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Box Type:
Message Id:

Matt Sridhar []

Tony Daysog [], Jim Oddie [], Frank Matarrese
[], Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft [], Trish Spencer
Rent Control in Alameda - Ridiculous
04-Nov-2015 22:02:28 UTC-08:00
04-Nov-2015 22:02:28 UTC-08:00
05-Nov-2015 22:41:55 UTC-08:00
Tony Daysog > Inbox
TEXT.htm [Save] [Open]
headers.822 [Save] [Open]

A text version of the message is not available. Please refer to TEXT.htm.



Dear Mayor and City Council Members:

I am a larger property owner in town. We own well over 500 residential units in CA (much of it in
Northern CA) and a substantial amount of commercial real estate. We have a solid reputation of
renovating projects and improving the neighborhood. We specialize in turning around dilapidated
properties. Our projects typically include complete interior and exterior renovation. We recently
purchased 33 units at 470 Central Ave and have plans to complete a large scale, modern
renovation. Every project we do improves the lives and quality of our residents. I have personally
assisted and helped a number of tenants in our city (including paying for one tenants
kidney dialysis because he was uninsured).
I also own property in tenant-friendly jurisdictions like San Francisco, Oakland and Los Angeles,
and as such, have a substantial amount of experience in rent-controlled jurisdictions. I am
surprised and disappointed that Alameda would entertain this politically-motivated and reactionary
agenda that simply interferes with free market enterprise and creates substantial government
bureaucracy. I will tell you with certainty that if you pass rent control, I will SELL my
property in Alameda and move on to improve another town.

All the political opinions and dogma aside, it is undisputed that 95% of our nations top economic
minds do not support rent control. I suggest you simply take a short drive from San Leandro into
Oakland (non-rent controlled to rent-control). You will see property dilapidation and the effects of
rent-control. Is this what you want for our city? I dont think people understand the non-sense that
comes with this type of regulation. Please allow me to outline just a few inevitable outcomes:

1) Emergence of Legal Blackmail / Overcrowding of Courts - Nonprofit and

supposed not-for-profit firms like EDC (Oakland) and BASTA (Los Angeles) will appear and
encourage tenants to demand JURY TRIALS for every simple eviction case. They will file motion
after motion to delay evictions for months and then shake down landlords for $10,000 - $15,000
to move out. Typical provisions in their settlement stipulations are agreements to seal the eviction
record, waive all back rent, provide good/neutral references, and return security deposit. Landlords
are forced to settle due to the high cost of litigation. And bad tenants are rewarded for their
behavior with free rent, a windfall of cash, and the unfettered ability (with a sealed record) to take
advantage of the next unsuspecting landlord. While this is something I can afford to fight and do
so regularly, what will the mom and pop and retired owners do? Do you know that 80% of
residential rental property in Oakland is owned by mom and pops who own maybe 1 or 2 little
properties? The City of Oakland is too stupid to realize who they are hurting. The larger

landlords will lawyer up and the smaller landlords will suffer. Minor eviction cases that should take
a 1/2 hour of a judges time will now take months and clog up our court system. Owners will then
become reluctant to take a chance on prospective tenants with less than perfect credit.
Rent control hurts the many people it professes to protect.

2) Reduction in Rental Property Stock Recently I had to evict some tenants in a building in
Los Angeles, CA. So after the tenants left, I was considering renovating the property and
subsequently re-renting. But Los Angeles rent control is so onerous, that I decided to demolish the
property altogether and build for-sale product that would now be outside of rent control (Costa
Hawkins). Now there are 9 fewer rental units in the city. This is a city-wide epidemic in Los
Angeles and San Francisco; both cities are LOSING rental stock at an alarming rate. If youre
considering rent control in Alameda, get ready to lose units and get ready for Ellis Act

3) Empowerment of the Bureaucrats Get ready to beef up your code enforcement and rent
board staff. You will need to increase your staff up to 10-fold to deal with the deluge of complaints,
allegations, questions, etc that will follow as a result of these policies. All the money we spend
on this bureaucracy could be spent helping the homeless.

The only way to address affordable housing is to deal with the zoning and planning policies of
Alameda. We need to increase density so that multifamily development can become a financial
reality. Right now, the only substantial multifamily developments occurring are Class A apartments
and condo projects. The onerous entitlement process combined with all the off-site and
development costs imposed by the city are HINDERING affordable housing.

Lets solve the real problem and stop the political bantering. Telling the workforce that your rent is
not going up is a great way to garner votes, but horrible for the city in the long term. Cities with
the strictest rent control laws (New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco) have the some of the
highest rates of rental stock attrition and tend to be the most bureaucratic and saddled with
poorly-maintained units. Rent control may seem interesting now, given the rents are very high. But
rents will eventually go back down (they always do); and when they do, youll be STUCK WITH

Lets not forget the obvious : San Francisco, New York and Los Angeles have some of the most
unaffordable rents in the country. Rent control is NOT WORKING. Listen to our countrys topic
economists; dont listen to me. I will just sell my Alameda inventory and re-invest in other areas of


Thanks, Matt

-----------------------------------------------Matt Sridhar
Chief Executive Officer
Sridhar Equities
1777 Saratoga Ave # 209
San Jose, CA 95129
phone: (408)725-9500
fax: (408)725-9503


Box Type:
Message Id:

Matt Sridhar []

Tony Daysog [], Jim Oddie [], Frank Matarrese
[], Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft [], Trish Spencer
Rent Control in Alameda - Ridiculous
04-Nov-2015 22:02:48 UTC-08:00
04-Nov-2015 22:02:48 UTC-08:00
05-Nov-2015 21:11:13 UTC-08:00

Jim Oddie > Inbox
TEXT.htm [Save] [Open]
headers.822 [Save] [Open]

A text version of the message is not available. Please refer to TEXT.htm.



Dear Mayor and City Council Members:

I am a larger property owner in town. We own well over 500 residential units in CA (much of it in
Northern CA) and a substantial amount of commercial real estate. We have a solid reputation of
renovating projects and improving the neighborhood. We specialize in turning around dilapidated
properties. Our projects typically include complete interior and exterior renovation. We recently
purchased 33 units at 470 Central Ave and have plans to complete a large scale, modern
renovation. Every project we do improves the lives and quality of our residents. I have personally
assisted and helped a number of tenants in our city (including paying for one tenants
kidney dialysis because he was uninsured).
I also own property in tenant-friendly jurisdictions like San Francisco, Oakland and Los Angeles,
and as such, have a substantial amount of experience in rent-controlled jurisdictions. I am
surprised and disappointed that Alameda would entertain this politically-motivated and reactionary
agenda that simply interferes with free market enterprise and creates substantial government
bureaucracy. I will tell you with certainty that if you pass rent control, I will SELL my
property in Alameda and move on to improve another town.

All the political opinions and dogma aside, it is undisputed that 95% of our nations top economic
minds do not support rent control. I suggest you simply take a short drive from San Leandro into
Oakland (non-rent controlled to rent-control). You will see property dilapidation and the effects of
rent-control. Is this what you want for our city? I dont think people understand the non-sense that
comes with this type of regulation. Please allow me to outline just a few inevitable outcomes:

1) Emergence of Legal Blackmail / Overcrowding of Courts - Nonprofit and

supposed not-for-profit firms like EDC (Oakland) and BASTA (Los Angeles) will appear and
encourage tenants to demand JURY TRIALS for every simple eviction case. They will file motion
after motion to delay evictions for months and then shake down landlords for $10,000 - $15,000
to move out. Typical provisions in their settlement stipulations are agreements to seal the eviction
record, waive all back rent, provide good/neutral references, and return security deposit. Landlords
are forced to settle due to the high cost of litigation. And bad tenants are rewarded for their
behavior with free rent, a windfall of cash, and the unfettered ability (with a sealed record) to take
advantage of the next unsuspecting landlord. While this is something I can afford to fight and do
so regularly, what will the mom and pop and retired owners do? Do you know that 80% of
residential rental property in Oakland is owned by mom and pops who own maybe 1 or 2 little
properties? The City of Oakland is too stupid to realize who they are hurting. The larger

landlords will lawyer up and the smaller landlords will suffer. Minor eviction cases that should take
a 1/2 hour of a judges time will now take months and clog up our court system. Owners will then
become reluctant to take a chance on prospective tenants with less than perfect credit.
Rent control hurts the many people it professes to protect.

2) Reduction in Rental Property Stock Recently I had to evict some tenants in a building in
Los Angeles, CA. So after the tenants left, I was considering renovating the property and
subsequently re-renting. But Los Angeles rent control is so onerous, that I decided to demolish the
property altogether and build for-sale product that would now be outside of rent control (Costa
Hawkins). Now there are 9 fewer rental units in the city. This is a city-wide epidemic in Los
Angeles and San Francisco; both cities are LOSING rental stock at an alarming rate. If youre
considering rent control in Alameda, get ready to lose units and get ready for Ellis Act

3) Empowerment of the Bureaucrats Get ready to beef up your code enforcement and rent
board staff. You will need to increase your staff up to 10-fold to deal with the deluge of complaints,
allegations, questions, etc that will follow as a result of these policies. All the money we spend
on this bureaucracy could be spent helping the homeless.

The only way to address affordable housing is to deal with the zoning and planning policies of
Alameda. We need to increase density so that multifamily development can become a financial
reality. Right now, the only substantial multifamily developments occurring are Class A apartments
and condo projects. The onerous entitlement process combined with all the off-site and
development costs imposed by the city are HINDERING affordable housing.

Lets solve the real problem and stop the political bantering. Telling the workforce that your rent is
not going up is a great way to garner votes, but horrible for the city in the long term. Cities with
the strictest rent control laws (New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco) have the some of the
highest rates of rental stock attrition and tend to be the most bureaucratic and saddled with
poorly-maintained units. Rent control may seem interesting now, given the rents are very high. But
rents will eventually go back down (they always do); and when they do, youll be STUCK WITH

Lets not forget the obvious : San Francisco, New York and Los Angeles have some of the most
unaffordable rents in the country. Rent control is NOT WORKING. Listen to our countrys topic
economists; dont listen to me. I will just sell my Alameda inventory and re-invest in other areas of


Thanks, Matt

-----------------------------------------------Matt Sridhar
Chief Executive Officer
Sridhar Equities
1777 Saratoga Ave # 209
San Jose, CA 95129
phone: (408)725-9500
fax: (408)725-9503


Box Type:
Message Id:

Matt Sridhar []

Tony Daysog [], Jim Oddie [], Frank Matarrese
[], Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft [], Trish Spencer
Rent Control in Alameda - Ridiculous
04-Nov-2015 22:03:05 UTC-08:00
04-Nov-2015 22:03:05 UTC-08:00
05-Nov-2015 21:15:55 UTC-08:00

Frank Matarrese > Inbox
TEXT.htm [Save] [Open]
headers.822 [Save] [Open]

A text version of the message is not available. Please refer to TEXT.htm.



Dear Mayor and City Council Members:

I am a larger property owner in town. We own well over 500 residential units in CA (much of it in
Northern CA) and a substantial amount of commercial real estate. We have a solid reputation of
renovating projects and improving the neighborhood. We specialize in turning around dilapidated
properties. Our projects typically include complete interior and exterior renovation. We recently
purchased 33 units at 470 Central Ave and have plans to complete a large scale, modern
renovation. Every project we do improves the lives and quality of our residents. I have personally
assisted and helped a number of tenants in our city (including paying for one tenants
kidney dialysis because he was uninsured).
I also own property in tenant-friendly jurisdictions like San Francisco, Oakland and Los Angeles,
and as such, have a substantial amount of experience in rent-controlled jurisdictions. I am
surprised and disappointed that Alameda would entertain this politically-motivated and reactionary
agenda that simply interferes with free market enterprise and creates substantial government
bureaucracy. I will tell you with certainty that if you pass rent control, I will SELL my
property in Alameda and move on to improve another town.

All the political opinions and dogma aside, it is undisputed that 95% of our nations top economic
minds do not support rent control. I suggest you simply take a short drive from San Leandro into
Oakland (non-rent controlled to rent-control). You will see property dilapidation and the effects of
rent-control. Is this what you want for our city? I dont think people understand the non-sense that
comes with this type of regulation. Please allow me to outline just a few inevitable outcomes:

1) Emergence of Legal Blackmail / Overcrowding of Courts - Nonprofit and

supposed not-for-profit firms like EDC (Oakland) and BASTA (Los Angeles) will appear and
encourage tenants to demand JURY TRIALS for every simple eviction case. They will file motion
after motion to delay evictions for months and then shake down landlords for $10,000 - $15,000
to move out. Typical provisions in their settlement stipulations are agreements to seal the eviction
record, waive all back rent, provide good/neutral references, and return security deposit. Landlords
are forced to settle due to the high cost of litigation. And bad tenants are rewarded for their
behavior with free rent, a windfall of cash, and the unfettered ability (with a sealed record) to take
advantage of the next unsuspecting landlord. While this is something I can afford to fight and do
so regularly, what will the mom and pop and retired owners do? Do you know that 80% of
residential rental property in Oakland is owned by mom and pops who own maybe 1 or 2 little
properties? The City of Oakland is too stupid to realize who they are hurting. The larger

landlords will lawyer up and the smaller landlords will suffer. Minor eviction cases that should take
a 1/2 hour of a judges time will now take months and clog up our court system. Owners will then
become reluctant to take a chance on prospective tenants with less than perfect credit.
Rent control hurts the many people it professes to protect.

2) Reduction in Rental Property Stock Recently I had to evict some tenants in a building in
Los Angeles, CA. So after the tenants left, I was considering renovating the property and
subsequently re-renting. But Los Angeles rent control is so onerous, that I decided to demolish the
property altogether and build for-sale product that would now be outside of rent control (Costa
Hawkins). Now there are 9 fewer rental units in the city. This is a city-wide epidemic in Los
Angeles and San Francisco; both cities are LOSING rental stock at an alarming rate. If youre
considering rent control in Alameda, get ready to lose units and get ready for Ellis Act

3) Empowerment of the Bureaucrats Get ready to beef up your code enforcement and rent
board staff. You will need to increase your staff up to 10-fold to deal with the deluge of complaints,
allegations, questions, etc that will follow as a result of these policies. All the money we spend
on this bureaucracy could be spent helping the homeless.

The only way to address affordable housing is to deal with the zoning and planning policies of
Alameda. We need to increase density so that multifamily development can become a financial
reality. Right now, the only substantial multifamily developments occurring are Class A apartments
and condo projects. The onerous entitlement process combined with all the off-site and
development costs imposed by the city are HINDERING affordable housing.

Lets solve the real problem and stop the political bantering. Telling the workforce that your rent is
not going up is a great way to garner votes, but horrible for the city in the long term. Cities with
the strictest rent control laws (New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco) have the some of the
highest rates of rental stock attrition and tend to be the most bureaucratic and saddled with
poorly-maintained units. Rent control may seem interesting now, given the rents are very high. But
rents will eventually go back down (they always do); and when they do, youll be STUCK WITH

Lets not forget the obvious : San Francisco, New York and Los Angeles have some of the most
unaffordable rents in the country. Rent control is NOT WORKING. Listen to our countrys topic
economists; dont listen to me. I will just sell my Alameda inventory and re-invest in other areas of


Thanks, Matt

-----------------------------------------------Matt Sridhar
Chief Executive Officer
Sridhar Equities
1777 Saratoga Ave # 209
San Jose, CA 95129
phone: (408)725-9500
fax: (408)725-9503


Box Type:
Message Id:

Matt Sridhar []

Tony Daysog [], Jim Oddie [], Frank Matarrese
[], Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft [], Trish Spencer
Rent Control in Alameda - Ridiculous
04-Nov-2015 22:03:22 UTC-08:00
04-Nov-2015 22:03:22 UTC-08:00
05-Nov-2015 21:08:41 UTC-08:00
Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft > Inbox
TEXT.htm [Save] [Open]
headers.822 [Save] [Open]

A text version of the message is not available. Please refer to TEXT.htm.



Dear Mayor and City Council Members:

I am a larger property owner in town. We own well over 500 residential units in CA (much of it in
Northern CA) and a substantial amount of commercial real estate. We have a solid reputation of
renovating projects and improving the neighborhood. We specialize in turning around dilapidated
properties. Our projects typically include complete interior and exterior renovation. We recently
purchased 33 units at 470 Central Ave and have plans to complete a large scale, modern
renovation. Every project we do improves the lives and quality of our residents. I have personally
assisted and helped a number of tenants in our city (including paying for one tenants
kidney dialysis because he was uninsured).
I also own property in tenant-friendly jurisdictions like San Francisco, Oakland and Los Angeles,
and as such, have a substantial amount of experience in rent-controlled jurisdictions. I am
surprised and disappointed that Alameda would entertain this politically-motivated and reactionary
agenda that simply interferes with free market enterprise and creates substantial government
bureaucracy. I will tell you with certainty that if you pass rent control, I will SELL my
property in Alameda and move on to improve another town.

All the political opinions and dogma aside, it is undisputed that 95% of our nations top economic
minds do not support rent control. I suggest you simply take a short drive from San Leandro into
Oakland (non-rent controlled to rent-control). You will see property dilapidation and the effects of
rent-control. Is this what you want for our city? I dont think people understand the non-sense that
comes with this type of regulation. Please allow me to outline just a few inevitable outcomes:

1) Emergence of Legal Blackmail / Overcrowding of Courts - Nonprofit and

supposed not-for-profit firms like EDC (Oakland) and BASTA (Los Angeles) will appear and
encourage tenants to demand JURY TRIALS for every simple eviction case. They will file motion
after motion to delay evictions for months and then shake down landlords for $10,000 - $15,000
to move out. Typical provisions in their settlement stipulations are agreements to seal the eviction
record, waive all back rent, provide good/neutral references, and return security deposit. Landlords
are forced to settle due to the high cost of litigation. And bad tenants are rewarded for their
behavior with free rent, a windfall of cash, and the unfettered ability (with a sealed record) to take
advantage of the next unsuspecting landlord. While this is something I can afford to fight and do
so regularly, what will the mom and pop and retired owners do? Do you know that 80% of
residential rental property in Oakland is owned by mom and pops who own maybe 1 or 2 little
properties? The City of Oakland is too stupid to realize who they are hurting. The larger

landlords will lawyer up and the smaller landlords will suffer. Minor eviction cases that should take
a 1/2 hour of a judges time will now take months and clog up our court system. Owners will then
become reluctant to take a chance on prospective tenants with less than perfect credit.
Rent control hurts the many people it professes to protect.

2) Reduction in Rental Property Stock Recently I had to evict some tenants in a building in
Los Angeles, CA. So after the tenants left, I was considering renovating the property and
subsequently re-renting. But Los Angeles rent control is so onerous, that I decided to demolish the
property altogether and build for-sale product that would now be outside of rent control (Costa
Hawkins). Now there are 9 fewer rental units in the city. This is a city-wide epidemic in Los
Angeles and San Francisco; both cities are LOSING rental stock at an alarming rate. If youre
considering rent control in Alameda, get ready to lose units and get ready for Ellis Act

3) Empowerment of the Bureaucrats Get ready to beef up your code enforcement and rent
board staff. You will need to increase your staff up to 10-fold to deal with the deluge of complaints,
allegations, questions, etc that will follow as a result of these policies. All the money we spend
on this bureaucracy could be spent helping the homeless.

The only way to address affordable housing is to deal with the zoning and planning policies of
Alameda. We need to increase density so that multifamily development can become a financial
reality. Right now, the only substantial multifamily developments occurring are Class A apartments
and condo projects. The onerous entitlement process combined with all the off-site and
development costs imposed by the city are HINDERING affordable housing.

Lets solve the real problem and stop the political bantering. Telling the workforce that your rent is
not going up is a great way to garner votes, but horrible for the city in the long term. Cities with
the strictest rent control laws (New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco) have the some of the
highest rates of rental stock attrition and tend to be the most bureaucratic and saddled with
poorly-maintained units. Rent control may seem interesting now, given the rents are very high. But
rents will eventually go back down (they always do); and when they do, youll be STUCK WITH

Lets not forget the obvious : San Francisco, New York and Los Angeles have some of the most
unaffordable rents in the country. Rent control is NOT WORKING. Listen to our countrys topic
economists; dont listen to me. I will just sell my Alameda inventory and re-invest in other areas of


Thanks, Matt

-----------------------------------------------Matt Sridhar
Chief Executive Officer
Sridhar Equities
1777 Saratoga Ave # 209
San Jose, CA 95129
phone: (408)725-9500
fax: (408)725-9503

Box Type:
Message Id:

Matt Sridhar []

Tony Daysog []
Re: Address Verified - Thank you!
04-Nov-2015 22:03:42 UTC-08:00
04-Nov-2015 22:03:42 UTC-08:00
05-Nov-2015 22:41:55 UTC-08:00

Tony Daysog > Inbox
TEXT.htm [Save] [Open]
headers.822 [Save] [Open]

A text version of the message is not available. Please refer to TEXT.htm.



-----------------------------------------------Matt Sridhar
Chief Executive Officer
Sridhar Equities
1777 Saratoga Ave # 209
San Jose, CA 95129
phone: (408)725-9500
fax: (408)725-9503

From: Tony Daysog

Date: Wednesday, November 4, 2015 at 10:02 PM
To: Matt Sridhar
Subject: Address Verified - Thank you!

{ color:
} center
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{} width:
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} table[class="body"]
.row {{
{{ }
{ width:
{ .columns
{ width:
} width:
} table[class="body"]
{ table[class="body"]
inherit !important; } }

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Box Type:
Message Id:

Matt Sridhar []

Tony Daysog [], Jim Oddie [], Frank Matarrese
[], Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft [], Trish Spencer
Rent Control in Alameda - Ridiculous
04-Nov-2015 22:04:43 UTC-08:00
04-Nov-2015 22:04:43 UTC-08:00
05-Nov-2015 21:51:02 UTC-08:00
Trish Spencer > Inbox
TEXT.htm [Save] [Open]
headers.822 [Save] [Open]

A text version of the message is not available. Please refer to TEXT.htm.



Dear Mayor and City Council Members:

I am a larger property owner in town. We own well over 500 residential units in CA (much of it in
Northern CA) and a substantial amount of commercial real estate. We have a solid reputation of
renovating projects and improving the neighborhood. We specialize in turning around dilapidated
properties. Our projects typically include complete interior and exterior renovation. We recently
purchased 33 units at 470 Central Ave and have plans to complete a large scale, modern
renovation. Every project we do improves the lives and quality of our residents. I have personally
assisted and helped a number of tenants in our city (including paying for one tenants
kidney dialysis because he was uninsured).
I also own property in tenant-friendly jurisdictions like San Francisco, Oakland and Los Angeles,
and as such, have a substantial amount of experience in rent-controlled jurisdictions. I am
surprised and disappointed that Alameda would entertain this politically-motivated and reactionary
agenda that simply interferes with free market enterprise and creates substantial government
bureaucracy. I will tell you with certainty that if you pass rent control, I will SELL my
property in Alameda and move on to improve another town.

All the political opinions and dogma aside, it is undisputed that 95% of our nations top economic
minds do not support rent control. I suggest you simply take a short drive from San Leandro into
Oakland (non-rent controlled to rent-control). You will see property dilapidation and the effects of
rent-control. Is this what you want for our city? I dont think people understand the non-sense that
comes with this type of regulation. Please allow me to outline just a few inevitable outcomes:

1) Emergence of Legal Blackmail / Overcrowding of Courts - Nonprofit and

supposed not-for-profit firms like EDC (Oakland) and BASTA (Los Angeles) will appear and
encourage tenants to demand JURY TRIALS for every simple eviction case. They will file motion
after motion to delay evictions for months and then shake down landlords for $10,000 - $15,000
to move out. Typical provisions in their settlement stipulations are agreements to seal the eviction
record, waive all back rent, provide good/neutral references, and return security deposit. Landlords
are forced to settle due to the high cost of litigation. And bad tenants are rewarded for their
behavior with free rent, a windfall of cash, and the unfettered ability (with a sealed record) to take
advantage of the next unsuspecting landlord. While this is something I can afford to fight and do
so regularly, what will the mom and pop and retired owners do? Do you know that 80% of
residential rental property in Oakland is owned by mom and pops who own maybe 1 or 2 little
properties? The City of Oakland is too stupid to realize who they are hurting. The larger

landlords will lawyer up and the smaller landlords will suffer. Minor eviction cases that should take
a 1/2 hour of a judges time will now take months and clog up our court system. Owners will then
become reluctant to take a chance on prospective tenants with less than perfect credit.
Rent control hurts the many people it professes to protect.

2) Reduction in Rental Property Stock Recently I had to evict some tenants in a building in
Los Angeles, CA. So after the tenants left, I was considering renovating the property and
subsequently re-renting. But Los Angeles rent control is so onerous, that I decided to demolish the
property altogether and build for-sale product that would now be outside of rent control (Costa
Hawkins). Now there are 9 fewer rental units in the city. This is a city-wide epidemic in Los
Angeles and San Francisco; both cities are LOSING rental stock at an alarming rate. If youre
considering rent control in Alameda, get ready to lose units and get ready for Ellis Act

3) Empowerment of the Bureaucrats Get ready to beef up your code enforcement and rent
board staff. You will need to increase your staff up to 10-fold to deal with the deluge of complaints,
allegations, questions, etc that will follow as a result of these policies. All the money we spend
on this bureaucracy could be spent helping the homeless.

The only way to address affordable housing is to deal with the zoning and planning policies of
Alameda. We need to increase density so that multifamily development can become a financial
reality. Right now, the only substantial multifamily developments occurring are Class A apartments
and condo projects. The onerous entitlement process combined with all the off-site and
development costs imposed by the city are HINDERING affordable housing.

Lets solve the real problem and stop the political bantering. Telling the workforce that your rent is
not going up is a great way to garner votes, but horrible for the city in the long term. Cities with
the strictest rent control laws (New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco) have the some of the
highest rates of rental stock attrition and tend to be the most bureaucratic and saddled with
poorly-maintained units. Rent control may seem interesting now, given the rents are very high. But
rents will eventually go back down (they always do); and when they do, youll be STUCK WITH

Lets not forget the obvious : San Francisco, New York and Los Angeles have some of the most
unaffordable rents in the country. Rent control is NOT WORKING. Listen to our countrys topic
economists; dont listen to me. I will just sell my Alameda inventory and re-invest in other areas of


Thanks, Matt

-----------------------------------------------Matt Sridhar
Chief Executive Officer
Sridhar Equities
1777 Saratoga Ave # 209
San Jose, CA 95129
phone: (408)725-9500
fax: (408)725-9503

Box Type:
Message Id:

Claudia Young []

Fwd: 60 Day Notices @ 470 Central Avenue, Alameda
12-Nov-2015 18:17:02 UTC-08:00
12-Nov-2015 18:17:04 UTC-08:00
12-Nov-2015 21:19:48 UTC-08:00

TEXT.htm [Save] [Open]
ATT00002.htm [Save] [Open]
ATT00001.htm [Save] [Open]
60 Day Notice - 470 Central Ave.pdf [Save] [Open]
60 D Notice - 470 Central Ave.pdf [Save] [Open]
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Begin forwarded message:

From: Norma Martinez <>
Date: November 12, 2015 at 3:21:00 PM PST
To: "" <>
Cc: Matt Sridhar <>, Carol Santos <>
Subject: 60 Day Notices @ 470 Central Avenue, Alameda
Hi Claudia,
Matt asked me to forward the attached copies of the 60 day notices to your attention.
Thank you,
Norma Martinez
Sridhar Equities
T: 408-725-9501
F: 408-725-9503

SlllDllt\R [ <lJll Tll ~

Dear Tenant,
We are serving you the enclosed Sixty-Day Notice of Termination of Tenancy. This means you
will need to vacate your unit within 60 days of receipt.


We are seeking in good faith to recover possession so as to perform work on the building
housing your rental unit and/or the premises thereabout; and :
1) Such work cost will exceed 8 times your monthly rent (rent as of Nov 2015)
2) The work will render the unit uninhabitable for a period exceeding 30 days.
We are sorry to see you go. You are welcome to reapply once the work is completed. Please be
advised that if you do not move out within the 60-day period, we will begin eviction
proceedings and your credit may be negatively affected.

If you are interested in leaving earlier, you may qualify for our early incentive I relocation
assistance program, a program we are voluntarily offering, please contact Norma at (408) 725 9501.
Carol Santos
Sridhar Equities




ol lhc prcm'.sc:::; loc:nl~cJ nl

- - --

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i!pp!,cnb~c) _ _

PLE/,s:: TN<E IWit:E lh:il yocr l ~num.y ul the prcm:sc:::; I:; tcrmln::ild cfic:tirn cl the end of n ::;ixly (GO) dny pcii:cJ r.flcr :::;cr;;cc
on YJU of H1'.::; 11::1:cc, or _

_.0,_1..,/_.1._1LL/_.1....6,______ wh'chcvcr I;:; bier.


