Lab Manual Computer Course For Class 7 (Based On KVS Latest Syllabus)

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Written by

Rohit Ranjan
As per the new syllabus of KVS
Copyright reserved.

Late Narendra Kumar

Note of Thanks ..
At first I would like to thank the almighty , my GOD ,to help me in writing this
book for my students. Thank you and Love You God.

Rashmi. She is the reason and real force

to thank my daughter Shambhavi and my

Next, I would like to thank my wife

behind my writing. Next its time

son Gaurang who have always tried not to disturb me whenerver I am struct in
something. They provided me all the support that I needed to write the book by
waiting for me for hours to complete the book and to get my attention back to
them. God bless you. Love you.
Next, I would like to thank Sh. Sudhakar Singh, Principal,
K.V.Kankarbagh Patna , Sh. Ravi Prakash, PGT (Computer Sc.), K.V.
Kankarbagh Patna and Sh. Manoj Kumar PGT (Computer Sc.), K.V.
Kankarbagh Patna for giving faith on me to write this book.
Last but not the least I would like to thank Myself for starting a beautiful journey
of writing.




Computer Security








Photoshop II



Photoshop - III














UNIT - 1

Computer Security
Computer systems are vulnerable to many threats that can inflict various types of damage
resulting in significant losses. This damage can range from errors harming database
integrity to fires destroying entire computer centers. Losses can stem, for example, from
the actions of supposedly trusted employees defrauding a system, from outside hackers, or
from careless data entry clerks. Precision in estimating computer security-related losses is
not possible because many losses are never discovered, and others are "swept under the
carpet" to avoid unfavorable publicity. The effects of various threats varies considerably:
some affect the confidentiality or integrity of data while others affect the availability of a
This chapter presents a broad view of the risky environment in which systems operate
today. The threats and associated losses presented in this chapter were selected based on
their prevalence and significance in the current computing environment and their expected
growth. This list is not exhaustive, and some threats may combine elements from more
than one area. This overview of many of today's common threats may prove useful to
organizations studying their own threat environments; however, the perspective of this
chapter is very broad. Thus, threats against particular systems could be quite different from
those discussed here.
To control the risks of operating an information system, managers and users need to know
the vulnerabilities of the system and the threats that may exploit them. Knowledge of the
threat environment allows the system manager to implement the most cost-effective
security measures. In some cases, managers may find it more cost-effective to simply
tolerate the expected losses. Such decisions should be based on the results of a risk
1. Errors and Omissions
2. Fraud and Theft
3. Loss of Physical and Infrastructure Support
4. Malicious Hackers
5. Malicious Code
6. Threats to Personal Privacy

The Common Types of Computer Virus

Presuming you are already familiar with what a computer virus is, how it spreads, and what
it does, it is time for you to learn that there are a few different types of computer virus.
Lets see what these types are and how each of these computer viruses behaves.
Boot viruses
Since nobody uses floppy disks anymore, these types of computer virus are left to infect
only the master boot records of the hard disk. The boot record program loads the operating
system in the memory at startup. These viruses replace the boot record and move it to a
different part of the hard disk, or simply overwrite it. As you can imagine, once you start
your operating system, it loads into memory, along with the virus. Once the virus is in the
memory, it is free to do whatever it was programmed to do. To avoid loading the boot

record viruses into memory, you must boot your operating system from another source
(another hard drive or a bootable CD/DVD).
Program viruses
These types of computer virus will infect only executable files (with extensions like .BIN,
.COM, .EXE, .OVL, .DRV, and .SYS). Once executed, these programs load into memory, along
with the virus contained within them. Once in the memory, the scenario repeats the virus
is free to act and infect other files or simply deliver its payload. These viruses are friendlier
than boot viruses and can be removed a lot easier.
Multipartite viruses
These computer viruses are hybrids, derived from boot viruses and program viruses. They
infect executable files, just like the program viruses but, once the executable is executed, it
infects the master boot records. The scenario is similar to the boot viruss one: once you
boot your operating system, the virus is loaded into the memory, from where it is free to
infect other programs and replicate itself, ultimately delivering the payload.
Stealth viruses
These viruses are specialized in avoiding detection and will use a number of techniques to
do so. Most of them simply redirect the hard disk head, forcing it to read another memory
sector instead of their own. Some of them also alter the reading of the file size shown when
listing the directory. These types of computer virus are very hard to find by humans, but
antivirus software is specially designed to track them down and erase them.
Polymorphic viruses
The polymorphic viruses will always change their source code from one infection to another.
Each infection is different, and this makes detection very hard. However, detection is still
possible, depending on the antivirus.
Macro viruses
This virus is relatively new and it infects macros within a template or document. When you
open a word processing document, it activates the virus. The virus infects the
template, which is a general file used by all the documents. So, whenever you open an
uninfected document, by referring to the file, it gets infected as well. This
infection can only spread if infected documents are opened on another machine.
Active X viruses
Most people do not know how to configure ActiveX and Java controls, unconsciously leaving
a security hole. Applets are then allowed to run freely on the machine, delivering all ActiveX
viruses. By simply turning off some ActiveX and Java controls in the browser, a user can
efficiently protect their PC from this type of computer virus.

Shastri Jee , Why viruses are created when it

is bad for our computer ?

Shona. Mind and knowledge can be used for

constructive as well as destructive purpose
both. If viruses destruct , no problem, because
viruses prevent.

Firewall and its use :-

If you have been using the Internet for any length of time, and especially if you work at a
larger company and browse the Web while you are at work, you have probably heard the
term firewall used. For example, you often hear people in companies say things like, "I can't
use that site because they won't let it through the firewall."
If you have a fast Internet connection into your home (either a DSL connection or a cable
modem), you may have found yourself hearing about firewalls for your home network as
well. It turns out that a small home network has many of the same security issues that a
large corporate network does. You can use a firewall to protect your home network and
family from offensive Web sites and potential hackers.
Basically, a firewall is a barrier to keep destructive forces away from your property. In fact,
that's why its called a firewall. Its job is similar to a physical firewall that keeps a fire from
spreading from one area to the next.

Cyber Law in INDIA

Why Cyber law in India ?
When Internet was developed, the founding fathers of Internet hardly had any inclination
that Internet could transform itself into an all pervading revolution which could be misused
for criminal activities and which required regulation. Today, there are many disturbing
things happening in cyberspace. Due to the anonymous nature of the Internet, it is possible
to engage into a variety of criminal activities with impunity and people with intelligence,
have been grossly misusing this aspect of the Internet to perpetuate criminal activities in
cyberspace. Hence the need for Cyberlaws in India.
What is the importance of Cyber law ?
Cyber law is important because it touches almost all aspects of transactions and activities on
and concerning the Internet, the World Wide Web and Cyberspace. Initially it may seem
that Cyberlaws is a very technical field and that it does not have any bearing to most
activities in Cyberspace. But the actual truth is that nothing could be further than the truth.
Whether we realize it or not, every action and every reaction in Cyberspace has some legal
and Cyber legal perspectives.


Does Cyber law concern me ?

