كتاب الطالب - التحليل - الثالث الثانوي

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Laster sym oh Aijee fia Uys 1-1-1 aati acR Cys a gly yaad as-0g ( Sageacal) hal)) ala) nye scape cava, CF Sal aie Gapill pie cite Las Mae is Lys aeR usa yx 2 Jus lies f Uys Gaal) 8 Geopadll any ley Slash yt gb GLY) lil Ge Real asede Se) sgauael Use Austglly gecalesl cle NS Solel) Ls Gulaall oly Ga gtfiad! lsall, eal Ghee G8 gyal ottlads Sym NEG Lee AND poll LS Gast Qilg! hall dale slay) dtlees e gilall Uehs Gye Abii Aube p sg Ay x oS bte a ye gd Wadi x f(x) dt was Gal pall pigs GUL lee Gi 1AM Ughaall ge Any) ome Ul gi clash clus oecd oe $6 se oe f (x) all ost Ue Leash cos Ge a oe be ce ef WD Ags gh 0 aaah Sf sp AS ais 15) aol cabal gy ittl st) Gall a Lag slim/ (x)=6 + ALS AB ol jes ole lux Gost le Vl 0 pS \a\ Yay 1) y ims (x)=6 ©) WI ombio enras (9 x) OI 19} 99 pba ow tae bod f 9 f(x) Ov Obl Jer OWL OIE Ags of O99 oer, Or Ay lad aol x pial Jom p& sha sie Bite MAD 9S Qo rain ya ais f lal) &\g a9e9 a Syke Aye 3) Aja lebss b jit) yp Dale vi p20 shyla 94 shape ad Ol oat Aa el My Ls A Sy DCR Ge iadig 5 f gall os PAGN! Gal sSll Gis Sue Jimf (x) = M limg(x) = 1] lim[s (x) +e(x) J=limy (x) +lime(x )=M +2. L Msall ye Alle ae & gene gle Ain yall oka Reed Sey" 2Y lim[A-f(x)J=A-limf (x)=2-M cdeR 3] lim[f (x )-8 (x)]= limf (x) ~ lim g(x (x )J=M-L 4] tim[f (x )-e(x)]=limg (x)-lima(x )=M «1 " Si sall Gye tie ase clan le din acl! ode reed Se " 4 1 1 “) Mesh rT eo) f limf (x r(x)) lime (e) ow 6) 1 et Tr (L 40) 7) lim[/ («) J =[time oy] =". (nen’) 8] lim) = flimfa@) =v. (M 20, f >0) — ea rX, sie yLadl gag x, aie growl ye dome tle alas (2 aga oles SAIS a se lal on ; Uli ca ate Onell GeO) Oks f Llall ols 1g) slimy (x)= 4, ESis C= (4S bal Lal giles a we gs Ala GIS cotlata boys 2 AGA f Ba oy M40, SNS 19) (1 soa 4X pa of X 9 Jlagial po Bercep ALN SUD pal oi (2 limP (x)=P(a) WaadaeR ets Ut ay ryne dpais P(x) ents 1a] (3 lim f(x)=f(a) OY aD, yAirg20% us Bo f(x) oi6 19) (4 3x7 45x 6 lim" 7 uel @ ror yt ax? 4] . 3(2) +5(2)-6 _ 16 . , lim (Gara = 57 OSD, =R ad ets Deel oS as lim ¥3x° 2x H11= {BC 3) -2(-3) +11 =64 =-4 2 n AS yall yo shall Alon EN \{0,1}) Cas x of = Ve Ua) as yg Dl typed clgigyet de pene gle Baten f :[0100[ > [O,4oefsx Vr Ahall culs Lays le als 138 (1 PAS Galil day Ro le Sie (ROR Ve cals bad bee ne ols 1 (2 ogi Lag daily Leg Gill Sal f Ulall inte COSI A San 8 y i 8 ula) le 3 ae Ls f hall Js (5 SC es cys Gly lal 08g! Gilat) Lal) a) (6 HAitlgla te (thy Lew alle US Auks ye ta! 6 Soy Ve Sx 3(a=1 28 f(x) x+2 x Fl Ore) vor fF 2 we 2 yA aie SLLaul (3 x gad late ( ghsia sae Gl Gad f CHI too Ve Gb Lee ZU pod # + Tim f (x)= € 2 20S jagks ce gylud +0e Ls f All | Js Me cto coll oe gant Lente of giids mae Goll (gaa f GUIS Nh) eco J gigas gd Mijas dil p YS ° + Him f (x)= 0 7 aR) ayy c0 yl costes ¢ Ghall Uf Uji State «oo 2G) ads Lele Lage Lape den IS & HOGS # tim 4-0 ny mw tic AIS, $00 se tele sail 0) = 7 By R\Q) cle Waa p dla goa ce ose fiix)= a 2.5 FR\O.2} Ger dle 2 OS jst x(l-7) 1- x x lim f (x)=0-1=05 limf (x)=0-1=0 rors ovat «im f (x) asl or wey Gis taf cle Beall ¢ allt! gs 3 Cc Jim f (#)=0 gl gms (v)-reaaety p Lass acl ' + ve ae a Ay Lag aes Les EL pith Lad CS ihe gill pes fC Gate bs ol tee sa Os Fi im f (x Jeo. R ke Way tay) df cas 4) cals, aH lim f (x)=3 lim f(x)=3 se vim 0)» 9 lim f(x)=0 A lim f (x)=-0 8 fim f(s)=10 at; Jeeta ge dylaul (4 1 1 Cell la 8 lets Mtl. GL duc lill cae lim =40 5) lim =o tylatll Uo cd Lede Lita AY Sac ll SE ex a rex —@ a cgi Maly AT ad at we A geal 8 leat Gy OS ee toile Lad Baganll lim f (x) x8 lim_f (x)= xt oi lim f (x)= aoe lim f (x)= aoe 20 lim_f (x )=— xe lim f (x)=+ Peasy lim f (x x8 Tim f (x xo Byguanall Ajatl) Aatary! dinyee cad PAY) Gla pall doce Jai US (x) sa (x): cilliaty D\fa} le Cuties calla gy f OSs Vine D GSI Tape ©L Ve - 1 beds IA | lim f (@)= 40 a Lse (x 17 sco 5} alg sal = <+ltaix 41 day gst | B) a atu (x -1)° 20 Sy .-10 BY x cosx 2 y wtan2x x 2x Waal #0 alls 24 3sin? 2 yoo Be Bei e3sin’x 4 sin’ x 3435) * x} lim! =eos26 =0 Goa JI tual 640 ale Qa ail Loy 2 0 1c0s(26) _ o Himi20820)_ 9 0 o sin |x +x cOsx ) lim 2 6 lim= 2% £08 aS esl x90 sinx A “ex limf (x) leR leR CeR jo} tn} 0} 0) 0 time(s) MER ey 2 | te | | ~w | 400 | lim )+8()) ay _ x to) 2 | 2 | 4e0 | 0 ing @)e@) | py £20) f<0) Ol FO) io) | a | 0 | aco | mao | 00 2 | 9 limf(x)| ceR | feR|leR| 40 | 40 | —c | 00 | 4 | —w | © limg() | cpt) 40 | 0 | >0| col) asso) co) —0| to | mf (t)| 6 lim) a | co |e a] ma(x) | Mf e a ’ + Btls Glyall elle} abs YU pied cuisladl Gelso 48 (2) 0 % . , DO EPH sgl can gS Sy Can poe a CANA os The Sad wleogyy aie La Sdn og Al Uz! thin, Gel ge Rica capt sacl Relves as Dy cll Gajats Ula OS Ques ail pre Ula by, ole AGL Cagle 20 Ags Ce Ceol ale Cull pie cna Ladys “Cage ase UM) se tans cote Ul oth Lah on 10-00 fda go Gatetll pare Hil (1 D, =[0,40[ dyn too ae f(x )ax—ve sf ti iis ol J 420 SMe gh dee f » lim vr =. Otay 0 mat Teall Ge cad pe Ula LI im x = wa de lim f (&)= lim x (-)-¥« + Gl 8s gual pce UY 400-00 dim Vir =r a8 cp Until x >0 a if) =v (V1) gs wa St diy «Jim f (x)= lim Ve (vr -1)=4 a ial Me lf (x )=ve Fl —x : ais D, =[-L+o0of Ge tial f dial os $90 te Jal 400 le gb Mee fal + 400-00 haaill yo Cust pte Ale al Wl lim x =... tim Ve 1H... é He eae F(s)aa{ slim (x) =(40)-(-1) =~ -) 1 O (vx? +1 -x x? +1+x) 1 nes ce (Wx? #1-x)= = SS gael (x? 4144) (x? lax) climvx? 41—x =0 oil (ade Lads « ilall yaa Cus) eo te f(x )=2r¢Viox sf al dg ol ae eo 2 Sete go Gane pane ijl (2 © Br? -2r +1 im Fon woe dy 47x 5 2x? -2x +1 tim Se ste dx? + Tr =5 slimy (x) seal of (x)= sea} ce Bl f hal sa Jl 4 isl x <0 Laie 20 J]-20,0[ shall we dies f aia) a N — ex 2 ASV) blll Gua 6 lin i lina 3x? 2x +1 6 lim woe dy? Tx —S 0 . 1 data oe cipal pee Hj (3 Laan £ sol SheatSlss alge clan USE (gle plially lanall Gye IS CoS GL ISAM MSs ye Geel pte AIG) Use «AS Lal) Jalgel : = bs cual J (x)= 2? Bs RA{O,2} ge Weal f Da ysa x? 2x sWdyny Ss A lim f (x ) ayatll fe pape (gb sine 2 stall Ghee gle J0,3[4 {2} lim(x? -2x ) = =A lim(x? +4x -12) 22 JO.3[\ 2} col ct x We Ga 28S Gul ase US 4 atl Gye apse Mla Ll Us sinx Se xa bt CES AIS, Feet oo Gand pe Ue Ul ish bey (J 2 tu Ja, [\10} i) ae ae fore -a=3 ve f(xy= 9 “ 4 Bll ys ge as SO +coftetll go guucill pane Nj)(4 mop sh soo SN ales 5 0 Lelaa! Gls Cue Galle clas ks Glas ate UL ode Gala — _y Jims @)=0 ( glByJI 45 og oo had) SL LAU 94 tlds 1 } lime* = +0 1] liminx = + 2 J lime* =0 2 J im Inx =- 3 J lim Case slim” =0:n>0 3 J lim = slim 7 = +0 ye om oF me 2 Ine 4 Ime" 2 =0:n>0 4 ] lim x.Inx -0 In(I+a lim 1 5 Ylimi™() I el sans! “O tan e ev-ly x a +f 3h = = 4. tual FF) oy ae. jt Are) tan (= Z) EEE M0} ed limf(@)=1.1. 4=4 col x ed Lette MSs $00 GS) x wat ete fir ANSI Als ans) 8] se Ags f Mall Gay hangs a 0 — es = nigel lim sto 5 lim sto 4 lim =0 5 lim sy Ine any Iny ey Inx ox Ine slacf dairy Y di bade 5 H4Blyall g se Laayny Sle SAAMI yall bles aa 2) jo se f (v)=2x-e* 6 eer) tey Qe le og raagey Tle alld cdiilyall gate ol Loe Alls US SLks Gaal: Yl 4 a! ft) ja! fc) [4 i f@) 4 x G |2) & @Q & 9 « = 4 & | 1+2x -x? 6-x" * 9 2 ag © Mle US Sus Casal Lith al se) ja! fe) > Ty =1)-(1-2x) 2 | (x2) -cot(x -2) 2} 1 te ) -cot(x-2) © | wee =a c Co ae 2 | fe -2|-c0s'(—_] «a i x +2sinx i a) 1 1 & 0 * G xin 3x +2 2+ cos i 2x*-1-1 i 1 => « 0 Ginx fle 7 a0 Vx? +3-V2x?-5 C10 0! a © + Xo AX i — : 2(o¢ — en ' x-1 | x? =2x 41 : x-l : 2x +sin3x po ot ga ee) V2x —V3—x x —tan(6x ) 3sinx —sin@x) x eos(e') rae ba xe +l 7G 3S pl IS) ages pre Gu ley Lalas gy dilly ale limf (x) ded op) ASV gyal Bags (L eo im = (3 (4 hab . x-3 wx#-3 . ea ll k Rabu of (x)= 9 at f Bost (1 dims («)=f (-3) (2 lim! 2° <9 aay a aye ch ay 42) cles us) ob sin 6x 1 Jlim™ vim se tan, 2 lim =2* non SE 3 J lim! 2984 im 00 @-sin8 ae 1 yim (028%) 2 yimit =" 2 In(cos3x ) vt 3 Jim“ Le —y e — — es Xo} mie dyoiae: f Ula! x2 min Spann ye xal min cag! X= se yc uly 2.0 still cin gle gma daitalN pla Syd @ Sie Sia Aulys pn] tor Gl os Va@ xe Was glash te bee @ Abb ue f Ul Us Lule ue SLANT yally ayant! GES Phe «lyall Genes lita GP Luh Sly cLgeetlead gl Auleill Gayet Qe Sydisse lye A yall ods Be limf (x )=f (a) Gist sin 5 cos 5 Gayle sll, yee ers OP oP ee EOE eee TO ee Co OCS 3d ADB ais dpaime po JN97 Se Vial a wedi, pe fo 1 AS TSA LS limf(x)4f(a@) sia se Ges tl olf 2 6 SH -R NP ptine 355 9990 5 nis Jey = fe PIM NR SE le Sains we eptne & pas Wy 5%) 9 we 7 8 fee 3S esis 15) 3 8 pains ASN Spal ov Je By ISB sof , f-2 5 pre [f(x Jax +2x% x4 ve Scie Mit gd k le 4 a of tila ged (x)=k ix =4 ’ - limf (x)=6 bel af 2k =6 ae sf (4)=6 US olan xe H4 Me Hate alll gS st ac x23 US ded ot ajar th :fel<3. cf cals 3 SD ga US Lad gind of (x)= 44x + (BEN CEN xe4x x <3 Re Satie — en oe iin x 4x +b Hal 5 Byta[ ee Bae x ax Mg J oll R\{-3,3} le dyciaa f wi}, }00,-3[ le Hata x x? +r Atal 13,43] gl 333 a gu aaa Ff Asad iS, 330) Jaya) Gi aaley lim f(x)=F(3) Jims (x) =F (-3) 8 Jim, of (3)=(3) +(-3)=6 x =3 we Dalby l2tba6 pA x=-3 soy bauddl wiaiy af (+3)= X=43 we “a= “to 3a= ee eee os ol tim sil a =1 ghasi OS R ple Hciue sin cals tay « limg (x)=... . oi) (x)= lim[sin(g (x))] =sin(limg («)) =. ole 2.1 mx? +1 lim|| cos| 7" |} us rate x43 WIR gle Sctun f aad ill c Aad ong! @ af ose d c He ® ix<-l f(x)ayex td :-lSx 52 2x-7 ix>2 ER cle Sycies A Lad Aijeall fa gS Cus Bs A ad Ge @ nti 4 co firyaig a) Wr +B rx >0 PR gle Scie ch Le jell f Ula gS Cues By A pd Ue @ Ax? +B ix<-l “x +2B 05x 2-1 2 ASMX pix 20 x F(x) Rh oke A Aina D3 eon Ba Aeh Se @ (fos a 2} uel f(s)-4-4 xel Bex =I] ( +)-singx =) :R oe ae Ai FA 3A B 1A he @ { 3x -1 xtbx sxe ax ualga OR Ae ail a past) 1 ys Oyo (1 GEA ( ota ss atl fg yee SEI ys Hie Rall G put) dat (2 ae « Weipa dc pone fs sine 7 sls lee US Ge ea 1G ikia juny sel gl) Cath 1 f(e)=gxtext P(E) = ence 2x +1 x744 3 f (x)=@ +Dafee f'(x)=. Basel 4 f (4) =e F'(5) sane bet 2 f= $18) =n 5 fa) S1(E) eens x7 +x 6 F(t St(e) Henne Ic gee GS Gtlay g)Sall laall (8 ASV) Uljall ge US) Miata Gla) as.) Si 0 Ww-; D,-R Qo =" pp Feosx Qo xD, = Jo,+~f 0 f@)a(x-Det D,=R om A biel Q fl )-xle 2 Joel 6 Sf (x)=vsinx +2 |0.2 0 eo -F Jovet 6 f (x)=Ve oe B RVI} oe tapas f dit gatas ban C pss: ist HBX adlales gM) patel Gasp « lad Lal oyiteall tlsles CaS! — em ( Ailuhull dacla ) } Py Aue Maa gute ohio oe Ve ya Apa Yigal gH Feth2- 4-2 & C a - «Ala Aguada Gide Bastis-4-a Atha Rat AB gl Us gt Sch gt oo fi DOE, fy WOM woe L2°fiD > M yytemas a OH Me) Haile) Ayase Ala 5 gh Gide Bach Eo Gfine lee US cle USA A Ala y I cia lee gle Mls) g dial cals 13) : acl 1 daall ge Hates (hog )(x)=h(g(x)) shog as aH g(1) A (hog) (x)=n'(e(x))e(e) a ya set 5 fi tia sash fe )=2(x?+3) way R ce pal f thal psa ees f =hog SSA oe gill Bye ge f dit au. gt eixteg(e)=x?43 5 hx RA(x)=2x? rats Ro le Asal fyi R le GDL A, g gsllal ya Us f(x =h'(g (*))-g' (oe) =2-2-(g (x))-(2¥ )=8x (x? +3) ole 40 fay aalf (x )=(x 44x —5)! Gig Ro gle ipl p al ys a + ijeg Ulg> Gltisil relgd slay) 14 ALuLuull Aelia Gubi (Wo 34d Gita) :gJg dnc lal! JSAM Gye f Atlatl cals, J CIR cstie las gle Rate) g Nall cals 1Y to CT te Ages) f (x)=(g(%)! :reQ ey Px)=r(g@))-'@) Ro Ff (0 )=(2x? =x +3) 2 f Dia fate a (f@)=(g(@)) gasy) Ro ate tawsig (x )=20?—x +3 alia gd S(x)=4-[(2x? —x +3)P (4x 1) itty ge) =4x - 1s oy sbaclal © 2.40 ge fala ite al Jl S(e)=?-4)? dS f lal) (asd OS ge) = 2x Gay [2,+0o[ le Altutl g(x) =x?—4 Ula P@)=F(*-4)?