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News Bytes
Inside this fabulous issue:

Letter From the President Danielle Yates

SIG Events 2
Welcome to the first offi- recognized deserving gratulations to Christine
cial spring edition of DC alums for their service to Rocchio, VP Foundation; Foundation Focus 2
DG Hannah’s News the DC Chapter and the Chrissy Vandegrift, VP
Bytes! The cherry blos- Fraternity. My dear friend Finance; Lizzie Barry, Pan- My Favorite Things 3
soms are blooming, the Christine Rocchio received hellenic Delegate; Casey
Collegiate Corner 5
sun is shining (some of the the honor of the Delta Coleman, AU Collumnae
time!), and Washingtoni- Gamma Cable Award. In Chair; and Karen Ressue, A Note on Sponsorship 5
ans are out and about. 1962 the Council of Delta Holiday Tea Chair. These
Spring is definitely my Gamma established this outstanding women will Star Sister 6
favorite time of year. In a award to recognize alum- join the executive board
few short weeks, I’ll take nae for personal devotion and chapter leadership. Cut Away Calendar 6
part in the cherry blossom and continued service to We look forward to work-
10 mile race along with the Fraternity. It is re- ing with you!
some other brave DC DG served for alumnae who,
alums. I hope you’ll come through years of serving
Make sure you check out
out and support us! Delta Gamma, demon-
our calendar of events for
strate unusual loyalty and
some of the fun spring
devotion far beyond nor-
In March DC alums gath- events we have coming
mal participation. I cannot
ered to celebrate Founders up. And be on the lookout Special points of interest:
think of someone more
Day with collegians from for our summer calendar
deserving of this award. • Founder’s Day Awards
the Beta Epsilon Chapter of local programs.
Congratulations Christine!
at American University. • Congratulations Christine
The event was a great op- • Welcome new officers
portunity to remember our I am pleased to announce
founders and their mission the results of the chapter’s Danielle Yates • New Arrivals: DG Legacies!

for the Fraternity. We also mid-term elections. Con- • Founder’s Day Photos

What Not to Miss This Month by Tonya Richardson

“Bowling with DG” alley and lounge near the bowling and shoe rentals.
Verizon Center in Gallery Lucky Strike Lanes, 701
Join your sisters at Lucky Place. Expect an evening 7th Street, NW, Metro:
Strike Lanes for our an- full of bowling, cocktails, Gallery Place-Chinatown
nual and most popular delicious food, and fun. (Red Line)
networking event.
Wednesday, April 21, 7 – RSVP by 4/19 to Tonya
Lucky Strike Lanes is the 9 pm. Cost: $20 per per- at vpprogramming
premiere upscale bowling son, includes 2 hours of
SIG Events
Book Club information about the with ingredients from
DG Book Club will be on Goddard Visitor Center, family farms.
Tuesday, April 13 at 7:30 see: http:// For event time, more in-
pm. Contact Lindsey at formation, or to RSVP by
bookclub@ goddard/visitor/home/ April 5 please e-mail for index.html Tracey at dineout
Moms Night Out
Sweet Peas DG Moms meet on Friday Lunch Bunch
Goddard Space Flight evenings at 7:30. Loca- Join in the luncheon and
Center. 8800 Greenbelt tions vary. For more infor- tour or just the luncheon
Rd., Greenbelt, MD, April mation on the next event or tour – as your schedule
2.Join us for Science on a or to join the email list to permits. Come meet other
Sphere, Hubble mirror, receive detailed informa- DGs who live in Washing-
Gemini space capsule, tion about events, contact ton DC.
stunning space photogra- sweetpea@
phy, hands-on exploration Join us at Bistro Francais,
and a try-on astronaut suit. 3129 M Street NW, on
Dine Out April 21 at noon.
Bring lunch and eat at one
Founding Farmers near approximately $8-10 in wine
of 17 picnic tables in the Self-guided tour of Old
Foggy Bottom on April 8. and/or food.
full scale Rocket Garden Stone House to follow.
Founding Farmers offers Where: Member's home in
with a sweeping view of 3051 M Street NW.
farm-inspired American the city
the Space Flight Center.
food and drink in a mod- When: 7pm start
Cost: Free. RSVP or Wine Group
ern, casual and eco-
send questions to: Come sip and sample Ital-
friendly setting. The For more information
sweetpea ian picnic fare with views
menu features an array of and to RSVP, email of the Potomac and the
salads, sandwiches, en- Meredith at wt
trees, and pastas, all made city on April 27.
For directions and other

