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Copyright (c) 2010, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle Exalogic Configuration Utilities

This is new version of Exalogic Configuration Utility. This version supports bot
h OEL and Solaris.
It is a full update to the previous version of ECU. Replace all old files with t
he new ones included
in this distribution. Data from old spreadsheets will need to be manually ported
to the new
Exalogic Configuration Utility is a tool to automate the configuration of the Ex
alogic Machine into
a clients existing network. It contains a spreadsheet that is used to generate a
data file which is
then used by scripts to configure the Exalogic Machine. The set of files that ar
e part of the
Exalogic Configuration Utility tool are:
e node.
h compute node.
on each compute
figuration based on

: The configurator spreadsheet

: Main script that is executed on the master

: Main script that is executed on each comput
: Contains functions that are executed on eac
: Contains common functions.
: Contains functions to configure the storage
: Contains functions to configure NTP servers
: Script used to generate a rack specific con

the factory configuration.
: Contains functions that are executed on the
master node. : Generates scripts to update the network on
each solaris compute
: Executes the generated script on each solar
is compute node.
: Script containing the set of steps to execu
te over the master
and compute nodes.
Factory Default Configuration

or a full rack. DO

: Configuration containing factory defaults f

NOT alter this file.

Configuring Exalogic Machine With Exalogic Configuration Utility
To configure an Exalogic Machine with Exalogic Configuration Utility the followi
ng steps must be
1. Fill out the Configuration sheet of the spreadsheet. The spreadsheet requires
details such as ip
addresses, machine names, private interface names etc. All of these parameter
s depend upon the
network into which the rack is being configured. This information can be gath
ered from someone
who knows all the details of the network into which the rack is being configu
NOTE: Ensure that macros are enabled for the spreadsheet. The default securit
y setting for
macros is high and that essentially disables them. Set the default secu
rity setting to
medium and choose yes to enable macros when you open the file.
2. After the spread sheet has been filled out, go to the Preview sheet of the sp
3. Review the preview to ensure that is accurate. The preview is automatically u
pdated as values are
entered into the Configuration sheet of the spreadsheet. If the preview is no
t what it needs to
be, users can go back to the configuration sheet to update any necessary fiel
ds. If a manual
edit is required in the preview as a last resort users can also do that. The
sheets are locked by
password so it will need to be unlocked first. The password is exalogic.
4. Now that the required topolgy has been defined, click on "Save Configuration"
. This will first
validate the topology for common errors and recommended best practices. For e
.g. it will ensure
that ip addresses are valid, and that they do not overlap. Users will not be
allowed to save the
configuration unless the validation has is successful. If there are validatio
n errors, users will
see a pop up window with an explanation of the error. Users will be prompted
for the directory in
which the configuration file must be saved. A exalogic_deploy.conf file is sa
ve to the chosen
directory. Review the configuration file to ensure that it accurately represe
nts the desired
5. Perform first boot of the Exalogic Machine if it is not already done. The fir
st boot steps are
documented in the quick install guide. The prerequisites for first boot are t
hat all cabling of

Exalogic Machine is complete and the corporate DNS is updated with the names
and ip addresses
corresponding to the exalogic_deploy.conf file. It might help to keep this fi
le and send it out
to the appropriate network and corporate IT personnel.
6. One node in the Exalogic Machine is designated as the master node. The master
node can be
arbitrarily chosen. Generally the first node is chosen as the master node. Th
e configuration of
the Exalogic Machine is initiated from the master node.
Copy the exalogic_deploy.conf file and all the shell scripts to /opt/exalogic
/one-command on the
master node. Perform this copy as the root user. Contact Oracle for the lates
t version of the
scripts. If the version of the scripts on the machine are dated, please conta
ct Oracle for the
latest version and extract them to /opt/exalogic/one-command on the master no
Ensure that all the files listed in the overview and the exalogic_deploy.conf
file exist in the
/opt/exalogic/one-command directory.
7. SSH into the master node as root and cd to /opt/exalogic/one-command. There a
re a couple things
to keep in mind:
a. ALWAYS run ECU from the /opt/exalogic/one-command directory.
b. ALWAYS run as root user.
run the following command to list out the help for Exalogic Configuration Uti
./ -h
It should produce a listing as shown below.
Usage: [-hl] [-s step]
-s step

Show help
List steps in required order of execution
Execute the specified step

Execute the following command to list the number od steps:

./ -l
8. It is STRONGLY recommended that each step be run one at a time. This will all
ow for
troubleshooting in case there was an issue encounterd when running a particul
ar step. To run a
particular step, issue the following command:
./ -s <step number> (for e.g. ./ -s 1)
The downside to this is that each step creates a separate typescript file, bu
t the upside is that
there is less likelihood of missing crucial errors or missteps.

All commands should be printed on the screen before they are run, so that is
it convenient to
identify the command that resulted in an error if issues were encountered. A
log file is
generated at /var/log/exalogic/one-command/{STEP-NAME} to further troubleshho
t any issues that
may occur.

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