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Political Consulting Services @ The Consultants

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India: +91-8587067685 || USA: +18052146040

Strategic Consulting Services For Political

Parties For Elections Management
Turn Voters In Your Favor Let
Strategic professionals Design & Manage
Your Invincible Election Campaign for
Higher Chances of Landslide Victory
Last Few years election results ( Since From
National To Delhi & Bihar elections
Results) has proved, That Strategic
Management of Elections By Professionals
has power to Create Magic / Charisma can
mobilize voters in favor or against of any party.
It is also clear after analyzing recent years national and regional elections results, that like in
past, now national & regional level or state elections are totally different. Both cant be
managed on same agenda, with same strategies. Voters are quiet aware and capable to segment
their national political priorities & regional political priorities. Hence the same voter cast his
vote for different parties during elections.
This indicates that political parties have to be strategic and advance level integrated
professional political management is required by political parties. Reason behind this that
elections has becomes multidimensional, very complex event after emergence of several
regional level parties like shiv sena,bsp,sp,rjd etc etc.

In fact, Strategic & professional Management of elections by expert professionals is a tool to

gain maximum in minimum time period by effective & preplanned strategies based on several
interacting political dynamics.

Against all odds, Unexpected victory of (BJP) Mr Narendra Modi As PM,AAP Victory &
BJPs Defeat In Delhi , similarly Victory of JDU alliances in Bihar is nothing but fine example
of role of strategic Political Management By professionals where focus was on
Branding,communication,deciding mind catching agendas & Ear Catching slogans played a
deciding roles to push / pull voters.
The Role of modern strategic marketing technologies is equally applicable in politics &
has been witnessed in past few years.
It Is clear that by strategic management of Political elections can change the predicted results.
The Consultants offers first in its kind an integrated micro strategic political consulting
services to Political Parties, Political leaders to develop strong and everlasting political
strategies, campaigns & its execution to Improve performance during elections. Our expert
strategist will be instrumental for all phases ( Pre-poll / Mid Poll / Post- Poll) Strategy
development, effective executing & monitoring with the help of different management Tools &

Bend The Politics @ The Consultants Strategic election Winning Political Campaigns
Indian Democracy ! Worlds Biggest Democracy! Indian Election ! Worlds Biggest Electoral
& Most Complex Process. Indian Voters! Most Complex Multidimensional Voting behavior.
Its obvious that understanding voters behavior is least understood & is most Complex subject
to understand. Predicting the voters behavior in advance is typical and this is reason why
predictions and forecast of major election pandits,political parties & leaders becomes totally
wrong in past few years elections.

Turn Voters in Your Favor By Our Strategic Political Consulting Tools & Techniques
De- facto,elections are most uncertain process not because of this that its a complex process
but because its micro dynamics & factors insuring victory in elections were never studied
professionally earlier as other disciplines like Management, engineering etc. Hence there is
complete absence of skilled professionals for management of election campaigns and political
parties run their campaign just on basis of small and nonscientific way based on spontaneous
approach. Where there is lack of scientific knowledge, the risk of uncertainty is very high so
the same in Indian elections. This why there is no contingency management available for
election campaigns. The same has been proved that impossible task has been achieved &
unpredictable results were there in past elections.

Strategic Political Consulting Regaining Lost Vote Bank & Political Image
The Consultants Offers first time in its class Professional Political Consultancy services to
Political Parties. Our professionals will make the deep study of different micro Factors
(Topogeographical,Socioeconomic factors,Cultural,mass & Individual Voter Inclination,
Voters Political Affinity index, Voters diffusion process etc. etc.) related with voters voting
behavior and will assist your political party to decide course of action to bring your dream true.
Based On our highly scientific micro studies of political ecosystem, we are proud to announce
That we can assist you both in pre-poll & Post Poll phases of elections.

