Newsletter 013 2015-16

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Wychnor Fulwood Preston PR2 7EE

Tel: 01772 864135
Fax: 01772 861292

Headteacher: Mrs A Gregory



9th December 2015

Theme of the week


Newsletter 13


Pantomime Visit

This Week in School


We had a FABULOUS time at the

pantomime today. The children
behaved impeccably (Harris Standard
) despite the younger children being
delayed in getting back to school due
to a traffic incident. Thank you very
much to our PTFA who funded,
organised and supported the event.
Thank you also to those parents and
friends who came along to support us

Y5 Swimming
Library Club
Spanish Club
KS1 Nativity
Brass Lessons
Brass Band
Woodwind Lessons
Rev Borg visit to Y3
Whole School Trip to Pantomime
Christmas Lunch
Football Match v St Anthonys
Star Assembly

- Christmas Lunch is tomorrow,

Thursday 10th December.

Well done to Reception and KS1
children and staff who performed this
years Nativity this week. What a
wonderful performance! The children
are a credit to their parents and our
Lost car keys did anyone find a set
of keys with alarm fob at or after
the Christmas Fair on Friday

Parent Governor Elections

Please have nominations in by 12.00
noon on Monday 14th December. We
have not received any nominations yet.
Please consider whether you could take
on this important role.

Year 3 visit to Broughton High

School on Wednesday 16th
December. Please see letter sent
home with your child.
Derian House Christmas
Beanies now on sale - 1.00 each.

Thursday 17th December

KS2 Christmas Evening

Monday 14 December at 7pm

and repeated on Tuesday 15th
December at 2pm.
Due to the exceptional number of
parents who will be attending this
year it is unlikely that we will
have extra tickets for the
evening performance on the 14 th
December. In fact, latecomers
will probably have to stand.
Please encourage extended
family members to come to the
repeat performance on Tuesday

This will be School Christmas

Party Day Please consider
sending in a voluntary donation of
1.00 per child as soon as
possible. Thank you.

Christmas Jumper Day

On Friday 18th December 2015
the children may wear a
Christmas jumper and nonuniform. Donations of 1.00 per
child will go to charity (Macmillan
Cancer Support, Make A Wish
UK, Save the Children).

House Points
Last Week








Reading Challenge
This week children
have read on average,


Citizen of the World

This week we have visited the
Socrates is having a rest this week!

times per week

St Catherines Hospice
The School Council are selling packs of cards at 1.50 per
pack and pin badges at 50p each at the School Office. Please
help the children support this worthy cause.

Asda Chosen by You Green Token Campaign

Thank you to the parent(s) who nominated us for this Asda
Campaign. Asda have donated 200 which will be used for our
gardening project.

Rock FM Mission Christmas

We have signed up as a drop off point for Rock FM Mission
They are asking you to buy an extra present this year that
they'll give to a disadvantaged local child to make their
Christmas morning special.
They are looking for new, unwrapped gifts suitable for
children and young people aged 0-18 years, and you can donate
at our drop off point.

PTFA Christmas Fair

Unclaimed Raffle Prizes Winning
tickets Green 11 and 16; Pink 29, 46,
59, 161, 250, 321; Blue 115, 137, 351,
354 and White 21.

KS1 Nativity Photographs

Orders of the nativity photos will be
sent home by Monday 14th. Thank you
for supporting the PTFA. A huge
thank you to Mr Bowden for taking
the photographs

Well done to our Year 5 netballers
who took part in the Preston Schools
Netball Skills Competition last week.

Dates for your diary

Thursday 10th December School Christmas Lunch
Monday 14th December at 7.00pm KS2 Christmas Evening (all KS2 children are taking part)
Tuesday 15th December at 2.00pm KS2 Christmas Evening Repeat
Wednesday 16th December at 11.00am School Choir to Greenfield Nursing Home
Thursday 17th December School Christmas Party Day (please send in 1 per child donation towards costs)
Friday 18th December Wear a Christmas Jumper Day for Save the Children
Friday 18th December School closes for Christmas at 2.00pm (STAR Assembly will be at 1.15pm)

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