You mu :;\ r-c'1ccJ~Jly vn::itc the prcrnl:::;cr. nnd remove nll of r our pt.'r::;cn:il pwpcrly en m before the da! c l:i:fo:.ilcct ubove. If you
rn110 qu\I nnd dcJ;vcr p:i~!;C!i!llon, legal pro::ccding:::; \':::11.J o ln!:ililutccJ nnn~n!:I you lo c1bt.:i~n po!:i5C!l!llon nn:J !;Uch proccci:!ir.1:;
ccu!:l rcsua In n j ud::imcnl iJ'.)a'.ml you v1h!ch rmiy b:lu:Jo illtumoys' rec::; nnd c:o:.JTI cost::; n!i ofo,;ccJ hy Ill':, plll!i lite 01.-nciir,gcnl
rm1y recover Lln ndd.!ion'11 punll'. vc m1'1rtl of :;\x hundred do!l:m:; {5600) In o:corrfon:c wllh Cn!:lorr.l;:i l::i'.'/ lo: tuch u:ilm.iul
llclcn\"on Th"::; b!:]3l ncl o:i \';;!I n'so rcsu!l 1'1 fo:l c:1uru nl the rcnlnl nnrccimml
T/\!:; l fot:cc of Tcrm~nal ion or Tmi:incy cJoc:; not rt:licvo you or pnymcnl o! nny r.nzrndnl olJ'.ignlion for rcnl o.;c:J un!:l th!:! nctunl
dn!c ul krmln:1\1011 n! k:i:lllcy.
W:J nrc scckinJ in good faith to rc::ovcr posscs::;fon so ;is to perform \'Jork on the uui!ding hou;;ing your rental unit ond/or p a:~mi scs
lhcmab::iut, on:J

1) Su:h work will exceed 0 l.m!:!s


monthly rent (rnnl iJS ol Nov 201 !'i)

2) The \'Jmk will render the un:t un:nh::il>llnblc for o period exceed n~ 3!J <.i<Jys

tr you ru:1 \:J f11lfi!1 lhc \crm::; nt y::ur c:rcd I o~::g:! Ccn::;, n crcd I rcpo:l rcOccl nJ en your cm.I I hi5lory rnn}' liu suln1'.l!cll \o

credit rcpc1t'n!J O!J!:!Hc:y.

You h;:irn the right to request nn ln;\ii'!! ln!:ipcc:t::J:t ol your unll nr.ll I:> LI:? p:cscnl t!uring lhnl lnspcction, \',h'ch shall occur no cLlrl!cr
\hiln \':iU \ '/Ccl-:!.i 1.JUIO:l! \he lcrn;!rdiOtl OI the (Cl\iJll!:.Y i.!lld tJu;in:J ncrmnJ bu:;!nc:;:; h OUT!:i , fl\ lh~!i lni!J;:i! ln!:ipcr.t:on, \lia Q ,'.Tlt! l//\!:]CrJ\
\'1:~1 proviuo nn Itemized ::;tntcrncnl :;pcc:iry:11!J rcp:;~rr; or c:l!:i:in'ng tl1nl mo propo!icd l o be Ilic bm:;'.::; for the dctJu:l'.an::; rrorn the
!iCCUrlty clepo::;:t.1hls m;:iy no\ ll::? n finnl occounl:ng of dcduci:on!i lrom Ih a :;cc.uril dcpo!il! A !iepnrntc I Jotlce of Re:;lt.lcnrr:;
OpHon to Rcq:Je:;l nn ln'. tial ln!ipcc:t!cn b provitkd \'/ith lhi!; l~ olic:c er \':l!I follow v;ilh~n il rcn!ioniJ\Jle limo. Plcn!ic comp!clc tho
form nnd rcl:.11n It In O\:ncr/f1gcnl If ynu \';lsh lo <Jrr>mgo for iln ln:tiul lnspcct:on
Pursunn\ ta Civil Code Sccl!o:i 1!l~fi . 1, Slntc bw pc1m:::; former lcmm'.5 to recla:m ouilr.doncd p:m;on:>I r:ro11ci1y kit nl lho former
nddrc!:is or the lr.mnnt, r:;uujc:l l o cc1l:>!n cor.r.J11:ons You mny or mny not I.Jc nlllc l o rcclilim property \',ilhoul lncunin!J nd~ llcniJI
cos~. dcpcr.din!J o n lhc c:osl or ::;\orin!J tho propcrly ont.l tho lcnglh cf I mQllcl ore I\ b rcc!Jimcd. In ncncrnl, t11c!:ic c:osl.s \',ill be
bwcr the no: ncr you t:onla:.I ycur former lnr.d:ard Liller ln:;n!J llmt property bcl:mg;ng l o you was left behind o!lcr you
rnovctl cul.

DJll l

Sricllilr Equ:tle!;, In: f:ir 15Hi 1~1 Ave LLC


The City of Alameda's Rent Review Ordinance [Alameda Municipal Code ("AMC"), Sections 657 .1 and follmving], effective October 1, 2015, requires that whenever a "housing provider", i.e.,
a landlord, is required to provide a notice of a rent increase to a tenant under State law, the
housing provider is also required to provide to the tenant a separate notice concerning the
availability of rent review procedures under the Rent Review Ordinance. If a housing provider
fails to provide this separate notice to the tenant, then under the City's Rent Review Ordinance,
the rent increase is void, the housing provider shall take no action to enforce the invalid rent
increase, and a tenant may rely on this failure as evidence in a tenant's defense in an unlawful
detainer action based on the tenant's failure to pay an illegal rent increase. Section 6-57.3
The notice required under the Rent Review Ordinance must be in writing and shall provide the
name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider. The housing
provider shall either personally deliver the notice to the tenant or shall mail the notice to the
tenant by first class mail, postage pre-paid, and addressed to the tenant at the property that the
tenant rents. Section 6-57.4, AMC.

In addition to the name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider, the
text of the notice shall be as set forth on the attached form. Section 6-57.5, AMC.
Please note that this notice must be provided to a tenant each and every time there is a
rent increase.

If there are questions concerning the administration of the Rent Review Ordinance, please call
the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda at 510-747-4316, or email rrac@alamedahsg .org.

SJllllllAll [ (1!1111 1~

Dear Tenant,
We are serving you the enclosed Sixty-Day Notice of Termination of Tenancy. This means you
will need to vacate your unit within 60 days of receipt.

We are seeking in good faith to recover possession so as to perform work on the building
housing your rental unit and/or the premises thereabout; and :
1) Such work cost will exceed 8 times your monthly rent (rent as of Nov 2015)
2) The work will render the unit uninhabitable for a period exceeding 30 days.
We are sorry to see you go. You are welcome to reapply once the work is completed. Please be
advised that if you do not move out within the 60-day period, we will begin eviction
proceedings and your credit may be negatively affected.
If you are interested in leaving earlier, you may qualify for our early incentive I relocation
assistance program, a program we are voluntarily offering, please contact Norma at (408) 725 9501.
Carol Santos
Sridhar Equities



ol lh:! prcr;;'scs loc.::lcd nl

------------~-'-7"'""0-"C-.r_n'""'r"""":i""'If'"'",1;-2_ri_l_'1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , Un;1t: (ii npp!1c:ilb~c) _ _
f5t:t::: :~d:1. u~:}

-------------~'~':i~m~.~~.rl~r~------------~ c~ ----"""n~~5~a~1'----1r1:;J
Pi..E/\SS TN<E I JDTICE th:il yo:.!r l !:mm:y ul llrn r;rcm:scs I:; t ~mtlnul ed dic:livc cl \he end of ;i dxly (GO) dny pc1i:::d cllcr :;cr:ce

un y;:iu ol Ht'.!i 11ot:c:c, o; _

_..0. _1...../_.1_.1..../_.1....6._______ \'ih'cltovcr I;. bier.


You mus\ ric:icc;-i':.Jly vnc::itc llw prcm'.!ic!i nnd remove nil ol your pcn:;on::il prormty en o~ before Ille dn!c l;i:Jicn\cd nbovc. tr you
fn'l l::J CjUil nnd dcl.vcr p::i!i!iC!i!ilon, l:::g;:il procccdinf)!i \';::1tJo ln!ildutcd cgLi'nsl you lo oblLl:n pO!i!iCS!il!ln nmJ !::Uclt proccc~ ing!i
cou!:l rcsu'.t In u jud!J;ncnt n:io:n::t you \'1h~th rmiy l:dutlC! nllumcys' rce!i nnd court co!il!i n!i ol!owcd hy l:iw, plu!i lhc 0-:;ncr/f,gcnl
rnily recover nn ndd.!!on::il pun:1:vo n'.'larcJ of ::.Ix llunt.lrcll t.lo'brs (5600) In nc:cord:m::c \;ilh Cn~lorr.1:1 b"''
cuch u:i!m;ILJI
tklcnl!on Tlt'.!i l ~ o:i1 ill:I oa ,,;:! r.'s::i rc5u:1b fo:l c:l!irc nf Iha rcnlnl nnrccnwnt


Till:; 1-fol'.cc or Tcrm'nLll!::in cl Tcn:mcy doer. nnt re!: eve you tll p:iymcnl ol rm; r:nmi::itll ou'.ign!i:m lor rcnl O',';Cd un!:l lltn nc:hJnl
t.ln!c uf l!.!rm:n;i\ion or tc:inncy.
We nrc s eeking in good fu:th to recover posscs!ilon so os to per form \'1ork on the uu:!u:n'.) h:iusing your 1entnl un:t nn:J/or p;cm:scs
thcrcnti::iut nn:l

1) Su~h \':::irk \'l;:1 exceed a t:mc!i your mo:'l'.hly rnnt (rent ns or I lov 2015)

2) Th::i work w::1 rcllrJcr the un:t un:nltobitnblc for

o pc1iou cxccctl rig 30 duys

tr you l.i'\ b h11fi!l l '1c \crm!> o! ycur e.tcd I o~'.:go ~ons, n c:rcll 1tcpo:i rcr.ccl.n::J en your rn:ll.1lti5 lory mny bu !:iulm!l'. cll to
n rn:tfl rcp::rfn!J ng:mcy.
Yo:.1 hil\'C t~.c righl lo rc:)UC!il nn 1:i:1b! ln!ipcc:\ion of your uni\ nr.t.l \ o b~ p~cscn\ curing \l1nl l:1spcc:lion, v.h'ch sl:nli occur r.o c;:i1Hcr
! \':;u \'/ccb:; bolorn tho k111;imilio;i ol lhc l cnllnc.y nntJ du;i;ig ncrmnl bus!ncss hours. Al \h!!i ln;tlu1 lnspcc:t:on, \l;n o...ncr//\~cnl
\'/:!! provitfo n:i llcmlwd i;t::ilomcnl ~;p oci ry:11n rcp:i:rn or c:lcan'ng l h:it mo proposctJ lo I.Jo llw l.i;:i:i:s for the dollu: tion:; from the
sccur;ty dcpo!i!I. 1hls rnny no\ l.J!:! n finnl occoun\ing of dcduc:t:ons from llrn !.icc.urily dcposll f1 sqi::irutc IJollco ol Rcsllle;i\'i;
Opt;on lo Reques t nn l:1ilinl l11spcdlca l!i provi~cd \'/i!h this lfot:ce er \':lll follow \'ii\h!n o rcnso11nbla tirnc . Plcnso c:omp~cla Ilia
lorm nn:J ret:.irn It In o.,;ncr/f1gcnl If yau \';ish lo nrr;inga for nn ln:t!nl lnspcct:on

Pur!iui:inl \o Civil Code Scct!:m 19~Ei 1, Slain l aw pc.rrn::s for lil~r tcnnn'.s to nll:mdom:d pcr!ion:JI popc;ty kit ot th!J former
ndllrc!is or thc l crmn!, !iub!c:t to ccrto:n c:oi'Od:t:ons You mny or mny not be nblc lo rcc.IL!im prop!Ht; wilhoul lncuning ndd !lcnnl
c:ost!;, depending on t he cos\ al rilorir.g th o property nnd tho length cf I me hclorc I\ Is rcclJimcd . In gcncrul, these costs \',lll llu
bwcr lhe so: ncr you co:1ln:I your former l;in:llonl n!ler b c.:ing llml properly bcl:Jng:ng l o you \'/ils left bchlntl ollcr you
moved out.




Er;uH!c!i, Inc l::ir 151 Ei 1st two LLC

~-:, Al a 1r1ecta

t -- 1

1 -:::-l l


The City of Alameda's Rent Review Ordinance [Alameda Municipal Code ("AMC"), Sections 657.1 and following]. effective October 1, 2015, requires that whenever a "housing provider", i.e.,
a landlord, is required to provide a notice of a rent increase to a tenant under State law, the
housing provider is also required to provide to the tenant a separate notice concerning the
availability of rent review procedures under the Rent Review Ordinance. If a housing provider
fails to provide this separate notice to the tenant, then under the City's Rent Review Ordinance,
the rent increase is void, the housing provider shall take no action to enforce the invalid rent
increase, and a tenant may rely on this failure as evidence in a tenant's defense in an unlawful
detainer action based on the tenant's failure to pay an illegal rent increase. Section 6-57.3
The notice required under the Rent Review Ordinance must be in writing and shall provide the
name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider. The housing
provider shall either personally deliver the notice to the tenant or shall mail the notice to the
tenant by first class mail, postage pre-paid, and addressed to the tenant at the property that the
tenant rents. Section 6-57.4, AMC.
In add ition to the name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider, the
text of the notice shall be as set forth on the attached form. Section 6-57.5, AMC.
Please note that this notice must be provided to a tenant each and every time there is a

rent increase.
If there are questions concerning the administration of the Rent Review Ordinance, please call
the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda at 510-747-4316, or email

SllllJ HAI\ [ ()JJITI J s

Dear Tenant,
We are serving you the enclosed Sixty-Day Notice of Termination of Tenancy. This means you
will need to vacate your unit within 60 days of receipt.

We are seeking in good faith to recover possession so as to perform work on the building
housing your rental unit and/or the premises thereabout; and :
1) Such work cost will exceed 8 times your monthly rent (rent as of Nov 2015)
2) The work will render the unit uninhabitable for a period exceeding 30 days.
We are sorry to see you go. You are welcome to reapply once the work is completed. Please be
advised that if you do not move out within the 60-day period, we will begin eviction
proceedings and your credit may be negatively affected.
If you are interested in leaving earlier, you may qualify for our early incentive/ relocation
assistance program, a program we are voluntarily offering, please contact Norma at {408} 725 9501.
Carol Santos
Sridhar Equities




_ _ __ __

_ _ _ _....;
I c'-n""'u_'1_ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ ,

U11;1;; (ii Ofifll1c:nb'c)_ _


f5t:cn:t /,-;j, us:}

PLEt,s:: T/,\{t; I lOil:E \hJ\ your l ~nunq ul the pa:m:5c5 I:; tc;mlnJld cfic::h\'c ct the cntl or n dxly (CO) dLJy pcrictl .:lier !: en:icu

on you of llt'.5 not: co, or _

_,,0,_1._./_.1'-1..../_.1_..6.___ ____ wh'clwvcr I:; bier.


You mu5\ pc;:ice;:i~ly v n::i!c 1110 prcmlr.or. nnd rcrnavo otl al r our pr.:t5on;il piopcrty en u~ before tho ctn!o b:lic.itcd nbovc. 11 you
fn.l l:J CjUi\ nnd dcl;vcr fl::l:i5C55lon, fcgul pro::ccding5 \'i;:l l.!o ln::;lo!utcd L![lu1fl5! you lo oblJ:n p055C55IOn nn:J !:Ucll proccccir.g;:;
cou'.:l 1c5utl In n juu!Jimml naa:n~t you \ 1h!c.h may b:lu:.Jc nllornoys' foo5 nn:l court co5\5 n5 ol'. o:;cd hy l:iw, plu:. the O;;ncr/f1!:)t nl
may recover nn odd.:ion:il punl\:i:c &
wi;ircJ of!;\" llundrcd llo'!:m; (5600) In nccord:m::c \'illh Cn!:ro1r.l:l l:r:1ro ~ Gu:li u:i!m.iul
tlclcnFon 11i:s 1:?!:]n\ nc:l :Jn r;i!I nlso re5llll b fo:l c:turc nl the rcnlnl n!Jrccnwnl


IJul'cc of Tcrm'n:Jt::in <JI Tcn:incy cJ0[.)5 not r::i:ovc you of p.iymcnl o! mir r.nrmci:il ou'.:gn!i:m !or rr-nl o::ctl un!.l l!rn nc.lunl
llnlc ol lt!rmlnnllon nl \c:i;:incy.
We nrc scckin;i in good filith to recover posscss:on so ns to pcr fom1work on the bui:d.n;:i h:Jus:ng y:rnr rental un:t nn:ltor prcmses
\hereabout, an:I

1) Su::h work w;a exceed 0 times ycur mon'.hly r<:nt (rent ns ol



2) 1he \'1crk will render the unit un:nhobitoble fur o peri od 30 d:;ys

If you lI b fulr1!l lllo lcrrns of y::u; r.rcd.t nb'.:9:!lc:m:;, n crcd I rcpo:i rcnccl.nJ en your cri:d 1lli:: lory may l w !::J~ i1i l '. cd to
n crct.1;1rcjlorfn!J ng!mcy.
You hu\'C lhc right lo rqucsl <in lnili;il Inspection of your unll ID U'.:! p:cscnl curing l hnl Inspection, \',h'c.h !;hull occur r.:J cnrncr
lhnn l\;o \'IL'Cb l.Jc(o;u lhu \crmin:JliOll of \he \cnnnc.y <!r\U <.J u:inn ncrmnl bu:;!ncss hours, f,\ lhlz lni!lill lnspect:on, lite Q-,,;icr//\!:]cn\
\'1:~1 provitlo n1 ltcmlzctl tilnlcmcnl !:iJrncify:11ri rnp:i~rn or clcon'ng \lint nro propoi;cd lo be Ille bntiz!i for llw tlcllu: 1:on!i fr orn Ilic
5ec:urily clepoti:l. 1hl5 rliilY not be 0 rmnl o::.coun\ing al tlethrct:onn from !ho !iCC.Urily dcponll f1 !iCJlilliltCI Jo!lc:c or Rc!ihlc:;t"r.
Option lo RctrJ c ~l on ln'linl l:1!ipcctlo:1 I:. pro vi~c tl \'1ith lhl!i lfot:c:c er wi:I rol!ow v;ilh!n o rcasonnblo lime. Plcil!iOcornp!cl::! Iha
lorm nnll rcl~r rn II In O\':ocrlf,gcnt If you v;lsh ta orran!Jo for .,n lnllinl lnspccrcn
Pursu;:int to Civil Cod!! Sc::.t:::i:i 1!Wi 1, Slnta bw pmn'.:!:i l:nmcr tcnJn:s to rcclil'.m nb::mdoncd pcri;onJI r:ropcrty lcll ol tho rormcr
nddrci;::; of liw tcnml, nuli)c::l lo ccrlnln cor.d.lions You mily or nlily nol be :illlC! lo reclaim properly wilhoul lncunin::i ndd llcnnl
c:o!i!!;, cJcr;cndin!J on the cost or ::;taring lho properly nn:l lho length ol 1me l.!clorc I\ 15 rcc:lJimcd. In gcncrnl, these t o~\:; \',ill be
lower the i;o: ncr you c:onln::.I your former lnnd'onl oflcr being 11n!ificd th.ii properly bcl:mg:ncr lo you \'lil5 lch behind oiler you
moved out.


Sridtinr Equllicti, Inc for 151Ei


/\vc llC


The City of Alameda's Rent Review Ordinance [Alameda Municipal Code ("AMC"), Sections 657.1 and following]. effective October 1, 2015, requires that whenever a "housing provider", i.e.,
a landlord, is required to provide a notice of a rent increase to a tenant under State law, the
housing provider is also required to provide to the tenant a separate notice concerning the
availability of rent review procedures under the Rent Review Ordinance. If a housing provider
fails to provide this separate notice to the tenant, then under the City's Rent Review Ordinance,
the rent increase is void, the housing provider shall take no action to enforce the invalid rent
increase, and a tenant may rely on this failure as evidence in a tenant's defense in an unlawful
detainer action based on the tenant's failure to pay an illegal rent increase. Section 6-57.3
The notice required under the Rent Review Ordinance must be in writing and shall provide the
name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider. The housing
provider shall either personally deliver the notice to the tenant or shall mail the notice to the
tenant by first class mail, postage pre-paid, and addressed to the tenant at the property that the
tenant rents. Section 6-57.4, AMC.
In addition to the name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider, the
text of the notice shall be as set forth on the attached form. Section 6-57.5, AMC.

Please note that this notice must be provided to a tenant each and every time there is a
rent increase.
If there are questions concerning the administration of the Rent Review Ordinance, please call
the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda at 510-747-4316, or email

s1tm11"" Ctu11 rn'

Dear Tenant,
We are serving you the enclosed Sixty-Day Notice of Termination of Tenancy. This means you
will need to vacate your unit within 60 days of receipt.
We are seeking in good faith to recover possess ion so as to perform work on the building
housing your rental unit and/or the premises th ereabout; and :
1) Such work cost will exceed 8 times your monthly rent (rent as of Nov 2015)
2) The work wi ll render the unit uninhabitable for a period exceeding 30 days.
We are so rry to see you go. You are we lcome to reapply once the work is comp leted. Please be
advised that if you do not move out within the 60-day period, we will begin eviction
proceedings and your credit may be negatively affected.
If you are interested in leaving earlier, you may qualify for our early incentive/ relocation
assistance program, a program we are voluntarily offering, please contact Norma at (408) 725 9501.
Carol Santos
Sridhar Equities



a! Ilic prcm'.:;c:; located ol

------------''~-'-70'"'""""C.._1"'-'n_.1r""";il-'A-'-\i'"""'t''""n""'u_~_ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ , U11;1t: (ii nr;pl1c:nb'.c)_ _

(.!:t;c~I ,', ;1;! US ! }

PLEAS:: T!ll<E /~ OT!C:E lhJt your lcnun::.y C:: \lw prcrn'.!;C!:i I:; t:::rrnln::il c:J\'C ct tho cntl o! i1 d,;ly (GO) day rmictl ;:lier ::c:v:rn

un you ol th'.:; nol:cc, o; __Qj.._/..._

1_._1,_/1.. .,6. .______ v1h'cl10vcr I:; bier.

You mu :;\ pcnccn~1ly v;ic:i!c Ille prcrn1:;cr. nnd rcmovc nil of your pcr!'ion:tl property en o:- bcf:irc the du!c l:i:Jict'l\cd n!rnvc. ll you
rn11:i riuil anti dcl;vcr Jl::>!:iSC5!ilon, lcg::il proccccJ'ng!i \';i~I I.Jo ln:;li!utctl c g<i'n ~ l you to oblu~n po:;::;c5::;lon nntl ?:uch praccc~ ir.g::;
c:cu!d rc!iull ln n j udgment n'.)n:n~I you \'lhlch nrny b::lutlc nllorncys' rcc!i :m!J cou;t co::;l:; n:; o1'. o:;cd hy l:lw, plun lhc O;mcrff1'.)cnl
may recover on ndd.!ion:il runl\:rn mnrtl of !:ill\ lluntlrcrl t.lo~l:irs (5600) In nccor1bncc wllil Cn!'. f::>rr.b l:m ro~ w:::li un!nwful
dclcn!:on Th:!i J::i [JG\ ml ::m \'ii!I nl&o 1csul\ l:i fo:1c;111rc r.I tlm rcnli11 nnrcr.nrnnl
Tl\!:; Not:co of Tcrm'n'3t::::m ui Tcn:incy doc:; not rcl:cvn you of p:;ymcnl ol Oil)-' Cinand:il o!J':gobn for rcnl o"" c:J u;;!.l ltm net uni
dnlc of 1!.!rm!11:1llon or lc:i:mc.y.
We nrc sccldnJ in gnod fn:th to recover pos5css:on 5::> n!i to perform work on the !Jui!d:n3 hous:ng yo:Jr rcntnt un:t oilj/c; prcm:scs
lhcrenbou\, :mj
1) Su:::h \'/Ork v:;:1exceed D tirnon your monthly rent (rcnl ns of Nov 2015)

2) Th::i \':ork v1::: render the un:t un:nhnti:tablc for n pc::irimJ cxcccd1ng 30 d<iy5

lf y:iu r::.:\ l:i lulri!l lhe \errm; o! ycur r.rcd.l ob~:9nt:o n :; , n n cgnl.v~ c:rcd,l 1cpu:l 1cP.ccling en your crcd,l ll:sl ory may 111.! !;Ub1: 1~ ctl l o
n c:rcdit rcpar\'n!.J ng~ncy.
Yo:J have 1r.c righ! l o rcquc&I nn lni!in\ lnr.pcctio:l or your uni\ nr.d \Gb::i p:csent curinn lh:sl h 5pccl'.on, \'ih'c.h shall occur no c:irlic;
than t::u \'ICC~:s l.Jelo:u Urn lcr111!11;1tio11 or lite lcnnncy ;;ntl nor mill bus!ncs:; hour!i, I\\ lhl!.i ln11inl ln!.ip!!cl:cn, Uw o:.11c1/f\~er.t
\'J ;~J provjtJo il:l Jtornlzcd r,Jnlomcn\ :;pecify:11g (C fl:l~rr; OT cJcnn'ng lllU! ntO flrDjl05CU \O be Ilic l.Jnr;!i; (or the U C UU:l~Ofl.5 rro:n lhe
!lcCllrily clcp::i&:I. 1hl!i may n:il \le :i finnl n: ccunl!ng or ucducion!:i from tile !.iCCUrlly tlcpo!:ilt A !iOpnmlc rJot!cc or Rc!lh.lcn\'r.
Opl:on l o Rc11~c:;\ ;m lil1liul lnspcd lo:1 In provided \'1itl1 lhi!l rfot:ce or wlll follow with!n n rcn!loilnlilr! limo. Plcn5o cornp~c\o the
form mid rel'.lrn It to D:ncr//1gcnl If you \'ilsh to nrr::.nno for .:n lnllii'.!l ln!:ipcci.on
Pursun:i\ lt1 Civil Cmfo Scr:li:i:i 1~~5 . 1, Slnlo bw pcrm'.:r; l orr;icr l onnn'.:; to rcc:lil'.01 nb::indoncd po1r;on:il property kit o\ lho lormcr
'1ddrc5!:i or the tcnilal, !i\Jujc::\ l o ccrl:J:n contlilion!i You mny or may nol l.Je ol.Jlc l o rcdnlrn property wilhoul lncunin!J ndd tlcn;:il
co!;~. li er.ending on Iha co5\ or !ilorir.g tho property end tho lcngtlt or I rnc l.Jeroro I\ 15 rcclJimctl. In ncncrnl, lhc!:ie co::;l:; \'.ill be
bwer the r;o:nc r you conl'1:1ycur farmer luml'ard n!tcr uc:ng n:it:ficd lhnt riropcrly bcbng:nn lo you \'/il.5 loh behlntl olll:r you
moved oul.


ONncr!.i;ionr Srichnr EquHlcs, In: for 1fi1 G 1~1 f\vc LLC


The City of Alameda's Rent Review Ordinance [Alameda Municipal Code ("AMC"), Sections 657 .1 and following], effective October 1, 2015, requires that whenever a "housing provider", i.e.,
a landlord, is required to provide a notice of a rent increase to a tenant under State law, the
housing provider is also required to provide to the tenant a separate notice concerning the
availability of rent review procedures under the Rent Review Ordinance. If a housing provider
fails to provide this separate notice to the tenant, then under the City's Rent Review Ordinance,
the rent increase is void, the housing provider shall take no action to enforce the invalid rent
increase, and a tenant may rely on this failure as evidence in a tenant's defense in an unlawful
detainer action based on the tenant's failure to pay an illegal rent increase. Section 6-57.3
The notice required under the Rent Review Ordinance must be in writing and shall provide the
name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider. The housing
provider shall either personally deliver the notice to the tenant or shall mail the notice to the
tenant by first class mail, postage pre-paid, and addressed to the tenant at the property that the
tenant rents. Section 6-57.4, AMC.
In addition to the name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider, the
text of the notice shall be as set forth on the attached form. Section 6-57.5, AMC.
Please note that this notice must be provided to a tenant each and every time there is a
rent increase.
If there are questions concerning the administration of the Rent Review Ordinance, please call
the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda at 510-747-4316, or email

Sllll>llAI\ [ (lJll 111}

Dear Tenant,
We are serving you the enclosed Sixty-Day Notice of Termination of Tenancy. This means you
will need to vacate your unit within 60 days of receipt.


We are seeking in good faith to recover possession so as to perform work on the building
housing your rental unit and/or the premises thereabout; and :
1) Such work cost will exceed 8 times your monthly rent (rent as of Nov 2015)
2) The work will render the unit uninhabitable for a period exceeding 30 days.
We are sorry to see you go. You are welcome to reapply once the work is completed. Please be
advised that if you do not move out with in the 60-day period, we will begin eviction
proceedings and your credit may be negatively affected.
If you are interested in leaving earlier, you may qualify for our early incentive I relocation
assistance program, a program we are voluntarily offering, please contact Norma at (408) 725 9501.
Carol Santos
Sridhar Equities



al Ille pcrn:5c:; locatnd nt

- - - - - - - - - - - , - -.. .;.1..:. .70::.:. . =:C:.;. f'l. ;.;11.. ;.'r.:.:. ;i-l'A..:..11;.;::'i'.'-'n"-'11.. ;.11_ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ , Una t: (ii vpp: cnh'c)_ _
f5t::d ;,:f:/:os:J

PLEl\S:: T/11(: I JOTICE lhJI yo:Jr lcniln:y ul the prcmi:;e:; I;; twnlnal cd cffc:lirn .:t tlw cml or n t:: ~ty (GO) dLJy pcri:r.J ;:lier !".c:v:rn

on ~ou ol lll'.:; not:cc, a:

-~0~1~/~1~1~/~1~6...__,_____ \;h'chcvcr

I:; bier.

