The Nature of Creation Expanded

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The Nature of Creation1

Channeled info date unknown…1990's

The nature of creation

Regarding the common illusion of life forms in the

third dimension (since the methods employed to form
the basis of the most typical belief systems and the
resulting behaviors stem from:

1. Those things, which our physical senses, confirm.

These senses are designed to operate in the
physical realm exclusively and all tuned to the
extremely low frequency of vibrations which
cause matter to appear solid, sounds to move
slowly enough to be perceived. These vibrations
move the inner workings of the human ear. As
opposed the more sensitive ones of a canine or
feline creature for example.) Olfactory waves
traveling slowly enough to carry molecules of
moisture and enough odiferous notes for the
human nose to detect, are either large enough or
possess enough dimensional surfaces to be
tactilely detected, or tasted.

2. If these things are not of the right frequency

then at least, they must be measurable by some
other means of detection which can be then
translated to one of our dimensionally adequate
but single realm effective senses. These stimuli
must conform to the laws that govern the
Physical universe, as we perceive it. We human
students on this earthly domain believe that our
existence is the product and dependant of,
rather than the living terrestrial expression of
creator Spark or as I like to call "Love light or
'God Light. Science is now becoming aware of
this building block. They call this "DNA" and
what do you know! Every earthly life form is
made of this very substance. In each moment we
The Nature of Creation2

perceive this physicality we each are co-creating

this reality.

3. In the same manner each life form or "expression

of this love light also is actively ,though usually
unconsciously co- creating all that we require in
this existence, from the selection , construction
and maintained energy field and frequency which
makes up the physical (or Other) form of this
experience. All else yes I mean also who else,
what where and when else that will comprise this
stage of growth. The actuality is that all we face
in this state are the mirrors needed. To re-
develop his awareness and perfect love for all
that he, but one single notion, embodiment of,
Creator energy is. All of us are the same essence
with different faces.

4. Eventually each perfect creature shall become

aware of the nature of his essence. All
knowledge of a spiritual nature is not learned but
recalled wisdom stemming from the perfect love
light inside our beings. In each of us, our perfect
time comes with awareness of the nature of our
selves and our fellow man and we remember that
we are one with each other. We rediscover that
we are, were and shall ever be like Holographic
fragments each one contains the entire image
and information of the original source.

5. We are each embodied for a purpose, a destiny

and an absolute return to the perfection from
whence we came. Each of us is created for a
special purpose and each in his perfect time. All
paths (in their perfect time) all lifeforms in their
eventual recognition of all that they are. In so
much and many other expressions than they can
The Nature of Creation3

6. Finally the soul knows again and embraces that

who they are, is everyone who ever was; in any
when, and all the wheres a notion blows a kiss.

7. The recognition and remembrance every time is

the euphoric time of creators' renewal and
eternal re- creative essence. Each fragment is
recharged reintegrated Released back with the
loving source again.

8. Light is one expression of the perfect balance

and harmony of the eternal creator source. This
source is the originating evolutionary apex, and
culminating, renewed revised recalled or
reminiscent embodiment of its own creation in
every single dimensional reality. That energy
The Nature of Creation4

force which each of these life forms (physical and

non physical) expresses as well as the living
planets or other environs or any other conceived
expression of thought/expression is
translated/created into existence from such a
conceived notion. Each of these "notions” if we
can for a moment consider them is released then
from the essence of source, creator, God or
whatever you call this origin. Each notion is sent
spinning like a kiss on the wind one perfect unit
which if physical might be like of molecule of this
perfect, cognizant, loving and perpetually self
renewing generator of its own vital life force. It
embodies loving wisdom and exquisite and
ecstatic interaction of its many collective and
forever expanding conscious expressions of
living light. One molecule of perfection which
spinning will find its own unique, perfect and
purposeful expression and experience to become
the newly actualized embodiment of Creator’s

9. This spark which has transformed the “notion”

into its expression is in a way like a hologram. If
shattered each tiny fragment contains in whole
the entire original material and information of its
larger source can be recalled and reconstructed
by its fragments. In this way each expressed
lifeform of creator contains in its core the
elements of its creation. Its purpose, path ,
destiny, perfection as well as the most often
forgotten keys and remembrance of its own
power, for indeed each fragment is also a creator
in its own right unconsciously (or consciously
creating the reality and experience necessary for
its own evolution). The nature of the universes
beyond what limited earth senses can
comprehend is all recalled by the spirit, that
portion of self still connected to source and in
The Nature of Creation5

full remembrance of why and whence it came.

On Earth we have chosen a reality which forgets
our connectedness , our source, our power. Life
here contains many illusions so that we can
better understand a physical reality and all the
emotions which come with a physical expression
of source light. Since life form expressions of
creator are very often experienced as one
inhabiting one or another of the physical
dimensions, ones that seem to be traversed in
segments and cycles.The illusion of separation
from both the source and each other and the
illusion of time as linear and space as literal
measurable distance are necessary for a time as
spirit evolves in a materially created world.

10. Time seems something there is never enough of

and to some, this time will be the unforgiving
judge of each persons worth or success in each
of their endeavors in this life cycle. For those
who have this perception, this is necessary to
the reality they need for present understanding.

