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The charts below show the results of a survey of adult education. The first
chart shows the reasons why adults decide to study. The pie chart shows
how people think the costs of adult education should be shared.

Write a report for a university lecturer, describing the information shown


Further education is ruled by two reasons: people who feel interest in what they

are studying and because they think is useful to improve themselves and these are

represented by 40% of the population surveyed. Adults decide to undertake a further

education, not only for the previously mentioned reasons, but also because they think

is important for the past and future of the job and because they feel enjoyment to

learn. People who think in this alternative way is made by 20%. Finally, adults believe

that education must continue because is an opportunity to know other people and an

occasion to get more skills in order to change jobs. This is represented by 20% of the

population interviewed.

Adult education has a cost. In fact 40% think that this expense should be

mainly shared by single students and a 35% who believe that employers must provide

to employers’ further education. Followed by 25% who believe costs should be

deducted from peoples’ income.


Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no specialist

knowledge of the following topic.

There are many different types of music in the world today. Why do we need
music? Is the traditional music of a country more important than the
International music that is heard everywhere nowadays?

Use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with
examples and relevant evidence.

Music is listened worldwide and various are the types of music. There is a clear

tendency, for people of all countries, to need of music. But why? And, among the
variety of music genres listened nowadays, does it must be considered the traditional

music has the same importance as the international one? I will argue the essay taking

account of, firstly, the special features of Argentina, Ireland and Italy and, secondly,

how international music, like pop and rock, are lived and performed.

From the East to the West of the world we need music because it expresses the

cultural identity of a country. Argentina is famous for two main things: food and music.

When tourists hear about this country, their thought goes to the most delicious food

cooked here (beef) and a sensual dance called tango. The last one, mainly performed

at discos, is the favorite not only among the youngest people, but a lot of people

worldwide want to learn how to dance it. Crossing the Atlantic Ocean, we are on the

Emerald Island, another name to call Ireland. The first thing that comes across a

potential visitor’s mind is the beer (Guinness), and the last one is strictly linked to a

very attractive dance performance (Irish music). The intimate legacy between these

ones, is shown by the fact, that both are actions regularly seen in pubs. In fact, it is

usual coming into a pub and appreciate a taste of Guinness and, during the while,

enjoy the Traditional Irish music. Flying over to the British Isle and passing over the

Alps, we are in another beautiful country: Italy. It is famous worldwide for food and

dance. Each visitor, from all over the world, have an idea of Italy from pizza/spaghetti

and Neapolitan tarantella. The Italian food does not need an extensive introduction,

because everybody knows its finest quality. But the consolidation of Italy’s identity as

a nation is found on the traditional music. In fact, Neapolitan tarantella is danced until

nowadays in locals and attracts new peoples’ generations who enjoy to learn it.

Although, the previously mentioned music are recognized internationally,

because a lot of people feel enjoyment to learn and perform them. However, pop and

rock music are rhythms known worldwide. In fact, going from Argentina, passing

through Ireland and, finally arriving to Italy, pop and rock are genres danced in pubs

and bars. Every people of that countries when go out with friends decide to spend the
night in locals where these genres are played no matter where Argentina, Ireland or

Italy. [expand ]

The need of music doesn’t know country limits and it comes from the necessity

to identify ourselves as citizens of a nation. For example, tango is used to identify

Argentinian, Irishmen by Irish music and Italians by Neapolitan tarantella. Another

aspect arises from the previous paragraphs, the enthusiasm that people show to learn

and perform music. No matter what. In fact, tango is performed as well as pop or rock

music. So, in my opinion, the traditional music has the same importance as

international music.

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