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Jessica Watkins Presents

Desired Too

S.K. Lessly


I will forever dedicate my writing to my family. You all allow me to do what I love,
and Im blessed to have you in my life.

To my friends, thanks for your support and love. Your encouragement kept me going.

And to my fans, its been a long time coming but its finally here, thanks for your
unwavering support and patience. Thanks for reading and giving me your feedback.

Heres Desired Too I hope you enjoy!

Previously in Desired

Thank God, Im home. Tonight was hectic. I opened up my second nightclub in
Philadelphia called Silk, and that place was packed tonight. Champagne Life, of
course, was still my baby, but Silk was Georgias. She designed the place, named it,

and I even let her hire some of the staff. This place was chic, very upscale and
definitely not my flavor. It wasnt as large as Champagne Life, so we were able to do
more with it. The designs were more to cater to the grown and sexy; those were
Georgias words, not mine. I had recently opened the same club in Miami, which had
been a huge success as well.
We stayed in Miami for a while, at least until I felt it was okay for her to travel.
She had some bumps and bruises, but the baby was okay. She needed some rest
because shed started spotting. What better place than to stay on the beach? I
rented a house right along the beach and made sure I catered to her every need.
I didnt mind it. I loved her.
Yeah, Ive been saying it more and more, and now its second nature, like me
saying please and thank you. Actually, I say I love you to her more than I say
please and thank you period, so I guess Im evolving.
Anyway, we received no backlash on the bodies we dropped. We had a meeting
with all the bosses in the area and explained to them what happened. Apparently,
Don Santiago and his son made quite a few enemies that my uncle found out about,
so, as a gift, and a show of faith, my uncle dropped off a very alive and breathing Don
Santiago to his rival Latin cartels. My uncle was assured that they would take care of
Don Santiago and the beach house.
I drove by the beach house three days later just to make sure that they held up
their end of the bargain, and I only saw a shell of a house left. Apparently, there was
a huge fire
There were some alliances made, and I think my uncle was trading with some of
the cartels down there, but I didnt know for sure.
So, yeah, my relationship with my uncle and family didnt exist as of right now.
They made their choice by keeping Eddie alive. I couldnt be around Eddie and not
want to kill him, so I parted ways. My uncle would call me to invite me to family
dinners, but I would never go. Georgia would, though. My family loved her. My
grandmother told me she knew Georgia was pregnant the first day she met her. She

said there was something glowing about her. Georgia was always like that to me,
always glowing, so I just took her word for it.
Georgia loved my family as well, especially my Aunt Angelica and my
grandmother, and they couldnt seem to get enough of her. They had been there for
her every step of the pregnancy. I knew when she was there with them that they
were taking great care of her.
I wish I could be as forgiving as her but Yeah, well, you get what Im saying.
I walked into our condominium and paused at the door. I heard music coming
from upstairs, and I instinctively grinned.
I reset the alarm and walked up the steps. When I got to the bedroom, I saw my
wife dancing with our four-month-old son in her arms. She was singing to him some
slow song that I didnt know; maybe Celine Dion or something. My baby has weird
taste in music.
I leaned against the doorway and just watched. She was in a tank top and red
bikini underwear, which stirred my deep desires for this woman. I got hard every
time I saw her. She just turned me on that much.
She turned around and smiled at me. You had a long night, I see.
I walked into the room and went for my son. Yeah, baby, you know it was hell;
packed, though, but hell.
She put her arms around my neck. Well, if you let me get back to work I can
I shook my head. Uh-uh, baby all I want you to do is take care of Junior here,
okay? Im just tired, but Im not overwhelmed.
Are you ever going to let me work?
No, I said to her.
I moved to the bed and sat down with my back to the headboard. I held up the
baby and looked at him. I have a handsome son; bald just like his father.

His complexion was golden, but I swore he looked like his mother. However,
when he was pissed, he frowned just like me.
Georgia and I got married before the baby came. I didnt want her to have him
without officially becoming mine. We were in this together, and I wanted that to be
forever. We went back to Cabo where it all started, had a wedding on a private
beach and stayed for a week, just the two of us. I asked her if she wanted to invite
any of her siblings. They had a case pending against them, but they were cooperating
completely, so they would probably get off with just a fine. I didnt tell Georgia the
whole plot that they had against her. They did reach out to her, but she only sees
them sparingly. She sold her shares to them, so she has no dealings with them,
except her paternal grandparents, who she adores.
She flipped the script on me and asked if I wanted to invite Angel, as well as my
family, but at that time, shit was too fresh in my mind.
Now, shit is still fresh in my mind. I dont know if I can get over it either My
trust and my loyalty have been rocked. I never felt it would go down like it did, but
Angel came over to see the baby right after you left this afternoon, she told
I grunted my reply and laid my son on my chest.
Georgia came on the other side of the bed and crawled up to me.
I sighed knowing what she was going to say.
Dont say it, I told her.
Then dont make me. Look, Drake, I get it okay. Youre hurt. You feel betrayed.
Think of it like this: now that your son is here, and you are able to physically hold
him, see him, would you even fathom letting him go?
See, I knew she was going to say that.
Angel has been calling and texting me from time to time, wanting to talk. I was
being a bitch, which I knew, but

Baby, she called to me, and I looked at her.

Yeah, by the way, she calls me baby now... Crazy, right?
You have to try to forgive. I could see it in Angels eyes; he misses you. You two
were so close. Can you imagine how hard it was for him?
I did think about that, and I knew it was hard on him, but still
My cell rang, and I couldnt reach it, so I leaned over so that Georgia could get it
off the clip of my pants. Put it on speaker, I told her.
I figured it was someone from the club calling because I didnt recognize the
Lincoln, I answered.
There was a pause, then finally I heard, Lincoln, dont hang up
It was Eddie.
I could feel the hatred starting to rise in me. Georgia saw that I wasnt going to
say shit, so she said, Hey, Eddie, it's Georgia.
Shit, Georgia, thank fuck youre there. Look, Lincoln, I know Im the last person
you want to hear from, and I get it
I wanted to put my son down so I could hurl the fucking phone against the wall,
but my wife seemed to know me too well. She stood and moved away from me, the
phone still tight in her palm.
Uh-huh, Eddie, hes listening, she responded. But um you better get to
your point quick.
Eddie sighed and then said, Angels missing.
My heart stopped.
What? I exclaimed.

Eddie took a deep breath. Look, Lincoln, we need to put our differences aside.
Pop needs you. Hes going out of his fucking mind and shit, man we need you.
Your family needs you.
I looked at Georgia. Her eyes began to water, but she nodded her head, silently
letting me know that she was okay with what I was about to do.
Leaving the bed, I told Eddie, Im on my way.

Months before.
Chapter One

Oh yeahI fucking love this!
I closed my eyes, as I moved in and out of her, controlling her, and let the
rhythm soothe this savage beast.
The power I was feeling was something I couldnt explain, but it fueled me. The
control, the aggressive way I was taking this pussy Damn!
My dick was so far in her that I could feel her fucking ovaries.

