Performance Analysis

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Performance Analysis of Import and Export

Activities of R. R. Apparels Ltd.

+8801916286988(sell number)

Dipock Mondal

Department of Business Administration

Northern University Bangladesh

Date of Submission: 08th November, 2009

Performance Analysis of Import and Export

Activities of R. R. Apparels Ltd.

Supervised By:
Ms. Jannatul Mawa Nupur
Senior Lecturer in Marketing
Department of Business Administration
Northern University Bangladesh

Submitted By:
Dipock Mondal
Department of Business Administration
Northern University Bangladesh

Date of Submission: 08th November, 2009

Student Declaration

I am Syed Nazmul Hossain here by declare that the work presented in this report
titled Performance analysis of Import and Export Activities of R. R. Apparels
Ltd has been carried out by me and has not been previously submitted to any other

University or organization for an academic qualification, certificate, diploma, or


Syed Nazmul Hossain
ID- BBA 050360180
Major in Human Resource Management
Bachelor of Business Administration
Northern University Bangladesh

Certificate of Acceptance

This is to certify that the internship report Performance analysis of Import and

Export Activities of R. R. Apparels Ltd is submitted in partial fulfillment of the

requirements of Bachelor of Business Administration program, Northern University

Bangladesh, which is accepted in form and quality.

Supervisor Committee chairman

Ms Jannatul Mawa Nupur
Senior Lecturer in Marketing
Department of Business Administration
Northern University Bangladesh

Letter of transmittal

8th November,2009

Ms. Jannatul Mawa Nupur
Senior Lecturer in Marketing
Department of Business Administration
Northern University Bangladesh

Subject: Submission of internship report titled Performance analysis of Import and

Export Activities of R. R. Apparels Ltd.

Dear Madam,

It is great pleasure for me to submit the internship report on Performance analysis of

Import and Export Activities of R. R. Apparels Ltd, an official part of “R.R.
Apparels Ltd” for the partial fulfillment for the Degree of “Bachelor of Business

Although the preparation of the study wasn’t an easy task for me, I enjoyed the
challenge and tried to face the problems with patience. This study gave me a real life
experience and opens our eyes to the actual business environment. It helped me to
gathering various aspects of knowledge and increased observation power regarding a
business and its regular operation.

I have provided my best effort to prepare this report. I hope my internship report meet
your expectation. However, if you need my clarification from any part of this report
then please let me know me about it and I will try my best to make that

Sincerely yours,

Dipock Mondal
Major in Human Resource Management
Department of Business Administration
Northern University Bangladesh


All praise and utmost prayers to be almighty how is the source of all power and
knowledge, more tanks to is almighty Allah for giving me to complete my research
work in time despite my personal troubles and hazards.

It is a great pleasure of having the opportunity of expressing my deepest since of

gratitude, heart-felt thanks and sincere appreciation and greatest indebt ness to my
reverend supervisor Ms. Jannatul Mawa Nupur, Senior Lecturer of Business
Administration discipline, Northern University Bangladesh, Dhaka campus for his
constant guidance, excellent cooperation and continuous encouragement without how
is this work would not have been possible.

I am very much indebt in the department of BBA to giving me the opportunity to do

the intern in an organization. As well as I am also grateful to the management of R. R.
Apparels Ltd. for the internship program at their organization who allowed me
supplied me necessary formation documents and sacrifices their valuable time.

I am highly obliged to Mohammad Jalal Hossain Laizu, Commercial General

Manage of R.R.Apparels Ltd who supervise and allowed and supplied me necessary
information. I am grateful Mr. Mizan Sr. Executive of Marketing. I also grateful to
Mr. Mosiur Junior Commercial officer.

I would also like to express my profound gratitude to Mr. Arman, Manager of

Merchandising Division. And all the staff of R.R. Apparels Ltd. who has provided me
various informations those are most necessary for my internship program.

BGMEA- Bangladesh Garment Manufacturer and Exporter Association

EPB- Export Promotion Bureau

NBR- National Board of Revenue

ICSID- International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Dispute

GSP- Generalized System Preference

BTMEA- Bangladesh Textile Manufacturer and Exporter Association

CO- Country of Origin

OPIC- Overseas Private Investment Corporation

BEPZ - Bangladesh Export Processing Zones

L/C- Letter of Credit

B2B L/C- Back to Back Letter of Credit

MIS - Management Information Department

HRD - Human resource Development Department

RMG - Ready Made Garments

MAIS - Management Accounting Information System

MIS - Management Information System
LDC- Least Developed Country

Table of Contents

Si. No: Page No:

Executive Summery Ι
Chapter-1: Introduction

1.1 Introduction 01
1.2 Origin of the report 01
1.3 Objectives of the study 1-2
1.4 Scope of the study 02
1.5 Research questions and hypothesis 03
1.6 Types and sources of information 04
1.7 Study methodology 04-08
1.8 Limitation of the study 09
Chapter-2: The Company Profile 10-14
2.1 Establishment and history 10
2.2 Main buyers of R. R. Apparels 11
2.3 Organization Chart 12
2.4 Management Structure 13
2.5 Functional Department of R. R. Apparels Ltd 13-14
2.5. Production Department 13
2.5. Marketing & Sales 14
2.5. Planning, Commercial and Marketing 14
2.5. Procurement Department 14
2.5. Computer Department 14
2.7. Finance & Accounts 14
Chapter-3: Internship Position and Duties 15-17
3.1 Specific Internship Position & Duties 15-16
3.2 Major Learning Points 17
Chapter-4: Findings and Analysis
4.1 Frequency table 18-41
4.2 Cross Tabulation 42-47
4.3 Correlations 48-51
4.4 SWOT Analysis 52-53
4.6.1 Strengths 52
4.6.2 Weaknesses 53
4..6.3 Opportunities 54
4.6.4 Threats 54

Chapter-5: Conclusion and
5.1 Conclusion 55
5.2 Recommendations 56

Executive Summary

R. R. Apparels Ltd is a sweater manufacturing company that incorporated in1997 to

operate their business in the country. The company is operating through a well
defined management structure headed by a chief Executive Officer under whom
there are various departmental heads and according to hierarchy, various senior and
mid level management staffs. The chief executives officer and departmental heads
meet at regular interval. Mainly I have done my internship in commercial sector of

R. R. Apparels Ltd. I work under the supervision of commercial general manager.
There my main task was preparing different type of papers for BGMEA, EPB,
custom, chamber of commerce and bank. During my internship period my daily task
was taking data from the buying house and sends it to the factory to produce the
goods as their instruction through the E-mail or send it to the factory physically.
Through the SPSS software I have done different types of analysis. There are five
types of analytical table are cited in my report. That helps us to easily identify the
performance of R. R. Apparels Ltd. Through though analysis we can easily identify
the present condition of the country like what their strength, what is their weakness
etc. As R.R. Apparels is a commercial organization in our country and wanted to
make a surplus over their business, they needs to take some initial steps to solve
their existing problem. Though the officials of the company were gave positive
information about the company in most of the cases. There are some problems in R.
R. Apparels Ltd to develop its business more like illegal practice in different
governmental offices, lack of better transportation system and lack of modern
working system of different organization related with import and export activities of
R. R. Apparels Ltd and many more. If government create better opportunities for the
owner of the garments company in case of import and export activities like faster
Customs activities, install modern technology, change the old Procedure of official
activities etc then it will better for import and export activities of R. R. Apparels Ltd.

1.1. Introduction and Background:

Internship is mandatory for all BBA students to fulfill the degree of Bachelor of
Business Administration because it gives a first hand experience of the complexities
of practical life that means the practical job situation. As a result it makes benefited
the students by relates their acquired knowledge with practical job life. The prime
objective of the internship program is to work under organizational environment so

that, we can tern up ourselves as professionals with practical experience and can get a
opportunity to reconcile the theoretical knowledge with real life situation. For this
reason internship is an indispensable part of BBA program. I tried to prepare this
report on the basis of practical knowledge, which I gather from this organization.

R. R. Apparels Ltd is a sweater manufacturing company that incorporated in1997 to

operate their business in the country. It is a fully export oriented manufacturing
company. Near about 73% export earning of our country comes from ready made
garments industry. For this reason import and export activities play very vital role for
our economic development. That is why I am interested to conduct my study on this
import and export activities of R. R. Apparels Ltd.