You must p c ::iccn~!y vnc::itc Iha prcm::;cr. nncl rcm::ivc ntl of your pcr::;on;il property en u~ before thn dLJtc i:i:lic<itcct n!mvc. II you
f;i'l l:i quit nnd dcl;vcr po!i!iC!i!il:lil, lcgnl pro:::ecu:ng::; \.-i:l l.Je lnsl1!utctl r![]n'n~l you lo obl:i~n po55C!:i5l:in nnd i:ucli procecl!ir.ns
cou~:i rc!iull Inn j u;Jgmenl n~a!n::t you \'1h!ch mny b::ludc ollorncy:;' Ccc:; :mtl court co::;t::; iJ!i ol~o:;ctl hy l:lw, plu::; lhc D\'iilciir\~cnl
rnny recover nn odd:!ion:il p1.mlt:\'c nw;:mJ of !il11 llunr.Jrcrl llo~brr. (5600) 111 nccord;in:e \';llh Co'.'. lorr:b l:r:1 ro~ nu ch u:il:m'ful
tlclcn!ion ih:s bgnl nct:o:i \'1i~l n's:> result In lo:lc:tum ol the rr.n!nl ngrccmnnt

Th!::; lfot:cc of Tcrm'nnfon cl Tcn:mcy UOC!i not rc::avc yo~ uf puymcnl or nny finnn::ii:il ou':g:il::m ror rent o:;c1J un!:l tltn nctunl
tlntc ul krmln:itbn ol l!::i:mcy.
V1.'e me sccl~irq in good ra:t11 to rc::ovcr posscss::m sons to pcrbrm work on Hie bu:Jding housing your rental unit ondicr prcm:ses

lhercnbout, nn:J
1) Such \'/Ork \'/ill exceed O1:mos your mon'.hly rent (rent ::is of Nev 201G)

2) The \:01k \'1;:1rcn:lcr the u:i:t uninh:i!Jitnb!c for n pc1ic:.l exceed ng 30 duys

Ir you r:.:1 l:J h1lr1\l lhc \crmr. ot ycur c.rcr.J t

n credit rcpcr trl!.J n!J:mcy.


n ncgot:vc crct1;1Tcpo:l rcflcr.tin:i en your crc1.J.t history nrny be !it1ln1!l!ctl to

You h.irn the right lo rc;iuc::;t nn J;i;linl lnspnclion or your unit nr.d lo b::! p:cscnt curinn lhnt li15pcct:on, \,h'ch shull occur no c1J11ic;
th;m lwu \'1cch l.icfo;u tho km;'. n;ilion of !he lcnnnr.y cntl du;in'.J narmnl bui;!nc5!i hour:;, flt lhl!i lnitlol ln::;pcc:t:on, the o :.ncr/J\9c;;t
w:H provitlo n:i l:cmlzcd !ilnlcrnon\ !ipccily:rig rcp:i!rr; or ctcnn'ng lliut mo proposed lo be llw bos:::; for thC! rJcr.Ju:fons rr om the
r;ccurily clC!pos;t. 'Thl!i mny not be n f:nol nccounEng of dctluct:on5 from the !iccwily dcpos'it f1 !iCfliJrtl\c IJnllce or Rcs!dcnl'!i
Op Con to Rcque!i l on l:1:1inl ln!ipccl!o;i b provider.I \'1;tl1 lhl!i lfoCce er will follow \'iilh!n n rcn::;on:ililD limo. Plcu::;c comp~cto tho
form nnd rc~l~rn II to a~:ncr/f19cnt H you v;ish lo nrranno for nn lnlli:il lnspecl'on
Pui::;u<ml lo Civil Godo Scc.tio:i 19~5 1, Slnlc l:!w pcrm'.:!i former l cnun~s to rcctu:m nlmr.doncd pcrsonnl porrnny l<:lt nl lho former
nddrc5::; ol the tennn!, !iUlijc:l l o ccrl::i!n cor.diti::ms You mny or rnuy not be!l lo rcc:l:iirn propcrl}' without lncunin!J ndtl tlcni:!l
cos!!;, depending on the c:o5\ of !ilorir.g tho properly end tho lcr19tl1 of I me before f\ l!i rccl.:!irm:d. In ocncrnl. lhc:;e cos!::; \';ill lrn
lower the !io:ncr you c:ontn::I yc:ur f::Jrmcr lnmfonl n!lcr licir.g nnt:r.ctl lliu\ property bcl::mg:ng lo you \'lu!i left behind ollcr yo~
moved out.


Sridhnr Equltlc!i , Inc far 151G1!il fwc l lC

~ ~ A lfl1r1ecic1

--, . _


The City of Alameda's Rent Review Ordinance [Alameda Municipal Code ("AMC"), Sections 657.1 and following], effective October 1, 2015, requires that whenever a "housing provider", i.e.,
a landlord, Is required to provide a notice of a rent increase to a tenant under State law, the
housing provider is also required to provide to the tenant a separate notice concerning the
availability of rent review procedures under the Rent Review Ordinance. If a housing provider
fails to provide this separate notice to the tenant, then und er the City's Rent Review Ordinance,
the rent increase is void, the housing provider shall take no action to enforce the Invalid rent
increase, and a tenant may rely on this failure as evidence in a tenant's defense in an unlawful
detainer action based on the tenant's failure to pay an illegal rent increase. Section 6-57.3
The notice required under the Rent Review Ordinance must be in writing and shall provide the
name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider. The housing
provider shall either personally deliver the notice to the tenant or shall mail the notice to the
tenant by first class mail, postage pre-paid, and addressed to the tenant at the property that the
tenant rents. Section 6-57.4, AMC.
In addition to the name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider, the
text of the notice shall be as set forth on the attached form. Section 6-57.5, AMC.

Please note that this notice must be provided to a tenant each and every time there is a
rent increase.
If there are questions concerning the administration of the Rent Review Ordinance, please call
the Hou sing Authority of the City of Alameda at 510-747-4316, or email

S1t11111AR 01111 11 \

Dear Tenant,
We are serving you the enclosed Sixty-Day Notice of Termination of Tenancy. This means you
will need to vacate your unit within 60 days of receipt.
We are seeking in good faith to recover possession so as to perform work on the building
housing your rental unit and/or the premises thereabout; and :
1) Such work cost will exceed 8 times your monthly rent (rent as of Nov 2015)
2) The work will render the unit uninhabitable for a period exceeding 30 days.
We are sorry to see you go. You are welcome to reapp ly once the wo rk is completed. Please be
advised that if you do not move out within the 60-day period, we will begin eviction
proceedings and your credit may be negatively affected.
If you are interested in leaving earlier, you may qualify for our early incentive/ relocation
assistance program, a program we are voluntarily offering, please contact Norma at {408) 725 9501.
Carol Santos
Sridhar Equities



of lhc prcrn!scs loc.::l!:d ol

_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ .....
t. .....
u_n_ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ , Un:! t: (ii opplicnb:e)_ 2_6_ _
f51;c~I /.:!:!:cs :)

PLEt\SE TAl<E 1rnrrcE t11:il your t!)mmcy ul tlw prcm:!ic!i I:; t:::rmlnnlcd effective at the end or n t:ixly (GO) doy pcricu oile r :;cr.iw
on you ol lh'.s nol:cc, or _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \1h!chcvcr l!i bier.

You mu!i\ pcncc;:i!:lly vnc:ilc Illa prcmlscs nnd remove oll al your peruonnl property en or hcroro llrn dn!c l:i:licalcd obovc. If you
f;:i'l b riu:1ond dcl:vcr posses!ilon, legal proceedings w:~r Lio ln:;lilutcd og a~n!:I you lo obln!n possession nn::J i:uc:h proccc~i ngs
cou:d result In u judgrncmt uga:n!il you whh:h may l:l::lutlc oltorncys' roes nml cowl costs o!l ot:owcd by b \:, plm; tho Owner/Agent
mily recover on ndd;!ional punu;vc m1Jrd of sl" hunurc1I do!llm:; ($600) In occ:orifoncc \:llh Co!:lomln l.J;1 Car cuc:h unlawful
l..lclcnllon. Th:s l ~ [) nl oct:::in r;i!J nlso result b fo:lcih1;c nf the rcnlill

Thi:; Not:cc of Tcrm~nnt::ln ol Tcn:mcy docs not rcl!ovc you or p;:;ymcnl or nn; ( n:mdnl ou::gnlbn for rent owc:J un!:l thc ncll:nl
tln\c ul \t!rrn!nnllon of k:i;mc.y.
We me seeking in good faith to recover possession so os to perform work on the building housing your rcntnl unit ondfor premises
thcrcnbou\; and
1) Such work will exceed 8 limos your mon!h!y rent (rent as of Nov 2015)
2) The work \'/ill render the uni! unlnhnbitablc for o period cxcccd:ng 30 days

If you f;:;~l t:i fulf1!l lhc terms ol ycur crcd.I ob!igat:ons, n ncg:itivc crcd;1report rcncclin!J en your crccJ;l llislory rnny he sulJ:niHcu \o
n credit rcporl'n!J il[)Dllcy.

You ha\'c the right \o rc;iucsl nn lnltial lnspcc\ion GI your unit ar.d lo l>~ p:cscn\ cu1in!] \hut ln!ipeclion, wh'.r.h !ihuUoccur no earlier
than two \'1cct.s l.Jcloru lhc lcrmin;ilioa al \he lcnilncy <ind during normnl bus!nem; hours, Al lhls ln'illal ln!ipcct:on, \he O'..ncr//\!Jcnt
will provida n:i Itemized slalcmcnl ~pccifyl ng r cpt:1~1s or clenn!ng thnt nro propo!:icd to bo tho llo!i!!i ror the d!!du:tton!i from tho
security dcpos!t.1'hls may no\ be n fin<ll oc:c:ounling al dcducEons from the security deposit A scpnrnlC! Nolle! of Rc!:ildenl's
Op lion ta Rcq:.icsl on lnllii!l ln!ipccliori Is provi!.lcd wiU 1!his lfoEce or \'illl rouow wilh!n a rct:1sonnblo time!. Plc<i!lc comp!cl!! tl:o
form nncl rol:.irn II to owncr/A9ent If you wish lo mranno for nn lnllial ln!ipoct:on.
Pursuant ta Civil Codo Section 19-16.1, Sto\o lnw pc1m'.1s former lcmm:!i to rccl;i:m obnndoncd pcrson::il property left ol tho rormcr
address of the tcnnnl, sulijcc\ to ccrbln condilions You m<iy or mny not be ob!C! lo rnc:laim property without lncun!ng add.tlcnal
co!ilr,, tlcpending on tho cost or storing tho property nnd lhC! lcnglh ol I me bnforc II Is rcc!Jimcl..l. In nencral, those costs wi!I be
lower !he so: nor you tonlm;\ your former lnr.cJ!ord nfler IJe:ng notified \hat properly bcl::ing!ng lo YOU WLl!i left behind Dlfct } 'OU
moved out.


O.vncrt.i ;ion l Sridhnr Equlllo!:i, lnc for 151i 1st Ave LLC


The City of Alameda's Rent Review Ordinance [Alameda Municipal Code ("AMC"), Sections 657 .1 and following), effective October 1, 2015, requires that \Vhenever a "housing provider", i.e.,
a landlord, is required to provide a notice of a rent increase to a tenant under State law, the
housing provider is also required to provide to the tenant a separate notice concerning the
availability of rent review procedures under the Rent Review Ordinance. If a housing provider
fails to provide this separate notice to the tenant, then under the City's Rent Review Ordinance,
the rent increase is void, the housing provider shall take no action to enforce the invalid rent
increase, and a tenant may rely on this failure as evidence in a tenant's defense in an unlawful
detainer action based on the tenant's failure to pay an illegal rent increase. Section 6-57.3
The notice required under the Rent Review Ordinance must be in writing and shall provide the
name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider. The housing
provider shall either personally deliver the notice to the tenant or shall mail the notice to the
tenant by first class mail, postage pre-paid, and addressed to the tenant at the property that the
tenant rents. Section 6-57.4, AMC.
In addition to the name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider, the
text of the notice shall be as set forth on the attached form. Section 6-57.5, AMC.

Please note that this notice must be provided to a tenant each and every time there is a
rent increase.
If there are questions concerning the administration of the Rent Review Ordinance, please call
the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda at 510-747-4316, or email

SIUlll lt\I\ [ tl!ll fll S

Dear Tenant,
We are serving you the enclosed Sixty-Day Notice of Termination of Tenancy. This means you
will need to vacate your unit within 60 days of receipt.

We are seeking in good faith to recover possession so as to perform work on the building
housing your rental unit and/or the premises thereabout; and :
1) Such work cost will exceed 8 times your monthly rent (rent as of Nov 2015)
2) The work will render the unit uninhabitable for a period exceeding 30 days.
We are sorry to see you go. You are we lcome to reapply once the work is completed. Please be
advised that if you do not move out within the 60-day period, we will begin eviction
proceedings and your credit may be negatively affected.
If you are interested in leaving earlier, you may qualify for our early incentive/ relocation
assistance program, a program we are voluntarily offering, please contact Norma at (408) 7259501.
Carol Santos
Sridhar Equities




TO. _ __ __ _

A!/ flc~i:fa~IS (ICllJr.:S 0:7:1~~tlcr.J::rJJ1.1 pcs:cu!;;n (fill r.;i:;;::) er::! c.'I C~11::r: f:1 r-::::::11:.'l

of Ille prcrn!5c5 locnlcrl nt

- - - - - - - - - --....;
"-'-7=0....C-...ri.n''""'"'lr.-.:t....;IA..-11-1'-n=u_11_ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ , U11;1tJ (ii opphcnb!c)_2_s___
fSf.-c=! l.:f;f:us:)

PLEASE TN<E 14DTIC:E lh:il your l!.mnncy of the prcmi50::; I:; tcrmlnnlcd crfc::live &::I the cntl or n d,;ly (GO) doy pcricd nllcr :;crvicc
on yau of ltt'.!i nol:co, or _ _ 01/11116
__ _ _ _ _ __ _ wh'.c:hcvcr (::; later.

You mu!i\ pcnr:c::i!:l!y vac:ilc llm prcml5c!i nnd remove oll or ~our pcr::;on:il property en or bclorn tho dale l:idicnlccl o!Jovc. Ir you
ln'l l:::l quit ond dcJ;vcr p:mc!i!ilon, logill proc::ccding!i wi!l lJo ln:;lilulctl D!Jil~n!it you lo obln!n pO!i!iC!i!ilon iln:J !iuch proccodin!)!i
cou!d rc!iu!t In LI Judgment n!]n:nsl you \'1hlc.h may lndudc nllornoy!i' foc!i nn:J cou:t co!il!i O!i ot:owcd hy t::iw, plU!:i the Owncr/l\gcnl
rmiy rcco;.tcr nn odd.!ionn1punn;vc u.w;ird or !i\11 llumJrcrl do~k1m ($600) In o::coru:mcc \'lllh Co!ifomb bw ror cuch unln\,iul
dctcnlion. Th:!i l:ign\ m:li:J:i r 1i!I also rcsutl lr1 fo:fc;turc nl the rcnlnl

Th!s Nol!cc of Tcrm~rwt i:::m ol Tcn:mcy docs not relieve yo:i ol p::iymcnl of nny C:nancia1 obl:gnlion rar rent un1;1 11to nr.tunl

unto ol l ~rm!n:i llan ol lc:inncy.

We arc seeking in good fa:th to recover possession so ns to perform work on the building housing your rental unit nnd/or premises
lhcwabout, and
1) Such work v1ill exceed 0 times your monthly rent (rent ns of Nov 2015)

2) The work will render the unit un!nhabitublc for n period cxcccd:ng 30 d<iys

II you lu~I t:i f11lr1!l lhc terms o! ycur c.rcd.t ob:ignt:ons, n ncgLJtivc credit rcpo;t reflecting on ~cur credit hl5lory mny he !iull:nil'.od to
o crcdil rcporl"ng og!:!ncy.
You ham lho right lo request on lnili;il ln!:.pcclion of your unit or.d lo l>~ p~c5cnt curinn that lmpcction, \',llch !ihall occur no cnrllcr
thLJn lwo \'/cc\rn below \lw tcrminnlio11 or the tenancy &md du:in9 normal bus!noss hour!:i, Al lhl!:i ln'itl;il ln!:ipccl:on, the o ,.,nor/l\!Jcml
w:!I provitla n:-i l!cmlzcd !ilnlcmcnl !ipccilyinn ropzi~r!:i or clenn!ng llrnt mo propo!:icd lo ba Iha lJnsl!:i for the dctlu: Uons from ll1c
!:icturily dcpo!:i:I. 1hl!i may not be n final nccounling ol tleduct;on!:i from Urn !iccurily dcpo!ill A !icpnrnle Nollca or Ro!ih..lcn\'i;
Option to Rcquc!il un 1n;!inl ln!ipcdlo:i l!i provided v1ith lhl!:i Nolica or wlll follow wilh!n o rcn!ionnltla time. Plcil!io cornp!cl!l the
form nnd r ct~rn It to Owner/Agent If you \'lish to nrrange for nn ln:Unl ln!ipccl:on .
Pur!iunnl to Civil Codo Sccl!:in 1946.1, Slulo law pcrm::t> former lcnan:s lo rcda'.rn nbandoncd pcrnomil property left ol tho ronncr
addrc!is of tha lcmml, i;uu)cc.t to ccr1nln camlillon!i You mily or may not lJa oblc lo rnclnirn property wilhoul lncuning odd.llonnl
cos!!;, tJ or.cnding on tho co:;l or :;taring lho properly oml lho length of !"me lJoforc I\ l!i rcc:bimcd. In ooncral, lho!:ic co~ts will lJc
lower lhc !io:ncr you contn:I your former landlord oiler uclnn nol:ficd that properly bcl:mg:nn lo you \'lil!i lcfl behind oiler you
moved out.

OJ la

ONncr:., ~ onl

Sridhar Equlllc!i, Inc for Hi tu 1!il Ave LLC


The City of Alameda's Rent Review Ordinance [Alameda Municipal Code ("AMC"), Sections 6-

57 .1 and following], effective October 1, 2015, requires that whenever a "housing provider", i.e.,
a landlord, is required to provide a notice of a rent increase to a tenant under State law, the
housing provider is also required to provide to the tenant a separate notice concerning the
availability of rent review procedures under the Rent Review Ordinance. If a housing provider
fails to provide this separate notice to the tenant, then under the City's Rent Review Ordinance,
the rent increase is void, the housing provider shall take no action to enforce the invalid rent
increase, and a tenant may rely on this failure as evidence in a tenant's defense in an unlawful
detainer action based on the tenant's failure to pay an illegal rent increase. Section 6-57.3
The notice required under the Rent Review Ordinance must be in writing and shall provide the
name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider. The housing
provider shall either personally deliver the notice to the tenant or shall mail the notice to the
tenant by first class mail, postage pre-paid, and addressed to the tenant at the property that the
tenant rents. Section 6-57.4, AMC.
In addition to the name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider, the
text of the notice shall be as set forth on the attached form. Section 6-57.5, AMC.

Please note that this notice must be provided to a tenant each and every time there is a
rent increase.
If there are questions concerning the administration of the Rent Review Ordinance, please call
the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda at 510-747-4316, or email

Sllll>llAI\ [ (1J ll Tll s

Dear Tenant,
We are serving you the enclosed Sixty-Day Notice of Termination of Tenancy. This means you
will need to vacate your unit within 60 days of receipt.

We are seeking in good faith to recover possession so as to perform work on the building
housing your rental unit and/or the premises thereabout; and :
1) Such work cost will exceed 8 times your monthly rent (rent as of Nov 2015)
2) The work will render the unit uninhabitable for a period exceeding 30 days.
We are sorry to see you go. You are we lcome to reapply once the work is completed. Please be
advised that if you do not move out within the 60-day period, we wi ll begin eviction
proceedings and your credit may be negatively affected.
If you are interested in leaving earlier, you may qualify for our early incentive I relocation
assistance program, a program we are voluntarily offering, please contact Norma at (408) 725 9501.
Carol Santos
Sridhar Equities



of lhc prcm:scs tocL?lod ol

_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
7 n'""'
.... c"""n....,n_..!r.._il_..1A..._v"-"e....n-.u_
'l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , U11;1 #(if opp!i cnb~c)_2_9_ _
(St."t!v/ /,:f:!:us:}

PLEf\SE TAl<E 14DTICE lll:i\ your l!!noncy ol lho prcm:!ie!i I:; lcrmlnatcd cfim:tivo o::I tho end of n siidy (GO) dny pc1ictl nller i;ervice
cm you of th'.s not:c:o, or _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ v;h~chcvcr (::;bier.

You mu:;\ pcnceably vnc::i!c Iha rircml!i05 nncl remove nll or your pt:r5on;il propcrly en or before the dale kidicnted n!Jovc. If you
fn'l lo quit ond dcJ;vcr po!i!ies!ilon, legal procceding5 wl!l llo lnsliluletl ogo!n!il you lo nbtn!n posses5lon nnd 5uch proccoding5
cou!:I result In n j udgmcm\ oga:nsl you \'/hk h m;;y l;l::!udc illlcrncys' Cce5 ontJ ca!.lrl co5l5 05 oHowcd hy l:iw, p!ui:; the 01mcr/A~ ent
mily recover ;:m nddi!ion:il punll;ve ;:m;mJ of !;\ J1 llum.lrcll do~ta rs (5600) In n::corifon::o \':Ith Cn!:lorr.lo b w for 5uch u:t!m.iul
t.lclcnt:on. Th:s b!PI nd:J:t r ;;!I nl!io rc5ul\ ln fo:rc;lurc of lhc rcnlnl ngrccmcnl
Thl!i Not:cc ol Tcrm~nnti::rn of Tcr1Jncy c.lmis nol rcl:evc you of payment of nnr f;nnncinl oti~:gn!ion Car rent owet.I un!:l lho nctunl
t.ln!c ul krmlnnllon of \cn;incy.
We ore seeking in good fa:th to recover posscssbn so ns to perform work on the building housing your rentnt unlt and/or premises
thereabout; and

1) Such work w;:i exceed 13 times your monthly rent (rent ns of Nov 2015)

2) The work

,.,ill render the unit unlnllabilnblc for o period exceeding 30 days

If you In'. \ \;-i fulfiHthe terms of ycur trcd.t ob'.igat:on::;, n nc9:itivc credil rcpo>i rcnecting cm ~our r:rcd1l hislory rnny liu sub:nWcl.I to
n credit rcport'n!J og:mcy.
You have tho right lo request nn lnl!lil1 ln5pcc!ion of your unll ar.d l ob~ present during lhnl lnspctlion, \',h'c.h sh'111 occur no cn1Her
th'1n lwo \'leeks l.lcloru tho \c1rnin:ilio11 of the lcnnncy nnd during normal bus!ncsi:; hours. Al th!!i Initial lnspoct:cn, lhc n..nc1ffl~cnl
\'/ill provido nn Ile mlzod !'.ilalerncnl ::;pccily;ng rcp:i!rs or clonn~ng lh::il nro propose ti lo be the llil~l!i ror thE! t.lctlu:lion5 rrom tho
!lccurily dcpo~! l. 1hls mny not b!:! n linnl nccounling of tJetl11cl ;on~ from tho !iec:urily dcpo!ill. A!iepatillo ~Jolie!! of Rcsltlc:i\'s
Oplion l:J Request on lnllial lnspcdlon 1!:i prov1dct.I with lhl5 Nol:cc or wtll rotJow with!n n rcnsom1blo lime. Plca5o comp~cl!l tho
rorrn nnd return II lo Owner/Agent If you \'llsh lo nrrangc for nn lnll!'11 impcct:on .
Pursuant to Civil Cod!! Scc:\i:J:-i 1!J46.1, Stnlo law pc1m::s lormcr lcnnn!s to rccln'.m nbnndom;d pcrnonill p1opcrty lcll ol lho lormcr
address of lho lcnnnl, sulijc:t to ccrtnln cant.lilion5 You mny or mny no! be ol.lle lo rcclnirn property wilhoul lncunin!J
cos!.!i, t.ler:cndino on lhc cos\ or ritoring Iha property nntl tho length or rma Liefore II ls rcc:IJimccl . In aencrnl, these cosls will l.lo
l:J\'1E?r lho so:ncr yo11 conlnc\ your farmer lnntllort.1 nflor being nolincd lhnt properly bobng:ng lo you \'/<15 lclt bchlntl oiler you
moved cul.



Sridhnr Equillcs, Inc far 151i 1sl Ave LLC

::.c.:~, -1\lc)
edct- l
r -::;-:s
The City of Alameda's Rent Review Ordinance [Alameda Municipal Code ("AMC"), Sections 657 .1 and following]. effective October 1, 2015, requires that whenever a "housing provider", i.e.,
a landlord, is required to provide a notice of a rent increase to a tenant under State law, the
housing provider is also required to provide to the tenant a separate notice concerning the
availability of rent review procedures under the Rent Review Ordinance. If a housing provider
fails to provide this separate notice to the tenant, then under the City's Rent Review Ordinance,
the rent increase is void, the housing provider shall take no action to enforce the invalid rent
increase, and a tenant may rely on this failure as evidence in a tenant's defense in an unlawful
detainer action based on the tenant's failure to pay an illegal rent increase. Section 6-57.3
The notice required under the Rent Review Ordinance must be in writing and shall provide the
name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider. The housing
provider shall either personally deliver the notice to the tenant or shall mail the notice to the
tenant by first class mail, postage pre-paid, and addressed to the tenant at the property that the
tenant rents. Section 6-57.4, AMC.
In addition to the name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider, the
text of the notice shall be as set forth on the attached form. Section 6-57.5, AMC.

Please note that this notice must be provided to a tenant each and every time there is a
rent increase.
If there are questions concerning the administration of the Rent Review Ordinance, please call
the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda at 510-747~4316, or email

SIUl>l lAI\ [ (1!11 rtl ~

Dear Tenant,
We are serving you the enclosed Sixty-Day Notice of Termination of Tenancy. This means you
will need to vacate your unit within 60 days of receipt.


We are seeking in good faith to recover possession so as to perform work on the building
housing your rental unit and/or the premises thereabout; and :
1) Such work cost will exceed 8 times your monthly rent {rent as of Nov 2015)
2) The work will render the unit uninhabitable for a period exceeding 30 days.
We are sorry to see you go. You are we lcome to reapply once the work is completed. Please be
advised that if you do not move out within the 60-day period, we will begin eviction
proceedings and your credit may be negatively affected.

If you are interested in leaving earlier, you may qualify for our early incentive/ relocation
assistance program, a program we are voluntarily offering, please contact Norma at {408) 725 9501.
Carol Santos
Sridhar Equities



al lhc ptcm!scs lornlcd nl

.n'""lr..-'1-'lA....v.;. .; cn=u-'~-----------'
:. .
U11;1t! (ii opp!ic;ib!c)_ 30 _
f51:c::I k!:i:cs :}

PLEAS: TAl<E I JO TICE lh::il yol!r lcnnm:y cl llw prcm:5cs (::; tcrm:nnlcd offc::livc '21 the cntl or n dxly (GO) dny pc1iocJ r,llcr :.crvicc
on you ol lll'.s n:il:cc, o: _ _ _
__ _ _ _ _ _ _ wh'.chcvcr I::. l:ltcr.

You mus\ pcnccnbl}' vnc::itc llln prcmlsc!:i nnd rcm!Jvc nll or ~our pcr:;on;it properly en or before the dn!c lridica\cd nbovc. tr you
fn'l l!J r;uil o nd dc\;vcr p::>sscsslon, lcgul p rocced1nns w:!I Lio ln::.titu!ed D!'JLl~nsl you to obln?n possession nnd su::h prococcing!:i
c:ou!d rcsull Inn j udgment nga'.ns\ you \'/hlth mny l;i::lutlc nltorncys' foes anti court co5l!:i os ofo;cd hy b\ plus the 01;ncrlA!:)cnl
muy reco ver on odd,HonLJl punlC\:e nw;mJ of :;Iii hum.Ired do!l:us ($500) In ncc:ordnnce w1!h Cn~ rorr.b IJ;1 ror cuch unlm,iul

clclcnEon. Th;!:i bgnl ncC:m \';i!I nlso rcsull In fo:lc:turc nr lhE! rcn\nl nnrccmr.nt .
Th!s Not:cc of Tcrm!nn!i:m of TcnJncy docs no! relieve you er pnymcnl or nny r:nm1cinl ou::gn li.:Jn for rcnl O'.';od unt:l lho nctun!
dntc of t!!rmtnnllon of tcnnncy.
We ore !iccking in good fnilll to recover possession s::> os to perform work on lho build:ng h ou5ing your rcn tnl unit ond!or prcm:scs
thcrcilbout; and
1) Such work \'iill exceed 13 timos your monthly rent (rent os of Nov 2015)

2) The work w;n render the un:t uninhabittiblc far n period exceeding 30 dilys

If you f;;:\ In fulri!l lhc krm!i of ycur c.rcd.t ol.J~ign~ons, ri ncg:itlvc crcd;t rcpoit rcnccl!ng cm ;-our credit hl ~ l ory rnny lit! !;Ul.J:niltctl to
n crcdil rcpcrfn!.J ugoncy.

