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History and Current Standing

A small township that sits above the Great Plains on a rocky mountainous
crag, giving an economic centre for the hundreds of rural folk that work the
plains for its produce. The township was founded in the year of 104 S.C by
Arthur Wroulekai after a long and harsh battle through the winter with the
skin-walkers that formerly inhabited the ruins; of which the township were
built on.
The ruins were that of Ancient Dwarves that used the crag as a strategic
defence against creatures that formerly inhabited the Brookwood to the East.
The Ancient Dwarves stood against the creatures for several decades until
the skin-walkers penetrated their ranks and slaughtered almost all of them
during the Ceremony of Kraag, this is where the event The Slaughter of
Kraag takes hold. The last of the living Ancient Dwarves were driven out
during the same night and are said to live in the North, although their
location is not known.
Several decades after The Slaughter of Kraag, Arthur Wroulekai (who was at
the time a farmer, living and working in the plains), became tired of sleeping
in fear every night and waged a war against the skin-walkers. They stocked
up on food during the harvest season of 104 S.C and slaughtered all of their
cattle, effectively starving the skin-walkers of their primary food source. Many
a family was slaughtered during the nights leading up to the invasion as the
skin-walkers became desperate for food. The men of the Great Plains invaded
the ruins during the winter, when the skin-walkers hunger caused them to
lose much of their strength. Through sheer numbers the men managed to
slaughter the last of the creatures, and the ruins were renamed after its
leader, Wroulekai.
Sometime later in 132 S.C Arthur Wroulekai succumbed to a scourge, and the
township fell into disarray as the people of the Great Plains could not decide
on a new leader. This lead to the current state of Wroulekai as we know it.
As Wroulekai is under no official rule by any person or council, the streets are
writhe with pickpockets and thieves. The Sovereign has often tried to form
Council to govern the township but has consistently failed in its attempts. The
people that inhabit the plains are unruly and distrustful of any official body,
so for the time being, Wroulekai functions completely independently.

Appearance and Description

Wroulekai stands upon a rocky mountainous crag approximately 175 feet tall,
and half a mile wide. The crag is the only feature that rises above the
exceptionally flat plains that surround it. Adorned into the side of the crag,
small pathways twist and spiral up towards the markets, which sit upon the
top of the rock. Every several metres you will find small shops, stalls, and
even homes which have been carved into the rock of the crag itself. Many a
race sets up shop and even live on the stone, although it is mainly humans,
Dwarves have been known to make their home in the rock, as their
forefathers before them did.
The formation itself isnt simply composed of dull grey rock, in fact, it is found
to have marble, quartz, flint, and many other types of rock within it. This in
itself is an anomaly, and it is believed that this could have influenced the
Ancient Dwarves to build within it, hoping perhaps that they could find rare
metals and gems within its depths; this however has not proved true as many
generations have carved their lives into the rocks hoping to find the spoils
that the legends speak of.
The town itself is chaotic and confused in its design. Buildings often sit within
arms reach of one another, barely giving space for the merchants of the
town to squeeze through its tight alleyways. The buildings arch and lean over
the small spaces between them, often times leaning onto other buildings next
to them. The whole town looks as though it may fall down at any moment,
yet the buildings are remarkably sturdy, most still standing strong after
hundreds of years. The paths in between the buildings and markets that
pepper the town expose the rocks beneath them and polish them to a fine
sheen. Marble and quartz fleck the street and give an extremely distinctive
Near the centre of the city behind one of the major markets sits the entrance
into the ruins, the ruins itself are contained beneath the town. Average folk
do not venture down into the ruins as they are at risk of collapse due to the
age and lack of maintenance performed on them, however, there are some
people known to venture deep down inside. These people are often
conducting illicit tasks or looking for hoards that the Ancient Dwarves may
have stashed away deep within the depths, as rumours have told. Often
times however these adventurers do not return, the reason why is unknown,
as such Citizens of The Sovereign are advised not to venture into the ruins.
Tales of spirits living within the ruins are widespread throughout the town,
because of this the doors are sealed every night by the Dwarves that live
within the crag, this is due to the fact that the door seems to be enchanted,
for whenever sunlight hits the surface, it opens. The Humans would have
closed it but the door of the ruins only respond to a Dwarven touch, any other
race are met with a cold, sharp shock, and a feeling of fatigue and illness.
The ruins hold are still a strong part of Dwarven history, any notion of closing

the ruins permanently are met by hostility by the Dwarves living in Wroulekai.

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