I needed this. It wasnt the best Ive ever had, but itll fucking do.
I heard a muffled scream, but I kept going. I couldnt help it really. The collision
of our bodies was making me go insane. However, Id been at this pussy for a while
now, and after I had run through two condoms, I think I was done with her. Hell, I
should have been done, but I couldnt stop
I hadnt let her face up for air in a minute either, and maybe I should have. Its
just her screams were so damn loud.
What? You think Im cruel, dont you? You think I should let her face up from the
bed? Yeah, well Im not.
Whats that, Lucy? I growled in-between my sharp thrusts, trying my best to
collapse her pussy walls around my dick. Didnt you tell me you wanted to be fucked
within an inch of your life? Isnt this how you wanted what you asked for?
Sweat was pouring down my chest, face, and forehead, getting in my eyes, but I
wasnt stopping. I could feel her shaking, whimpering, body convulsing violently, but
yup, you guessed it, I wasnt stopping. In fact, I started thrusting faster, getting
I was sure this wasnt what she expected when she came to my place looking for
me. She wanted it sweet-like, I knew, but I told her that I wasnt in the mood for
sweet. I told her to get out, but she begged for it. She said she didnt care as long as I
was inside of her. She told me to take it, so I was taking it.
I yanked her head up from the bed and smacked her ass.
See, I let her up!
God, Angel, please can we just she tried to say.
What? I growled cutting her off, slowing down the speed of my thrusts, but
not the harshness of my hips. I thought this was what you wanted me to do, huh?
What you begged me to do. I told you I wasnt in the mood.
I suddenly slammed into her, threaded my hands in her sticky wet hair and
yanked her up, so her ear was close to my mouth.

I told you to leave, but you didnt. So shut the fuck up and take this nine-inch
steel thats blessing your overworked pussy. Take all of it, baby; like you always do.
I pushed her back down, and, I lie to you not, I went harder and got deeper, if
you could believe it. I looked down and watched my condom-covered shaft move in
and out of her, coated with her juices, and smiled.
Shit, I love pussy!
I love the way it tastes; the way it talks back to you.
Yeah, the pussy can definitely speak and sing, if you know what youre doing.
I also loved the way it felt, the scent it gave off when youve excited it damn,
it's a beautiful thing.
I felt her body start to tremble, her muscles tighten against me and naturally, I
started moving even faster. When her body weakened, and she collapsed on the
bed, with me on top, I bent her leg and mine and continued my assault on her until I
was satisfied.
Finally, yelling out my orgasm, I pulled out, rolled on my back, and closed my
eyes, trying to catch my breath. I brought my hands to my dick and made sure the
condom was intact.
I cannot afford to make that kind of mistake.
Feeling the bed move, I opened my eyes. Lucy was out of the bed moving very
slowly on shaky legs as she started grabbing her clothes. I didnt say anything as I
watched her frantically get dressed without looking in my direction.
Yeah, maybe I was a little too rough with her. Maybe I shouldve eased up and
slowed things down. I wasnt the average when it came to size, but hell, she was a
Oh, please dont feel sorry for her. Shed been on the receiving end of my wrath
before. It had been a long time since I went in hard on her; thats all.

Finally, after getting her barings straight, she ran her hands through her hair in
an attempt to salvage what undoubtedly was her feelings. One things for certain;
she refused to look at me.
Maybe I should apologize to her.
After all, it wasnt her fault I had become an asshole. However, before I could
say anything, she had already walked out of my bedroom. A few minutes after, I
heard my front door close softly.
Yeah, yeah, I know. I fucked up.
Since I wasnt a complete asshole, Ill send her flowers.
When I heard my phone vibrate on the nightstand next to me, I turned and
grabbed it.
What is it now? I replied to my lieutenant.
We have a problem, Darrell informed me.
I gathered theres a problem, or you wouldnt be calling me this late. Whats
up? I asked, resting my arm over my eyes.
We caught up with Worm, he said simply. But nothing in my life was ever
simple, so I wasnt overjoyed.
I had received word from another family that Worm, someone I used in the past
to run errands for me, had stolen from me. He was only supposed to drop off a
package for me to another family within our community. Id trusted jobs like that
to him in the past and never had this problem with him. Yes, he was a tweaker, but
the fear he had for me was far too great for him to fuck up. Plus, I supplied him with
what he needed to stay high. It was a win/win situation. Well, until now.
I caught him stealing from me, and as you could imagine, I wasnt letting that
shit go.

I sat up. Yeah, so did you talk to him? The hidden meaning behind my words
was only evident to Darrell. If anyone was listening to our conversation, no one
would pay attention.
The pause on the other end told me that shit was complicated.
Darrell finally said to me, No.
I sighed deeply. See, this was why Id been doing things myself lately; taking care
of business, straightening out the chaos called my life. I didnt have time for the
hesitations and the bullshit.
Still, I played the game with Darrell and asked, And why not?
He uh well, there wasnt time. He started rambling the moment I picked him
up. He told us some interesting information that I think you should hear. Its about
Eddie, and, well, I thought it would be better hearing it from the horses mouth than
second hand.
Uh, now this is interesting.
I said to him, Okay, you mean to tell me that this fucking thief, who has stolen
from me, has talked your ear off about some bullshit having to do with my brother?
Silence greeted me as he, no doubt, was thinking of what to say. I didnt have to
wait very long before he replied, Yes. The shit he said was something of importance,
and I felt it would be best coming from him. You know, just in case you needed more
But you know what he wants to tell me anyway, right?
And you still want me to come there, listen to him say the same shit you could
tell me now? Am I getting this right?
He blew out a frustrated breath. Yes.
I rolled out of bed and stood. All right, Darrell. Im on my way. If this shit is not
worth my time, Im taking it out on him and you. Understand?

I got a strong and confident, Yes, sir. Come to the warehouse, before he hung
Shit, this must be deep.
I jumped in the shower and then made my way to our warehouse on Commerce
St. in Wilmington, Delaware. Its a large shipment warehouse, which faces the
Christina River. Typically, we used this place to store legitimate shipments of
merchandise such as clothes, shoes, and grain foods. We tag and box the shit and
ship them overseas to some of the less-fortunate areas of the world.
This was one of the businesses that Lincoln helped get started. A humanitarian
program that was heavily monitored by the government. We had to meet certain
guidelines and pass inspections, or we would be in serious shit.
This was just the beginning for our family. I wanted us to be involved in other
things besides the illegal ventures, and this was the start of doing more than
providing idiots with weapons to kill themselves and each other.
So far, things were going great. Wed had some raids, of course, the Feds riding
in on their high-horses wishing they could get me tied up on charges, but they always
came up short.
I walked into the warehouse, and Darrell met me at the door with a block of
some shit wrapped in brown paper. I knew, at that moment, things were going to be
worse than what Id imaginedfar worse.
I didnt say anything to Darrell. I just walked past him and headed for the room
that I knew housed Worm.
The moment I opened the door, the stench of an addict mixed with blood
attacked my nose. I didnt break my stride. I went right for the figure tied to a chair,
stripped of everything but his skivvies.
You have something for me, Worm? I asked pointedly.
Worm was everything that you may be imagining right now. He was skin and
bones, pale with stringy black hair, and a mouth filled with rotten teeth.

Worm looked worked over, a great deal, but he managed to get one of his eyes
on me.
S-s-sir, he stammered.
My second lieutenant under Darrell, Hugo, brought a chair to me, and I sat it
right in front of Worms slouched body.
Say what you need to say, Worm. I dont have all night.
Just then, the waterworks started. In between the crying, he started blubbering
about what, I couldnt tell you. What I could say was that I was losing my patience. I
pulled out my Glock and placed my gun and hand on my leg. I wasn't playing with
any of these motherfuckers in this room. No one was above my bullets.
Worm, finally realizing I had met my patience limit, murmured, I didnt steal
from you, I swear.
I stared at him, then looked up at Darrell.
Are you kidding me right now? I chided as I brought my gun up and chambered
a round.
Worms eyes shot out of his face, and he stammered quickly. No, wait, please,
Mr. Leonetti, sir. Please. Im telling you the truth. It was a trick to get you chasing me
so your brother, Eddie, could plant these drugs under your nose and get you raided.
He-he say you a-a loose cannon, and he needs to get rid of you. Yeah, he says you
would be so busy trying to get revenge on-n-n my u-u-useless ass that you wouldnt
be f-focused on anything else. Thats what he said. He told me to h-hide and hide
good, and I did. I really did, but its this stuff he gave me. I was sharing it with this
bitch and she
I rolled my eyes and stood quickly, sending the chair crashing to the ground. I
balled a piece of his shirt in my hand and brought the gun under his chin.
I dont give a fuck about some bitch and your fucking drug habit. Are you telling
me that there are drugs that are in my warehouse right now? In this warehouse?
Y-yes, sir.

