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ESCI 120 Environmental Geology

Learning objectivesPart 4
Mass movements
1. Define mass movements (mass wasting)
2. State the main force behind mass movement
3. Explain what shearing stress, friction, and shear strength are; express how factors such as
slope affect shearing stress
4. Define angle of repose is, and how sediment properties affect it
5. Understand how water can impact slope stability
6. Understand how vegetation can impact slope stability (also be able to define transpiration)
7. Explain what quick clays are
8. Explain how earthquakes can cause mass movements
9. Differentiate between rock falls, soil falls, slumps, and flows; explain how a debris flow differs
from a regular earthflow
10. Explain how a landslide can cause flooding
11. Understand how human activities can affect slope stability
12. List and describe the major preventive measures that can be used to improve slope stability or
mitigate the impacts of mass movements
13. List some of the major warning signs that can be used to tell if an area is likely to experience
Mass Movement

14. Explain how landslides can be predicted in certain cases

Coastal zones
1. Explain why people should be concerned with coastal process even if they dont live
near a coast
2. List and describe the major processes that impact coastlines
3. Understand how a coastline on an active margin might differ from one on a passive
4. State what causes most ocean waves and explain how ocean waves move; understand
what a breaker is and how it forms
5. Understand how waves can erode a coastline
6. Explain what tides are and how they are formed; tell what the tidal state on the opposite
side of the planet is when its high tide where you are
7. Define spring tides and neap tides and understand what their causes are
8. Explain longshore currents and littoral drift
9. Describe the atmospheric pressure conditions associated with a hurricane
10. Explain what a storm surge is, and understand what factors contribute to storm surge
11. List the major causes of global sea-level change, and understand how each one affects
sea level (explain how coastal land may have its elevation relative to sea level change
even if sea level stays constant)

12. Define emergent and submergent coastlines are; recognize which is associated with wavecut platforms and which is associated with drowned valleys
13. List and explain the major methods that can be used to stabilize beaches
14. Define jetties, groins, and shore protection breakwaters, and understand and how each
one affects a coastline
15. Explain beach nourishment and any major problems associated with it
16. Define cliff erosion; understand how it occurs, and what some prevention methods are
17. Explain what barrier islands are, what we know about how they form, and what the risks
and susceptibilities of barrier islands are to storms
18. Understand what estuaries are and what problems human activities can cause for them

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