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1. Question: The hairy skin of the dog is devoid of what skin gland?

Answer: Eccrine sweat gland

Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 98

2. Question: The site of Vitamin D synthesis in dogs.

Answer: skin
Referrence: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 98

3. Question: What particular tissue in dogs serves as a reservoir for fat, electrolytes, water, carbohydrates, and proteins?
Answer: subcutaneous tissue
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 98

4. Question: It is an epidermal cell-derived thymocyte-activating factor in which immunological events are modulated by this
Answer: cytosine
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 98

5. Question: These are horny coverings of the third phalanges of the digits in dogs.
Answer: claws
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 98

6. Question: This skin of dog is usually heavily pigmented, tough, and moist
Answer: nasal skin
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 100

7. Question: These glands of skin are found mainly in connection with the hair follicles in canine.
Answer: Apocrine sweat glands
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 115

8. Question: The attachment of the hyoid apparatus to the petrous temporal bone is an example of this fibrous joint
Answer: syndesmosis
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 219

9. Question: This synovial joint is formed by a convex hemispherical head that fits into a deep cotyloid cavity
Answer: ball-and-socket joint
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 222

10. Question: The proximal radioulnar joint is an example of what synovial joint?
Answer: trochoid / pivot joint
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 222

11. Question: What do you call the space external to the teeth and gumas and internal to the lips and cheeks.
Answer: vestibule of the mouth
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 385

12. Question: What do you call a rounded eminence that extends caudally to blend with the first transverse ridge formed of the mucosa
covering the hard plate?
Answer: incisive papilla
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 386
13. Question: Part of the oral cavity that is formed by processes of the palatine, maxillary, and incisive bones on each side.
Answer: Hard palate
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 387

14. Question: Other name for the caudal pillar of the soft palate.
Answer: Palatopharyngeal arch.
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 387

15. Question: What is the lining epithelium of the hard palate?

Answer: stratified squamous epithelium
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 388

16. Question:This part of the teeth that has a slight constrictions of the tooth located at the gum line, where the enamel ends
Answer: neck
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 390

17. Question: This teeth serves the animal during its most active puppyhood.
Answer: decidious teeth
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 390

18. Question: What do you call the antibiotics that inhibits bone growth or interferes with enamel formation?
Answer: Tetracycline antibiotics
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 391

19. Question: True or False, the upper arch of the teeth is narrower and usually shorter than the lower.
Answer: false
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 391

20. Question: the surface that faces the opposite dental arch is called _________
Answer: masticatory
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 391

21. Question: What do you call the incisor tooth nearest to the midplane on each side in each jaw
Answer: central incisor
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 391

22. Question: The teeth caudal to the canines are often referred as the _________
Answer: cheek teeth
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 392

23. Question: The largest cutting teeth of the upper jaw

Answer: upper fourth premolar teeth
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 393

24. Question: The eruption period of the second molar tooth

Answer: 6 or 7 months
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 394
25. Question: The structure of the teeth that is also called the “ivory.”
Answer: Dentin
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 394

26. Question: What do you call a rounded fold of mucosa protruding on each side of the lingual frenulum on the ventral surface of the
Answer: fimbriated plica
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 397

27. Question: The dermal core of this papillae contains secondary dermal papillae
Answer: conical papillae
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 403

28. Question: this digestive gland is bounded caudally by the sternomastoideus and cleidocervicalis muscles, and rostrally by the
masseter muscle and the temporomandibular joint.
Answer: parotid gland
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 415

29. Question: This consists of that portion of the sublingual gland which discharges its secretion directly into the oral cavity without it
passing through the main sublingual duct.
Answer: pars plystomatica
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 419

30. Question: The zygomatic gland is also called as_________

Answer: orbital gland
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 419

31. Question: This opening in the pharynx that is formerly called the pharyngeal isthmus or pahryngeal chiasma.
Answer: interpharyngeal opening
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 420

32. Question: It is a long, relatively thin lymph node located in the lateral wall of the oral part of the pharynx
Answer: palatine tonsil
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 420

33. Question: What is the shape of the abdominal portion of the esophagus?
Answer: wedge-shaped
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 423