I looked up at Darrell for confirmation again, and he held up the brick.

How much is here?
More than we can get rid of in our cars, Darrell informed me. Then he added
unnecessarily, Were fucked if we get raided.
I didnt believe that was my brothers end game. Yes, my brother was a
calculated bastard. Yet, if he was setting me up to take the fall for this, he would
have pulled the plug on me sooner. This operation, this warehouse, was under my
name as well as Lincolns. We would go down so fast that we would never see the
light of fucking day.
No, this cant be his game plan. It has to be something else.
I backed up from Worm and looked at Darrell, asking, When is our next
shipment due to arrive?
Not for another two months.
I nodded and started to formulate my plan. Worm, however, thought I was
thinking of his demise and said, Please just give me another chance. Maybe we can
set up your brother or something. I can be useful to you like I used to be. I know I
can. Just
A shot abruptly rang throughout the room, vibrating off every surface. Worm
slumped over, and I put my gun away, which was still hot from the released gasses
and energy.
I guess you think I should have let him live. After all, he gave up my brother,
right? Well, thats not how this works. He betrayed me. I was born and raised with
certain beliefs, and betrayal was something you didnt come back from. We had
been getting away from those beliefs, but not anymore.
I started for the door as my crew went to work disposing of Worm.
I wouldnt lose sleep over him if I were you. Since he was hooked on that shit,
hed do anything for a hit. He would sell his mother and yours for the opportunity to
get high. Trust me, no one would miss him. Plus, the bullshit he just insulted my ears

with was coming from my brother. It was a message; this was a message. Eddie was
coming after me. He had my fathers ear, the advantage, and he was coming after
What I needed to do at this point was to be smart. I couldnt afford to let my
emotions get the better of me, not at this stage in the game.
Soon, though, I would have my moment.
I called out over my shoulder, Clean up and put everything back where it was. I
want this place to look as if we never stepped foot in this warehouse. Also, sweep
this place for any hidden devices and check out Worms story about hiding with
some bitch.' I turned just as I got to the door. And call The Patriot.' Whatever his
price is to make sure this place is spotless, Ill pay it. I dont want anything leading to
me, or to that useless sack of shit, being here.
The Patriot was a person youd call a cleaner. He cleaned up various messes of
the blood, guts, and dead body persuasion. He was discreet and pricey, but he was
worth it. Hed been on my fathers payroll for decades.
Still holding the drugs, Darrell said, You want me to put the drugs back too?
I opened the door right before I called back, As if we were never here.
As I revved my engine and peeled out of the parking lot, I thought about Eddie.
He had some shit up his sleeve; I felt it. He had been the doting brother, and I was
sure if I went to Pops and told him about the drugs and my suspicions about Eddie,
there would be nothing to link him to this, except Lincoln and me. I also knew my
father. He wouldnt care where the drugs came from or who put it there. Hed tell
me to clean this shit up and make it disappear.
Pops and Eddie werent in favor of legitimizing our family. They were still living
in the past while I, with the help of Lincoln, was trying to bring us into the twentyfirst century.
Running guns and shit shouldnt be the only way we make money. We needed to
legitimize our business. We needed to invest and do it right. We had to be strategic
about it, smart and under the radar. From what I could gather, Eddie was trying to

sabotage everything for his selfish gains. He knew he wasnt getting the crown.
Instead, he was attempting to get me out of the way and take it.
Well, hell have to bury me first to get it, and that shit aint happening. Fuck that!
What I needed to do was get ahead of him. I needed to stop him from making a
mockery of this family, number one, and number two, I needed to bury him six feet
under; its what he deserved.
Once I got on the highway, I saw red and blue headlights in my rearview mirror. I
wasnt speeding, nor did I break any laws.
So, why was I being pulled over?
Good question, and Id find out the bogus reason in a minute, but I wanted to
point out to you the irony of it all. As I pulled over, I realized that my brother really
thought I was stupid. He was underestimating me again, and really, he shouldnt.
Yeah, that motherfucker is dead!
I heard a tap on my window, and I plastered a fake ass smile on my face as two
other police cars pulled up behind me. I rolled down the window and said as
pleasantly as I could, What seems to be the trouble, officer?

Chapter Two

Why am I still here?

Yeah, things are good with my business. Im making moves thats going to
catapult my career, putting me as one of the top paid salesmen in my company,
marveled this tall, dark-skinned brother with black slacks and button down black
This dude couldnt be serious. Did he really believe that all he needed to do to
impress me, and get me all hot and bothered, was to tell me what tax bracket he was
in, then look at me as if I was a piece of juicy steak?
He wasnt bad looking in the face, and he had a really nice looking body. The
problem I had was his breath. I was flabbergasted by it at this point. Hed been
talking about himself for at least twenty minutes, and I was thinking, Shouldnt he be
able to smell it himself? You smell yourself first before anyone else does, right?
I dont know about anyone else, but I could definitely tell when my breath was in
need of refreshing, but this dude here
Anyway, I forced myself to smile as he told me his life story, trying my
damnedest not to inhale.
See what happens when you try to be nice, Raquel?
I didnt want to, but hed asked me to dance five thousand times. I said yes just
to get him out of my face. Now, hed been talking to me non-stop since we moved
from the dance floor.
I made eye contact with the bartender and motioned for him to come to me.
Once he got close enough, I smiled thinking, Shit, I need something strong if this guy
is going to continue to char my eyelashes off.
Tanqueray straight, I told the bartender.
Mr. Hot Breath leaned into me and smiled, Damn, baby, you dont play, do
Oh God!
He then had the audacity to move closer to me and gave me, what I assumed
was, his best devour you look.

He then said close to my ear, hot breath now charring the side of my face,
Yeah, I love a woman that knows how to handle herself.
Yeah, and I love a man whose breath doesnt smell like assI think Im going to
Its hard out here for men I get that. Women could be complex creatures to
understand. Sometimes you just dont know what youre going to get. There were
women with standards, such as myself, with a long list of requirements that a man
had to meet before a phone number would be passed. On the flipside of that, other
women would be so impressed with this dude that they would gladly be on their
backs or their knees tonight. There are so many variations of women that I could
explore with just these two examples. I could only imagine what men go through. Its
confusing; I get it. Its hard for a man to try to gauge the quality of a woman theyre
trying to get to know. But could they at least feel us out first?
Mr. Hot Breath and I had been talking for a few minutes now, and I was pretty
sure hed been clued in that I wasnt the type of chick thats impressed by the size of
his wallet. With that bit of information, he should have come with something better
than telling me how much money he made while blowing his stinking breath on me.
But thats not the case right now. No, right now he was invading my space and
pouring it on a little too thick. He was completely oblivious to my subtle hints of
Do you see what happens when you try to be nice and smile at them?
Now, he was forcing me to be that bitch. Please note, Ive given no indication
that I was feeling this dude, but it seemed it didnt matter. He thought he had a shot
and assumed that I had no other options but to be into him.
Listen, I was thinking he started to say but I was done with being nice. Plus, I
was running out of fresh air.
I stood from my seat, ready to end this. Just rip off the band-aid, Raquel.
I touched his arm. Yeah, okay, it was nice meeting you. Im going to mingle a
little more. Thanks for the dance and good luck with um whatever it is that you
said you did.