Pre-Poll Strategic Political Consulting Services

Political Environment Mapping
Before Election, It is important to Map the entire current political environment of Election
Territories. This Task Starts Minimum of 9-12 Months Of declaration of Election dates by
Election commission of India. In this task a strategic & Competitive micro & macro evaluation
are done for Availability of Political potentials, Relative Strength of rivals, important task, and
Latent demand Of Voters, Voters dynamics & Psychologies, & different Social, Economical,
Political forces which may develop or developing. A Complete TOWS analysis to decide
future political strategy launch platform.

The Importance of this task is in removing Political Illusions /

dilemma to eliminate decision-making mistakes at primary level by
presenting clear-cut present & future scenario of political
environment to win elections on every constituency / district or
smallest unit. This will be also helpful to stop different strategic
blunders in campaign period i.e. contradictory statements,
unorganized actions, irrelevant political statements etc.
Launching, Political Activation & Political Expansion
One of our core strategic Political expertise. No matter whether you
are thinking forming your own political party or you are a local or regional level party, we
becomes instruments strategically for launching, political activation and rapid expansion of
your party on regional & national level.
This very specialized strategic political consulting services for regional level parties who want
to expand their political wings from a state to national level. Our unique strategic support is
extremely helpful for step wise expansion to develop their workers and finally a strong vote
bank to lead coming elections.
This vertical is associated for transformation of Regional
level political party into National level political party
means migration from assembly to parliament, from the
post of Chief Minister to Post of Prime Minister.
Deciding Mission, Vision & Management Process
The Next step is to decide entire mission & Vision
Strategy Of election. In which our tools & Techniques are
quite helpful to draft the Final Road-map, needed
resources, tools & techniques, strategic organogram to
execute the task via division of clear-cut roles &
responsibilities up to bottom level party workers.
Deciding Competitive Political Agenda
Political agenda is first outgoing base outgoing communication political message. The entire
elections are governed on the basis of political agendas which are offered by any political
parties to voters. Based on this agenda, voters decide to cast his vote for any
party.Undoubtedly,it is most strategic subject to care. It Has Been Observed That Agendas are
most of parties are very common; in this situation developing USP becomes difficult.
We provide powerful agendas to our clients which are unique, and are capable to penetrate
the voters mind deeply. These strategic agendas are not only unique & different from others
but they are helpful to position you party effectively & different from others. These are more
convincing, logical and effective for multidimensional complex political competitive
environment. So start Foundation of victory at early stage with our expertise.
micro Strategies To Win Elections
The most complex task. At very early stage, we develop the tools & techniques to execute
entire process. from top to Bottom level, From Party Head Office to ground zero workers level,
every bit of process will be carefully devised and according to be executed.

These strategies & process are carefully devised after analyzing several political dynamics,
forces acting over each others, attack & counter attack process,social,economical, voters
psychological factors etc. Techniques & process will be available to launch our actions, to
counter the rival political attacks in effective and speedy way.

Vote Bank Management Process

May be possible that due to certain reason you have lost your previous bank. Our strategies are
quiet helpful to regain your vote bank and gradual increment in existing vote bank potentials.
Our ground level political campaigns, communication and messages are ever helping to regain
your lost voters and also to increase it.
Political Image, Reputation & Brand Building Strategies
During entire period, we are more focused on this step. Due to certain reasons, parties gain or
lose their Political Image in Public; their reputations are hampered willfully by rivals or due to
poor image protection strategies of party. We provide strategic tuxedo to political parties which
protect image & reputation of party by any internal/external attack, factors. Not only this, we
device such interactive strategies which are helpful to rebuild powerful image & reputation in
mass voters, which regain lost popularity, faith of any party.
These strategies are based on several specific parameters and covers district level to national
level span as per need of situation. With The Help of different tools, we focus on national
politics to district level politics image/reputation building activities. Our USP lies micro
penetration & execution level on every district, constituency as effective as it is required for
developing strong building blocks.
Mostly, all major political activities are limited up to certain big constituencies level and
small, remote area are untouched. In fact these remote & small ignored area plays deciding
role in victory of any political election. Bihar elections are the best examples for this where
voters of villages & remote area played vital roles for victory or defeat.
Voters Engagement & Mobilization Management
The next big task for political party & Political Strategies to keep engaged their voters engaged
with them, with their political ideology. Voters engagement is typical psychological process
which are governed on micro principles of human decision-making science that what is best for
him in given set of parameters. Since due to democracy, political competition in India is best
example of pure competitive political environment in which several factors are influencing
voters subconscious mind by which a voter can becomes idol or may shift to other party. In
fact, in last few years it has been observed that voters transfer rates has becomes very volatile,
where voters are shifting & polarized towards different parties in every elections. This is
reason why in some election Party X is winning election but next time it becomes looser.
Our strategies are a strong bonding force to your political parties by which voters are
engaged & stayed with you. Same is issue with mobilization. Whenever it is needed, voters
should mobilized in your favor, to propagate your agenda is society, to influence inactive or
opposition voters.
Election Campaign, Communication & Promotion Strategies

