Finaldocument-Visa Interview Questions Date06122010

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Income: 7,
Why USA: 12
Youre desperately want go to US?
No, I am ambitious
I chosen best in the world
What do you expect from life?
Being successful and happy.
Why are you here?
I am here for my F1 visa to pursue my master in US.
What will expect company from you?
Dedicated, discipline, committed to work, hard working guy
Is it worth full to spend that much money for quality education?

With this MS degree, I will have great demand from companies.

My parents are supporting fully for my education.
International degree gives me more exposure
I never thought of this question
Any degree stands secondary to the US degree
How did you prepare for this interview?
I have done my self
I have gone through denials and acceptance and reasons
Finally I had taken help of my parents and CA for preparing my documents.
1. Why the specified university?
UTPA offers best curriculum in computer science
Lot of research work is going on in this university in data mining and data where housing
This university has good reputation as well
I got good response from seniors and Dr.Jon.P.Abraham
It is a public state university
90% of the professors in computers department are PHD holders
The area of research work I am interested is very good in this university compared to
other two universities

2. Which universities did you apply to? (both admits and rejects)
I applied for four universities
Number one is UTPA,
Number two is UIS,
Third one is ST MRRYS, and
Fourth one is ARKANSA TECH
3. Which universities accepted you?
I got I-20 from three universities first one is University of Texas Pan-American,
Second one is University of Illinois Springfield AND final one is ARKANSA TECH.
4. Where have you done your under-graduation?
I completed my under-graduation in sree vidyanikethan Engg College from Tirupathi, Andhra
It is affiliated under Jawaharlal Nehru technological university and it is there in Hyderabad.
5. Who is sponsoring you?
My parents are sponsoring me.
6. What does your father do?
He is doing construction Business.
7. What is your father's income?
5.5 lacks per annum
8. How many brother and sisters do you have?
I am only son to my parents.
9. Do you have any relatives in USA?
I dont have relatives in USA.

10. What will you do after completing MS? What are your plans after
After completion my MS,
1. I will come back to India and
2. I will try for better job with good roles and salary in the software field
DOB of parents
11. Show your experience certificate?
These is my exp certificate

12. Why study in USA?

According in to United States Education foundation of India
US education system is 6 years ahead to compared with rest of the world
80% of professors in US universities are doctorates.
Universities are providing good research work
US degree have global acceptance rate is very good
US degree gives practical knowledge
US universities have sophisticated technology
Transparency in admissions any student can get good university
Us university have academic excellence
There is no age barrier for studies in US
There is no language barrier
Flexibility in transferring from one university to other university
US is HUB for latest technologies and education
Global acceptance rate for US degree is very good

13. Did you get any scholarship?

In this university they are giving scholarships based on the first semester GPA.
If I get good GPA in first semester surely I will get scholarship.
14. Have you got any loans?
I didnt apply for loans
My parents felt that they have sufficient funds for my education.
No need to take bank loan
15. Show your Pass Book/ Bank Statement?
See it
16. What is your undergraduate GPA/Percentage?
17. Tell about your university?
UTPA (University of Texas Pan-American) it is a public state university
It is one of the largest universities in Texas State,
It is established in 1927
More than 17,000 students are studying in different courses.
It offers 56 graduation programs and 42 under graduation programs
Professors to student ratio in this university is 1:8 so that one to one interaction between
Students and professors is possible
In this university in 2 areas research work is going on

18. Mention some professor's names?

Dr. Richard Flower he is director for graduate programs,

Professor David Egle,

Dr. Wendy Lawrence Flower
Dr. Jon p. Abraham

19. Tell me how you can prove that you are going to come back?
The jobs available for my skills set in USA are also available in India
1. Many multiple nation companies (MNCs) in software field have branches in India
2. After completion my MS, surely I can find better job with good salary and higher roles in any of
the software company in India
3. Instead of living alone in US, here I can live with my family members
4. Last but not least, I want to take care of my parents and their business
20. Where did your brother/ parents complete their studies?
21. Why are you leaving you current job? (If you are working)
I worked as a software engineer past 3 years
What I am doing the job is entry level
It is an entry level job and the work is of same kind and not changed for past three years.
I am getting very less salary
(And I am not satisfied with the job
With Bachelors degree, I got an entry level job)
The technology I am working is old one
I was in agreement with the company for 3 years (and my originals were also submitted to the
company) and that is over now
I am stagnated to one particular technology for past 3 years
With MS degree I can find better job with higher roles and responsibilities in a good reputed
You can change job right?
Even if change the Job I will continue have the similar job an it is very hard to change the
technology and gain enough experience in it.
22. Have you ever been to US?
23. What will you do after coming back?
I will find better job with higher roles and responsibilities in a good reputed company.