I smiled, grabbed the drink that the bartender sat in front of me and moved
I looked back at him and saw that he was watching me walk away, or rather he
was watching my ass.
Ugh, I knew it was a bad idea coming out by myself, but Id been home for two
weeks now, and my father was working me to death. I needed to get out, have a few
drinks, and get drunk. Maybe with the consumption of alcohol I could finally wrap
my head around that, after three years, I was back in Philly.
I made my rounds through the club, this time trying not to make eye contact,
hoping I would be left alone. It didnt work. Instead, I was proposed to, fondled,
grabbed, hit on, stepped on, and hair pulled! By the time I made it back to the bar in
the front of the club, I was so ready to call it a night. I found an empty bar stool and
sat, signaling for the bartender to grab my tab, when I felt a pair of eyes on me.
No, I take that back. Actually, it felt more like someone was looking through me
than at me. I looked around the large bar area, and suddenly my eyes stumbled on a
pair of dark gray eyes that seemed to set me instantly on fire.
Oh shit! It cant be him!
I squinted my eyes, somehow thinking that my otherwise perfect vision would
improve, and my heart literally stopped beating.
Breath girl, I coached myself quietly as breathing had suddenly become a chore
for me.
It was painful as my brain willed my lungs to contract, but thats what he does to
me. Thats what hed always done to me. He was my guilty pleasure, my forbidden
desire and the true reason why I left this city three years ago. I brought my hand to
my throat in the effort to massage the muscles there, to allow me to take in each
and every arduous breath.
Damn, I didnt expect to see him again ever.
Okay, that was a little farfetched on my part, but Philly was a big city. The odds
were so slim that I would bump into him; I never prepared myself for this moment.

I quickly reached for my glass and brought it to my now dehydrated mouth.

If I can just concentrate on swallowing, I can Shit!
I looked down at the wetness that poured from the invisible hole in my bottom
lip and wiped my chest and chin. This had to be one of the most embarrassing
moments of my life No, I take it back it wasnt, but its damn close!
Youre embarrassing yourself, girl. Get a grip. Hell, hes just a man, right? I
chuckled to myself and shook my head, knowing that was far from the case. Yes, he
was just a man but, at the same time, he was so much more than that. He was the
sexiest man youd ever meet. Never mind that, he was built to freaking perfection
with a face that could move mountains! Hell, never mind that, he pleasured my body
in ways Id never dreamt could be possible.
Yes, hes just a manNot!
I grabbed a calming breath from the pits of my soul and exhaled. You can handle
this! I attempted to peek over the rim of my glass, drinking slowly this time, and as
my eyes casually fell on him, I found myself not being able to turn away. Shit, he was
breathtakingly beautiful. I didnt know if men were allowed to be beautiful, but Id
make the exception for him.
He looked good enough to eat, as always, drenched in one of his many
expensive dark colored suits. His hair, which was typically short on the sides and long
on the top, just added to the sex appeal that was Angelo Angel Leonetti.
I shifted in my seat and crossed my legs, remembering the way he made me feel,
how he orchestrated the most sinful and amazing waves of unadulterated desires I
had ever felt in my life.
I met Angel through my older brother during my first year of college. He and my
brother used to hang out all the time. Theyd met through our fathers. Angels father
was some type of an associate of my father. I didnt know what kind of associate he
was at the time, and quite frankly, I didnt care. I just looked forward to seeing Angel
come to the house all the time. I was okay with just breathing the same air as he as
long as he came around. You could safely call it a teenage crush. I was eighteen,
horny and just figuring out what kind of power being a woman could possess.

I was much younger than he was; four years to be exact. It didnt matter how
many times I batted my eyes towards him. It didnt matter how many times I walked
around in my next to nothing two-piece bathing suits, until of course my brother or
father would run me off. No matter what I did, he never crossed that line. I figured
that I wasnt appealing to him, but that didnt stop my thoughts from always going
places that they shouldnt.
But sometimes I would catch him watching me with a look that, for the life of
me, I didnt have a clue what it meant. It wasnt a look he used to give the hot asses
he and my brother would bring to the house with them. No, the looks he would give
me were something deeper, something darker.
Unfortunately, he would never expound on the meaning of that look. He would
just always smile at me or treat me like a kid sister. That was until I forced him to
look at me differently. He finally saw me as the person I was; a hungry, desirable,
sex-craved woman. It was my last day in Philly. I had finally graduated from college,
and the moment I had my degree, I was on the next thing smoking out of here. God, I
needed to get away from my life. My father and brother were suffocating me to
death. Thats what it felt like living in my house.
My mother died giving birth to me, and my father treated me with kid gloves
ever since I was born. My brother did the same. He also became my protector and
bodyguard/warden when I became old enough to notice the world and, most
importantly, when the world took notice of me. My brother, being four years older
than me, felt it was his duty to step in as my father when our father wasnt around.
He scared all of my boyfriends, or hell, any male, away all the time. I was sick of the
two most important men in my life smothering me to death. So, once I received my
degree from the University of Pennsylvania, I was planning to leave. I had accepted a
job in San Francisco with this Marketing firm as a General Accountant while I studied
for my CPA.
There had been tears, and lots of huffing and puffing before my brother agreed
with my father to let me go. Let me go? Yeah right. I was going regardless. My bags
were already packed, my ticket had been purchased, and my brother and father had
no idea. Hell, they were lucky that I even told them about the job and that I was
moving. I was out of that prison whether they liked it or not, but I had unfinished

business to attend to before I left. I was getting my freedom, and what better way to
kick start my freedom by getting tangled in something I knew I wasnt ready for. I
wanted to play with fire. I wanted to finally sell my soul to the devil. That night, I
went hunting and found my prey at his usual spot; some dive bar in South Philly.
I walked in the bar trying to act as if I belonged, knowing damn well no sensible
woman would ever walk into a place like this. I looked around the grunge and hoped
I wouldnt catch anything by just breathing the air in this place. However, my eyes
had found the person I wanted, so I knew I wasnt going anywhere.
I ran my hand through my mid-shoulder length dark hair as I set my eyes on the
meaty, wife-beater-encased bartender. I tried to concentrate on my walk, instead of
how the soles of my seven hundred dollar knee high boots were sticking on the floor.
Ugh, did they even clean the floors in this place?
The bar was your typical biker looking hole-in-the-wall type bar that you might
see on television, filled with a bunch of questionable patrons. And as you mightve
guessed, the characters in this place probably wouldnt take too kindly to being
called patrons, or characters, for that matter.
All eyes were on the one that didnt belong; me. But I didnt care one bit. The
moment I felt a pair of gray eyes studying me gave my confidence and the boost it
needed to walk to the bar.
I hiked up my jean skirt and sat down, feeling the scratchy stickiness of torn and
worn out leather on the back of my thighs, and smiled at the bartender.
Shot of gin. Seagrams, if you have it.
He looked at me as if he didnt understand English, so I repeated my order.
He grunted at me and seemed to be two seconds from throwing me out when
he looked slightly behind me, bobbed his head, and then sauntered to make me a
God, I hope they clean their glasses.
Someones far from home.

I closed my eyes and gripped my thighs, trying my best to get a hold of myself.
When my drink appeared in front of me, I took it quickly, tried not to cough and
looked at the bartender. I pushed the glass to him, signaling that I wanted another,
and he didnt move until, I guess, he got the okay from the man behind me.
I felt the object of my desires move closer to me before he took the seat next to
me. I risked a glance into those eyes that haunt me in my dreams twenty-four seven.
He smiled and looked me over.
Now I told you what I had on my feet and that I wore a skirt, but let me tell you
that said skirt was nothing but dressing to cover my essentials. I was on a mission, I
told you, and I needed my ammo to trap whom I wanted. I topped my outfit off with
a simple black tank that covered the girls but prominently displayed their potential. I
know they werent what he went for normally. They barely filled my hands.
However, I will say they were upright, perky and spectacular.
I felt his eyes salivating on them this very moment, and as my breathing picked
up, I knew the rise and fall of my girls were doing a number on him, or at least I
hoped they were.
What are you doing here, Raquel? Angel asked me, voice low and thick.
Having a drink, Angelo.
I accepted my drink from the bartender and took it down quickly.
The bartender looked at me, shook his head, and then looked at Angel before he
moved on.
I met Angels eyes, and his wicked panty-melting smile appeared. Yeah,
sweetheart, I can see that, but why are you here? Im sure South Street is jumping
right about now. Dont you think youd have more fun there instead of here?
South Street was probably packed and jumping. Its a long strip filled with
storefront apartments, clubs, shops, and cafs and was the it spot for young
adults. However, South Street wasnt where Angel was, so that wasnt where I
needed to be.

