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The Executioner Script (Draft 1)

(No Dialogue)

EXT. (Night Time) An isolated Catholic Church setting, with dead

overreaching trees and branches without leaves.

EXT. A woman is walking alone in the dark past the church at a fast pace
which hints that something is bad about that place.

EXT. The camera is focused on her as they represent the eyes of the
executioner who is watching from behind gravestones and trees.

INT. There is a flash back to a dark isolated room where the executioner
takes his victims. This contains one dim light bulb which is hanging,
illuminating the room.

EXT. Cuts back to real time as the executioner starts to follow the
woman, whilst watching her every move.

INT. There is a flash back to the executioners weapons which are hanging
on the wall in the room to symbolise the many killings he has committed.

EXT. Cuts back to real time looking through the eyes of the executioner
as he continues to follow the woman. He captures her and the shot ends
with a scream as it blacks out. Soon after that the title emerges from the
black background.

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