-Qx) S'x)= — ep BL gle 49) Sigal) Gade ang} 2 T=] def Or)=(0* vx -2)' 6 LT=felf ae fe =a 6 1 aU sis Ajab Aly Aud aT GS laa) ba Glee ML y Dla! Glo Zag fala cals 19 elf Sites Jill Ia dae ge Gel NSH gall gat 8. read dale! adtioN Sigel aides :2ultl samelal USA ye f Dla) cass CIR esti Tine gle MSHAG (A) Tia cals 13 abs aang) dit | ana dha 1 f(x)=sin(g(x)) — f'@)=8'@)-cos(g@)) 2 | f (x)=cos(g(x)) “f'@)=-2'@)-sin(g(e)) f'@)=g'@) (1 +1an?(g(x))) | 3 f (x)=tan(g(x)) _ 8) ~ c0s"(g(e) f'()=-g"(x)-(1+ cot (g@))) 4 f (x)=cot(g(x)) __-s'e) sin*(g(x)) f()=sin@e? 4x): eeR ye f 39. =) ro g(x =x 41 5 R te Milt g(x )=x7 +x ta if f' (x)= (2x +1)-cos(x? +x) ole a m,n Fx)=tanc2e +2) : tn | , “— i r@)-(2x+2) iar (2s +) =2[ ian’ (2 +4)) S (%)=c08' (2x ts Re fi aNatl Cte a) ea : igite gSa dag gay R Qe tana f diay J—_ll 2 glttlagf "(a )=3-008" (0 f'(e)=3- Leste ysSaal Staall te 4891 Ulyall ye ll GS) Mitel! Mall a9 f (©) ={Jeos(2x )+2 ‘x eR fc )=\Beos?x +4 weR f (x)=sin(V242") xeR f (x)=tan (3x ) x e|o.4] Sf (x) =sin(2x? +x -4) :xeR Alba Agul Alla gine 56 f(x) =e8) fdemtatl go healt tittnn aU dell 2 ISAM ef Ulall cals, CIR gytie las le Tgtanig (x) da cals ty fO)=gi(e)e = ge) SO) # Weta GES =e — es F(ejae Oh) ka Rte fata asta ata agsl igst dag s gev)ax*—3r de f(x)ae) gsr f(@) gieay A g@)=4e0-3 2 Gita Ro ge tea fe) =(4x°-3)-e" * Aguila Sail laall le A251 yall (yo Allo ISI Maa AD gag] s Gayot f@)se 9D pa RI] 2 f(x)=e%4 7T=R 1 f(xre"F* — P=]-00,2[ 4 flere" J=]-0,0f | 3 f @)=e" 1=R 6 f(x)=x7-e* T=R 5 Atal dyed le 9) Atha GLI Sac 8 pear | F(x)-In(g(e)): Goat go Mall Bitae : deglylh dene USA ge fi Ailall culsy JR oye tae le Satins g (x) Stat cuts 13) BQC)>0 48ST Jal Gh ssins Une US le SHUI Bf (x)=In(g (x) g‘(*) , z (8) sue ‘= S (x)=In(2x 4) bye P= [2,40f dled Ge ¢ diel Gis I S')=(In(2x ~4)) = “Says —— POTEET MNT an te he ere) eer gtr oe ee Le ta) eee Re eed ees le eet ak aed cli a fa siall oly! Sall Bell ro a F'(x )=2In(x) A MBBS) f Azrael) Tall cals 13) rT a) als 4 « JO,00of te aia eZ BB f (x)=In(2x) aie c f'@)=— 4 BBA f Asal dit cals ty |) 3 nea a s B ()=y aa f (*)=! — i ney . f'(x)=2cot2x A SHAS doa dit cas iy BI f''(x)=-2tan 2x B cals 5 pal ue f'(x)=—2sin 2x C asf (x)=In(cos2x) f(x 4 Mili f Xposat! allah cuts 13) eats 4« ]0,+0f oe rey y oa f (x)=x +Inx f'@)ai-t iG Dail, s@)-e 4 mes Ei = aS 3 D=VA Ste | Br (x)=m(—x)+in( +1) ; 1 on D=)of , fe ott c oe — “ea a rlesila Sail Slaall gle 42411 Ulyall ya Alla USE iieall lalla é@ 1 1 = Inf T =]0, +00] f(ejebon[i) Dovel J (e)=In*(x? =I) 1 =)L +e f(x)=(inxy -Inx 1 =]0,+0[ J (x)=In(e* +1) 1=R f(e)=Inx + Vira") T=R P(c)=In(x =ve?=1) 1 =]L+2f seat ] r=}1,4I[ x f(x )=in(x +2) By P22 He Bpaall f lah phalball Cost é (VHX atlsles gi pibinsall Lijlye A ulaall beste GSC ye Abi Ge fora x #0 2(0)=0 1 GL US dies dune Wiha ée «ginal ie & Vall GWA ALT yl] V =AX lakes Gl psithedll Guile Gules Sib J Uall inte yl gb -2 ole SQ)NRABE+2 Ga R le Riyeall f aa a Q ex? 3x 42=(x +2)(x 1) pl gis =f AVS jie! law GS1-2. PAS) Sblgall Gua 3. FO) FO) ag FD lim > lim : x—srx 1 aSsix-] 7 xox +2 wile} le $1 se Siti fo ue osied Sal @ rey-{e bbe te, OSK ST yy co NS pled) La a,x? +bxte, lex <2 JEM! iad [0,2] Slat! le sal ¢ GF Gude 1) Prati fjaac Ee Re ra Sl A Rr Pal Pal Fa “ f(x )-F (a) > mynf (a)mtine EEL) Aysse toa sia cst 1-5-1 scapes Cua a 2-5-1 GE a A A gua Gag 3-5-1 GRAD) ane la oof GUL) Gly gi 4-5-1 SIL pgs 00 taliieil demos aden Saaline iqmiolyy ligthen’ go Ajase Alta Agetall CARLA [24 Na gant D=Ja,b[ leall gle Asis ie Ua f YS ways PUD Rix Bf" (x) af Wal IYI Guba Gta ['"D, PRix 9 (f(x) Wa gous Dy cya lps gle Splish f" cals ly of Ma gt £°:D, Rix (f(x) Wad gant D, CD, gin ge gle ash" as 1) A ae SO 6 fF dig at tylaina Hang... f ANAM GN) git eee US f Mall Atta ce 0 oe fC KY PP ft gas sf Walla (mEN’) Asya go Guba f”) oe ef Wall Asal clerall a9) P()a5 8 483.35 R gk apa dla ¢ gd Sepals BR le Ade f' of'"(x Jax ths oR cle dal f sJall an SO (x)=0 oS Ssn GSU Sf O%r)=0 5 R de damn” +f (x)=sinx By R gle Bpeall Dial os f EMG Ge f Ul bhi neN os ad.e bes an ALI f GI gals 2 fC) 2JL__i—s R gets f%(x)=sinx f(x)=-cosx of"(x)=-sinx 6 f'(x)=cosx Zo f wi (I gall Shyla Aone gebly ll olay cuts (2 Wp) e 7.4) E(n): f (x)=sin{n 2] \ W iam F(l) Hein =1 de BS - \ ( tr) 20} / 5 fia 4 E(k +1) ily fs )=sin ko +x Jol gl Fae E(k) ol void rit f'(x) =cos Ld) slyLadl abe Stith, Leal £oy=[eMay] snl Ess) \ meos{ Zax J=sin{ Fok Zex }=sin{ 4) 2 2 2 Hasna Si) ce E(k +1) Galall as eg F()=! 2 GAR’ gle Mijaall ¢ al gS £0) ee nent gs Waal ost (1 P(x)=nx + Byojso[ gle Mjedl ¢ all yd (2. eB) Gilad) UL oye SUL gc JOjtof WU a f(r) Gul eG = oo oSnentg gichgll Culauhi igily keasg putin yusloi :¥4l es Co Stye fi(w) ama tA ates Let d OSS Ay aga f Ul 1 Biske alate plea Cn og sual ge Abii A(x, 4) soe A Maa gb f Da gta Lea Leber pall 9 Sd lS y 9 DUI SS Saal f AND Nast C yStyy =x ales gill pital d oSt Rea -0(0,0) crtaayi tae oC ai bat Glad gai (s)=-}xtee DIL rotted gusily ouvinio yubed Lal cea ) JB GSMA LADS f, Ld ltl LAC, yf) Ul Gla LSC, YS 1) + IS IY) Lily 1) A (x.y Abii) gf olla Cy y C, gall [A dal Gf Sade Lele DEC) C, 5 A EC,NC,) OS 13) Lids 1 A(e,,y)) Abit G8 SLE C, 9 C, oS ol LAR IM0)s AO) ae S(x)=58 Bas R cle MH f Mal Gala La G, oss “Alaa -5x By R gle Wall f, Ua sl LC, oS, | “2 (1d) ALAN 8 gale Cy G, gf cath J I's Ai) =30) <5 > A&C, AEC NC nen(t) tad [1p Aad obs C6, SS pits (2), (1) oe ae a(t.) Abit gb fade (alee Cz, Cy Goladll Gilull Still 4 ray _3 m=f(=f (N= 5 2 SAL Casi Gulu Qlates Gf aps dsbeall bat yey a 1) : Aisles 5 3x -2y -2=0 LAC, Sy f(x se! +2 Gig R ote Aiea! f, Ua gata Lay C, oS get Caleta Lal cape fy (x)= 34 Inx Gas JO, 400[ te Adel f, UU ath .A(I,3) Shit yx sang, fill) <6" +2=142=3 f,(I)=340=3 — ep -A(I,3) Aba ga gala C, 5 C, a) wee (1) .(2)e eae —2x -4 + sll fe) =2e" $6, fe J=— + alla gaily Gels Co 9 Cy Set e Uns (i Lng) pitall Geladl) Unter Gs! 56 A(0,-4) dba 26 Gl C, .C, Bony + Lagu cap sata f(x )=e* 1, fy(x Jax? + rosie gatle hs C, 5 C) oSd 0 LagesLed Ais (i Lgl ital (uleall sles CiSly .O(0,0)Aai GF glia C, C, gl Ay Pyle )=2e—2, fale) =In(2e —1) stall cate cabs CC, ot @ fUads 8 Lag) Ajisball uLeall Ube O58) yA (10) dbl 23 glib C,.C, doa Lae ph ca tl GLARE Gi g (=) sig) Gayl Glas oll pli lpi Repene Ye a Aad we Hy fd pf Ghee gh Ys dana! cay yee JS) a te Weed he Gi ol days of UL gal Wh lacy dual ogbS!l pill yb Go pall apt (4 desl BLN tpguasll gf US (1,1) Abia te Ll 13g) Guleally f(x) ax? of Atel all hat) kao ole I's 12 1.003 - 08 cle Lally) SUB atl agSt GilS ak ste oped | ate lye dal Lapa! USN W Gn pal as. Lash St of Sy ged olga! Won x 1 gd US ate lll 6 Ge Tap day ula Alla dally yp =f (a) +S '(ax —a) gd (af (@)) Abb af Wlall Goal cylaall tas sLayee ADIL yal L Sahl! Wall gly ga lad! (Sg) sal EQ)=f (a) +f @x —a) PADLIY sha a Gill yo 8 Ua atl Gy ill Oi a se Aaleel f Ua) cals 1y f@)eLO)=f @) +f -a) slSall dewalt I farhaf@tf'@n class Gytll Iba GIS gate A ax —a@ Lad cals US Wal Ls, yhe OS). f J-Ltofo Rf @&)= (+x) Wal Sy -Q ge las r YS sa =0 Ubi te fall ath il 7 a Jf '(OV=r 5 FEO)=1 Gi bape hers sais ¢ heal aie Aisles! (Gf pled : Jal Syke psill aie (l4hY eli rh Qs a =O Aba aie flail bal) Cyl gle ch sloiall So te) celpaill dhubs aie Ighh Sy lobe le Gay ai ve f Da bs) yl gle GS! f :RIRS(e)=sinx) Dal gd -a=0 | J POHL 5 f(O)=0 Gh byes Glan: opty c ginal te Alaa ff ali :Ja) [I +h jail Syivall pall se sinh = ga a= 0 Abit) sie f Wall hat ul syeall leu) te Due Sa yay 1B) Gulp) GF OLY clpaill § [pleats Sola ay +101 sie Mall dng) dgyt Sag ani 6 RO Rif (x)axi 42x —1 Dall ys cde cphall Cy 8 Ale Gust hes | soa) lye 8 sub fall Cals LA sa pall pill gle eid (=F 5 f (= 2 Uy aa cow as] ae ef Wall a ra oe f Dall : f (l+h)=f D+f'h=2+7h -f (1+0.01)*2+7%0.01=2.07 23 A =0.01 Ssh Aggy adil ye Ips Gass Y f (140.01) =2.0710100501 ial AgigaN) dual) Gf Lay ae -sin(46") sell Aaj da ang) ad!) Cyl Sle fe) scos(x) Galy R le Asis gas f RO Rif (x) ssin(x) Val Jal 4 pis De" GS SY Gg) GERM Gull is 45 =F on ta 46 Ash GI bade 8 f(athef@t+f'(@h ves Be" flail bat Cuyitl os jel so(Tea)e tee Ln ssin(as)= “('io) ° Seta ~ 180 go OA 2 VI5.9 sual dy ed ans) best Cy sail ULeialy Pear 5 JOtof ke AB ay f 2 JO,toc[ Raf @)= vir wad os (pel Gayl Ale" CAS AE ayes gael gd gl 16 ye Gays 15.9 Gf leads si f(a+h)=f@+f"(@h glia=16 se f Vali ee 1 Vigth ~4+—h 8 15.9 a4 = 3.9875 oh gta =-b=01 oes b a Igijtls pho ad 5 19.8 Qaldlall YSyils hd Goi Agile Wile dalad dani dad aad (1 Ngall) 620 daa ta! roan Suni Ags an) ( 2 + (As ©7.920: +(e 12: sll ne -1n(200,2) a2 yi Led angle c1n(200) = 5.2983 gf code 13) (3 + (In(200.2) = 5.2993 siya!) Aad ea! AN ods) ltl LAN C OSs 6 f :]0,+0[ > Rif) al gs (4 + (mm =3,075: Glyall) 24.1 yihol aie Abas 3 Co ball (ulead! Jud dy il (R=: appt), PET saa Sa a al (5 el) Cee as) ob GLEN tat bx oe es peje diy ols Uybetiny AB 100m Ups Aadins Labs [18]. 7i8 oh EUS ZOF ME 45 4 Gis 1 OF Qhall cle B \giye ary OZ Qvall le A bb Di 3 Sais Geld 60d =6em Qs leas 2oms' Jae O oe 10 eB GAgil Jone (1 LOM x Jana (2 -OAB Gill) delve 3k5 Jane (3 5 OA=x=x@) js Abell a: dei Al fy Mal gf Uayill gle haksely OB = y =» (1 Zz y= ems! lal x(,)=O4 =6 lase J GS gy Ale in Sayyed Mangan ol Habuly -J0,10[ Sled Gay yx ge US Spats (1 ssh) ue gus ot ls gw Cglball y= 100-(x@)" haha sya BS + > Gyllaall 9 (XO) eA ol cpib ALLL sacl gyidelae © ej Gl} Qualls & Gye OB Gy RO) ao To wor Oy a ot Gar gill ot oF) =2ems " sx(ty)=6 tal t, Aaa Qf ® Gye P25 Rams! a" 100-36 2 Joeed Gal a Y Gul yay (dle ) L yas Sem GS OM =L ol vase (2 Ooms | aki 2 sab ding SM=srOrw) OSG OAB Stall dale S yd (3 3) aS Mido ® .)'axg4 3x6 |= lem dt 2\dt dt 2 2 2 ole Crtladia glee coll sipeiia sinus gf 1p atlales A Laide abs (0,77) -B (0,4) 5 ACI) oaliith Jakay ox —y +2=0 tell A piltuuall cle M (x,y) dba!) aha USA 2 LS) MB 5 MA Sahil) le Yaye S Legale Eyane (sll s Jace Cul (1 of Cell Gols Exe S SE Teams gpl ia gh x i Jane of Cade y =4 lead Gs Al Aba t + Sa le saeal S gyeayall Gialine gyane Qi Laie M Abiill aay ce (2 alaja (sled! US2H G8 Lis) x adja Ups Sa 6 -0.20m’.s | Sane GrSall ISI pla) dale Sob OS Lesie CaS Ge yb 555 dee Gua! (I +6om ggg Capa Gy) Up oS; Latic GaSall poe pt Jane Gua! (2 Gem galas Mo et CD 5 AB obs Gaus at ABCD 6 XL -(sloall JS 8 LS) CD = Sem 3 3em yy Sate AB oyna! srclil) ula cle M abil dat BC pid MD at ems" dees BAH oe D 3 OF CGA NMB CB) Raliee 535 Toes Geel Nabil BM =lom te os All Usa CTBT | Raa TC Pr | ere Corer Ht eet ate Ase Ua abe) 1-6-1 Aye Us chat duly 2-6-1 Aye Us yb) [=] 2(aWDpl $3 6599 ce dat) SiDp0 rhlsic Le las gle Salis) fall cals 13) Win le f(x )20 cS ols dae le Lets Babe f cyt ist 90) L2H [1] wheal Wa Oe tie le Gl ke gant Vy ele! ee (XS 0 aS ctw lee gle Lhe Lunt ft italy 9500 L [2] ela Ihe ye sia lee isl gle aus Uy «leat! Iba 9S D\ SYladl djs o20 Vo \,b\ Aula» naib : 1 Ahoy OFarg Aas WE gf lade Los Aairirc of Lede Us da\jio adi aul? PD OS AbLul BD wal ow doliiwyh Bul wl oD 9 a5 Of 25 AD 1) Aa ,a\ 08) Jone easy ofl Giada 5 Ld} = lla aly Aluilyal Czy A df f'(x)=3x7 43 5 Role Asef Ui OR ge idsiulin p alll gi Gsm R le Lus disses? culs td, Aogene wily of (x)=xt= 443 Gy R cle Meal f Ulall Sb) Gan of (®)20 Aaalfall Sole : 3s P(e )= Aer? Dada! ex Nex I)» Rg Bf da) FAM bbl ore pls LE Ass Hay (8 18Lg) (=I) loiall SL2) Bis f(x) 3) o f(e)ex'+3v 2 Gay R gle Meal f WN YLI yo a ial us x oo L +00, S Gx) - oO + fe) No 7 oR A £8) 20 Anal Sola depen GI Leal ol Ge ads