1.2. Origin of the report:

R. R. Apparels Ltd. is a large organization in our country. I had to involve all most all
activities related with import and export. I had to involve in the sweater section of the
company. I work only in head office of the company. The report mainly concentrates
on all activities related with import and export of sweater products of R. R. Apparels

1.3. Objectives of the study:

The objectives of this study are divided into two segments. First one is the broad
objectives and another one is specific objectives.
Broad objectives:
The study has two broad objectives behind this research. Those are follows –

• To identify how effectively R. R. Apparels Ltd performs its import related

• To analyze how effectively R. R. Apparels Ltd performs its export related

Specific objectives:

This study has some relevant objective that is also very necessary to perform this
study like-
• To know the activities of the related organizations of R. R. Apparels Ltd.
like bank, BGMEA, BTMEA, Customs, Chamber of Commerce etc to
entire import and export activities.
• To analyze the problems of those particular organization/s that affect/s the
activities of R.R Apparels Ltd.
• To identify whether the government rules and regulations are supportive
for the activities of those organizations or not.
1.4. Scope of the study:
This study that means import and export activities have huge necessity for a country.
A country’s economy largely depends on its import and export activities. So in the
organizational level the essentiality of those activities is boundary less. There is a
huge scope of this study in our country. Some of the areas are given below-
• It will be possible to conduct a study on performance evaluation of import
activities in any type of organization in our country.
• It will be possible to conduct a study on performance evaluation of export
activities in any type of organization in our country.
• Through this study it will be possible to conduct a study on identifying the
problem of import and export activities.
• Through this study it will be possible to conduct a study on find out the
possible solution of import and export activity’s problem.
• Can conduct a study on how to develop a country’s economy through import
and export activities.

1.5. Research Questions and Hypothesis:

The main research question the study will try to answer is performance analysis of
import and export activities of R. R. Apparels Ltd. The study have developed the
following hypothesis for the study: The performance of import and export activities is
influenced by the following hypothesis.

H1: The performance depends on how smoothly company operates its import
H2: The performance depends on how smoothly company operates its export activities

H3: The performance of import and export activities affected by the effectiveness of
bank activities.

H4: The performance of import and export activities largely depends on the timely
completion of the BGMEA activities.

H5: Properly and timely completion of BTMEA formalities assist the performance of
import and export activities of R. R. Apparels.

H6: The performance of import and export activities rely on the successfully
completion of EPB activities

H7: The activities of Chamber of Commerce and Foreign Ministry should have effect
on the performance of import and export activities of R. R. Apparels.

H8: The faster Customs activities greatly assist the performance of import and export
activities of R. R. Apparels.

H9: The performance of import and export activities relies on the systematic and
organized information system of the company.

H10: Maintaining successful relationship with the buyer and communicate with
Transportation Companies in due time to assist the performance of import and export
1.6. Types and Sources of Information:

The study will be performed based on the primary and secondary data. The primary
data will be collected by interviewing different operational departments of R. R.
Apparels. The sources of secondary data were also the different operational

departmental office of R. R. Apparels. The secondary data that was collected were as

Information Department
Bank activities Banking department
BGMEA activities BGMEA department
EPB and CO related activities EPB department
Customs activities Custom department
BTMEA activities BTMEA department
Buyer related information Public relation department
Import activities & Export activities Import and Export department

Foreign Ministry and Chamber of Import and Export department

Commerce activities

1.7. Study Methodology:

1.7.1. Data Gathering Method: I have used both primary and secondary data for
preparing this report. But most of the data are collected from primary source. I
observed various activities of R. R. Apparels Ltd. My practical experience in R. R.
Apparels Ltd. was a great source of information.

(A) Primary source of Data:

 Primary data is collected through questionnaire survey on 30 officials
of different departments of R. R. Apparels Ltd.
 Day to day desk job (Informal conversation with the clients)
(B) Secondary sources of Data
 Annual report on R. R. Apparels Ltd.
 Prospectus of R. R. Apparels Ltd.
 Published journal and articles on textile market in Bangladesh.
 Some of the data are collected from internet and newspaper.

To collect that information I used observation, survey and questionnaire method

.Most of the cases I used questionnaire method because this method is very easy to
collect information vastly and within a short time. I was prepared a close ended
questionnaire to collect information from my respondent. I was used probability
sampling method to select my respondent. Finally I placed that information into the
SPSS software to analyze the overall import and export performance of R. Apparels
A close ended question is used to collect the data from the respondent. Ten
hypotheses have been constructed to develop attributes, which are expected to have
strong impact on the performance of import and export activities of the “R. R.
Apparels”. The respondent will respond under each attributes into a five point likert
scale with “strongly agree” resulting to a higher degree of satisfaction and with
“strongly disagree” resulting to a lower degree of satisfaction. The construct and
operational definition of each hypothesis is given in annex-1 to this report. Some
demographic question will be in the questionnaire for more in-depth interpretation of
the respondent.

1.7.2. Sampling Plan and Sample Size:

Study population:
The first step of the sampling design is to define the study population. Due to time
restrictions and other limitations my survey will restrict only into the R. R. Apparels
head office and factory office.

To settle the study population I took the higher level, higher middle, middle level and
lower level official and those officials from different departments like Commercial (9
officials), merchandiser (11 officials), factory level (7 officials) and marketing (3
officials) as a source of my information. The number of population of the study is not
so large because the R. R. Apparels is not a so large organization and due to time
restriction. The number of higher and middle level employee is not large. I took only
higher and middle level employee because of the accuracy of information that is very
essential to reach an acceptable position.
Sampling Frame:
At first wrote some of the officials name and make a list which was include the entire
official of those particular offices. From their some of the officials are picked up as
the sample for the study. Not all the officials are selected. Because all the respondent
are selected due to their importance of the company and those personnel who are
more related to this study that means who has significant role in those activities.

Sampling method:
There is not huge number of officials in the area mention above. It is not possible to
do a survey among of them all. So we have decided to use clustered sampling in order
to pick of our sample. Firstly the officials of the company divided into four different
clusters depending on their level of position like higher level, higher middle, middle
level and lower level and then depending on their activities in the office, the officials
are also divided into another four clusters like commercial, merchandiser, factory
level and marketing. The number of respondents of each cluster is given in the sample

Sample size:

The total sample size for my study will be 30. I will try to collect all of my
information from both offices of R. R. Apparels. Thus the total sample size for my
study is 30 higher, middle and lower level officials. Now the number of officials in
each level and department from whom the information of the study collected are cited

Sample Table:
Officials Higher Higher-Middle Middle Lower
Number 2 7 10 11
Officials Commercial Merchandiser Factory Marketing
Number 9 11 7 3

1.7.3. Model:
In principle, to estimate the factors that affect the performance analysis of import and
export activities of the R. R. Apparels we shall need to model the performance using
the hypothesis develop for the study. The key measures are to treat the performance as
our dependent variable which is influenced by different independent variables that
measures the performance of the import and export activities. For this we need to
identify different indicators which can be used to measure these quantitative variables.
The basic model for the study is the following-

Performance = f (import, export, bank, BGMEA, EPB, chamber and foreign ministry,
customs, information system, buyer and transportation, BTMEA)

Performance analysis of import and export activities of R. R. Apparels Ltd is depends

largely on the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the company’s entire activities.
we can measure the performance of import and export activities as a dummy variable
and run the following binary logistic regression to model the performance of import
and export activities of R. R. Apparels Ltd.

Performance = ∞ + β1 import + β2 export + β3 bank + β4 BGMEA + β5

chamber and foreign ministry + β6 customs + β7 information system + β8 EPB
+ β9 buyer and transportation + β10 BTMEA.

1.7.4. Coding, Tabulation and Analysis Procedure:

The response of the respondent will be entered to the computer for tabulation and
analysis. SPSS 16.0 will be used to analysis the data. There is primarily a single type
of analysis we will be focusing on-

- Regression and correlation analysis to find out if and what extent the
constructs explain the performance of import and export activities of the “R.
R. Apparels”.

1.8. Limitation of the study:

1 Lack of time: Lack of time one of the major limitation of the study was limited
time. The nine allocation of the study was inadequate. Because in this short time
one inter student had to both attend the office and also do the survey. For the
scarcity of time I could not communicate largely with concern persons and
authority, which would be very helpful for preparing, the report could be made
much more comprehensive.

2 Administrative secrecy: Another major problem every private company
maintains some secrecy of its all import and export activities. The authority kept
much information as secrete.
3 Unwilling to response: while communicating with responsive persons most of
this was very busy in their daily work at that time. So they were not eager to
answer my question and should me many causes to avoid me.
4 Lack of adequate information: There were lacks of necessary information what
I was needed. That is primary and secondary data.
5 Improper training: The training department has failed to give proper direction.
6 Lack of systematic up gradation: Information system is not updated.
7 Lack of knowledge: Lack of Proper and modern knowledge about textile and
apparels industries.

