KiT Reports 2009 CZ

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Komensky report- 2009 and forecast-2010

Dear Friends and all supporters of Komensky Project in Tanzania. Below is a report from our
Project in Tanzania. There are letters from the kids, plus my comments in italic. Also I did left
their addresses there so that to encourage you to be in touch with the kids. I know it is timeconsuming to write letters, and if you are like me, I dont like to write letters at all. But it would
be great to send even few lines or even a post card, they would be so happy. You do not have to
write to all kids at ones, but you can choose one or two.
P.O.BOX 836
Dear Komensky, I do hope that you are all well. Back here we are fine and I am continuing well
with my studies.
The main aim of this letter it to give you a brief summary of my schools life.
I hope that you are aware that I moved Schools from Mnini Secondary School to Majengo
Secondary School. I moved from Mnini because there was lack of teachers, books etc.
On the other hand, Majengo, I can say is a very nice School, it is the opposite of Mnini, so I am
satisfied here.
I just want to inform you that in Majengo, the school fees is much higher. This means that the
money you sent me last year it was not enough. I still owe the school 240,000/= (this is for this
year, 2009). Next year the school fees is 650,000/=.
Please, I am asking you to keep on helping me, because this year I had problems doing my 2nd
year National exams due to the dept. However, I managed to convince the teachers that the dept
will be paid, therefore I did the exams ok.
In this School there is exams results average of 45%. Any student who will not reach that
average he/she must repeat the year or is suspended from the school. So, I have to really study
At the moment I am on my school holidays and I am also waiting for the results from the
national exams I did last month.
I am wishing you a Merry Christmas and happy New Year.
Its me Angel

P: S To be honest, Angelas situation is confusing me!! Last year when we agreed that Angela
should move school to a better one, it was agreed that the company (KIWAKUKI) which was
supporting her will continue to provide the 150,000/= that they promised to pay each year. Her
two brothers also agreed that they would pay the rest 100,000/=, so that Komensky would not
have to pay much more on her yearly budget. So, as it turned out, neither KIWAKUKI, nor the
brothers paid as they promised, which left Angela with a dept of 240,000/=. KIWAKUKI
promised that they will pay next yearbut can we trust them?????
P.O.BOX 24
(Incase of replying, I recommend you to use the following address)
P.O.BOX 85
My Komensky,
I have a great joy to greet you, because I have been thinking of you very much.
I am writing to greet and to thank you again for your great help.
Recently I did my 2nd year National Exams. As you might know, in Secondary School, there are
two big (National) exams. First, from the second year to join the third year and second is the
final exams after the fourth year, which will decide whether to join A-levels or not. So, I really
do hope that I will pass to join the third year next year.
I would also like to inform you that I found another School, which I have moved to. The
previous School was not good. There were no enough materials to help a student to do well in
her studies.
I am missing you a lot; I would love if you could be able to come to Tanzania to visit us.
I am wishing you a wonderful Christmas and New Year. May God help you to end up this year
Well, I dont have more to tell you than thanking you for your help towards my education. I will
only pray for you so that you are blessed more and more.
Its me your child,
Christina Michael
P: S Unfortunately Christina didnt write any information about the expenses for next year. I
will therefore, assume according to the amount we sent last year. Angela (my sister) wrote that;

Christina was suspended from the previous school due to bad character/behavior! Although she
insisted that we should keep on supporting her. Frankly speaking, I dont know how she is doing
academically. We just have to trust that she will use this opportunity wisely.

P.O.BOX 8467
Dear Komensky,
I am sending lots of greeting to you wherever you are. I do hope that you are doing fine. I am
well under Gods blessings.
The main reason why I am writing this letter is to know how you are doing over there also to
inform you that I have now finished my Secondary School. I would like to express my sincere
thanks for your help in the past four years until I managed to reach this stage. God bless the
works of your hands.
The final exams were moderate, some had very difficult questions and some were fine. This
means that I am not 100% sure that I will pass the exams to join A-levels. But what I am sure of,
I will not miss some credits to join any other A-level School, in this case a private one.
However, there is a problem in Tanzanian education system. The thing is, even if I will pass to
join a government high School, usually the results are published at the end of February, This is
when we (students) get to know our results. In March, they inform us the selected students and
which schools to join. If I will not be selected to join the Government high school, I will need to
wait until May to see if they selected me to join any college and if I was not selected, it means
that I lost my time waiting, while I could have had join a private School. At the same time, if I
would like to join a private school, I will need to go for some interviews and joining exams, by
January. This means that I need to do this process before even knowing my results. This means
that I will need to pay some money for these exams (registration fees) and traveling expenses (I
am not sure if it make any sense, but Vene can explain)
Since I studied in the government school for my secondary school, I know the problems which
are in these schools. So, personally, I would really like to join a private high school, but all it
depends on you because these Schools are very expensive, even four or five times more than the
government schools.
I have researched few private Schools here in Moshi, which are known for their performance
and high standards. I am sure if I will get the opportunity to join either of these Schools, my
chances to join University in two years is higher. These Schools are, St. Margareth, Northern
High School, they are here in Moshi and another one is Forest Hill School in Morogoro. Fees
are 1.1millions/= and 900,000/= respectively. At the moment I dont know the fees for Forest
hill school.