F(x)=0 Vsbeall was (tiie) all a x =] Gly (aie ntl Reale Have BY ple apy: fila aij Aways le bigybs Calaalyioll Cal il a f FOO gh f(x)ZO Aeprall SALE coals iy ol lagen Quan Cis claaly YN ABA! 8 Gs! Nhe ata. ff Mla) SLI gays ob Aaglaall Aaalsiall lasts In(x O pHlSs Argllaall dealin GI Badu: st Say «JO, toe[ gle ASH, Spain f AUN f(x) =x —InGr) Mealy + 1_x-l r(e)at xox FSW DRY! ste Alay (x —1) B18) BLS f(x) SLA) Gf eS], t00f le Cease aldall OY x 0 1 +00 f(x) Oo + f(x) NLA Augllaall daalsiall go addy x 50 Leb Cals LI fe) 2150 Gf Lubsll ols ye Badu JS Loge ly O0 GIS tay Tete Ge x sal Ol Vasil or gle MHL Aealyall Lidsb WV > 1 Ug x o1 Ula Gi 0 Sint) =In( VF) cil Ign + oO ST Ce) 1 = +30 f (x)=In(l=x) Gy Joo ll ole abadl ¢ Ula elgll ea! C Sd cply agaall gilt sl ate syaall gle C ball dye Glades ye Cdl (1 vlgs yse gly f Ud) Gas Gaysh (2 -D=)-,1[ de 4alesl f Wal (1:dat) Pag ippill desea Aa gidall Vaal Ghb) ae Gb! uss lim In(1-x) gis Ais y limIn(I-x) =~ sy"y Bile © ball Gilde eines x = 1 -1 : alsa Jue py .D gle ox >0: oY f(x) <0 of es ates "(r= (2 x =o 1 fie) = S@) +0 N -o + Aillal AlpLiall gyaurll Aguaillg -AlgLial ey4ll Agscill 2D ge Mpa f UI) GSI ysl JS x eD cols Lege t 1a) bidy 1) f Ula Uke GAS dai Ga f(xy) of de® Sf (#)Sf (20) SS x eD Gils loge t NS) hiidy 1) f Mall Alls gee iad a f(x.) ol Ue © S(2)2L (¥0) sf (e)=cos(x) Gy R de taal f Aall St Liss RR Gye x Aad Cus Lage a] Asifball Jlyall Latha Gye pla cos(zr) =-1< cos(x ) <1 = cos(0) di cL gg Seesdt Allall ALALEM Cg pinall Selly 1 ga cos tall ALLE! cs ySil Laas ole R Ge x And Cols Lage al Badu of (xv) =x7 42x Gty R Glo deal f Ul gS f(e)=(x? 42x 4D-l=(x +1? -12-1=fCl Ga GY Alls gS Ugh Mall rag Vy -1 geld Aelall pall deal Bo ces a «lim f (e) = +0 eS Lad f Hal sash ws f(x)=x +2sinQv) Gis R le daa Ul ol ; etl! Shey CALLE ceyhnes gf ALLY ay img (©) =40 oY fe )2x-2 GAR gee tah cals Lage it Lad; gst ALLS (gS Aad f Allall Gals lim (x —2)=+400 gy N limf @)=—e of fsx +2 La R Ge x And cals Lege Gel dea Ges WALLS gyie Lng fall Gully e « lim (x +2) =—00 lal) oSgl Gl oe f(x )=Vqx? Gay [2,2] laa le dial! f lal gd [1] ALLE ghee Ud, ALL oS ind GS Aad hall Gl asl p(c)ssinx teos +1 WL R de Aijaall f AMlall gS [2] ALLE (gyn ely lel PAY) OLLI 3 Malt pte ed J ALLS gS dad fp Ul GIS HY gw [3] fs RORS(e)=l--[r+] O fi Hl3]o Rif @)=ax? e ele Met erse ra) Bat esse tet) Kane os Pall pally 5 yl pall la 9 1-7-1 Aad gh Une 6S Aad a f(x) Oc 2-7-1. shill plasialy Ge 5 gina Lia og aay Ge 5 yt) Lal in ye 3-7-1 ee eee TEP Lee eee as nr ao AOAC Tal sere Ae ere bowels EU eer Sy Pare 1 4 OETA EST ay were Ae te sama ¢5 Baad, Neal 95 NB /9,p'\ Oe um) 2D chy psi) CO) AUN oF 001 aly ALAN oF pA quill Lie Vw, SHAN call Sry Nay hers AS GF LD ALE oo pl ail ph Sal SDs (olall 3 D,=R 45) Mes 9 sn Lad AsLidl -Diof\ oo SF hu US gieup ggite Jaw ce UUs Rabie gf Us dal jio Dio a Do o3 Were 09 500 WI Yy Were oF pS QS Saal 12D <0 Dia\l 024) 2095) ole 64 aynitl (ple Jalaiod Uae ej Aad gf Uae ays Lad f(x.) Gf ct} f (x )=x? 3x +2 GBR Ae tied f Wa Gl LAC gs if id S'(e)=3x?=3=3(x7 -1)=3(x I(x 41) Gi Beda, R le ASMA, Speke Ul a sles Wyse platy ¢ Ua) ahh! Ge wll bbas opted (I) ol gf AUlall Lae eS ed ¢ (1 wv eale ~ —_ SALLE oe hn Lp al Lal (3 FAY ALLY! Jace ey CO DOr 41) sladall GLA) af” HLS) Od) x | i ai 40 f'&) » 0 04 Se) 7 FN 07 SD=4.5 f()=0 Osa 48 52 Cam gly US ALY! Jpae ye Hlaall epieally eS pall [ys (2) Hee US OSE (Jemetl gb stnes 1 ll ects catia le ls) sald f(x) <4=F 1) GIS aif oe x SU Anti des Gey 0, R= of Mla Las eS Bef (i=4 Aealjial Clint isos x oS Uy 6D, NR=D,=]-15[ GSA D, = ]+1,5[ Adal ulis, = of Wal Ulan spine Led f(1)-0 aoalll f(r) 20=F 0) Aad LgyS Aad f Wall ud of ged timp ()= 00 Gf aad (3 lal gyn dad pf Wall af (x)= Tx Gly [Lvnf cle dajeall p lal lull LAN CGS of has img (x)= Gf Aba ree: Als lee Yoon platy ¢ Ua) oss Gey! (I lel Uns git LAS f (1) lyf Wall Ye SUAS f (2) gf atl (2) Sat gyno gh cy Lad p Al asl (3° Uf (I)a=H1 g othscel lead gpl bynes Ue (List 200-00 tdaaill Ga Gund pic Ulla plul il badG cso aie ¢ Ulall Uke slay rial x oT Ula 8 aT edb Qutll ase UbYy _ 11.) rosymx( aft 1) “img (©) = (4) oA Lady Jaf laa! le asl ¢ Qa! 1 Ive =1 2-x eat evened COTS £Neg yee ity cy La by (Qe) lb LE oe /"(oJUEL x |i 2 ~ Fey +o fe) |-1 7 0 N —» af (2)=0 Aaall alle Lys dy had ps f2)=0 Of stl Labs gs Vf eau (2° vas eS dad oS) gad ULL oS y Glass D)=}-1,2[ BSG weal dee Gey DNfL+e[= [12] auld f(v)2-1-f0) IS [LA ce x mall gs Ul, of Ulall Lae cyanea Aad go 6 (I)=-1 of Wa ALL 58 LS go F(2V=0 GI WL (3 Gleb GY dubs epee Lag pall Gal Sly vlimf (x)= Lyte eally tne ceySt Lal) Glin eS Lastie Vine Jeb yD Ge ARB xy Oy -D Reyne gle Uae hs f OSI ido 2 Male dl gle As yO) Gass .D Ga usar xy 4 Fe) CAS che bE Teal gle £'0)<0 Uy Harel died ge f'@)>0 gS (I of Wall Lae aS a Sole FO) CMS CeosbL Dla gle f"e)>0 Ss Haxol dial gle f(e)<0 JS HY (2 af Wall Ye py dad FOE) CBS NY lal Ga ALi xy Sy PL cn le gle Altus af YI 250.0 ef G)=0 Sf All Lae cept J Lae ay Sad oa y AML og) (ALLE SL) Uae gene Led (0) =0 Lal of (wD =fu| +f Aillaall Legal) Als Wa Gat | Wall g9S gl oe oe f (x)= (x1) 1 By R gle fp Mjaall Da gst «ne epee pal IS ad ge Ml be ihe yf UN Obs Gast ist Waly -J—o0,I[ 5 taf Gdlaadll Ge US gle MBlintly «Re Bye fp Hall im fo) = tim, (ean =t}asse tim fe) tim (=I) -1)=-0 0 se FG) BU P(e) Hep Ped ose tt oiled al owe Ua Gs x =o i 7 FAY! Spal Upae ding 1) HLH] Bla fie) t f(r) (se \SO=1 7 40 GF ites A Jitoqf lath Cle f(r )o0 Gly Jol lel Cle p(xpco Gf Ba of Bla ae gee Med f (1) =-1 ve a1 Se ABEL Coad pol ge Line pte Sed f(I)=-1 Gl ay AU ALLE eye Led ga 1 Gh ey Gila Seal) 94 UN Gs Gyte Goll pl apoye $ MUiall yes Lake Cas) ye tle Aasill obo Cbs) Ula Sa ele ee of (js iy BVO} cle Abad! A pS caty ggaall ghacte asaall ile © goilall bat Gols ates US githal (I i a eas epteen sP eS pb cue Ued Le Gita les Vyas play pala bss Gal (2. of Mal pall “all g \(3 Lgaly «0, 0f 5 Jot Cilla! Ge US le Alli, Sine ¢ Ala (1 jt Jf (x)-0 eal Age Gey 0 eee Gealyill gyn iy qin dey dims (x)=0 5 lim (x sind (a - -1)=-20 16 Las Cole pea y'all je gl Bal hes (2 rye Be. aaa ae. 2) sore 2) SLE Gee f'(x) BLA Gas \igall Iya (til Uae eS $ ABLM Aaball elyal so ye Sytlee old GUS} Sy Ja ALLE eS Lad ga (2) Leill G) Ue 2] OY £R)=}o,0[U}-~,4]JUJo4] (3 ef IM gall LAN Alaa Des Ugale i ll Atl Gye Gia) Ss f(x) Bay RB Ge pd ¢ We i bao gs 2 Masi Alb Sheil tl 3b «ayalll depen Sabb) se fp Us SUI oie (1 clone gyiee sf eS £5 Dall say Vail os 2 cles Yon phaiy f Ullal cbs Gal (2 _ IC 7.1 rds J2.0[ 5 Jo.o[ teallaall coe OS gle Ketel, Spates f Mall 8) Aas x <0 se dell pay (I we (OF He a a wo ee SE tele A + lim fe)=1 Bows fle) ex'x ogile C LAU lis Aine y -1 sles gill patted! Gi Gas + lim f (e)=—1 S35 lim e* <0 Bsr) St Gal ope ga ple yy =-1 Aisles gill pineal G) ts abe xix gil C eal Cale Frye heep tt taal: ole eal eel Ss lim(e* +1)=2 lim vl lin =~ Tin S40 oss lim f (v)=—», lim (= 40 Gayle Bidiee x =0 SBbtes gill lll fy ae ul “Cc dsl ast Jmol Josaf ge te Gubll Glas (2 1)-e* (e* 41) e® ~et -e* de" (e"-1) (ea) (ea) jap Ang hei de pene SVL Ge lee US de Libs eatin iat Lite GI ay — ey Prarie) x |. 0 + fie) 7 - f(x) }-1 \ -0]to N17 of Wal Uae apne I aS pb ass poe lal! aul FORA) Sgt ge aad TC rel Ces ee ee CT 0S 9D yh acts Lana Ja cad, Ait (Silay Ayase Ula os foal tAgadig sada Sales Gs LE) oy hans th Vas oly Leos all EL all @ SleLoall cee ca ce © $ Sy be penal Ist as gill ISA gay gall) yt sof Lyle LG gill JCA Iga ate shall SLs LG @ © GLA pull Ge asks ye) Ga MH oe Le jel ISI) lan dale eC Perry ALE M (Sy AB =8 gies gid gi Qo YUL Bs 4 iM i Fash) SE MAB dl oS Guns ggineall Gb Sate M pet Gyllaall) 4B le M Abi) SU pill NO GS B «Sy le Si MN gg Sd idl s callal shes MAbs Sits AB =8 5 MLA AB CoB olhy ae ggiaall ba Spats +MAB SEA) 5 dey BM Glue tic At nye BY AM Sled) gas + Soe! Ca 8 gay AM Glen Soto ai gill) Call 4 Asal) ODL BY GA sladall guts “MAB eal) call oda Gad GY ¢ BAM Ash!) Quay + ~MAB Sb) Ost bay «AM =8c08(2B4M ) Gat oa (AB \apei All syilall gle Gas Me GY AB Ginette O Cus. ZAOM Ash! ours + _ IC 70 GR SLA) Gl gt igual SHUNT ye Gaglel OS gb Leal dagen ge gt eel! SUSY! Gl} Ladys be dial Gg villa US (54 diletall sUluall day Aut gi] Jyla 8 Opts Sig Ay AM ybell cll x Sells ja: AY exttef w . heall I) cit x GS) Ug! 8 oyiy Upla Cale 8 alld gli 7 + 10,8 M z 4 ox ital Gest lls ates WN Spb Glee (ol) aul 2 BM = Jota? Sf Saye ane 0 hall ces Balin Glens s) M4 -MB=AB-MN + Goal ial) Shall 94 Kasaell LDL te hace, (cabal a MN =| aM +B ala 1: Aagalls J0,8[ lea! le f Ui Wie 138 Sf (NG ALLEY ce pSI) pail used Go) Lad cally aviv =f (x) Wel gis 2JO.8{ teal gle ¢ Ula aS Jai gl OSs Abii) oka Ge Aethell disLall Uhaba Wh ant eg! Call) gf Slat Us GNI x Gi Westal AB fgll Gye Aabed Ogle Shey Vy AN ball tl xr jaglly Jay: Att euch =J0,8{ laall ttt BN =AB-AN =8—x BN Askill Spl (ext dead Gs gsS: Sate oh MN? =AN-BN Qj pStill Cabal! 98 Qos) GIDL Ga pled GSI, (MN? =x(8-x) t Ranodls J0,8[ laall gle g Ulall Lije 158 gry=x(B-x) — en ‘ Say be gS) ase MN Gagall slaiall BY MN? = g(r) Gal IS z col} ys Ang plat AL GT Until Say Le 3ST axiye 8 Latte = YO,8[ leah gle g All ALLA (5 SII all cya x ¥ “ow AUS ais) Sly Lastly yLall Washo ti aad Least Ling AN) ILA 6 ju \slaie! pz eal ya Sae Bye ty - ZMAB Fushi ld Gl 9 Sally jaa : ANB easel Uigal AABall ual Gay le ue =o) 5 a =sin(O) MN Gi Get ap =8 3) GSH He. AB =sin(A)cos(@) 3! MN =8sin() cos(@) = 4sin(26) Basal (0,5) Sisal) gle Wal Lie [is h(0)=4sin(20) pal hall gle fe Mall LALA Gey StI pall Sued Gl} Ll Uys5y MV = A(0) Lea IS GS) y ALLE (gy SI Lge shes gly cf AMlal aah Guyas Gf oladked Lae SLAY Lie, laages Aad) Dad) 4 ols Js as AO Se ZAOM Us old SO Gall Jedd det r eut ayphall gle ath ay Gl ales AB Geet M e ls Go BS 4B lyhi d yd le isltels .J0.a[ Staal Gi Jet 05 com shape a4 3) «MN =OM sin(Z4OM ) 33 48Bud) ut MN =4sin(0) + Asgealls JO,z[ Staal) gle & Mall Waje 138 (0) = 4sin(0) eJO.re[ Seaall cole ke AMM ALLAN cs Sli ll Gases col} Lad) 9355. MIN = (8) Lual GIS. J plas) gk Wal ga Labo Uelealy Uebel ol ah kos hs gs fF Myall Asada cbsly ALLd pS dah k(F)=4 GS A Say JOe[ cle sin Wal ALLS 5S 48 Ga sin(3) =1 eleall Via le Ladll obs kU) Wed als All Sag all as Jaf ek Ula ae all gglacie AMB pilill Ciba! 58) Lesie galas 4 9h MIN ylskall gals dad |S! PALL gS lead oe y Al LS Mieall dy gs fT ge OS Sb! Gas) s ‘Jo.s[>Rf (e)=tx Voa—x?, g:]0.8[ > Rg) =x(8-x), he 4 > Rih@e)=4sin(20) - Boal iL) Lud Agile Jtles Ja ae AD jag bagical Seal oS geal Aad peel gh Al Lad 8) ued Gs gla! Glad! Sas | elie Jen 5 UBLaall jet oad Lustie Guslul | juice Lgiay Gye aes gl Ging SN ike Gaunt Lad 2 bed U5as All pull Le pene sani y ule So yp Al je! Alla daeny gull tall UVa; agi Bd syle Ye das S_3 Leal Aagual Lac Loa Aad phe Led paSl apne Atal Sb ye as 4 cole one iS Kile Lye gina of as 48 4 18 olan} Guin SS cle sill Gypll ya Rab Me Chay cr Lage US gli Upbe cueye Lele Gs ae QS Case oD ie pilete ISH ela 88 0B ays abd Spb Ga che yb yx Lage US Gaye cubebsins oy sl gual Agel othe J&2d 28 Silall ejal) pt Leal, cUgstd Aga I) At yy Gas) cx Ya Uell oe gaa Sl 1 wBing be 5S) al) pam yy 9Sal Uslil Janne US cgay aa.gl (2 34 ssllnall Aled gine Alec gus pall JAN ceca ys — es ene ioe 24x Agall Bact’ Upb 9S: aie O>x 30 Si ue ii LEY AE kh Gi eal ow (1 vx Welly 18 2x Udall cel Gees Banal x UVa; dal pas hej Yue V (x)= (24x )-(18-2x x V (x)=2x'—66x7+432x Spi iey whgstinel oe) Atel} JS hay 10,9 Daall gle Majed y AU SLI geyal (2 W (x)=2e?