2.1. About R. R. Apparels LTD

Corporate Headquarter
127 Motijil commercial areas
Dhaka Bangladesh
Phone: 9298205
Fax: 9297539

Operational Headquarter
PLOT-A 140, A141 (PART)
Date of Incorporation
The company was incorporated in 30 May, 1997.
Commercial Production
The company started its commercial production in the year of 1998.
Business Line
Manufacturing of sweater and export it into the US, Canada, European etc market.
Listing Status
Private Listed Company.
Authorized Capital in BDT:
1,60 Million Taka
Number of Sweater Loom Installed:
Number of Spindles Loom Installed:
Production Capacity:
17 Million Sweaters
Number of Employees:
The total number of employees in R.R. Apparels is 575.

2.2. Main Buyers of R. R. Apparels:

R. R. Apparel Ltd offer readymade garments, as its product. The main customers of
R. R. Apparel Ltd are from Europe and America. The main customers of this
organization are listed below:
• Inditex (zara and bershka)-Spain
• JC penny purchasing corporation-USA
• Charter house holding- UK

• Mother care-UK
• The cotton group SH- Belgium
• GH imported merchandise- Canada
• Lindex
• Orsay GMBH-Germany
• Perry Ellis
• Shoeby
• Matalan-Canada
• Bulham Colon-France
• Vethir- France


R. R. Apparel Ltd

Chairman/ MD

Vice Chairman

Head International
Executive Director

Director Supervisor Director Finance & Director Director

Planning Customer Service Manufacturing

Administration Commercial Design Factory

Human Resource Corporate Finance Marketing Human Resource

Information Accounting & Tax Sale Quality Assurance

Procurement Planning Materials

Figure: Organizational Chart

2.4. Management Structure:

The company is operating through a well defined management structure headed by a
chief Executive Officer under whom there are various departmental heads and
according to hierarchy, various senior and mid level management staffs. The chief
executives officer and departmental heads meet at regular interval.

The board of director is responsible to the share holders for the strategy development
of the company, the management of the company’s assets in a way that maximized
performance and the control of the operation of the business.
The board of the directors is responsible for approving company policy and is
responsible to share holders for the company’s financial and operational performance.
Responsibility for the development and implementation of company policy and
strategy, day to day operational issues is delegated by the board to the management of
the company.
2.5. Functional Department of R. R. Apparels Ltd:
R. R. Apparel Ltd. is one of the structured organizations .All the responsibilities of the
company are divided to nine different departments. The department looks after total
factory operations. It has a number of sections and each section has definite
1. Production Department
2. Marketing and Sales
3. Planning, Commercial & Marketing
4. Procurement Department
5. Computer Department
6. Finance and Accounts
7. Management Information Department (MIS)
8. Administration Department
9. Human Resource Development (HRD) Department
2.5.1. Production Department:
The production depart is headed by director operation and has wide range
responsibilities. This department looks after total factory operations. It has a number
of sections, namely production planning, administration, stores and go down, power
and fuel, maintained and delivery sections. Each section has definite responsibility.

2.5.2. Marketing & Sales:

The main duty for the marketing department is to collect buyer. The search for the
buyers, who are looking for RMGs from Bangladesh, comes from deferent part of the

world. As the buyers are highly concern in sweater they test the sample and marketing
department deals this sample- testing price and time of shipment.
2.5.3. Planning, Commercial and Marketing:
As the company’s product is very sensitive that without period specification no buyer
will take any sweater product until and unless the construction matches exactly with
their requirement. So getting the contract of order from marketing department they
prepare and order Execution schedule specifying the amount and construction of the
yearn for production department considering lead time they sent the schedule at least
two month prior to the production. And finally they sent a production order to the
production department confirming the contract.
2.5.4. Procurement Department:
The principal function of the procurement department is to source the materials both
local and foreign as required and requested by the user department. In the case of
imported materials the responsibility of the procurement department included the
establishment of L/C in favor of foreign vendors
2.5.5. Finance & Accounts:
The department comprises two sections- Finance & accounts. Finance is mainly
responsible for source and uses of funds, and inventory management. In this
connection they have to prepare a number of reports necessary to express the
inventory position and have to go to the factory at least ounces in a month to inspect
the physical position of the inventory and to investigate weather there are anomalies
in records and physical existence. Another task of the department is to deal with the
long-term lone in paying the installment and interest.
The final result of all the works in the accounts department are financial statement
balance sheet. Profit & lose accounts, Cash Flow statement etc. to produce such report
there deal a lot of works. The department is required to do the same for monthly than
quarterly and finally for the year. All the payment is through the accounts department.
It may be for raw materials purses of salary of the employees any other expanses.
Similarly all the Inflows are through the accounts.

3.1. Specific Internship Position & Duties:

Mainly I have done my internship in commercial sector of R. R. Apparels Ltd. I work
under the supervision of commercial general manager. There my main task was
preparing different type of papers for BGMEA, EPB, custom, chamber of commerce

and bank. During my internship period my daily task was taking data from the buying
house and sends it to the factory to produce the goods as their instruction through the
E-mail or send it to the factory physically. Some time I was physically submitted
different type of papers and documents to BGMEA, EPB, custom, chamber of
commerce and bank.
As most of the time I have to manipulate with various raw data so that time I was also
able to help accounting and merchandising division by providing various necessary
data. In preparing database, papers, documents I have used Microsoft Excel and
Microsoft Word and Microsoft Access I also took access to the Internet and office
Internet for providing and taking necessary information.
In my internship period I also used printer and photocopier to collect the hard copy of
data. That time I had to provide these data to the concern party as required. In the
course of my internship I also did some task in the marketing division. Some of the
task during my internship is mention bellow:
 To check daily E-mail of the different buying houses. I tried to communicate
with buying house and identify our order, which are beneficiaries for this
organization. Most of the times we are communicate with them on E-mail.
Buying houses wants to me fabric commercial invoice, packing list, UD copy,
B/L copy etc. I give them those and every day I prepare documents, which is
necessary for our organization.
 To compare their orders in the percentage base. For this reason I collect last
month data to compare increasing or decreasing rate in the percentage base.
 To accumulate there orders at the end of the month. At the end of the month I
have collect data and tried to compare data with previous month. Then I
inform it to the mid-level authority.
 To receive organizations or customers phone call for providing required
information. Some time buyer call me and try to get information about our
working progressing and try to know about our goods processing procedure
then I provide them all the information.
 To Prepare BGMEA documents, I always contact with the permanent officials
of this department and all the papers to complete Utilization Declaration I
prepared with the help of those personnel.
 To prepare EPB, bank, chamber of commerce related papers and documents
with the help of the officials of specific department.

 To communicate with the yearn factory to get my yarn which is necessary
yearn for my sweater as the buyer requirements. In the mean time I visit the
factory and I saw how they produce the yarn. I saw there firstly they collect
the cotton from Thailand, India, Pakistan and then they processing it in their
comber matching and finally this matching produce the yarn.
 To prepare documents and print it out, photocopy documents that is very
important for this organization.
 I communicated with the design studio. At first buyer came in the studio for
checking our design. I try to show my design, which is previously produced
in this factory.
 I collected cheek from the accounts at the end of the month. And give it to my
concern party.
 I communicated with the quality control department to prepare notification
letter for sweater product. Quality of sweater is good or bad I tried to identify
it by using their quality control department.

3.2 Major Learning Points:

During the time of internship program in the R. R. Apparels Ltd., I assemble many
learning things, which inspire me. The learning things are pointed in the following-

 At the time of my internship period I learnt how to make a document for the
buyer order and try to summarize how many order collect in a month and how
many sweaters sale in a month.
 Before joining as an internee in the R. R. Apparels Ltd. I do not understand
properly about the sweater exporting and raw materials importing process.
After three month of working period I have a clear conception about the
sweater exporting and raw materials importing process.
 Various problems arise in the import and export activities of R. R. Apparels
Ltd. then I need to communicate with the concern party for the problem. For
this reason my communication skill grows tremendously.
 Before working in the R. R. Apparels Ltd I have no job experience and have
no concept how an organization follows time management. After working in
the R. R. Apparels Ltd I have clear conception about time management
practices of an organization.
 Adoption in any situation is not so easy. Every time I try to communicate with
the higher authority and lots of employee who working here. I try to
communicate with them for my necessary information. For this reason I things
my adaptation power have been increased.
 Before working in R. R. Apparels Ltd I was not good speaker in English. But
after working in the R. R. Apparels Ltd I gathered some experience to
communication in English effectively.
 I have no idea about yarn, measurement of yearn process but now I have clear
idea about the measurement of yearn.
 In the time of my internship I learnt about how a person can develop his career
and maintain his subordinate.
 I have learnt different activities of related organizations like bank, BGMEA,
BTMEA, Customs, Chamber of Commerce etc that affect the movement of R.
R. Apparels Ltd.
 I learnt about the corporate culture, which is strictly maintained by the
Performance analysis of import and export activities of R. R. Apparels Ltd is an
analytical study. The main analysis is conducted through different table and graphical
representation. To analyze the performance of the company, here use the SPSS

software to shows frequency, means correlation among the different variables. Now
sequentially represent the finding of this study.
4.1. Table- 1: Frequency table
Demographic Q1: Yours time duration in R. R. Apparels Ltd.