Foundation Focus by Jen Olsen

Volunteer Camp Lighthouse will be held at you know any people or For more information
Counselors Needed Catholic University from organizations who might about any of these oppor-
Monday, June 28 - be willing to donate items tunities contact Christine
Columbia Lighthouse for Friday, July 2, 8:45am- for a raffle or door prize, at vpfoundation@
the Blind will host its 51st 3:15pm. please contact Christine.
Camp Lighthouse for
children who are blind and Spring Fling - Help Save the Date -
visually impaired. This Needed VisionWalk
camp relies on volunteer As we get close to May, ;

counselors to give one-on- help is needed to organize Save the date for
one support to the and run our Spring Fling VisionWalk, which will be
campers. Volunteers assist event to raise money for held at Brown's Chapel
campers with recreational Foundation & Camp Park in Reston on
activities such as Saturday, May 8 at 10am.
Lighthouse at Columbia
swimming, arts & crafts, This is a great opportunity
Lighthouse for the Blind.
computer instruction, and for DGs, joined by their
We can use help
field trips & orientation is friends & family, to
organizing, marketing, and support Foundation
provided. This year Camp hostessing the event. Or, if Fighting Blindness.

WDC DG Page 2
My Favorite Things: Casey Coleman
Casey Coleman is a recent Project Beltway place because it is one of
graduate of American Uni- the most beautiful spots in
versity, Beta Epsilon, and the city and hundreds of
has just taken on the role This website is run by Ra- years of history can be
of Collumnae Relations chel Cothran, a Delta seen in just one glance. A
for the WDC DG alum- Gamma from the Beta few of my favorite spots in
nae chapter. She works Epsilon chapter at Ameri- the cemetery are, the
on the Hill for the De- can University. Rachel was Tomb of the Unknown
mocratic Senatorial Cam- tired of hearing how un- Solider with the changing
paign Committee as a fi- fashionable DC was and of the guards and magnifi-
nance assistant. In her free set out to reveal the stylish cent views of the monu-
time she plays tennis and side of the district. Check ments, the Space Shuttle
volunteers at a dog shelter. out her blog for upcoming Challenger Memorial, and
events and fashion insight. the Kennedy gravesite.
Rock Creek Park Tennis You can also follow her
Center weekly column, Sidewalk Dogeared Jewelry Style, on Washingto-
I saw a piece of Dogeared
I am a tennis junkie and jewelry on Gilt Group
Arlington National
play in a couple different recently and immediately
leagues around town. But purchased the infinity
by far my favorite place to
necklace in gold which I
play is Rock Creek Park now wear every day. The
Follow WDC DG on Tennis Center. It’s so I know it seems like a
strange thing to like but it company specializes in
twitter for SIG close to the city but at tasteful yet unique jewelry
the same time, you are is definitely my favorite
updates and spot in Washington, DC. that you can wear for a
upcoming events! playing in a wonderful Maybe because tourists multitude of occasions and
outdoor setting! They have most importantly, the
visiting the cemetery fi-
classes, drilling sessions, have anchors!
DCDG Alumnae nally calm down and don't
court time, and personal
stand on the wrong side of
lessons all at one location.
the escalator, but more
Tennis is a life long sport!
likely it is my favorite

Congratulations to all Founder’s Day Award Winners!

Best New Member: Laura Mclean

Anchor Girl: Katie Novaria
Super Serving Alumna: Danielle Frottier
Asset Behind the Scenes: Jen Olsen
Most Outstanding Alumna: Danielle Yates

Page 3 Washington, DC
Congratulations Christine Rocchio by Kerri Cox
New York City and at- Alumnae Chapter.
tended high school in
Central New Jersey. At the
Since then, she has served
University of South Caro-
as House Corporation
lina, she was initiated as a
Secretary and Vice Presi-
charter recruit to the Epsi-
dent for the Beta Epsilon
lon Chi chapter of Delta
Chapter at American Uni-
versity prior becoming the
Advisory Team Chairper-
While there, she served as
son for the chapter. Chris-
the Alumnae Relations
tine then served on execu-
Chairman. After gradua-
tive council as Region 3
tion, she began working at
Alumnae Specialist. She
WDC DG congratulates Duke University where
has held offices in the
Christine Rocchio, Delta she became the Collegiate
WDC alumnae chapter
Gamma's newest Cable Chapter Programming
including Collumnae Rela-
Award winner. Advisor for the Beta Theta
tions at Beta Epsilon,
chapter. She then moved
American University, was
The Cable Award recog- to Atlanta, where she be-
an original member of the
nizes an alumna for per- came more active with the
Wine Tasting Special In-
sonal devotion alumnae side of DG serv-
terest Group, and was
and continued service to ing as Atlanta Alumnae
most recently sworn in as
the Fraternity. Each recipi- Chapter VP Programming,
VP Foundation for the
ent has demonstrated, VP Membership, and
alumnae chapter.
through years of serving Chapter President. She
Delta Gamma, unusual attended graduate school Christine is a Nurse Prac-
loyalty far beyond normal at Emory University be- titioner and lives in North-
participation. fore moving to DC in west D.C. with her hus-
2001 and becoming a band.
Christine is originally from member of the WDC

Congratulations to all of our new officers and coordinators!