—66r7+432e 7 Aawally OV! Bik) Glos: ba V(x )=6x? -132x +432 = 6(x?-22x +72) =6(x —4)(x —18) ri F (y= 408-x)(4—x) <2 <0 tee SAM SPRY Span aay - J0.9 le dow BLY) BLE (wr) Lt} oa) x 0 4 9 Vie) + 0 V(x) 7800 \ Julsinsll lane ays gx =4 Lacie pAb (800 a Vo paall dad ol Gi xithad obbY! Uyae Ge 124534 Brie Gasuaiall le 4 ayy wsnts cad RESID T N Spd Gps abd gs piu R=6 Lays | AUS DS CLM slat) jpop ot LS pe V Sed 5 JOS GELS Bog Ay thi | fA 8 USI 5S oe Cu) A del gill Lydall i + (SAD cg US) hail silat) ase ls (WV Le pS! by dal poe gst ols Ua GS y Jf nol) Ay eal Geer = ND genio ND gid Sl phi Gai Gals ye alll QI ol Le U3) x Spa: OY eelie Spits tadall y5S Le pay R=6 50 Ge Ugaty chidll syle Shs Gio J -10,6] Jodi 3 M GY ch=AN =AM +MN gsluh hy sail pL) Ll) Safiall 28 yy EUS Aiagae Gps Lai! OLN yA cu a eh = 6436 x° Visas MND ail tAbmalls x Uy ghar V(x) Lydall poe Ul qities ans ve)=fae? (6+ 50-0") x € ]0,6) Ss al pb Lat gl GI Lis Ly J0,6] Fed ae y Allo cgay: Aialk s dties Ugitne Gi Lea! ual ge OSs eel jis Ay da yb 60=ZNMD \yitie Ramis ZNMD gsi) She FSI. ND yt 5A) ate ge Gad! gy} sla eS estes Ng dA On eG M Uf eas) Ut pa lal 54 Spat OS) eaalyll oe +h=AM +MN =6+6c0s0 5+ND =6sin0 1 dana @ Way ead 7 (0) bey dell aaa U) qed diay V (0) =T2xsin’ 0-(1+cos0) gy gi ba p 3] daa 7 Adlall al jal dul j2 Leute Ua W'Sey V (0) =72n(2sin Ocosd-(1+cos)~ sin’ A) = 217 sin8(2cos6 + 2cos? 6-(I-cos* 6) = 72rsin8(3cos* 0+ 2cos. 0-1) ol) 3? +2¢-1= Gr I+) OSs V(0)= T2xsinO(1+cos8) (3cos9 1) ae 6057 Lise ay aie pcos? J sazasll dish!) ag, cals 1 (0, | eal! gle Bes 1) jladall 5)L3) as GE '() Hil sae Lal GIS (age se Iba Sls 70° Lani sled gay) cos, Gis pe] lad a + Al abby ae 0 % = 2 VO) + 0 = Vv (O) 7 VOY) ™ cr 3G, Of ad Ugly «fy £] dee y WO LL og pS a 7 (0,) GS V (Q,)= T2xsin’ 0, -(1+cosO,) Tne 4 oss Mall oka 8 h=6+6cos6,-8 3 ND =6sing, = 4V2 sport Wy 8 goby pnall Ld SY Gye) by Sail (4G) Gf edb Squall oka RANI da yLtl elyy 3S a oba £ [yatta day all ¢ Ui) alates Sis 4 19LaB Iga ole SN 5 A Oe aM ONy NA =x Lag pdall Lad) ge bce oete OS) Caja All 4 =[6,12| lad 8 Ugo x LDN oo) fatty VB = 12-4 Gy S Lise, Wyo ADB pal) 4 Beal). X_aael cal ND? =NA-NB N gh ND® =x(12-x) damall V(x) bag all gas che} Ih ley 1 DNA gear 212 — V@)= 30ND (NA =o ax (12-x) Be LV (x) Lypdall pao Gl itis ety tAipalls x acléiyl Vos axt(12 x) Lytle Ga al ys gals is ping ASI Ala oda y x e[6,12[ Cus GI sed [6127 leall gle YN ob Lala qu Vie) F (24x —3e")= ax (8-x) 2 AV SIEM Jase Alay Bao) SLY! eo Gi [6,12] Dla le V(x) SL} x |6 8 12 V(x) + 0 = V(x) 7 VE) Ss C9Sp Laie: ppall Alo Lgals «[6,12[ Leal! gle V7 Ua ALLS is 3S Aa Ga V (8)= 2 3 AagLal) Hay ht) ga clita y Le ge GRE A ag og Lgl by ll gL VW =(2r)m* gaps Glglaul JSt cainall dale Ga ele GUS gine aL Hy cx 4d) jag gill ate hs ues Aas hall ISN) elatl dalen So agh 1 CRN gy! Geely ALLY coped Leta ches cles Ypse chai x 5.8 (e) Mal abl Gel 2 Tax gale all el bb Guo ol Gast IS Nay ox JO, t0q[ gl clubs Cage bee 5) se rl — eZ NV =r)’ Gajill ues baal Sy V sax? hk dae OS A gall ¢ sy! ales 9 =2rerlt +2ier? + Masealls (SU ASN clan) daLee hae S(x)=2ax J+ tar? =24[x°+2) x x Lualy «JO, too Slaall gle ASL, Spates Ayan § UsI-2 Aa(x? +x +1) i @-1) eall de S'(r) S368) GIS (x) = 2a (2x -2. x FAV ALLY! Uyas quay Whe ol «Gr 1) SLES ee GES JO, +f x 0 1 40 S()) = a + SQ) N S@=6r 7 bE yg Lente § Alli gals «JO, roof Steal le § UNaW ALLE og jane dad a S(I) = 67 gS shge lis yt Ly gluse al gla Sact8 Dx iatsles Pile eh isle ppepall JSAM Qf Pere Weer | Gee Wlelé Phil ye Abe Ar jy) OSI P chil [48] asd oe pes -24f ded! Le Abe NW GSE ial, x’x ealsill jpme Lyjlye ext Gealgill yee Ge Le Si NAB Stl dole oS abe (1 Ac Macal Lal sit} laine! 4BB4" Sil (2 als) yyae ole SAY Mle gs [48] OpSi lerte [4B] isl Up he ox 'y Se le Si 1B! Spinal doles Gapee [AB] sigll By 6 P gba BIG yeaa ge y= 2 adler GUA ped Cl, dt fewilly A abs B pb pes [AB] Aebill Bis byes hill jyne UIs (AISA chill jae le A Gl Sigil pb GSy B Ubi Waa] Las 4—x,y) GUS A Laid Waa] La (xy) als Bi) aes AB =x —(4-x)=2x ~4 Lyle [4B] ole irl Gilera Lealyill peas ole BN cals Lal soy gale ANB Stal gts) 3) Getta! [48] Aboldcx Uy S(x) Gall dali Chae tule, fauallyc 4 abil se)=hoyer a= -Jo 2) —hySa3r? ay 2 HadG «]2,4f Staal) te Ailall oda Sb! 9) Goal Bi hee lay veye ge Lo San 5x) 46x 45x? +12 -8) 2 ghia x7 -12x +8 ayaall tsi 3 ©]2,4{ Rata Sle coll getty Y gay x 2-8 <2 dsl 5 AUN GR! Lon uy a Ws (Fa) .40 Sed ll aay x 29 x 12 x, 4 Si) + 0 = S(x) 4 S(%,) N FAM ALLE os pS Aad ge sey-04 e se 4 Lal 6 2,4f SLadll te 5 wo 8 3 abtinall dale NS) Sarlls Way 1) (2 gt 5, Gl othe Lei Bey! wl (ANB Gti) Galen ieee Say le 581 5, gS alll 5, = 25 Uaaies «Sa le 9S) S gS Laie oS laste «x, 248 galt x (Glo Ql 4 abil Gils Gay 5, hos -AB = 2-4 sh cig a ial ae ll Ua gg gt gf Ce 1) La Le te ae yt Q) subs -y <4—x? alates (gil) gilSall hill pints gle By A alah gb ABCD Sabine dinlice (9S (gS Subiticall | sans aagl egbaill JSls Gubteall ey Guns Jalgll le D5 C wha Le SI yo YS gli pb Covel pM) syle Logie US gyi ais gies gf ag « 18 inn Q + Say le jieal Legiinlee Eyeme G33 yAliall ‘Lith gery all hs! due jeeel apyl of (x)ax° 107 Wall hall bac gga 6 ((1,-9).-15 lye). 4 Sailyall = 60" 434 40m aptly yea CD 9 AB obiseli guilt gelate ABCD Ciyaie dat (10,10,5,15 + Glpsll) oSap Le 58) isle GS ae Stal Ipl Gus) tages Jia A Milly a wef od | eal Tox? — 4x5 1 f(r) :a=-l 2) Fe) anim a (e)= 2 Fa=0 ay (eee PE: e* +e * l-cos2x 2 0 ue f(x)=* = x 3 ole le @ aad Gg ihsdlC shall bs) Gilde pies US pity ckgby Saclis yall (Ala | 2 oagilany! ayy 1) Fej=t tinge) 0 , +0 F os 3 FG)=1- ines) 0 aoe aN 3) f(e)=In(4e) Bens 4) f(e)=x+In@& +1)-In@) 4m ey 0 5) fx)=* ~osey tn sey Ose 6) f (x)= 2x -e* +0 ae 7) f &)=e™* -e7 +1 +0 te 8) fee 400 i 9) f@ner sey 40 sey 0 te SB ley eS LAS US cle Un bgley tact aad f Wall Olja R i Lis ® 2 ALLE pill oka CulS 13) Lad Chy clayey Ulla G3 Lae etre A 1) Fee s3x*2 D-R 2) f@&)=In(x?-4x) — D=}-«0,0[U]4,+[ 3) f@)=In(4-x*) D=}2,42[ 4) f (x)=x?—Inx -In2 D=)0,+0[ . SQ@)= eu D-R ae) (@ ep Whallo gS asl e f(e)=2x -1+e Gis IR le Wad f Ul vied she's Sed alec bat oye Us a Uae sali dad He Urge f MM IG plo f ()=e* (14ln(x)) Gas JO,+00f cle Abpea Ula toll hattic yl @ g(r =-1-In(v)+ ais ]JO,+oof le pall g al Sy x . eu Xx jymal Aa jlye Gh lie ye C ball aly le Vote pis g Wall GIs ule Nye Vora ebay f Ula Si yss Gel o Llae cySaeS le ey yen 3} AAT VN on SG PEs af (e)= 9S By RVEQ) le al / a iQ x eX =-2 Be glad ye cx S—Daie Qual ga 8 wo 5 +0 se .b | (daly) dinyee pladiul @ . od lim.x.sin x90 x cil Gea CO, f (x) =2Ve t1-x Gs [-Ltmf de dard f yt wx Solas f Wal GREY) GUE guy! Hae gee JIS af US cle Ob des Van class fall ais Yep _xtinx C oll bs f (xr) Ss JOoee[ ena ¢ ss @ Clagiinwall git, ff lal Gigs de gepead Lis dal CY gl Gel ate big as,)-1 -C ball dylial vila yl stad le Jo fh slgs yan aay fa cigs Gest-2 ole + had) ye JalSil pgp Shaal) gB Jalct Bul Gal Algal) Gand steal 4S alsa) sols «Bgl + alah cyt agg) — plats cpintadl -: (ph Glass Blo [hits la aly) be of sls :igadig Ke Blane Ke Sal ssyay Sahel i anh oly of CR lps le Ue Asal lle ye SST ong wen US x ull J ge xy Led ate R ge Aste FN A(x Jax a f(x )=3x° 1 f WR ge ALY) aa Fy Fy dys ge US Gi Meads Say A(x = 3x7 =f (x) Gx eR cals Ul, 6 Se P(x )axt +e Lull Wall a56 A (x)=x°-5 A(x )=x'41 (Fall Lg) pall abe ye IS GY f (x)= 3x 7 f Da R de Shel Ds ga «yas Gu oS (x)=3x7 tf Wlall ay Role anid frevi ery PAS ire a8 ON oe CP CR eC) Beak eee Se Tote a Oe Ras eee Arete OPS Oe eee CE tn) Cl cpaaldgll Cui Jal Go jill Lai! (il gull PORT En yes a) pees TMCS INE che) Ror OnE ey Be ENeeOn EEO ESE NSS. EN te Peewee Oss J (z)=-g(x) f(e)=8(x)+e Ff (x)+8()=e F(x )=3x°-2x7 +c F(x)=x)-x40 F(x)=x?-x? 46 F(x)=— F@)=4 F(x)=+y+4+e F(x)=2Vx' +1+¢ F(x)=24(e +1) + F(x)=(x +1) vx +1+¢ FQ)=2 eH) +e F(x)=x?Ve? 4140 P(x)=(x 41) vk? +140 F(x)==x c0s(x) +0 F(x)=-2 cos(x)+sin(x)+e F(x)="sin(x)+e OD BOOB a > Oo B89 Ss O 9&3 > O BD Saeed Boal gle AAA fala! oS oSx ef dal og TCR ngs f (x)lase f'(x)=0 coe A atb f,g calla Yo US cals by) OSU, a8 yey TCR eal iMate f'"(x )=g"(x) oS x eF 2 FAM R cle GLa) Jiyall sa f (x)= (3 -2) 1 f Mla JO, oof te ALA diya safe) Pte Dat te LAH path tye f (x )=3Ve +1 faa sf MMR le Gey all gs f (x) =2eVe ff WR gle GLaY Jl A f (x)= xsin(x) wD =[-Ltel Seal le f (x Jax Vita 9 Mdeall (Ula LLY Tgall de gene sgl 8) BadG sya f (x)= +1-Dvi+x =(x +1)Vi+x -Vi+% =(x +1))-(l+x) : 2 Fw) Z(e +1 Fa aI te = 2x oI AT -2 (0 HI aT reo 1.2 1 T= 0,+20of lea le f (x)= =F of vx tev Wall ALA) Shpall 4 gee anh JI — 1 A ales ve vi+ve = feller)? =2firvF) (ey F(x)=4Vleve +e eve are ene ibe niet tecens Wied. tac aed ol eo Rane SEY eR Oe ean ce ete le Be) (See ESTOS FeSO RU See LS FRA ES ie ALlsall Ulf @ fre @ J cos -sinx te sada Jas Ei) of 1) fords =to? +e el 2) J(cosx —sinx dy =sinx +cosx +e 4 i) Mina) yo Jalsa Guu (yal gi Ba eS Ly Ys aaa SEY Gall Aff (jae) as (x)e 7 cle BST CR eae iin foe J (1) JP (ede =f (ere tL gle el CR le le Satine ithe ud Alls lle 8 (2) PP ge WOR ee cle ee gf Uallay k HB S (3) JR P(x )ax =k If (x ae JU Gyre) = [7 (sls + f(x Ja PAS Gealgsll aby J = (x? x 4 7)edy Lalsth eat fx? a4 )de = fx ide — fede + [de 3 =a te i] 3.2 J(Ge* 4eosx +6r Jar LS Gated cle abso! ansh ce Bagel Sh gall aay sonal x6 ulsill seh gi Ez ceed sal jab LE 8s yet Ulgall libs ley saad 42 LalSHl) aged te (akc! gl Upsall fb cane oh WS duel Uhl es 1 Jo-dr = gis etic 2 Jrm-de mx +0 eyi m 40 3 fatae = iet+e ae 4 Joos(ae +b)-ax =1sin(ax +b) +0 cyt a0 5 Jsin(ax +b)-de =! eos(ax +b) +e cub a #0 a 6 Jsce? (be) ds =F tan(k x) +0 eat k 20 7 Jose? (kx) ae =—feot(k.x)+e ent k #0 8 Jet -ae =pee te aut k 40 9 fuze ag emulga x+0 cyt k #0 x lin-x)te sx <0f | i ol Say 1 Ja =inlr|+e x #0 10 fae +6y a ae sby a#0,n4-1 a(n+1) MW [8 ge =inle(e)+e g(x)40 ge) 12 Je'@e" ade =e 4+¢ 1 = [(8x? + 6sin (3x de 2 AV alsa cua J(8¥? + 6sin(3x ))adr = 2x“ 2c08(3x ) +e DN GS OL Fy 12 1 oe GUYS O+ 9S Ae oe BSW Ota