Yours time duration in R. R.

Freque Percent Apparels Ltd.
1-3 years 13 43.3 1-3 years

3-6 years 12 40 3%
13% 3-6 years
6-9 years 4 13.3 44%
9 years above 1 3.3 40%
6-9 years

30 100 9 years

Source: Field work

This table indicates that 13 respondents continue their job in this company 1-3 years,
12 respondents continue their job in this company 3-6 years, 4 respondents continue
their job in this company 6-9 years and 01 respondent continue their job in this
company 9 years above. The above mentioned Pie chart shows the percentage of
employees who related with the company in different time duration.

Demographic Q2: Now you are working among

Now youhigher level among
are w orking to lower level.
level to lower level.

7% higher
37% 23% higher middle
33% low er
Frequency Percent

higher 2 6.7
7 23.3
middle 10 33.3
lower 11 36.7
Total 30 100
Source: Field work
This table indicates that 2(6.7%) respondents were higher level, 7 (23.3%)
respondents were higher middle level, 10 (33.3%) respondents were middle level and
11 (36.7%) respondents were lower level. The above mentioned Pie chart shows the
percentage of employees who related with the company’s different working level.
Demographic Q3: Now you are working as a Commercial or Merchandising or
Factory level or marketing officer.
Percent Now you are working as a Commercial or
Merchandising or Factory level or
Frequency marketing officer.

Commercial 9 30
Merchandising 11 36.7
Factory level 7 23.3 10% Commercial
marketing 3 10 23% Merchandising
Factory level
Total 30 100 37% marketing

Source: Field work

This table indicates that 9 respondents were from commercial department, 11
respondents were from merchandising department, 7 respondents were from factory
level and 3 respondents were from marketing department. That means 30% from
commercial department, 36.7% from merchandising department, 23.3% from factory
level and 10% from marketing department.

Q1: R. R. Apparels import their raw materials and accessories in due time.
R. R. Apparels im port their raw
m aterials and accessories in due
tim e.


40% SA

Frequency Percent

3 10.0

12 40.0

15 50.0

30 100.0

Source: Field work

In response to question R. R. Apparels Ltd import their raw materials and accessories
in due time 3 (10%) respondents were neutral, 12 (40%) respondent were agree with
this opinion and finally 15 (50%) respondent were strongly agreed in this regard. Here
most of the respondents are positive. R. R. Apparels Ltd ensures timely supply of raw
materials. Otherwise it needs to bear the cost of transportation if they fail to produce
goods in due time.
Q2: Generally Lead time is lower when import accessories from different
countries. Ge ne rally Le ad tim e is low e r w he n
im port acce s s orie s from diffe re nt
countrie s .
Frequency Percent
1 3.3

N 3 10.0 10%

A 15 50.0 37% D
SA 11 36.7
Total 30 100.0 SA

Source: Field work 50%

Generally Lead time is lower when import accessories from different countries in this
regard 3(10 %) respondent were neutral. Among the rest of the respondents a single
persons (3.3%) were disagreed with this regard. An official disagreed because some
time it takes more time to import raw materials. 15 (50%) respondent were agreed
with this concept and 11 (36.7%) respondent were strongly agreed with this concept.
Because delay in accessories, hampers Quality
the production
of productactivities. So, leadbytime is lower
is highly ensured
the company’s own authorized
in this case. personnel.
Q3: Quality of imported product is highly ensured by the company’s own
authorized personnel.
17% 7%


30 76%
Frequency Percent
N 2 6.7
A 23 76.7
SA 5 16.7
Total 30 100.0
Source: Field work

In regarding the question of company’s product most of the officials were positive. In
this section, 23 (76.5%) respondents have strongly agreed in the question of product
quality. Because if the company fails to maintained the quality of imported product
that may affect the quality of finish product. So, that company tries to ensure the
quality of product. (16.7%) respondents were agreed and 2(6.7%) officials were
Q4: All the rules and regulations of import properly maintain by the company
All the rules and regulations of import
that was taken by Bangladesh government. properly maintain by the company that
w as taken by Bangladesh government
Frequency Percent
N 12 40.0
A 13 43.3
SA 5 16.7 17%

Total 30 100.0 40% N

Source: Field work A



In case of rules and regulations R. R. Apparels Ltd is so strong. Because in this regard
5 (16.7%) officials have strongly agreed with this questions, 13 (43.3%) were agreed.
That means the company develop rules and regulations to operate the company more
smoothly. 12(40%) officials were neutral. Because some illegal practice of rules and
regulations are held few times like less timeliness, improper measurement of yearn,
problem in bank activities etc.
Q5: R.R. Apparels properly maintain their financial transaction with foreign
R.R. Apparels properly maintain their financial
transaction w ith foreign supplier.



Frequency Percent
N 3 10.0

A 13 43.3

SA 14 46.7

30 100.0

Source: Field work

.Financial transaction with buyer is very important. That is why the company
carefully handles this matter. That is why this task is running smoothly. So that
14(46.3%) respondent have strongly agreed with this view, 13 (43.3%) respondent
have agreed with this view. That means they maintain good transaction with supplier.
Only 3(10%) respondents were neutral.
Q6: R. R. Apparels always try to finish their production task before shipment
date. R. R. Apparels always try to finish their
production task before shipment date.

Frequency Percent
N 13%
4 13.3


11 36.7 50% SA

15 50.0

30 100.0

Source: Field work

The officials of the company always try to finish their production task before
shipment date. That is why 15 (50%) respondent have strongly agreed in this
question. Because company always doing this activities. Beside this 11(36.7%)
respondents have agreed and only 4(13.3%) respondents were neutral.

Q7: The company tries to maintain all the formalities of shipment in due time.

Frequency Percent
D 1 3.3 The company tries to maintain all the
N 3 10.0 formalities of shipment in due time.
A 1 3.3
SA 25 83.3
Total 30 100.0
3% 10%
Source: Field work 3% D
84% SA

This table indicate that 52 (83.3%) of selected officials of this study’s have strongly
agreed in case of shipment task. Among the rest of officials 1(3.3%) official have
agreed, 3(10%) were neutral and 1(3.3%) official have disagreed in this regard.
Because, officials of the company some time delays in B/L collection, sending
documents to buyer etc. But most of the cases it tries to maintain properly.
Q8: It giving higher priority to maintain the quality of its finish product, so that
the buyer can trust the company.
It giving higher priority to maintain the quality of its
finish product, so that the buyer can trust the

Frequency Percent
6 20.0
A 37%
13 43.3 N
11 36.7 SA

30 100.0

Source: Field work

In regarding the questions of company’s product most of the officials were positive.
In this section, 23 (76.5%) selected officials have strongly agreed in the questions of
product quality, 5 (16.7%) respondents were agreed. If they fail then buyers will
refuse the order. 2(6.7%) officials were neutral. So, it indicates that company maintain
the quality of its finish product
Q9: R. R. Apparels tries to maintain all the rules and regulations of export of the
R. R. Apparels tries to maintain all the rules and
country. regulations of export of the country.


27% SA

Frequency Percent
4 13.3

8 26.7

18 60.0

30 100.0

Source: Field work

In response to question, R. R. Apparels Ltd maintaining all the legal procedure of
export of our country, 4 (13.3%) respondents was neutral, 8 (26.7%) respondent were
agreed with this opinion and finally 18 (60%) respondent were strongly agreed in this
regard. If they do not operate their business according to the guidance of government,
it should continue their business.
Q10: The company sends all the necessary papers and documents to the buyer in
The company sends all the necessary papers
due time. and documents to the buyer in due time

Frequency Percent
3 10.0

A 10%
6 20.0
21 70.0 A

Total 70%
30 100.0

Source: Field work

In regarding the question of company’s timeliness and sincerity almost of the officials
were positive. In this section, 21 (70%) respondents strongly have agreed in the
questions of product quality, 6 (20%) respondents were agreed and 3(10%) officials
were neutral. Payment of the exported product paid normally when all the documents
of shifted products are sending to the buyer. That is why officials of the company are
conscious about this matter. For this reason most of them were strongly agreed.
Q11: The Company always informs the buyer about the movement and position
of the shifted product. The Company always informs the buyer about the
movement and position of the shifted product.


