
progress queries. The Edinburgh people involved have received several important customer
bouquets and have helped raise the profile of what order management is capable of and the
value you all bring. We have also seen a 50% plus reduction in expedites and escalations for
the customers in the trial.
We have now agreed with GS that we will look to roll this out to a larger group of customers
starting with those that we know have high volumes of orders placed monthly and those that
have consistently complained at lack of support for their orders. We will do this in a controlled
manner so we can test and monitor the service we are providing and the impact it has on other
work activity we need to deliver such as KCI and Jeopardy Management.
The roll out means we need to change the way we operate in order management as follows:
1. From late May the Edinburgh OM centre will switch to become the Single Point of Contact,
and will be known as the Customer Orders Team (COT). We want to make this switch during
May and into June with new orders normally pointed at Edinburgh moving from 23rd May into
Glasgow (Broadband and Rainbow cell orders). Edinburgh will manage down their current
order stack and start to move to the new way of working. We will work closely with the GS
Order Declines team in Birmingham and work to form a virtual one stop shop for customers
chasing order progress along the end to end journey.
2. We have 21 customers in the current trial and will look to at least double that by 30th May
and then agree a staggered roll out through June and July for other customers. At this stage we
aim to get 50% of high volume order customers pointed at Edinburgh by September for phone
calls and email queries. We can then assess how things are going and what the impact on
resource is.
3. Birmingham and Glasgow will become the main Order Management centres supporting
Edinburgh and ensuring that all the proactive KCI, jeopardy management and other order coordination work takes place. To allow this to happen we need the amount of inbound calls and
email queries to reduce into these centres so the trade off with Edinburgh is successful and so
that you can really concentrate - with less distractions - on keeping orders fluid and sending
updates to customers. Birmingham will retain Blue, Grey and Green Cell orders. Glasgow will
have Cheetah, WLR, Broadband, Rainbow and Orange Cell orders.
The theory is solid, but of course we also recognise that many current inbound calls and emails
are non order related or come from internal BT people. Therefore part of the roll out will see us
look at changing some existing inbound numbers to IVR to discourage unwanted calls, and to
work with internal BT people to ensure they only contact us if absolutely necessary. We are also
working with GS Sales and BT Design to get as many customers loaded to Customer Zone as
possible and placing their simple orders online, and then seeking their updates online. This is
having some positive impact already, but it is early days and we need to improve the

functionality of Customer Zone and ensure the updates available are plain English and easy to
I recognise this is another major change to how we operate in Order Management, and that
there will be the inevitable bedding in period as we adapt. However I know that this has the
potential to give customers what they need, give GS what they are after, and at the same time
simplify the way we operate allowing us to drive proactive KCI and order fluidity without
constantly switching people from one function to the next during the working week.
I am due in Glasgow and Edinburgh on 24th and 25th May and will cover this in my
presentations and Q&A sessions. I will then get to Birmingham during June to update you as
Any questions or queries please drop me a line and I will do my best to answer or assist.
Thanks as always for your determination to deliver great order management and for your cooperation as we make this important change.
Kind Regards
Sean Donovan
Head of UK Voice Service Delivery
BT Operate
Tel: (+44) (0) 7711 446232
Sean Donovan. UK Voice Service Delivery, BT Operate. T: 07711 446232 (sent via my

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