Yes, Cyber law does concern you. As the nature of Internet is changing and this new medium
is being seen as the ultimate medium ever evolved in human history, every activity of yours
in Cyberspace can and will have a Cyber legal perspective. From the time you register your
Domain Name, to the time you set up your web site, to the time you promote your website,
to the time when you send and receive emails , to the time you conduct electronic
commerce transactions on the said site, at every point of time, there are various Cyber law
issues involved. You may not be bothered about these issues today because you may feel
that they are very distant from you and that they do not have an impact on your Cyber
activities. But sooner or later, you will have to tighten your belts and take note of Cyber law
for your own benefit.
Cyber Law Awareness program

Are your electronic transactions legally binding and authentic? Are you verifying your
customers' identities to prevent identity theft? Does your online terms and conditions have
binding effect? Are you providing appropriate information and clear steps for forming and
concluding your online transactions? How are you ensuring data protection and information
security on your web site? Are you recognizing the rights of your data subjects?
Transacting on the Internet has wide legal implications as it alters the conventional methods
of doing business. To build enduring relationships with your online customers the legal
issues of e-transactions need to be addressed from the onset.
This Awareness program will cover
the basics of Internet Security
basic information on Indian Cyber Law
Impact of technology aided crime
Indian IT Act on covering the legal aspects of all Online Activities
Types of Internet policies required for an Organization.
Minimum hardware and software, security measures required in an organization to protect


Oh! My God! We use internet flawless but I

didnt know that it is protected by so much

Shona. You will be surprise to know that even

ating on social media is fully
governed and tracked by laws and acts.

Back up and restore

How to Back Up and Restore Your Computer
Issues with stability of your system are bound to rise with continued use. Unfortunately, in
such circumstances, millions of users as well as organizations worldwide end up losing vital
data and installed applications and spend tens of thousands of dollars in trying to restore
their system. This is often occasioned by the fact that many a users are never prepared to


face disasters such as software crash, hard disk crash and virus infection amongst others. To
save yourself from such agony and to avoid losing valuable working hours it is important to
be backing up important data stored in your system on regular basis. In the event of a
disaster, you will only need to restore the saved data and carry on with your day to day
chores. Having recognized this as a need, the article aims at providing a helping hand on
how to backup and restore your system.


Click Start from the taskbar and point to All Programs. In the popup menu that
appears, select Accessories and point to System Tools and choose Backup in the
menu that appears,



Click Next in the Backup or Restore wizard that appears therein.



Choose Backup files and settings and click Next. In the new page that
appears you will be prompted to choose what to backup. To backup items stored in
My Documents, Favorites, Desktop and Cookies choose My Documents and
settings. To backup data for all the users in the system inclusive of their documents,
favorites and cookies select Everyones documents and settings and to backup all
data stored in the hard disk, choose All information on this computer. However, it is
recommended that you create a special folder into which to backup all vital data and
select Let me choose what to backup.



Thereafter, click Next select a location in which to save the backup and give it
a name. it is recommended that you choose an external location, i.e. flash drives or
external hard disk. Click Next to proceed with the process. In the new page that
appears click Finish to complete the backup process. This might take a while to


How to Restore backup data


Click Start from the taskbar and point to All Program. In the popup menu that
appears, point to Accessories and then to System and Tools and click on Backup.
In the Backup and restore wizard that appears therein select Restore files and
settings and click Next.



In the new page that appears, choose the location where the backup was
created. Under the items to restore box check the data that you want to restore and
click Next. To start the restore option, click Finish. The process might take some
time to complete so be patient.


We learn :-

Computer security issues

What are viruses
What are IT Act in India
How to back up our computer data.
How to Restore our backed up data

Answer the following questions :1.

What are the types of viruses ? Explain at least two of them.

Name the first computer virus and its developer.
What is difference between Backup and Restore ?
What is the importance of Cyber Law?


UNIT - 2

(Hyper Text Markup Language)
What does H-T-M-L stand for?
HTML is an abbreviation of "HyperText Mark-up Language" - which is already more than you
need to know at this stage. However, for the sake of good order, let us explain in greater

Hyper is the opposite of linear. In the good old days - when a mouse was something
the cat chased - computer programs ran linearly: when the program had executed
one action it went to the next line and after that, the next line and so on. But HTML
is different - you can go wherever you want and whenever you want. For example, it
is not necessary to visit before you visit
Text is self-explanatory.
Mark-up is what you do with the text. You are marking up the text the same way you
do in a text editing program with headings, bullets and bold text and so on.
Language is what HTML is. It uses many English words.

In this tutorial you will learn so-called XHTML (Extensible HyperText Mark-up Language)
which, in short, is a new and more well-structured way of writing HTML.
Now you know what HTML (and XHTML) stands for let's get started with what it is all about:
making websites.

Elements and tags

You are now ready to learn the essence of HTML: elements.
Elements give structure to a HTML document and tells the browser how you want your
website to be presented. Generally elements consists of a start tag, some content, and an
end tag.

Tags are labels you use to mark up the begining and end of an element.
All tags have the same format: they begin with a less-than sign "<" and end with a
greater-than sign ">".


Generally speaking, there are two kinds of tags - opening tags: <html> and closing
tags: </html>. The only difference between an opening tag and a closing tag is the
forward slash "/". You label content by putting it between an opening tag and a
closing tag.
HTML is all about elements. To learn HTML is to learn and use different tags.

Can you show me some examples?

Okay, the element em emphasis text. All text between the opening tag <em> and
the closing tag </em> is emphasised in the browser. ("em" is short for "emphasis".)
Example 1:
<em>Emphasised text.</em>

Will look like this in the browser:

Emphasised text.
The elements h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 and h6 is used to make headings (h stands for
"heading"), where h1 is the first level and normally the largest text, h2 is the
second level and normally slightly smaller text, and h6 is the sixth and last in the
hierarchy of headings and normally the smallest text.
Example 2:
<h1>This is a heading</h1>
<h2>This is a subheading</h2>

Will look like this in the browser:

This is a heading
This is a subheading
Your HTML document should now look like this:


<title>My first website </title>
<p>Hurrah! This is my website.</p>

Done! You have now made your first real website!

Next all you have to do is to save it to your hard drive and then open it in your browser:

In Notepad choose "Save as..." under "File" in the top menu.

Choose "All Files" in the "Save as type" box. This is very important - otherwise, you
save it as a text document and not as an HTML document.
Now save your document as "page1.htm" (the ending ".htm" indicates that it is an
HTML document. ".html" gives the same result. I always use ".htm", but you can
choose whichever of the two extensions you prefer). It doesn't matter where you
save the document on your hard drive - as long as you remember where you saved it
so you can find it again.

Now go to the browser:

In the top menu choose "Open" under "File" (or press CTRL+O).
Click "Browse" in the box that appears.
Now find your HTML document and click "Open".


It now should say "Hurrah! This is my first website." in your browser. Congratulations!

Basic Html Tags

Paragraph Tags
Tag: <p> </p> (Has a closing tag) </>means closed.
What it Does: Puts 2 breaks between lines of text.
Align=left, right, center
Code Example:
<p align=left> This is a paragraph tag </p>
<p align=left > This isa paragraph tag </p>
What it looks like:
This is a paragraph tag.
This is a paragraph tag.
Break Tags
Tag: <br> (Has no closing tag)
What it Does: Puts a one line break between text.
Code Example:
This is a break tag. <br>
This is another break tag.
What it looks like:
This is a break tag.
This is another break tag.


