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Rashtrabhasha Prachar Samiti Gyan Mandal, Wardha

Assignment I
Programme Name: - Diploma in Accounting & Book Keeping
Programme Code: - DABK
Course Name: - Computer Accounting
Course Code: - DABK 105
Session: - Jan 2015
Section A
1. Creation of Ledger Accounts
Press C. The screen titled Ledger A/c (Creation) appears. The cursor
will be waiting near the Name of Account.
Name of Account
Feel free to give the full name of the account in the normal
manner (unless the restriction of 30 characters forces the use of
simple abbreviations). Press ENTER. If no other account exists
with the same name, you are taken to the next step. Otherwise,
TALLY complains and waits for correction.
You will find that punctuation and other non-relevant symbols are
ignored by TALLY in its recognition of a name. Thus GST, CST and
CST are all identical.
A simple mechanism to call an account head by another name. For
example, an account head by the name Peutronics could also be
called Tally, if you tend to use both names to refer to the same
company. Another possible example is Internal Business Machines,
which is popularly abbreviated as IBM. If an alias is given, you
may enter a voucher using either of the two names. If no alias is
desired, simply leave this place blank by pressing ENTER.
All accounts MUST be classified in their appropriate groups. (The
Chapter on Groups gives a listing of the various predefined or
reserved groups). Here you must specify which group the given
account falls under.
The method of selecting a group for a ledger account is explained
in the following paragraphs. THIS METHOD IS THE HEART OF TALLY.
2. Non-Trading Organizations
Unlike trading organizations, non-trading organizations such as clubs, societies, associations, are not formed
mainly to make profits. Rather, they exist to promote their members' cultural, social and recreational interests.
The normal activities of such non-trading organizations are therefore different from that of a trading
organization as the activities of the former are not designed solely to obtain profit. However, some non-trading
organizations may run a bar or a restaurant on a permanent basis for profits.
Also, they may, at one time or another, organize fund-raising projects such as a fun-fair or a jumble sale. Such
projects are not permanent. They may be held to raise funds for a specified purpose such as to add to a club's
building fund, or merely to increase the club's finds.
Receipts of Non-Trading Organizations
The main items of revenue receipts are subscription from members, and interest from investments or Bank
Accounts. Gross trading profits (total sales revenue less cost of goods sold) from permanently run bars and
restaurants is another source of revenue receipts for some none-trading organizations.

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Rashtrabhasha Prachar Samiti Gyan Mandal, Wardha

Assignment I
Programme Name: - Diploma in Accounting & Book Keeping
Programme Code: - DABK
Course Name: - Computer Accounting
Course Code: - DABK 105
Session: - Jan 2015
Donations, unless specifically stated to be set aside for a capital purpose, e.g. the club building fund, are
normally treated as revenue receipts.
Proceeds from fund-raising projects such as sale of refreshments and the like, are normally treated as revenue
receipts, unless it is specifically stated that the proceeds from a particular project are to be set aside for a capital
purpose such as building a swimming pool.
Other examples of revenue receipts are locker fees, charges to other clubs for the use of premises, sale of golf
clubs and tennis balls.
Clear examples of capital receipts are legacies, endowments and government grants. Legacies are sums of
money left to a club by someone in his will.
Expenditure of Non-Trading Organizations
Non-trading organizations have both revenue as well as capital expenditure.
The main revenue expenditure of non-trading organizations are rent of club premises; caretaker's and staff
wages; honorarium; other miscellaneous expenses like laundry, repairs and maintenance to club equipment and
premises, cost of shuttlecocks, tennis balls or printing paper and stationery.
If the club were to have fund-raising projects, another important revenue expenditure would be the cost of such
fund-raising projects. This must be set off against the proceeds obtained from the fund-raising projects.
Examples of capital expenditure are payments for the purchase of fixed assets to be used in the club, such as
the purchase of table tennis nets, tables and furniture for use in the club house.
This is the most frequently used area of TALLY. Here, you enter your
day-to-day vouchers. The various aspects which must be kept in mind
and the method of its implementation is discussed here:At the Gateway of TALLY, press V. the screen for Voucher Entry
The line at the bottom of the screen gives a list of permitted Voucher
types, and the means to get them. TALLY has TEN basic types of
vouchers. These are:f4 Contra
f5 Pymt [Payment voucher]
f6 Rcpt [Receipt voucher]
f7 Jrnl [Journal Voucher including Debit & Credit Note]
f8 Sales
f9 Pure [Purchase]
f10 Memo/Reversing Journals
Press the corresponding Function Key to get the voucher type.
(Function keys are located on the left or along the top of the
Keyboard. f5 means the Key marked F5 on your computer and NOT the
sequence of two keystrokes F and 5).
Take a few moments to study the chapter Better Keyboard Usage for an
explanation of the short-cut keys and facilities.
All vouchers have the following common information:Date of Voucher
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Rashtrabhasha Prachar Samiti Gyan Mandal, Wardha

Assignment I
Programme Name: - Diploma in Accounting & Book Keeping
Programme Code: - DABK
Course Name: - Computer Accounting
Course Code: - DABK 105
Session: - Jan 2015
Appearing on the Top Right of the Voucher Box. This is the Current Date of the program (see Gateway of
TALLY), and indicates that the voucher is being prepared for this specific date. The only way to
change this date is to press F2, and give the new date.
(Alternately, you could Esc out of Voucher
Entry, and change the date at the Gateway of TALLY, also by pressing F2).
Type of Voucher
The Top Left of Box shows the current Voucher Type. Change it (if
required), by pressing one of the
active function keys. If you are using Debit and Credit Notes for this company (see Controls),
pressing <f7> will bring the cursor to this place, and you may select either Journal, Debit Note or Credit
Note for the Entry to be made.
Voucher No
This is the number following the Voucher Type. Note that the Voucher No. appears only if it has been
activated for that type of Voucher (see Controls again). Normally, this would be so. If you have decided to let
TALLY do the numbering automatically (again, the normal state), the number would have been filled in.
Otherwise you would be asked to give the number.
The last item at the bottom of the voucher. We have discussed the body of the voucher separately for each
type of voucher below. TALLY permits a full 150 characters for the Narration. Thereby, a small story can be
written on the nature of the voucher. The narration works in normal word-processing style, and you can type
continuously without worrying about the size of the line or how to get to the next line.
For entering an account name of a voucher, start by Pressing the first character of the name (thus, P for
Peutronics). A box containing the List of Accounts appears, and you can follow the system learned during
Ledger Accounts Creation to pick up the Name.
6. Delete Ledger :
Go to Gateway of Tally > F11: Features > Accounting Features
Set Yes to the options Enable Delete Unused Ledgers & Stock Items
Go to Gateway of Tally > F11: Features > Add-on Features
Set Yes to the options Enable Delete Unused Ledgers & Stock Items
1. Add-on details with images.
a) Go to Display > Empty Ledgers OR Empty Stock Items. A new report will appear as shown below
b) Press CTRL + Spacebar to select all masters or press Spacebar one by one to select the masters
c) Press Alt + D to delete the selected masters

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