You hilvc tho right lo rcque!il nn lnilbl ln!:ipcclion or your uni\ nr.!.l lob:? p:c!icnt c!1.11in9 lhul lnspcct:on, \'ih'c.h shall occur nu eci11icr
lhnn two \'leeks bnforu Uw lcrmin;i\io11 of the lcnnncy <mt.I dudng normnl bus!nc!in hours, At lh!s Jnillal lnspei:t:on, lho 0"'.Tl e rlA~cnl
\'/ill provillo ari ltornlrnd slnlerncn\ ::;pccify111g rcpnlrs or ctcnn!ng thnt nro proposed to ua the lrns!s for the clcdu: liom; from tho
security depos!t. 1hl!i mny no\ bo n linnl occounl:ng ol dcduc.lions from lho security deposit A !icp<imlo Notice of Resident'!;
OpHon lo Req'..lcst un ln1lial lnspedion Is provh.le!.I \'/ilh lhls lfolic:c or wlll foUow \'i;th!n a llJil!iOn ilblc limo. PJou!iC! t omp!clo tl:o
form nnd return It lo Owncr/Agcnl If you wish lo ormngo for L!n lnlllnl ln!ipcct:cn
Put!iu<in\ to Civil Code Sot:\!an 19~6 .1, Stn\c hm pcrm::s former lcnnn:s to rccla:m ubundoncd pmsonal property left o\ lho former
nddrcss or the lcnnnt, su\Jjccl lo ccrl:Jln cont.lillons . You mily or may not be able lo rcclolm proporty wilhout lncunin!J ndd.tlcnal
co!its, d epending on the c.ost of storing tho property nntl lho length of f'mo bdorc II ls rccbimctl. In noncrn1, these cosl!i will Lie
lower Iha so:ncr you conln::I your former l;indlord nllcr I.icing no1;ricd lhil\ properly bcl:mg:ng lo you \'/ilS loll behind oiler you
moved out.

11/ 11/15

~:.~, 1-\lcl rn--:ec:=::l


t - -


The City of Alameda's Rent Review Ordinance [Alameda Municipal Code ("AMC"), Sections 657.1 and following), effective October 1, 2015, requires that \Vhenever a "housing provider", i.e.,
a landlord, is required to provide a notice of a rent increase to a tenant under State law, the
housing provider is also required to provide to the tenant a separate notice concerning the
availability of rent review procedures under the Rent Review Ordinance. If a housing provider
fails to provide this separate notice to the tenant, then under the City's Rent Review Ordinance,
the rent increase is void, the housing provider shall take no action to enforce the invalid rent
increase, and a tenant may rely on this failure as evidence in a tenant's defense in an unlawful
detainer action based on the tenant's failure to pay an illegal rent increase. Section 6-57.3
The notice required under the Rent Review Ordinance must be in writing and shall provide the
name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider. The housing
provider shall either personally deliver the notice to the tenant or shall mail the notice to the
tenant by first class mail, postage pre-paid, and addressed to the tenant at the property that the
tenant rents. Section 6-57.4, AMC.
In addition to the name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider, the
text of the notice shall be as set forth on the attached form. Section 6-57.5, AMC.

Please note that this notice must be provided to a tenant each and every time there is a
rent increase.
If there are questions concerning the administration of the Rent Review Ordinance, please call
the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda at 510-747-4316, or email

Snm11Ai' [ Q!JI ms

Dear Tenant,
We are serving you the enclosed Sixty-Day Notice of Termination of Tenancy. This means you
will need to vacate your unit with in 60 days of receipt.


We are seeking in good faith to recover possession so as to perform work on the building
housing you r rental unit and/or the premises thereabout; and :
1) Such work cost will exceed 8 times your monthly rent (rent as of Nov 2015)
2) The work will render the unit uninhabitable for a period exceeding 30 days.
We are sorry to see you go. You are welcome to reapply once the work is completed. Please be
advised that if you do not move out within t he 60-day period, we will begin eviction
proceedings and your credit may be negatively affected.
If you are interested in leaving ea rlier, you may qualify for our early incentive I relocation
assistance program, a program we are vo luntarily offering, please contact Norma at (408) 725 9501.
Carol Sa ntos
Sridhar Equities



al the prcm!sc:; locclcd ol

- - - - - -- ..,,.---.,..--;.4..:..7:o.:.O-=C:.;;n:.;.;n"""lr.:..;.ci'-'AI. .:. v;.;:"c.n;.;;;u-'-~-----------
rsr:cc! li:f:J.rus:}

t: (ii or:pl:cnb!c) __3_1__

PLEf\SE T/,!(E IWTICE thJI your l()llilm:y of the prcmisc!:i I:; l crm!nalcd c;ffc:tivo nt the end or i1 ::;i,.ly (GO}uoy rmictl cllcr i;crvice
6 ..,.....,_ _ _ _ _ \1h!c:lwvcr l!:i bier,
on you of lh'.s nol!co, or ___0_11_1_

You mus\ pc;:iccnbly vnc::itc llw (lrcml!ic!:i nnd remove all of your pcr::;onnl properly en or bcroro the elate l:idicntcd above. Ir you
fo'l b ljUil nnd tfol;vor po!i!i C!i!ilon, logn1 proc:cctlings w\!l bo tn::;tilutctl oga!ml you to ablo!n pa!i!iC!i!ilon ;:md !;Uth proceeding:;
cou!d rcsu!t In o judgment Ll!Jil;n:;I you v1hlth mily l;idudc oltorncy:;' foe:; nntl court co!il!i as ollowcd hy bv:, plU!:i lhe Owncr//\!]cnl
may recover nn ildd.!ion:il punll;vc m1.ird of sb; llum.Jrctl do!l;m:; (S600) In ncconbnc:c wllh Co!ilomlo l:i;1 ro ~ nuch u:i!;i\,iut
delcnlion Th'.!i b!)n1 nc:t.::m \'ji!I n'.so result In ro~c;turc of the rcnlill il!
This l~ol :cc of Tcrm~nnt ::in ol Tcrmu:y docs nnl rcljcvc you of pLiymcnl of nny linnndnl ou::go!ion for rcnl owed unt! tho nc.lun!
dnlc ol l!.!rmlnallon of lc:inncy.
Wo om seeking in good lailh to recover posscssbn s:> os to perform work on the 1.Jui!ding housing your rcntill unit ondlcr prcrr.rscs
thereabout; nnd
1) Such work will exceed a times your monthly rent (rent ns or Nov 2015)

2) The wo1k \'/ill render the unit un!nhabitablc for o period cxcccdmg 30 days

II you fn!\ lo fulf1!\ lhc \crms a! ycur c.rcd.I ob'.ig:it:on::;, n ncg:itivc crctl~ t rcpot rcncc:tin!J en your c:rctlil his lory mny Im i;ul.i:nil!ed to
n credit report' nu ogoncy.
You hilrn \he rinht to request nn lnllbl ln5pcc:lion ol your unll nr.tJ lo b:? p~cscn\ curinn \ho\ Inspection, \'ih'.ch ~hall occur no cnrllcr
lhiln l\'io \ 'ICCY.s lrnforu Uw \cr111inalio11 or the \cnnncy ontJ du:ing normal bus!ncss hourn, /\t lh!!i ln'tllnl lnspoct:on, the o ...ncr//\!]ent
w:n provido n:i l!ernlzcd sln\omonl :::;poc:ilying rcpa!rs or clcnn!ng thn! nro propo::;cd la bu Ilic bn!:ii!:i for tho tfodu::l!oni; from tho
!iCC:Urity dcpos:I. lhls m:iy no\ bo o finnl occ:oun\ing of t.lcduc:Eons from tho !iccurily dcposll. A !icp;irutc Ma\lcQ or Rcsldcnt'r.
Op lion to Rcq~ c !il an ln1lia1 lnspeclion l!:i provided with this Nolice or \'ll!I follow with!n il rcasmrnlilo limo. PloJ!:iO comp!cb tho
rorm nml rcl:irn It to Owner/Agent If you \'/lsh to nrTilngo for nn lnll!ill lnspcct:on .
Pursunnt lo Civil Code Scc.l!on 1946.1, Stnlo law pcrm::s former tenon~s lo rcc:ln'.m abandoned pcrnonnl property left ol lho fonn cr
addrc::;s or the ll!nnnt, suujc::.t to ccr\;iln conditions You mny or may not be able to reclaim properly without lncunin!J odd Ucn;il
costs, t.lcpcnding on the cost or storing tho properly and tho length or I me before l\ Is rcc:himcd. In aoncrnl, these cosl::; will be
lower the so: ncr you conlm:I your former lilndlcrd nflcr bcln!] notified lllill properly bcl:mg:nn lo you wns loll behind oiler you
moved out.

11111/ 15


Sridhar Equlllcs, Inc for 151 u 1s\ Ave LLC


The City of Alameda's Rent Review Ordinance [Alameda Municipal Code ("AMC"), Sections 657.1 and following], effective October 1, 2015, requires that whenever a "housing provider", i.e.,
a landlord, is required to provide a notice of a rent increase to a tenant under State law, the
housing provider is also required to provide to the tenant a separate notice concerning the
availability of rent review procedures under the Rent Review Ordinance. If a housing provider
fails to provide this separate notice to the tenant, then under the City's Rent Review Ordinance,
the rent increase is void, the housing provider shall take no action to enforce the invalid rent
increase, and a tenant may rely on this failure as evidence in a tenant's defense in an unlawful
detainer action based on the tenant's failure to pay an illegal rent increase. Section 6-57.3
The notice required under the Rent Review Ordinance must be in writing and shall provide the
name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider. The housing
provider shall either personally deliver the notice to the tenant or shall mail the notice to the
tenant by first class mail, postage pre-paid, and addressed to the tenant at the property that the
tenant rents. Section 6-57.4, AMC.
In addition to the name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider, the
text of the notice shall be as set forth on the attached form. Section 6-57.5, AMC.

Please note that this notice must he provided to a tenant each and every time there is a
rent increase.
If there are questions concerning the administration of the Rent Review Ordinance, please call
the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda at 510-747-4316, or email .

Sa11>1tAli [ QJllTll S

Dear Tenant,
We are serving you the enclosed Sixty-Day Notice of Termination of Tenancy. This means you
will need to vacate your unit within 60 days of receipt.

We are seeking in good faith to recover possession so as to perform work on the building
housing your rental unit and/or the premises thereabout; and :
1) Such work cost will exceed 8 times your monthly rent (rent as of Nov 2015)
2) The work will render the unit uninhabitable for a period exceeding 30 days.
We are so rry to see you go. You are welcome to reapply once the work is completed. Please be
advised that if you do not move out within the 60-day period, we will begin eviction
proceedings and your credit may be negatively affected.
If you are interested in leaving earlier, you may qualify for our early incentive/ relocation
assistance program, a program we are voluntarily offering, please contact Norma at (408) 725 9501.
Carol Santos
Sridhar Equities



ol lho prcm:!!c!i loc:ulcd ol

32 __
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _t."'"7"'""0-"C-.r.-.
n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , U11;1 #(ii opp!:cnh!a) _ _
f5t:c::t ll:f:J:vs:}

PLEt\s: T/,\{E 1mTICE th:it your 1!.!lli:m::y of llrn p:cmi!ic!i I:; l!:!rmlnnlcd cffc::tive l!t the cml of n r;iidy (GO) day pcric!l nllcr i;c1vicu
on you ol th'.!i nol:c:o, or _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ wh~chovcr I::; IJlcr.

You mu::;\ po;::iccnbly vncnlc tlrn prc:ntl!iC!; nnd rcm::ive nil of ~our pcr:;on.-il properly en m before the dnlc irldicnlcd obovc. tr you
ln'I b r,u:t ond dol:vcr p:>!i!iC!i!iion, fcg:i1 proc:ccd:nn::; \'1;:1 1.J o ln::;titutcd O[]Li!ml you lo obln!n po::;::;c::;::;lon nnd i::uch procoodingi;
coul:l rasu:t tn n Judgment u!Jn:nsl you \'/hlth m.iy bdutlc oltcrnoy:;' fees nml court c:o!il!i n::; oHowcd hy bw, plu!i the Owncr/f1~onl
rnny recover nn ndd1tiom1l pun\l:va m1artl of :;h; hundred tlo!l:m; (S600) In nccorilum:e \;llh l:w ro~ cuch l!:t!n\'.iul
dclcnllon. Th;::; l::i!]Lll nclloa \';i!I nlso rc!iull In fo:lci!wc of the r cnlill il!JrccmC?nt

ill!:; Nol!co of Tcrm~n;:iti:m of Tcrm1cy cJoc;:; not rct:ovc you of payment of nny finnncinl ob~:gnlion for rent owctl u111;1tho nctunl
tlnlc of l!:!rmlnnllon ol lcnnncy.
We me seeking in good fa:th to recover possession so os to perform work on the building housing your rental un!I ond/or prcm:scs
thereabout; and
1) Such work will

exceed 8 limos your monthly rent (rent as of Nov 2015)

2) The work will render the unit uninhabitable for n period cxcccd1ng 30 duys

II you ru:11n fulfi!I Ille term:; al ycur crcd.t o~'.ig:lt:ons, n negative credit rcpo;t rcncclin!J en ~our crcd1l lllslory may l w !;Uu:nWcd to
n credit rcporl'n!} il!J'.:!rtcy.
You h'1\'C tho right to rc(l uc~t nn lnilinl ln::;pcclion ol your unll nr.d lob~ p~cscnt durin!] lhnt lnspcction, \',h'r.h shall occur no caillcr
thLJn lwo \'1cc~:; lrnloru !ho tcrmim1lio11 of Iha lcnnncy cntJ cluiinn normal bur.!nc.:;r; hourn. At th!.:; lnltlul lnspec:l:on, lhc Q,.,ner/A!]cnt
will provide nn llcmlzcd !itnlcmcnl npccilylng fl:)pa~1s or cll:)nn!ng lhnt nro propo!ictl to Lio the b;:is:s for the d!:!tlu: tions from tho
!iocurily dcpo::;1t. 1hl5 muy not bo n final nccoun\ing of dotluc.Eons from tho !iocurily dcpo!ill. A scp:mita Nollca or Rasltlcnt'.:;
Option to Request on lnllinl Inspection Is provh.Jctl with lhl!i Nolica or will fotlow with!n n 1en!lom1blo tima. Plcn!io comp!cto tho
rorrn nnd return It lo Owncr//lgcnl If you \'/lsh to mrunge for an ln:liu1 lmpcct:on .
Pur!iuiJnt lo Civil Codo Scc.t:o:-i 19~6 . 1, Stnto lnw pcrm::s former len;:in!s to rocln'.m nbLindoncd p~r!ionol r:ropcrty left ot lho rormcr
oddrc::;s or Iha tcmm!, sul.ijc:\ to ccrtnln c.or.dillon::; You miJy or mny not be ob!c lo rcclilirn property without lncunin.a ndd.llcnnl
cos!.!i, tlcpcnding on tho cos\ or storing lho property ond tho length or I mo lrnlora II I::; rcclJimcd . In ocncrnl, those co!its will be
lower lhc so::ncr you cont;i::\ your former lnndlord nflcr l.Jcing notified lhill property bebng!nn to you \'1ns left bchlntl oiler you
moved out.


Sridhor Equlllc!i, Inc for 1516 1st Ave LLC


The City of Alameda's Rent Reviev,1 Ordinance [Alameda Municipal Code ("AMC"), Sections 657 .1 and following]. effective October 1, 2015, requires that v1henever a "housing provider", i.e.,
a landlord, is required to provide a notice of a rent increase to a tenant under State law, the
hou sing provider is also required to provide to the tenant a separate notice concerning the
availabllity of rent review procedures under the Rent Review Ordinance. If a housing provider
fails to provide this separate notice to the tenant, then under the City's Rent Review Ordinance,
the rent increase is void, the housing provider shall take no action to enforce the invalid rent
increase, and a tenant may rely on this failure as evidence in a tenant's defense in an unlawful
detainer action based on the tenant's failure to p ay an illegal rent increase. Section 6-57.3
The notice required und er the Rent Review Ord inance must be in writing and shall provide the
name, address, phone number and email address of th e h ousing provider. The housing
provider shall either personally deliver the notice to the tenant or shall mail the notice to the
tenant by first class mail, postage pre-paid, and addressed to the tenant at the property that the
tenant rents. Section 6-57.4, AMC.

In addition to the name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider, the
text of the notice shall b e as set forth on the attached form. Section 6-57.5, AMC.
Please note th at this notice must be provided to a t enant each and every time there is a
rent increase.
If there are questions concerning the administration of the Rent Review Ordinance, please call
the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda at 510-747-4316, or email .

Sllll>HAI\ [ l'lJ llTI Is

Dear Tenant,
We are serving you the enclosed Sixty-Day Notice of Termination of Tenancy. This means you
will need to vacate your unit within 60 days of receipt.


We are seeking in good faith to recover possession so as to perform work on the building
housing your rental unit and/or the premises thereabout; and :
1) Such work cost will exceed 8 times your monthly rent (rent as of Nov 2015)
2) Th e work will render the unit uninhabitable for a period exceeding 30 days.
We are sorry to see you go. You are welcome to reapply once the work is completed. Please be
advised that if you do not move out within the 60-day period, we will begin eviction
proceedings and your credit may be negatively affected.
If you are interested in leaving earlier, you may qualify for our early incentive/ relocation
assistance program, a program we are voluntarily offering, please contact Norma at (408) 725 9501.
Carol Santos
Sridhar Equities




of the prcm!:;c:; lornlcd ol

"! _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,

3 __
Un;l t: (ii opplu:nb~c)__3_

151:::::: kf:J:us:}

PLEt,s:: T/,l<E JWTICE th:it your t~mm:y ol lhe p1cmiscs I::; tcrminnled cficc\ivc al the end or n sildy (60) dny period ;;Iler scrvirn

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ \'ih~chC\:cr I::; bier.

on y;iu cl th'.:; nol:co, or ___0_11_1_11_16

You must pcncen!:Jly v<icnlc !Im prc:mlsc:; nncl remove otl or your p cr:;on;1l properly en or before the dale l:i::lic:nlcd <ibovc. II you
rn1 b CjUil ond dol:vcr possc:;:;Jon, legal proccedin!J5 wi!l I.Jo ln:;li!u\cd ogo!nsl you to oblo!n po!:iscsslon nn::I such procccdingi;
cou~d result In a judgment u!Jil:nsl you \'thlth m<ly b::lutlc ollomcys' recs nnd court cosls as ollowcd hy IJ\'.', plu:; thc O\'/ncr/f\!:]Cnl
mny recover on odd1!ion:il punlfae n\'/;mJ or :;b; humJrcrl llo'lnr:; (SEOO) In occonbncc wllh Cntforr.b bw for cuch u:lhl\',iul
tklcnllon. Th;:; l:!onl ncr:m \'iill nlso resull li1 fo:1c;111rc nf the rcnlnl
Th!;; l~ot:cc of Tcrm~no:Jt:on ol Tcr1Jncy doos not relieve you of p;:iymcnl or nny f.nnnciul ol.J~igotian ror rent owed un1;11ho nctuul
tlalc ol \!:!rm!nnllon of lc;-inncy.
We ore seeking in good ra:th to recover possession so os to perform work on the bui!ding housing your rental un:t ondlor premises
thereabout; nnd
1) Such work \'t i:I exceed B times your monthly rnnt (mnt os al Nov 2015)

2) The worlt will render the unit un:nlrnbitnblc for iJ period exceeding 30 days.

Ir you r;:;H lo fulfi!l \hc terms al ycur r.1cd.t ob'.:gn~on::;, n ncgil\;vc credit report rencc:.l:n!J en your crctl1l hlslory rnny lw suli:nil!cd \u

credit rcport'n!J og!lney.

You hove tho righl lo rc~uc5\ nn lnllbl lnspcclion of your unit ar.d lob::? p;cscnl curing \hat lnspeclion, wh'ch snail occur nu cuiller

thiln two \ 'ICCks l.Jclo:u lhu lcrmirrnlio11 or the \c::nnncy nntl du:ing normnl bus! hours. A\ lhl.s ln'illnl lnspcct:on, lhe Q;.ncr/A!:]Clll
wi!I provide n:i Itemized slnlerrnml !:ipccify;ng rcpn!rs or c!enn!ng I hill nro proposed to lrn the biJsi5 ror tho dcllu: Eons rrom tho
!icc.urily dcpos!\. 1hl!i mny not be n final nccounling ol llcr.l11cEons from tho !:icc.urily dcpo!il\ A !:icparule Notice or Rosldent':;
Oplion \o Rcq:ie:;I on lnHiJl ln!ipccllon 15 provltlctJ \'/ith lh1s Nolice or wlll follow with!n n rcasonnblc time. Plcosc comp!clc tho
form nnd return It to Owner/Agent If you \'llsh lo mrangc far nn lnllinl ln!ipcci:on .

Pur!luilnl to Civil Code Scr.t::l;-i 19~6 . 1, Stnlc lnw pcrm.:s former lennn'.;:; to rccla'.m nb;mdoncd pcrnom11 property lcll al tho former
;iddrc:;:; of tlw lcnnnt, !:iUlijccl to ccrtn!n condition:; You may or may not be able lo rcc.luim property wilhoul lncunin!J odd.llcnal
cost!;, depending on \he co:;\ or !:ilorin!J tho properly <lnd tho length of rmc bcrorc 111.s rec.birned. In general, these cost:; \',ill be
lower lho :;o:ncr you conlac\ your former kmdlord oner being notified \hot properly bc!ong;ng lo you \'/'15 left behind oiler you
moved out.


Sridhar Equlllcs, Inc f:Jr 1516 1st Ave LLC

Sitll>llAI\ [ (1JllTll ~

Dear Tenant,
We are serving you the enclosed Sixty-Day Notice of Termination of Tenancy. This means you
will need to vacate your unit within 60 days of receipt.

We are seeking in good faith to recover possession so as to perform work on the building
housing your rental unit and/or the premises thereabout; and :
1) Such work cost will exceed 8 times your monthly rent (rent as of Nov 2015)
2) The work will render the unit uninhabitable for a period exceeding 30 days.
We are sorry to see you go. You are welcome to reapply once the work is completed. Please be
advised that if you do not move out within the 60-day period, we will begin eviction
proceedings and your credit may be negatively affected.
If you are interested in leaving earlier, you may qualify for our early incentive/ relocation
assistance program, a program we are voluntarily offering, please contact Norma at (408) 725 9501.
Carol Santos
Sridhar Equities




al the prcrn!::c!i localed nl

. n_!r_n_IA_v_c.._
.n_u_n_ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ , U11;1::
l5t:~ct /,:f:i,us!}

34 __
(ii opr!i cnb~o)_ _

PLEf\SE T/\!(i; tmTIGE lh::il your t~nilncy ol lhc prorn:!ie!i I:; tcrmlniJlcd oHc::tive <ii Iha end or n !::ixly (GO) dny pcriccJ nllcr r;cr\'icc

on you ol lh'.!i n:il:c:c, or ___0_11_1_11_1_6 ---.,_ _ _ _ _ \'lh!chcvcr I::; later.


You mu::;\ pe;::u::eJtlly vncn!c llw prc:ml!ic!i nnd remove oil or your pcr::;on:il property en or before the dale l;i::Jicatccl ubovc. If you
fo'l l:l riuit and dcl;vcr p(}5!it?!i5lon, lcgnl proc:ccding!i \'ii~l I.Jo ln:.litutcd ogn!ml you to obtn!n po!i!ie!i!ilon and ::;uc:h procccc!ing!i
cou~d rc::;utt In o judgmc:l\ ngo:n!il you \ 1hkh m<iy b::lutlo oltorncy!i' fce!i nm.I co:.irt co::;t::; <i!i allowed hy l::iw, ptu::; the Owncr/l\genl
mny rcco;rc; nn ndd,tional punlt;ve nmml of:;\)( huntlrt?tl do!br::; (5600) In m:c:ordnnct? \'illh Cn~forr.lzi bw ro~ cuch unlawful
tlclcn!ion. TI1'.::; l:i!)nl nct::in \";;!I n!so rcsull In fo~fciturc nf tho rcnlnl nnrccmcnl

Th!:i Not:c.c or Tcrm!nntion of Tcn:mc:y UOC!i no! rcl:ovc you or pLlymcnl of nn; rin;mc:iul ou'.i!]tJlion for rent o~;cu un1;1 tho nc.tu;il
llnlc of l!.!tm1nnllan or tc:innc.y.
We arc seeking in good falth to recover posscss:on so os to perform work on the bu:!ding h:iusing your rental un:t ondlor premises
thcr8L1bout; ond

1) Such work will exceed B times ycur monthly rent (rent os of Nov 2015)

2) The worl{ will render the unit un:nhabitnb!c for o period exceeding 30 days.

II you f;;.:t In fulfi!I the tcrrn!i al ycur o~:;go~om;, n ncgat;vc c:rcdil tcpo:i rcncc:ting en your credit hlslory rnny tic ::ub:nillcd to
o crctlil rcport"n!} O!J;!llcy.
You harn the right to rcquc:;t on lnilial ln::;pcc.tion cl your uni\ nr.d lo Lia pre.sen\ during Iha\ Inspection, wh'c.h ~hall occur no enrllcr
than two \'/cek!i ucloru \hu lcr111im1l1011 or the lcnnnc:y lll\U during normal bu,;;!nc!is hourr., Al lhl!i lnillal lnspect:on, l!w 0-.'.ncr//\!]Cnl
w:!I pravida n:i l!cmlzcd sliJlcmcnl ~pcc:ilylng rcp:i!r::; or cltmn~ng thnl nro propo::;etl lo be lhc llil!il!i rar the dccJu:lions ream tho
!lccurity depos:\. 1hl!l mny not trn n final m:c.oun\1ng ol dcduct;ans from tho sccurily deposit. A scpnrntc Nolfc:c or Rcsldcnl'n
Option lo Rcq:.ics\ on lnHinl ln::;pectlun Is provitlccJ \'/ith this Nolic:a or wlll (allow with!n o rcnsom11.Jlu lime. PloiJso comp'.clo the
form nnd rc\!Jrn It to Owner/Agent If you wlsh lo nrrangc for nn lnlt!nl lmpcct:on .
Pursu'3n\ to Civil Code Scr.t::in 19~6 1, Stnlo lnw pcrm'.:i:; former tennn:s to rcc:la:m nbar.doncd parnon;:il r.ropcrty left nl tho former
nddrcss or the tcnnnl, sul.Jjcct lo ccrtiln cor.dition::; You mny or may not be oblc to rec:Jaim (llOpcrly wilhout lncunin!J odd.Uc:nal
cos!.!i, depending on the co::;\ ol r.lorinn tho property and tho lcnglh ol rma l.Jororc 11ls rcciJirncd. In gcncrnl, these cos\:; wHI I.Jc
lower tho i:;o:ncr you contact your former l;indlord nflcr uelng notiriecJ that properly bcl:mg!n9 to you \'ti:l!i lcli bchlml ollcr you
moved out.


ONncr:.,;ionl Sridhnr Equlllc!i, Inc for 1516 1st Ave LLC

~~1 f\l a rn edc1

, ,- --: )

I - "=:;l _ _ J


The City of Alameda's Rent Review Ordinance [Alameda Municipal Code ("AMC"), Sections 657 .1 and following], effective October 1, 2015, requires that whenever a "housing provider", i.e.,
a landlord, is required to provide a notice of a rent increase to a tenant under State law, the
housing provider is also required to provide to the tenant a separate notice concerning the
availability of rent review procedures under the Rent Review Ordinance. If a housing provider
fails to provide this separate notice to the tenant, then under the City's Rent Review Ordinance,
the rent increase is void, the housing provider shall take no action to enforce the invalid rent
increase, and a tenant may rely on this failure as evidence in a tenant's defense in an unlavvfut
detainer action based on the tenant's failure to pay an illegal rent increase. Section 6-57.3
The notice required under the Rent Review Ordinance must be in writing and shall provide the
name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider. The housing
provider shall either personally deliver the notice to the tenant or shall mail the notice to the
tenant by first class mail, postage pre-paid, and addressed to the tenant at the property that the
tenant rents. Section 6-57.4, AMC .
In addition to the name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider, the
text of the notice shall be as set forth on the attached form. Section 6-57.5, AMC.

Please note that this notice must be provided to a tenant each and every time there is a
rent increase.
If there are questions concerning the administration of the Rent Review Ordinance, please call
the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda at 510-7474316, or email


NOTICE: Under Civil Code, section 827(b), a Housing Provider must provide a
Tenant with 30 days' notice prior to a rent increase of 10% or less and must provide
a tenant with 60 days' notice of a rent increase of greater than 10%. Because the
Housing Provider proposes a Rent Increase or because the Housing Provider
proposes a Rent Increase within 12 months of the immediately preceding Rent
Increase, under Article XIV of Chapter VI of the Alameda Municipal Code, a Housing
Provider must at the same time provide this Notice of the availability of the City's
rent review procedures before imposing any such Rent Increase.
You may request the Rent Review Advisory Committee to review the increase by
submitting the request for review in writing within seven calendar days of your
receipt of the notice of Rent Increase by personally delivering or mailing the
request to the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda, 701 Atlantic Avenue,
Alameda, CA 94501, or emailing the request to the Housing Authority of the City of
Alameda at You must submit along with your request a
copy of the Notice of Rent Increase.
You and your Housing Provider w ill b e required to appear b efore the Committee for
a hearing concerning the Rent Increase. Following the hearing, the Committee will
make a non-binding recommendation to you and your Housing Provider
concerning your request.
It is illegal for a Housing Provider to retaliate against a Tenant for lawfully and
peacefully exercising his or her legal rights including your request for the
Committee to review the Rent Increase. Civil Code, Section 1942.5. A Housing
Provider's efforts to evict a Tenant within six months of a Tenant's requesting a
hearing may be used as evidence of a retaliatory eviction .

Sn11>t1All [ Q!ll rn ~

Dear Tenant,
We are serving you the enclosed Sixty-Day Notice of Termination of Tenancy. This means you
will need to vacate your unit within 60 days of receipt.