11 To some who view time as circular: all is now.

Now is the moment and in any and every moment
we create our experiences. For what you would
create for yourself has already been created it is
the Notion that creates what you shall perceive.
This intention sets in motion the physical
changes that need to happen to create this idea
in a physical reality, to manifest materially. To
change intention is to reshape reality.

11. There exist parallel frequency realms which are

created by our choices and alternate
possibilities. As we change our perceptions: the
frequency of the electrical energy which
surrounds us, what some call aura and which can
be photographed through Kirliean Photography
The Nature of Creation6

lifts to a higher frequency. This higher frequency

gives a whole different reality of possibilities.

12. Just as a human can neither hear a dog whistle,

nor the very deep tones made by elephants and
whales, He also may not see with physical eyes
realities above the pulsations he is in tune with.
He occupies the “space” in relation to that
vibration. He experiences the universe which is
attracted to his frequency. Higher vibrations
attract other thusly aware life forms.

13. Visualize a beautiful white radiance all around

you . See this light as swirling, intertwined pure
beams of prism light surrounded by the perfect
The Nature of Creation7

white light. Out of this light comes a perfect

bubble. Like a bubble blown from a child’s lips.
See this bubble grow larger and how beautifully
the exquisite colors of creation swirl and mix on
the surface. The bubble is now larger than you
and you step inside. You watch the bands of
color seek out and join with the same frequency
of color light in your energy field or ethereal
being ( that previously called aura.) Breathe
deeply and while inhaling feel the exhilaration of
all that beautiful Godlight nourishing and filling
all your spirit being. You may hum if you wish or
feel the musical notes of the celestial spheres.
As light carries all the spectrum of the rainbow
and represents living creative energy; so the
pure music of the spheres carries all the pure
musical creative sound spectrum of perfect
creators energy. But another facet of the face of
God if you will. Feel this perfect sound of “Oooo
The Nature of Creation8

energizing and nourishing your ethereal body,

complimenting perfectly the clear and pure
colors of white lights band of prisms in the
bubbles. Feel the energy surrounding you
become faster and lighter than ever before.
Behold you have raised the frequency of your
spirits energy. Thusly do you now attract and
bring into being reality of a higher vibration.
This vibration allows you to accept and manifest
changes of greater cognition and understanding
of Universal Laws and to participate in the
creation of a more loving and evolved society.
You will attract other souls who are also
awakening and remembering a greater
connection with the Creator and taking
responsibility for personal and global
The Nature of Creation9

integration. For these it is no longer necessary

to experience loss and pain in order to transform
ones energy and therefore ones life. You will
recognize that as a perfect expression of Creator
Source we are meant to experience the ecstasy
of remembering and rejoicing in the connections
we share. You do not need to suffer or pay
penance to deserve this happiness. It is your
birth right and will be granted to you as you
believe. What you believe (or fear) you create.

14. As your society is lifted as a whole you will finally

one day achieve wholeness of planet. That is the
illusions of separation and conflicting societies
will give way to awareness that we are one
nation, one planet, one people. We see that to
injure another only further injures our selves.
This understanding makes us aware that there
are only equals among this society and those of
other planes of existence and other places.
When on a large scale, Earthlings are aware that
there is no such thing as superior or inferior life
forms, then they may be introduced to the
vibrations which make other species or other
vibrational beings to communicate in an open,
face to face encounter. Until this energy changes
frequency only some individuals will be aware of
how to tap into the Universal Mind which is
sometimes experienced as channeled

15. Every thought which ever was or will be thought,

every symphony, every equation, hypothesis,
hope dream or fear of a physically manifested
being sets off a vibration not unlike the rings
which emanate when one throws a stone across a
pond. The energy waves continue to exist in
widening waves for what we may think of as
The Nature of Creation10

eternity. However since time is actually circular

each wave of thoughts creations is actually
expressed right NOW. Because now as I
mentioned before is the moment where I create
my future. Tapping into this pool of knowledge
one can be in touch with the perfect perceptions
for ones next re-evolution of spirit. Spiritual
questions may be asked and may be answered in
precisely the right frame of reference for the

16. It is sometimes beneficial to introduce newly

awakened beings to the concepts of Spiritual
guides, being the sentient part of each of us for
which there is no mystery, in fact there is a plan
known to that “Notion” which creates our core.
Practice visualization to “meet and visualize
guides. Practice asking questions and become
open to the ideas you will receive.

17. More on the nature of time and incarnations.

Picture a large wagon
wheel. Imagine at the center of this wheel is the
expression of creator which you think of as your
soul. Each spoke of the wheel may represent
another identity which your spirit adopts to
experience life in your dimension. Some of these
identities may seem to exist in your past. Some
are present in this and other realities and some
may seem to be in the future. Each has its own
Consienceness and personality and life
experiences all share the same core and since
time is not linear when outside the confines of a
third dimension all these experiences of the
“oversoul” exist NOW. This is why all experience
is shared and one may experience an awareness
of other lifetimes or carry over strong
impressions experienced by ones other “aspect
The Nature of Creation11

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