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E.0. 12958, Sect. 3.6

The P r e s i d e n t
7:40 p. m., June 17, 1971

I think it is important that you give Rostow a call. I will t e l l you

advising against doing the
the problem. He is telling Johnson
p r e s s thing. I am going t o m e e t with 200 p r e s s tomorrow i n
Rochester and I a m p r e p a r e d and intend t o defend Johnson on this
whole thing but I can't and won't do that u n l e s s Johnson will defend
himself. He wants us t o take the heat on this. You c a l l him.


I think he i s i n Newport.

Who, Johnson?
No, Rostow.

I don't c a r e where h e i s , you c a l l h i m and c a l l m e back. He i s

advising Johnson against this. H e ' s got t o have a p r e s s conference.
I have talked t o Bill Jordan and
information is c o r r e c t .

and I don't think the

You don't think i t ' s correct.

I don't believe he is going t o have one but I don't think Rostow i s

advising h i m against it, I just don't think Johnson wants t o have one.
I didn't d i s c u s s a p r e s s conference but I did s a y t h e r e should be
some statement f r o m Johnson on this.
T e l l Rostow that unless he has a p r e s s conference, I a m not p r e p a r e d
t o defend him. Why should I?
I don't think you should defend Johnson anyway.
the Presidency.

You should defend

It amounts t o the s a m e thing, a defense of Johnson. I don't think

this i s p r o p e r t o put one side of the c a s e out and not the other side.

I will c a l l Rostow about the p r e s s conference but you should concentra

on the theft of documents and on the unconceivability of
over attacking somebody and not letting t h e m s e e the context. Why
don't you supply the context?
Well, chat with Rostow a little bit about it. The Harlow report i s
that he i s advising against it. Johnson should go t o the m a t on this,
don't you think so?

E.0. 12953, Sect. 3.6

The President
7:40 p.m., June 17, 1971

- --..--



-- page 2

Frankly, I think they a r e a l l so eager

between Johnson and the press.

-- it would get a brawl started

It would get it off us.

But it also would drag it down to the level of whether Johnson was
guilty o r not.
That;s a hell of a lot better than whether we a r e guilty o r not!
in Governmen"
These people a r e deliberately undermining
the end justifies the means and this i s '
What you a r e
called higher morality. G e r r y Schecter f r o m Times was just i n
here. Of course, they never print it like we t e l l it to them but



I immediately go on the attack. I said I don't understand how you
how do I know you a r e not
stealing papers a l l over the place


You be s u r e to call Rostow, and call me back.

I will.

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