We are seeking in good faith to recover possession so as to perform work on the building
housing your rental unit and/or the premises thereabout; and :
1) Such work cost will exceed 8 times your monthly rent (rent as of Nov 2015)
2) The work will render the unit uninhabitable for a period exceeding 30 days.
We are sorry to see you go. You are welcome to reapply once the work is completed. Please be
advised that if you do not move out with in the 60-day period, we will begin eviction
proceedings and your credit may be negatively affected.
If you are interested in leaving earlier, you may qualify for our early incentive I relocation
assistance program, a program we are voluntarily offering, please contact Norma at (408) 725 9501.
Carol Santos
Sridhar Equities



o! lht! prcm~!ic:; loc;::\~ d ol

---------..,.....,.--:'~...;..7.;.:;0-=C:;.;."-'-n;...:tr. :. o;i. . :IA.. :.".;.t':=' -ri;.::uc...:'"!- -- - - - - - - - - Un:t ;; (ii cr:r~ c:nh'c)_....;1__

t5t:c::! ,~:f:u! :}

PLEf\SE TN<E l~DTISE lhJI t~mi:i::y d llw p;cmi5c:; I;; t:::rmlnnl d cffc:linJ ;::\ l!w cntl of n d xly (GO) d<iy pc1ictl r.Uct ~ervi cc

001 you of l11'.:; n:it:cc, or ___1..;../'""'1'-1-'"'/_1'-"--____

\;h'chDVN I:; bier.

You mus\ pcnccn~ly vncnlc lhn prcm'.scs nntl rcmavc nll of your pcrr:;on:il prop!:rly en a~ before tlw dole i:i:knlcd nbovc. Ir you
fil' l 1:> r,uil ontl dcl;vcr p::is!:cssla:i, b gnl proc:ccd:ng!i \:::1 Lw ln:;ldutctl cgo'n!:l you to oblJ~n rosscsslon :::nd wch proccc~ings
cou~:l 1esutl Inn jud::imc:l\ oga:ml you \'1h'.ch rn.:iy l:l:lutlo nllurncyr;' rec:; nm.I ca:.irt cosls ns ofo.-;cd by bw, plus lhc Omcr/fi!]cnl
m;:iy recover nn nddi!ior.Jl punl\:\e i:i','/JIU or !j\.1; huntlrcrl do~l:ur; ($600) In nccorifoncc \,1th Co! l:r:1ro~ Gllch ll:l~i:J\'.'ful
dclcn\:on Th'.s b[)ul nc:l :m r;i:I nlso rcr;ull In fa:Jc;1:1rc nf \hl! rcn\nl
Th!s IJol:cc of Tcrm'.n.::it:::in of Tcn:mcy dat:s rm: rdcvc yo~ uf p;:;ymcnl of nn)' finunciol ol.J'.!gnli:m for rent o: ;ctl un!.1 lho nctunl
tlnlc of l!.:rmln:1llon of 1!::1ilncy.
W'fl nrc scckind in good faith to recover pcsscssbn so os lo rarlorrn w:nk on the bui!din'.) housir.g your rcntnl un!I nrdlor prcm:scs
l hcraubou\, on:.l
1) Suct1 work will oxcccd 0 limes your monthly mnl (renl ns of Nov 2015)

2) The \'/e rk \'/ill render the un:t un:nhob:toblc for o period exceed ng 3::1 <..! uys

lf y:m Ir.'. \ b ft1lf1!l tllc lcrrns ot ycur crcd.I nb'.~gnt:ons, n n cg cit,vc r.rctJ ,\ Tl2po:I rcnecEn::i en your c:rcd1l hl~ l ory may h:.! :;ulmillctl lo
n eredi\ rcporfn!J ng::? ncy.
You have lhc righ\ lo rc:iucsl nn l;iili;:il tnspcction of your una ;:m l l::i b::? p:cscn\ curing llrnl lnspccCon, wh'c.h !ihutl c:cu; r.::i Curlier
lhun t:;o \'IC CY.S ucloai !ho lc1min;ilio11 or lhc lcnnncy end du;in:i ncrmol bus!ncss hours. A\ lh!r; ln:lia\ ln5pe!r.l:on, ltw o : .nc1/Agcr.t
\'/:!! provido n:i llcmiwd slnlcrncnl !ipccily:ng rcpJ~rs or cbnn~ ng thnt nro propoi;cd to I.Jc Ille l.JiJ:;;:; for the tlcdu: l!ons rrom lhc
security dcpo:;:t. 1hls m:iy n ot li e n final nccoun\ing of tlctluct:oni:; from lho !iccurily dcponll A !iCpilrulc IJollcc or Rci;ltlcr.l'r;
Opt:on lo Rcq:.ic:;I nn ln1lial lm;pcc:t!on b provltkd \'/ith this lfol:ce er wl!l fo llow \'i:th~n n rcn:;onnblc timD. Plcu!ic ccmp~clc the
lorm nnd rc t~irn II lo O;;ncr/Agcnl If you \';ish ta nrr;mgo for .:n ln:Hcil ln!ipccl:on
Pursu'1nl lo Civil Code Soc:lio:i 1~WU, Stnlo li3W pc1m:t!i l o~mcr lenan:!i to rcr.ta:m obi:mdoncd pcrson:il poperty kit iJI lho rormcr
nddrcr:;n orl hc hmnnl, !iU\Jjc:.t lo ccrloln car.tl1llon5 Yo:.i mny or may no\ I.Jc olltc lo reclaim prope1l y wilhout lncunin9 ndd l!cnnl
co5~. tJc~ cndin g on lhc car:;\ or !iloring tho propc1ty nntl Ille lcnglh of I me before 11ls rcc:J:iirncd . In general, lhcr;c cosls \', ill be
b..-;cr the !io:ncr you conln:I ycur former lnndlord niter b c:ng not:ficd lhal properly bc!:mg:ng lo you \ 'l.'.l!i left bch!:id oiler you
moved oul.

ONn cr.'.,~onl

Sridlmr Equllles, lnc for 151 G1:;\ fwc LLC

~~rAl a rn eda


The City of Alameda's Rent Review Ordinance [Alameda Municipal Code ("AMC"), Sections 657 .1 and following], effective October 1, 2015, requires that whenever a "housing provider", i.e.,
a landlord, is required to provide a notice of a rent increase to a tenant under State law, the
housing provider is also required to provide to the tenant a separate notice concerning the
availability of rent review procedures under the Rent Review Ordinance. If a housing provider
fails to provide this separate notice to the tenant, then under the City's Rent Review Ordinance,
the rent increase is void, the housing provider shall take no action to enforce the invalid rent
increase, and a tenant may rely on this failure as evidence in a tenant's defense in an unlawful
detainer action based on the tenant's failure to pay an illegal rent increase. Section 6-57.3
The notice required under the Rent Review Ordinance must be in writing and shall provide the
name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider. The housing
provider shall either personally deliver the notice to the tenant or shall mail the notice to the
tenant by first class mail, postage pre-paid, and addressed to the tenant at the property that the
tenant rents. Section 6-57.4, AMC.
In addition to the name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider, the
text of the notice shall be as set forth on the attached form. Section 6-57.5, AMC.

Please note that this notice must be provided to a tenant each and every time there is a
rent increase.
If there are questions concerning the administration of the Rent Review Ordinance, please call
the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda at 510-747-4316, or email rrac@alamedahsg .org.

S!tfllllAlt faUll rn S

Dear Tenant,
We are serving you the enclosed Sixty-Day Notice of Termination of Tenancy. This means you
will need to vacate your unit within 60 days of receipt.

We are seeking in good faith to recover possession so as to perform work on the building
housing your rental unit and/or the premis es thereabout; and :
1) Such work cost will exceed 8 times your monthly rent (rent as of Nov 2015)
2) The work will render the unit uninhabitable for a period exceeding 30 days.
We are sorry to see you go. You are welcome to reapply once the work is completed. Please be
advised that if you do not move out within the 60-day period, we will begin eviction
proceedings and your credit may be negatively affected.
If you are interested in leaving earlier, you may qualify for our early incentive I relocation
assistance program, a program we are voluntarily offering, please contact Norma at (408) 725 9501.
Carol Santos
Sridhar Equities




ol lhc pcr.1's c:; locnlcd nl

' r.:..:.;i'-"'1/-'-,\;:..:'<'..;..;n:.=u'""'
~----------- Uria t: (ii opp! 1crib~c)__
f5t:~::t kf:J:u: :}

PLEf1S:: T/11\E l~OTICE tt1 :it yuur l!.mnn:y ul the p:cmii;c:; I;:; l crmln:itud offc::tivc

.:t the end of n d,;ly (GO) <luy ricticu r:llcr tcric:u

o;i you ol l h":; n::i:cc, or _ _ _1_/_1_1_/_1_6_____ \'ih'chcvcr !:; bier.


You rr.u:;\ pcnc:cn~ly vnc:ilc ll1n pr cm !iC!i ;:i nti remove nil of your pcr::.on:il property en or before lhc dale b:licnlctl nbovc. If you
fn.l l::l CjU;l nnd dcJ;vc1 p05!!C55lan, lc9;il proccctling:; \';;~ J lJc ln:;lilu!cd CQO!n!:I yau l o obta:n pO!i!ie!i!ilan nnd cuc:h proccc~ing:;
cou'.j rc!iull Inn j:.idgmc:ll ng<i;n:;I yo:.r \'lh~r.h rrrny b::lutlc;' Ccc!i nn:J court co!il!i i:!!i ol'.o;cd hy bw, phl!i lhc Or;ilcr/f1gcnl
may recover nn odd1:ior.::il punll:'fc nw;mJ of :;\11 l1unt.lrcll uo~l;rn:; (5600) In nccord:rncc \'illh Cn!'l l:I\'/ for c;uc:h u:i!awrut
d!::lcnllon . Th:s l::![pl nc:l'::rn n i!I n~s :l result In ro:leilurc nl llw rcn\nt nnrccmr.n\
This r~ ct:c c or Tcrm'nnt!:m of TcnJllC)o' UCC!i not wt:cvc yo~ er pymcnl or nny linunciol ol.J~:gulb n ror rent o:cd uni.I the nch?nl

tliJlc of \!:rmlnnllon of l c:i;incy.

We ore seeking in good rn:th to recover posscsi;ion so ns to perform work on the buifdlng housing y:-iur rcntnl unit ;;mdlor premises
thcrcnbout; nnd
1) Such work \';;;1 exceed 8 times ycur monthly rent (rent os or lfov 2015)

2) The work will render the uni\ u11:nhnbi!<1b:c for o period excee ding 30 d::iys

If pu fu\ b fulfi\1the lcrms ol ycur r.rc d I ob::gnfons, n trctl t 1c:po:1 rcnccl.n::i en your crctl1I hlslory may 11!.! sull7liH!:!ll lo
n m : tlil rcporfng ng!l nc:y,
Yo:.r hiJvc l ~c righl l o rc;iucsl nn t:iilin! lni;pcct!o:i of your uni\ nr.d l o h~ p:cscn~ t!urin!] \hiJI lnspect:on, \';h't h !ihiJU occur r.o curlier
lhnn t:;u \'1cd:s 1.Jclo:c \he h:m::n:Jlioa of the lcmmc.y .:ntl du:ing ncrmill bus!mi!i!i hour:;, Al lh!!i ln:!iill lnspett:on, tl;c D.ncr//\~cnt
\'i:!l provido n:i IH~ mlzcd t;\nlcmcnl !ipccify:r1g rcp:i!r!i or clE:?on~ng thnt nro propo!lcd lo be lhe l.lo!l:!i for the dcdu:t:tm!l from the
!lCC:Urily clcpo!l:I. Tlll!i fTiiJ}' no\ be n finiJl rn::coun\ing or tlcduc:l:on:; from Urn !iCturily dcpon\I A !lCpilmtc Notice or Rc!iltlcr.ri;
Op!:o~ lo Rcq:.ic!ll on ln'linl ln:;pcclic;i l!i provid!:!t.l with lh1n lfal!c:e er \'/l!I follow with!n o rcnnonnblc limo. Ploa!ic ccmp!clc lhc
Im m nnd return It to D:ncr/Agcnl If you \":lsh la nITTn!Jc for on lnlliiJI ln!ipcct:on
Pur::.unnl la Civil Coda Secl:a:i 19~6 .1, State l aw pc:11n:t5 l ormcr leniln:s to rctla:m ilbundoncd pcrsoniJI property kit ol lho Carmer
ndtlrC!i!l or lite lcnnnt, !luliJc::t l o ccrtuln contlitlon!i . You mny or may not be to redoim property wilhoul lncunlng ndd licniJl
co!i!!l, dq: cndin!J on the c:::i::;I or ::.loiing tho properly nnd tho lcnglh oft me before I\ Is rcclJimcd . In ncncrnl, thc:;o co!l l!l \',ill uc
bwcr lhc i:;o:ncr you conlil::l your former lor.dloru niter u c'.ng notified thal properly bcl:mg:ng to you \'/il!i ldt behind oiler you
moved out.


O.vncr!,,;ionr Sridhnr Equllic!i, Inc f::ir 15\Ei 1!.l Ave LLC

~~I :Alarr1eda


, - -,


The City of Alameda's Rent Review Ordinance [Alameda Municipal Code ("AMC"), Sections 657 .1 and following], effective October 1, 2015, requires that whenever a "housing provider", i.e.,
a landlord, is required to provide a notice of a rent increase to a tenant under State law, the
housing provider is also required to provide to the tenant a separate notice concerning the
availability of rent review procedures under the Rent Review Ordinance. If a housing provider
fails to provide this separate notice to the tenant, then under the City's Rent Review Ordinance,
the rent increase is void, the housing provider shall take no action to enforce the invalid rent
increase, and a tenant may rely on this failure as evidence in a tenant's defense in an unlawful
detainer action based on the tenant's failure to pay an illegal rent increase. Section 6-57.3
The notice required under the Rent Review Ordinance must be in writing and shall provide the
name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider. The housing
provider shall either personally deliver the notice to the tenant or shall mail the notice to the
tenant by first class mail, postage pre-paid, and addressed to the tenant at the property that the
tenant rents. Section 6-57.4, AMC.
In addition to the name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider, the
text of the notice shall be as set forth on the attached form . Section 6-57.5, AMC.
Please note that this notice must be provided to a tenant each and every time there is a
rent increase.
If there are questions concerning the administration of the Rent Review Ordinance, please call
the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda at 510-747-4316, or email

Sitl ()HAit [ tlJJITll s

Dear Tenant,
We are serving you the enclosed Sixty-Day Notice of Termination of Tenancy. This means you
will need to vacate your unit within 60 days of receipt.

We are seeking in good faith to recover possession so as to perform work on the building
housing your rental unit and/or the premises thereabout; and :
1) Such work cost will exceed 8 times your monthly rent (rent as of Nov 2015)
2) The work will render the unit uninhabitable for a period exceeding 30 days.
We are sorry to see you go. You are welcome to reapply once the work is completed. Please be
advised that if you do not move out within the 60-day period, we will begin eviction
proceedings and your credit may be negatively affected.
If you are interested in leaving earlier, you may qualify for our early incentive/ relocation
assistance program, a program we are voluntarily offering, please contact Norma at (408) 725 9501.
Carol Santos
Sridhar Equities



al lhc pcm!sc:; lorn\crJ nl

_ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _..,:.-'.:..70:..:....::C::..1"..:.;'-'A...:.;:..;::'<' -'n""u...:.i:_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , U11;1;;
f5t:c::/ : .:1:t:us:}

(ii opp!i cnb'c)_....;;;3_ _

PLEf\S:: T/\1(: l~OilC:E \h;it your l!Jnnn :y ul the premise:; l!i l crmlnotcd cffc::tivc i:!l llw cml or n d1.IY (CO) dny pcdcd ;;lier !:crv:ce
on you ol lh'.5 n::t:cc, o: _ _ _1_/_1_1_/_1...,6_____ \;h'chcvcr I:; bier.

You rn:.i:;\ pcnc:cn~ly vnc::itc the prcrnl5c5 nncl rem!:l11c otl of your pcr:;on:il pro11crty en o: bcrorc the dnlc l:i::Eci!lcd nbovc. If you
lri'l b r,u\\ and dnt:vcr J1::>55C5!ilon, bgnl proccccJ:ng5 \';::1 1.w ln:;lilutcd cgn~ml ym.i lo ohla!n po55csslan nnd !;Uch procccdir.g5
ccu~j rc5ult In n judg;mmt na;i:mt yo~ \'ihkh rm:;y b:luclc nltorrmy:;' lcc!i nn:J co:.11t co5\5 ns oto;ccJ hy l:lw, plus the D\'mcr/f19cnl
mily recover nn ndd.!ion:il punll:\'c <rtLml of :;17i hundred tlo!brn (5600) In o:co11.l:lncc \';!th Cn!Jorr.l:l b.'I ro: r;uch u;il;miul
clclcn\:on Th'.!:. IJ!)n\ ncl :i;i \'1i!I n!s:> rcsuH l<l lo:rc:tum nf the rcnlnl nnrccn:nnl
This Nc1:::0 of Tcrm~nnti:in ul Tcn:rncy docs not rcfawe you ul pi'.lymcnl of nny f nnn!:inl olJ'ignli:ln for rcnl o;ccl un!.l llln nctunl
tlnlc ul \!Jrrnlrwllo n of \c:inncy.
We nrc scekin9 in good ra;:h to re::ov::?r possession so n:; to pcrlorm work on the bui'.din9 h::ius!ng your re:ital unit on:J/or p-cm:scs
thereab out, nnd
1) Such work will exceed lJ tirnc!l your monthly rent (rent os of Nov 2015)
2) The v:ork wi:I ren:Jcr the

uni\ un:nhouilab:c for a period 30 doys

II you lu'\ l:i fulf1!1 lhc tcmrn nl ycur crcd.l o!J~: gnt:ons , n ncg;;iEvc crctU TCpo:t rcncctin!) en your crctJ1l history mny bl! !:iulmillc1J tu
n credit rcporfn!J og'111cy.
Yo:J ha\'C the right lo rcquc!ll nn lnllb l ln!:opccl!:m or ynur uni\ nr.d lo U::! p:cscnt curing UrnI lnspcclion, wh'ch shtiil occur r.o CLJJlicr
lhnn l\'il.l \'tech; ucfo;u lhu lcrrninnliOil of the lcnnrn:.y <:nd dudn!J normal bu:.!ncs!l hours, /\1 lh!:; lnilinl lnspect:on, ltw Q.,,rier//\!)cnl
\'/:~1 provitlo n:i l!cmlzcd 5lnlcrncnl spccify;11g rcp:i!ri; or clcnn!ng thnl nro 1iroposctl lo bo Ilic bai;!s ror the d!:!du:t::ms rrom the
security dcpoi;:t. 11115 mny no\ be n ftnnl nccoun\:nn ol tledLrct:oni; from tho !lcctJrily dcposll I\ scpamlc I Jo\lc:c or Rc:;ltJcn\'r.
Opl;on l o Rcq:.icsl nn ln'.lii:il lnspcr:tlo:1 b provided with lhl!i lfoticc er \;lll fol!cw wilh!n o rcnsonabln limo. Pl!:!ti5c comp!cto Iha
form nml rcl:.irn It lo O;:ncr/Ancnl If you \';!sh to orrilngc for m lnlliill lmpccrcn
Pursunnl ta Civil Coda Scct::in 1!Wi.1, Stoic law pcrm::s former tcnnn:s to'.m nbandoncd porson:il popcrty left o\ tho lormcr
;iddrc:;s or the lcn"3;il, !luujc::t lo certain candit!ons Yo:.i mny or may not lJc nlllc l o rnclnim propcrl y wilhoul lncunlng odd tfcnnl
co:;t!i, dcpcndino o;i the cos\ or !llorir.g tho properly nntl tho length ol l me bdorc II Is rcc:lJirncd. In gcncrnl, tlwsc costs \,i!l trn
bwcr the so:ncr you contn::.I your former li:lndlou.I otter being no!ificd that property bcl:mg:n!J l o you \'ins left behind oiler you
movctl out.

OJ to


Sridtiar Equities, In:: for 15Hi 1!il fwc LLC


The City of Alameda's Rent Review Ordinance [Alameda Municipal Code ("AMC"), Sections 657 .1 and following], effective October 1, 2015, requires that whenever a "housing provider", i.e.,
a landlord, is required to provide a notice of a rent increase to a tenant under State law, the
housing provider is also required to provide to the tenant a separate notice concerning the
availability of rent review procedures under the Rent Review Ordinance. If a housing provider
fails to provide this separate notice to the tenant, then under the City's Rent Review Ordinance,
the rent increase is void, the housing provider shall take no action to enforce the invalid rent
increase, and a tenant may rely on this failure as evidence in a tenant's defense in an unlawful
detainer action based on the tenant's failure to pay an illegal rent increase. Section 6-57.3
The notice required under the Rent Review Ordinance must be in writing and shall provide the
name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider. The housing
provider shall either personally deliver the notice to the tenant or shall mail the notice to the
tenant by first class mail, postage pre-paid, and addressed to the tenant at the property that the
tenant rents. Section 6-57.4, AMC.
In addition to the name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider, the
text of the notice shall be as set forth on the attached form. Section 6-57.5, AMC.

Please note that this notice must be provided to a tenant each and every time there is a
rent increase.
If there are questions concerning the administration of the Rent Review Ordinance, please call
the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda at 510-747-4316, or email

SttllJt lAl\ [(lJllTll ~

Dear Tenant,
We are serving you the enclosed Sixty-Day Notice of Termin ation of Tenancy. This means you
will need to vacate your unit within 60 days of receipt.
We are seeking in good faith to recover possess ion so as to perform work on the building
housing your rental unit and/o r the premises thereabout; and :
1) Such work cost will exceed 8 times your monthly rent (rent as of Nov 2015)
2) The work will render the unit uninhabitable for a period exceeding 30 days.
We are sorry to see you go. You are welcome to reapply once the work is completed. Please be
advised that if you do not move out within the 60-day period, we will begin eviction
proceedings and your credit may be negatively affected.
If you are interested in leaving earlier, you may qualify for our early incentive I relocation
assistance program, a program we are voluntari ly offering, please contact Norma at (408) 725 9501.
Carol Santos
Sridhar Equities





prcrn!scs locnlcd nl


- -------::--..,.....,..,.---:-"..:..7=0....::C.._1"
- :. ;.;i_.1A-"-v_c;....n=u....
'! _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ , U11;1 (ii ]fjl!.c:nb'.c) __
f !it:~~l 1.:1.!:cs:)

PLEAS!: T/\!(: IJOTIC: lh:it your t ~m1m:y cl tho pcm::;c!i b lcrminJld clic::tivc ;;t lhc end of n dxly (GO) day rc1icd nller !icrvice
on y-.:u ol lh'.s 11::it:cc, o~ _ _ _1.;.;/_1;. . 1.;. . ;/_1''--____
\'oh1chcvcr b bier.

You m'J!il pcncc<i!:ily v;ic:ilc lhn prcm:5c!; nncl remove nll ol your pcr!;on;il property en or bclorc the date l:i:Jicn\cd nbovc. II you
ln'l l::J CjUil nnd dcl;vcr p:i:>scssJon, legal pro:: ceding:; \'ii~! I.Jc ln!il1!U\ed ngo '. n~l you lo obla!n po!i!iC5!;JOn nntl !::Ucll procc c~in'.]!i
cou~j result In n j udnmcn\ ogn:n~l you \'/lt!ch mny b::IUi.Jo nllo:ncys' fees nn:.I court co:;t:; O!i ol'. o.,;ed hy I:!\':, plu!i the Om1ct/r,9cnl
may recover nn ndd.!ionnl punl\:\'e ;:mart.I of :;Ix llumlrctl tJo'!:m; ($600) In nccord::incc wllh Cn!iforr.b IJw fo ~ cudi u:i!n\'.iul
dclcnfon Th'!i l~gJ\ ncl.:m \';i!I nlso 1csull 1:1 fo:1e;111;c nl the rcnlnl nnrccnwnl
Tl\!5 l~ct: ::c of Tcr111 111Gti:rn al Tcn:incy tlot::; nnt rct:cvc yo~ ol p::iymcnl of nny C:n:incinl ol.J1:nnlb;i for rent o.,;ctl unt:I tho nc.IL!ill
tlnte ul \i::rmln:1ll:m or k:innc.y.

Wr:! nrc seckin;:i in good faith to recover pcsscss:on so ns to perform work on the uu::ding housing your rental un:t nndlc; premises

lhcrcnbout, nnd
1) Su: h work will exceed Otimes your mon!hly rent (rent ns cf Nov 2015)
2) The work ,.,;:1rcnde?r the unit un:nh:ibitub!c for n period exceed ng 30 d~ys

If you In'\ \:1fulri\l lhe tcmrn nl ycur trcd.I

o\.i'.~gnt: ons,

n crctl.l rcpo:l rcnccling en your c:rctl1l hi~ lcry mny lw !.iuln1il!e1J lo

n crctlil rcriorfng nrpncy.

You hn\'Cthe right to request nn lniliill ln!;pcclion of your unll nr.d l o l.l::? p:cscn\ curinn thal lnspecl:on, \,h'c.h !illat! o:cur no ca1l!cr
th;:in l\';o \'/cck!J bclo;u lhc kr111in:ilio11 of the \!:: nnd du;ing ncrmn\ bu!>!nc:;5 hour!i. J\l lh!!i lniliill fn!;pect:on, ll;c o ...nc1/J\:icnt
\'/:!I provido n:i Itemized !ilnlcmcnl ::;pC!ci/y;11g repJ!r!i or c:IC!nn'ng th:it mo propoi:cd to be Ille l.Jil!:i!!i ror the dcdu:t'.:im; from the
!iccu1ily dcpo!i!\. 1hls may no\ be n finnl m:coun\ing ol tletlucl:onn from Iha !mc.urily dcponll A !icpilrnlc tJotlcc of Resldenl'!i
Oplton l o ReqLlc!il un ln:linl lnspccllu:i l!i provi~cd with 1111!; l~olic:c er wlil roll ow \';ith!n n rcil!ionnblu limo. Plc<i!ic comp~cla the
form nnd rctJrn It to Dwncr!A9cnl If you \';!sh lo nrrnnnc for iln ln:llal ln!ipcct'cn
Pursuilnl l o Civil Coda 1!WU, Stoia law pcrrn::s former lcmm:s l o rccl.:i'.m obJndoncd pc1:;on;il property kit o\ lhc former
nddrc!i!i or the kmrnl, !iu\Jjc::l lo ccrt:iln contlilion!i You mny or rnoy not I.le oblc lo reclaim property \'iilhout lncuning ndd licnnl
cos!!;, uci:cnding on lhc co!it ol !ilorino Iha property nntl tho length ol 1me bclorc I\ 15 rcc:bimcd. In ucncrnl, ll1c!ic co!il!i will be
l::iwer lhc i:;o:ncr you contn::\ ycur form er lnnd!ord nHer being noti fied lhil\ properly bc!:mg:ng l o you \'1Js lch behind oiler you
moved out.



Sridhar Equltic!i, Inc for 151 (j 1!ii Ave LLC

~tAl a rn eda


l ---:i= - i


The City of Alameda's Rent Review Ordinance [Alameda Municipal Code ("AMC"), Sections 657 .1 and following], effective October 1, 2015, requires that whenever a "housing provider", i.e.,
a landlord, is required to provide a notice of a rent increase to a tenant under State Jaw, the
housing p rovider is also required to provide to the tenant a separate notice concerning the
availability of rent review procedures under the Rent Review Ordinance. If a housing provider
fails to provide this separate notice to the tenant, then under the City's Rent Review Ordinance,
the rent Increase is void, the housing provider shall t ake no action to enforce the invalid rent
increase, and a tenant may rely on this failure as evidence in a tenant's defense in an unlawful
detain er action based on the tenant's failure to pay an illegal rent increase. Section 6-57.3
The notice requ ired under the Rent Review Ordinance must be in writing and shall provide the
name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider. Th e housing
provider shall either pe rsonally deliver the notice to the tenant or shall mail the notice to the
tenant by first class mail, postage pre-pai d, and addressed to the tenant at the property that the
tenant rents. Section 6-57.4, AMC.
In addition to the name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider, the
text of the notice shall be as set forth on the attached form. Section 6-57.5, AMC.

Please note that this notice must be provided to a tenant each and every time there is a
rent increase.
If there are questions concerning the administration of the Rent Review Ordinance, please call
the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda at 510-747-4316, or email

SlU()llAll [ ll,!11111 s

Dear Tenant,
We are serving you the enclosed Sixty-Day Notice of Termination of Tenancy. This means you
will need to vacate your unit within 60 days of receipt.

We are seeking in good faith to recover possession so as to p erform work on the building
housing your rental unit and/or t he premises thereabout; and :
1) Such work cost will exceed 8 times your month ly rent (rent as of Nov 2015)
2) The work will render the unit uninhabitable for a period exceeding 30 days.
We are sorry to see you go. You are welcome to reapply once the work is completed. Please be
advised that if you do not move out within the 60-day period, we will begin eviction
proceedings and your credit may be negatively affected.
If you are interested in leaving earlier, you may qualify for ou r early in ce ntive/ relocation
assistance program, a program we are vo luntarily offering, please contact Norma at (408) 725 9501.
Carol Santos
Sridhar Equities



al the prcm'.sc:; locL!lcd nl

- - - -- - --

t A-'-1.""'t>' n=!l_<!_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , U11;1t; (ii r:pp~ . cnb~e) _ _6__

f5f:i:l / ,rf:J:u::)

PLEl1S:: T/11\E IWTICE th :il your l!.mnncy o: the pcrni!:>c:; I:; l "rmlnnled ufic:::li\c i!t lhc end of n nixty (GO) tiny pcrbJ nllcr ::crvice
on y;:iu ol lh'.!i n::l:cc, or _ __

1"'""/_1'-1"'""'/_1'-6"--____ v;h'chcvcr I:; bier.