I cleared my throat and willed my mouth to say something witty, something

sexy and orgasmic, but all that came out of my mouth was, What are you talking
about? This place is great.
The sound of laughter that erupted from him told me that I had failed miserably.
I closed my eyes and looked away from him. I am so far out of my league here that
its beginning to become embarrassing. I started to remove myself from the stool
when Angel ran his hand through my hair and placed it behind my ear.
He leaned in a little, and I inhaled deeply.
You know you shouldnt be here, right? Its too dangerous.
I looked into his eyes and tried to focus on anything other than the wetness
between my thighs. Im a big girl, Angel. I can handle it. Besides, youre here. I know
youll protect me.
I went rigid when I saw this look quickly come over him. Again, the meaning back
then had me stumped, so I refused to assume or move. Angel then gently tickled the
side of my face with his knuckles, sending my body into a fit of goose bumps,
awakening every nerve ending in my body. As he leaned in closer to me, my mouth
opened slightly in order to breathe better as every other bodily function was
shutting down.
Angel quietly said to me, Im not worried about your protection from this place.
Im more worried about your protection from me.
Yes! Now thats what Im talking about!
The moment he removed his hand from my face, the look was instantly gone
from his dark features. He stood and stepped away from me. Come on. Ill walk you
to your car.
No! I said a little too quickly and loud it seemed as the bartenders eyes fell on
us. I took a deep breath and said to him a little more calmly, Im not ready to go.
Besides, I came here to drink, and thats what I plan to do.
Raquel, he started, but I shook my head.

No, Angel. Look, I had to witness and deal with a lot of yelling and feet
stomping just to get a night alone from my wardens. I need this. I just want to get
wasted my last night in Philly and have fun before Im gone. You know Im leaving,
I could have sworn the look of disappointment creased his face for just a second
before he said, Yeah, I know.
I swiveled to face him completely. So, come on. Have a few drinks with me.
Maybe we can play a little pool. Then I promise Ill leave.
I gave him my best puppy dog eyes until he smiled, shook his head, and waved
the bartender over. Why do I have a feeling Im going to live to regret this?
I squealed and clapped my hands. Trust me, you wont be sorry.
Angel and I had a ball that night. The few drinks that I mentioned having turned
into so many that I couldnt keep count. I was feeling fantastic. I still felt my face, so I
couldnt have been too far to the left. We played only two games of pool. He seemed
to be unable to concentrate on the game itself. He was too busy watching me or
rather my girls and my ass every time I bent over the table. When we werent playing
pool, we were playing darts or sitting around cracking jokes.
We talked about my plans once I arrived in San Francisco. You know, the basics;
where I was planning to stay when I got there, what company I was working for, etc.
It was so easy to talk to him. For a moment, I forgot all about trying to seduce him
and just enjoyed his company.
So what time is your flight in the morning? he asked me.
The night was finally ending. We were sitting in the back of the bar at a table
only large enough to fit two. I could feel all of my plans to seduce him slipping away.
I sighed deeply and smiled. Nine something. Why?
He smiled at me. Its getting late. Im sure you have some things to do before
you leave for the airport in the morning.
I shook my head and met his smile. Nope. I am completely packed, and my bags
are at the door, ready to be grabbed from my hotel. I shrugged at the look of

disbelief on his face when I mentioned the hotel. I told you; I planned to have a
great time tonight. I didnt want anything hindering my plans, so I got a hotel room,
and Im free. I leaned forward a little and tilted my head to the side. He studied me
carefully, so I figured what the hell; maybe its not too late.
I said to him, So if you want to go somewhere else and, you know, hang out
some more, we can.
I could tell just by his body language that this really wasnt my night. Angel
confirmed it by saying to me, crushing my dreams, You know nothings going to
happen between us, right?
What do you mean? I replied coyly and blinked rapidly at him.
He shook his head and laughed. Come on, lets get you home. Whered you
I stood, trying not to show how disappointed, hurt, and, quite honestly,
embarrassed I was. My flirting, batting of the eyes, and showing a little boob hadnt
phased him at all.
This night by far was the most embarrassing night of my life.
I sighed deeply, trying not to look at him, as I answered, I didnt drive.
Wow, he replied.
I looked up at him. He just stared at me, almost appraisingly like.
He said finally, Someone was confident in their seduction tactics. He chuckled,
and then gave me another once over, but this time I didnt feel sexy. I felt as if I was
a joke to him.
I frowned, feeling like he just attacked my ego. I ran my hands through my hair
and narrowed my eyes. I said to him, claws coming out, Who told you all this was
for you? How do you know that you werent my consolation prize? Maybe I had
someone else in mind tonight. Hands on my hips, I tilted my weight to one side of
my body. Ha! Its laughable that you assume this was all for you. You know what? I
think I will go and explore what South Street has to offer. South Street, no doubt, is

still jumping. In fact, its only 2am. The night is still young, and youve just destroyed
my high. So now, Im going to take my hot ass somewhere else to see what I can get
into, or who I can get under, or hell, even over. It makes me no never mind.
I was so pissed that he made me feel like I was a twelve-year-old with a childish
crush on her teacher or something.
Well, the hell with him. Im outta here!
I attempted to make my exit by moving past him as quick as I could. However, I
didnt get far. Instead, my breath was robbed from my lungs harshly as my body
collided with a wall that I never knew was so close to me. Gruff hands enveloped my
head as the most egregious face I had ever seen invaded my personal space. The size
of my eyes grew in shock, and then desire suddenly hit me like a freight train.
Hot damn. Creamed my panties would be an understatement if ever there was
one. A damn waterfall was flowing between my legs at that very moment.
Ho-ly shit!
Oh, the fire in his eyes. The blaze was threatening to burn us both. He stood
there looking down at me, and I was defiantly looking up at him.
Say that shit again, he growled through gritted teeth.
I, of course, opened my mouth to actually repeat everything Id said. I was a
glutton for punishment. Hell, I welcomed his punishment.
Punish me, baby!
However, the moment I felt him move closer to me, barely allowing light to pass
between us, made me shut up. An animal was about to be unleashed; I could sense
it. I could taste it. Hell, the growl that escaped from him was proof that shit was
about to get ugly.
The atmosphere around us suddenly changed as I watched Angels features
grow darker, reminding me of how desolate woods could deprive a moonlit sky in
the dead of night. I tried desperately to swallow as he leaned into me and said in a

voice quiet and very deadly, You are playing with fucking fire. Do you understand
that, Raquel?
I know his question was rhetorical, but I still answered, Perfectly. Now get out
of my way. I have better things to do than to
I wanted to say more. I really did. However, a pair of beautiful and sinful lips was
caressing mine at the moment, so I didnt care to use them to cuss him out. Instead, I
used them to taste the forbidden fruit Id been denied of for far too long. I always
knew his lips would be pure wickedness. Feeling him control them and guide them
over mine was making me crave for more. I brought my hands up along his chest and
traveled them along his sides to the span of his glorious muscled back.
I pulled him closer to me, trying desperately to make our bodies become one. I
was completely turned on right now. The gin was working its magic. I could feel it.
Hell, I felt it after the second shot I took. Gin is sin as you might have heard, and it
was my drink of choice when I wanted to be loose and free.
Its the reason why I kept drinking it this whole time. I wanted my libido to be in
rare form. I wanted to want him so much that I couldnt think straight, couldnt see
straight. I finally got what Id always wanted. His lips, his taste, his breath, his mind,
and his senses; they finally belonged to me, even if it was only for a moment.
He suddenly pulled from me, and we stared at each other, breaths coming quick,
needing the rhythm of our hearts to slow.
You are fucking dangerous with those lips, he said to me, still showing the
effects of our kiss.
Yes, small victories, ladies!
Now, what I wanted next was for him to lose control. I needed him to.
He caressed my lips slowly with one finger, watching them as if they mesmerized
His incredible lips finally mouthed the words I wanted desperately to hear. I
wonder what else you can do with them.