Bold Tags
Tag: <b></b>(Has closing tag) </>means closed.
What it Does: Creates bold text
Code Example: <b>this is bold. </b>
What it looks like:
this is bold.
Italic Tags
Ta g: <i></i>(Has closing tag) </>means closed.
What it Does: Creates Italic text.
Code Example: <i> This text is italic. </i>
What it looks like:
This text is italic.
Unordered List Tags
Tag: <ul> </ul>(Has closing tag) </>means closed.
What it Does: The UL tag lists items using bullets. Also indents your list tags.
Code Example:
<ul>This is a ul tag</ul>
What it looks like:
This is a ul tag.
List Tags
Tag: <li> </li>(Has closing tag) </>means closed.
What it Does: Creates a bulleted list.
Code Example:
<li>Apple </li>
<li>Orange </li>
What it looks like:


Hyperlink Tag
Tag: <a href="URL"></a> Has closing tag) </>means closed.
What it does:Creates a hyperlink to another page.
Target =new This opens up a new window.
Code Example:
<a href=doc.html> document </a>
What it looks like:
To create a hotlink email reference:
Table Tags
Tag: <table></table>Creates a table
Tag: <tr></tr>Sets off each row in a table
Tag: <td></td>Sets off Each cell in a table>
align=left, right, center
cellspacing= x
How these work and look: All these tags must be closed. </>
<table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2>


<td>cell 1</td>
<td>cell 2</td>
How it looks:

Image Tags
Tag: <img src=imagename.gif alt=description> there is no closing tag
Align=right or left
What it does: Inserts an image into the page. Always have an alt tag in your images. Alt tags are part
of priority
one ADA compliance. The site will not be compliant without this tag.
Code Example: This is an image <img src=images/arrow.gif alt=arrow>.
What it looks like: This is an image .
1. Alwaysuse alt tags (alternative text) in images
2. Close your tags </>
Email Tags
<a class=links >Gordon@sno- </a>
Image Tags with locations
To insert an image into text area
<img src=images/imagemanager/filename.gif(jpg)alt=Title of Image>
To place this in a left, center or right position you would:
<center><img src=images/imagemanager/filename.gif(jpg)alt=Title of


Note: Sometimes the code is particular about the image name being all on one line. If your
image doesnt display properly on the page, then check for the file name being split on two

We learn :-

What is HTML
How and where it is written
What are tags in HTML
How to design a web page

Shastri Jee , Now I think I can create a web

page. But using these code can I create the
website also ?

Of course , Shona. You can create web pages

and a web site also but for make it working on
internet, it must be hosted. Ask your teacher
about the term Hosting.

Note :- Perform the Lab Task given in APPENDIX - III


UNIT - 3

In short, desktop publishing is the process of using the computer and specific types of
software to combine text and artwork to produce documents properly formatted for print,
Web, or mobile devices such as newsletters, brochures, books, business cards, Web pages,
greeting cards, letterhead, packaging, signage, etc.
The desktop publishing process is employed by both graphic designers and non-designers to
create visual communications for commercial digital printing , printing on a printing press,
or for desktop printing at home or in the office. Although desktop publishing can encompass
everything from the initial design to printing and delivery of the finished product, the core
parts of desktop publishing are the page layout and text composition and the prepress or
digital file preparation tasks.
The primary software for desktop publishing is page layout software. Graphics software,
including drawing software and a photo editor, word processing software or office suites,
and Web design software are also major tools of the graphic designer or desktop publisher.

Adobe Photoshop Tutorials

Photoshop is one of the premiere graphics software packages used in conjunction with
desktop publishing projects. Learn how to get the most out of Adobe Photoshop as a
standalone tool and when used with other desktop publishing software programs.
1) Photoshop Color Management
2) Add-ons & Tools
3) Type in Photoshop
4) Photoshop Masks/Selections
5) Art Creation & Effects
6) More Essential PS Tutorials
7) Adobe Photoshop
8) Adobe Photoshop Elements
9) Fix, Correct, Repair Photos

To be create better images and be efficient with your precise time it is absolutely necessary
to become well versed with Photoshop's tools. Learning the Tools palette sometimes called
the Toolbox takes time and energy but the is well worth the effort.


Adobe Photoshop Tools and Tips

Marquee Tool - makes selections, rectangular or circular
Move Tool - moves the object on the layer
Polygonal Lasso Tool - creates polygonal selections
Magic Wand - makes a selection based on the selected
Crop Tool - crops Photoshop file
Slice Tool - creates slices
Healing Brush - used to fix or delete unwanted objects
Brush Tool - brush
Clone Stamp - used to duplicate/clone objects
History Brush - draw with history snapshots
Eraser - erase Photoshop objects
Gradient - createa gradient
Blur Tool - create blurry image
Dodge Tool - add dodge effect
Path Selection - select the whole path drawn by pen tool
Text tool - type text
Pen tool - draw vector path
Custom Shape tool - create shapes
Notes tool - create notes
Eyedropper tool - select color
Hand tool - move objects
Zoom tool - zoom in and zoom out on the image


The (Window> History) History Palette is like the Undo command on steroids. It allows the designer
to experiment know that one can retrace any of your steps if the next steps you take are wrong. The
number of steps is user-defined with the only limitation being the amount of HD space on the
Text on a Path
Use the Vector tools, such as the Pen tool, to create working paths (Window>Paths). Use the Test
tool, position the baseline indicator over the path and click, start typing. The flow of the text will be
in the direction the points were created. But using the Direct Selection tool or the Path Selection
tool the Designer can move the typed text along the path created or even flip the text.
Blur Tool
This tool is invaluable for smoothing out detail or softening the edges of your graphics. Graphic
designers can make adjustments to the brush sizes and strength. The Designer can make specific
selections on parts of an image and blur focus these areas if this effect is desired.
Replacing Colors
New to Photoshop CS is the Color Replacement tool. It allows the Designer another tool to quickly
change the color of any part of the graphic without making a selection and using the colorcorrection tools. This tool does automatically detect boundaries with optional setting for tweaking.
Layer Comps
New to Photoshop CS the Layer Comp is a snapshot of the current state of the Layer palette. Its very
useful for saving various combinations of layers within the Photoshop CS designs the ability to save
and to recall these states is very useful when showing multiple concepts with the same document
quickly and
Sponge Tool
The Sponge Tool is very useful in applying local adjustments of saturation of colors in any graphic
image. The tool allows the increase or decrees of the saturation of color through the Options bar.
Note that in grayscale mode the tool increases or decrease contrast. Use this tool to intensify color
as in the green eyes of a subject or to remove the color in the cheeks of a model.
The Liquify Tool
The Liguify Tool (Filter>Liguify) is a quirky fun tool that allows the Designer to push and pull any
parts of an image around. Used subtly it can give a photograph a watery surface in appearance, use
it to create abstract images or use it to create a glossy metallic reflections effect.
The Magic Wand Tool
The Magic Wand Tool has setting (they are not apparent) that does affect the manner it samples
pixels in a graphic image. One of these parameters is hidden. If the Designer selects the Eyedropper
tool one Point Sample option by default is selected; however, you can make a change to 3x3 or 5x5
areas. Selecting which Point Sample is selected will affect the manner in which the Magic Wand will
The Dodge and Burn Tools
These are often forgotten tools but they can be very useful. The dodge Tool reproduces an effect of
underexposing portions of the image applied too; while, the Burn Tool reproduces overexposure.


