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7 - Step Guide to Harnessing the Power of

The Law of Attraction

Most people think that they are at lifes mercy, and that they have little
power regarding how things play out. But this is not true at all. In fact, it
is the exact opposite of the truth.
If you master how to properly use the law of attraction, you can indeed
get anything you want in life. This Law of Attraction is very powerful it
explains nearly everything that goes on in our lives (both good and bad).
Every human being can access the law at any time. The only thing that
you need to do is to master the best way of harnessing it so as to make

the law work to your benefit.

All the things in this world are made of energy. These include you, that
table or even the rock that you see around you. Energy is a vibration and
as you know, everything vibrates. The human being is an energetic being
and also vibrates. They can vibrate at a frequency that is high, low or
somewhere in between.

Your thoughts are attached to magnetic energy. For instance, when you
are filled with gratitude or joy, you will be sending out the frequency,
and vibrations which magnetize the good stuff to you. Worry, guilt, fear
and shame send out much lower frequencies. In other words the way a
person thinks is the way that they will feel, which also informs the way
that they will vibrate and attract.

There is no one that can be immune to power of attraction. Even if you

are not purposeful on what you want, it will be created by default. All
the things in your life at the moment have happened because you have
attracted them. This includes your thoughts and feelings, home, your
partner, financial success or even distress. You have even attracted the
challenges and opportunities in your life as a result of thinking
persistently about them.
How the law states
It states: that which is unto itself is drawn. In other words, this is to
say that like attracts like. Anger draws circumstances that are frustrating
and happy individuals attract happy individuals. If you have a
prosperous mind, it will attract money-making opportunities. This law is
neutral. This is because it can help or hurt you. Whatever the state of
mind that you have will equal youre the state of life for you. It can be
loving and flowing positive, or negative, stuck and fearful.

How to use the law of attraction to your advantage

In order to make the law work for you and make your life better, it is
important that you pay most attention to your thoughts and also change
them to frequency that is higher. Be conscious of your lifes desires, and
then take action towards their manifestation. Your energy and focus
should b directed at what you want and not necessarily the things that
you do not want. Welcome people as well as the opportunities that come
up so as to fulfill your desires.
You are likely to become what you think most and also attract the things
that you think most of.
Avoid thinking about things that you do not want or even focus on past
occurrences. This is because thinking about the negative things that have
occurred to you will only attract more bad things that you do not want to
happen to you.
For instance, thinking about things like, I dont want this thing to
happen to me, or This wont happen is simply not acceptable. This is
because, by concentrating on the negative things, you will not be
stopping them from happening or even pushing them away. In fact, you
will only be attracting them to you. This law sees the things that you
think most about and then attract them. It will not see that you hate these
things but only that you are thinking about them.
For a whole week, monitor how you think and the words that come from
your mouth. When you realize that you are concentrating on negative
thoughts, try using a technique that stops thoughts and replace the
thought with something that is more affirmative. According to research,
thoughts that are held for approximately 15-20 seconds will start

attracting similar energy.


This part is the hardest for people to learn yet it is also the most
important section of the law. You will not be able to apply this law to
your life if you cannot manipulate the bad feelings into good ones.
If you feel good emotions such as excitement, happiness, gratitude,
joy, hope, passion and satisfaction among other things, you will have
positive thoughts which will lead positive things to occur to you.
However, if you feel bad emotions like fear, and anger, depression,
resentment, guilt, revenge and hatred, you will only breed negative
thoughts which mean that you will only attract negative things.
It could be that you have positive emotions and then suddenly,
something bad occurs to you. If this happens, it is critical that you
control your emotions to stop the negative things happening to you. You
are the only one who has power over your emotions and even how to
keep those emotions positive. So learn how o do that because it is
different for every person.
Illustration: If you start out having a great day in the morning and you
do not let any bad thing change the good feeling, you will continue
attracting more people and situations that sustain this happy feeling. It is
the same that happens when you have a bad mood from the morning. If
you continue for the rest of the day without altering your mood, you will
attract more unhappy and bad things/people/circumstances.


