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Chorleywood is a village near London whose population has increased

steadily since the middle of the 19th century. The map below shows the
development of the village.

Write a report for a university lecturer describing the development of the


Chorleywood showed significant changes in urbanization development from the end of

19th century (1868) to the end of 20th century (1994), during the while new buildings

were mainly located along the railway station (est. 1909) and the motorway (est.


The first proof of change was a very fast growing occurred in a small area located

between the main road and Chorleywood Park over a 15 year – period only (1868 –

1883). Then, from 1883 to 1922 a second area has been developed in size twice

bigger than the earliest one, but more slowly, because it has grown in a 30 year –

period. After 48 years (1922 – 1970), the urbanization process has been continued

with the manifestation of a third area bigger three times than the previous one and

mainly located along the railway road. Next, the biggest increase in population has

been occurred within the next 24 year – period (1970 – 1994), and featured by a huge

spreading of houses into a fourth area more bigger than the previous ones. It is during

the last event (1970 – 1994) that the population’s density has been concentrated

close to the most populated transportation systems (railway and motorway).


Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no specialist

knowledge of the following topic:

The idea of having a single career is becoming an old fashioned one. The
new fashion mil be to have several careers or ways of earning money and
further education will be something that continues throughout life.

Use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your examples and
relevant evidence.
Actually, the job sector is more flexible than on the past and this evidence could

lead to a changing mind, in which the old single path career is becoming vanished. To

develop this topic, I will structure the essay giving, first of all, a brief explanation of

what involves having a single career. Then, a description of the main features of the

“new era” jobs and what the European Union is doing to promote this phenomena.

Finally I will draw my conclusion.

During the last twenty – year period (1992 – 2012) the job market situation has

been changed significantly and the concept of career as well. Previously in fact, the

peoples’ though was concentrated upon a single career path, who started with a job

after the school’s completion and finished with the beginning of the retirement period.

In this case there was a huge interval of time during the while people could improve a

limited type of skills provided by the school’s formation. By this I mean, that if a

person got a job as clerk, he or she performed it until the retirement period. With no

way to do something else (to study or get another qualification).

Actually, a lot of things are changed and the single job path, so important on

the past, now it is vanished. In fact, the job market is pointing on part time and

temporary jobs. The first one is a job where the employee must works up to four hours

a day, from Monday to Friday. Sometimes, a part time job could be temporary, and in

this case a worker can performs his duties just for six months to up to one year. All of

this is regulated by a job contract and the relationship employer – employee finishes

when the contract expires. This is a clear evidence of the fact that a single career does

not exist anymore. However, it is an advantage because people can manage their time

in a more flexible way than before. For example, they can do courses (i.e.: computer,

language, art and so on) and this can be used to improve their qualifications.

Other phenomena are: job mobility and life – long learning. The first one is the

opportunity to work or train in a foreigner country for a temporary period (from 3 to 6

months) and the second one is a process who promotes the gathering of new
professional skills during the entire working life. A concrete case comes from the

European Union, who is responding actively to this way. For example, among the

different projects financed every year, there is the opportunity for graduates or

qualified workers, to spend six months or more at the pharmaceutical company Glaxo

– Smith Kline based in Berlin. By consequence, this type of experience can provide the

so called life – long learning.

In conclusion, I would say that, if until twenty or thirty years ago the job market

was ruled by fixed paths, the “ new era” is dominated by the possibility of a multi –

path career. The last one leads to a time management more efficient than before

reflected in an extra curricula education. Very important is also the European Union’s

role, who acts and supports the development of work’s flexibility by job mobility.

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