33% A

34 SA

Frequency Percent
SD 1 3.3
D 3 10.0
N 10 33.3
A 8 26.7
SA 8 26.7
Total 30 100.0
Source: Field work
In response to the question of notification of movement and position of the shifted
product to the buyer , 10(33.3%) respondents were neutral, 8 (26.7%) respondent
were agree with this opinion, 8 (26.7%) respondent were strongly agreed in this
regard, 3 (10%) respondents were disagree and 1(3%) were strongly disagreed in this
regard. Some of the officials were neutral; some were disagreed and strongly
disagreed. Because some times officials does not complete this task properly.
Q12: R. R. Apparels submitted all the export L/C and other related papers in
due time to the banks. R. R. Apparels submitted all the export L/C and other
related papers in due time to the banks.

Frequency Percent
N 1 3.3
A 6 20.0 N

SA 23 76.7 A
Total 30 100.0
Source: Field work

In regarding the questions of company’s product most of the officials were positive.
In this section, 23 (76.5%) respondent have strongly agreed in the questions of
product quality, 6 (20%) respondents were agreed and 1(3.3%) officials were neutral.
From the above table and diagram it shows that most of the officials were positive
regarding this matter. If the company does not submit export L/C to the bank, then the
company will not be able to withdraw essential documents that are necessary to
complete other related organizational task. That is why it performs this task
Q13: Properly maintained day to day’s banking activities and transactions by
the company. Properly maintained day to day’s banking
activities and transactions by the company

Frequency Percent
N 8 26.7 Source: Field work
A 14 46.7 27% 27%

SA 8 26.7
Total 30 100.0 N

In response to questions, properly maintained day to day’s banking activities and
transactions by the company, 8 (26.7%) respondents were neutral, 14 (46.7%)
respondent were agree with this opinion and finally 8 (26.7%) respondent were
strongly agreed in this regard. From the above table and diagram it shows that most of
the officials were positive regarding this matter. If the company does not maintained
day to day’s banking activities and transactions with the bank, then the company will
not be able to withdraw essential documents that are necessary to complete other
related organizational task. That is why it performs this task effectively and with draw
Q14: Timely withdraw all the related papers from the banks to submit in other
operating organization.
Timely withdraw all the related papers from
the banks to submit in other operating
Frequency Percent organization
N 4 13.3
A 14 46.7
SA 12 40.0 13%

Total 30 100.0 40%


Source: Field work



In regarding this question, 14 (46.7%) selected officials have agreed in the questions
of product quality, 12 (40%) respondents were strongly agreed and 4 (13.3%) officials
were neutral. So, that it indicates that R. R. Apparels Ltd. Timely withdraw all the
related papers from the banks to submit in other operating organization.

Q15: R. R. Apparels Ltd timely and efficiently communicates with suppliers and
buyer’s banks for different activities.
R. R. Apparels timely and efficiently communicate with
suppliers and buyer’s banks for different activities.

Frequency Percent
N 1 3.3
A 13 43.3
SA 16 53.3
Total 30 100.0 A
54% 43%
Source: Field work SA

In regarding the questions of company’s product most of the officials were also
positive. In this section, 16 (53.3%) selected officials have strongly agreed in the
questions of effective communication, 13 (43.3%) respondents were agree and 1
(3.3%) officials were neutral. Payment of suppliers and gets payment from the buyers
depends on bank. For this reason company always carefully handle those matters.
Q16: The Company tries to timely make payment of supplier’s banks.

The Company tries to timely make payment of

Frequency Percent supplier’s banks.
N 1 3.3
A 4 13.3
SA 25 83.3
Total 30 100.0 3%

Source: Field work N



The above mentioned table and diagram shows that, 25 (83.3%) respondents have
strongly agreed. It indicates company does this task sincerely. Other the supplier may
not give the raw materials timely that may affect the company’s business. So, they
timely pay the due amount to the suppliers. 4 (13.3%) respondents were agreed and 1
(3.3%) officials were neutral in regarding the question of supplier’s payments.
Q17: R. R. Apparels can make bank purchases for the necessity of hard cash and
withdraw money timely.
Fre que ncyR. R. Appare ls can m ak e bank purchas e s for
Frequency Percent the ne ces s ity of hard cas h and w ithdraw m one y tim e ly.
D 4 13.3
N 10 33.3
A 9 30.0
SA 7 23.3 23%
Total 30 100.0 D
Source: Field work
34% SA

Bank purchase is very important for a company if it want to withdraw money early
from the bank. That is why the company carefully handles this matter. That is why the
relationship with the bank is running smoothly. So that 7 (23.3%) respondent have

strongly agreed with this view, 9 (30%) respondent have agreed with this view and
only 10(33.3%) were neutral and4 (13.3%) respondents were disagreed.

Q18: Properly complete all the formalities to complete utilization declaration

form by the company.
Properly complete all the formalities to
complete utilization declaration form by the
Frequency Percent company.
N 4 13.3
A 12 40.0
SA 14 46.7
Total 30 100.0
Source: Field work 47%


In response to question of completion of UD form 4 (13.3%) respondents were

neutral, 12 (40%) respondent were agreed with this opinion and finally 14 (46.7%)
respondent were strongly agreed in this regard. Not a single product should get
clearance from the port if the products utilization declaration form is complete
properly. That is why it performs this task effectively to get Customs clearation.
Q19: Proper measurement of yarn is always passed from the BGMEA officials
accurately. Proper measurement of yarn is always passed from
the BGMEA officials accurately.
Frequency Percent
N 7 23.3
A 13 43.3
SA 10 33.3
Total 30 100.0 33%
Source: Field work A


In regarding the question of company’s proper measurement of yearns, most of the

officials were positive. In this case, 10 (33.3%) respondents have strongly agreed in
Cons um ption s he e t o f e xpor te d pr oduct is
the questions of product quality, 13 (43.3%) respondents
accurate ly pas s e d fr om were
BGM EAagreed
officialsand 7 (23.3
in due tim e . %)

officials were neutral. It indicates, R. R. Apparels Ltd passed proper measurement of

yarn is the BGMEA officials accurately.
13% 13%
Q20: Consumption sheet of exported product is accurately passed from BGMEA
officials in due time.
38 74%
Frequency Percent
N 4 13.3
A 22 73.3
SA 4 13.3
Total 30 100.0
Source: Field work

In regarding of this question, 4 (13.3%) selected officials have agreed in this

questions, 22 (73.3%) respondents were agreed and (13.3%) officials were neutral in
this regard. Some of the officials were neutral because consumption sheet of exported
products are not passed some times.

Q21: Approved the quantity of yarn timely and accurately that is used by the
company from export promotion bureau.

Approved the quantity of yarn timely and accurately

that is used by the company from export promotion
Frequency Percent
N 8 26.7
A 10 33.3
SA 12 40.0
Total 30 100.0 27%
Source: Field work N


Timeliness and accuracy is very important for an organizational operation. That is

why the company carefully handles this matter. That is why this task is running
smoothly. So that 12(40%) respondent have strongly agreed with this view, 10
(33.3%) respondent have agreed with this view and 8 (26.7%) respondents were
neutral. the company withdraw of yarn quality
certificate from EPBaccording to the
Q22: The Company withdraws of yarn quality certificate from EPB according to
requirement of Export L/C

the requirement of Export L/C



Frequency Percent
N 3 10.0
A 5 16.7
SA 22 73.3
Total 30 100.0
Source: Field work

In response to question, 3 (10%) respondents were neutral, 5 (16.7%) respondent were

agreed with this opinion and finally 22 (73.3%) respondent were strongly agreed in
this regard. It indicates company does this task sincerely. Without issue yearn quality
certificate, the GSP procedure will not be complete. If it is not then products will not
get approval to load the products into the ship or air.

Q23: UD approved by EPB officials for completing Customs activities.

UDapproved by EPBofficials for completing

Customs activities.
Frequency Percent
D 1 3.3
N 4 13.3
A 15 50.0 3% 13%
SA 10 33.3 33% D
Total 30 100.0
Source: Field work SA

In regarding the questions of company’s Customs activities, 10 (33.3%) selected

officials have strongly agreed, 15 (50%) respondents were agreed, 4(13.3%) officials
were neutral and 1 (3.3%) respondent were disagreed in this regard. It indicates
company does this task sincerely. Without approved the UD form from the EPB, the
GSP procedure will not be complete. If it is not then products will not get approval to
load the products into the ship or air. Some of the officials were neutral and one
official were disagreed because sometimes officials fail to timely approve the UD
Timely collect bill of lading from transport
agency and approved by the EPBofficials.
Q24: Timely collect bill of lading from transport agency and approved by the
EPB officials. 7%
Frequency Percent
N 2 6.7
A 6 20.0
SA 22 73.3
Total 30 100.0
Source: Field work

Bill of lading is very important export. That is why the company carefully handles
this matter. That is why this task is running smoothly. So that 22(73.3%) respondent
have strongly agreed with this view. After getting the B/L copy the transportation
company booking the place for the shifted products. That is why this task is running
smoothly. 6 (20%) respondent have agreed with this view and only 2 (6.7%)
respondents were neutral.
Q25: GSP withdrawn from EPB on due time to maintain customs activities.

