McClow Novelties

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X—NOVELTIES (a) SINGLES (1) Click Heels Once—(r) * Jump up, clicking heels once, returning to.mat, feet spread. (2) Click Heels Sideward—(r) NS ioe Step left across right foot, kicking feet up to the right, clicking heels. (3) Knee Touch—(z) Clasp left toe with right hand and bend the right leg, touching the left knee to floor. (4) Jump Forward, Half Turn Left and Right Alternating mo) Start by standing with the left side forward, 186 DESCRIPTION OF EXERCISES 187 (5) Jump Forward to Stride Stand and Cross Legged Alter- vil (6) Jump Stride Stand, Clapping Hands—(z) we w Jump forward to stride hand, clap hands over head, return feet together, clap hands behind back, repeat. (7) Knee Bend Jump—(r) fk Knee bend jump sideward and forward, left and right alternating. (8) Fall to Front Leaning Rest—(z) Fall forward keeping body straight, landing on the hands in front leaning rest without touching body. (9) Hop, Step and Jump—(1) PEEPS 188 TUMBLING ILLUSTRATED Practice until the movement can be done continuously. It can be done from a standing or running start. (10) From Stride Stand, Jump Cross Legged and Half Turn me ; tf This can be repeated, gaining considerable speed. (11) Walk Through Snow—(z) Cs From the left knee and right foot, move forward dropping down on the right knee, then advance the left foot ahead. Repeat. (12) Under the Wand—(r) Place wand against some object to hold it in place and twist under it coming up to erect position again without losing balance. (13) Back Bend with Wand—(r) Bend backward with wand overhead until wand touches mat, coming to a balance on the feet and the end of the wand. DESCRIPTION OF EXERCISES 189 (14) Through Wand—(z) hab, ¢ AP AR Grasp wand behind back, palms forward. Bring wand overhead to front of body. Bring the right foot around the outside of the right arm over the wand. Raise left end of wand going through head first bringing wand down the right knee and back. Step back over the wand with left foot. (15) Chair Creeper—(r) ‘) Place a cloth on edge of chair seat next to the back. From a sitting position on chair swing body behind back of chair, picking up cloth in mouth. (16) Rabbit Jump—(z) Be EOE Feet and knees together, spring forward to hands bringing up knees between arms. (17) Kangaroo Walk—(r) Keep one leg extended backward hopping on hands and one foot. (18) Elephant Walk—(r) LRP AR fe AP Keep the knees straight with feet well under body. 190 TUMBLING ILLUSTRATED (19) Dog Run—(r) Ae PR LR Running on all fours, keep the feet off to the side out of line of hands as dogs sometimes do. RG (20) Crab Walk—(r) LP Sr Ef On all fours face up walking head first. Can also walk feet first. (21) Armless Rise—(1) & Lying on back, come up to a stand slowly without touching hands to the mat. Jump up making full turn in air before landing. (22) Spin the Top—(2) (23) Click Heels Twice—(z2) Aad Land with the feet apart. DESCRIPTION OF EXERCISES 191 A Jump up flexing the thighs in front, knees straight. (25) Hitch Kick—(2) bak (24) Jackknife—(2) Spring from right foot as the left is kicked up followed by the right foot which kicks an object the height of the head. (26) Full Squat, Extend Legs Sideward Left and Right—(2) SEBE (27) Full Squat, Extend Legs Forward Left and Right—(2) £e RE (28) Stage Fall Backward—(z2) a Bend slightly at the waist when falling back, also catch weight on hands upon sitting down. (29) Knee Walk—(z2) 4d On knees clasping feet with hands behind and walk. 192 TUMBLING ILLUSTRATED (30) Jump the Wand—(2) oot Hold wand with tips of fingers. (31) Bridging Face Down, Touch Nose—(2) ee GS Try this first with hands on mat. (32) On One Foot, Pick Up Handkerchief with Mouth—(z2) <6 4 Place handkerchief on an object knee high or lower. (33) Dead Man’s Lift Face Down—(2) (34) On Buttocks Only, Jump Forward—(2) & Re AK (35) Human Ball—(z) S to $0 eof Start from sitting position arms inside legs and around front of shins clasping hands. Roll to left side, over to back, to right side and up to sitting position, Repeat, a DESCRIPTION OF EXERCISES 193 (36) Bridge, Face Up, Walk Around on Feet—(2) LBS 2S (37) Jumping Jack—(2) This is a Russian dance step. (38) From Knees, Jump to Stand—(2) Try it for distance also. (39) Toe In, Toe Out—(2) Stand with heels together and toes out. Move to the left by placing the weight on the left toe and the right heel and turning the toes in. Now place the weight on the left heel and the right toe and turn the toes out. This will make you advance to the left. The exercise can be done with great speed by putting in a little practice. Note: Place weight only on the toe or heel marked (x) in the illustration. (40) Slide on Stomach Head First—(2) SSS Like a baseball slide head first. Do it on a smooth board floor. 194. TUMBLING ILLUSTRATED (41) Slide on Side, Feet First—(3) Like a hook slide for bases feet first. (42) Wrestlers’ Kick—(3) ar ius / On side knees and thighs flexed, give a quick partial extension of the legs immediately withdrawing them again, causing body to be jumped forward. It is an invaluable escape from holds in wrestling and makes an interesting trick to learn. (43) Click Heels Three Times—(3) ue (44) Switch from Lying on Face to Lying on Back—(3) Og Of —=, y (45) Half Lever—(3) Paez O ita On hands and knees, place elbows under body and raise feet from mat holding legs and body in a horizontal position. (46) On Shoulders Feet Overhead, Advance Backward by aa ay aw DESCRIPTION OF EXERCISES 195 (47) Snail Crawl—(3) As a variation slap chest with one hand on each step. (48) The Switch—(4) qT Make a half turn in the air. The turn is not started until after springing from the mat. (49) Front Leaning Rest Variations—(4) PREC UEE From front leaning rest, there are four variations as follows: spring from hands slap chest; spring from toes clicking heels; spring off mat from. both toes and hands; spring from both clicking heels and slap hands. (50) Stage Fall Sideward—(4) Drop to the right on the right knee, down to right hip, to right shoulder and turn over on the back. This is done quickly. (51) Full Knee Bend on One Leg—(4) / & 196 TUMBLING ILLUSTRATED (52) Jump Over One Leg with Other—(4) This is a clever stunt when done by running up to a wall, placing one foot against it and swinging the other over making an about face. (53) Clasp Toe, Jump Through with Free Foot—(5) op (54) Front Leaning Rest, One Arm Bend—(5) (55) Clasp Fingers, Jump Through—(6) (b) COUPLES (1) Camel Walk—(2) In the second illustration they can roll sideways keeping their position, thus placing the top man on the bottom, and continue walking. A good clown stunt. (2) Elephant Walk—(2) ie ee DESCRIPTION OF EXERCISES 197 Tn taking this position be careful that the top man does not stumble backward when he is still inerect position, thereby wrenching the other performer’s back. A comic addition to this exercise is for the per- former walking to raise one leg and wiggle it much as a cat would in kicking something loose from her rear foot while walking. (3) Tandem—(2) Aer Fee. Top performer's legs may either be locked around under performer's body or just hooked around his buttocks. (4) Twister—(2) Hepeae toett 7 Clasp right hands, one makes half turn swinging a leg straddle of clasped hands, two does same. One swings other leg over, making half turn facing two. (5) Crab Walk and Breast Stroke Combined—(3) bho kilihe This is a very clever stunt which could be listed under clown stunts. One sits down, knees up, feet on mat. Two straddles one from in front facing forward locking his feet hehind one’s back with his chest resting on one’s knees. One raises his buttocks moving forward as two makes a swimmer’s breast stroke action with his arms.

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