My dears, I dont have more to say, again, thank you, thank you and I will always continue to
thank you.
It is me, the one you care for,
P: S Michael has selected one of the best schools in the area; I can understand him, since he has
been in one of the worse school for his Sec. School, which is why he prefers better schools for
high school. However, I believe that the fees are really high. It would be good if Komensky
would afford this amount for two students (Michael and Kazungu), so that they can go to the
best schools. If not, I will ask them to find cheaper, private schools, not the best in the area but
good ones with reasonable fees.
P.O.BOX 85

As you know Prisca is very young so she can not write letters, and also she is learning
Kiswahili, because she speaks only very basic as Maasai traditional language is her main.
However, Angela (Venes sister) sent us a letter with some information.
After Priscas grand mother learnt that Prisca will be supported by Komensky, she took Prisca
and left her in Angelas house. This means that Angela has to pay for all her needs, food,
shelter, medicine, clothes, school etc. So, simply, Angelas family was added by one child that
she needs to take care of. Apart from the fast that Angela, her husband and their two children are
living in two rooms, both do not have stable employment. To add another third kid is more of a
burden! Even though we were sending some money to support Priscas education (kindergarten)
the money is not enough for the extra expenses.
Angela tried to talk to the grand mother, that Prisca could stay with her (other) relatives, but
due to lack of education and common sense, the grand mother refused! Because she knows that
Angela is her church pastor and because there is help from Europe, she thinks that the help will
stop as long as Prisca is not living with Angela.
(I think we will need to discuss this case in more details)

P.O.BOX 85

Unfortunately we did not receive a letter from Sara this time. However, Angela wrote that she is
doing better in the School, didnt move schools. She is sending her greetings and apologizing
that she didnt manage to write a letter because when she came back home from school, she
immediately travel to Arusha to visit her sister. Hence, she didnt have time to write. (Again no
information about School fees)
P.O.BOX 836
Kazungu wrote a letter and send it by post, the same as Michaelbut unfortunately we havent
received it yet!! I hope that it will arrive soon. I did though spoke to my mum and asked her if
she could inform Kazungu to write it again because we will need some information on her
school expenses, etc. Just in short, Kazungu is in the same state like Michael, so I suppose that
the expenses will also be similar.
Well, as I wrote on the previous report, Emma is a finished project So, Emma finished his
high School, unfortunately he didnt get the government sponsorship to join a government
Universities. As I see it, this is due to two main reasons; first, Emma didnt get excellent resultsmeaning As in every subject, so that the government would want to invest on him by providing
100% scholarship, although he got satisfactory results. Second, The government is cutting off
the costsnow the system changed, meaning that the government is more willing to sponsor the
students who will share the costs (50-50) and since Emma didnt apply for this kind of
sponsorship (only 100%) there was no chance!!
So, under the stress and sad feelings, after Emma, realized that if he doesnt go to University his
dreamt future has come to an end! Therefore, Emma found some expensive loan from a local
company and luckily one private University accepted him to do a Degree in educationto be a
secondary teacher. After I heard this news, it was just impossible for me to trust this
loansomething was not right for me. To cut the long story short, I managed to find some
sponsors through my friends in England, so now Emma is in the University, three years
program. I sincerely do hope that he will understand thatThis is not normal and he will work
REALY hard
Really great THANK YOU to Komensky benefactors, of which if it was not for your help,
Emma, wouldnt be where he is. I hope after his graduation, he will be a good teacher who will
motivate and teach many young Tanzanians, to really work hard as
Education will open a window to a brighter future away from the poverty

P.O.BOX 37
Although Komensky is not fully supporting Pendo, but I always like to give you her updates
because Komensky has been just great in supporting, sending some remained money, eg.
transport to and from the School, expenses, etc.
So, Pendo is going to start her second year of high School in Kifungilo. At the end of the year
she will be sitting for her final exams. I do hope from Emmas lesson, we can advice Pendo to
apply better for Universities.
Academically, she is doing good, I hope that this will stay and there will be no surprises at the
Fees next year










APPROXIMATELY IN CZK IS 25,000 (hopefully including the transfer fee)
PS: I put Michael and Kazu on brackets, because it will depends on their results, if they will
pass to join government school, we will try to support them, as it seems we can not afford to pay
for a better Private school as they are really expensive. This means that if one passes, then we
will support him or her, if both then we will support both and if they will both not being selected
to join a gov. school, then this will be the end of our support (they will not be able to join Alevels). On the other hand, it means that if they will both being selected to join a gov. school, we
will have to support them further for the two A-level years, although (I hope) the expenses to
government school will be cheaper (appr. 1.2mill for both-20,000kzc, that we will need to send
at least half of it by March.

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