Basically they either lighten or darken areas of an image applied too, while still retaining important
Tool Shortcuts
These Tool Shortcuts (plus others the standards Ctrl+A, Crtl+C, Crtl+D ) will help you become
more efficient and help improve your workflow big time not only in Photoshop but Illustrator CS and
any applications where you can customize shortcuts. I use these below in my daily

Layer masks make it easy to combine images placed on different layers. Layer mask defines
the transparency level of particular areas. At the same time, no change is made to the pixels
To create a new layer mask, just click Add Layer Mask on Layers palette. A white rectangle
will appear next to the layer thumbnail. Layer mask is a grayscale image. What you paint in
black will be hidden, what you paint in white will show, and what you paint in gray shades
will show in various levels of transparency.
Let's perform a simple collage using layer masks.
A montage will require at least two photos (see pic.1).

Pic.1. Creating collage

Let's replace the face of the first girl with the face of the second girl. The top layer covers
the bottom one. As the images are of the same size, only the top layer is visible. To combine
the face from the top layer with everything else from the bottom layer, everything but face
on the top layer is to be made transparent.
This can be done in several ways. For example, using the Eraser Tool to remove all the areas
on the top layer image omitting the face. However, in this case all the pixels will be lost, so if
anything goes wrong we'll have to start over. Besides, it will be rather difficult to make the
result look good. That is why layer masks are recommended.
A layer mask doesn't remove a single pixel on the layer, it just makes some of them
temporary transparent.
Painting in black makes the image transparent while painting in white makes it opaque.The
mask can be modified and corrected at any time.
To create mask on the top layer, click Add Layer Mask at the bottom of the Layerspalette.
The mask is displayed next to the layer thumbnail and automatically linked to it (this is
indicated by the link icon) (see pic.2).


Pic.2. Adding a layer mask

By default, the layer mask is painted white, i.e. it is absolutely opaque. Thus, no changes can
be seen.
Layer mask is editable when active. The mask sign next to the eye indicates that layer mask
is selected for editing.
Brush sign instead of the mask indicates that the layer itself is selected.
You can switch to the layer mask by clicking over it.
Now fill the mask with black to make it completely transparent. Ctrl+Backspace fills the
entire layer with the foreground color (in this case the foreground color must be black).
Now use brush to configure the mask. Paint over the area that must be seen. It is the face in
this example.
Note: in Photoshop 6.0 the default foreground color for layer masks is white and the
background color is black. It was the opposite in versions 5.0 and 5.5. Erasing an area made
it opaque. In later versions work with layer masks became more natural.
If the painted area happened to be too large, it is easy to correct with the help of Eraser
See the girl's face change in pic. 3.

Pic.3. Creating collage with the help of layer mask

The following operations will make the whole working process easier:

to view the content of a layer mask, Alt-click over its thumbnail. To hide the mask,
repeat this action;
to disable layer mast, Shift-click over its thumbnail. Repeated click will enable the
mask. (see pic.4);


Wow! Now I can also edit my photo and

make it like a star.

Ha! Ha! Ha! You can provide the lab finishing to

your photo that is made on a photo studio.

Pic.4. Disable layer mask

to create a layer mask, Ctrl-click

over the layer thumbnail;
to load selection, Ctrl--click over the layer mask thumbnail;
a layer mask is linked to the layer image, however, this link may be easily removed
by clicking over the link icon. The layer image unlinked from its mask can be moved
independantly as well as the mas itself. Besides that, right click over the layer mask
thumbnail brings up a menu containing the following items:
Set Selection To Layer Mask;
Add Layer Mask To Selection;
Subtract Layer Mask From Selection;
Intersect Layer Mask With Selection;
Layer Mask Options calls the dialog to set color and transparency for the layer


Discard Layer Mask;

Apply Layer Mask - transparant (i.e. black) areas on the mask are deleted;
Disable Layer Mask.

Layer mask helps to blend images using Gradient tool. For example, there are two photos of
a forest road. One of them shows autumn, the other one displays summer. With Photoshop
it is easy to blend them.
First of all, use clipboard to copy each image to a separate layer. Then click Add Layer Mask
on the Layers palette to create a mask on the top layer. Staying on the mask, press G to
select Gradient tool ( in the toolbox). Make sure it is a linear black to white gradient.
Now hold the Shift key to draw an ideally straight vertical line starting from about one third
of the image from below (see pic.5).

.5. Create gradient on layer mask

Note: A layer mask is only able to display shades of gray. When a colored gradient is used,
the mask itself will still show a black to white gradient.


Any drawing tools, filters, ans selections can be applied on a layer mask. You can work with
the mask as with regular grayscale image, and create masks of any complexity.
Layer masks also allow such a wide-spread
wide spread effect as type filled with an image. Create a new
empty document with clear white background and then copy a picture to a new layer. Select
the Horizontal Type Mask Tool in the toolbox. Now type the desired text an
and click Add layer
mask at the bottom of the Layers palette. Type will be filled with the image. (see pic.6).

Pic.6. Using layer mask to fill text with image

It is really superb effect. I will try it with my

name also.

You can also use more layers for creating more

exciting effects.



Photoshop - II
Rectangular Marquee Tool
The Rectangular Marquee Tool creates rectangular selections:

In the Toolbox, select the Rectangular Marquee

Drag it on your image holding down the left mouse button.
While the New selection
option is chosen on the Options bar, you delete the existing selection
by making a new selection.
To add an area to the existing selection you have either to choose the Add to selection
on the Options bar or to hold down [Shift] key while selecting.
To subtract an area from the existing selection you have either to choose the Subtract from
mode on the Options bar or to hold down [Alt] key while selecting.
To intersect an area with the existing selection you have either to choose the Intersect with

option on the Options bar or to hold [Shift+Alt] keys while selecting.
To create a selection with the predefined proportions choose the Fixed Aspect Ratio style on the
Options bar and set Width and Height values.
8. While creating a new selection you can constrain proportions to 1:1 (ie. create a square selection)
by holding down [Shift] key while selecting.
9. To create a selection with the predefined size choose the Fixed Size style on the Options bar and
set Width and Height values.
10. While the New selection option is chosen and the cursor is within the selected area the tool looks
like this
and can move the selection (ie. borders of the selected area and not the image
content). You can also move the selection using the keyboard



Elliptical Marquee Tool

The Elliptical Marquee Tool creates elliptical selections:

To create a selection In the Toolbox, select the Elliptical Marquee

Tool; click on the image and
drag (holding mouse's left button pressed)
While New selection
option choosen on the Options bar you delete the existing selection by
creating a new selection.
To add an ellipse to existing selection you have either to choose Add to selection
option on the
Options bar or to press (and hold) [Shift] key while selecting.
To subtract an ellipse from existing selection you have either to choose Subtract from selection
option on the Options bar or to press [Alt] key while selecting.
To intersect an ellipse with existing selection you have either to choose Intersect with selection
option on the Options bar or to press [Shift+Alt] keys while selecting.
To create an elliptical selection with predefined proportions choose Fixed Aspect Ratio style on the
Options bar and set Width and Height values.
While creating new selection you can constrain proportions to 1:1 (ie. create round selection) by
pressing [Shift] key while selecting.
To create an elliptical selection with predefined size choose Fixed Size style on the Options bar and
set Width and Height values.
While New selection option is chosen and the point of cursor is within selected area the tool looks
like this
and can move selection (ie. borders of selected area and not image content).
While New selection option is chosen you can also move selection using keyboard
cursor key