»o od i Sagal fac igsly fxvede igs F(x)=sin(x?)+e saga F(x)=24mn( re nals fsin(3 as rags foe?(2x as a Uys Ld GS T CIR les gle Syciaus ills fe culls 13) (03 +f ANS WSs Lie cia pall 2s Ge F Ula IS oihall Lae 7 le Aah wf) Gilets pleas ae fee FD Sul BSN) yo fala ALAS Coliniall ga Spl git cf Wal lead Gla Fr Gauls Is wh Gc Cus cf Agate laut! clale R le GUNS hiatal) cons syleall ISA 8 SO oe gts f(x )a2e tf Xt »[2xde =x? +e Shiai asf ge Abe Ney) GIS Hy sy =x? te QS Qbisat (gill GLAS) Gintall Uke aly) Gib 15) will c tH AS Gust Gas dee Lyd Gh (Gata Glee Shad ty) tb 1 bt ol Gia Giz gl gl N(x y.yp) Abie Gull, Lalsah Hed Cuuril ABS Slglucall ods GIS «F(x,)= yy ve euth ole Gay Ro le Maaeall f Ula USI f (x )=2x +4 +f a sed ye Lal eG Dual fa Als pinta ater an} .2 sAmaly N (0,3) Us Sle fh Ball Lalit Giatall Ales ash 3 Aus SSA le deals M (0,2) Abit ‘af J(-2x +4)de sox? 44x be od LSA) Cibintall alates .2 y=F(x)=-x? +4x +e N(0,-3) daily jlal glelssl) jini Alsleay C=—3 (gaze F(O)=—3 byt 3 e y sR (x)=? 4x 3 Cy gilall dbsy oP ANS goad Makes c=-2 Gant (0)=-2 Ly 4 y F(x )=-v? + 4x 2 Cy pilus Alay HAgY) COUN) Cua) Gall 8 Dagatll sles Ge SUL 1 = J2cos(3x )sin(2x Jae BH taald Eyane oll loa Ge Jia r = [2 5Lsin(3x + 2x) sin(3x 2) Jade = [(sinsx —sinx Jax =— Loss +eosx +e ee f (x )=cos2x cosx :fHlall als) aud! Ules sa} at 7 =[(cos2x cosx Jade (Sa) Abily jl I =|(cos2x cosx )dx = J cos3x +cosx )dx linge tdsine +e 2 6 2 ULI liaise TEN] yy P(x)=4sin3r +4sinx +c 6 2 ; Aus join’ sin ve =0 said cL ut A [4 )=0 Lay) ay F(x) =Zsinde +Esine 1 ga call St) nt Utes Se of ()=(e? —2x Px: Gay R gle Hal f Udi yd O x42 +c 2 l* xitx 2 ABR Agyall Ge 95S jab Sele Aes gla (3) lal g(x )=(x? +0 +8 )(x -a,)----Ge -a,) dsr) =F) tf Razah Wa Gays Sey aSf Mal oa he 8 dai? ds < Ota qe pO) Br+C | A, a= POY Oe A f@) g(x) x*+a+s xa Ay see 5 Ay 5 Ay SON Gud gyns Abba slael a A, gee y Aggy By 9 By San. 2A) Jal gt eget US Legh ged By 5 By Cone al casi Gilad gh VL Fe)oh Asda oeS Exes ll f (x) HS (1 Fonof soa a (ejay ot 2 Dg Bg A Clg sags all Uniti xo tx =x(x' tl) ols tl (1 sf 2A Bx +O x@i+l) x x4 A =D 2980 Gl get Last x slbdly (4) Dial Gi Cyt A yell gl B+A =0 and 400 ol gad x deals x sliall(*) Dial) Yb yee B ous -B=-2 uy C= 0 8 B=-2 5 A=2 Gripe =1 CR)S RIC cyl 2 2 2x x(e+l) ox x4] Hr (jae = flax fae 2 CAL x <0 as], 0[ taall As te 1 «© = iv yee = fae Te =2In(—x)-In(x? ++e =u glu gi wi labwy 22) Ayan Alla JolSi Seal Updaue Maye gsi Laie «Ptah dy Sly) Gunny Male ML ll 8 Lays q (x) qa) ~ coe Geen (GAS pH ff Ulead! Ladi) Ziyyha) lial gle Lasall 6h Shue « Uggla PO) _ 74 (ys) q(x) qe) qenae pS Alle Cale 1). Yulite days Gyo Laks Asis days ge Sl dle days 2 Abas: Ayu Ala a OSs Led Le r(x) y Dope As WV ded Ls Se q gts oe GALdS Eyer Gl : Ayal LM Saad ye GalSill 4,5 Misery «(Slai) (deayse Ula Gals) Gglle gay Jae Jax SMI ge r(x) vole AM ge sill AS dx sti 22 il gpl Se aS el Sie) ty sgl tee dine iS ef (x) =* ae Sica oo) PE D,=|,-I[, D, = Pal, D,=}+ +f 2as6 pllall days Ge pS) Lesall days GY pliall le Leal! aa get [Tg | xh42 x42 x+2 Q eal aT ape =) oe] x42 A B vl @-) @e) o AS a8 gt day 81 Sial (4) OL Gob as A opel aot sai1 gl) gaat x aay x +1 laid (#) ALM Gj Gye B gue wl re2 3 1 14 arto xat 2(x-1) 2(x +1) diay x42 1 1 dx = frdx +2 [— ax +f Jesh le =1) ew cw -1<0 5x 41<0 8% D, = ]-I[ Jad fe xi +2 3 1 1 1 [at Psi laa Six) Fine Ite OY e150 yx 41<0 Gs Dy =]-L tf laa le x42 1 1 j= wae Jude + asp ae Et = + Sime “ln Ite ola -1>0 54 +1>0 oS D,=]+l tof clad! le ae x te 3 I 1 I J = fete “ole op ale ne ye = inte =—Fintx sDte a ae (lls Unjaed) 08 dye I GLY Aanall 0 Uae lam coll apse 8926 US la p(x )=x" 1, p,(x)=x° - 7x? 8, p(x) =x? +3x? — Ay -12 phe US Gay depen le Aja eS cyan ol Sb te SS x7+l 2x? =x +4 8(x)= Sa Pes ly tae ass Us 6 ce 1) J Ppt ov ere are Tse ve + 5x +6 sveln-3l x+7 9 aaa Seca it el+7l 4) Ire = sx elt, xo +x 5) fo w ye px €]0,toof xi tx +2 . ) [on ap sx e}=l[ pletl ciigus teal heated) nal) dalsith gh ts tall Quali aygedly anal Jas AGjaill aia ata Ws Sh cha alae he gb plant Sy le Aye obec) Malall Ras yb y sha all JaiSl hay Ca gh S33) ¢ Aagaall 8 Salad! Glad 9) obi ols . abo JSts Syflall clans Rane Glin Ge aed (1650) calls 15 gael lsd GI ot} agi halal) Glee ob ail gb phy 2 (287-212) erred) eal Spey ab oe al cheat dais Ghee pe GSS Fe steal LISI Glas 5d Tall GLY! ay oll Leet etgHlSad) hail Gin jpuemall gepball cyl) (gf Dalal Glad Gala GIS ayy pgs elale Qlecd DUS ye Cy yl (gp Dall pe cos Sat gill (Barrow) 335 jug) lbs pil allel Abi pb Alls pinta ileal ahaa) Ulee yes beet! Lately Alls pints Cond dabicll Glue Uliuss aie chap) glial Se je lull gyal Glas heel aly hell ay Ge Say Git Gebel Glatl dba ata) Glaall ol. dal} Jalsa} ‘yinioll aysigll aust AsLup les! Vis (elias bs ye je se gue JSG Lisl ols |S) (Aste Sib gg es Y) GLa (ot) JS Nba Aja Sy tile aw a Jeapy CUBA oe GlalLinte Epa gg od JEN Aalne 9S Ne) VX S(R)=S(R,)+S (R,)+S (R,)+S (Ry) 1 bel A 0 aa ej gl Alans IS 1 USE Sale Cees ES GS Sligelly £ $ beens Gyuly Line cs Fale Gl oi ill Las! Jens gat le plies USt (pl) dued!! Sibi G58 Lal oda vAgele Ailgs Sibee elya} ake cell ol) gases Call Nhe negjine LAS shal atl Ligyaty Lucci Sag Vida Zabel Glas dilee Ff Wald gh) Lay (C) 6A. yas egdine F)=0 Saye [a,b] eal) ple Saciuaall xox ggrally (Cg gpnancall call Zaire x =a,x=b Legililen Quill) cpastinally GABD ginial) Gaia 43h dale (caus (usa) a US) 2A Stall ays Ue) He Ge dale jail f Ma pal LC) ost ul Geasall daline Spit sagllaally f(x ax? Ge 1x ST psiedly ox ayeadls (C) oe apanal Ayslite Aija Clas Gl [0,1] laa audi (tie eal used) — en ssf sa]leel(3) 3 elas zie US Gaye Wubhs cdubioe JEU 68 ef Walt Gay Tlaall 31 Sal ype ie US Atala) CDi al Cline Epa Soe jealy (aid 53) (3) (3) (3) (4) 24 S,= + + + = sis) sls} sks) sks) 100 4.2 (C sd ai Late US ba) Dudes alls Jas * noe 1 Hes, Sal type gol Lote IS Ey Late JS Jaye Sea Says f ANS ay Galyall ga, te +CDypbinall oda Gilalue ¢ pan : ILY 1f2Y 1f3V L1f4y pte 44 i ae gy sei 9, = YAY Bf) AS) fA) tap gS. <8 <8) = +(4) +4(2) +4(3) +43) +50) =i00 24 aa 24 os 4 100 ~~ 100 jaclé ga ALU ; Use US (Gaye) Saeld pt cD kudl oda Glalue gpand 5,4 jaslly ; cetball Ula Sila tata Gaull aut 3 chy Ss vi) (3) sy (zr) (2) 3 =-(—| +-/=] +12) 4+-)—] +/=] == "sho S10. S10; S\10. S10. 100 24 8M ys, 100 100 100 by 5, 0 (1 Mabie) dalee Gad Bae sll le [xy th] lea gf f AU Lis pccly dad st Len 2 Raaljiall AS (x ) Ula m(h)-h SAS(x) fr (sya — fr (xjer (2 wy i fart )dx = ar coy B (Ba jay Ge Bie Nall b ol) a ge LatSal } s!) fro x de lr (jae (4 (GaSath jay gold & cutl Qeay Ee ol) Ir (oa [ri (x) jae fr (w jaw (5 aie CRleal gle Gtjaie cull ff, oS 1 (6 JOC Yofale Dee [ile ae fre ( de a = Jin’ xde a hea ets (= cos2x a [hs ~ joins | ne 2 gee | Dl =| (sine 4x! dx 4 if, = |-cost+ t]-| -oos(-1)-7] iat 1 1 2 =—cosl +7 + cos +> == 1 oi . [line +2 )ac -|-w a] cere sl ost PP 3) eel Rigde Gakas Say al aad! QaLSGth 8 ops SS «Saal ye LalSS 3 Bays LS (clays 9S O59 Ge GH ll) ASV) Ra yaall ple TaLate! Sy ¢ oan! alsa Gla od (Upatall Jina gi lead S36 og Gl easily 7 Sls le Jats Gite IB Alls gf GR GSD: Ainge SST dob sa soul JS Ul Bue J le Sie fp: VOR OIE gies gv [reser ute =f Pest fei L= feeos(e® de: Qa al i df Oi) bu t 1; a EE 4 befe cos(1?)dt Jae = Joost?) \eryar = foes (dt 1=)'f cos (u)dn 4 Foose fu fe oY U2) Glad! Gle ORF Lie Ga = plein NN = pesincay —sin(1)) 3 2 Ly =! hee dx L, “| sin(#?)de ogVI gales) Coa! le me ~t Waid [a,b] laa gle Jaina (Fite v gw callall Ge USI GIS Ih) fuer) =[nCeyv ey) foley) liga Lina Caja (ll Aja alSal) ADleey ahaa alse Gig cya gil coy > Ww) I = Jinsde Saal Gul aw + jal Lis jsf u(x)=In@e), v(x) = wiey-4, v(x)ax x Akay 1 -[etne], fx tae [ene f [ef =1 ry rejoin si ! ajay Ls . ot u(x)=x, v'(e) =sin@e) w'(x)=L, v(x) =-eos(r) HSjaill Miyky ob les ae US dal @. = [sera I, = [2rcosuae 6 .- =[r “Inxde 0 @: = [AEF a @: ae de 0: =p Fa Q:- i ermre Q: agin Cla Raline Glass 1-5-2 sapllass pape pga clas 2-5-2 + cabal cae Ugh Gil 3-5-2 OSs Jaca AuSteall Sobel ps Jalsa he Yi vigadig abisy bi oli, Lualiall oa) of Ld alsa Maly A js appally lala! Glee 3 Al Sadly ot Gee tll Suallall ay gle stall Gull yy pane pny ce Hales Glee A lA Sts Gils Laney ie 8 ae Glue iy Gulel Gabe obey abe aye Raline gt gt) aLicall Saaly go A jlpe pins Copan slau Glaus dale Glue Uy) “SL sLYN taal abe Lol diiiy wings ght te gt gyal Gagan che gl dolar 0 shagsinls Eyam cssld Guetta Qual placa! dale © Basha pais ool) 5] Mais Gl} Apatlly Galette Cyaan cinlan © sashes getedll i ghee sf Gls! Gabi 8! ge lal gy yb Gala © ee cA uN jag aaagl UelSul ayy agan9 ou Adluig Uiluliig Aub te Utes ox’x Gi ab hull tyJgill Alb cole Sycheull f Wall Gabel! at C gS 13) asf annual Lets False OM taal Ida gle f(x )>0 OSs [a,b] Staal 5X HA Spasually x gymally C ally somal) ceauth Hapally Gua x g(a) All C ball SI) guns : ; : wr S = [Merde =[rxpae {iow =7-3-8 y eal le Spies yp =f (xe) Mal cus 1) sili AlLall 5 © gilyll ball gy Baie [a,b] ge f(r) <0 YS; [4.5] ext ual sill ye atx ggaally C LatL sonal! cau Fakes 6S Glad co} Aunty opp dale Cues cx aby sa Cunially 6C, ltl Baty jpeenall chau as helsill Gene lex ab sx aa Canis xty synally xf Ge) Ula + * S = ff @) ede =-[f (ae cel Lille ppl) ((xJax? Qe 3 lal hall alc g&t sxty gynally © BST) gjeall assed) claull dbus 5x <3 ae ealsill ypu ge ghlits c jxoe,jt OY [1,3] Seal) cle Gealyill joe in gs shall ally xv <1 Ss apy (x de =f (-e? +20 +3)de ms) ex'x gyeall ab Co ill ads [0,0] ide Scie f(x) Aa) cals 13) ; AIL Aillall Basmals cr Sb yx =a Cpaiinlly xx yyoelly C LaStly sand! cand! dale (cland Lasid s=[lronlee oe P(e) SyLH] cag Aja CLs Gl) fw Lay Les [a,b] Stell cobas Lats laa Lal, al) DLS oS gl Kalba! all ants Lobe US le f Jat uses gb dlgie only US le Hut Hight obs pata SY) Chall es th F(x )=—} veose Bs [-£] ge Bad f Us) gd Xx gynally Co ally shal chal dabce Gaul bole ppayall JSa f alage I a) SH yx =F cil 3A Us: and «(yp $0 Atlas) rr ae C bli ei eal ol} cit gill Uelyls Ul of (x)= 0 Voted yf All Gl oe = 3 rat A [-2.] 2 Vtaall Ge US le S18 U8) le isles Pome be $5 Se5] 8) AU Shall gle Lngey Gumltly GY! Gulell le ll oo pa Be S =| —x -sinx +) > x +sinx +) x ~sinx 2 12 Le" |2 Ie 73 F Tio, FES Ea 6 2 4 3 16 2 rosa git Ly Gules oy jgemacll cesoll abel de bas :/sljll AlLall y OSs [a,b] le syciall f, Aa lal BANC, gS 13 OSs[a,b] cle Stud f, Ua Gos bal C, An Ralue shed Sse wv fab] oS HF f(r) < f(x) ; Lastilles Suilll Gaaitielly C5 C, oe sgcanall pla! AG) 4epell x =b gx =a 4 S= JP. )-A@))de © pall Gbs gh P(e)ar +1 alla) gs piel! lal! Malice Gal Lila pall (gd lage : a) LY SN43 athsles gill A pitieally C yey jyueanll ola (gt 8 puitally © gb bls Jualg ds! opts Le al Pox =2=0 ix? elex +3: dtsledl Wyo [2] lal get A dy =2 1 sx, Var Vo =x #3-1-x?=24x x7 =(ltx)Q-x)20 oo ae (vy. jae =[(o 1 +2) dr Ff AMall sl LN CS: gee all Zyl Sitall hyo aby efab] Stell le Aap all Sycial x x Hb 9x =a Quasdinully x'x yynally C Lath sara! [aii dyes Lesige ANS 5359 x Lealsill spe dps, Labs Hamalls plyill puna! Noa pan chat V =fa fae ef (@)=x? Gay D=R gle Myeall / Aa lath hall c US C L8lk sad!) Mabie Ghy2 Ge Zi peel) pa Geel sx 25x =0 Cpeinaally tx yymally v -fov (x)J de [elo fa 2 oP vajotac =|" 22 , of (w)exVa-x? By D =[-2,2] de Gaal f Dal Sul La a gd [A] 1C paayls f Ula Une einer sf ceyS Aad US Gers ely Span aig f Ob Gest (1 ox'x gymally Cz small cbaull doles cosa! (2 gp rly Gye or ’x gpadlly Cally saad clad! yyy Ge Gabi! peal eae Geel (3 ALIS ep Py Vsx’, pry =x OUalsal otal oI [2] + Gaal cole gw penal boll dale J Gua! (1 Hats 5399 fe ye Gilad) lal hyo Ge Ll pupall pa Vo Caual (2 saad) ay pl se Syciaall fy Wall ghd LAN C, Say [a,b] ede Sciulif, Wa skal LAC, OSI Si castil -[a.b] exefab] wstl f(x)2r,(x)20 css Ce LT pucaall pape Mate « yylaall JSall 4 LS X= 5x =a Cpaiinally C, 5 C, Geladlly Sasa) dilaiall Cy Sth soa) 4dbial ghse ge gill aud! aaa uly BO penall baa ais Lage x Sb 5 xa Quastinally 5X =a Cyatiedly C, Lally sored) Mibu Gbps ge 1 agealls OM phe) aed orl Usa a (F 2) 64 =a|=- x 3 puoall poe Cuca! [0,3] ulead! def (x )=2xV9—x7 Ud hdl ball C ost den eC bilby cx 35 x =0 Queitinulls Meal saynall Maiall gla ge gill J ALAS By52 oc" _jyaall | OM :df v =a[[r (x)P av = 4a fr%(9-x x =n] 30? is] ° i ln oe atl ~}2|-0~ 4o{ 5228) S88, 5 5 4 . ; FAR! gle R ths nas 5 ane ol by Adi phil Ul 3s Gauas logo Ge GU pall asl 90) aaa JALES 359 Lylhal asl Oye 7% all golyll LAN yet sl) Gad phat! bath Gy) | R FA-R,RJ> Rif @)=VR?=x? Ae US Vo 9S!) ape Guay v aa] ies ar oa | a =a[R’s 4 L aap ey) tae 3 3) 3 cgay Mh seliijly pixel hd Laas gil Gilyyall Lydall pee 8) Uae 1 -carth 3 ee dst Cnalsill yyne Syn Ufa fase Gye Sle pubs Glo Upene Leskine debe ys ye day dall cA CUB) Ie ye Gl ified) isle ce =f (x)= gabe ill by Sal ape oS) ‘ , i y ph, x Van[O Cae af De | dem [eae area Pix rit, =n =a"-° = arh lo 3 ces! Ar6y =x OSI) f (x)= Ave Gis D=[Oo{ gle Hpall f Val Shall LS CoS ANS 599 x'x Uy A C Quladlly Basal daaiall obs) Ge GIL peel ae Ce salsa) 25 50 43) ape. cee TR Les afr gobi iets ht acl) Gil Lydall es aes Ul ay 22 v= THR er ork) call gate gb las | 3.5.2 | OG) dst [a,b] cle spciaall f Aa gine C GSI. (L)ebysi [a,b] le Satine Gite f Atal O'S HY [ab] de GLI C «[a.b] le Spcaudl fo AD pate C oS! .