You rnu;;\ pcncciJ ~ly vnc::ilc lhc prcntl!iC!:; nnd remove oil of rour pcri;onill property en m before th!:! dote lil:liciltcd nbovc. Ir you
In'! I:> fju:1nnd dcl:vcr p:::issc!i!ilon, fcgol pro:::emEng!i \'1::1 1.J c ln:;li!utcd C!go:mt you to oblJ:n pD!i!iC!i!il::m nnd i:uch proceeding:;
cou!:J result Inn jutlgmcnt nga:n::t you \'/hkh moy b:ludc nllomoy:;' rcc!i :ind co~r t co!it!i n:; ol!o-.;ed hy bw, plu!i the 01;ncr/f19cnl
rnny recover nn ndd.!ionJl punl\:\'c nw;mJ of ::;\11 l1umlrctl uo!l:m:; (S5DD) In \'illh Co!:rorr.l.:l l:r:1 rn~ r:;u:h u;ilndul
delcn!ion Th'.:; l:i ont nt\':i;i \'ii!I nlso wsul\ lil lo:fr.;turc nf the rcn!nl ngrccmenl
Th!i; l~ o l'c.c ol Tc rm~n<:?bn ol Tcn:incy doe:; not rel:cvc you ol pymenl o! nn; f.nnm:i:il ou';gntbn for rent o-.;ccl un!:l tho nctunl
tlnlc ul l !!rmlm1tlon ork:iancy.
We me seeking in good faith to recover pos:;cssion so il!i to pcrlarrn work on the tiu::ding hou:;!ng your rental un:t ond/or prcm:scs
\hercnbout, on:J

1) Such work ,.,;:1 exceed O hmes your mon!h:y rnnt (rent os of N::w 2015)
2) The worh will render the un:t un:ntt::ibi!ob:c for o period cxcccd1ng 30 cfays

1f y:rn fu'\ b fulf1\l lhc term:; al y:::ur crcd .t ob~:gn[on:;, n ncg:itivc c:rcd,\ 1cpo:t rcnec:tinn en your m :tl1t 11:~tory may 111.J sub1illcll \o
n crctlit rcport'n!:J ngrrncy.
Yo:i hnrn 1~.c right l o request nn l nili;:i~ lnspcckm or your uni\ nr.d to lie wcscnt curin!J lhnl lnspeclion, \';h'ch shall occur r.o cnrt:cr
lll<m two \'1cc\.:!j lrnfo:u \he \cm;'.n01lio:1al lhc lcn;im:y .:ml du:in1 narnrnl bu:;!nc!i!i hours. Al lh!!i lni!lol lnspcct:on, Ilic O"'.ncr//\~cnt
w:!l provicfo n:i ltcrnlrnd slnlemcnl ::;pnciry;1111 rcp:i!rr; ur clc::m'ng tlinl nro propo!ictl l o be lhc bLJ!i!:; (or the Llctlu: l:on!i rro:n tlio
:;ccurity dcp::i!:;;t. 1hls mny not be n finnl m:counlin;i ol Lletluct:on!i from Iha !;Cctrrily dcpo!ilt I\ !;cpamtc Mollee of Rc!;ltlc:-,!'r;
Optio;i to Rctpc!il on lnaial lr1!ipcc:lic;1 b provi:JcLI \'1i!h lhl!i ffol\cc or wl!I follow v1ilh!n n rcn!ioilnlila liiTlc. Plc::i!io comp'.ctc Ilic
form nnd 1cl!.lrn It to O:;ncr/flgcnt If ynu \'t'lsh lo nrranoc for i:!n lnllinl lr1!ipcct:on
Pur!iunn\ l o Civil Coda Scc:l:oa 19~6.1, Stnlc bw pcrni'.lt> former tcnnn~!i to rc tlil'.m nbundoncd pcr!ionnl property kit ol tho former
nddrc!i!i of the tcnnnl, !Julijcct l a ccrln!n cor.tlilion!i. You mny or mny not bo obl!.l l o rcc.lilim property without lnc:urrin!J odd tlcnal
cos!!;, tl cpcnding o;i lh!:! co:;t of !Jto iing tho property on:J lho fcn glh ol 1me before I\ l!i rcc!Jimcd. In !)cner;il, lhc:;e eo!il!i \, i!l l>o
bwcr lhc 5o:ncr you conln::\ yc;!.lr former lnn:J!ord nflcr t.ic:ng no!ificd lhut properly l>cbng!ng to you \'Jil!i lch behl;id oiler you
moved out.


o.m :r:.1:1001

Sridlmr Equltic!i, lnc for 151Ci 1!il fwc LLC

~rAla rn eda

r = ==:'l


The City of Alameda's Rent Review Ordinance [Alameda Municipal Code ("AMC"), Sections 657 .1 and following}, effective October 1, 2015, requires that whenever a "housing provider", i.e.,
a landlord, is required to provide a notice of a rent increase to a tenant under State law, th e
housing provider is also required to provide to the tenant a separate notice concerning the
availability of rent review procedures under the Rent Review Ordinance. If a housing provider
fails to provide this separate notice to the tenant, then under the City's Rent Review Ordinance,
the rent increase is void, the housing provider shall take no action to enforce the invalid rent
increase, and a tenant may rely on this failure as evidence in a tenant's defense in an unlawful
detainer action based on the tenant's failure to pay an illegal rent increase. Section 6-57.3
The notice required under the Rent Review Ordinance must be in writing and shall provide the
name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider. The housing
provider shall either personally deliver the notice to the tenant or shall mail the notice to the
tenant by first class mail, postage pre-paid, and addressed to the tenant at the property that the
tenant rents. Section 6-57.4, AMC.
In addition to the name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider, the
text of the notice shall be as set forth on the attached form. Section 6-57.5, AMC.

Please note that this notice must be provided to a tenant each and every time there is a
rent increase.
If there are questions concerning the administration of the Rent Review Ordinance, please call
the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda at 510-747-4316, or email .

SlllllllAI\ [ Q!JI Tl l S

Dear Tenant,
We are serving you the enclosed Sixty-Day Notice of Termination of Tenancy. This means you
will need to vacate your unit within 60 days of receipt.


We are seeking in good faith to recover possession so as to perform work on the building
housing your rental unit and/or the premi ses thereabout; and :
1) Such work cost will exceed 8 times your monthly rent (rent as of Nov 2015)
2) The work will render the unit uninhabitable for a period exceeding 30 days.
We are sorry to see you go. You are welcome to reapply once the work is completed. Please be
advised that if you do not move out within the 60-day period, we will begin eviction
proceedings and your credit may be negatively affected.
If you are interested in leaving earlier, you may qualify for our early incentive I relocation
assistance program, a program we are voluntarily offering, pleas e contact Norma at (408) 725 9501.
Carol Santos
Sridhar Equities



of Ille prcm'. :;c~:; lornl cd ol


_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __.'1..._7"'"'0"""C"""r_n_1:"'"'";i_.IA
u_'!_ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ , U11;1 (ii opp! cnb'c) __
(!:t:cd / ,:f:f:os:)

PLEASE: TN<: l~DilSE th:it your l!mnn:::y of the p ~c m i sc:; I ~ tcrmlnnl d cffc:::livc t::I the encl or n ddy (GO) day pcricd ;:lier !:Cr\'ice
on you ol lh:s n::t:cc, o~ _ _ _1_/_1'"""1
"'"'"/_1_6_____ \'ih'chcvcr b blcr.

You mU!:;\ pcnccn~ly vnc:itc Iha prcmlscs nnd remove ntl ol your pcr!icnill property en o~ before the dnlc ln:llcn\cd obovc.11 you
fil 'l 1:> qui! ond doJ;vcr p:issesslon, ICJill pro::ecdlng!i \';\~I I.Jc ln!ililutcd O!Jn!n!il yau to obl.:i~n pos:;cssl:J11 nnd wch proccm!ing:;
cou!:i rcsull In a judgment il!Ju!mt yau \'1hkh rmiy b:lmfo oltorncys' fees on:.! co~.111 co:;\i; u!i ol!o.,;cd hy bw, plus lhc O;;ncr/r,~ cnl
rt1JY recover on ndd,!ionJI punil:\'c m1JnJ of six llunclrcll do!l:irs (5600) In occoribncc \'i!lh C n~:rorr.b 13.,., fo; cu:h un!;w;ful
t!ctcn\lon Tll'.s \:lJil\ net.on \ 'ii!I nl5:J rcsul! ];-\ fo:fe;tu;c ol the rcn!nl nnrccrmml
Tl\!5 l.Jot:ce of Tcrm'.nntion of Tcn:rncy docs not rcl:cvc yo!.l ul p'1ymc11\ ol ony f.nnrn:inl ou':goli:m for rcril o:;ctJ unt:l tho nclunl
t!n!c of t::rmln:1llon ol \c:i;incy.
We arc seeking in good fu:!h to recover posscssbn so ns to perform wmk on the bu::ding h::iu:;ing your rcntnl unit andfor premises
lhoronbout, nnd
1) Suell work \';;:1 exceed Dl imos your monthly rnnt (rent us c f Nov 201!j)
2) The \'tork \'/i!I render tho un:t uninholJi!nb!c for a p ried exceed ng 30 dnys

Ir you (;:;"\ t::i !ulf1!1 lhc l crmi; of ycu; crcd .t ob!:gn[on::;, n ncoot:vc crcd;1Tcpo:I en your credit hi5\ory may be !lulmil!cll to
n crctlil rcporl'ng noency,
You have U~c right to rcquci;t <in lnilin! lni;pccti:m ol your uni! ar.d l o b:? p:c!icnl ~u rinn lhol lnspcci:on, \'ih'ch shni; occur no cnrlicr
thnn i..-o \'rncr.s l.Jclo:e tho lcrmin:ilioa of llm l cnnncy o:nd durin:J normnl bus!ne.:;s hours. /\I \h~s ln:linl lnspccl:on, Ilic o:.n c r//\~cnt
\'/:!I proviuo n:i l:cmlzcd i;tnlcmcnl fipccify:11n rnp:i!rs or clcnn'.ng tlrn\ nro proposed lo be lhc uil:>!s for the dcdu: t!:ms rro;n the
security cfcpo !;~ \. 1hls mily no\ be n linnl n::c:ounling ol deduct:ons from Iha security dcpo:.11 /\ i; tJollca of Rc!ildcr.l 's
Opllon to Rcq:.ic~I nn ln'lial lnspcc:llo:i b provided wi!h this lfol:::o er wl:I follow \'iilh!n n rensonnulc timc. Plczisc co rnp~c tc tho
form nnd rct:.irn It to Owncr//\!Jcnl If you \'ilsh ta arr<!n!Jc for nn lnllial lnspcc:t:cn.
Pursu<in\ to Civil Codo Scct:::i:i 1!J~5 . 1, Slnle l;iw pcrm::s forrm:r l onnn:s l o rer.ln:m ubi:lr.doncd pcr!ion::il popcrty !cit ol lho former
nddrC!i!i or tho lcnnn!, suujc:l l o ccrtillO cor.dilions You mny or mily nol llc oll!c lo reclaim properly \'lilhaut lncunin!J ndd IJcnu!
cos~. cl er: ending on the co!il or storing th o property nnd tho length ol 1me llcforc I\ Is rccl.:iimcd. In ncncrol, these costs \,111 l.Jc
lo;1cr lhc so: ncr you canln::I your former lilndtort! n!tcr l.Jcin!J nolificll lhnl properly l.Je!:mg'.n!J to you \'1J. s loll bch!nd oiler you
moved oul.


Sridtmr Equ\lic5, Inc for 15\i 1st Ava LLC


The City of Alameda's Rent Review Ordinance [Alameda Municipal Code ("AMC"), Sections 657 .1 and following], effective October 1, 2015, requires that whenever a "housing provider", i.e.,
a landlord, is required to provide a notice of a rent increase to a tenant under State law, the
housing provider is also required to provide to the tenant a separate notice concerning the
availability of rent review procedures under the Rent Review Ordinance. If a housing provider
fails to provide this separate notice to the tenant, then under the City's Rent Review Ordinance,
the rent increase is void, the housing provider shall take no action to enforce the invalid rent
increase, and a tenant may rely on this failure as evidence in a tenant's defense in an unlawful
detainer action based on the tenant's failure to pay an illegal rent increase. Section 6-57.3
The notice required under the Rent Review Ordinance must be in writing and shall provide the
name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider. The housing
provider shall either personally deliver the notice to the tenant or shall mail the notice to the
tenant by first class mail, postage pre-paid, and addressed to the tenant at the property that the
tenant rents. Section 6-57.4, AMC.
In addition to the name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider, the
text of the notice shall be as set forth on the attached form. Section 6-57.5, AMC.

Please note that this notice must be provided to a tenant each and every time there is a
rent increase.
If there are questions concerning the administration of the Rent Review Ordinance, please call
the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda at 510-747-4316, or email .

Sn11111A1l [llJll 111 'i

Dear Tenant,
We are serving you the enclosed Sixty-Day Notice of Termination of Tenancy. This means you
will need to vacate your unit within 60 days of receipt.


We are seeking in good faith to recover possession so as to perform work on the building
housing your rental unit and/or the premises thereabout; and :
1) Such work cost will exceed 8 times your monthly rent (rent as of Nov 2015)
2) The work will render the unit uninhabitable for a period exceeding 30 days.
We are sorry to see you go. You are welcome to reapply once the work is completed. Please be
advised that if you do not move out within the 60-day period, we will begin eviction
proceedi ngs and your credit may be negatively affected.
If you are interested in leaving earlier, you may qualify for our ea rly incentive/ relocation
assistance program, a program we are voluntarily offering, please contact Norma at (408) 725 9501.
Carol Santos
Sridhar Equities




ol lhc i;:rcrn'5c:; located nl

- - - - - - - - - - - , - -"""''"'"7""'0...;:;C:;.;.r...;..n;.;.;lr.;..o:i.....;IA...;..;..:~c'-n~11'""''1_ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ , Una# (ii tipp!.cnb!c) __B
fSt:-;.1 ~t

/,:fj:us !}

-------....,.------~A~':i~~~~~.rl~:i'--------~----~ CA _ _~__,n~~~5_0.....;1_ _ __
/C::1 J


PLEASE TN<: l~DTI SE lh:il your l~mm ::y or llrn premises f::; lcm1lnalm.I clfo::li..-ci at the cntl of n di~ty (iiO) doy pcricd n!lcr

on yLiu ol lh's, o: ___0

_1_/_1_1_11....,6_____ \';h'chcvcr Is b ier.

You mus\ pcncc;i~lly Vil::::i~c llw prcmlsc!i nntl rcrnovc nll ol your pcr::;cn:il prop!:rly en o~ hcforc lhc date l:i:lic:nlcd n~ovc .11 you

1n11::> quil ond d:::!l:vcr p:i::scsslon, lcgnl pro::ccding!i \'ii:l l.Jci!!.!lcd cnn'nsl you lo obln~n pO!i!iC!i!ilon nnd ?:uc:h procccc!ing:;
cou ~:i rcsu:t Jn n juu9a1c:i\ u!Ju:n:;I you \'/hlc:h lllilY b::lu:Jc nllr.~noys' fce!i nn:.I cm.1:1cosls ns al'.o:;cd by l:l\':, plus the 01.ner/f1'.)cnt
rnny rcco;cr nn ndd,!ion::il pun\l:vc r;'.1nrtl ol sl" ltunurc!I uo'.brs (S600) In n::cottfoncc \';!lh Cn!;rorr.b b;1 ro; i;uc:h u:i!nw!ul
dclcnlion. Th's l'.)!]i'l\ nc:I :m \'1i!I nlso rcsu\I b fo:1c;111re or the r cn~nl ilJrcr:mwnl .
Tll!s l~ cl'rn or Tc rm'nLil!:in or Tcn:incy tloe!i not rci:cvc yo:J of p::iymcr1t of on1 finnndnl ol.i'ignlbn ror rcr,t unt.1lho nctl!nl
tlnlc ul lcrmln:illon or lc:1;incy.
We ore seeking in good faith lo recover possession sons to perform work on the l.luilding housing y:"Jur rental unit ondlor premises


1) Su:h \'/Oik wi:I cxc.cld B f mes your mon!hly rc:nl (rent ns of Nov 20 15)

2) Tllu work will render the unit un:nhobitob!c for o period exceeding 30 duys.

II y::iu (n'\ l;i (tJ lf:!l lhc lcrms o! ycur c.rcd I o'.!'.:gnt:ons, n negative tr cd , 11 c p o~l rcncct:n:i en your crnl1l h:slory mny ll!! !.iul.mittcct lo
n crctlil rcporfn!J nganc:y.
Yo:J hnvc the right to request nn lnilinl lnspcclion of your un\l lo b:! p:cscnt curinn lhal ln!ipcc:l:on, \';h'c:h strnn occur no c;:ulicr
!hon l\';Q \ '/CCY.!.i ucloai !Im lcrt11in:11io11 of the lcnnncy ctlt.I du;ing ncrmill bus!no!i!i hours. A\ lh!s ln:lial lnspec:t:on, Ilic o ,.n c1/J\9!m!
\'/;!I provide u:l llcmlzcd !:ilnlcrncn\ !:ifH.!Cify:Jl!J rc:pJ~t!i Vt C(c;in'ng lhn! !HO propo.::;cd lo bC! Iii!:! Ui:ls!s (or lhc tl:::!tlll:lion!i horn !he
!iccurily clcpos:t. 1hl!i m::iy no\ ban finnl m:c:ounling ol dcduct:ons from Iha nec:urily dcpos\I A ncpilrnle t'Jollcc of Rczllfonl'!i
OpHon lo Rcq:Jc!il illl ln'linl h1!ipcc:llo;i b provided \'/itlt lhl!:i lfolica er wltl follow \'iith!n n rcn:;onnlilo tima. Plou!:ic comp!cl!2 tho
form nn:l ml?Jrn It In o.,:ncr/A!Jcnl If you \';lsh lo nrrnngc for nn ln:liLil ln.::;pcct:on
Pursunn\ ta Civil Cot.lo 51:): \:0:1 in~fi . 1, Stnlo law pcrm'.t!i lormcr lcmm:s to rccln'.m nb<indom:d pat!ion:il property krt ol tho termer
nddrc!is of the lcnnn!, .::;ubjc:\ to ccrloln comhllon!i You mny or muy not I.Jc ol.Jlc to rcclnim properly without lncunin:J odd t!cnlll
cos!!;, u c~ cnding on thc co:;I or nlorir.g lho property anti lhci longlh of I me 1.JQforc 11 Is rcchimct.1 . In gcncrnl. these cosl!i wi!l llc
l:mcr lhc ::;o:ncr you co;;!n::I your form er lilr.d!ort.I nltc1'.ng no\'Cicd \Im\ p1opcrty bel:mg:ng lo you \'IL!!i lch bchl:id oiler you
moved out.



Sridlmr Equitlcn, Inc ror 15Hi 1 ~\ twc llC

~~, :Al a 111

r ----,



The City of Alameda's Rent Review Ordinance [Alameda Municipal Code ("AMC"), Sections 657 . 1 and following], effective October 1, 2015, requires that whenever a "housing provider", i.e.,
a landlord, is required to provide a notice of a rent increase to a tenant under State law, the
housing provider is also required to provide to the tenant a separate notice concerning the
availability of rent review procedures under the Rent Review Ordinance. If a housing provider
fails to provide this separate notice to the tenant, th en under the City's Rent Review Ordinance,
the rent increase is void, the housing provider shall take no action to enforce the invalid rent
increase, and a tenant may rely on this failure as evidence in a tenant's defense in an unlawful
detainer action based on the tenant's failure to pay an illegal rent increase. Section 6-57.3
The notice required under the Rent Review Ordinance must be in writing and shall provide the
name, address, phone number and email add ress of the housing provider. The housing
provider shall either personally deliver the notice to the tenant or shall mail the notice to the
tenant by first class mail, postage pre-paid, and addressed to the tenant at the property that the
tenant rents. Section 6-57.4, AMC.
In addition to the name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider, the
text of the notice shall be as set forth on the attached form. Section 6-57.5, AMC.

Please note th at this notice must be provided to a te nant each and every time there is a
rent increase.
If there are questions concerning the administration of the Rent Review Ordinance, please call
the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda at 510-747-4316, or email

S1Ullll1\I\ k l.!JI Tll ~

Dear Tena nt,

We are serving you the enclosed SixtyDay Notice of Termination of Tenancy. This means you
will need to vacate your unit within 60 days of receipt.

We are seeking in good faith to recover possession so as to perform work on the building
housing your rental unit and/or the premises thereabout; and :
1) Such work cost will exceed 8 times your monthly rent (rent as of Nov 2015)
2) The work will render the unit uninhabitable for a period exceeding 30 days.
We are sorry to see you go. You are welcome to reapply once the work is completed. Please be
advised that if you do not move out within the 60day period, we will begin eviction
proceedings and your credit may be negatively affected.
If you are interested in leaving earlier, you may qualify for our early in cent ive/ relocation
ass istance program, a program we are voluntarily offe ring, please contact Norma at (408) 725 9501.
Carol Santos
Sridh ar Equities



of lhc pcro.'.::c:; locolcd nl

-------...,,....--,....,.....,.,..---:'~. .:. 7.;. ;.0. . : C; . ;.r. .:. 'n tr"""n-'l

"' .t-'-~\;~c"""n"'IJ_'1_ __ _ _ _ _ __ __

, U11;1t: (ii oppl 1 cnh~c) __9__

f!il:t!!:f/,r1:!:us :}

PLEr,s: TAl<E IJOilCE yuur l:Jn<m ::y ul the prcmi!;C!i I:; krmlnnlctl cffcclivu ct the cntl or n (GO} day rmi:tJ nllcr :.crvicc
oa YilU ol lh'.r; n::il:cc, or ___0

____ v;h'chcvcr I:; bier,


You mus\ pcncc;:i~ly vn::J\c llln f!l cmlr>c!.i ;incl rcrno11n otl of your pcr!.icn::il properly en or before the dnlc l;-dicntcd nbovc. If you
fn't t:i quil nnd dnt;vE!r p:i:;::c!i!il:in, lcgill pro::cctl'ng:; \'1::1 1.Jc ln!.ilit:.Jlctl i'.!!JLl'.n::I you lo obb~n pO!i!iC!ir.lon :md :;ud1 proccedir.g:;
COU~:i 1c::u'.l In il juugrrrn;it <l!]<l!n::I you \'1h!d1 m<iy b::lutlc ;i\lmm;y:;' rcc!i an:i C:JUll CO!i\$ <l!i al~OWE!d hy b \':, plU!i lhc Q,;nerfr1!]cnt
mrly ICCO'JE! j i:ln odd.:ionJI punl\:\'C i:i'.'lilrtl or :;Ill lluntlrcrl do'.IJrr; (S600} In nccoru::incc \';11h Co!ilorr.l:i l:m Car r;uch unln\'iful
dclcnllon. Th;::; l:lQiJI net o:-i v1l:l n\$0 rc::;ul\ l;i fo:lc;1urc nf \he r cn1nl il!
i hls lfoF::c of Tcrm'nobn ol Tcn:rncy doc:; 1101rcl:cvc yo~ or p:iymcnl or on; lin:im:inl ol.J!igoli::>n for rent o:. cd u:il.I tlrn nr.ll!:::I
dnlc ul l'.!rm!n:ilbn o! k:ioncy.
We ore necking in good fa:th to ru covc r posscnsion no ns to perform work on the building housing your rental un:t ond/or premises
thcmi'.lb:iu\ ;:ind
1) Su::h work ,.,;:1 exceed BI.mos ycur mon!h!y ren t (rent os ol Nov 2015)

2) Th ~ \'lork will render the un:t uninhnl.Jitnblc f.:::r o period exceeding 30 d<iys.

II ycu f<l'I b fulf1!l l hc term:; n! ycur I c~'..g:il'. cn::;, n ncg<1t:vc crcd.t 1cpo;i rcP.ccl:n:J en your crcd1I 11:~1cry may lrn :.ulmil!c!l \o
n credit rcriorfn!J ng~ncy.

You h;ivc \~1 c right to rc:iu c!:ol <Jn lnlli::il ln!:opcclion of your una nr.d l o ll ~ pcscn\ curin!] \hnl lm;pccl'on, \'ih'c.h !ihnll occur no cn11icr
lh\ln l\';o \'/CCY.!i llclorn Iha \crrnin:ilion or \he lcnnn::.y ond tldrlJ ncrrnol bu;;!nc!i!i hour!i. Al \h!!i ln'.liLll l n::;pcct:on, llw O,.nE?r!Agcnl
\'l;Dprovido n:i Itemized ::;talcmcml !;pecily:11g rcp:i~r:::; or clcrn1ng lh:il nro propo!lcd lo I.Jc lhe Llu!:i'.!i (or lhc tlcdu:l1on.;; rrom the
!lccu1ily dcpo!i!t.1h!!l rn;iy nol be n finnl nccounling ol dctlur.l:on?:i ltom lhc !lcturily dcpo!lll A !iCpurnlc ~J ollcc or Rcsl:.lcnt'i;
Op lion to Rc11'.Jc:.I m1 l:iainl ln:;pccllo;1 I:; provided with th!!l l~o i:cc er wl:I follow \'iilh!n n rcnsarrnbln timE?, Plcn:::;c comp'.clo tbc
lorm nnd rcl:.irn It lo O::ncr/f1!Jcnl If you wish lo nmm!)c for nn lnlliiJI ln!lpcc.l:on
Put!lum1\ lo Civil Code S or.lia:119~fi .1, Stnlo ln\'i pcr111:1r. !armer lcniJn:!:i to rccla'.m nbnndoncd per!lon;1l property krt ol lho former
ilddrc!.i!.i or the \t!nnnt, !iu\Jjc::l \o ccrbln cor.tlillon!l You mny or may not be nblc l o rccluim property wilhout lncunin!J ndd l icni'll
eo!l!.!;, r.Jq:cr;ding on lhc co5\ ol :::;torir.g Iha properly nn~ tho length of I me before I\ f::; rcc.!Jimcd . In gcncrnl, thc!iE! c:o!ll!i \,i'.I bo
bwcr lhc !io:ncr you conla: I yc~r !armer lnn:J'crd n!tcr Lic;ng n:>! llm\ prapc1\y bcbng;ng l o you \'l.::l!i l!?h b!!hlnd oiler you
moved oul.



Sridhnr Equllics, Inc for 151u 1s\ Ave LLC

~~, Al a rn eda

, ;--:-,

r == i


The City of Alameda's Rent Review Ordinance [Alameda Municipal Code ("AMC"), Sections 657.1 and following]. effective October 1, 2015, requires that whenever a "housing provider", i.e.,
a landlord, is required to provide a notice of a rent increase to a tenant under State law, the
housing provider is also required to provide to the tenant a separate notice concerning the
availability of rent review procedures under the Rent Revie1,v Ordinance. If a housing provider
fails to provide this separate notice to the tenant, then under the City's Rent Review Ordinance,
the rent in crease is void, the housing provider shall take no action to enforce the invalid rent
increase, and a tenant may rely on this failure as evidence in a tenant's defense in an unlawful
detainer action based on the tenant's failure to pay an illegal rent increase. Section 6-57.3
The notice required under the Rent Review Ordinance must be in writing and shall provide the
name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider. The housing
provider shall either personally deliver the notice to the tenant or shall mail the notice to the
tenant by first class mail, postage pre-paid, and addressed to the tenant at the property that the
tenant rents. Section 6-57.4, AMC.
In addition to the name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider, the
text of the notice shall be as set forth on the attached form . Section 6-57.5, AMC.

Please note that this notice must be provided to a tenant each and every time there is a
rent increase.
If there are questions concerning the administration of the Rent Review Ordinance, please call
the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda at 510-747-4316, or email

SillO H1\I< [ Q!ll rl I S

Dear Tenant,
We are serving you the enclosed Sixty-Day Notice of Termination of Tenancy. This means you
will need to vacate your unit within 60 days of receipt.

We are seeking in good faith to recover possession so as to perform work on the building
housing your rental unit and/or the premises thereabout; and :
1) Such wo rk cost will exceed 8 times your monthly rent (rent as of Nov 2015)
2) The work will render the unit uninhabitable for a period exceeding 30 days.
We are sorry to see you go. You are welcome to reapply once the work is completed. Please be
advised that if you do not move out within the 60-day period, we will begin eviction
proceedings and your credit may be negatively affected.
If you are interested in leaving earlier, you may qualify for our early incentive I relocation
assistance program, a program we are voluntarily offering, please contact Norma at (408) 725 9501.
Carol Santos
Sridhar Equities



a! lhc prcrn1!;C!i locL!lcd nl

- - - - - - --

---""'' .:...7.:.:.0..::C:..:.1'..;..:ll...:.'r.:.:.;iI 'A..:.:\:..;:'

-' t:'-'ri'-=U...:.'!_

_ _ _ _ _ _ __ __

U11;1ti (ii q :p:.cnh'.e) _ _


f5t:c::J /,:!:!.' US!}

PLEf\SE TN<E l~OilCE l!i'.ll yuur t~mm :r cl Ilic prcrni!i e!i I:; tcrmlnnlcd clfc:::lirn <:1 lhc cntl of n dx!y (GU) doy ricrictl nllcr :;cric c

on yo:i nf lh'.!i n:it:cc, o~ _

_..0...1~/_.1'-1~/_.1~6~_ ____ v;h'chcvcr I:; bier.