GSP withdrawn from EPB on due time to maintain

Frequency Percent customs activities.
N 1 3.3
A 15 50.0
SA 14 46.7
Total 30 100.0 3%
Source: Field work
47% N
50% SA

In this section, 14 (46.7%) selected officials have strongly agreed in the questions, 15
(50%) respondents were agreed and 1 (3.3%) officials were neutral. R. R. Apparels do
this task effectively to ensure timely supply of goods.

Q26: Timely issued certificate of origin from chamber of commerce.

Timely issued certificate of origin from

Frequency Percent cham ber of com merce.

N 1 3.3
A 13 43.3
SA 16 53.3
Total 30 100.0
Source: Field work A
54% 43%

Certificate of Origin is very important for both import and export activities. That is
why the company carefully handles this matter. So that 16 (53.3%) respondent have
strongly agreed with this view, 13 (43.3%) respondent have agreed with this view and
only 1(3.3%) respondent was neutral. Not a single product should get clearance from
the port if the products certificate of origin is complete properly. That is why it
performs this task effectively to get Customs clearation.
Q27: Honestly show the utilization sources of yarn and accessories for issuing

Honestly show the utilization sources of yarn

Frequency Percent and accessories for issuing CO.
N 9 30.0
A 16 53.3
SA 5 16.7
Total 30 100.0 17%
Source: Field work N

In response to questions R. R. Apparels Ltd honestly show the utilization sources of

yarn and accessories in issue CO, 9 (30%) respondents were neutral because
sometime illegally pass the utilization source by giving bribe to different
governmental offices. 16 (53.3%) respondent were agree with this opinion and finally
5 (16.7%) respondent were strongly agreed in this regard.

Q28: Taking export permission from ministry of foreign affairs against each
Taking export permissionfromministryof
export L/C. foreign affairs against each export L/C.

13% 7%
42 80%
Frequency Percent
N 2 6.7
A 24 80.0
SA 4 13.3
Total 30 100.0
Source: Field work

In this view, 4 (13.3%) selected officials have strongly agreed in this question, 24
(80%) respondents were agreed and 2(6.7%) officials were neutral. So that study
indicates that the company properly maintains that task. Otherwise it must not export
any products.

Q29: The company timely provide export duty to NBR on due time.

The company timely provide export duty to NBR on

Frequency Percent due time.
SD 7 23.3
D 10 33.3
N 9 30.0
A 3 10.0
SA 1 3.3 10% 23% SD
Total 30 100.0 D
Source: Field work N
30% A

34% SA

In this regard, 1 (3.3%) officials have strongly agreed, 3 (10%) respondents were
agreed and 9(30%) officials were neutral. 10(33.3%) officials were disagreed and 7
(23.3%) officials were strongly disagreed in this regard. because company sometimes
misses to give export duty to government and use some miss practice to overcome this

Q30: Timely paid custom duty to get Custom clearation to take and loading of
Timely paid custom duty to get Custom clearation to
take and loading of goods.

7% 3% 7%
13% SD
Frequency Percent
SD 1 3.3
D 2 6.7
N 4 13.3
A 21 70.0
SA 2 6.7
Total 30 100.0
Source: Field work
In this regard, 2 (6.7%) officials have strongly agreed, 21 (70%) respondents were
agreed and 4 (13.3%) officials were neutral, 2 (6.7%) officials were disagreed and 1
(3.3%) official was strongly disagreed in this regard. because company sometimes
misses to give Customs duty to government and use some miss practice to overcome
this problem. So, there is some problem.

Q31: GSP submitted to port office to get permission to load goods to ship or air.

GSP submitted to port office to get

Frequency Percent permission to load goods to ship or air.
D 3 10.0
N 10 33.3
A 9 30.0
SA 8 26.7 10%
Total 30 100.0 D
Source: Field work 33%


In response to question R. R. Apparels Ltd submitted GSP to port office to get

permission to load goods to ship or air, 10 (33.3%) respondents were neutral, 9 (30%)
respondent were agree with this opinion, 8 (26.7%) respondent were strongly agreed
in this regard and 3( 10%) respondents were disagreed. Different officials have
different view in this regard. Some were disagreed and some were neutral. That
indicates that some problem may relate in this subject.
Q32: R.R. Apparels Ltd. properly selects store dipo for storing goods at the port.

R.R. Apparels Ltd. properly selects

Frequency Percent store dipo for storing goods at the
D 1 3.3 port

N 3 10.0
A 12 40.0
SA 14 46.7
3% 10%
Total 30 100.0 D
Source: Field work N

40% SA

This table indicate that 14 (46.7%) of selected officials of this study’s have strongly
agreed. Among the rest of officials 12(40%) official have agreed, 3(10%) were neutral
and 1(3.3%) official have disagreed in this regard. Company do this task properly but
some time due to time shortage it is not selected in due time. That is some of the
officials were neutral and a single were disagreed in this regard.

Q33: Notify party of the company properly maintains their task satisfactorily.

Notify party of the company properly

Frequency Percent maintains their task satisfactorily.
SD 3 10.0
D 19 63.3
N 6 20.0
A 1 3.3 3% 3% 10%
SA 1 3.3 D
Total 30 100.0 A

Source: Field work 64%


This table indicate that 3 (10%) of selected officials of this study’s have strongly
disagreed in case of notify party. Among the rest of officials 19(63.3%) official have
disagreed. This indicates the lower performance of notify party. Because it should not
continues its task timely and effectively. So that the company incurs so many extra
cost. Beside this 6(20%) were neutral and 1(3.3%) official have agreed in this regard
and 1(3.3%) official strongly agreed for notify party.

Q34: Officials or R. R. Apparels properly handle mail and disburse message

among all the offices of R. R. Apparels.
Frequency Percent Officials or R. R. Apparels properlyhandle
mail and disburse message amongall
D 3 10.0 the offices of R. R. Apparels.

N 15 50.0
A 8 26.7
SA 4 13.3 1
3% 1

Total 30 100.0 D

Source: Field work 27%


In regarding this questions, 4 (13.3%) respondents have strongly agreed, 8 (26.7%)
respondents were agree,15(50%) officials were neutral and 3(10%) respondents were
disagreed in this regard. Information systems of R. R. Apparels Ltd are not good. It
has no online connection between factory office and head office. So that sometime
information should not be disburse accordingly.
Q35: Officials keep all the import and export documents of the company
accurately and safely.
Officials keep all the import and export
documents of the company accurately
Frequency Percent and safely.
N 4 13.3
A 18 60.0
SA 8 26.7
Total 30 100.0 27%

Source: Field work N



In regarding this question, 8 (26.7%) respondents have strongly agreed, 18 (60%)

respondents were agreed and 4 (13.3%) officials were neutral. According to the chart
and table it indicates that Officials of R. R. Apparels Ltd. keep all the import and
export documents of the company accurately and safely.

Q36: R. R. Apparels tries to maintain better relationship with their entire buyer.

Frequency Percent R. R. Apparels tries to maintain better

relationship with their entire buyer.
N 2 6.7
A 15 50.0
SA 13 43.3
Total 30 100.0 7%

Source: Field work 43% N


R. R. Apparels tries to maintain better relationship with their entire buyer. In response
to this question, 2 (6.7%) respondents were neutral, 15 (50%) respondent were agree
with this opinion and finally 153(43.3%) respondent were strongly agreed in this
regard. Buyer is the king of ready made garments industries. For this reason R. R.

Apparels Ltd. tries to continue good liaison with the buyer. So that most of the
respondents were positive.
Q37: R. R. Apparels offer new styles of product to their buyer.