If you want something from the Universe, you only need to ask for it.
Give the Universe a picture of what you want and it will answer you.
Visualize the things as being yours already. Having a more detailed
vision is better. For instance, if you want to own the Nintendo Wii, you
just have to see yourself as playing on it. Visualize yourself as feeling
the controller, touching the console and playing your favorite games. In
the same way, if you have had a crush on somebody, visualize yourself
walking with him or her, caressing them or even kissing them.


It is important to put down your wish in writing. This makes the wish
very specific. Begin with: I am so grateful and happy now that..
Complete the paragraph or sentence by telling the Universe exactly what
you want. When writing it, do so in present tense as though you have
that thing right now. Keep away from negation terms. Close your eyes
every day until that time that your wish comes to reality and imagine
your lifes desire as though it is happening right now.

Act like a student by reading, writing, learning and relearning the

specific thing that you are trying to get. For instance, if you want more
of love, not only be love but also do love. Make love to become your
mantra. Feel love and even more importantly, give love away. This is
because the more you share, the more, the more you will get and it is
also true of love.


If you want a job that is more fulfilling, exciting and better paying, you

will get there by simply thinking about that job and talking about it
constantly. It is important that you take action that informs the Universe
of your wish to have the job.
Start looking for the job actively
Make contacts
Inform your family and friends that you are searching for a job
Talk about your desire to have a new job
Put simply, it is important that your desire is supported by meaningful
action. Manifestation of whatever you want is likely to come more
completely and swiftly when you stick with your words. Stand in
integrity and do the things you say you will do. This way, you will be
showing the Universe that you are powerful creator by achieving what
you say that you want to be.


Immerse yourself in thoughts of success. Sleep, eat and dream success.
Cram in these thoughts until you are able to ooze success from every
pore of your body. You can be successful forever when you are able to
visualize in your minds eye what you want most. Never for a second
doubt your capabilities.
Mental tools like affirmation and visualization can play a big role in
helping transform your dreams and wishes into reality. However, there is
a lot more that you can learn to assist you achieve the kind of success
that you have been craving in your life.
There is no one apart from you that can create the life that you want. It is
you who has to take matters in your own hands and chart a life for you.
Fill your every thought and action with positive energy and success will
follow you everywhere, whether it is in your career, business or love

Enumerate all the things given to you by the Universe. Be grateful for
the things that you have already from the Universe. It is true that we
have got a lot from the Universe. If we pay it back with a show of
gratitude, it will be motivated to accomplish even more and it is likely to
attract even more things into our lives.
It could be someone or some people bullied you but they have since
stopped. Be grateful for that. If you crush on a person and they seem to
like you in return, or they didn't like you back but treated you kindly,
that is something to be grateful about. Showing gratitude to the Universe
turbo boosts it to manifest your request a lot faster.
Other tips
If you are currently having a bad reality, do not dwell too much on it.
Most people dwell too much on their current reality which only leads
them to attract the same. Instead, concentrate on what you would wish to
Try this: if you happen to experience something that makes you
overjoyed and happy to the point that you would like to attract more of
the same into your life, try to remember the inner emotions that triggered
it. You can try replicating this by recalling the event and see if you have
the same vibrational energy you felt when you first experienced it.
Have a picture or a vision board from a magazine to assist you to not
only feel but also see what it is that you want. Every day, take a look at
that picture. It is better to look at the picture every morning because this
will make you feel better the whole day and also focus on giving away
happy feeling the entire day.


The Law of Attraction is very real and it is in use every day. Everything
that you have was attracted to you by this law. Whether it is a good thing
or a bad one, you attracted it. Knowing how to use this law can make
your life much better. In fact, you can use the power of this law to get
just about anything that you have ever wanted.
For example, celebrities such as Lady Gaga believe in this law, and she
has used it to be successful. It has worked for many people, and there is
no reason why it should not work for you too. You just have to think
positively and kick out those negative thoughts. If you want to be
successful, think about it constantly and success will be attracted to your
life. Even the bible says that a man is what he thinks. Think positively,
ask the Universe for something you want, and remember to thank her
when she gives it unto you. This way, the Universe will draw more good
things into your life.

All rights reserved,, copyright 2015

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