The Lasso Tool In Photoshop

So far in our journey through Photoshops various selection tools, weve looked at how
the Rectangular Marquee Tool allows us to easily draw selections based on simple
rectangular or square shapes, and how the Elliptical Marquee Tool extends our selection
making abilities into the exciting world of ovals and circles. But what if we need to select
something in a photo thats a little more complex, like someones eyes, an item of clothing,
or maybe a car or a bottle? Something that still has a clearly defined form to it but is beyond
the capabilities of Photoshops geometry-based Marquee Tools.
If youre a more advanced Photoshop user, youll probably head straight for the Pen Tool,
the tool of choice for making professional quality form-based selections. But if you have a
good quality mouse (or even better, a pen tablet), decent drawing skills and a little patience,
you may find that the Lasso Tool, another of Photoshops basic selection tools, is all you
Photoshop actually gives us three variations of lasso to work with. The one well be looking
at in this tutorial is the standard Lasso Tool, which you can access by clicking on its icon in
the Tools panel. Its the tool that looks like the sort of lasso youd find a cowboy swinging at
a rodeo:


Selecting the standard Lasso Tool.

For a faster way to select the Lasso Tool, simply press the letter L on your keyboard. There
are two other types of lasso tools as well the Polygonal Lasso Tool and the Magnetic Lasso
Tool, both of which are hiding behind the standard Lasso Tool in the Tools panel. Well look
at both of these tools in separate tutorials, but to access either of them, simply click and
hold your mouse button down on the standard Lasso Tool until a small fly-out menu
appears, then select either tool from the menu:

Each of the three types of lasso tool gives us a different way to draw selections.
All three lasso tools share the letter L as their keyboard shortcut for selecting them, so
depending on how you have things set up in Photoshops Preferences, you can cycle
through the three tools either by pressing the letter Lrepeatedly or by pressing Shift+L. We
covered how to change the option in the Preferences for switching between tools in
the Elliptical Marquee Tool tutorial.

Drawing Freehand Selections

Of all the selection tools in Photoshop, the Lasso Tool is probably the easiest to use and
understand because you simply drag a freehand selection around the object or area you
want to select, in a similar way to how you would outline something on a piece of paper
with a pen or pencil. With the Lasso Tool selected, your mouse cursor will appear as a small
lasso icon, and you simply click at the spot in the document where you want to begin the
selection, then continue holding your mouse button down and drag to draw a freeform
selection outline:


Drawing a selection outline with the Lasso Tool is like drawing with a pen or pencil on paper.
To complete the selection, simply return to the spot where you began and release your
mouse button. You dont necessarily have to return the same spot you started from, but if
you dont, Photoshop will automatically close the selection for you by drawing a straight line
from the point where you released your mouse button to the point where you began, so in
most cases, you will want to finish where you started:

Photoshop will close a selection automatically with a straight line if you dont drag back to
the beginning point.

Cropping Tool
Cropping - This changes the number of pixels in an image by "cropping" away
the pixels from the surrounding area.
In the photo editor Adobe Photoshop an image can be cropped with
the Crop tool or the Cropcommand.
To crop an image with the Crop tool, follow these instructions:

Step 1. Choose the Crop tool

Step 2. Bring the cursor to a point on the image, where a corner of the

from the Tool Panel or press C.

cropped image will be, and left-click the mouse.

Step 3. Moving the cursor diagonally, keep the left mouse button


Step 4. Release the left mouse button. A box will appear over the image
with marked corners, indicating the area that will be preserved. This box
can be moved, resized, and rotated.

To move the crop box move the cursor completely inside the
selected area, press the left mouse button, and while keeping the
left mouse button pressed, drag the box.

To change the size of the selected area move the cursor to one of
the corner markers, press the left mouse button and drag the
marker. If the cursor is dragged while pressing Shift, the size of
the box will be changed proportionally.


To rotate the crop box move the cursor to one of the corner
markers and drag the cursor.

5. Press Enter (Return on Macintosh) or press the

button in

the Options Panel to crop the image.

To close the crop box without cropping the image press Esc or press

button in the Options Panel.

To crop an image with the Crop command from the Photoshop menu, follow
these steps:

Step 1. Choose the Rectangular marquee tool from the Tool Panel.

Step 2. Select a rectangular area on the image Selection Tools in

Adobe Photoshop).

Step 3. Choose Crop from the Image menu.

Note :- Solve the exercise given in APPENDIX - IV



Photoshop - III
Eyedropper Tool
The Eyedropper

Tool defines the foreground / background color.

In the Toolbox, select the Eyedropper

Click somewhere on your image to define the foreground color. Look how foreground
selector on the Toolbox changes.
Alt-click (click holding down the [Alt] key) to set the background color. Look how the
background selector on the Toolbox changes.
In the Options bar, you can change sample size (the Eyedropper's range):
o the "Point Sample" picks up the color from the pixel you click on
o all the other samples read average values from larger areas (movie).


Measure Tool
The Measure

Tool calculates distances and angles in the work area.

In the Toolbox, select the Measure

To calculate distance from one point in the work area to another, drag line between
the points.
In the Info palette and in the Options bar, you can read the measuring line data:
o X, Y - coordinates of the starting point
o W - horizontal length
o H - vertical length
o A - angle relative to the axis
o D1 - total length
o D2 - total length of second line


To measure other distance, drag another measuring line, or drag an end of existing
one to resize it (movie).
To measure an angle, crate a protractor by alt-drag ging (drag holding [Alt] key
pressed) at an angle from one end of the measuring line.
To constrain the Measure
Tool to multiples of 45, shift-drag (drag holding [Shift]
key pressed).
To hide / show annotations use [Ctrl+H] shortcut.
To completely remove measuring line, drag it out of the image.

Notes Tool
The Notes

Tool allows you to attach to image your notes*.

In the Toolbox, select the Notes

Drag on the image where you want to attach a note. A resizable window appears.
Type your text and close the note (movie).
on the Options bar you can change author's name and set font options
You can drag your notes anywhere at any time; even while some other tool being
To edit a note, open it (double-click on it), and make your changes.
To hide / show notes, use either [Ctrl+H] shortcut or pull-down menu: View > Show
> Annotations.
To delete a note, either select it (clik on it) and press [Delete] key or right-click on it
and use context menu (movie)
To delete all notes click "Clear All" button in the Options bar.


Healing Brush
The Healing Brush Tool retouches image using sampled pixels or pattern.
To retouch using sampled pixels:

In the Toolbox, select the Healing Brush

Set brush size and style.
On the Options bar, select the Sampled option.
Alt-click (click holding down [Alt] key) somewhere on your image to define a sampling
Paint with the Healing Brush
Tool on the damaged area.
The Aligned gadget on the Options bar (not selected by default) forces the starting
point to follow your cursor, even after you complete a stroke, while leaving it off starts
the sample point back to its original location at the start of each stroke.

To retouch using a pattern:


On the Options bar, select the Pattern option.

Choose a pattern from the Pattern picker (movie).
Paint with the Healing Brush
Tool on a damaged area.



Patch Tool
The Patch Tool retouches image using sampled pixels or pattern*.
It works as a combination of the Healing Brush
with the Lasso


There are 2 methods to retouch using sampled pixels.