R. R. Apparels offer new styles of

Frequency Percent
product to their buyer.
SD 3 10.0
D 17 56.7
N 7 23.3
A 2 6.7 7% 3% 10%
SA 1 3.3 23% D
Total 30 100.0 N
Source: Field work 57% SA

R. R. Apparels offer new styles of product to their buyer. In regarding this question, 2
(6.7%) have agreed in this question, 1 (3.3%) respondents were strongly agreed,
7(23.3%) officials were neutral. But most of the respondents were negative in this
regard. 17(56.7%) respondents were disagreed and 3 (10%) respondents were strongly
disagreed in this regard. Because R. R. Apparels Ltd don’t have specialized fashion
designers and it is less concerning about the new style. That’s why disagreed officials
were more.
Q38: Company has better relationship with the transportation Company for
timely and faster communication.
Frequency Percent Company has better relationship with
the transportation Company for timely
N 2 6.7 and faster communication.
A 16 53.3
SA 12 40.0
Total 30 100.0

Source: Field work 40%


In regarding this question, 12 (40%) respondents have strongly agreed, 16 (53.3%)

respondents were agreed and 2 (6.7%) officials were neutral. Company needs to
timely shift their goods. That is why Company has better relationship with the
Officials of the company collect BTMEA

transportation Company for timely andtimely from yarn suppliers in due time.
faster communication.
Q39: Officials of the company collect BTMEA timely from yarn suppliers in due
time. 3%

54% 43%

Frequency Percent
N 1 3.3
A 13 43.3
SA 16 53.3
Total 30 100.0
Source: Field work

In regarding the question that Officials of the company collect BTMEA timely from
yarn suppliers in due time, 16 (53.3%) respondents have strongly agreed, 13 (43.3%)
respondents were agreed and 1(3.3%) officials were neutral. Not a single product
should get clearance from the EPB if the BTMEA certificate of yarn is not complete
properly. That is why it performs this task effectively to get EPB clearation.
Q40: R. R. Apparels checks the weight of yarn through their merchandiser.

R. R. Apparels checks the weight of yarn

Frequency Percent through their merchandiser.
SD 1 3.3
D 2 6.7
N 16 53.3
A 11 36.7 3% 7%
Total 30 100.0 37% SD

Source: Field work D


In regarding this question, 11 (36.7%) respondents have strongly agreed, 16 (53.3%)

respondents were agreed, 2 (6.7%) officials were neutral and 1(3.3%) respondent
were disagreed. Major part of the respondents was matches with this view. So, that R.
R. Apparels checks the weight of yarn through their merchandiser.
A I am o ve r all s atis fie d w ith th e p e r fo r m an ce o f R.R.
Q41: I am overall satisfied with the performance of
A p pR.R.
ar e ls Apparels
L td. Ltd.

Frequency Percent
A 13 43.3
SA 17 56.7
Total 30 100.0 Frequenc y
Perc ent

Source: Field work

In the view of I am overall satisfied with the performance of R.R. Apparels Ltd, 17
(56.7%) respondents have strongly agreed, 13 (43.3%) respondents were agreed. That
means all the officials satisfied with the performance of R.R. Apparels Ltd.
Q42: I want to continue my job with R.R. Apparels Ltd.

I w ant to continue m y job w ith R.R.

Frequency Percent Apparels Ltd.
D 1 3.3
N 3 10.0
A 14 46.7
3% 10%
SA 12 40.0
40% D
Total 30 100.0 N

Source: Field work A


In case of jobs satisfaction some different opinion are given the officials. In regarding
this question, 12 (40%) respondents have strongly agreed, 14 (46.7%) respondents
were agreed, 3(10%) officials were neutral and 1(3.3%) respondent were disagreed.
Due to some problem in management policy and some illegal practice some of them
are indifferent position.

Q43: I referred R. R. Apparels to Buyer for their choice of the company for
: I referred R. R. Apparels to Buyer for
giving order of product.
their choice of the company for giving
order of product.


40% N

Frequency Percent
N 1 3.3
A 17 56.7
SA 12 40.0
Total 30 100.0
Source: Field work

I referred R. R. Apparels to Buyer for their choice of the company for giving order of
product. In regarding this question, 12 (40%) respondents have strongly agreed, 17
(56.7%) respondents were agreed, 1(3.3%) officials were neutral. It indicates that
officials like the company and would like to refer the company to the buyer.

4.2. Cross Tabulation

Cross Tabulation #1:

How long you related with this organization? * Generally Lead time is lower when import accessories from
different countries
Cross tabulation
Generally Lead time is lower when import
accessories from different countries
D N A SA Total
How long you 1-3 years Count 0 2 7 4 13
related with this % within How long
organization? you related with this .0% 15.4% 53.8% 30.8% 100%
3-6 years Count 1 1 5 5 12
% within How long
you related with this 8.3% 8.3% 41.7% 41.7% 100%
6-9 years Count 0 0 3 1 4
% within How long
you related with this .0% .0% 75% 25% 100%
9 years Count 0 0 0 1 1
above % within How long
you related with this .0% .0% .0% 100% 100%
Total Count 1 3 15 11 30
% within How long
you related with this 3.3% 10% 50% 36.7% 100%
Source: Field work

According to the officials of the company who are staying in the company with short
time to long time, the lead time is lower when the company imports any accessories
and other raw materials. Because 15 officials have agreed and 11 officials strongly
agreed in this regard. So that the companies import activities is properly handle the by
the employees.

Cross Tabulation #2:

How long you related with this organization? * Timely provide export duty to NBR
on due time Cross tabulation
Timely provide export duty to NBR
on due time
SD D N A SA Total
1-3 years Count 5 1 3 3 1 13

Cross Tabulation #2:
How long you related with this organization? * Timely provide export duty to NBR
on due time Cross tabulation
How long you % within How
related with this long you related
38.5% 7.7% 23.1% 23.1% 7.7% 100%
organization? with this
3-6 years Count 1 7 4 0 0 12
% within How
long you related
8.3% 58.3% 33.3% .0% .0% 100%
with this
6-9 years Count 1 2 1 0 0 4
% within How
long you related
25.0% 50.0% 25.0% .0% .0% 100%
with this
9 years Count 0 0 1 0 0 1
above % within How
long you related
.0% .0% 100% .0% .0% 100%
with this
Total Count 7 10 9 3 1 30
With the experience of the employee of R. R. Apparels Ltd they negatively express
their opinion. In case of providing tax or export duty, the most of the time do date and
some time dishonesty take place? 10 officials of the company have disagreed and 7
employees strong disagreed in case of providing export duty timely and properly.

Cross Tabulation #3:
In which level you are work in? * Quality of product is highly ensured by the
company’s own authorized personnel
Quality of product is highly
ensured by the company’s own
authorized personnel
N A SA Total
In which level higher Count 0 1 1 2
you are work in? % within In
which level you .0% 50% 50% 100%
are work in?
higher Count 0 6 1 7
middle % within In
which level you .0% 85.7% 14.3% 100%
are work in?
middle Count 0 10 0 10
% within In
which level you .0% 100% .0% 100%
are work in?
lower Count 2 6 3 11
% within In
which level you 18.2% 54.5% 27.3% 100%
are work in?
Total Count 2 23 5 30
% within In
which level you 6.7% 76.7% 16.7% 100%
are work in?
In case of quality of product R. R. Apparels Ltd is highly conscious. The quality of
product is highly ensured by the company’s own authorized personnel. This issue is
very much agreeably to all the employee of this company. 23 employees have agreed
and 5 have strongly agreed in this regard.

Cross Tabulation #4:
In which level you are work in? * Officials of the company collect BTMEA timely
from yarn suppliers in due time.
Officials of the company collect Total
BTMEA timely from yarn
suppliers in due time.
In which level higher Count 0 2 0 2
you are work in? % within In
which level you .0% 100% .0% 100%
are work in?
higher Count 0 2 5 7
middle % within In
which level you .0% 28.6% 71.4% 100%
are work in?
middle Count 0 3 7 10
% within In
which level you .0% 30% 70% 100%
are work in?
lower Count 1 6 4 11
% within In
which level you 9.1% 54.5% 36.4% 100%
are work in?
Total Count 1 13 16 30
% within In
which level you 3.3% 43.3% 53.3% 100%
are work in?
R.R. Apparels are more conscious about BTMEA collection. Officials of the
company collect BTMEA timely from yarn suppliers in due time because this very
important requirement to export their goods. In this regard 16 employees have
strongly agreed and 13 employees have agree

Cross Tabulation #5:
In which side of the company you are dealing with? * The company try to maintain
all the formalities of shipment in due time.
The company try to maintain all the
formalities of shipment in due time.
D N A SA Total
In which side of the Commercial Count 1 2 0 6 9
company you are % within In which side
dealing with? of the company you are 11.1% 22.2% .0% 66.7% 100%
dealing with?
Merchandising Count 0 0 1 10 11
% within In which side
of the company you are .0% .0% 9.1% 90.9% 100%
dealing with?
Factory level Count 0 1 0 6 7
% within In which side
of the company you are .0% 14.3% .0% 85.7% 100 %
dealing with?
Marketing Count 0 0 0 3 3
% within In which side
of the company you are .0% .0% .0% 100% 100%
dealing with?
Total Count 1 3 1 25 30
% within In which side
of the company you are 3.3% 10.0% 3.3% 83.3% 100%
dealing with?
Source: Field work

The officials of the company in different department have argued that the company is
very conscious in this regard. The company always tries to maintain all the formalities
of shifted product in due time. Most of the employees have strongly agreed in this

Cross Tabulation #6:
In which side of the company you are dealing with? * Proper measurement of yarn
is always passed from the BGMEA officials accurately.