You m!.l!i\ pcnccn~ly vn:::i!c lhc prcml!ic:; nnd remove oil of your pcr:;on:il property en o~ before th!:! dnlc i;dicnlcd nbovc. 11 you
fn'l l::J CjUi\ nnd dcf;vcr po:;:;e:.!ilon, Jcg:i1 pro:::ccding:; \'1l!l llc ln:;t.lutcd cg;:i!n~I you to obln!n IJO!i!iC!i!ibn mid wch proccccir.'.1:;
c:ou:'.l rc!iuH In n jud;irnc:i\ u!Jo:n!ll yo:i \'/h!ch nrny b:::lutln nllomey!i' rec!i nnd co:.1rl co!il!i u!i o!:o:;cd hy l:lw, phJ!i lhc O,.,ncrir19cn\
rn::iy recover nn odd,\ion:il punl\:i;c mi;Htl of :;\1i llumJrcd llo'.IJr!:i ($600) In m:cordoncc wilh Co!Jorr.l:i IJ,1 Cor r.a1ch u:llnwful
dclcn\ion Th:i; l:J!]ul ncl'o:i r;i~I u15o rcsull l;'l fo:rc:t11m nl 111!! rcnlill ngrcr.mnnl
Tiils l~ c t : cc of Tcrnt'nn!!::m of Tcn:mcy cJcc:; not relieve yo!l of pymcnl al nny f.nnndnl ou':g;il::m for rent o:;ctl U:i!:I Urn nctu;;I
t.Jnle ul l!!Jmln:illon of lc:i;rncy.
W <l ore seeking in good faith to recover possession so i'l!i to pcrlmm work on the building llousfn g your rental un:t on:.l/or premises

thcrcubout, ::ind
1) Su:.h work \'i::1 exceed 8 time!> your monthly rent (rent os of Nov 20 1!i)

2) Tile work will render the unit u11:nhobilublc for o pcric:J exceeding 30 doys

II you lu'l b hilr1\l lhc term:; ot ycur r..rcd.t ob:.gnLcn:;, '1 ncg:iEvc crcd,! rcpo:t 1cf1cclin3 en your rn.:tl.! ltlsl ory may he $Ul.111illcll l o
n crctlil rcpo:t'nu ng!!ncy.

Yau ltnvc the right to rquc!it nn lnilb! ln!ipcctio:t of your unit nr.d lo be ri:esent curing lhnt ln!ipcc\ion, wh'c.11 :;hnl! cccui r.o earlier
thnn t:;u \'1ec}:!J llcforu \he lcm1in;1lio:1of the lcnnncy nnd dudng n orm Lil bu::.!ncs!i hour!i, Al lh~s lnillLil ln!ipcc:.t:on, tt;c o...ncr//\!]cnl
\'/;!l proviclo n:i l:crnlzcd zlnlcrncnl !;pccify:ng rcpJ~m ur cl::mn'ng th:i! nro propo:;ctl lo be lho l.Jn!:i'.5 for lite dcdu: l'. ons from the
!:iccurity clcpa!:i'. I. 1hl!i rr.Jy no\ I.Jc o f1nnl nccoLmling ol tlctluct:on!i from llw !icc:urily dcpo!;\I A !icpLJmlc I bllcc of Re!ildent'i;
Opl'on lo Rcq'.JC!:il m1 ln'lii:!l ln:;pcc:llca l!i proJidcd v1ith thl!i lfot:::c or will follow \'lith!n o rcn!ioilnlitc time. Plcn:;c comri~clc thc
form nnd rcl~rn It to Owncr/f\gcnt If you \';lsh ta orrnngc for L!n lnlliLJl ln!:ipcct:cn

Pur!:iuilnl la Civil Codo Scc:li:i:i 1!JHi.1, Slntc 1LJWpcrm'.:5 former tcnan~!i lo recla:m nbi'.lndoncd riar:;on:il property lcll nl tho rormcr
;iddrn5!i of tho tcnnnl, suuJc:::l to ccrbln cor.tlillon:; You mily or mny no\ be nl.J!o l o rcclnim propi:nty wllhoul lncunln!J li d~ Ucn;:il
co!:i!!;, depending on \he co5\ of !ilarir.g Iha property nntl lho length cl I me lrnfcrc I\ 15 rcc:bimcd. In gcncrn1, lhc:;e t o!;I:; \', ii! Uc
l:>'\ICr lhe :;o:ncr you COilliJ:\ your former lnn:J ~onJ nflcr Uc;ng notified \hLI\ fllOp c1\y lJcbng:n;i lo you \'/il!i ((:!fl bch:nd oiler you
moved out.


O.vncrt.,;ion r Sridhnr Equ!tic!i, Inc for Hi tu 15\ Ave LLC

~~r Al a rn eda


r= ~


The City of Alameda's Rent Review Ordinance [Alameda Municipal Code ("AMC"), Sections 657 .1 and following}. effective October 1, 2015, requires that whenever a "housing provider", i.e.,
a landlord, is required to provide a notice of a rent increase to a tenant under State law, the
housing provider is also required to provide to the tenant a separate notice concerning the
availability of rent review procedures under the Rent Review Ordinance. If a housing provider
fails to provide this separate notice to the tenant, then under the City's Rent Review Ordinance,
the rent increase is void, the housing provider shall take no action to enforce the invalid rent
increase, and a tenant may rely on this failure as evidence in a tenant's defense in an unlavvful
detainer action based on the tenant's failure to pay an illegal rent increase. Section 6-57.3
The notice required under the Rent Review Ordinance must be in writing and shall provide the
name, address, phone number and email add ress of the housing provider. The housing
provider shall either personally deliver the notice to the tenant or shall mail the notice to the
tenant by first class mail, postage pre-paid , and addressed to the tenant at the property that the
tenant rents. Section 6-57.4, AMC.
In addition to the name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider, the
text of the notice shall be as set forth on the attached form. Section 6-57.5, AMC.

Please note that this notice must be provided to a tenant each and every time there is a
rent increase.
If there are questions concerning the administration of the Rent Review Ordinance, please call
the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda at 510-747-4316, or email .

SlllDI IA!\ [ Q\1 1ms

Dear Tenant,
We are serving you the enclosed Sixty-Day Notice of Termination of Tenancy. This means you
will need to vacate your unit within 60 days of receipt.

We are seeking in good faith to recover possession so as to perform work on the building
housing your rental unit and/or the premises thereabout; and :
1) Such work cost will exceed 8 times your monthly rent (rent as of Nov 2015)
2) The work will render the unit uninhabitable for a period exceeding 30 days.
We are sorry to see you go. You are welcome to reapply once the work is completed. Please be
advised that if you do not move out within the 60-day period, we will begin eviction
proceedings and your credit may be negatively affected.
If you are interested in leaving earlier, you may qualify for our early incentive/ relocation
assistance program, a program we are volunta rily offering, please contact Norma at (408) 725 9501.
Carol Santos
Sridhar Equities




ol lhc pcrn:~c:; loc;::tcd nl

. ;.
U11;1t: (ii npp! c:nb!c) _ _

/. :!;i:vs: )

PLEf1SS T/1!\~ I JD TISE lh:il your l!:!nun::y ul lite p;cm::;e:; I:; t:;rm!nnl t::.f clfc::livo nt lhu cntl ol ;i :;l.dy (GO} Lf.:iy pcti:tl ;:lier ~crice

o:i y.:u nl th'.!: n::it:co, o: -~0~1~/~1~1~/~1~6~_____ \',h'chcvcr (::; bier.


You mu:;\ pcnccn~ly vnc:itc Iha prcm!:;c:; nnrl remove nll al ~our pcrr;on:il prorn:rly c 11 or before the dn!c i:i:licnlcd nbovc. II you
fn'l l:i fjU il nnd dcJ;vcr p:>!i!.iC!i!ilon, lcgnl proc:eccl:ng!i \'i:!l I.Jo ln:;li!ulccl ogn!nzl ycu to obln!n po!i!iC!i!ilon ::ind wcl1 procccc!inn:;
ccu!d rc!.iu'.t Inn jut.laau:m\ ll!Ju:n!i\ yo:i \'1h!ch rm1y l;l:ludc nllnrncy:;' fc e!.i ::ind court co:;\:; o:; ot!o:;cd hy bw, plu:; the O-,;nc1/r1 ~cnl
rnJy rcco, c; nn ndd1!ionill punl!;\o m1nrc.l of (j\11 llum.lrcd do~ br:; (5600) In nccordon::c wllh Cn!Jorr.b
ror nuch un!nwful

llclcnllon 111;:; bg:;l ncl ::m \';i~I nlso rc5u\l lil lo:fc;turc nl lhc rcn!nl nnrccrrwnl


Tll!s l~ :.l':: o ol Tcr111'n2t:::in c l Tcn:mcy tl oc~ not rcr:cvc ro~ ol (li!ynocnl n! nny finnnd;il o!J':gnlbn ror rcr;t o:. c:J u;;t:l tho ncll!;;I
tlnlc or lorm!n:illon of l!::ii!nc.y.

We nrc sccldng in good faith to rc:::ovcr possessi:m so ns to perform work on Ille llui!ding l1:iuslng your rental unit nnd/or premises
thcmnbout, nnd
1) Such \'/Ork w;:1 cxcncd B t:mos you: monthly rent (rent ns cl N:lV 20 15)

2) Tho wor\\ v;i:I render the unit un!nhnbitnbla lor o period cxcccd1ng 30 doys

II ynu (;:;'\ b fulf1!1 \hc term:; o! y::ur c.rcd.I o!.>'.igot:ons, n nc!J:ilivc c:rcd,l 1 c po~I rcllcclin!J en your crcd1l hb lcry rnay lrn sulmi t:c1J lo
n crct.1;1rcporfn!J ngoncy.

You h;irn the right lo rquesl nn lnainl lnspcclion of your uni\ <Jr.ti lo 1.J :? p:c:;cnl curinn lhnl lnspccl'on, wh'c.h !ihnU uccur r.a en11icr
lhnn l\;a \'/eeb; uuforn tho krm!n:.1lioa or the \cnon:y ;:ntJ tlu:in'.] ncmlill bu5!ncss hour:;, Al lh!s tn:tial ln!ipcct:cn, the o :.ncr//\!]Cn!
w:!I providn il:-t ltcmlzcd !ilnlcrncnl !;pt!cify:nn rcpJ!r:; or ch~nn'ng th:;t nro propo::;ctJ to lrn llrn bn!:i'.!i (or the dctlu:bn::; fla m Ow
!.iccurily llcp;:i:;:t.1hls rr.ay nol llc n finnl <:1ccounlinJ of deduc.t:on!i from tho r:ccurily tlcpo!ilt A !icp.:imte tJollce al Rcsldc:-,l'!i
Oplio:1 l:i Rc4'1c5 1on rn: linl ln!:ipcc:l!cm l!i pro'Jidctl \'1i!h th!:; Nol:::e er wl!I fol!ow \';ilh~n o rcn:;o;inuln lime. Plcn!ic cornp!clo \l:c
lorm nnd rel'.!m II lo Dwncrff,!)cnl If you wlsh lo imanno for ;::n lnllinl In speeron
Pur!.iunnl la Civil Cod!! Scct:o:i 19~6 .1, Stoic law pc1m'.::; former lcnnn'. :; lo rccln'.m obundom:d pcr!.ionnl poporty lclt al tho !ormcr
nddrc!i!.i or tlw lerwn\, wujc:\ to ccr\oln comlillon!.i You mny or m ay not be nblc lo rcclnirn property \:i!houl lncuning ndd lfcn;il
cos!.s, tlcpcr.ding on the co:;\ or !ilorir.g tho properly ontJ tho lcn~!l1 cl I me bclorc I\ l!i rcc.lJ:mcd . In gcncrul. lhc::;c co!il!i \',ill be
lower lhe !iO:ncr you co:-1tn:\ your former londlcrtl oiler ucinn nn!ificd Iha\ properly bcl:mg:na lo ycu \ '/il!i lch hchlnd ollcr you
moved out.



Sridllnr Equ!lic:;, Inc for 151(j1 !ii Ave LLC


The City of Alameda's Rent Review Ordinance [Alameda Municipal Code ("AMC"), Sections 657 .1 and following}, effective October 1, 2015, requires that whenever a "housing provider", i.e.,
a landlord, is required to provide a notice of a rent increase to a tenant under State law, the
housing provider is also required to provide to the tenant a separate notice concerning the
availability of rent review procedures under the Rent Review Ordinance. If a housing provider
fails to provide this separate notice to the tenant, then under the City's Rent Review Ordinance,
the rent increase is void, the housing provider shall take no action to enforce the invalid rent
increase, and a tenant may rely on this failure as evidence in a tenant's defense in an unlawful
detainer action based on the tenant's failure to pay an illegal rent increase. Section 6-57.3
The notice required under the Rent Review Ordinance must be in writing and shall provide the
name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider. The housing
provider shall either personally deliver the notice to the tenant or shall mail the notice to the
tenant by first class mail, postage pre-paid, and addressed to the tenant at the property that the
tenant rents. Section 6-57.4, AMC.
In addition to the name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider, the
text of the notice shall be as set forth on the attached form. Section 6-57.5, AMC.

Please note that this notice must be provided to a tenant each and every time there is a
rent increase.
If there are questions concerning the administration of the Rent Review Ordinance, please call
the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda at 510-747-4316, or email

S1t11>11111t [ tlJllTll s

Dear Tenant,
We are serving you the enclosed Sixty-Day Notice of Termination of Tenancy. This means you
will need to vacate your unit within 60 days of receipt.


We are seeking in good faith to recover possession so as to perform work on the building
housing your rental unit and/or the premises thereabout; and :
1) Such work cost will exceed 8 t imes your monthly rent {rent as of Nov 2015)
2) The work will render the unit uninhabitable for a period exceeding 30 days.
We are sorry to see you go. You are welcome to reapply once the work is completed. Please be
advised that if you do not move out within the 60-day period, we will begin eviction
proceedings and your credit may be negatively affected.
If you are interested in leaving earlier, you may qualify for our early incentive/ relocation
assistance program, a program we are voluntarily offering, please contact Norma at {408) 725 9501.
Carol Santos
Sridhar Equities



ol lhc prcm!sc!'i lornlcd nl

I......1J....:''2'-n""u_11_ __ _ _ _ _ __ __
f!jt:~~I A:f:J:os:}

U11;1t: (ii nppl1cnb~c)_ _


PLEt\SE TAI<: IJ OT!Ct lh::it your l!.!rrnncy uf tlw premises I;:; tcrmlnnlcd cffc:tirn <!I Ille cml or n dxty (GO) dLJy ricricd r:fl cr !:cr;;c:c
o:i you ol th'.s n:it:c:c, o~ _

_..0._1..,./_.1_,1. ._/....1_,,,6'--_____

\',h 1chcvcr I:; bier.


You rnu!:i\ pcnccn!Jly vnc:ilc Illa prc: m1sc!:i nml rcmavc ntl al your p crr; on:il properly en a ~ before the dn!c kdicLilc tl Libovc. II you
ln'l b CjUit nnd dcl:ver posscr;slo:i, lcgnl p rocecr.l:ng!:i \'i::1 I.le ln;;l.!u:ctt onn~n!:I you to obln~n por;scsslon nn:I wth p rocce~inn;:;
ccu!:I rcsu'.l Inn ju tlnamii\ ng;:i:ns\ you \'11l!th rm:;y h:lu:.Jc nllc:nnys' Cce!:i nn:J cou:\ c.osls ns ol~o;;ed hy tJw, plus lhe 01.nciir\gtnl
muy rc c:on~ ; nn odd.tionLJl pun:t:..-e nwnrd ol :;lx lnmtJrc1Jt.b!l:m:; (5600) In n::cord:rncc with Cn!;lorr.l:i IJw Co; r.uc.h un1m.iu1
dclcnlion . Tti'.s l:?onl ncl.::i:i \'ii~I nls:i rcsul! l:i fo:rc;!urc nf the renln1 norccmc:it

IJct'::c or Tcrr11!112t::ln cl T cri:mcy doc:; nnl r.:l:cvc yo~ of rr.yme11 t or onr r nnnci:il au'ignti:m for rc:;t o.;c:J un!.l lhc nctcnl
tlnlc ul \~rm!11:1tlon or l!::-t~ncy.
Wo nrc cckin;:i in good fni!h to recover possoss:on so ns to per form work on lt10 l>uildlng llous:ng your rc:i!nl unit ondfcr premises
thcrcobout, on:!

1) Suc.h w::>rk \';;;1 exceed O times your monthly rent (rent iJS of Nov 2015)
2) Tho \':ork will render \he un:t uninh:ib:tnb:c for n period cxcccd,ng 30 days

II you ln'I b lulfi!l thc \cun!i ot y cur c.rcd.I o\.l~.gnlon:; , n ne! er ct.LI rc:po:l re!lec.l:ng en you1rn: 1Jil11:~\cry m ay lw rnl:i1illc1l lo
n ctcdi! rcpcrrn!.J nu ~ 11c.y .

Yo:.1 h\l \'C t!-,e riohl lo rcquesl nn lnilin! lnr;pcction ol your uni\ < lo ll ::? p:c!:cnl t.!urinn lhnl lnspecl'on, \';h'c.h r.hull c:cur no ca11!cr
lhnn l\;u \'/cd:r. 1.Je!oa:i the \crrnim1\iot1 of \he \cnnncy Cl\U du:inJ ncrmnl bus!ne!i!i hoUl!:i . /\\ \l11!i ln:!inl ln!ipcr:t:en, \he O: .nc1/A!JCn\
\'/:!I providw o:i l:emlzctl stnlcrnen\ !.ipccify:nn rep:i~r!i ur c:lcon'ng llrnt mo propo!ictl to be Ilic bo!i:s for llrn tlctlu: t::m!i Crom \he
!iCClllity cfcpo!:i:l.11il!i rr.:iy n o\ be 0 f;nol iJ: counling ot llcd11ct:onr; from tho !iCClllily dr.po!ill f1 !iCf1uriJIC Nallcc or Rc!ilt.le;;\'r,
011lion lo Rcq:.Jc!.i\ nn b !lial ln spct:tio:1 b providctl \'1i~h th\s lfoEcc or \'/Ill folio\'/ with!n o ICil!iOilLJIJIG time. Plcuso comp'clo the
form nnd return II lo o,;ncr/A9cnl If you \'il!ih la mr.mno for en lnllial ln!ipccl on

Pur!iuon\ lo Civil Coda Scc.l:o:i 1!4fi .1, Sln\c tnw pi: . rrn'. t!i former lcnnn:!i lo rcr:ta:m nb;:mdoncd po1son;:il property kit ol lho former
oddress or the tcrmnt, i;uujc::t lo ce:rlnln cor.tl1Uon!:i You mily or muy not be able lo rccl~im property without lnr:unin!J odd tfcnnl
co!i~, tJcpcr.ding on lhc cos\ or !iloiir.!J tho properly ant.I \ho length cl I me before I\ f!i rcciJimcd. In !]cncrul, lhc!ie co!il!i \',ill lie
lower the !io:ncr you conln::I ycur !armer l;:indlard oiler 1.Jc:nn noFlicd lliu\ propc1\y bcbng:ng lo you \'l.:l!i lch beh!nd ollcr you

moved o ut.


ON11cr.'.,;ionr Sridhnr EquHics, Inc far 151G 1!:.\ / LLC


The City of Alameda's Rent Review Ordinance [Alameda Municipal Code ("AMC"), Sections 657 .1 and following}, effective October 1, 2015, requires that whenever a "housing provider", i.e.,
a landlord, is required to provide a notice of a rent increase to a tenant under State law, the
housing provider is also required to provide to the tenant a separate notice concerning the
availability of rent review procedures under the Rent Review Ordinance. If a housing provider
fails to provide this separate notice to the tenant, then under the City's Rent Review Ordinance,
the rent increase is void, the housing provider shall take no action to enforce the invalid rent
increase, and a tenant may rely on this failure as evidence in a tenant's defense in an unlawful
detainer action based on the tenant's failure to pay an illegal rent increase. Section 6-57.3
The notice required under the Rent Review Ordinance must be in writing and shall provide the
name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider. The housing
provider shall either personally deliver the notice to the tenant or shall mail the notice to the
tenant by first class mail, postage pre-paid, and addressed to the tenant at the property that the
tenant rents. Section 6-57.4, AMC.
In addition to the name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider, the
text of the notice shall be as set forth on the attached form. Section 6-57.5, AMC.
Please note that this notice must be provided to a tenant each and every time there is a
rent increase.
If there are questions concerning the administration of the Rent Review Ordinance, please call
the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda at 510-747-4316, or email

Dear Tenant,
We are serving you the enclosed Sixty-Day Notice of Termination of Tenancy. This means you
will need to vacate your unit within 60 days of receipt.

We are seeking in good faith to recover possession so as to perform work on the bui lding
housing your rental unit and/or the premises thereabout; and :
1) Such work cost will exceed 8 times your monthly rent (rent as of Nov 2015)
2) The work will render the unit uninhabitable for a period exceeding 30 days.
We are sorry to see you go. You are welcome to reapply once the work is completed. Please be
advised that if you do not move out within the 60-day period, we will begin eviction
proceedings and your credit may be negatively affected.
If you are interested in leaving earlier, you may qualify for our ea rly incentive I relocation
assistance program, a program we are voluntarily offering, please contact Norma at {408) 725 9501.
Carol Santos
Sridhar Equities




ol lhc pcm'r;cs loc;;lcd nl

0...:::C~r"'"11'-'1r""';i-'If...;.,v.;..;;'<'e-.n;,;,;11""'ri_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , U11;1ti (ii opp! rnh!c)_ _1_4_
t5t::::; t / ,:fJ:us !}

PLEf,SE Tlll<E


liinl your \()rHJn:y o: tlrn prr:rn;i;c5 I::; lcrmlnnlctl clfo::livo <il llw end of n i;ixly (GO} doy pcticd r.llcr :;cr.-icc

u:1 y;:iu cl lh'.5 n::l:cc, or _


\',h 1chever I:. bier.


You m:.15\ pc;:i c e;:i~i ly vnc:itc Illa rr cm15C5 nnd remove nll ory our pCT5CJO:ll p;opcrty en or before lhc dntc l:i:licnlcd nbovc. tr you
rn1 b quit nntl dct:vcr posscs!:ilon, lcgnl pro::ced:ng5 \ :::1 llo ln::;J,tutctl ogn'n!:I you lo ob!J~n po55C!:i!:ibn and !:uc.11procccc!ir.g::;
cou!:I rcsu'.1 Inn judgment ugil:n:;l you \'thlth mily l:i::lu:JCJ nllcmcyi;' fcc!i nn:J co:.irl cost5 '15 ol!o'.;cd hy bw, plu5 lhc o,.;ncrfr1~cnl
mny recover nn ndd:!ion;:il nunu:,c u\'tLJrcJ of :;Ix lluntlrcll do'brr:; (S600) In n::conlnncc \'i'.lh Cn!:rorr.b b'.'/ (o~ we.Ii u:i!n\'iful
dclcn\:on. Th'.5 l:?(pl ncl.:J:i \'1i:J ills::i rc:;ul! b fo:l ci1!1;c r.1llrn rcnlnl ilgrcr.nrnnt

11\!s l~ ot:::c of Tcrm'nnt!:Jn ol Tcn:incy doc:; nr.I rclic\'c yo!.! cl p:::ymcol al nny
cfalc ul \::rmln:illo;i ol k:i;mcy.
We me 5cckin:J in good fn!lh l o recover possession so
thcrailbout nn:J



ou'ignlbn rcr rent o:;cll Uii!.l lho nc:tunl

to pcrrorrn work on the l.JUilding housing your rcn tnl un:t rmd/or premises

1) Such wo:k v;i:I exceed D 1;mos yow mon!hly rent (rent ns cf ! Jov 201!:i)

2) The \'/Ork \'Jill render the uni! un!nhobilnb:c for a period excee ding 30 tloys

If you r~1 l:J fulfi!l the terms o! ycur r.rcd.I o\J'..g;)t:ans, n c:rc1U 1cpoi 1cl1cc\in!J en your er Lu 1ilislcry may he :.ulmillcLl to
n credit rcporfn!J i'l!J::?ncy.

Yo:.i hnvc t~c right to request nn l n:ti:l~ ln!ipcction of your uni! nr.d lo h::! p:cscnl curin!) lhLJl lnspcc:lion, \'ih't h !;huii u:cu; r.o e::irlicr
\hull {\;~ \'/Cd:!; l.Jcfotc \he h:rrn'.n;1lioa of \he \cnnn~y 4:1\d du;ing normill bu:;!nC!i!i hours. /\l \hl!i {ni\liJl ln!ipCtt:o:i, \he O.'.TICl//\'.]Cnl
\'/:!I provi!lo n:l Itemized !il::ilcrncnl :;pocify:rin rc pJ~r:; or cfc;in'ng tllill nro proposetl to be Ilic bn5::; for thn dcLlu:l::m:; rrorn tho
!iccur;ty rfepo5;t. 1 hls m::iy no\ be n farnl occcunling ol clcduct:on5 from lh!:! !;ccurily dcpo:;\l A !icpomtc IJn!lw al Rc:;ltlc;;t'r.
Op lion to Rcq:.ic:;t nn li11linl ln:;pcclic;1 l!i provitlctl \'1;1l1 lhl:; lfoltc:c er wltl follow \'1ith!n n ron:;o;rnlilo lime. PloiJ5o c ornp~clo tho
form nml rol~rn it l o D\:ncr/l'l!Jcnl I! ynu \,;sh lo mrnnnc for nn lnlliul ln:;pcct:cn
Pu:!:iuun1 to Civil Code Sccl:o:i 1!Wi.1, S\nlo b w pt 1111'.tr. lormcr l cnnn~s to rcctn'.m ob:mdoncd por:;on;il r:ropcrty kit a\ \ho former
nddrc:;:; ol the tenant, :;uujc::t to ccr\;:i!n cor.cJ1!ion!i You mny or mLiy not I.Jo oblc l o rccfi'.llm (lroporty \';ilhoul lncunin!J ndd lfcnLJl
co :;~. dci::cnding on the co:;l or:;larir.g tho property nn:J !he f!!ng th cl I me bclcrc I\ l!i rccJJimccJ . In ncncrnl, these co:;ls \',ill Lw
b\'lor lhc i:;o:ncr you conta::I your f:JTincr bntl'ctd niter uc'.ng nn!ificd llml properly bc\:mg:n!) to you \'1'15 lnh behind ollcr you
moved out.

11 /1 1/15
o .vn: r:.~;;ior. r

Sridhnr Equ:tic!i, In: f:lr 1510 1!>1 fwc LLC

~tAl a 1T1
,.. --,==1


The City of Alameda's Rent Review Ordinance [Alameda Municipal Code ("AMC"), Sections 657 .1 and following}, effective October 1, 2015, requires that whenever a "housing provider", i.e.,
a landlord, is required to provide a notice of a rent increase to a tenant under State law, the
housing provider is also required to provide to the tenant a separate notice concerning the
availability of rent review procedures under the Rent Review Ordinance. If a housing provider
fails to provide this separate notice to the tenant, then under the City's Rent Review Ordinance,
the rent Increase is void, the housing provider shall take no action to enforce the invalid rent
increase, and a tenant may rely on this failure as evidence in a tenant's defense in an unlawful
detainer action based on the tenant's failure to pay an illegal rent increase. Section 6-57 .3
The notice required under the Rent Review Ordinance must be in writing and shall provide the
name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider. The housing
provider shall either personally deliver the notice to the tenant or shall mail the notice to the
tenant by first class mail, postage pre-paid, and addressed to the tenant at the property that the
tenant rents. Section 6-57.4, AMC.
In addition to the name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider, the
text of the notice shall be as set forth on the attached form. Section 6-57.5, AMC.

Please note that this notice must be provided to a tenant each and every time there is a
rent increase.
If there are questions concerning the administration of the Rent Review Ordinance, please call
the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda at 510-747-4316, or email

Sit l llH M [ Q!JITl l s

Dear Tenant,
We are serving you the enclosed Sixty-Day Notice of Termination of Tenancy. This means you
will need t o vacate your unit within 60 days of receipt.

We are seeking in good faith to recover possession so as to perform work on the building
housing your rental unit and/or the premises thereabout; and :
1} Such work cost will exceed 8 times your monthly rent (rent as of Nov 2015)
2) The work will render the unit uninhabitable for a period exceeding 30 days.
We are sorry to see you go. You are welcome to reapply once the work is completed. Please be
advised that if you do not move out within the 60-day period, we will begin eviction
proceedings and your credit may be negatively affected.
If you are interested in leaving earlier, you may qualify for our early incentive I relocation
assistance program, a program we are voluntari ly offering, please contact Norma at (408) 725 9501.
Carol Santos
Sridhar Equities



ol lhc prcrn:sc:; lornlcd nl

----------..,---"'i. .:. 7-"'0-=C~l'-'-n;_;tr"""Cl-'IA..; .;t': :'...;.n""\1"""'1- -- - - - - -- -- U11;1t: (ii opp! cilh'o)_ _1_5_
/ St:::::~

kiJ:us :}

PLE/\SE TAI<: IWTIC:E t!i:it ~our l!!mm:y al Ilic prcmi!iC!i I:; lcrmlnnld cfic::tivc t:I the cm! of n dxly (GO) day pcriccJ r.llcr !:Cr:cc

you cf lil'.s n:;l:cc, o; __Qj,,__/.1

. . _..1._/1...,6.._,,_____ \'ih'chcvcr I:; bier.