The real time management is our unique offerings. Our strategic campaign is devised keeping
diversity of Indian voters in mind. These campaigns, activities are so effective because we
design it as per diverse need of local culture, need & social norms. We can assures that
campaign, jingles and communication developed by us are highly effective on voters mind and
are capable to make ever lasting impact on voters psychology. These are Helpful to activate
your entire campaigns, to boost & motivate voters to participate in election in your favor, and
to add competitors votes in your accounts. This also injects new energy in your workers to
execute party high commands policies effectively on ground.
In fact, these campaigns are quite capable to develop a silent wave in favor of any political
party. For this impossible task, we catch and launch the touching agendas before your
opposition to keep you steps ahead from your political rivals. by Conversion of oppositions /
nonvoters vote into favorable votes.
Training & Development To National/District level Workers
For successful management of any political election, it is important that top to bottom level
synchronization should be aligned. Our training programmes are meant for better
synchronization between top level and bottom level (ground zero level) workers.

It has been observed that there is always gap between understanding of workers & Partys
Strategies/Agenda which results as a major dent.
It is quite obvious that top leaders cant reach to everywhere to train & synchronize the ground
zero level workers.
Here our strategic Political Training Team Plays Vital role to fill the gap. We activate your
workers on Every Unit Working level by providing & arranging political training programme
on every district level where we ensure all required strategic capability building session. In
this, we try to educate bottom level workers about the partys vision, mission, and strategy &
process that how they have to execute the task. i.e. what they have to do, how they have to do,
when they have to, by whom they have to do, for whom they have to do.. & many more
We also Educate them for entire structures, back support process etc. In this way a better and
synchronized efforts delivers effective results. Our training programmes are quite capable to
develop strategic political understanding so that every district level headquarters becomes selfmanaged command center since we transform it into highly developed & self-managed autoperforming unit political strategic center.

In this way, every center becomes enough capable to manage all tasks, decision-making
process, political contingencies and rivalry. Every district level centers is transformed and
upgraded into activation center which becomes enough capable to manage voters of his area.
A Team Of Fortune 500 MNCs Ex Strategic Professionals A Strategic Political Edge Over Rivals

Post Poll Management: - After winning the elections, it is important to maintain the same
reputation to bind the voters so that partys Image should not deteriorated. We Assist to
Political parties to decide their post poll priorities, strategies and execution etc. so that repeated
performance excellence can be maintained in future elections.
Since, as a voter, Indian elections are participated by different class & mentality of voters. The
priorities of every voters differs based on local influential factors, hence a niche & Local
strategies should be developed for combined national campaign.
We offer an advance level, scientific and integrated Traditional & Digital Political
Campaign management consultancy services for Municipality election to national

For More details and understanding about our unique contribution to manage your
campaigns, Political Parties requires contacting us minimum of 6 months before.
Strategic Political Consulting To Turn Voters in Your Favor!
Elections Are Opportunity which Comes Once In 5 Years. Let Manage It Wisely At Any Cost.

Political Consulting

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Our Client UPVP www.upvp.org

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