Prelude To A Platypus 1987

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Prelude to a Platypus 1987

Dreaming Out of Body

Like water, my consienceness was merging, melding easily, like a tickle-river

Cool and playful, swift and frothy, and then rocketing over Exhilaration Falls.

I feel a change happen; a change from pure sentient creator energy. Now a
slowing and a thickening of this very essence of I and us. This life, what this
energy is now. This slower vibration of spirit gathers molecules, cells together
and new flowering of life is expressed on this planet.

Heavy thinkingness and ego emerge. I feel the form my spirit has taken. A
physical form.

Eeee gads, A 3D world again! My spirit: enmeshed in flesh. Oh Bother!

I had drifted into a small lake, right smack in the middle of a mallard duck

Well you know I had to jump in and make like a duck. When in Rome….

No Platitudes, Please 1987

I swam with all the other lady ducks

They were slick, satin grace. And I…
A soggy ruffled furry klutz.

I gazed down at my feet to see..

I WAS indeed a platypus.

A duck billed oddity for sure , for sure,

A quackless featherless , duckless duck

I climbed right out of that snobs’ she pond,

Shook myself indifferently. “Ladies,

“All this preening and paddling is for the Birds.”

I laughed ,and wiggled my rump delightedly.

Right over to the mud slides.

“Surf’s up”, Said I, And the Mud is sublime!


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