You rnu!il ricocc:i~l!y vncJtc Iha r:rrn1'.5C!i nnd remavc nl! of your pcr:;cn:il fHOp!:rly en CJ ~ before thn da!c l:i:licil\cd nbovc. tr you
f;i'l b CjU;I nnd dcl:ver p:l:i!iC!:i!:iion, fcgo \ pro::cccfog!:i \'.::! I.JC ln:.UtJ\cd O!JO'n!:I you l o obb:n pO!:i!iC!:i5l:m nn:J !:Uch procee~ i r.g:;
c:cu!:J rc!iu:t Inn Jutlgmc;;\ n2;:i:n!il you \'llt!ch nrny b::!u:Jc nlln:i:cy5' rec:. nn:J c:o:..i;\ co!:il!i iJ!:i ol!o;ctl hy IJw, plu!:i lhc O,,ncr/r,9 cn1
m3y recover nn ndd1lion:il punit:'Yo r.wLJrc.J of !ii~ llunclrctl do~br::; (5600) In n::cord:rn::c wllh Cn!:lorr.l:'l 1.J;1 In; w::h u:i!nwful
dclcn\:on . Th:!i l:!o::il nc:l.::i:i \';i:l <l!so rc5ul\ b ro:lc:turc nf the rcnlnl
i h!n Ncl'c!:! of Tcrm'nn!!::ir. cl Tc11:rncy LloE:s not r::!:cvc yo'.! of p:;ymcnl of rm~ f nnm:inl ou::gulbn for rcr.I m-.c:J u:-,1.1 lho n c.IL!<:I
tlnlc ul l !:!rm:n:illun ol lc:ii!ncy.
W e 010 seeking in good fnith to recover r osscss:on so m; to perform work on ttic l>uilding housing y::iur nmtnl unit ond/or premises
thcrcnbout, nn:.!
1) Such work wi:J exceed B t:mcs your month:y rcnl (rent ns of I l ov 2015)

2) The \'101k will rcmlcr !he unit un:nhnbitn!.J:c fer o period cxcccd1ng 30 days

If you fi:l\ \:J fllli1!! lhc \crm:. ol ycur c:rcd.t o~'.:gn[ons , n c:rccU tcpo:i rcr?cct.n:i en your crctJ1l lll~ lcry mny lw sulm!l~ ctl to
'1 credit rcporl'11!.J ng::?ncy.
You hn\'c the right to r c~uc:;t n:i \:i;li:i! lnspccli:ln of your un:t m:tl l o ll '.) WC!icnl curing thnl ln!ipcct:on, \',h'c.h shall occur no cnrlicr
th<in t:;o \'tl!cb llcfo:u the lcr111'.n:ilio:1 ol lhc tcnnncy encl du;inn ncrrm:il bu:;!nc:;!:i hour'!i. Al th!!i ln:li;:il fn:;pctl:on, lhc O.ncr//\'.]cto\
w :~1 pro.icfo n:i llcmtzcd !ilzilcmcml !iJrncify!n!J rcpJ'.r:; CJt elcnn'ng lh:i! mo propo:;ctl l o be 1110 llns:s for the tJctJu::Eons rro:n the
!iCturily clcp::i!:i:t. "Tlll!i may nol llc n f:nnl nc:c:ounl:nn ol dclhtc:Con!:i from tho !icc:urily dcposil /\ !iepur.;tc tlollcc of Rc!ilt.lcnt'r.
Opl:on to Rc4:.1c'!il .in ln'.linl ln:;pcc:tlcn b provitlccJ \'/;:h th\:; lfofa:c er \;Ill foUow wilh!n n rc<1so:inulu lime. Plca!:ic eornp'.cl:) the
form nn:i rcl:.irn II l o O;;ncr/A9cnl If you \';;sh lo orr;ingc lor Lln tn!linl ln!ipccl'on
Pur'!iunnl to Civil Code Sccli:i:1 1!J~u . 1, Slnlo lnw pr.rm'.t'!i former l cnan::; l o rcc:ln'.m nllnndoncd pcrn on;:il property kfl nt the form er
nddrc!J!:i of the krinn\, !iUlljc::\ l o ccrlnln cor.tJilions You mny or moy not olllc l o rcdLJim properly wl\hou1lncunin::i iJdd llcnnl
eos!.!:i, depending on lhc cos\ or storing lll!l property <!n:l tho knglh cf I me b!:lrcrc II 15 rccbimed. In 9cncrnl, lhcsc e o:;~ \,i:t uc
1:::>,.:cr lhc !io:ncr you coil!ll::\ your former l<intllortl oiler bc:ng n::i! !hill properly bcbng:nn lo you \'/il!:i lch beh!:id oiler you
moved out.

11 /1 1/15


Sridtrnr Equllic5, In:: f::ir 151G1~1 Ave LLC


The City of Alameda's Rent Review Ordinance [Alameda Municipal Code ("AMC"), Sections 657.1 and following], effective October 1, 2015, requires that whenever a "housing provider", i.e.,
a landlord, is required to provide a notice of a rent increase to a tenant under State law, the
housing provider is also required to provide to the tenant a separate notice concerning the
availability of rent review procedures under the Rent Review Ordinance. If a housing provider
fails to provide this separate notice to the tenant, then under the City's Rent Review Ordinance,
the rent increase is void, the housing provider shall take no action to enforce the invalid rent
increase, and a tenant may rely on this failure as evidence in a tenant's defense in an unlawful
detainer action based on the tenant's failure to pay an illegal rent increase. Section 6-57.3
The notice required under the Rent Review Ordinance must be in writing and shall provide the
name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider. The housing
provider shall either personally deliver the notice to the tenant or shall mail the notice to the
tenant by first class mail, postage pre-paid, and addressed to the tenant at the property that the
tenant rents. Section 6-57.4, AMC.
In addition to the name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider, the
text of the notice shall be as set forth on the attached form. Section 6-57.5, AMC.

Please note that this notice must be provided to a tenant each and every time there is a
rent increase.
If there are questions concerning the administration of the Rent Review Ordinance, please call
the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda at 510-747-4316, or email

Sllltlll t\I\ [ <l!ll l II S

Dear Tenant,
We are serving you the enclosed Sixty-Day Notice of Termination of Tenancy. This means you
will need to vacate your unit within 60 days of receipt.

We are seeking in good faith to recover possession so as to perform work on the building
housing your rental unit and/or the premises thereabout; and :
1) Such work cost will exceed 8 times your monthly rent (rent as of Nov 2015)
2) The work will render the unit uninhabitable for a period exceeding 30 days.
We are sorry to see you go. You are welcome to reapply once the work is completed. Please be
advised that if you do not move out within the 60-day period, we will begin eviction
proceedings and your credit may be negatively affected .
If you are interested in leaving earlier, you may qualify for our early incentive/ relocation
assistance program, a program we are voluntarily offering, please contact Norma at {408) 725 9501.
Carol Santos
Sridhar Equities



of \he prcm:sc:; locnlcd ol

- - - - - - --

--...,t."-7.:..;0-=C=-1".. 11:.
;. . .:tr.:. ;;i.. .:IAc.:.l.i:. :r'!=-n'-=u'"-'~-----------' Un;\

151::!:: : /,=~: us :}

t: (if opplicnb'c)_ _1_6_

, Cf1 ----'-!'l-'~5~0;;...;1'---

PLEf1S:: T/1ICE I IDTIC:E lh:il your l!.:nuncy CJ: the pa:rni:;c:; I:; t" m1:nold cffc:livc ct the end of ;i dxly (GO} lloy rmi:tl r.llcr !>crvice

on you ol lh':; n:il:cc, or


_____ v.h'c:he\;:;r I:; !:lier.


You mu:;\ p cn ccn~ly vn::olc lhn Jlrcm1scr. nncl remove ntl of yoer pcrscn:il p rop ~ rty en o~ before the dnlc ln:licnlcd above. II you
f.:i"l l:J qu;I u:ld dcl:vcr Jl:l::i!H~!i!ilo n, fcg.:il pro::ect:Jing:; \'i;:l 1.Jc fn shlU!c!.I r!!Ju'n?;f ycu l o oblo!n pO!i!iC!i!ilOll nnd !:Ucll procccrlir,ri:;
cou!j rc:;ult In o ju;Jgmcill i~a:n~ I you \'1hlth rmiy b:lutlo nllmrrnys' recs :met co:.111 co!il!i n:; ol'.o'.;cd hy bw, plus lite O;mcrlf1 ~cnl
rnny rec.over nn ndd:!io;iJl punll:,c <Wlm.J of !j\J; llunt:Jrcrl tfo'!:m; (5600) In n::carifon:c \'illh Cn!:lorr:b IJ~'' rnr cuch u;i!.-i\'.iul
dclcnron Th'!i l :?[pl ricl :i:i Vii:l nl5::> 1c5ul\ ln fo:/c:tme nl llw rcn!nl nnrcr.mnnl
Tl\!:; IJot:cc ol Tcrm'.n'3l!::in of Ten:mcy docs not relieve ~o:.s ol p~ynwrtl ol miy r nnm:inl ol.J':gnli:in for rent o;:cd uni.I \he ncturil
tfale of l!:rm:n:1llo n o! kn:mcy.
Wt.1 me 5ccldn;i in good fil:th to rc:ovcr posscs:;bn 50 n:; to r: crb ~ work on the 1.Ju:'.d:n3 h:iu;ing your rcntnl un:t md!or picm:scs
lhcrcnbout, nn:J
1) Su:h work \'iiil exceed O timc5 ycur monthly rent (rnnl as of tJov 201!i)

2) ih:? work w::: rcn:l:?r the uni! un:;ihabitnb:e l;:;r n pcricd exceeding 30 dny::;

If y;:;u r...11n ful r:\\ lhc \crm!i cit y::ur r.rctl.l nb:!gnt:on:;, n ncg;:it:vc crcd,\ 1cpu:l 1cr.cctin9 en your t 1ctl1l lti;l cry mny be :.ulrnillcLl tu
n crctli\ rcporl'n!J ngcncy.
Yo:.s have t!1c right to rc:iuc::;\ uil lnitiJl lnspcct::m cl your unl\ nr.d lo ll:! pc!icnl curing lhnl ln!ipcct:cn, wh'ch !;\rnn c:cur no earlier
lhun l'.'."o \'/CCk!i l..Jcloal !he h:rmin:ilioa ol \he l cnnncy cntl uu:ing norrnLJl bu5!ne:;s hOUl!j, l\l lh!!i ln:!ial lm;pcct:cn, Ilic o...nc1//\!:]Ctil
\'/:!! provitln ri:i Itemized !ilnlcmcn\ !jpccily:11g rcp:i!r!i or clcnn'ng ttinl nro propo::;ctl l o be lhc l.Jo!i:s for the tlctlu: t:::m::; from tl w
!iccurily <lcpo!i".l .1hl!i mny not lie o fin al m:r.ount:ng of detluct:on!i from lh o !.icc111ily dcpo!ill l\ ?;Cpnmlc Mol!ce of Rc!iftlc:-,rn
Op\ton to!it nn lilainl ln!ipccllcn b provided \'1i~h lhl!i lfoEcc er wlll rot1m1 wit11!n n rcono;rnlilu lime. Plca!ic comp!clo \ho
form nm! ret:.irn It l o O.':ncr/f1g enl If you wish lo n:r<Jn!:P for i:!n lnllial ln!ipccl'.on
Pu:suLlnt tn Cwil Cmfo Section 19~5 .1, Stale b w pcrm:is forrm:r l cmm~:; to rccla:rn nb.:ir.doncd personal popcny kfl o\ thc rormcr
:iddrC!i5 or the tcnn:il, :;ul.Jjc:l lo ccrb~ n cor.dil!on!i You mny or mny nul I.Jc nli!e to reclaim prapmly wilhoul lncurrin!] ntld 1:cnal
cos~. tJcr.cnding on lhc c:os\ or r.torir.g tho property nm! tho lcnglh ol 1me l.Joforc I\ Is recbimcd. In gcncrnl, lh!:!!ic co ~l!i \, i!I uc
lower lhe !jo: ncr ym1 con\.-i: I your rormcr lnn:.!:artl nftcr 1.Jc:ng 110\if.ctl Iha\ property Llel:mglncr lo you \'1.:is left behind oiler ycu
moved oul.


o ...n!r.'.1;ian1 Sridlmr Equllies, In:: f:Jr 15Hi 1!il fwc LLC

it Ala111eda


r. - :J c:::==:'l


The City of Alameda's Rent Review Ordinance [Alameda Municipal Code ("AMC"), Sections 657 .1 and following], effective October 1, 2015, requires that whenever a "housing provider", i.e.,
a landlord, is required to provide a notice of a rent increase to a tenant under State law, the
housing provider is also required to provide to the tenant a separate notice concerning the
availability of rent review procedures under the Rent Review Ordinance. If a housing provider
fails to provide this separate notice to the tenant, then under the City's Rent Review Ordinance,
the rent increase is void, the housing provider shall take no action to enforce the invalid rent
increase, and a tenant may rely on this failure as evidence in a tenant's defense in an unlawful
detainer action based on the tenant's failure to pay an illegal rent increase. Section 6-57.3
The notice required under the Rent Review Ordinance must be in writing and shall provide the
name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider. The housing
provider shall either personally deliver the notice to the tenant or shall mail the notice to the
tenant by first class mail, postage pre-paid, and addressed to the tenant at the property that the
tenant rents. Section 6-57.4, AMC.
In addition to the name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider, the
text of the notice shall be as set forth on the attached form. Section 6-57.5, AMC.

Please note that this notice must be provided to a tenant each and every time there is a
rent increase.
If there are questions concerning the administration of the Rent Review Ordinance, please call
the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda at 510-747-4316, or email

Housing Provider Name: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Address:

- - - - - - - - - - -- - - --------------

Phone Number:
E-mail Address:



NOTICE: Under Civil Code, section 827(b), a Housing Provider must provide a
Tenant with 30 days' notice prior to a rent increase of 10% or less and must provide
a tenant with 60 days' notice of a rent increase of greater than 10%. Because the
Housing Provider proposes a Rent Increase or because the Housing Provider
proposes a Rent Increase within 12 months of the immediately preceding Rent
Increase, under Article XIV of Chapter VI of the Alameda Municipal Code, a Housing
Provider must at the same time provide this Notice of the availability of the City's
rent review procedures before imposing any such Rent Increase.
You may request the Rent Review Advisory Committee to review the increase by
submitting the request for review in writing within seven calendar days of your
receipt of the notice of Rent Increase by personally delivering or mailing the
request to the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda, 701 Atlantic Avenue,
Alameda, CA 94501 , or emailing the request to the Housing Authority of the City of
Alameda at You must submit along with your request a
copy of the Notice of Rent Increase.
You and your I-lousing Provider w ill be required to appear before the Committee for
a hearing concerning the Rent Increase. Following the hearing, the Committee will
make a non-binding recommendation to you and your Housing Provider
concerning your request.
It is illegal for a Housing Provider to retaliate against a Tenant for lawfully and
peacefully exercising his or her legal rights including your request for the
Committee to review the Rent Increase. Civil Code, Section 1942.5. A Housing
Provider's efforts to evict a Tenant within six months of a Tenant's requesting a
hearing may be used as evidence of a retaliatory eviction.

SRll>llt\I\ [ QJll rn'

Dear Tenant,
We are serving you the enclosed Sixty-Day Notice of Termination of Tenancy. This means you
will need to vacate your unit within 60 days of receipt.

We are seeking in good faith to recover possession so as to perform work on the building
housing your rental unit and/or the premises thereabout; and :
1) Such work cost will exceed 8 times your monthly rent (rent as of Nov 2015)
2) The work wi ll render the unit uninhabitable for a period exceeding 30 days.
We are so rry to see you go. You are welcome to reapply once the work is completed. Please be
advised that if you do not move out within the 60-day period, we will begin eviction
proceedings and your credit may be negatively affected.
If you are interested in leaving earlier, you may qualify for our early incentive / relocation
assistance program, a program we are voluntarily offering, please contact Norma at (408) 725 9501.
Carol Santos
Sridhar Equities



al lhc prcmt::;c::; lncntcd ol

: i_
I t_,,._2_n_u_'1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , U11:1;: (ii nr:p~ cnb'c)_ _

:,=::us :)

Cf\ _ _ ___
45:.:,:0::...;1:..__ __
( Ztp)

PLE1\SE TN<E IJOTl::E lhul your l ~mmcy ci: the prcm:!ic!:i b l!:rm:nntcd clfc:livc <:1 llrn cml ol n !ii,;ly (GO} dny r cri:d r.llcr ::;crvice
o:i you ol lh"::; n:il:ce, o: _

_..0._1.,./_.1. .1. . /. ...1_.6.....______ v..h'cllcvN I:; blc~.


You mu::;\ pcntcilJly vncotc Iha prcml::;c?; nnd remove nil ol your pcr.son:il fHOfJ: rly en o~ before the date l:i:!:cnted nbovc. II you
ln'l l::J quit ond dot.vcr p3::;::;c::;::;lon, legal pro:ccding::; \'i::1 uc ln:.t:tutcd ogn'n::;t you lo obl :i~n po::;::;c::;::;Jon ond !;Uch pracc cdin~:;
cau~d 1c::;u'.l In n j udg;ncnt n!:Jn:n~l you \'lhkh rm1y b::lu:Jo nllo:rmy::;' fo e::; nnd co:..irl cosl!:i o!:i o l~o,.;c d hy bw, p!u!:i the O;:ilcr/t1gcnl
rn<iy rcco;rcr nn n d d.~ion;:il punll:\c ;;;1LJrd of:;\)( llumlrccl tlo'l:m; (S600) In o ::cord~m: c \'illh Cn!:forr.b IJ;1 rn~ r;uch un!nwlul
d!:lcnlion Th"::; bo::;I nct:oa r i!I it\$::> rcsul! l:i fo:l ei\! 1~0 nl \he rcn!ill ngrccnwnt
Tll!;; l~ c t :::: c or Tcrm:not!::in ul Tcm:mcy doe:; nr:t rci:cvc you al r;nymcnl nl nnr f.n:mciJI ou!:gnli:in for rent o~:c u un!:l tl1n ncl\!nl
dn!c ul \!:rm:n:11!:m o! lc:i;incy.

\Ne arc sccldn;i in good fo:tlt to rc:ovcr posscss:on so as to perform \'/Ork on the 1Ju::d1:i;i your rcn!al un:t ond!or p:cm:scs
lhcre.:ibout, nn:J
1) Su: h \'mrl<\'/ill exceed D limes your monthly rent (rent ns cf Nov 20 1!'.i)

2) Th::! \'/Ork will render the un1un:nhobitob'c fer o pc110:.l exceeding 30 dnys

If you fu;\ l:J fulf1!l lhc tc:rmn o! ycur crcd.t ob~:g:i ~cns , n ncg:il1vc trctl.t rc:po:I rr.f1cc:lin;i on your crccJil hl~ lory mny l w sulmil'.c1J to
n credit rcpor \'110 ng::?m:y.
You hmc the righl to rc:iuc!:il nn lnilinl lnspcclio:l of your uni\ nr.!.l l o h:! p-cscn\ curing thnt lnspcc.t:on, \,h'th shnll oi:cur r;o carlic;
lh<m l\';(.J \ '/Ctks l.Jclo:u lhu \crr11in'1lion or lite lcnnnc.y nnd du:inEJ ncrmal bu:;!nc::.:; hours, fl\ lh!::; ln'.ll<il lnsp:::cl:on, Urn o...ncr/fl!]Cnl
\'/:!J provido n:i llcmlzcd !:il<ilcmcnl ~pccily!11n rcp:i~r!:i ur ctc::rn!ng th:;I mo proposed to be 1110 I.Jn:;::; for the tlctlu: l!on:; Crom tho
!Jccurily dcpo !:i~ l. 1h!s may no\ b!:! n finnl nccounting of clcducl:on:; from thc nccurily dcpos\l I\ ncp<imtc I b tlcc of Rcsldcnt'r.
Opl;on l o Rcq:.Jcsl illl l aHial lrrnpcdic;i b provi ~ c ll with lhln lfofa:c er wl!l Cot!ow wilh!n n rcn:;onilli!G lime. Plcu!:iC! comp!clc tho
lorm nml rct:.irn It In O:ncr//\ncnl If yau \';;sh to nrr.inno for nn ln:linl ln!ipcct:cn
PursuLJ:1l lu Civil Code Scct::i:i 1!J~fi . 1, Stnl o bw pcrm'.:s former lcn LJ n~ s l o rccla:m nl.Jilr.doncd pcr::;on:il r:ro11crty kll ot tho lormcr
;iddrc!:i!:i or thn lennnt, !iUlijc:::t to ccrtnln cor.d1!ions You mny or may nol I.Jc ol.ilo lo rcdoirn propcrl1 wilhout lncunin9 ndd llcrliJl
cos~. ucr:cnding on lhc cos\ or !:ilorir,g Iha property ond tho length cf I mc lJcCorc I\ I:; rctl.:iimcd. In gancrnl, tho!:iC? costs \'.'Ill be
bwcr Iha !iO:n c r yau contn:::I your form er lndlard n!:c r uc:n!] nnt:r:cll ll 1at properly bcbng'.ng lo you \'/'15 lch bch:nd oiler you
moved cul.

o .m cr!.lj1011r

Sridhar Equ:tlc!:i, Inc f:ir 151G1::;\ Ave LLC


The City of Alameda's Rent Review Ordinance [Alameda Municipal Code ("AMC"), Sections 657 .1 and following], effective October 1, 2015, requires that whenever a "housing provider", i.e.,
a landlord, is required to provide a notice of a rent increase to a tenant under State law, the
housing provider is also required to provide to the tenant a separate notice concerning the
availability of rent review procedures under the Rent Review Ordinance. If a housing provider
fails to provide this separate notice to the tenant, then under the City's Rent Review Ordinance,
the rent increase is void, the housing provider shall take no action to enforce the invalid rent
increase, and a tenant may rely on this failure as evidence in a tenant's defense in an unlawful
detainer action based on the tenant's failure to pay an illegal rent increase. Section 6-57.3
The notice required under the Rent Review Ordinance must be in writing and shall provide the
name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider. The housing
provider shall either personally deliver the notice to the tenant or shall mail the notice to the
tenant by first class mail, postage pre-paid, and addressed to the tenant at the property that the
tenant rents. Section 6-57.4, AMC.
In addition to the name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider, the
text of the notice shall be as set forth on the attached form. Section 6-57.5, AMC.

Please note that this notice must be provided to a tenant each and every time there is a
rent increase.
If there are questions concerning the administration of the Rent Review Ordinance, please call
the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda at 510-747-4316, or email

SIUl>llAI' I t1!11 Tll

Dear Tenant,
We are serving you the enclosed Sixty-Day Notice of Termination of Tenancy. This means you
will need to vacate your unit within 60 days of receipt.

We are seeking in good faith to recover possession so as to perform work on the building
housing your rental unit and/or the premises thereabout; and :
1) Such work cost will exceed 8 times your monthly rent (rent as of Nov 2015)
2) The work will render the unit uninhabitable for a period exceeding 30 days.
We are sorry to see you go. You are welcome to reapply once the work is completed. Please be
advised that if you do not move out within the 60-day period, we will begin eviction
proceedings and your credit may be negatively affected.
If you are interested in leaving earlier, you may qualify for our early incentive/ relocation
assistance program, a program we are voluntarily offering, please contact Norma at (408) 725 9501.
Carol Santos
Sridhar Equities



ol lh~ prcm~5e!i locn\crl ol

'! _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ , U11;1ti (ii oppl1tnb 1n) _ _1_8_
fSt:;:::! /,=.!.cs:}

PLEf,SE T!ll<E I lDTISE lh:il ym!t l !.:nnn:y uf the p;cmi:;c::; f:; l crmlnnlcd C!lic:tivc '"t the cm! or n (GO) day rmicc.l r.llcr :;c;;.;cc

on yo:..r of lh'.r. n::l:cc, Oi

_.0._1._./_,1'-'1LL/__.1_,.6,_______ \';h'chcvcr I:; l:llcr,


You mus\ pcncc:ibly vncotc lhn prr.m1::;c5 nnd remove nll of your pcr::;on:il ri:op~ rty en or before lhn dale l:i:Jicntccl nl.Jovc. If you
f;:i"J l:J fjUil nnd dn1;vc1 p:>!i!iC!i!ilon, logul proceeding::; \';i:l t.Jo ln::;litutcd cgn'n!il you lo obln:n pO!i!iC!i!ilon ::ind ::;ucl1 proccc:clin'l!i
cou~:l rc!iu:t In n judg;ncm\ n~n'.n'.:t you \'/hkh mny b:lmlr. nttormys' fee::; nn:J courl co!it!i O!i ut:o;cd hy l:iw, plu::; the D'.nciir,!Jr.n\
rnny rcco;cr nn ndd.tionJI punll:\c i1'mm.J of ::;lio; llundrcrl c.lo'!Jrn ($600) In n::confon~c v.!th Cn!;forrfa 1:i~1 lo; cu:h u:ilm;ful
clclcn!lon. 111:5 l:;!:pl ncl ::in v.:;1 nlso rc5ul\ L; fo:fDitmc nl llw rr.nlnl nnrcr.n;r.nt

111!::; l~ot::.:c of Tc rm~n:Jt:Jn al Tc11:111cy docs no! rcfovc yo:J or pnyil;cnl u! nny f.nnnc.inl ol.J ~ign lbn for rent o:ciJ un!:l lh::i nclt!nl
tfalc or \crmln:illtHl of l e1:mcy.
We me !:>CCkin;J in g:iod l<J:!lt to recover posscss!on !:>O ns to pcrlarm wark en ltic L>u::ding h'.:lusing your rcnt::il un:t onj/cr 1xcm.scs
thcrcob:lU\, nnj
1) Sue.Ii work will exceed !l l1rnc!:> your month:y rent (rent ns cf Nov 20 15)

2) The \;o:k v;i!l rcn:br the un:t un!nld;:tnb:c fer iJ p;)ric:.l 30 c~ys

If you r;.:1 b flllfi!l lhc terms cit y::ur crcd.t ob~ :9ot:om;, n cretl.t u:po:t rcf1cclinn en yum t:rcd.l hl~ \ ory may lll! !lulrnillcil tu
n crctl'I rcporfng ngm1cy.
Yo:.1 ham the right lo request nn ln;liJ! ln::;pccti:m of your uni! nr.ll loll:! p-cscnt curing lh:il lnspccliori, \'ih'c.h !ihnti c:cu; r.o cnrlicr
lhun l;;i.J \'/CC~:~ l.Jcfo:u lho lc::1m:nnlio:1Of \he \cnnncy i!l\U <Ju:inJ norrTlill bU!:o!nC.S!i hour::;, fl\ lh~s fn:IJ;:i\ ln!ipC!C:\.cn, ltiO O'..ncr/l\~!:!lll
\'/:!J pro;ido nn Itemized i;tnlcrncn! !jpocify;11g rcp:i!I!; or clonn'ng lhnt mo proposed lo be lhc l!;:i::;:s (or the dcc.!11:\:::m::; horn the
!iCCUrily clcpo::;~ \.1h!s rr.ny not be n f1nnl m:count:nJ of UCU llC.[Oil::i frn m Iha !iec111ily dcposll A !iCpilrnle I Jollcc or Rc!:oltlcr.l'r.
Opt:on to Rcquci;I nn 1;i:1inl ln.spcclic:1 b JHO'Jidcd \'/ith th!::; lfot:ce er \'il:I follow with~n n rcnsoanlila timo. Pln<i!ic comp!ct!l lho
form nnd r ct~rn It to 0-..:nor/f,!Jcnl If y;:iu \";!sh lo nmmna for r:n l1llinl ln~pcct:on .
Pursua:il In Civil Codn Scc:.t:o:i 19~6 .1, Stnto l aw pcrm::.s lomu:r lcnnn:s l o rcc:l;i:m nbJndoned por::;on::il popcrty kfl ot lho rormcr
ndd:cs.s of the lcn.:mt, !iu\Jjcct lo ccrt~ ~n c:ond.t:on.s You mny 01 may not I.Jo nblc to reclaim properly \'rilhoul lncunin9 ndd tlcni:ll
cos!.!i, c.lq:cndin[J on the cos\ or ::;!o;ing tho properly om.I tho kngth oft me llclorc I: Is rcclJirncd. In !]cncrnl, lhc::;c co.sis \,ill lie
lower the ::;o:ncr you contn::.I ycur farmer li:ln::J:ortl niter licinu no!ir;cd that property bcl::mg:nn lo you \'/Ll!i kit bchl:id oiler you

moved out.



Sridhnr Equlllc!i, In:: for 15tci 1sl N:c LLC


The City of Alameda's Rent Review Ordinance [Alameda Municipal Code ("AMC"), Sections 657 .1 and following}, effective October 1, 2015, requires that 1,,vhenever a "housing provider", i.e.,
a landlord, is required to provide a notice of a rent increase to a tenant under State law, the
housing provider is also required to provide to the tenant a separate notice concerning the
availability of rent review procedures under the Rent Review Ordinance. If a housing provider
fails to provide this separate notice to the tenant, then under the City's Rent Review Ordinance,
the rent increase is void, the housing provider shall take no action to enforce the invalid rent
increase, and a tenant may rely on this failure as evidence in a tenant's defense in an unlawful
detainer action based on the tenant's failure to pay an illegal rent increase. Section 6-57.3
The notice required under the Rent Review Ordinance must be in writing and shall provide the
name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider. The housing
provider shall either personally deliver the notice to the tenant or shall mail the notice to the
tenant by first class mail, postage pre-paid, and addressed to the tenant at the property that the
tenant rents. Section 6-57.4, AMC.
In addition to the name, address, phone number and email address of the housing provider, the
text of the notice shall be as set forth on the attached form. Section 6-57.5, AMC.

Please note that this notice must be provided to a tenant each and every time there is a
rent increase.
If there are questions concerning the administration of the Rent Review Ordinance, please call
the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda at 510-747-4316, or email

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