24. Where do your parents live?

My parents live in Madanapalli and it is my native place
25. Do you know anyone (in USA) in your university?
I know one person named Sreenath, He is a member of Indian student organization in
26. What will you do if your visa is rejected?
It will be surprise to me I am good enough in education, financial and I also have
3 years of experience in software field, I have all the paper work and I got admission from good
If at all I am rejected, I will rectify the mistakes and
In few of days I will be back for visa interview one more time.
First thing, I would like to know the reason for rejection and I will work on the reason for
rejection and will come back one more time.
27. Will you come home during summer?
No, I will not come home during summer
I dont want to take break in my education
I want complete the course work in the summer.
I want to do some related course/ assignments/project work to gain more knowledge in
data mining and which doesnt cost any money.
28. Why do you think the university is giving you a scholarship?
Currently I am not having any sponsorship.
If get the good GPA in first semester I have chance to get scholarship.
In this university they are giving scholarships based on the first semester GPA.
29. Why do you wish to study in the USA and not in India?
According in to United States Education foundation of India
US education system is 6 years ahead to compared with rest of the world
Universities are providing good research work
US degree gives practical knowledge
US universities have sophisticated technologies
There is no age barrier for studies in US
There is no language barrier
Flexibility in transferring from one university to other university
Transparency in admissions any student can get in to a good university

80% of professors in US universities are doctorates.

US degree have global acceptance rate is very good
Us university have academic excellence
US is HUB for latest technologies and education
In India, we have very few good universities and few seats available
In this reservation plays major role in allotting seats
So to get into such good universities we have very high competition
We dont have enough flexibility to choose courses (Example: computers graduation guy cant go
to masters in electronics and vice versa)
And courses are based more on theory rather than practical
How do you say US is best?
Definitely US is best
US education system is 6 years ahead to the rest of world
US universities have sophisticated technologies
In US more than 3000 schools are there
Professors in the US universities are global giants
60-70 % of world research work is going on in the US universities itself

30. If you have changed your field of specialization (for e.g. If you are BE
Mechanical and opting of MS in Computer Science) then tell the reasons !!!
31. How will you finance your education for 2years or 3 years? (Generally you
have to prove that you can fund the first year of your education but we
suggest that you be prepared with this answer)
My tuition and fees is $11,000 per annum and others are $10,000; it is equal to 10.5 lacks
My father has 18.75 lacks in bank and it is enough for my education of two
My parents have consistent incomes
And my family yearly income 11-12 lacks per annum
5.5 lacks from my father business, 1.75 lacks from rentals and 4.5 lacks from agriculture
If at all there is any problems, they dont hesitate to sell property also for funding my valuable
There is no problem for my education
32. Do you have a brother/ sister, or any other relative already at this
33. Tell me about yourself?

34. What are your hobbies?

Reading books,
Watching movies,
Playing cricket,
What is your dream project?

35. Where do you plan to be 5 years from now?

I want to be project manager in good MNC IT company
36. Tell about your achievements?
I pursued my Batchelors degree from very good college it is one of my achievement
I got 2 prizes in National level paper presentation
37. What are your strengths?
Positive thinking, (Ex: I thought it will be very tough to present papers in national competition, but
with the positive thinking I presented papers two times and both times I got prizes)
Self confidence, (Ex: I got sever fewer in the first year exams period, I thought I will skip the
exams and try later, but with self confidence I attended all the exams without much preparation
and I passed all the subjects, though I didnt get very good marks)
38. What are your weaknesses?
Some times my confidence leads to over confidence that is my weakness
39. How did you prepare for this interview?
1. Firstly I have gone through the US embassy India website ( and
2. I collected all the information regarding the paper work to be presented
3. I prepared my self and practiced few times as I believe in practice makes man perfect.

