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The Sun in Scorpio, Effects

Dr. Shanker Adawal (Jyotishaacharya, PHD, MBA)

Scorpio is the other sign owned and ruled by MARS. Both the planets i.e. the Sun and Mars
are energetic planets and become responsible for fire and explosions. Before we discuss in
details the effects of the Sun in Scorpio, it would be apt to say that the span of Scorpio is as
under with reference to Nakshtras and their:
00, 00 to
10. 00 to
00. 3. 20
00. 00 to

03.20 degree of Scorpio or

13. 20 degree of Vishakha ruled by Jupiter.
to 16. 40 degree of Libra or
13. 00 degrees of Jeystha ruled by Mercurry.

The Sun in Scorpio especially up to 16.40 degrees is capable of giving native a beautiful
face and bright eyes though the Nakshtra Annuradha belongs to Saturn but at the same
time where the combination of planets is not good, the native gets cruel looks- apparently
on account of Mars and Saturn. The native have to face several obstacles in life though they
have especially aptitude to handle all situations. Practically there will be no peace of mind
throughout life as even a smallest problem becomes pinching. Always think of revenge.
Such natives are hardworking and inspire of various reversals they achieve success. Firm
believer in God and will not leave optimism even in several reversals. Such persons start
earning at young age. Life between 27- 48 is full of problems and after 48 some stability
would be indicated. With the Sun in Scorpio and Moon and Mars conjoining, the native has
to be a chemist, doctor or manufactures of drugs. Such natives are bereft of benefits from
Person with the Sun in Scorpio i.e. falling in jeyshtha normally have defective teeth or tooth
problem or there is a gap in the teeths. Clean in mind- sober but the good qualities are not
noted by others. They cannot keep any secret with them, they must speak to some at the
earliest opportunity. Such persons are hot tempered and at times obstinate. Such persons
do take on- the spot decisions but at times they are wrong and repent later. No help is
expected from relations. Outwardly proud but they are just opposite when someone comes
near to them. All earnings strictly on account of self effort and they show sincerity in all
their duties. Period up to 50 years is full of trials and stability comes thereafter. Progress
begin after 27 and combined with the luck of the wife/ husband. Sun in Scorpio especially

with reference to Jayshtha make the native to have on personality though not like by some
relations. His spouse will always have an upper hand. Diseases for such natives are frequent
fever, cough and cold apart from pain in arms and shoulders. Women born under this sign
normally have muscular body with long arms, height is above average, broad face and
normally such ladies have short but curly hair.
Scorpio is a watery sign (timid constitution but fertile mind), fixed sign (lot of
Sbubbomness, Practicality and firmness), reptilian sign (trick nature), violant sign (Mars is
the ruler), mute sign (creatures without voice), strong sign (combined force of the Sun and
Mars), but an imperfect sign.
Clues for prediction shall be provided by the Sun in Scorpio with reference to wells, sinks,
operation theaters, lavaratories, blucher shops, secretive agencies or hidden places, buried
treasures, haunted houses, poisons, crevices in mountains etc.
According to Compendium of Astrology, the Sun in 8 th House (for Ariss Lagna) makes the
native immoral, widow wooer, gets few, children and middle life. (Longevity principle need
to be tested because of the Sun in 8th house is free from affliction of 8 th house).
Scorpio is a centipede sign (other being Pisces) and/ entrance is outside. It represents
vegetable (dhatu or minerals), is even and auspicious- and represents North direction.
Sun in Scorpio (for Aries Lagna) also gives luck after marriage and gain by partnership. The
native can sacrifice his comforts for others or even perform an heroic action. But, afflicted
Sun gives defective vision and in case of females chart, the husband may die first. This test
is proved by the birth Chart of Late Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi who had the Sun in
Scorpio. In general the afflicted sun in Scorpio also gives immoral connection, loss of
wealth, litigation and poverty.
Profession wise, Scorpio is capable of giving profession relating to chemicals, chemists,
doctors/ medical men, druggists, tea, coffee, apart from navy and dealer in oils and spirits
being a watery sign, The Sun in Scorpio would enable to give some hint depending on the
10th house and 10th Lord.
Sun in Scorpio in the 9th house gives londivility to father if the 9 th Lord Mars is well placed.
Generally the Sun make the native cunning, sharp, truthful, endowed with knowledge of
various Shastas, including of past and future events (interested in Astrology, Mantras,
Yogas, at times rash in speech, sheeting by co- born, engaged in sensual pleasures, music
and poetry (sickly on account of overindulgence), will not mind taking credit for the work
done by others and may become proudly speaking high of his own work.
The Sun in Scorpio may also make the native firm and powerful (getting energy from Sun
and Mars), inner silent force may lead to occult learning. Such natives do have magnetic
power, critical perception and ability to judge all matters keenly. Afflicted Sun in Scorpio
may make the native jealous and proudly with strong likes and dislikes. Self control and
determination (secret and detective comes under this influence). Accordingly, such native

are advised to avoid pride, cultivate sympathy and an effort to see things from others point
of view.
Love marriage and sexual excesses cannot be ruled out especially when there is close
proximity of Venus and Mars. Scorpio with Sun always have a desire of being boss i.e. such
native must have somebody to carry out their instructions. Such natives possess foresight
but may have little power of adaptation to the new set of conditions. For public affairs, the
native with sun in Scorpio need more caution tact and courtesy. Some go to extreme
specially a woman with Scorpio rising falls in love then her family, her position, her earner,
all counting nothing against love.

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