Each and every one of you brings a variety of unique talents and insight to WDC Delta Gamma.
VP Foundation: Christine Rocchio
VP Finance: Chrissy Vandegrift
Panhellenic Delegate: Lizzie Barry
AU Collumnae Chair: Casey Coleman
Holiday Tea Chair: Karen Ressue
Book Club Coordinator: Lindsay Schwalb

And a huge thank you to our outgoing officers and coordinators.

We appreciate all of your hard work, time and dedication to this chapter!
Thanks Jen, Genefer, and Danielle!

WDC DG Page 4
Collegiate Corner by Christine Rocchio
Networking Event with with the Beta Epsilon alumnae. The list will in-
the Beta Epsilon Chapter collegians. Panel partici- clude name, chapter of
pants will share their edu- initiation, additional
Stop by cational background, em- schools attended, profes-
American ployment history, and sion/title, e-mail, and
Univer- wise words. Attendees are phone number.
sity on invited to mix and mingle
Sunday- over desserts and tea. Alumnae interested in
April 18 at 6 pm, Ander- being on the panel and/
Any and all alumnae are or participating as a re-
son Hall- Room 2U for an
invited to participate. source should contact:
abbreviated chapter meet-
Available to the collegians Christine at cerocchio
ing and DG Alumnae
will be a resource list area
panel and Q&A session

A Note on Sponsorship by Amy Garrison

As the president of my collegiate chapter during a non-convention year, I attended training in
Columbus complete with a tour to Delta Gamma Executive Offices. Although this was 10 years
ago I still remember the experience and think of it each time I seek sponsorship for a potential
new member from our community.

During the tour we passed a large filing area that contained the initiation cards for each member.
On this card the name of the person that submitted a member’s sponsorship form is listed. I am
from a small town in North Alabama and I was initiated at the University of Alabama Birming-
ham, one of only two chapters in the state at the time, therefore I had no idea who sponsored me
and was extremely excited to have the mystery revealed. Alas, the sponsorship line was blank and I
was disappointed.

Still 10 years later, and nearly 15 years after my initiation, I am ever thankful to this unknown person. Was it not for
their care and thoughtfulness I may not have had the life-changing experience that was gifted to me in the form of
Delta Gamma. Many times I have quietly thanked this unknown alumnae for this gift. It may have been someone
who knew me as a student in high school, or saw me dance in community theatre programs. It could have taken her
30 minutes to complete and mail the form, including finding a stamp and the address without the Internet, after all it
was 1995. I have no idea if she was hopeful that I would join or simply fulfilling a membership duty, or perhaps my
chapter requested the form from her. Whatever the circumstances I am ever grateful because she was a very impor-
tant part of my having the opportunity and blessing to join Delta Gamma. The rest she left to me and I continue to
consider the membership a blessing and a gift.

Please consider filing sponsorship forms for those young women in your community that are collegians. Occasionally
you will see emails from me requesting sponsorship for young women from the greater DC area. If you know these
women, their families, their high school, please contact me so we can aid in giving these women the same gift that was
given to us.

Amy Garrison
City Sponsorship Chair

WDC DG Page 5
Sister Snapshots and News
WDC welcomes two new DG legacies
to the world and congratulates
Genefer Thornton and Suzette
McGrann on their new arrivals!

Photos from Founder’s Day 2010

Congratulations to Kristen Schuh for earning the FIRST STAR SISTER AWARD!
Awarded at Founder’s Day Kristen has earned all points of the star by attending events! Sisters who attended
Founder’s Day also earned an “Activities & Honors” point.

You can still earn your star!

Attend “Bowling for DG” and earn an “Activities and Honors” point. Attend the networking event with
American University and earn a “Personal Development” point!

For more information on the STAR SISTER program,

contact Cristina Gomez at or
April Black at

Upcoming Events
April 1 DG Foundation Fellowship Applications Due
April 2 Sweet Peas
April 8 Dine-out
W A S H I N GT O N , D C
April 13 Book Club
A LU M N A E C H A PT E R April 18 WDC Alumnae & AU Networking Event
April 21 Lunch Bunch April 21 “Bowling with DG”
April 27 Wine Tasting

Save the Date - Saturday, May 8, VisionWalk in Reston at 10am.

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