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Positive and Normative Economics: The Best Possible Remedies to Eliminate Illegal


Marijuana also known as weed is one of the controversial illegal drugs being researched
upon because it is said to have medicinal uses such as stopping epileptic seizures and
can help treat diseases such as Alzheimers and multiple sclerosis. As of now, the
Republic of the Philippines does not approve the legalization of the herbal plant simply
because it is considered to be an illegal drug and have side effects that might be
harmful to the body. In the United States of America, two of the states had already
legalized the use of Marijuana which are Colorado and Washington. Thus, even if the
people living in the said states had been given the freedom of usage, the debate
According to research, the use of marijuana cannot cause death by overdose. Contrary
to the beliefs of people, this marijuana has discovered to have a number of medicinal
uses that can help treat diseases regarding to seizures, cancer, glaucoma and the like.
But what makes it debatable to the public is that it also have these side effects such as
depression, impairing memory, irritating respiratory system and of course addiction.
Thus, in my opinion in the side of positive economics regarding this matter, I would like
to propose some of the policies that might help abolish illegal drugs in the market.
Based from the discussion made by Mr. Dela Pasion, by using the law of supply and
demand, it shows that the best way to diminish use of Marijuana is to decrease its
supply and demand with the aid of policies. For the supply, Increasing of the Militia in
the country should be implemented, such that military and police forces should increase
in number in places prone to exportation and importation of illegal drugs such as the
airports and sea ports. Also, Planting of Marijuana should be banned and places prone
to plantation should be closely monitored by the government. There should also be a
strict implementation of no carrying of illegal drugs policy in airports and seaport.
Failure to abide by these laws would correspond to imprisonment for 10-20 years,
deportation of the person caught importing illegal drugs in the country and death
penalty. According to Harm Reduction International (HRI), 32 countries have been
widely practicing death penalty for smugglers caught possessing drugs and I think that
our country should also do the same to lessen problems with regard to illegal drugs.
Implementing stiffer penalty such as those mentioned earlier is a way of decreasing the
demand of Marijuana. There should also be a random drug testing rather than
mandatory drugs testing in colleges, universities, public and private business firms to
ensure drug free environment in these places. Thus, if the supply has been decreased
or cut down, there would be no usage of this illegal drug and people using it would
eventually stop, the same as through with decreasing its demand. If these had been put
to practice by our government, gradual decrease in the demand would happen because

people using Marijuana would have a hard time finding sources of it since strict policies
and penalties had been made.
For the side of normative economics, one of the policy that would diminish illegal drugs
such as Marijuana in the Philippines is to simply not legalize its usage. Even though
Marijuana is known to have its good side effects, the use of this herbal plant is not yet
been safely proven by scientists and medical experts. Continuous exploration of this
drug has been on going and also debates are happening whether it should be legalized
or not. But for me, since the components of this Marijuana has not yet been discovered
and determined it should remained to be illegal because later on it might bring health
risks to the users. As long as this herbal drug has not been further explored, this should
not be used for both medicinal and recreational purposes. Thus, even if certain policies
were made increase in crime and violence can happen if people are really that
persistent in using Marijuana. Prohibition might trigger people to discover other ways of
acquiring these drugs. Violence might occur due to intoxication brought by the usage of
drugs. Sometimes, the more you prohibit, the more they will crave for it. People who are
not capable of thinking rationally, and just think of the intoxication effects that Marijuana
will bring to them will do anything to satisfy their need of taking these drugs. These
people do not take in to account the possible side effects that they would be
experiencing while using it. Thats why those laws should be considered by the
government to decrease the problems that the country is currently facing with regards to
illegal drugs. As long the government does not take these matters seriously and does
not evidently act upon it, widespread illegal usage will continue to occur that might bring
not only harmful effects to the user but might also bring violence to the people
surrounding him or her. Citizens must remain to be vigilant at all times and report to the
authorities illegal transactions of drugs to prevent further distribution of these drugs.
Other than that, people who are experiencing addiction to these drugs should be
subjected to rehabilitation and be diverted to do other recreational activities. Our country
must be a drug-free country and it would only be achieved if we cooperate and abide by
the laws and regulations in our country. The government cannot work on its own that is
why it must be both implemented and followed by the citizens of this country.

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