Method 1:
1. In the Toolbox, select the Patch
2. Drag in (select) a damaged area with the Patch
Tool**(exactly like
with Lasso
3. On the Options bar, choose the Source mode.
4. Drag the selection (cursor inside the selection) onto a repair-source area (movie).
Method 2:
5. Drag in a repair-source area with the Patch
6. On the Options bar, choose the Destination mode.
7. Drag the selection (cursor inside of selection) onto a damaged area (movie).
To retouch with a pattern, use Method 3:
8. Drag in a damaged area with the Patch
9. In the Pattern picker, choose a pattern (movie).
10. Click the Use Pattern button on the Options bar.



Blur Tool
The Blur

Tool unfocuses image areas:

In the Toolbox, select the Blur Tool.
Choose brush size and style.
Set the tool's strength.
Drag on the image.
In the Options bar, you can also specify the effect's "Mode".

Smudge Tool
The Smudge

Tool spreads and mixes content of image areas:

In the Toolbox, select the Smudge

Choose brush size and style.
Set the tool's strength.
Drag on the image.
In the Options bar, you can also






Dodge Tool
The Dodge

Tool lightens image areas:

In the Toolbox, select the Dodge

Choose brush size and hardness.
Set exposure (stroke strength).
Drag on the image.
In the Options bar, you can choose also the tool's range: Shadows, Midtones or

Burn Tool
The Burn

Tool darkens image areas:

In the Toolbox, select the Burn

Choose brush size and hardness.
Set exposure (stroke strength).
Drag on the image.
on the Options bar you can choose also the tool's range: Shadows, Midtones or


Painting Tools in Photoshop

The main painting tools in Adobe Photoshop are the Pencil and the Brush.
The Pencil draws free form lines with a hard edge, and the Brush - draws lines
with a softer edge. It is possibe to draw distinct or fuzzy lines with the Brush,
but they will always be a little soft, because its edges are indistinguishable from
the background. Lines drawn with the Pencil always have a sharp edge, because
there is no interaction with the background.
Both of these tools occupy one cell in the Toolbar, and are always portrayed with
a pictogram of the last tool used. To choose another tool, press the right mouse
button on the arrow next to the tool and choose the required tool from the menu
that appears. The menu will also appear if you press and hold the tool's button.

To draw free lines with the Pencil or Brush, follow these steps:


Step 1. Choose a tool from the Toolbar.

Step 2. Set the color with which colors will be drawn.

Step 3. Choose the parameters for the chosen tool in the Options Panel.

Step 4. Bring the cursor over the image in the photo editor.

Step 5. Press the left mouse button and, while keeping the button
pressed, move the cursor across the image.

Most of the parameters used to define the Pencil and Brush tools in the Options
panel are the same, but there are some small differences.

Brush. The Brush parameter shows the current shape and size of
the brush. To change the shape and size of the brush:

left-click on the triangle to open the drop-down palette;

in this palette set the size and hardness of the brush or choose the
shape of the brush from the list of presets.

This menu can also be brought up by right-clicking anywhere in the image

In addition the shape and size of the brushes can be changed through the
Brushes palette, which can be opened by pressing or by using the
command Window - Brushes.
Mode. The Mode parameter sets the mode used by the brush. These
modes affect how the colors applied by the brush interact with the colors
of the background.
Opacity. The Opacity parameter affects the level of opacity in which a line
is drawn. To change this parameter enter a value from 1 to 100 in the
parameter's field, or press the triangle button and move the slider. At
lower values of Opacity, the color of the lines drawn by the tool blend
more intensely with the backgrounds' colors.
Auto Eraser. The Auto Eraser parameter is only available for the Pencil
tool. When Auto Eraser is checked, the Pencil tool draws over areas of the
backgrounds' colors with the primary color and in areas occupied by the
primary color in the backgrounds' colors, but if strokes begin where the
primary color is not present, then the tool will use the primary color,
which is shown at the bottom of the toolbar.
Flow. The Flow parameter affects every point of color applied by the tool.
Each new application of color is more opaque than the one before. This
parameter is only available for the Brush tool.
Airbrush. The Airbrush option can also only be set for the Brush tool.
When the Airbrush
is pressed the Brush tool paints a line with a
border like that of a airbrush.
The Pencil and Brush tools not only can be used to draw free form lines, but
also for drawing straight lines. To draw a straight line with either tool (vertically
or horizontally) press Shift and, while holding it down, start to move the cursor
in either a vertical or horizontal direction.


Paint Bucket Tool

The Paint Bucket

Tool fills the continuously colored area with the forground color or

To fill with foreground color:

In the Toolbox, select the Paint Bucket

Click on your image to fill the area.
Use Tolerance field to adjust the tool's sensitivity.
"Contiguous" option limits the tool's range to adjacent areas.
in the Options bar you can also choose the blending mode and opacity.

To fill with pattern:

in the Options bar, choose Fill mode "Pattern".

In the Pattern picker, choose a pattern sample.
Click on your image to fill the area.


Shastri Jee , Photoshop is really interesting

software. I am enjoying it on Lab.

Good! Shona.

We learn :-

Marquee tools
Healing Brush
Painting tools
Lasso Tool etc

Note :- Solve the exercise given in APPENDIX - IV


HTML Tags Ordered by Category
Basic Tags



Defines the document type


Defines an HTML document


Defines a title for the document


Defines the document's body

<h1> to <h6>

Defines HTML headings


Defines a paragraph


Inserts a single line break


Defines a thematic change in the content


Defines a comment




Not supported in HTML5. Use <abbr> instead.

Defines an acronym


Defines an abbreviation


Defines contact information for the author/owner of a document/article


Defines bold text



Isolates a part of text that might be formatted in a different direction

from other text outside it


Overrides the current text direction


Not supported in HTML5. Use CSS instead.

Defines big text


Defines a section that is quoted from another source


Not supported in HTML5. Use CSS instead.

Defines centered text


Defines the title of a work


Defines a piece of computer code


Defines text that has been deleted from a document


Defines a definition term


Defines emphasized text


Not supported in HTML5. Use CSS instead.

Defines font, color, and size for text


Defines a part of text in an alternate voice or mood


Defines a text that has been inserted into a document


Defines keyboard input


Defines marked/highlighted text


Defines a scalar measurement within a known range (a gauge)


Defines preformatted text


Represents the progress of a task


Defines a short quotation



Defines what to show in browsers that do not support ruby annotations


Defines an explanation/pronunciation of characters (for East Asian



Defines a ruby annotation (for East Asian typography)


Defines text that is no longer correct


Defines sample output from a computer program


Defines smaller text


Not supported in HTML5. Use <del> instead.

Defines strikethrough text


Defines important text


Defines subscripted text


Defines superscripted text


Defines a date/time


Not supported in HTML5. Use CSS instead.

Defines teletype text


Defines text that should be stylistically different from normal text


Defines a variable


Defines a possible line-break

Forms and Input




Defines an HTML form for user input


Defines an input control



Defines a multiline input control (text area)


Defines a clickable button


Defines a drop-down list


Defines a group of related options in a drop-down list


Defines an option in a drop-down list


Defines a label for an <input> element


Groups related elements in a form


Defines a caption for a <fieldset> element


Specifies a list of pre-defined options for input controls


Defines a key-pair generator field (for forms)


Defines the result of a calculation




Not supported in HTML5.