34. Question: What do you call the middle abdominal region that includes the unpaired, median ventral area of the abdomen?
Answer: umbilical region
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 425

35. Question: the three unpaired aperures in the diaphraghm are: esophageal hiatus, aortic hiatus, and __________.
Answer: caval foramen
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 428

36. Question: The other term for epiploon?

Answer: greater omentum
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 429
37. Question: True or False, the stomach, when empty, does not contact the abdominal wall, but when moderately filled it lies against
the xiphoid and right hypochondriac portions of this wall caudal to the liver.
Answer: False
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 429

38. Question: Peritoneum, like other serous membranes, is united with the transversalis fascia by areolar tissue, known as ______.
Answer: tela subserosa
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 430

39. Question: This consists of double-sheets of peritoneum extending between organs or connecting them to the parietal peritoneum.
Answer: connecting peritoneum
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 430

40. Question: what do you call the largest derivative of the ventral mesentery, but it is not nearly as voluminous.
Answer: lesser omentum
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 433

41. Question: The region that is approximately the distal third of the stomach as measured along the lesser curvature
Answer: Pylorus
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 437

42. Question: These are branched tubular glands with necks and bodies which reach nearly to the lamina muscularis mucosae of the
Answer: gastric glands
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 440

43. Question: True or False, the loop formed by the duodenum is more marked in puppies rather than in adults
Answer: True
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 441

44. Question: This is called the caudal flexure of the duodenum

Answer: transverse portion of the duodenum
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 441

45. Question: the most prominent feature of the rectal mucosa is the presence of ____________.
Answer: solitary lymph nodules
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 447

46. Question: What do you call the large number of pockets formed in the columnar zone of the anal canal?
Answer: anal sinuses
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 448

47. Question: It is used to refer to the terminal blind pockets of anal sinuses that extends to the lamina propria of the zone intermedia
in anal canal
Answer: anal crypt
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 448

48. Question: This region holds much interest for the surgeon because of the frequency of occurrence of adenomas in old male dogs.
Answer: Perineum
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 450
49. Question: True or False, the bile is an endocrine product?
Answer: False
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 451

50. Question: This lobe forms from a third to nearly a half of the total liver mass
Answer: Left hepatic lobe
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 453

51. Question: the facial portion of the respiratory system and the rostral portions of the upper and lower jaws collectively constitute
what is called the ____________
Answer: muzzle
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Page: 463

52. Question: bony nasal aperture is formerly called ________________

Answer: piriform aperture
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 463 - 464

53. Question: It is the most expansive of the cartilages in the mobile part of the external nose
Answer: dorsolateral nasal cartilage
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 465

54. Question: How many portions thus a septum of the nasal cavity have?
Answer: 3
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 466 - 467

55. Question: The extension of the ventral nasal concha

Answer: alar fold
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 467

56. Question: dorsal nasal concha is attached to the ________________ of the ethmoid and nasal bones
Answer: crista ethmoidalis
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 467

57. Question: After the inhailed air that leaves the nasal vestibule it traverses the longitudinal nasal meatus to reach what part of the
respiratory system?
Answer: Pharynx
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 469

58. Question: These are the openings of the two nasopharyngeal meatuses into the nasal meatuses into the nasal portion of the pharynx
Answer: choanae
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 470

59. Question: True or False, the maxillary recess is not called a sinus because it is not enclosed in the maxilla.
Answer: True
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 470

60. Question: The rostral end of the nose in the dog is stiffed by cartilages and moved by the levator nasolabialis and this muscle.
Answer: levator labii superioris muscles
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 471
61. Question: The rostral part of the nasal pahrynx is bounded ventrally by __________________
Answer: hard palate
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 472

62. Question: What part of the respiratory serves as the air passageway and aids in vocalization?
Answer: Larynx
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 472

63. Question: It forms the basis of epiglottis.

Answer: epiglottic cartilage
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 477

64. Question: What do you call the opposite surface of the oral surface?
Answer: aboral surface
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 477

65. Question: The largest cartilage of the larynx

Answer: thyroid cartilage
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 477

66. Question: It is known as the “Adam’s apple” in man

Answer: laryngeal prominence
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 477

67. Question: What is the only cartilage that forms a complete ring?
Answer: cicoid cartilage
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 477