Only one way to find out, I replied, eyes wild with a sense of urgency in them.
Angel pulled out some bills from his wallet, grabbed my hand and pulled me
toward the bar. He dropped the money down, nodded at the bartender, and then
headed for the door.
We jumped in his car; a black tinted Camaro, and drove to his place, silence
covering us both. I wasnt sure what was on his mind, and I didnt ask. I knew I was
ecstatic. Thats why I was quiet. Id wanted him for so long, and even though this
would only be a physical thing, I knew it was going to be beautiful, grimy, sexy and
mind-blowing, to say the least.
That night, and subsequent nights after, I managed to experience things I never
thought was possible. Yes, you heard right. My ass thought I was going to fuck my
desires away in one night, but Angel had other ideas. One night turned into a lustfilled weekend, with me leaving two days after I planned. He kept me naked and
spread eagle the entire time, with only a break to shower and eat. My lady parts
were sore. Shit, my entire body was sore. I wasnt ready for him; that was for damn
sure. I also knew that if I gave him the opportunity to do this to me as often as he
wanted, because of the way I felt about him, he would destroy me.
This was proof that I was making the right decision to leave. The farther I got
away from him, the better I would be. However, looking back at the shitstorm I
created in San Francisco, I should have stayed my ass home.
It was very unfortunate that I never got the opportunity to experience that
grimy, hot sex again. Believe me, Ive tried. Ive dated plenty of men of different
races in San Fran. Id even found a few to test drive and experiment with, hoping to
repeat my last nights in Philly. The results of my experiment didnt turn out too well.
I never found a man to come close to the man that I had affectionately started calling
Leo, my Lionheart. I know that sounds corny, but hes the king of my body, my soul,
and my heart. No one had ever made my body scream, cream, moan, writhe, shake,
weaken and heat as much as Angel had that night. Ever since Id met him, he
remained in my dreams, but for three years after our nights of passion, he remained
in my nightmares, because dreaming of him was torture. Hed been the conductor of

my desires, of my needs. Ive wanted him and desired him for so long that I wasnt
sure what I would do when I got home, and our paths crossed, if ever. What I didnt
expect was to behave like this.
Damn, get a grip girl.
I blinked a few times and brought some sense back to my head.
You didnt come home for this, I scolded myself. You left a fucked up situation
with no intentions of getting into another.
I needed a clean slate.
It didnt matter that being with Angel was the best time of my life. It didnt
matter that no other man would ever measure up to him. It didnt matter that even
if I had the pleasure to be reacquainted with him for just a night, it couldnt be
anything more than just physical. There were too many things, too many variables in
my life that just wouldnt allow for anything more. My secrets were too deep. I was
fighting hard not to let those secrets consume me, and I refused to allow them to do
the same to Angel.
As I watched him from across the club, I wondered if I had enough self-control to
withstand him. We were great together. The chemistry we had was something
couples spent a lifetime to achieve.
I figured maybe I could just talk to the man. It would be rude of me if I didnt,
right? After all, we went way back. We hadnt seen each other for a few years and
were in a public place. What could go wrong?
Shit, did he just give me his panty-dropping smile?
I closed my eyes and shivered.
Yes, I could handle this. Id changed since hed seen me last. I was a grown ass
woman, capable of keeping my shit in check. Actually, I could probably play around
with him a little too. Get my feet wet or rather my kitty-kat stroked a bit. I just
needed to stay vigilant and in control.

I smiled suddenly to myself. Yes, I could make this happen and just have some
I just couldnt allow him to kiss me. If he got his addictive lips on me, game over.
I decided to put aside the fact that hed been eyeing me for a few minutes now,
and he hadnt made his way over to me, nor did he act as if he knew me. He just
looked at me, or through me, rather. Well, maybe he just needed a reminder of just
who I was.
I stood to make my way over to him when some busty girl came up to him
grinning. He eyed her up and down and grinned from ear to ear.
My eyebrows furrowed as I watched her cozy up to him, putting her fake tits in
his face.
Okay, so I know I shouldnt be pissed. I really dont have a right to be, but here I
stood pissed as shit! Im not angry with the broad. Who can blame her for putting
her girls in a guy like Angels face? No, I was pissed at him as his focus went
completely to her. I didnt like being ignored. He knew who I was. Theres no doubt
about it. He used to come to my house all the time.
My pride be damned.
Those nights we had together was memorable on its own. I refused to let my
ego believe that he didnt remember who I was. No, he knew exactly who I was, and
he was just going to sit there and ignore me?
See how I almost fucked up?
Yeah, its time for me to go. I started to signal the bartender again when some
guy walked up to me smiling.
I looked up at him and noticed instantly how dark his eyes were. His hair was
black and slicked back. His skin was as pale as the moon. He was attractive and
rugged looking. However, the way he looked at me made me nervous. It was as if he
was ready to have me for breakfast, lunch and dinner right here at the bar.
What is wrong with guys nowadays?

Wow, I noticed you from across the bar, but I didnt imagine you would be this
beautiful up close. Hi, Im Dirk.
He reached out his hand to me, and I took it. Raquel, I replied, a bit hesitant.
He slowly brought my hand to his lips, never taking his eyes off mine.
Raquel, it is very nice to meet you. His wet lips touched my hand as a
seductive gaze graced his face, and I feltnothing.
I stared up at him and smiled as a thought suddenly popped into my head.
Two can play this game, Angel.
I gave him my best smile. Its nice to meet you too, Dirk.
I could tell Dirk was thinking that he had me hook, line and sinker; a blind man
could see that, so I know Angel could see it too.
I hope he chokes on it.
Dirk leaned into me, ready to either say something inappropriate or corny in my
ear, when a rather large man, decked out in a dark gray suit, came up to my right.
Both Dirk and I looked at him, and this mans brown eyes were solely on me.
Excuse me, Ms. Waters.
What the?
I swallowed and looked over at Angel. Angel still wasnt looking at me. In fact, I
saw him walking away with the blonde chick.
So much for my plan.
I looked back and up at the large man. Do I know you?
The big guy shook his head. No, maam. My name is Darrell. I work for Mr.
Leonetti. He has asked that you not leave the bar area until he returns.
Again, I thought, What the?

I narrowed my eyes, glanced over to the direction where Angel had disappeared
from, then back at Darrell. Come again?
Darrell, seeming a bit nervous, repeated what hed said to me.
I literally laughed. The nerve of that son of a bitch.
He really thought, after the way he just ignored me that I would wait right here
like a good little girl for him to finally notice me? Huh? I think not!
I stood, and when the bartender came to me with my card, Darrell offered
quickly, Mr. Leonetti has taken care of your tab tonight.
I put my hands on my hips. Oh, is that right? You said your name is Darrell,
right? He didnt reply, but I kept going. Darrell, please inform your boss for me that
I dont need him paying for my drinks. Im more than capable of doing that myself.
You can also tell him that just because he paid for my drinks doesnt give him the
right to tell me what to do. No one tells me what to do, understand? Im a grown ass
woman with a mind of my own, and I be damned if anyone tries to control me. He
has lost his damn mind if he thinks Im just going to sit here while he disappears with
some floozy to do who knows what. He has another thing coming. Tell him he can
kiss my scrumptious, beautiful black ass! Im leaving with Dirk.
Now, I really wasnt leaving with Dirk, but Angel didnt need to know that.
I smiled up at Dirk and laced my arm through his.
Ms. Waters Darrell started, and I think he even contemplated touching me,
but the look on my face told him there would be serious hell to pay if he even dared
to put his hands on me. I kept walking pulling Dirk with me towards the exit of the
I bet he wont ignore me again.