Defines a window (a frame) in a frameset


Not supported in HTML5.

Defines a set of frames


Not supported in HTML5.

Defines an alternate content for users that do not support frames


Defines an inline frame





Defines an image


Defines a client-side image-map


Defines an area inside an image-map


Used to draw graphics, on the fly, via scripting (usually JavaScript)


Defines a caption for a <figure> element


Specifies self-contained content

Audio / Video



Defines sound content


Defines multiple media resources for media elements (<video> and



Defines text tracks for media elements (<video> and <audio>)


Defines a video or movie




Defines a hyperlink


Defines the relationship between a document and an external resource

(most used to link to style sheets)


Defines navigation links





Defines an unordered list


Defines an ordered list


Defines a list item


Not supported in HTML5. Use <ul> instead.

Defines a directory list


Defines a description list


Defines a term/name in a description list


Defines a description of a term/name in a description list


Defines a list/menu of commands

<menuitem> Defines a command/menu item that the user can invoke from a popup




Defines a table


Defines a table caption


Defines a header cell in a table


Defines a row in a table


Defines a cell in a table


Groups the header content in a table



Groups the body content in a table


Groups the footer content in a table


Specifies column properties for each column within a <colgroup> element


Specifies a group of one or more columns in a table for formatting

Styles and Semantics




Defines style information for a document


Defines a section in a document


Defines a section in a document


Defines a header for a document or section


Defines a footer for a document or section


Defines a section in a document


Defines an article


Defines content aside from the page content


Defines additional details that the user can view or hide


Defines a dialog box or window


Defines a visible heading for a <details> element


Meta Info



Defines information about the document


Defines metadata about an HTML document


Specifies the base URL/target for all relative URLs in a document


Not supported in HTML5. Use CSS instead.

Specifies a default color, size, and font for all text in a document




Defines a client-side script


Defines an alternate content for users that do not support client-side



Not supported in HTML5. Use <object> instead.

Defines an embedded applet


Defines a container for an external (non-HTML) application


Defines an embedded object


Defines a parameter for an object


Photoshop Toolbox Reference And Shortcut
Draw Marquee from Center


Add to a Selection


Subtract from a Selection


Intersection with a Selection


Make Copy of Selection w/Move tool

Alt-Drag Selection

Make Copy of Selection when not in Move tool

Ctrl-Alt-Drag Selection

Move Selection (in 1-pixel Increments)

Arrow Keys

Move Selection (in 10-pixel Increments)

Shift-Arrow Keys

Select all Opaque Pixels on Layer

Ctrl-click on Layer Thumbnail (in Layers panel)

Restore Last Selection


Feather Selection


Move Marquee while drawing selection

Hold Space while drawing marquee

Fit on Screen

Double-click on Hand tool or Ctrl-0

100% View Level (Actual Pixels)

Double-Click on Zoom Tool or Ctrl-Alt-0

Zoom in

Ctrl-Space-Click or Ctrl-Plus(+)

Zoom out

Alt-Space-Click or Ctrl-Minus()

Hide all tools and panels


Hide all panels except Toolbox and Options bar


Rotate through full screen modes

Scroll image left or right in window

Ctrl-Shift-Page Up/Down

Jump/Zoom to part of Image

Ctrl-drag in Navigator panel

Toggles layer mask on/off as rubylith

Layer Shortcuts
Create new layer


Select non-contiguous layers

Ctrl-Click layers

Select contiguous layers

Click one layer, then Shift-Click another layer

Delete Layer

Delete key (while in the Move tool)

View contents of layer mask

Alt-Click layer mask icon

Temporarily turn off layer mask

Shift-Click layer mask icon

Clone layer as you move it


Find/Select layer containing object

Right-Click on the object w/Move tool

Change layer opacity

Number pad keys (w/Move tool selected)

Cycle down or up through blend modes

Shift-Plus(+) or Minus()

Change to a specific blend mode

(w/Move tool) Shift-Alt-letter (ie: N=Normal,

M=Multiply. etc.)

Switch to layer below/above current layer

Alt-[ or Alt-]

Move layer below/above current layer

Ctrl-[ or Ctrl-]


Type Shortcuts
Select all text on layer

Double-Click on T thumbnail in Layers panel

Increase/Decrease size of selected text by 2 pts


Increase/Decrease size of selected text by 10 pts


Increase/Decrease kerning/tracking

Alt-Right/Left Arrow

Align text left/center/right


Fill selection with background color


Fill selection with foreground color


Fill selection with foreground color using


Lock Transparent Pixels

Fill selection with source state in History panel


Display Fill dialog box


Sample as background color

Alt-Click w/Eyedropper tool

To get Move tool

While in any painting/editing tool-hold Ctrl

To get Eyedropper with Paint tools


Change paint opacity (with Airbrush OFF)

Number keys

Change paint opacity (with Airbrush ON)

Shift-Number keys

Change Airbrush flow (with Airbrush ON)

Number keys

Change Airbrush flow (with Airbrush OFF)

Shift-Number keys

Cross-Hair Cursor

Any painting/editing tool-turn Caps Lock on

Decrease/Increase Brush Size

[ or ]

Decrease/Increase Hardness of Brush

Shift-[ or Shift-]

Switch between preset Brushes

< or >

Open Brushes pop-up panel

Right-Click in Image window

Erase to History panel's source state


Cycle down or up through blend modes

Shift-Plus(+) or Minus()

Change to a specific blend mode

Shift-Alt-letter (ie: N=Normal, M=Multiply, etc.)

Create fixed color target from within a dialog box

Shift-Click in image window

Delete fixed color target

Alt-Click on target with Color Sampler tool

Create new spot-color channel from

Ctrl-Click on New Channel button in

current selection

Channels panel

Pen Tool Shortcuts

To get Direct Selection tool while using Pen


Switch between Add-Anchor and Delete-Anchor


Point tools
Switch from Path Selection tool to Convert Point


tool when pointer is over anchor point

To Select a whole path w/Direct Selection tool


Convert path to a selection

Ctrl-click on path name (in Paths panel)

Panel Shortcuts
Show/Hide Brushes panel


Show/Hide Color panel


Show/Hide Layers panel


Show/Hide Info panel



Show/Hide Actions panel


Open Adobe Bridge


Other Shortcuts
Switch between open documents


Undo or Redo operations beyond last one


Apply Last Filter


Opens Last Filter Dialog Box


Hand Tool


Reset Dialog Box

Hold Alt, Cancel turns into Reset Button, Click it

Increase/Decrease value (in any option field) by

Up/Down Arrow

1 unit
Increase/Decrease value (in any option field) by

Shift-Up/Down Arrow

10 units
Replay last Transformation


Measure Angle between Lines (Protractor

After ruler is drawn, Alt-Drag end of line with Ruler



Move Crop Marquee while creating

Hold Space while drawing

Snap Guide to Ruler ticks

Hold Shift while dragging

Highlight Fields in Options bar (n/a for all tools)