(2)cby 95 + AB Guslll pb ghey Sate GLI C istall Sf astily Lj Te(f'(ep)ide + daually C zy ple Gousal of (Ja? Bis [0,10f ele Lipaall f AIM pans © GS ra Sal x =13 5 a5 Leatioli gall Bos A gsiladilly small gis yusill df 1 aber" )a3e bss 13 ay? Lf file2eae = rt — 988 5 4 27 4 27 Is 14a ee STO aT ge PNT HSE? eles SIC all Gad yb al @ (L=24 sya) oo gah AB gest, f (0) Ee +h as, [Oot ke Hapa f Ud) Ga C St @ 87 oe (E clyall) AB sesill Ogle cual 0, = Lx 9 =4eus C SPyee)=lne) Se fy a fy Ostia gus guhst) ge pyar glad! dale S Gul (S =3-e Glsall) f,00)=In7(x) 5 2.5] Sad Sys peysing? yt pA ae KL os! Q (L=3+in2 Osa) Pils)me* sfo)me BR ge ied fof, ols sacs @ dbalan (gill piitually cutllall Qslel Guslall Qobasll jyvonall ehaull dale S Cues! (1 x=l ALS yy ache Sym Gilad celal Ghigo Ge Gt pall ane Vo Gua! (2 s=e+t-2 .V =Ale*—e *) Asai!) e ut ox. PAT ty | Wd ee] eA) OD ey 71 pes ee a TTT Abad staal glad! JSAAN) Auli) Aitaatl A ya 2-6-2 Ajai Ustee Ja 3-6-2 AGlastis Aiden JS. 4-6-2 Clg Uspoy AGbiai Ala Coa 2Aigadg ES ped Sal Wgibaulyay celeaSlls eljailly Gluck! agle gd ie yS Leal Cibola Gysleall Guts lal! yalgdall let 3) aliens gS! saUall Lay yl Agel Lhe 4 sake! yelp! Ge Toca clally Faeall Gallly Lael) Gabsll Habeas Baby Lyitiite 5 Sl yall gent GLa: Lele Shad Agdualiil Yaludl le USN 5 yd os. hygSll gladly yilly Gaal ble Jin gi dew Gad ye Le lll slgBc AUN lal (gas Usbeall a tag) Gheay gh alee US a Yb Ait! Atel i at re isd Aslan slal ads ory Y) Uudbtll p glall da 1 Aubolis les 8) GN abel Ga ‘ay yi+y=0 (1 yl" —2y'x =e" (3 SSIS eee” col) Way Sas AgLoliill dala! Pa ISA ot Gel) GIaYL als 1 Aol) Led 4 vtey'+eyy =8(e) (Sed spnge Gots el Ape Jn Aeall ye ahead oka GY si a SSL ee SY le ttl Spall pee AGRI Loti Sola! le Wiuljs aatiins yy Ge Oka Y) obbis Ub 5b Ge y"+by' ter =2 (0) VO +e, yO Pte (Mg eats SH Seas k aide Cul LY gL ASH Dege Cyye Fo Le EE ge the Ghats Atlee gay yr Hy -0 Abas mv'=—ky 1438 ja} Lalcolisll Laka (9S m OOOO Aaja! Boog Cf —— hf osoooa omeoenn SS0 on be nse rm “ERS fag hay Lie all agi OOOO Spal Gholi Wald y a! S005 Spal Sa os Ua glu ye gil 55005 Pope, ee ooog OOOO Ayla Uales gay dua! Qlall ls g cys Sega Agyall ye hs Spall a ths o o — ea a> Exe rAglcolil) Uskadl GSI. cagLlisll Eastabl Js VO Fe VOY tome tey! +eqy =B(x) TCR heal Gb Allis ye Asli) x HS y = ox) Allo US Adatedl odgh Se caus Aicag yall Achill Usleall [pildites Ginty Auoliill Ulead R gle Ja ye y =f (x)=cos(r) + f Mall gf gas y "ty! +y =-sinx vas y"S—cosx gle des Agb sy. Gai yp’ =—sinx Glo dead y Ul G5 yt y"by'+y =—cosx —sinx +cosx =—sinx : si sUlaeal) SpLoliill Alted! of 7.) Agholiall Mislead Ua ga Uae AU Gf sl Milne (Lala) Usted Agha Usted R gle Ua a pa f(x)=2-e" sf al oi cu y"dy'+y ‘call steal § ayes p= De 6 p= De: sas cylallie oaiye y Ulall GLB. y"-2y'+ty =2e* —4e* +2e* =O: api dirs piel Auzoy pial) Aaolatll Adsleall Ja Mgt gi Aol Alea Gia y = 20" al oY Sola Quan Hogans faci ill Jlyall Lalall daweall ya : uyhill Coal slaill GIsleall glad! Jot Any pall Agha Utell Aung pall Sbcaliall steal) Sola sal gh ; yl plistl Slsleall soi gst distal Sem ( has OE c,,c,) Cus y sce tee yall ge tlle US Bf iss Autos fll Aahtish Act jill ALoalitl Asleall Jay se, y =2e* yale go AS Gi aa ole 2. Jai y'=20,e% Xe, , y"=4e, e* +9, apc fle Gye Ua (Gu (1 1 apd Galil Asked) Gi Gages y"+y'!—6y =4c,e™ +9¢,e* +2c,e* —3c,e* —6c,e% —6c,e* =0 aA al ony mee toe eebchl neta yme™ NH 5 az 1S teh Cala pd dal Gay =ce™ +e,¢ plall dall os @ily yp =2e *™ dal Gf a a esa, tee Siti | 4.6.2 Le Gay ing Masala) ULsteall sla} gs Aybalis Atlee sits ryi6l gl Cull le gaint Aypa flats Yo Abela Alley JxS.iti oka Gia 0 AS NSH Sac esl Cilpall oye lade Lalu! + Aggllnall Ustad! (gle Uldy Joos gilii.te, ce" Syl \ Aaya! Usted ye Gy a8 cy tue ed Yl y Holes aad 2e,sin2x +2e,cos2x y yl" =-4e,cos2x — 4c, sin 2x yl 4dy!=0 das y=! OY oy" =e, cos2x +e,sin2x) sf Aggllaal) Asbsliill abel 05 FAY) Asal NY aheall Ge US ye ULES Chay Nii Hales a) 6 y =cos6x +¢,) Qos —olg TCR Ulead cso cua af cya Yap) ai aS) 21 Dleall ghee f Mal Seay! yall ga Maleall ode Bias at yall Bf ales y=f (x)=2x —3 shbalall bla Ro Ua IF gall Legene 58 ¢ Apluoldill Lalas! oil alall dal R gle Sis f(x )J=2e -3 A A : pt Aacny pial Ataleall pla Lal aos Gy ye f(r) =2v -3 2 fall R te Sah! y =P(x)=x?—3x +e ICR dled gle byciue Ula fi Cys y"=f (x) Syboliill Adteall ist Pay OF Sy C7 gle Mylal Ula Wd oad 7 lq gle Syeiue Ml pf Uf by Saye G Sige J pte Aol Atta Ugh dagd s (gle Spain ped | Leal! ple 4sleicl Ayal os y"=f(e) y'=F(x)+te. y =G(x)+ex te, yp" =-4x? + 6x -1 Abid B os yl af (x)=-40? +6r -1bal. gt piso Gx) Br? ox be, tay y aap te Set ee opt h Lang yiall Gentil alsLeall plall Jall ttley poe oe ghia oe @ Gye p"=-o8 y Lala date we -ODUEA! glib cc, dus y =e, sinax +e, cosa@x + sh Usleall oXg! plall dail uf ai vray 0s i OY @=2 ew y"=-0'y Sil oe geiy”=—4y Sal Asked! Gis, Jet y =e, sin 2x +e, cos2x ty Uskudl alall Jal ult fray Ot #8 Lo -9(2)=1.9'(-2)=27 Gis il y =—(x) Volt Gis al B x yay sisal Abaladll CaS. Jot : x, * a ipa! Gad) 88 =F 8 = 7d N sin ™x +6, c08” nN PEGS ENE C8 DE (x) =6, Foose ~e,Fsin ox sa alll Jal) sla, @(-2)=22 > m6, Fa2r =e, =4 9(2)=1 = -c,=1=3e,=-1 y =-dsin 5x ~ eos yt Cogllnd! all) Salle 1 AY! cYaledl 2 gd de 6 y"+4y =0 6 y"ty=0 6 16y"+9y =0 fv Aci) Asbeall plall all of da y'¢a yy =0 : @eR {Lali Adledl ily wg Cub c Cus y see" y sce y's 2y <0 Usted slut Jall yace™ plall lls Uses p’—3y =O Sally Gasp’ =3y dedi Dr en ric 4 Lal Lal gill Lal Gata Jal as) at By! y =O Atal all all asl .x =In8 AgY) GLalill Got Rob Us 6 y'-y2y =0 6 —2y'+Sy =0 Q-»-0 yltay kak CR Aleta Abed, toasts cathe jes sy =kx te (ees pk pal Usk @=0 (1 wy see + © al ley y= +h eas Aled a 20 (2 a Adoliill Qlsled) Ja vi-v2y =3 oe hall clall Ga W (kg) he gylall qllall ells gle Vim! dane obs a (m/s) Jara gill eld eyds ean 48 cls ca (m'/s) Jaw bic bl 4g Ss 8 aS Asa GAN gd age yall eld AS ag] 234 saaly c§ celal! slada) 5S sll oyS8 x pa ¢ ball 8 Ghall (8 aye gall eld AES of Gots jp kel’ ge (al call Ga AuS (ple Gall clall (Se gens GAL dane Glo cls cds Af of peed Ge) DE GG UAT yy aiqildll ell poe GS 5S clas Go ae OO) ay ANSI Bbist Jape ol} be 5) Ay slay Cuedi a8 ofall 28 Sage gall lall LueS cyySis pax Ar AD IE ws Aes “AO a xe Be <0 Salat oSgl Anti! Alabell itd O oll gaa AY Caaay NO) aks ol as Cael 0 Lacte Ld ead bd Leg Sy ar sce 1 shell a al Le slake Mads x(Q)=We! keg WLM heed ¢ Lal 8 allo tall aye gall lal 60a We! kg tsps Sie ibs wey ae (ite 1x Ago Wl 4tlall 2h dle Esl ce Sul oo leas MAES pug ke [PETE RS casits K Vv sly peel Rep ge Lael iad Gaul tl elygll Cagle 5 My AES, daa) ila Ga US cpusgll Tin de yud de5!l Sylall a ciel anall gslait pun od fipall cos Adena) Ayal) SEI) Gigs sil Gubi .et (1) Feamvy'i (Sal) AS pad vt Adaalth (gb LADS cau Re pe ev 5 pull od Efe gelll Ahene (gt F Sum cel elgg! Maslin 5685 WT = ma.g peapll Jy Sle Ayla gd Lea pall Gs gid ag sled) GSLE Ye jad GLU) gly, ull ub a K 20 Ge R=-K-y Wull bs all ae 5S cllyy «Lal ola Gi le GR Bgl oka 9h un de pall alas ae Bgl FPeomg-Kv baa pupil AS pall dlslas ding cmv! = omg — Ky + le deani (1) 5 desl oben ass k 2) vis Ky = 2) vis ves ty v=Cems ue tages (A LS plall Uelay cp’ tay =k 1SSAt ye Used ola 5 0=C4# “e tOSH1=0 Leake vy = Orda (8 steel beg ptll Geet CC cutll gual fe rme(ice | 5 Say GS Hell glad C= ices ApS) CALS (SE cBayngal Leal] Qe Celt Janey Cite G3 Sued yah FyaSl Heed BOE SyeaSTl AS and (6S AU! Goji apyld ele US rdall gs k Sue yO HK yO) oS (ell Ssh.) 1 Usa 8 Sayagall uadll AuS p (0) oS ud Oui y(t) =CeM thls Ubs Gols Able gay p(k -y(=0 gi etl cui sp(Dayoet: GSA yg=CeM HC Ot =0 Leste Lad ge C 388 .yM)=2yy ype Madey ey =2y, OB ral late cilladi bey d oe OVI ADL p Abel US Ga Saga gall Seal Aus Glad 8) oe = In 2 aulall cab ef 2 VO)aVew™ =y 2 gd cals iole lye gi dela = 23 in By, =yge™ Gad Sr Aball G yQ)=3y, qe RAB. GDS y Gaeds Saal a yo 3y $6 rhbolall died! Wl é AijLall Mateall ple!l Usil Rb assl(1 X32 a0 4 GSSb Gu y =e(x) Gola be aa (2 2C ld eh ply vy =@(") Fp Ala) bss Goal (3 1x In 2 psitaeally "x gyal Co yap yprenall bal doles Causal (4 ALAS 859 x Spm Gilad) alauall Ghygo ye algal acne ane Gusal (5 Les Cle ab pla Ube sal p=f"(x) =4x 94 2sinx +7e* gLelit) sted! Lu e 15 f (Q=7 a= 3M Galil gall Galall Lyla ge oF plall Ue al f "(x )=15Vi + 5x3 + 6 shell dab gS 6 af (3 oS (4) =404 Gin ult ae ear Guage BF gilpall Gull peieall 1-1-3 -capilaayh SAL! qubhall pial) 2-1-3 ee WD lal) BS guaill Qegll 3-1-3, Mg) Gulls pine Nay) Gu sgaall sad gilyall cathall Xi jgmol) gjlgod! sylao!l patti! (1 ays s(x 3-20 i) x 0 ete MN 0 of Asy! Uist! ade shane > | lim f Ge)=b + eBlS ga 4 lim [f (x)-b]=0 | Tim f (©) =B + eds ga y lim [f (x)-b]= Ole a aN lim f (2 )=6 + 85S a » lim [f (x) -b]=0 dim @)=b isis lim [f (e)-b]=0 PY somo glo) jlo! paitianoll (2 FERRO STON FORO rae) CO MER eee aah Mix fon) 25 ays BARU pera mee Mason Spy ly lim f (x) = 4° ula cams le gis lal AS Lim f (x)= cull sly gle gy lll Lally Lim f(x) =—20 SL (xyee 4 fla glad) ball Col x XX gyncall ibpall oylball ang) cba jl petal Nae f dyad degene oaf 1 Call yy pynall gilyall culially sole Ge US ae CBS all wal ol 2 ids D, =R\B}=]+°,3[UB,4+[ 1 N ye Sasatls ]-00,3[,]3, +00] culleall yo US gle Syctee fla (1)J-4i—s SY las hb) aie bein! too sha hx GS te C Lal oles pit p =2 Aisles gil pital lim f (x) =2 0 gn dix OS ete C ball lds pice p = 2 dilales gill aifiaalld Jim f (x )=2 col] Ga gl CLs Gols plies x = 3 athles gil pied of elas lim f (x )=—c0 cglall Ga 3 lly gaat Laie Glial) hy ol a Gill C ball Gls adits xv $3 dtlalee gl wll ois lim s (x )=+00 ose ge 3 Gl) oe gad Late: Gayla ues Dea meeT CUNT AMES SO Orr Fi aN Qa en peter OPT Pee vied Lb) rere Oe eae er A ast aic Gf (x)—y Ore Ay ams i a me ole 2x +1 7 Fy. = SP oA cst C bal f(x)—y,0 Bitola A aS BD ce dps f WH Sw LC gS C ball yy syne Aylpall Glylly egal pial yal df D, =},-2[U}2,0[ U]o,t[ Ut, +09 },-2[,]-2,0[, OIL Je too evel te painne f git OS Late C bill Gylie pittue yp =2 sles gl pfiiealld Tim f (x )=2 +0 ls GA Si Case CAD Cyl pf 2 alee gil psalm f(x) =2 20 ya Yl D ley sl f (x)= om f(r = 2G =D tx +1) _ 2x? +x +) x(e+2@— x(e #2) acdsee (gill pdteall, .C Lall dyes bai (1,2) Ubi Gf any [Say limf («)=2 3) CAs Uy lie Laie Gaul x =1 gl CS lie pies xy $0 Atlee gil) pital OI gid Lim f (x )=—0 wheal 2 0 ol) x (gan Leste alll jl ol! gir el CLs ole pies y = 0 dtlsles GMI peal Gl ects lim ff (x)= +00 cope G2 0 or aed Late Coli pe Gl abs gigi CaS ale pane y= —2 atalan Gill pill o) tim f(x) = 400 salut go 2 lx Gand Lente Goliath ly ol) ee ell Co Ls te piles x 2 dates gill aided! AL lim f(x )=-2 cope) ge 2 lx and Lente Galiall uy ll (2) fio Ses fall lal Lac oS Aled C ba 4ylaall Slediaull abe f(x )= Vx? tx slsagas Sis ayy apna x aynall Eten Bove CPE ONES CI RT oad 2 Peta Prey meow ee Ay =g (x )=mx ges Aki f(x)-g(x) will re ee] Rap siren awe) =2x-3 ; aX AE wey tt sll Lac ys x +2 / * oF 00 ga JS te CBS ale ates py Sx —4 atlales Ga A patel GI oxy 2A petieall tI Anal C Lat call eagll Gul. 0 (1)JL_t_s (Boom Gis) f(x )=(e 4) + > Sa as ol ose oc] vay f(x) Jim (f(x)-¥,)=0 5 fim (f (x)-»,)=0 C8 