Chapter Three
This must be what hell is like!
As I took back the fourth shot of the night, I tried to breathe deeply. I needed to
calm down. I was two seconds from losing it. The way he was touching her soft as silk
chocolate skin, the look on his face; hes enjoying the shit way too much.
I shifted in my chair, trying to count to ten as I watched her sexy ass move while
she danced with someone other than me.
I should go over there. I should beat the shit out of that fucker and watch his ass
bleed to death on the dance floor.
But I couldnt. Lincoln would be pissed as shit if I dropped a body in his club, and
Georgia would fucking kill me.
I needed a diversion.
I turned away from the dance floor and tried to concentrate on something other
than her. Instead of imagining what his blood would feel like flowing through my
fingers, the satisfaction of watching the life leave his eyes, I took my eyes off her and
observed my surroundings. Hell, thats what I was there to do to begin with.
Georgia asked me one day if I would keep an eye on her club for her until she
had the baby and returned to work. I wanted to tell her that she would never see the
inside of this place again unless its social. Theres no way Lincoln was going to let her

work in here again. I knew my cousin, and he would lose his shit. Honestly, I wasnt
about to let her work here either so I agreed.
I looked around the club admiring the setup. This place was packed. Georgia did
an excellent job designing this place and of course, with Lincolns name in the
business, it was only going to flourish.
This place wasnt huge, but it wasnt small either. It was just the right size to give
you an intimate setting without losing your personal space. It had a club feel with a
lounge-type atmosphere, and this city was eating it up. The DJ was actually good, but
tonight, I wasnt feeling it.
Tonight, as with every night, I was trying to reign in my anger. My patience was
being put to the test, and I was starting to lose the battle of control. I was resorting
back to my old ways, how I was before Lincoln arrived on our doorstep.
Speaking of the Devil, Lincoln and I hadnt seen or spoken to each other since
Miami. Id been trying to give the man his space. I knew how he felt, believe me, and
there was really nothing I could do to make this shit better. I had to let him deal with
this in his own way.
I had called periodically to check on him. So far, he hadnt taken any of my calls
or returned them. Georgia and I talked all the time, though. Id call her to see if she
needed anything or have her send me pictures of the baby.
It was crazy that even though Lincoln was missing in action, he hadnt stopped
Georgia from being with our family; mainly our grandmother and his aunt, my mom.
Those three women together were trouble of the worst kind. Hell, Id seen more of
Georgia and her pregnant belly than I had of Lincoln. Now that the baby was here,
she hadnt been around as often. No one saw Lincoln unless in passing or while he
was sitting in his car when he picked her up from my parents home.
I understood why Lincoln was in love with that woman. You couldnt help but to
love Georgia and protect her. She has a heart of gold and an honesty that was
refreshing. Shed told me on many occasions, My husband is a fucking idiot, but he
loves you like a brother. Hell, like more than a brother because he hates his real one.
Hell come around, Angel, just give him time.

I would just smile at her, not really wanting to crush her dreams. Again, I knew
my cousin, and hed come around when hell froze over.
What boggled my mind was that the infamous Drake Lincoln was married with a
kid. When I thought about it more, I couldnt believe he met a phenomenal woman
like Georgia, the woman that had him by his balls, in a damn club. You couldnt write
a better script for one of those sappy chick flicks. That shit doesnt happen in real
life, but, for him it had, so maybe hell had frozen over.
I motioned for Darrell, who was standing a few feet from me, to bring me a beer
from the bar. Out of my peripheral, I suddenly caught sight of her walking from the
back of the club to the large bar I was sitting closer to.
Shit, my dick feels like a damn brick, and Im only looking at her.
As always, just watching her was driving me crazy. It made me contemplate
murder in cold blood with witnesses, as she flowed through the place with every
males eyes on her ass.
It had been a long time since Id seen her and she looked just as beautiful now as
she did back then.
How long has it actually been?
I thought when I first saw her that she didnt remember me, but as her brown,
almond-shaped eyes met mine from across the bar, I saw the look come over her. I
felt the heat radiate from her eyes, even from this distance and in this lighting. I
would know her desires for me if I were fucking blind. My body never reacted to any
woman the way it had for her.
It took three nights, three fucking nights exploring her body, tasting her
pleasures, for that woman to be embedded in my memory forever. Those nights
were by far the most erotic nights of my existence.
She was my Damn, I cant say that shit.
Ill just say that shed affected me in ways no other woman has ever managed to

Shit, shed grown up since shed been gone. The curves of her spectacular body
just deepened with hills and valleys that I wanted to explore and reacquaint my
hands with perfection.
Id had my fair share of beautiful women, not as much as Lincoln would accuse
me of, but enough to know when Ive experienced paradise. Let me put it to you like
this: there was one woman that I have given myself to, one woman that Ive let my
guard down with, who I craved to touch, who I desired like no other, the only woman
that I would bleed for, and she was now sitting directly across from me.
I felt my tongue imperceptibly sweep across my hungry lips.
I wonder if she tastes better now than she did back then. Yeah, I know she tastes
better now. I can feel it.
She smiled at some fucker as he sat down at the bar next to her, her face lighting
up the way I remembered. My heart suddenly started to beat as if it was going to
burst out of my chest. My lungs began to work double time to replenish the breath
that I was losing every second that I watched her. This shouldnt have been a shock
to me. Shed always had that kind of effect on me with just a simple look, smile, and
the slightest touch.
I know you want to know who this woman is, but give me a minute. I just needed
to relish in her beauty. Damn, she was beautiful, and thats putting it mildly. She was
stunning as hell, and I wanted nothing more than to sink into her heaven and confess
all my sins, but I didnt move. Yeah, even though I missed the shit out of her, and I
wanted her desperately, I couldnt forget the fact that she left. I showed her what it
would be like if she stayed with me, but she left anyway. She didnt call, didnt write;
so fuck it. I refuse to bow down to her because I was horny as fuck. Therefore, no
matter how hard I was at the moment, I refused to take my horny ass over there to
be reacquainted with her taste.
Its about the principle or some shit, right?
A smile abruptly creased my face as the memory of her taste quickly flooded my
Oh hell, principle my ass. I couldnt wait to drink her dry!

I smiled in spite of myself.

I turned away from my temptation, about to go and claim what was mine when I
saw one of my sometimes walk towards me. Rigo, one of my men, looked at me
for approval after the fucking fact. I dont let people close to me, especially in public.
You never know what someone was capable of, and I was too much of a target to be
complacent. I knew none of my men would let anyone close to me without checking
them first, and I knew if it was any other night, if she wasnt here, I wouldnt be
pissed that he let this woman come over to me, so I let it go.
Once the sometimes got to my table, she leaned into me, reproach be
damned, and put her tits on my arm. Of course, I welcomed the distraction. It
allowed me to calm the hell down.
She said to me, Youve been sitting here by yourself for a while now.
Now, of course, I didnt remember her damn name, but hell whats in a name,
right? Besides, I could bet you my life she didnt give a shit if I remembered her name
or not.
I gave her the biggest smile that I could as I leaned into her a little. And your
reason for coming over here is?
She smiled and leaned in closer to me. I figured Id come over and see if you
wanted some company.
I took that moment to look at what she had for me. Her tits were big and
beautifully put on display for all to see. Very impressive. See, Im an ass and tits man.
I like my women to have both, with one woman being my only exception. Believe it
or not, through surgical assistance, my sometimes met my requirements, and
tonight had the potential to get interesting, if I wanted it to, but I didnt.
Right before I sent this girl on her way, Hugo suddenly approached me from my
left. As he moved closer to me, I noticed some Casper-looking fuck with his eyes on
Yeah, thats who she is; Raquel.

