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MAY 2006

Building a New Foundation . . .

The Good News Community Center
For the past 20 years, the people of Northern the severity of this crisis is the upswing in HIV/AIDS
Uganda have endured a conflict involving the rebel Lord’s prevalence rates. National rates in Uganda are estimated
Resistance Army (LRA) and the government of Uganda. at 6.2% and declining, but rates in war-affected areas
More than 2 million people–90% of the population–are are more than double that of the national average, and
now displaced and forced to live in squalid internally rising.
displaced persons (IDP) camps. These camps remain
largely unprotected and vulnerable to LRA attacks and
Sports Outreach Institute has had an on-
abductions. The LRA has kidnapped more than 30,000
going ministry presence in this war-torn region for
children from their homes – holding them hostage as
over eight years. Under the leadership of Aloysius
soldiers, sex slaves, and bondservants. An estimated
Kyazze, Sports Outreach has established, nurtured,
25,000 children throughout Northern Uganda commute
and maintained excellent working relations with local
nightly to sleep in town centers or temporary shelters
government, church, and NGO officials. In addition to
in order to avoid violence and abduction. These children,
traditional sports ministry, the work there has focused
known as “Night Commuters,” remain
on humanitarian relief ( feeding
vulnerable to exploitation and sexual
programs, clothes distribution,
and physical abuse.
etc.) and emergency care of Night
Commuters. Sports Outreach has
The protracted nature of this also provided Biblical discipleship
conflict has created a humanitarian and training to local church officials,
crisis that is among the world’s worst. hospital care-givers, military staff,
For the displaced, life in the camps is and those in other faith-based
extremely difficult.The overcrowding agencies involved in the care and
and poor sanitation condition found treatment of traumatized people.
in the camps has led to massive
health concerns. For example,
A little over a year ago, a Gulu land-
owner, Mr. Melody
among the
Lanek, extended
children ranges
the use of a piece
from 21 to 29%,
of property with
and anywhere
an abandoned
from 1,250
school to Aloysius
– 15,000 people
for local
share a single
ministry. Known
well as water
as the Kirombe
source. A further
indication of
Center, this safe

Building a New Foundation . . .

little haven currently ministers to over 250 children God’s people. SOI is excited to be a part of rebuilding this
every day! beautiful land. The Good News Community Center will
be an important part of the ministry that God has called
Ministry efforts include a school for children us to in Northern Uganda.
up through Primary 3, counseling and therapy for
traumatized children and adults, a feeding program Please take a few moments to review the sketches
for Night Commuters, and vocational training in areas of the facility along with the enclosed photos that tell
such as, cooking, agriculture, brick making, carpentry, some of the story of the region and the ministry SOI
and sewing. Other ministries include Bible study classes is called to. I have also included a “Cost breakdown” for
for adults and youth, academic scholarship programs the land and the various buildings. This is a God-sized
for qualified students, sports ministry, and distribution project as we have been called to a God-sized task. Please
of needed medical supplies, clothing, and other pray for the “Building a New Foundation” campaign and
humanitarian items. the completion of the Good News Community Center.
Visit our website or call or emial me to find out more
How we praise God for the generosity and vision about this exciting project as well as future Good News
of Mr. Lanek. However, as you can imagine, the work monthly reports.
quickly outgrew the facility. The Kirombe Community
Center has given us a place to test a model and to further In Christ,
develop our ministry vision and plan for Northern
Uganda. God has used this place and the generosity of
one man to reveal an expanded vision and task for Sports
Outreach in Northern Uganda. The on-going efforts Rodney Suddith, Executive Director
need to be expanded! The ministry requires a permanent
location as the task will take generations of healing and
work. Now, the Lord is calling us to take a bold step in His Good News Community Center
name. The time has come to put even more effort and Gulu, Acholi District, Uganda
resources into “Building a New Foundation” in Northern Cost Breakdown
Uganda! The cover of this issue of the Good News has a
sketch of one of the key elements of this venture-the 12 acre plot – $4,000.00
Good News Community Center! Soccer field - $750.00
Basketball/volleyball courts - $1,500.00
Children play area - $600.00
In addition to the current ministry work in Treatment Center, Multi-Purpose &
the IDP Camps and Gulu, the Good News Community Admini trative Offices –
Center will provide housing and care for formerly Building - $12,000.00
abducted children and a clinic to help meet some of the Furnishings - $18,000.00
tremendous medical needs of the region. The Center Male dorm
will also provide more adequate space for ministry to Building - $9,000.00
the Night Commuters, as well as for the educational, Furnishings - $5,000.00
vocational training, Christian discipleship, and other Female dorm
humanitarian programs mentioned earlier. Building - $9,000.00
Furnishings - $5,000.00
The history of violence in this region has Residence for director
destroyed the social, economic, spiritual, and moral Building - $8,000.00
infra-structure. In many respects, it is a ‘soul-less’ place. Meeting shelter – open sided
The healing, rebuilding, and restructuring of this region $2,000.00 each
requires the “Building of a New Foundation.” This will Storage building - $1,500.00
take decades of dedicated faithful work by many of Vocational Training Buildings - $3,500.00 each
 Death rates in Northern Uganda are three times those of Darfur in 2005.
 Each day 131 people die in Northern Uganda from violence and unsanitary conditions in the displaced persons
 Each month almost 25,000 people in Uganda die from preventable disease.
 Each day 58 children under the age of five die as a result of violence and preventable disease.
 Over 30% of the children in Uganda have lost both parents to war or disease.
 Over 50 % of the nearly 2 million people in the IDPs are under 15 years of age.
 95% of the displaced people in Northern Uganda live in absolute poverty.
 Over 250,000 children in Northern Uganda received no schooling last year.
 Population density in IDP camps exceeds 800 people per acre.
 The average income for a family of four in Northern Uganda is $11.00 (US) per year.


gifts for gulu bike trek how you can help
Sports Outreach Institute, the Charlotte Eagles Will you prayerfully consider supporting the
Soccer Team, and the Christian Legal Society Building a New Foundation program and the
are teaming up to sponsor a bicycle ride to raise construction of the Good News Community
funds for the Good News Community Center in Center? The needs of Northern Uganda are
Gulu, Uganda. Bicycle riders are being recruited staggering–only the Lord could call us and
to pedal the 440 mile ‘Natchez Trail Tract’ from direct us to the successful completion of such
Natchez, Mississippi, to Franklin, Tennessee, June a task. Aloysius, SOI, and the people of Northern
25 – July 2. Each rider will be seeking pledges and Uganda need your prayers and, if possible, your
donations for each mile they pedal to support financial gifts. Help build a foundation of peace,
the Night Commuters, traumatized children, and love, education, vocational training, discipleship,
other needy folks of war-ravaged Gulu. Would you and healing. This land and these people have
like to encourage the riders as well as help provide suffered and labored for decades! I believe that
relief for the people in Gulu? Simply complete the the Lord is preparing a harvest that is beyond our
special section on the enclosed “Response Card” if comprehension. Please use the enclosed Response
you are interested in sponsoring a rider. Contact Card to indicate your commitment to pray for
the Sports Outreach Institute office if you are this project and, if possible, your financial support.
interested in joining the ride and participating in Thank you for your love, care, and compassion for
the Gifts for Gulu Bike Trek . the people of Northern Uganda.

GOOD Mailing Address

P.O. Box 119, Monroe, VA 24574
International Headquarters
2700 Langhorne Road, Lynchburg, VA 24503

NEWS 434.528.2516 (Phone) 434.528.2517 (Fax)

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