68. Question: This consists of the paired arytenoid cartilages dorsally and the paired vocal folds ventrally that form a narrow
passegeway into the larynx.
Answer: glottis
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 479

69. Question: What do you call the ligament that composed of a strap of elastic fibers that is enclosed in the vocal fold?
Answer: vocal ligament
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 479

70. Question: Approximately how many C-shaped hyaline tracheal cartilages form the skeleton of the trachea
Answer: 35
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 480

71. Question: The segmental bronchi and the lung tissue that they ventilate are known as ______________
Answer: bronchopulmonary segments
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 480

72. Question: The respiratory bronchioles give rise to alveolar sac, pulmonary alveoli, and ______________
Answer: alveolar ducts
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 481
73. Question: what do you call the roughly oval opening into the cranila part of the thoracic cavity?
Answer: Thoracic inlet
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 483

74. Question: The portion of the mediastinum that contains the heart
Answer: Middle mediastinum
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 483

75. Question:True or false, the left pleural cavity is larger than the right because of displacement of the postcardial mediastinal wall to
the right side.
Answer: false
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 485

76. Question: The mediastinal pluera may be divided on how many parts?
Answer: 4
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 485

77. Question: this mediastinal pleura covers most of the thymus gland, which is large in young dogs
Answer: Cranial mediastinal pleura
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 485

78. Question: What do you call the pleural covering of the diaphragm?
Answer: diaphragmatic pleura
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 486

79. Question: This is the apical portion of each plueral sac extends through the thoracic inlet into the base of the neck, forming a
pleural pocket at the line of pleural reflection
Answer: pleural cupula
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 486

80. Question: It is the visceral portion of the pleura

Answer: pulmonary pleura
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 486

Question: This is a thin, loose fold of pleura that surrounds the caudal vena cava.
81. Answer: plica venae cavae
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 486

82. Question: True or false, the pleura is more delicate in the dog than it is in other domestic animals
Answer: true
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 486

83. Question: this muscles help in aiding the expulsion of the air from the lungs
Answer: abdominal muscles
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 487

84. Question: This is called the curved lateral surface of each lung
Answer: costal surface
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 488
85. Question: The medial surface of the each lung is deeply indented by the heart over an area between the 3rd and 6th ribs is called
Answer: cardiac impression
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 488

86. Question: The combined ventral and basal margins constitutes the ____________ of the lungs
Answer: acute margins
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 488

87. Question: The area of each lung that recieves the bronchi and furnishes passages for the pulmonary and bronchial vessels and
nerves is known as the ________________________.
Answer: hilus of the lungs
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 488

88. Question: The surface of adjacent lobes that lie in contact with each other are called the ______________
Answer: interlobar surfaces
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 488

89. Question: The most irregular of all the lobes in the lungs
Answer: accessory lobe of the right lung
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 491

90. Question: True or false, the right pulmonary artery is shorter than the left.
Answer: true
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 491

91. Question: This part of the ear develops in the embryo as an ivagination of the otic placode
Answer: inner ear
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 988

92. Question: The most highly developed and differentiated portion of the membranous labyrinth is the __________
Answer: cochelar duct
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 988

93. Question: It forms the floor of the cochlear duct, separating the endolymph of this duct from the perilymph of the scala tympani.
Answer: basilar membrane
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 990

94. Question: this space of the vestibule encloses the utricle

Answer: perilymphatic space
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 991

95. Question: It is an irregular, oval space that communicates with the cochlear rostrally and with semicircular canals caudally
Answer: vestibule
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 991

96. Question: It contains the cochlear nerve in the cochlea

Answer: modiolus
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 992
97. Question: What do you call the incomplete fusion that results in defects of one or more of the tunics of the eye
Answer: colobomata
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 1009

98. Question: It is a specialized reflective layer of the choroid.

Answer: tapetum
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 1015

99. Question: true or false, in the fetus, the iris is not fernested and thus completely covers the anterior surface of the pupil
Answer: false
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 1019

100. Question: It is a bilayered epithelium that covers the posterior surface of the iris
Answer: pars iridica retinae
Reference: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog 3rd Edition (Howard E. Evans, Ph.D.)
Pages: 1022

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