I see that you have lot of preparation done lot of preparation is that necessary? Is it necessary to
prepare so much?
Obviously I prepared very well
It is decisive period in my career
My future depend on my visa
I believe in hard working
I feel Practice makes man perfect

40. Describe your dream career?

I want to start new company/enterprise in future and provide employment for few other people.
41. Why this university and not other universities?
It is a public state university
In this university professors to students ratio is 1:8
I got positive response from the university
The subject I chosen is data mining and data where housing, which is very good in this university
compared other two universities.
42. Why do you plan to do MS?
I worked has a software engineer in java technology past three years,
It is entry level job
Past three years there is no change in my work and same roles and responsibilities
My salary is low it is 16500 rupees peer month
People who pursued masters are in very good position in my company with good roles like team
lead or project lead
If I complete masters I can get into very good company with higher roles and responsibilities and
good salary
I can see my self in this field in a better position
Like project leader or project manager in short period of time.

I lagging in the technology,

I feel that I need to enhance my self in the area of data mining
It is having very good boom in the market.
Masters is the better way to enhance my skills
So I have chosen master has destination.
43. Your passbook shows that a large amount of money has recently been
deposited? How do you explain that?
44. Why are your GRE/ TOEFL scores low?
45. You look like a potential immigrant or I don't think you will come back?
I am not a potential immigrant. There is no need for me to settle in US
With my skill set I have to work for a software companies and all the software companies
like IBM, HP, and ORACLE etc have their branches in India and paying well enough.
I want to take care of my parents and their business and I dont want live alone in USA,
instead I want to live with my parents.
If at all I am potential immigrant I would have settled in US after completion of my
Bachelors or though work visa from any company
I want to work independently

Where as in US, I work with many expertise people so that I am not going to work under
some body else
46. What do you know about US education?
12th question answer is sufficient

47. Why are you applying for fall only?

I tried to apply in spring also but at that time I was very busy with my project work.
And also bond was there with the my company up to this April (for 3 years), Which I
couldnt break because it is very expensive
Thats why I applied in fall semester.
Note: you are saying april, then you should have joined 3 years back in april and your
experience letter should reflect the same
48. What is your Major?
I completed my bachelors degree in computer science it is my major. I want to enhance
my skills in the field of computer science, thats why I am very keen in doing MS in US.
49. When and where did you get your bachelor's degree?
I completed my bachelors degree from Sree Vidyanikethan Engg College in the year of
2007 and it is there in tirupathi
50. What are you doing now?
Know I am working for Ness technologies through cavinsys consulting company.
Note: you want to tell you resigned, make sure you tell the same answer for similar
51. How long will you study in USA?
2 years which is my course duration is 24 months that is 2 years,
In each semester I can take 3 subjects and each subject carries 3 credits, i.e. 9 credits
for semester , I need 36 credits for graduation, which is 4 semesters equals 2 years( 2 semesters
for years)
52. What is your academic background?
I completed my SSC in the year of 2000 and intermediate in 2002
and engineering in 2007
53. What is your purpose for visa?
Doing MS in US.
54. How do you know about this university?

I posted details like my GRE and Toefl scores and my academic background and the
curriculum I am looking for in the internet forums,,people responded very wellafter doing my
self evaluation I decided UTPA.
By browsing the internet,
I am active member in yahoo groups,
And communities like Orkut, Face Book .
55. Give 5 reasons that you will come back to India?
I am interested to work in India compare to US
After 3 years I want take care of my parents and their businesses
The jobs available for my skills set in USA are also available in India
1. Many multiple nation companies (MNCs) in software field have branches in India
2. After completion my MS, surely I can find better job with good salary and higher roles in any of
the software company in India
3. Instead of living alone in US, here I can live with my family members
4. Last but not least, I want to take care of my parents and their business
56. Why won't you stay in states?
The jobs available for my skills set in USA are also available in India
1. Many multiple nation companies (MNCs) in software field have branches in India
2. After completion my MS, surely I can find better job with good salary and higher roles in any of
the software company in India
3. Instead of living alone in US, here I can live with my family members
4. Last but not least, I want to take care of my parents and their business
57. Can you explain why 90% of students didn't come back?
It depends on their individual thinking; I am in those 10% who are returning back.
My intention is clear to get good degree , I will come back to India and settle in good job.
58. Can you promise that you will not be attracted?
59. Why did you choose US but not Canada or Germany?