lis pias y sr 4 cabal gill A pica it Gu Lee 5 Ns Lt y Soy Pe)-ys= 5 2 Gal gle) Gow: cell eel Luba cA Gata C billy S(r)—y, <0 oss J+o,-2[: Sled! cA BS eC ball, f(e)—y>0 OS }240of: Teall ae 5 Spe cb Metall obs a8 yl (sell ll ol be Lys we Ue USI) Ses x a -2 +00 LO) Vs = ~ el wag!) AcaiC A Gace of (x)=—¥ tVx7 48 1G R le aad f Ul Qi ba C Ost tam yaa gly C all Glia US gitaly 420 ale Sy a0 ae fA Aas! (1 Xx oo se C LS ys pie yp =D athe Gl A pul glue Gi (2 -foesoe[ le petee fie slim f (x )=420 wd 0 lye ed (1 FHSS Suutll poe WY coo — a0 Laalll Ge Gad pte Ula all yah too syed tal poy ests) slim f(©)=0 3 Ge hia Gi lesie CLAW Gyles pide p =O cates gill xy holsill gyn oS) ase J e)-yye oe RFR (2epox ER vs (res) Verse a Jim (f (x )-¥,)=0 sop Me C BAM Cylis pilus p S—Dv ailites sill A astullé —2x+2.,., f(xy 5 f AM sll f (x)=x a say as f (x) gh cat (1 eeilgall Golda aggl BC all Sil Glee yp Sx — 1 athibes gill A pdltuall of catl (2 Abang ull SS (uly Cal paul aaa! Gapaly yy gyn Hy = a f (x)=x +4 18s JO4o0[ le Maal f Ua lal La C gS @ IX cell eal Goel BC ball le pete y Sx 4 ciate gill A patiuall of cal 2A catliall Rua Cbs 2 . ha 4 “1+ Bs R/{-1} eo Maal f, Ula i bs C, GS @ fi(x)=2x f(x )=2x ane Bs R/{I} se Maal f, WY pus LC, ot ce US sie C),C, Oebstl Ye US lds y = 2x 1 athsbes gill A pidineall Gf cas A Gili ol dell C, Lal gail aug! Guys Boo 5 400 x f(x)=x +7 = — GR ce tial f Ui a ba COS (x) fiex? y ree @ 400 ste C Lest lis pfline psx tl] dilsles gil Ay adiudll Gia e $ lef co we C Lal Gylie plies psx dthles gl A, pitied Ue 20 bya gd UiLall Golda) ales itl ole os 7 tam scugtladly f(r)oa + wa ulate os & x od C easels ph sera shoxk snd gale C bal Ge Sons! (1 Haas he JS Aa C ees el C Lil Gilde aie psx dibslee Gil A afta! atl (2 At Sf (x)=x aye 1Biy JO,too[ le Maal (Ula sia) ball C gS 8 x Aaa CBS aes ely C ball cyliey =x +1 ales gil A pifiuell Ul esi (1 “A ol F()=2 Gish f Aa F Akal His sas) (2 cx He yx =] Laalibsles Cpl Geaiinalls A GyMbally C css jpumnall laud) Solus aah (3 Aaya Sg lll Ua gh ge aly Usk Unuabad ll gc yall ligled San lobe Gi Geta BST sf culls GSH ye aU Lyte US opal tyaly ted Gai gi af Gl Se Gl pale ley Hse Wa Shei dale le iattel alls gay 4 ldel) GLaidincall yass (peat Y Mall Jase cole) gle lyall og) datlull Lagat au gle selay J onay gb Aan WS Dh) Abb Gall, (Baal gyal ee ebb daly (casey gl) (3 ye ol Su Ls SAL Le Lebo Miglle ducalsy pablo gf Ay yee Aube CDLygat gen KG YaP (x) Hb faba a dst gL (1 liauil clos lyf Ulall shall Lt) ye casi! (1) GSall gb US ¥ (0,5) dente pe aie! sy any sm GAT Ua chal! Last) Gye Wad ll Las) the y A(x )=HSf (x +a): fy AD sled) ba gatas (2 (2) dest Agas Gla lel als f Gall lal ball gs (2) ssa aus u(-a,0) esd) ytlt) — yleity wie, P38) HS (x) tf, WD Sia bat) isu (3 cs gl) Ausly oybs ab f Ula hl ball Ge +(3) SSI 5 US Jeet Perey a6 (3) dean rf, Mal lll bat) pita (4 fi lull ba oe f(x) =f (-v) GALS Gathsll sya Go) death oles Sal (4) ose A )af (oe) 1 fAl ola bat gas (5 co} Sealy os ah f QO ol all ball x (5) Sal .4 us 00,0) ctttasy! fare (5) sa bal oe fol) =f (x)]# foaled gaa Lat) es (6 asl GIS lly «ge LS Legal Cashst ld Luh a6 gly ally f A Ma stl 6) AD gh US ea yma ol A gl ie Yay Sab aul F(x)! gy gle Be ft ha © ost sasha ouily too aie GIS, 00 te C ball ylie yp =x athles gill A pstadl Gl asl 1 scylidl Naa Qt) dll C ball wes A} Lauily CSI Quay Gays coayag Tle GC Sl yy !S csilell Gafall ue 2 C Lab ay biel ial pitty Led fal Yat 3 sles Yon platy f Ula Ages Gal Cpa) pi dinay caylile US ais! 5 1X = 2 Ailales gil piitacally ae pymally CLS!) Gas apmorl! clball Saleen Gaal 6 df JO,+00f « J-20, Of cualaad) Ge US le pains f > So yarg= 2b of (2) a Law 1 Sate 8 f(r) Ui dad US, C490 te C aU Gylin y BLA Gays lal Ie gl} Apadlly Co aS ail auth Lal x x 0 0 +0 1 = + Ca A as 38C A fia os C el FOS gl oSe sf cA lial Gs gw C halls f(x)-y 20 s5}-0,0[ lod (4 0 oA Cylball Get ai C Lally f(x )—y <0 sai JOjtof led 2 @ ole 2.3 anal aig) Glylball Ge Gas AUD Jo, Of 5 JO, +00] Cullaatl Ge US le jee f (2 +0 se yy! CBU aylie pace x = 0 Aisles cll palieall gf gti lim f («)= +0 oS We a6 esha Ge 0 lx cand Lette Coll Gla Gl! abs gill CSU Clie ptine x = 0 Aisles (ill putuall gf Liptti lim f (x)= oS Lb somal 0 x ge Leste Gu ldall Cpe ll a gill slapey Gina (—X ER" patty x ER’) Lys J Vibe dag f tial of aly (3 Lia daa Ga f (0 a6 2 gh apt Calsttll Uae ye sled! ba gle A Ga C oi Jo, 2 ef (r)>3 ° wg a ke Acai ais C oi) Pesos (r)<3 . Sus 5s as, ce Teel ge Sui aes fA GF cast pe Go Hs 2 peg a aet aos! Ie OL a ats ay aay Ua FA Mae gS e253 cals 138 + J-2.420[ coll eats sty tiny da P(r) = Meal oS <3 cals lily All obs GAD f(x) =2 Asia ya 2-3 Ue ya ul Cr an x =EAy xa7 pep rcles Lib raul 3 asi diag of (x )=0 Gly ax’ ge eblitlh =N, (1,0) 2 sex! ge glatisl Abit 1) x =—1 3 AQF Aig x =0 Gil yy’ ee abla vay deeb C ge yc, Jadu, Aad C gb Co f(x =f (x) gl xk sal dt case st gh chal Iba G) BDU cud! cuysaally Co Gy gpanall chaull dalus Gla 4 gly WS Lala clay BS) Awl danas fo GGG Gf Sy ail eds US sacl gill ale af a Bis RAT} gle eal ft Susi hanc oss Re + Gagllallly f (x)= 2x (1) shxx! gna Alpe Gyles ge C LSI be pitas cles Vyas platy ff all abyss Gust 1 taogns Ula a Lene gptaall Leill ey cating Galle US Aull C ges el d yy! Jest) guy Stall Lal ge Color =O Wibod Abi 9 C Lad (uleall dtes Hs! 2 sled! Laas C Baad f, UIC, lal ES ay SC pe Bd peuly titay olde SS peg! 3 2x, Wl — ap Be REN oe ois cal Ze R MA gi f(x )=A Aled Jy sre f Wath shall pall Ye githal 4 shad Ala Ga Gola 2X Sa] pitieelly xx! gynally C Gy gpeanall glad dolce Gaul 5) vx S2(x =I) Analyiall Gale bole gitial 6 of A a6 «Feed 5 Ta teo[ called ye US cole Ally aycinne fF «foo, [U Jl, t00[ cote Mayes f eh ¥ UG Lenin Call Gyles pitinee y =O aisles (ol) psitinealld Jlimf (x)=0 . 0 Ne qx OSE Leste C LAU Gyles pice yp = 0 atlas gill piteallé Jims (x)=0 . 40 Nya eg CL ytd patie y =] tlalen (gill pstaall of ae im f (x)=+0 © v slag Gad coll x and Latte Gyliall Gly gh gil C Sl) cae pine v=] ale ll inal OS Tim f (x)= 420 © seeadl Gel lx cand Late Gallall Ges Gls [roll s J, t00[ Galleall ga US gle ll fa bab fab uy yy 2x -1) —2(e = I)(2x) _ 2(e -1)(x -1-2x) _ 2(x -1)(-» -1) Pe)- («1 ay : ge (C1) shah) le pass gl Ll Ley) (x = 1) (x +1) 38 oe ge f(x) Be Od) Syst Syae, Qa of ly Vay «(gpl Re yams le Mange pial 38) Gab YS Guta Ble rl () aT) ++ — Va) oN fD=-5 70 7 +0 |) 40 \ 0 (E 1SUd cbLE cg ptne ded Ugit J) «Lae ebb es ()= 4 BI Dye ye Ba edaalyill gpa ge Chall ball bts abis WAY (0,/(0)=0) Uaiill Jyaall 4 LL us, bial gL] cx pal Lg Goss y =O lobes gill A cy lball ol) dual C qe Lbs P(x)-¥y=fO) tail Le coal Syne Ge oo 5C ol J, 0[te f(x)<0 « AGIC JO f(x)>0 « A G8C of lol ef (x)>0 ¢ 6O.(0,0) g& otaill Uais S) eG cx =O Wabeld ll Cpe Anil) 8 sled! doles sky .2 sy 2x gtd leall Ales oS) sm =f '(0)=2 sa Andi oda 8 ulaall Jae Sly + Cutlsledl! Alea! Lill all go Ceased ae C Lill pblii Abb oly 2x y =2x 2x? (x —2)=0 laps cresyl 5 UY A ABW oe y Aad et Asie iS Jal thay (0,0) Guba) Aba sl y = 0 Gil x =0 Jal) $A ily LSI Gsladl GI Be ) -4 (2,4) gli Abw Ghar y =4 Gil x =2 all Ul (old be ye gal dhe 3 glu hs a day le = pull 3 Call ha sla Jat G8 ons ox distal C ge aC, of Eada, coh eh Co ge C, glx FV) USN folie by yb A S(X)HA Usleall Sse are gust O) 4 A piel a C ly ball gale ba PAY) CYL pial ye Headh Ly + dyin Wall od a (=A Meal Gal A} ate x =-1 a) ass Us fe)=2 bled 2-1 ata @ oJ ,0[ Gl) katy lite GMa f(a) = Atal .-he2<0 aa @ s(x =0 58) aay Ua f= Ala .2=0 ta @ eT tef ce ets AT, JIE al) ty Leta latices Da fv) =A Aled 0<4 Ue © 2x (e-1y =4 Aled f(v)=4 Astadll HG A=4 Ulla A {BL ga Gil Ney ox 3 Lay x =2Ud (2x Ix —2)=0 Isls 2x? Sv +2=0 sl RLS) CA) [0] laa gle Juels yaa Gant gd fall lull beatl Gf laadu 5 S=]-f yar =f b Bibb she wat i Say Gall Ibe Gaal 2 jad Abell: (8) All werya2e, "= u()=2, v(x) 2 2x S =f dx = Jey nl a-e2f Ta =-teaf-mas ale ly edt =de Gl Siig ex stor A gay redo qed Spi gpa Ant Ma BSE SL GS x $0 Leieg er = 2 GS x =-1 Lee sf ae a -ai( a lay Le rt =2[ yt) maf mays ta) ane) 4 Dist le and Ul Ea) f(r) 54 LAS ox S2(x 1)? Vell deabial Gi BL 6 Wile We aly (Amaljiall 08g) Sa Gab x <1 GY GUS 8 Gall Lily 1)? Les Ga yall SI pall pall ow aay ox {3.2} asl Gan f(x) = 4 Alaa) gle ut « fed |ufaoe OS Ni hid HY PO) <4 Pee eT balled f (x)=! Gy Ge Mal fa eC BS xx tl Cees cel Bs xx! syed wily C Cole italy lye Vas pay / Ala Gs Gust slaagas la i bine epteall I Sil pall Cues Lyial Ibe Go} actly +O pal Bettany calle OS pu! 2 s(A-2)x? +(A+ 1x +A+1=0 siglo ASV) Datel Le A pal Leng bole eit 3 Ge he Wal C, LSN ay ails any) Ula h(x =f (0r)) Aemell Sajal he Ula) Si way 4 ~C Lai & <2em/s.5.x =1 lee Ss (all Una a asi gle das M(x,y) dhe dibs 5 J $ Sle «Joo, too[ le Asta! ie pane y 2 aElalee gill pital! Gf Until tim f (x )=2 5 lim f (x)=2 GIS Udy a6 vt 3 ce 0 OS siya osha! gle C bal 2 Glad Cuas of shbl dual (4x =1)(x? 4x +1)-(2x +1)(2x7-x -1) (x?+x +1) 3x? + 6x . f(x )= ai eb ats xe txt] + AM Upspll qunge Ll ay Le Hag (x +2)x° SU ce fF" HLA! GA) re) ALLE cepted gt Sr ble pe dad ef (0)=-1 of Bade OS) dail ald est Sey ALLE oS Sad go de be GS deb ef (-2)$3 Os CR gex iegcuis Ul -10 soo lye gh F (8) f Oy Pg als Bat fia Yim f@)=1 et te am slime *=05 QE C lal bally ton sla GEC all cylie pues y =] dite gil) A, patil yl La x eR cals Uf Gylil cas ae dee @apre TS 3 abst Jae, S ‘a Balj flats x | -00 0 +2 fe) ++ f(x) 1707 4 + age! sasha! SSA 8 cline pull 4 ils ask, agall tlh Ot blah eats Co ge oh Ch ot fr) =|f @) Gi Bate Anis JSD gle Cg C, Lay Sy re syne ol) ded GL sal ol bial iN jy Sab eC all ball SIRE 6 2JSally f AGS GS aif ads alsa NBs Glued etl, 2 2 —2e* 0) ans Gl (I+e") $ x v 8 C la Lat yl aa Jo So asd wAys Ay Slylialy heal gle Jualgill jae God abs C LAll.5 sof} [01] 5 vine’ +) | od f( ym fanalls O4oo[ cle Maal f Uiall Silat! Lal C Sd 1) Asay Cle JS Gl] Lally C Ll) gang cle BC baal ude Jo Askew aay 1 lols cs ySl) Leal le Os Seley Vso abi f Ula! Ghai uuysl 2 re on ails 3 FI af, AMC, slat all giiuly C aug! B ce tnay ol ied ) 4 i) (et) anit, Sal f Mall Lass in sall ddsles aay 5 e cx =e Alban gil pitiaally ake yynally C ge penal land dale Gua! 6 tubal = JO, +00[ cle Spates Wall 1 piline sa (vb apna) x= 0 sihles gall Ay patina o8) (le) limf (x )=—o0 Waly * ty scopeall oO ogi ax Ggand Leste: Gayllall aay coll ae gC ball Gale pe (xe spaall) py <0 aisles giIA, aia o}) limf (x)=0 Gsidea ces * 100 gla ghar GS Lae C ball Glia P(x)-yn sf eB": GBD A, Gi Aull C Deal) aang Mab * toil US Lay * cai aegl s(e)-y = <0 gasiInx <0 oS x e]ol[ Uys + -leall Lia gt A, Cyliall GAC eagl-f (x)-y =P oy sy ny 30 ays x e]lrof ed x aJiall Ibs gd A, Gylkall C5 A, ox (1,0) celal) Aba Abels Qa x =1 ol Edis Lily ¢JO+ao[ Sled) fe das fal 2 yo) _)-Inx pee ale} os sed Tony La) Gals "(r of 1 SWcihstll Uyie aieg x se Late x 0 @ +00 S'(x) + f(x) 32 7 ainlo No x A pS ak ga f (e) =" Gl abst Uys che -]0,4+f orcas is (xs! gli f wat EM fe, poof He Lats Hatta fA. lf (a)0 sete 8 g Aa) pints Qi y =A eStats oll pid Laide Gbyhe Alateall apSy said Uygasy Lealibiold Glue (Sy «fies I-e? oS Ie tall Sa SVN hull mall ela x)= “gel “) en Sf (rye danaly RVD cle taal (Wal hall bat A, St @ 1+, hes Yas dass fees Gest (1 Blan) yslaall Ujlye Gbps ge Co La tags (2 eC pw lB oC ball Sys Gs tas bs aul (3 piliseally Gatley) Guymally C Gar pgnanall claall dale Cuca! (4 ce of @&)=In(l+e *) Aepally Spel f Ua lal Lay C Ss @Q sae Hes tose f Ups) Bef aye desea ole (1 CSU Gyles pine y Se atlalee Gall A patie GI asl (2 cle Yee pbs 6 ht Gt (3 Agi Glee a’ ash eo. 1-1 ssl gle Whale C Lat) ye Lhts 4, B,D SI (4 “BD patil gilyp Cal AA mu! (5 Slee teas f, Wier c, sirens @ Oak Uyak gee hed f UM OSI Z ule (1 =(0,0) Vapall 8 clabeia Cy y C_, Gaailall gulastl Gf gay 2=-2 Alla gi (2 Ay Bisll Akal italy Leng f, lal GI cay (3 sae spall Lyd cle ay cles Upon play f, a GSS Gul (4 ( ( ART ga 2-e * Sn 0e Dalia (6 HAS CDLASI ye US Lad onl . ey = Joe -1 needs : he [ype : up I= fC Nv 1,= J ve" ae _f € wale ae ole ele wn2 . 