Casper was dressed in all black. His hair was slicked back looking like fucking
Count Dracula. I watched as his eyes raked over her body - shit, my body - as if he
wanted to drink her blood.
Boss, Hugo interjected. Tiko just called. It seems your brother has gotten to
Lester, and Lester has decided he wants to pick sides.
I looked up at Hugo to make sure that I understood him correctly. Lester ran a
part of the docks that we used to ship some of our merchandise that wasnt so
favorable in the laws eyes.
Hes taking sides? I questioned. What do you mean my brother has gotten to
I knew that Hugo didnt know, and when he shrugged, it only fueled me even
more. I sighed deeply and closed my eyes. As I mentioned before, my temper and my
attitude had been the story ever since I came home from Miami. Lucy and Worm
hadnt been the only victims of my wrath. Id consistently taken out my frustration,
anger and temper on everyone around me. Id tried not to let this happen, but as I
said before, I was being tested. As I looked back at Raquel, it was confirmed that shit
was not going to end well for me.
I looked over at Darrell and pointed at Raquel.
Go over there and tell Ms. Waters not to move from that fucking spot. I need to
make a call to Tiko about some shit thats going down with Lester. When I get back,
her ass better be right where she is, understood?
Yes, boss.
Darrell moved quickly to the other side of the bar just as Casper approached
I looked at my sometimes. I gave her my signature grin Yes, I have one and
said, Listen, darling, I have some business to take care of. While I appreciate you
checking up on me, Im going to have to pass on your offer. I stood and leaned
closer to her ear. What I will do, though, is set you up with your drinks for the night.
Come on, lets head to the bar in the back.

I placed my hand on the lower part of her back to hurry her along. Once we got
to the back of the club, I told the bartenders that her drinks were on me. Then I
moved to the door that led to the office upstairs.
I pulled my cell out and dialed Tiko as I entered the room. Tiko and another one
of my soldiers, Stretch, had been with me for almost as long as Darrell and Hugo.
They were associates brought to me by Russo, one of my fathers Capos. Trust and
loyalty are important in my world, so I didnt have anyone around me that I dont
trust. Tiko and Stretch had been loyal to me and worked their asses off over the
years, making a name for themselves. I trusted them with most things, which is a
foot for me. If I couldnt trust the men around me, what good are they?
Tiko answered on the second ring.
Whats going on? I asked him.
Not sure boss. I came here, as I always do, to pay the pissant, and, at first, he
told me he couldnt take your money. Then he sat straighter up in his chair and said
he wouldnt take your money. He said he doesnt work for you anymore and that he
has the backing of the real Leonetti in charge.
And you I started, but my men know me so well, so he knew what I was
getting at.
Yeah, I clarified, Tiko added. He wasnt talking about your father. He was
talking about Eddie.
I smiled. So it begins.
Lester had worked for me for years. He first started taking orders from my
father; now it was me. Id paid the little fucker handsomely over the years and
looked out for his family anytime he needed. For him to betray me like this, to talk to
my men the way he had, was a violation.
Okay, before I go insane, find out if my brother has been talking to anyone else
working for us on the docks in Philly and New Jersey. Then call me back and let me
know. I need to know the damage and how much repairs are going to cost.

Yes, sir. Tiko hung up. I was heading for the door to the office when my cell
rang. It was Darrell.
Darrell, I answered.
Sir, she left.
What! What the fuck did I tell you?
Yes, sir, I did as you asked, but shit, man, shes scarier than you. I tried to stop
her, but
I closed my eyes, feeling I was losing the battle with my dark side. What did she
Goddamnit, Darrell, what the fuck did she say?
She said you cant tell her what to do, shes a grown ass woman and some shit
about not needing you to buy her drinks. Oh, and she said that she was leaving with
dude and to kiss her Well, you know the rest, but she was colorful.
And you let her leave? Do I understand that correctly?
Yes, sir.
Im surrounded by cowards, I mumbled, not giving a shit if he heard me or not.
Im coming down now. Meet me outside and bring my car around, I told him. I
then hung up and left the office.
It seemed Raquel hadnt changed a damn bit. Shed always find a way to piss me
the hell off. Why did she have to do shit the hard way? All I wanted her to do was
wait for me. Was that too much to ask?
The moment I made it outside, I saw her standing by the drivers side of what I
assumed to be her car, and Casper was on the other side.
Is she really leaving with him?

Feeling my temper rising even more, I moved purposefully toward her. The
moment her eyes fell on mine, they grew.
Yeah, Im coming for you.
Her shock quickly wore off and was replaced with resentment and a bit of anger.
You cant follow simple directions, can you? I asked her once I was close
enough for her to hear me.
Directions? Are you kidding me? Is that what you called them? They sounded
more like demands to me, and you dont have the right to demand shit from me!
I watched her lips as she spoke and fought the urge to put something between
them to shut her up.
She folded her arms and looked up at me. The need to kiss the shit out of her
grew stronger. The way she was pouting, how defiant she was standing, those lips of
hers; everything about her was turning me the fuck on.
I knew it would be any second that she was going to say something that will
completely piss me off and the shit would be on.
Thats your imagination Raquel, I professed.
Oh, so you do know my name then? she rebutted.
I glared. Of course I know your name. What kind of shit-
Yeah, thats right! What kind of shit is that you sending one of your bodyguards
over to me because youre too busy with that skank you were with? Well, fuck you,
Angel! Im not that hard up for your attention. She shook her head and chuckled.
No, all I needed was a simple acknowledgment from you. All you had to do was
wave or nod in my direction, but no, you chose to ignore me. Well, I have news for
you; I will not be ignored. In fact, Dirk has proven that he could give me all the
attention I need. And we were just talking about whose place we were going to go
to; his or mine. She then looked over at him and smiled. I think his. That way he

Now do you understand what she does to me? Do you see what I mean? She
pushes and pushes until now I am losing my shit, grabbing her face, pushing her up
against her car and sticking my tongue down her throat.
She resisted at first, but a painful growl escaped my throat, and she instantly
opened her mouth to me.
Shit, when her tongue touched mine, I was fucking gone. I wrapped my arms
around her waist as she wrapped her arms around my neck.
I kissed her as if I couldnt get enough of her taste because I actually couldnt. I
wanted more. I needed more. She moaned in my mouth raked her hands through my
hair and gripped it tight.
Forgetting where I was, I gripped her naked thigh, thankful as fuck that she was
in a dress and placed it up on my hip. She moved back from my lips quickly, just as
shit was about to get deep, and I knew she felt it.
We stared at each other.
I couldnt fucking breathe. Every time Ive kissed this woman, its as if she takes
that ability away from me. It had been three years, and I craved her now just as I did
Shit, Ive missed you, I said to her because, hell, what else could I say?
However, the crazy thing was, I meant that shit. Id missed the hell out of this
woman; this crazy, smart-mouthed, beautiful, sexy ass woman.
Ive missed you too, Angel, she whispered, and I had to say I was thrilled.
Why dont you show me just how much? I hissed.
Yeah and how do you want me to do that? she asked, but I ignored her.
Next stop: my place and under my sheets.
She leaned against the car and we watched each other thoughtfully. I couldnt
wait to get to her body. I caressed her through her clothes, stroked the thigh that I

still had against me before I released it, ready to taste her the moment we were in
my apartment.
Hell, maybe Ill let her drive my car, and I get my taste on the way. If I push the
driver seat back, I can
How long are you home for?
Its about fucking time!

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