Canada and Germany also have good universities they are offering one year degree program
With this one year degree I will not be able to get the in depth knowledge in particular subject or
in course
But US offering two years degree
For US degree world acceptance rate is good
There is a language barrier for germany
Reaming answer for this question is why US?
60. What kind of good things do you know about America?
America is for freedom, liberty, friendliness and democracy.
61. What is your best/ worst quality?
Whatever money I earn, I will spend small amount of money for poor people.
I dont have any worst quality
62. What do you do in your spare time?
Listening music,
Watching sports channels,
If I am in my home I will play with my pet.
63. What is the thing that you like best in America?
America is for freedom, liberty, friendliness and democracy.

64. What is the thing that you like best in India?

Culture, unity in diversity, democracy, freedom
65. How does your study benefit India?
After completion of my MS I can find better job in good company
That time I can share my knowledge with team mates in our project
We will complete work with in time that leads to good profits for company.
And also they will get new projects, which will help Indian economy little bit.
66. When are you going to enter US?
Ten days of my enrolment
67. What if you don't get the job you are planning for?
I am very much confident in getting job after completion of my MS

I have three of experience in software field and with MS degree I can definitely find the better job.
Say I didnt get job then I will work as part time teacher and leverage my knowledge I gained in
software field and in MS and take care of my parents business.
68. What will your salary be then?
My annual salary will be 8 lacks
69. Where will you live?
I will live in the college dormitory,
Why in college? Why not off-compass?
If I live in the college dormitory I can use 24 hours library, lab and I can interact with professors

70. What is your father's salary? / How long has he been working here?
It is not applicable to me
71. What is your university yearly expense?
My university year expense is $21,000 thousand dollars.
72. How do you plan to pay the fees?
My parents are paying my fees

73. Do you plan to study Ph D after MS?

My aim is to pursue masters in computer science and getting in-depth knowledge in data mining
and data where housing
74. What is your mother?
My mother is home maker
75. Which firm will employ you in India, mention names and status of job?
76. Why did you apply to these universities?
After completion of my GRE TOEFL exams
I posted details like my GRE and Toefl scores and my academic background and the
curriculum I am looking for in the internet forums,,people responded very wellafter doing my
self evaluation I decided UTPA.

I post my marks in yahoo groups and communities like orkut, face book
Many people suggested me different universities
Among them I selected these universities
Before forwarding my paper work I put mails to every university I got positive response from this
77. These subjects are also taught in other universities also but why
This university?
But the subject I am interested is data mining which is very good in this university compared to
other two universities
78. What is your father's monthly income?
Monthly average income is around 1 lack.
My family yearly income 11-12 lacks per annum
5.5 lacks from my father business, 1.75 lacks from rentals and 4.5 lacks from agriculture

79. Why will he spend entire money on you?

My parents are not spending entire money on me; he is spending part of money
For my MS Total expenditure is $42,000 it is equal to 20 lacks
My family yearly income is 11-12 lacks, so it is equal to two year income
And in my father bank deposited amount is 18.75 lacks

80. Do you have a car? If yes, what is the number?

81. Will you return to India, if yes why?
82. What do you expect after returning back?

What are roles and responsibilities in your job?

My work is writing JSP pages, and writes code for establishing connection between jsp
pages and database

You will come in summer

I have no intension to come back in summer as want to take extra courses
Mean while I take extra courses which will add on to my credits.

How will you support entire expense US trip or education?

My parents have immovable
Bank balance
Have a book your itinerary
I am not book it is too early
Youre not confident on your visa?
Its not matter of confidence
Do you know any body in the university?
School officials, international students graduate coordinator, and some of the seniors
exchange emails with seniors.
How will you support for your second year fee or expenses?
The entire money what I am showing is not only for first year
The money in the bank it is sufficient for my second year also
Your parents spending entire money on you?
They are not spending entire money on me
Part of money they are spending
You took a long period for taking a decision to go to US Why?
There is no time period for education
Education is divine
The continuity of education ya I did break for my education but this experience is
not given me clear cut knowledge to enhance my position
Which made me masters again
You can see that after three years also I am going for MS.
College of Social & Behavioral Sciences
College of Science and Engineering

College of Health Sciences & Human Services

College of Education

College of Business Administration

College of Arts & Humanities

Doctoral Degrees

College of Business Administration

College of Education

College of Health Sciences and Human Services

Why are you chosen Texas only?

It is not the matter of place I chosen.
The university I chosen it is there in Texas

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