4 ay N= [eee dx : bond coe dx 1 2 1, =fle* +e ya : Iya |x? + 4x ds 2 0 gall gas J phos 8 silall phd Ge Isle an he 60 com gshu qes 8 omen ® Bag he pred ga pally 6 yilall alan g pene oS 2 Bla ppaeye ad ge ta Adalies (9 Sd Call ges oo gh 12 cm Vs pbs Gai sy! 33, S 3 hall dal sitall dus ol oe pido 7 SNE Apa 6 pall dace (gl) Sal dole Aaa Gl ot py at Se Le 3S) 4a AEL 562 om eb MGw Ub dig hha Kk od de® cel SILA cs giaue GLH) ane a Leb 3ema'/sec 98 Quill 8 Tikal! Gust Jee IS 14 om wDem Shall gy oS Lesie 1 cm Siall gl I gS Late: gall ise: dabei « 6 cm Lay yall 15 pp .0lW JS y0 5 4 cm Anel phad Lina (iI j92 by ye 0 daly gl Lag hall pae UVa Gul oy Tile ie sayy Sacll yg shee is Sly Uj «Sar be 5S by pall Be poe GSI x cle Be GLull chil cnet, Fail 92 al paul US2 gle Geroe ghee Cigil kad wie 13 ase 2.51 60,002 cm/sec Jara: jhill ai 22525 0,005 cm / sec 3 em oye ais 40 om Aly os Laie cee gine bile le gle dpe Ll Ga I te JR Ab se 10 om bok OS bee 2 m fsco Sree Lilath ye bates dau) G phil Bl 5s (8 6 aa GM) gg se ras glb BiH os 8m te le JY) Gh! «hell G ph BY jal Jee (1 EN gg siaey pball ue Ligh jll fat de pa (2 OAM CC, Catal) Gates On 8p peal Saul ols whe dm isiye f(eJVB of (e)=x OF CLI pusaall ane oa gh f (xa var sf Mall CLS us 6 ypu MBlaall Gl ys Qe gL puesall ae aa) xe Ser Alls 8559 x =O x =4 Cyan xy yymey “SS GuLueall Used In(2)= 0.693147 Gi Gude 1) In(7.9) sa dey i ad a) @ ( In(2)=0.7 OSI f(x)=ar? tbe? tex +d Bs R gle Hal f ant pasts csi F (I) Sealy x =] tects ly abe MAb are Ua jl ys Lalas SC c=3a pb=-3a f lol Lae 5 pee V5 cs pS Sead ce g(x )sax tbe R cle Badly Jia de yee gS rogladlyaeR ,beR’ Jay Leis JS gill @ a de sone Sate oie Beg) <0 lal ye ib ad de pane on sl Av fdas Sieh 2 ial WYds py sax +be* Ulall Jai ali Wales as) sslbally C gull hs f (x)= x -e" fA oe dass a= 1, b ==] coal ge te P(x), limf(x) si (1 eens eal Geel a co le EC Mie yon die gl ofall asl a (2 Lae pSlaak le Sse lute fA cio geal (3 TAN ed f ULC, hed) LA pay Bly Cael A pall (4 f(x )=-e *(I+xe") wal, x SL openly he gytalls C ow ypeanll gla dates ul (5 salhalyf (r)= ef Wal pad ast « yh asmall oils: C LSU lie pales US Adslen ta gly cf Ulall Ge pd de gene te gl (1 Repl sll gla itt y ae og phaall dal le Dae Les Vigan bas f Ula ast Geel (2 .x >elnx KOC jhe BC, Ms SNC pl ns tho 8 im (x ready (x)= 2—2 sp aus aut bac gs x yy gad Sle Jove ged eC bbe Sasi Be D pt ic pee ns (1 he Vee plaiy fala lyst Gah (2 Coat AC ball ata 5 his US aa 3! (3. x —2 BDL dl f MC, LS ey BEI (4 A(x )= 52, x $3 Ceniliedl yrs somally C Ge ype cla dale ual (5 KE pgne Spa ALAS 50 Gell eau) 92 Ge Gail) asewall aa Gua (6 f (x)=In(ax +b): DCReke Maal f Ul Sil bac SSRs Sislladlly kb C dro Lae eb =) athe ole ab oe (1 LA (1,0) Abii Bebe 5 yall Sf (x)= In(2x =1) +f Ula gle deasi a2, b=-1 dal ve (2 gs goa pais f Allall Sl yes ya yal gh f Mall ey wd de yas as sl (a ABN ye f, Mall C, all ll pay ply pa baton. y lhe OS ail ( F(e)=|In(2x -1) fA Bal SI pa etal fue BM f MIL oA (c | . 1) ee eh as Posey] om( 5. i 2] ron» ( x =2 phelly ate pone C Ge penal Gaull dales uel of dll f(x)=InYe lg, DHL +f ie peat paid ou ba C ge VY golesll glial as} ab limf (x) asd} (1 te Voss dis f Us! Lat Ut (2 aly pd fF Uh a LAN Cay et, fC hall el 3 fale )=Inx PH ped fC, mys f(x )=In(x —1) ae Aiskes gill pally oacfe yymelly Call Gye penal! gles dalene Gusal (4 f (ear? BR ke Baal f VI Sui LC Sl f (D4 A Gee ee Ma f Ui clade Wa b Ge SA (1 iat Wad ds f (x) = y xi 4x 43 siile J yy! anal gil C bal cole US aithaly lgy Yap abaty / Mall ss Gayl 1 . xx! oC pag Gi May alk US py! “2 X SAD petals xr! yymally C Gay gpnenall chau doles Gua! 3 Pr) F (x)= x B R\L2} Ge wea f ain uiksnc oss (RP ye 1: Cigllaal sles Vyas alas fla) ys Gayl 1 Cas cull aatagll cess cx! gil sh yy’ aemall agile C eal ylie JS pital -2 Aang Cale JS a Xx" jyaally Cop ppm! clad) ale Gua! BC peel Zi Atay Gyle US aun! 3 2X =2 piiudl, ole Cad Gb f (x)= x V3—x GAs ]-o0,3] Ue Uae da f oR abe ls cS adue f Ube s le Vee abiy f Ulla! — les see C ball pax yl (2 ALi ys ¢( sz (x? =x —6)V3—1 aL Atel gy Uiall Ai (3 FAs Joo, 3] a te Laatilales Qyilll cyasicall 5 ache oymally C cay ppcanall clad! dale Gaal (4 x =0,x =2 N plspall axe Gul (5 wv jaa ps aus 592 GL! gla ob ce 6 plies f(x) =14 By R de Beall f Wa gs x vx? 41 Gaypdlasl pile C BA Jk US ag le Yop ky f Ula Legie IS ll dail Co gees Gas at costlan Cpa eb At 5 lle US pa gt (2 Laatatee Guill Guan y xe yells Co ce penal! chal dalee ual (3 x =0,x =I +l . | i f(x)= Bs RV{2,0} te Sina f ais geo RE + 2x a(x) ep th of (¥)=ax +b SAL ES {egh-1 f(s )nar she a. fe DS ee C asl) penile Gast yy” symeall gil C Gall alle US ge Sn) 2 aay Gylie Audlly C Laat geal eaagll Gaol BC ball Gls Ary =a —2 pina UI aatl-3 2A fill Gl f (x)= BH R22} eda fd wis c oy [RR 1 Ligllally st iy 78S is aa -1 2x! oyaall sl yy yenall Giles Sle Ge C Lalla git -2 oe e yy! galls xx! synally CO apennall gla dale Gaal 4, C alas “(x)=2r 14 | aye" etna fuses so [EB x ee lay le CS ae owes too te C yilull BAU Gjlie y =2y =] adlales gill A pitiaall Ghoti (7 py sgmall og ils She OS eet sbilgy Vgae plbis f Ul oI gi al (2 C matey lS aay) (3 KL, x2 Legler o8lll Guetta AC Ga pgeanall chaull datee Geel (4 2x? (4 Ae? +150 Usted Gy ose 2 bee pb Goo, ble i (5, stad taet f(a Gas Ro he 4jeall Vall f gS CSN AB dee Gag 8 cles Vpan platy fatal yes Gaps! (1 a Abe 42 be’ =2—b baal als heER gS 13) rail sald Jos ge eA (2 +b e]0,2[ asic ung pha tals cb © }-00,0]U[2,400[ Leste 4 ple US Gl) Aad C gens hay Auli Glens we CLAM al (3 A(O,1) Ua) 8 C LAW A Guled! Mater a) (4 LC pal BA pualy C ball aie US pu (5 2 rosy=(—) SRO} Ge aes pot gnsic RF x sxx! gyaall gh yy! ogeall og jhaa C taal Golde US Sse ash (1 cla Vsse Alt f Ulall Gl gas Gel (2 CaCO bal ole 8 ae) 3 fuls)=-200(*—) of =x +1 Mia Cy Seal aay LN (4 f.(x)=21n( ) fy Ula C, asl) pus y titel (5 x f(x )=2[In(x -1)—In(x)] 2 f, lal C, Sat pues tial (6 re-(*) BRO} le Maal f Hla Ball BANC SS yex + adlsles gill d piiall SIs Xx gene Ge dbii hC Gag d pilin Gl ecude Wl a, b ce (1 sol Bly Voss chy BVO} seams foy=[? le "pathos 2 x 2xx' gyaall gh yy" aang Sle C allo sie US thle CO pega C tall a jis US au! (3 Arx = 2 piel sd 5 C Ou ppanall chal! ober coca (4 dd laall og le C Iai Gales thtes an sl (5 2x +4-2) jis heey 2 Os, =in{ F472 | ay pata Gaal a C gS FF eeyzces (jah?) BaF Me M (2,1n2) Abit yo all dhs Sad A ue A g(x )=In(2x =2) Bs D=]I tof le Baad g Ul pl be C OSI B xx! pall sl yy! C ball oie US Les Vane bits g Ulett at sts wt (2 1 C eet C balls fies aus! (3 F(x )=x In(2x —2)—x —In(e -1) can (4 vex’ sadly C Ge penal cla) doles ual ob g Gall boy! Sill al a va a3 ctl, f(x)=ae “+b Joie aoe st Lefts yy 2 pal Ss CABIN Fase Oa gill Ub ey Gl osll lal gh (9 of Ml gl Leal Lie f(x)=—2e* +2 Bs R etapa f Vs pia ba C yss (we x genall sf yy! yall gle C Heal oie US whe Vos ay g AU Ch pas es) (2 C eS AC Bal a lee US au! (3 las aa.gh (1 2 gga thee gill C SI eles Makes CSS! (4 X HL piieaally GL) Galaally CG ypennall laa dans Gua (5; (AS 5555 ge! yn Galall chad glyso Ge all pull ane Gul (6 Bis JL soof laa! gle Hija f Uo all BAC, oS g(x =~ iy RVG} cle Meal g Ua ll LAC, OSA of (x) =In(x +1) xl HUaiill i Lagh A ital) Golan! sles ang) 00,0) fuall gi glulde C, 9 C, gf cal 1° + ]O,+o0[ laa! he C, 5 C, cabs path aragll Gey (I x1 Cuzgrall Joe cule IS tials iS Spon aby gy f calla ye DS cis Gus! (2 + Cy 5 Cy coast y'y Lc 25S ph BA peel (3 AGlales (gill pulieually x galls Cy Ge rgeomall celal! dale Casal (4 x=2 e010 Bs D = JOU JL toof ote Sajal fa lth La Cot 1 f°) Se) ) Sx yynall Fujlge Clyie Ge CLS Le sal cles Vpn play f Gla hss ysl (I + Uae erSll dag le Da. yy gyal = C awl aC bat jie Gye Aang Le paas! (2 Ox SZ Laalilales Quill Guasttncally xX yynally Co Gp ppennnell clad) dabee Cal (3 (1993 8553) S(e)HIn(x +a) Say FU dl ba C, oS Gain a,b Se g(v)ae +b Gy g Wal Sal bs C, ol Mua GLyblie C, 5 C, oly (@ LL) Abily ju C, Uicule a,b Ge Se NI SHIM 5 OY) ey yl Gina a=), b=~1 Gh cule 13) 2X" gyal s) yp! syne lee C, balls C, ball jhe dS Altes anh (1 Lege ES Yon dis gf Calla Ga US Ses Gel (2 Uguaii Mbaall 69.0, 5 C, G4 IS puny Cy hally C, ball dian y lie JS pus! (3 (0,0) loeb cb CC, ol esti (4 2 Y= 1 ails ply ose C) Ob opronel) chal dale el (5 ids bana A Ses f(x J=In(x? +A) Sis de gape (2,1n3) Abily tall abs jo) 2 lays sll dad che» V1 Bs D =]-o,- [UJ tof oe ead f Va tb C gSt: Las f (e)=In(x?=1) 2XX' ygnall sl yp! dsaall gly: C asl lie JS lakes ag) (1 Lee Van albiy f UaM OI yt Uo (2 Ce NBC all i US a (3 (aad alae GiS8 Cap. yo dai ya JS ALeald 6555 gl CC dad! ge e jal C, GIST (A Lor! oyna ge 4b ALE 43 C) ball Lasic 2 gslyyy! Ge ladle! Jane Sy C, Saal ke Dad M (x,y) CSS INS Maley Leg 8 ki Uae aa fl yy = 3 P(x Ja vinx) as JOtanf cle Sean a pt SIC x ST e gynall Uyjlye Cilla ye itl aba! Le sag gi gs Vote obs f ills hss Gast (I vidas gyicall ad le Joy opp jynall Co py) BC Aaa Shyla Gye dingy Le aa! (2. cx =] Lantstes Quill guatncally xx gyaally C Gy ypuancall ebuull doles Cea! (3 wee £(s)=mo(3*) is NS] te Gaal faa pal Lal C < Ey yaa ilps Shyla Ge ciball ALA) Le sash cles Use aby f Ula Ghats Ga! (1 ey ggeall sh aclx +A (1,0) Abad 8 C Les A pled) Abalee LES! (2 Copal Bd aul (3 gb eb f (8) “JOC? +e?) GYR ge tia ai f oss -C Lath dy betat dial! eit dings f nal Gf asl (1 wlee Span hats fasts Gat (2 So Lx =] Qyeinalls x'x yynes Coe yponall ela dats als C put (3 XX Ape AalS 559 pled] chad! lyse Ge Gil) penal paw Gal (4 ( AOS (0)) BCLS (LD) caaiilly Staal CSI ys asill Ip Guat (5 rests (e)-leme sf aan ss EDEN C BSW fie US cog BD Gy pill de peas an gh (1 (glass evel Leal le Ua le Yeas aay f at i gk a yah (2 C pe NC Anal ata yoo lle US pur! (3 [Le] eal Gill Cg geslll Ug el (a ( S(x)= es pln(x) ABA yaad f, lald C, LSM pas y LAH (5 x -3y = 2In2 x+y =4in2 awe | US Had hal P47 -3F Guu = [| —— cx US dad ely 7. & lon i (We sel cena &, ll eget) ula Gall g gual! FAL seh Sse + Gundy! GS) cts Gh! eget ill cigs we fually eS) ideas GH g sett duals daal ya jlo pe shall Jalsa a alatol] qijgi da J!) EMU g ga! Lgl EM) g gaa) Aut EMU g ga! _ Se pal Lalas (5 jena y EM g gua) agus) CdLALSi 4aijal) SA gail oll g gut) oll & guilt! GaN) oll gue Wa ABS SSS) asl + Lyne os faally SEN & gui ay gaily Jali) As ally als) - oll gst IGM & gan SM & gaa shalt) IGM € gant GGLSY) Oli Adal) iB 3 + GY & gut we Jalsit) saaall JON) Ege) A gBLciN) Aiba) + SM eeadll Gilad eel dahl 33) cats ot Gut J) sits oot ois Go! ¢ gl Nala) Lutcakii wll Egutl oul Ja Sigal) Ge GLa jlo! get! Fale: Jikan el! eg) EM & gun) als) Std Nall Aa Ena) ¢ guaist Ay yu) J} gall EG & gall! Fals iawa EM g gua) gl & gu! GAS) cigs All ¢ gut! Ay pS) i gall ll & salt calla sail gall oy GALA lll € gut! dale ils 3M) gga = Maal} Jalsill al) cya JIS) Ege) LeBel Ayla Briar) eal Jacl gal) cys ESL IGM & gant) Bale Jules bys Jai ches ah Re ered

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