Don't Snap object edge while moving

Hold Control while dragging



Marquee tools

Lasso tools

Quick Selection, Magic Wand

Crop and Slice Tools

Eyedropper, Color Sampler, Ruler, Note, Count

Spot Healing Brush, Healing Brush, Patch, Red Eye

Brush, Pencil, Color Replacement, Mixer Brush

Clone Stamp, Pattern Stamp


History Brush, Art History Brush

Eraser tools

Gradient, Paint Bucket

Dodge, Burn, Sponge

Pen tools

Type tools

Path Selection, Direct Selection

Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon, Line, Custom Shape

3D Tools

3D Camera Tools


Rotate View


Default colors

Switch Foreground and Background colors

Quick Mask Mode

To switch between all tools within groups, add the Shift key to the letters above

For example, to switch between rectangular and elliptical marquee hit Shift-M


Assignments on HTML
Create an HTML document to display the following text in the title bar of the
browser. Welcome to the world of computers
Explain the use of <BLOCKQUOTE> with an example
Give an example for header tags {<H1> TO <H6>}
Incorporate the following in a single HTML document. BOLD, ITALICS, SMALL,
What is the role of the following tags: 1. <pre>
2. <tt>

Display the following equation in your page 34x+54x3+62x2+2x0=0

Display the following Text India is my country center aligned on the page
Display the following chemical symbols on the page
A 2 + B2 + C = 0
What is the role of <hr>tag? What are the various attributes it can take?
How do you give comments inside your source codes
Create a series of rows and columns with out using the <TABLE> tag
What is the tag that is not supported by IE and the tag not supported by
Display the follow on the page
1. 67 >23
2. x >= a <= b
How do you display a textbox for accepting password from the user
Explain the difference between the ordered list unordered list with examples
How would you display a list item with a different bullet
Insert an image in an HTML document and align the text to the right side of the
Create an hyperlink for Microsofts site
Without using the form tag also we can place objects like checkboxes,
textboxes on the form. Then what is the significance of the form tag? Discuss
What is the use of the <a> tag? How would you navigate between multiple pages?
Create an internal hyperlink from the top of your page to the bottom of the
same page
Create a form with all the attributes and the tags available
Create a table with and without border to see the difference between them
Create web pages to explain the use of column span and row span
Divide a GIF image into two areas and create different hyperlinks for them
Create a style and use them in various places in your HTML document



Questions on Photoshop
I. Fill in the following

Extension file of a Photoshop is --------(Psd)

Duplicate layer in Photoshop is in -------- menu (image)
Shortcut key for paste is --------We can use Gradient tool with------------ (Photoshop)
It is possible to rasterise a ---------- in Photoshop (Layer)

6. Show library is a --------- (Plug-in)

7. -------- is a filter (Pattern maker)
8. We can -------- an image in Photoshop (Crop)
9. ---------is the shortcut key for creating a new file in Photoshop(Ctrl+N)
10. In Photoshop, distort is a --------- (filter)
11. In Photoshop, shear is a -------- (filter)
12. Force justify is a ---------- (Alignment)
13. Extension file of Photoshop is -------- (Psd)
14. JPEG stands for --------- (Joint Photographic Experts Group)
15. ---------- tool paints with a sample of an image in Photoshop. (Clone stamp
16. --------- is a lens effect (Magnify)
17. ---------- is used for Reselect (Shift+Ctrl+D)
18. In Photoshop ---------- tool is used to move the image (Move tool)
19. Crop tool is in -------- software (Photoshop)
20. Ctrl+B is the shortcut key for ------ (Colour balance)
21. Duplicate is in --------- menu (image)
22. ---------- tool is used to smoothen images in Photoshop (smudge)
23. ---------- is a lens effect (filter)
24. --------- is used for Reselect (Shift+Ctrl+D)
25. In Photoshop ------- tool is used to move the image (Move tool)
26. Crop tool is in --------- software. (Photoshop)
27. --------- tool is used to smoothen images in Photoshop (smudge)
28. Stain utility is in ---------- (Photoshop)
29. In Photoshop 3D effect is in ------- menu (Filter)
II. True or False
1. Images cannot be duplicated in Photoshop (False)
2. Magnetic Lasso is a tool available in Photoshop (True)
3. It is possible to save a Photoshop image in different formats (True)
4. Channels represent RGB combinations (True)
5. JPEG is a movie format (False)
6. It is possible to take a printout from Photoshop (True)
7. Ctrl+P is the short cut key to define boundary. (False)
8. Ctrl+S is the shortcut key for save (True)
9. Print option is in file menu (True)
10. Crop tool is in Photoshop software (True)
11. The short-cut for italics is Ctrl+I (True)
12. Ctrl+C is the short-cut key for copy (True)
13. The Zoom tool magnifies or reduces an area of the page (True)


14. DTP stands for Desk Top Publishing (True)

15. The computerized typesetting or composing is known as DTP (True)
16. Rounded corners option is located under the Type menu (False)
17. Kerning is the moving of character closer together (True)
18. Ctrl +X is the short cut key for cut (True)
19. Short cut key for select all is Ctrl+A (True)
20. Control palette is in window menu (True)
21. Ctrl+I is the shortcut for invert option in Photoshop (True)
22. Alt+Ctrl+0 is the shortcut for actual pixels in Photoshop (True)
23. Short cut key for cut is Ctrl +C (False)
Short Questions

What is cloning?
What is stroke? Describe with example.
Write the uses of any four filter option in Photoshop
What are Layers?
Difference between 'Save' and 'Save as'.
What is cropping?
What is the use of sponge tool?
In Photoshop which kinds of files compress better as GIF than as JPEG or
9. A picture has a lot of red in it and the red mask is hard to see, Is there a way
change it to some other colour?
10. How a filter can be applied to a gradient?
11. What is the use of Blur command in Photoshop?
12. Describe different layer concept and history in Photoshop. How you can go
back to the starting stage of picture editing?
13. How you can create and adjust the size of the Rectangle
14. Explain document setup dialog box in Photoshop
15. What is a Bitmap image?
16. What is Vector image?

1. What are the different filter options in Photoshop?
2. Explain the tools available in Photoshop Tool box
3. What are the colour modes in Photoshop?
4. What are the different filter options in Photoshop?
5. What are the different operations that can be applied to a text?
6. Describe the features of Photoshop
7. Explain different colour modes in Photoshop?
8. Explain working with layers in Photoshop?
Summative Assessment Questions
1. Write uses of filters in adobe Photoshop?
Write few filter names (minimum 5) from filter gallery that you have
already worked with?
3. Write the use and function of Liquify filter?
4. Explain five image adjustments you have learned from Adobe


5. When you work on Photoshop, Layer window has the main roll in
any project. Why?
6. Difference between Filter
Filter galleries from other effects available on
7. What are the differences you have experienced from Photoshop
other than any graphic software?
8. What are channels?
9. Which option is used to convert path to selection and where it used?
10. Use of Path and Pen tool in Adobe Photoshop?
11. Write uses of filters in adobe Photoshop?
12. Write few filter names (minimum 3) from filter gallery that you have
already worked with?
13. Explain five image adjustments you have learned from Adobe
14. When you work on Photoshop, Layer window has the main roll in
any project. Why?
15. Difference between Filter galleries from other individual filters?
16. What are the differences you have experienced from Photoshop
other than any graphic software?
Write the advantages or disadvantages:
Bitmapped application
Blending options
18. Image mode (a). RGB (b) CMYK (c) Grey Scale
19. Explain any three File formatsformats JPEG, TIFF, BMP, PSD, HTML

Hope you have learnt a lot

and enjoy the syllabus. We
will meet again in class VIII.


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