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Republic of the Philippines


Branch ___, Manila

Civil Case No.__________

For: Decalaration

Nullity of Marriage

(of Petitioner Miriam Grace Duterte)
I, Miriam Grace Duterte, married, Filipino and a
resident of No. 143 San Marcelino Street, Ermita Manila
under oath by way of question and answer, fully
conscious that I am under oath and may face criminal
liability for false testimony or perjury, answer the
following questions propounded by Atty. Shiela Yutuc at
Unit 627 Cityland Shaw Tower, Shaw Blvd.,
Mandaluyong City on November 01, 2015, which in
accordance with rules constitutes my direct testimony
in the above- entitled case, depose and say THAT
OFFER OF TESTIMONY: This Judicial Affidavit is being
offered in accordance with the Supreme Court Administrative
Matter No. 12-8-8-SC to prove the material allegations in the
Petition for Declaration of Nullity of Marriage.
1. Q: Please state your complete name, age, residence,
civil status and occupation.
A: I am Miriam Grace Duterte, 33 years old and with
residence at No. 143 San Marcelino Street, Ermita
Manila, a housewife.
2. Q: How is the respondent related to you?
A: He is my husband Maam.

3. Q: How did you meet each other?

A: It was in 1999 when we met at Adamson University
(ADU). I was in my second year college taking up
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy when I met him
who was my professor in college.
4. Q: You said he was your professor, and now he is your
husband. How did your relationship turn from a studentprofessor relationship to a wife-husband relationship?
A: As both of us reside in Quezon City, we usually went
home together and sometimes he would drop by at my
boarding house. This situation made us close which
later developed on becoming sweethearts despite of
the huge age gap. In 2001 we decided to live together
without the benefit of marriage in his rented house. I
later got pregnant with our first child. Having fathered a
child out-of-wedlock and living-in with his former
student, he asked my hand in marriage to avoid being
charged for immorality at ADU. We were married on
April 15, 2002 inside Quezon City Hall.
5. Q: How was he as a husband?
A: At first he was a loving husband until his true color
came out.
6. Q: What is his true color then?
A: He started acting weird and crazy.
7. Q: When did he started acting weird and crazy?
A: Sometime in 2005, my father came home to the
Philippines. He asked me to stay with him in the house
where he is staying to which I accepted as we were
always having trouble producing funds for the rental
payment of our apartment. During our stay with my
father, he accused me of having an incestuous
relationship with my father after seeing us embraced.
The father and daughter affection and expression of
missing each other was mistaken by my husband as an
incestuous relationship and gave malicious meaning to
it. As I could not accept that my father who has been
helping us financially was maliciously being accused by

my husband, I stood my ground and we had a heated

fight over the matter. He then demanded that we go
back to our apartment and not to stay again in his
father-in-laws house. Not contented, he had the gall to
go to my mother and told her about the unfounded and
malicious story. I concealed his malicious accusations as
I do not want him to have a negative picture about my
husband. To avoid any confrontations, conflicts, and
fight between my husband and my father, I agreed with
him to move out from my fathers house although this
would mean a great hit in our finances.
8. Q: What measures did you take then to augment your
financial problems?
A: To help my husband to keep up with our expenses,
we rented a space in the market where I can sell
agricultural produce. Unfortunately, he did not
appreciate my drive to earn additional income for the
family despite the fact that he cannot make the ends
9. Q: Do you still manage said rented space in the market?
A: Not anymore Maam.
10. Q: What made you stop managing said rented
space in the market?
A: He had suspicions that I am having an affair with
another man, a fellow market vendor. He showed this
by frequently calling me, nagging me, accusing me and
making surprise visits in the hope that he will be able to
catch me with the other man and confirm his
suspicions. In one of his surprise visits, he humiliated
me by cussing and hitting me for mundane reasons.
Embarrassing me in front of other people becomes the
usual scene in our market stall. This forced me to retire
my agricultural produce selling business.
11. Q: Are you still living together under one roof?
A: Not anymore Maam.
12. Q: When did you start living apart?

A: I decided to leave him sometime in 2006. But I

however abandoned my decision because he
threatened to kill our children if I will leave him. He in
fact got a knife and pointed it to our children to show
how serious he was.
Fearful for the lives of our
children, I did not leave.
This scenario had been
repeated several times whenever we have fights and
disagreements. It even reached to the point that he
beats me and thereafter would apologize for his
misdeed, would caress and treat me with kindness and
sweetness and would promise me that he will never
hurt me again. But after a day or two, he always goes
back to his old ways of beating and hurting me. This is
his way of manipulating me to foil her attempt to leave
our apartment. The beating has become recurrent that
every night upon his arrival from office, he would throw
things at me for no apparent reason and would beat me
for the slightest mistake.
13. Q: What made you ultimately leave him?
A: One day upon entering our house he suddenly kicked
me in the stomach and punched me in the face
allegedly because he saw a man went out from our
apartment and suspected that I was having an affair.
The man referred to by him was my cousin who visited
petitioner to give the money that her father had sent
for her. To secure the safety of my children, with my
children in tow, we left our apartment at dawn when he
was asleep and decided to redeem my life and my
childrens and never live with him again.
14. Q: Are you now working?
A: No Maam, I stay at home to take care of my
15. Q: Does he give you financial support?
A: No Maam, after we left him we never saw each other
again. At first he tried to search for us but I made sure
that he would not find us.
16. Q: Who supports your childrens daily needs?
A: My father sir.

17. Q: Did you understand the contents of this affidavit?

A: Yes, maam.
18. Q: What is the purpose of your present testimony?
A: I am executing this Affidavit to attest the truth of the
foregoing and as a matter of compliance to
Administrative Matter No. 12-8-8-SC to prove the
material allegations in the Petition for Declaration of
Nullity of Marriage.
WITNESS MY HAND this 16th day of November, 2015
in Mandaluyong City.

Miriam Grace Duterte

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 16th day
of November, 2015 in the City of Mandaluyong, affiant
exhibiting to me her SSS No. 34- 986778-54 as competent
proof of her identity, known to me and to me known the
same person who executed the foregoing Judicial Affidavit
and acknowledged to me that the same is her free act and
IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand
and affixed my notarial seal, the day, year and place above



Notary Public
Until December 31, 2016
I.B.P. L.R.N. 04381; 01/05/12;Mand.
P.T.R No.1457893;
MCLE Compliance No. IV-1451344,

Roll No. 21101

2/F Belman II Building, No. 78

Street cor. Quezon Ave., Quezon

Doc no. 45
Page No. 09
Book No. VI
Series of 2015

I, Atty. Sheila Yutuc do hereby attest and that I have
conduced and supervised the examination of the witness,
Divine Amparo, and have faithfully recorded and caused to
be recorded the questions I have asked and the
corresponding answers that the witness gave. Neither I nor
any other person then present or assisting me coached the
witness regarding the latters answers. I attest the truth of
the foregoing facts in compliance with the Supreme Court
Administrative Matter No. 12-8-8SC dated 045 September


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