Proper measurement of yarn is always

passed from the BGMEA officials
N A SA Total
In which side of Commercial Count 2 5 2 9
the company you % within In which side
are dealing with? of the company you are 22.2% 55.6% 22.2% 100%
dealing with?
Merchandising Count 1 4 6 11
% within In which side
of the company you are 9.1% 36.4% 54.5% 100%
dealing with?
Factory level Count 1 4 2 7
% within In which side
of the company you are 14.3% 57.1% 28.6% 100%
dealing with?
Marketing Count 3 0 0 3
% within In which side
of the company you are 100% .0% .0% 100%
dealing with?
Total Count 7 13 10 30
% within In which side
of the company you are 23.3% 43.3% 33.3% 100%
dealing with?
Source: Field work

R. R. Apparels Ltd is more conscious about BGMEA activities. Proper measurement

of yarn is always passed from the BGMEA officials accurately. 13 employees have
agreed and 10 employees have strongly agreed in this regard.

4.3. Table: Correlations

IMPORT Pearson
1 .471** .599** .148 .303 .282 .194 .182 .116 -.039
Sig. (2-tailed) .009 .000 .434 .103 .131 .305 .335 .543 .839
N 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
EXPORT Pearson
.471** 1 .655** .568** .411* .003 .531** .072 .258 .460*
Sig. (2-tailed) .009 .000 .001 .024 .988 .003 .706 .169 .011
N 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
BANK Pearson
.599** .655** 1 .426* .404* .428* .006 .412* .274 .205
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .019 .027 .018 .975 .024 .143 .278
N 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
BGMEA Pearson
.148 .568** .426* 1 .639** .064 .102 .099 .453* .518**
Sig. (2-tailed) .434 .001 .019 .000 .738 .593 .603 .012 .003
N 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
EPB Pearson
.303 .411* .404* .639** 1 .258 .100 .063 .299 .365*
Sig. (2-tailed) .103 .024 .027 .000 .168 .599 .740 .109 .048
N 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
.282 .003 .428* .064 .258 1 -.494** .355 .099 -.040

IMPORT Pearson
1 .471** .599** .148 .303 .282 .194 .182 .116 -.039
Sig. (2-tailed) .009 .000 .434 .103 .131 .305 .335 .543 .839
N 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
EXPORT Pearson
.471** 1 .655** .568** .411* .003 .531** .072 .258 .460*
Sig. (2-tailed) .009 .000 .001 .024 .988 .003 .706 .169 .011
N 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
BANK Pearson
.599** .655** 1 .426* .404* .428* .006 .412* .274 .205
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .019 .027 .018 .975 .024 .143 .278
N 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
BGMEA Pearson
.148 .568** .426* 1 .639** .064 .102 .099 .453* .518**
Sig. (2-tailed) .434 .001 .019 .000 .738 .593 .603 .012 .003
N 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
EPB Pearson
.303 .411* .404* .639** 1 .258 .100 .063 .299 .365*
Sig. (2-tailed) .103 .024 .027 .000 .168 .599 .740 .109 .048
N 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
.282 .003 .428* .064 .258 1 -.494** .355 .099 -.040

Source: Field Work

The dimension of Import is correlated with Bank is about 53.8% with the significant
level .003
The dimension of Export is correlated with bank and BGMEA is respectively 65.5%
and 56.8% with the significant level respectively .000 and .001.

The dimension of Bank is correlated with Import and Export is respectively 59.9%
and 65.5% with the significant level respectively .000 and .000.

The dimension of BGMEA is correlated with Export and EPB is respectively 56.8%
and 63.5% with the significant level respectively .001 and .000.

The dimension of EPB is correlated with BGMEA is about 63.9% with the significant
level .000.
The dimension of BTMEA is correlated with BGMEA is about 51.8% with the
significant level .003.
The dimension of Customs is correlated with Export is about 53.8% with the
significant level .003

So, the company needs to intervene in those areas to solve problem and keep the
buyer loyal to them. Because the values of correlations in those particular areas are
crosses the .50 level.

From the value above persons correlation, some of the hypothesis of the study is goes
wrong. Because the lower level of performance in some hypothesis or independent
variable likes Customs, BTMEA, Chamber of commerce and Foreign Ministry.


4.4.1. Strength

. Considerable Qualified/keen to learn workforce available at low labor charges. The

recommended minimum average wages (which include Traveling Allowance, House
Rent, Medical Allowance, Maternity Benefit, Festival Bonus and Overtime Benefit)
in the units within the Bangladesh Export Processing Zones (BEPZ) are given as
below; on the other hand, outside the BEPZ the wages are about 40% lower:

• Energy at low price

• Easily accessible infrastructure like sea road, railroad, river and air
• Accessibility of fundamental infrastructure, which is about 3 decade old,
mainly established by the Korean, Taiwanese and Hong Kong Chinese
• FDI is legally permitted
• Moderately open Economy, particularly in the Export Promotion Zones
• GSP under EBA (Everything But Arms) for Least Developed Country
applicable (Duty free to EU)
• Improved GSP advantages under Regional Cumulative
• Looking forward to Duty Free Excess to US, talks are on, and appear to
be on hopeful track
• Investment assured under Foreign Private Investment (Promotion and
Protection) Act, 1980 which secures all foreign investments in
• OPIC's (Overseas Private Investment Corporation, USA) insurance and
finance agendas operable
• Bangladesh is a member of Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
(MIGA) under which protection and safety measures are available
• Adjudication service of the International Centre for the Settlement of
Investment Dispute (ICSID) offered
• Excellent Tele-communications network of E-mail, Internet, Fax, ISD,
NWD & Cellular services

• Weakness of currency against dollar and the condition will persist to help
• Bank interest@ 7% for financing exports
• Convenience of duty free custom bonded w/house
• Readiness of new units to enhance systems and create infrastructure
accordant with product growth and fast reactions to circumstances\

4.4.2. Weakness

• Lack of marketing tactics

• The country is deficient in creativity
• Absence of easily on-hand middle management
• A small number of manufacturing methods
• Low acquiescence: there is an international pressure group to compel the local
producers and the government to implement social acquiescence. The US GSP
may be cancelled and purchasing from US & EU may decrease significantly
• M/c advancement is necessary. The machinery required to assess add on a
garment or increase competence are missing in most industries.
• Lack of training organizations for industrial workers, supervisors and
• Autocratic approach of nearly all the investors
• Fewer process units for textiles and garments
• Sluggish backward or forward blending procedure
• Incompetent ports, entry/exit complicated and loading/unloading takes much
• Speed money culture
• Time-consuming custom clearance
• Unreliable dependability regarding Delivery/QA/Product knowledge
• Communication gap created by incomplete knowledge of English
• Subject to natural calamities

4.4.3. Opportunity

• . EU is willing to establish industry in a big way as an option to china

particularly for knits, including sweaters
• Bangladesh is included in the Least Developed Countries with which US is
committed to enhance export trade
• Sweaters are very economical even with china and is the prospect for
• If skilled technicians are available to instruct, prearranged garment is an
option because labor and energy cost are inexpensive.
• Foundation garments for Ladies for the FDI promise is significant because
both, the technicians and highly developed machinery are essential for better
competence and output
• Japan to be observed, as conventionally they purchase handloom textiles,
home furniture and garments. This section can be encouraged and expanded
with continued progress in quality

4.4.4. Threat

• The exporters have to prepare themselves to harvest the advantages offered by

the opportunities.
• - Leading B2B Portal and Marketplace of Global Textile,
Apparel and Fashion Industry offers Free Industry Articles, Textile Articles,
Fashion Articles, Industry Reports, Technology Article, Case Studies, Textile
Industry News Articles, Latest Fashion Trends, Textile Market Trends Reports
and Global Industry Analysis.
• Other least development countries Company can come into the business so
fast that is a big treat for R. R. Apparels Ltd.

5.1. Conclusion:

Ready made garments business is the largest source of export earning of
Bangladesh. The beginning of ready made garments sector was not so good in our
country. At first R. R. Apparels Ltd was starting its business in a small form. Its
import and export activities were limited within some countries. Recently, R. R.
Apparels Ltd raises the boundary of their business and tries to handle its import and
export activities. To conduct import and export activities, the company directly
related to some other organization like bank, EPB, BGMEA etc and tries to maintain
all the formalities of import and export activities from those organization.

This industry brings so many possibilities for the people of Bangladesh. Though it
has all the facilities, working environment, labor, skill and many other supporting
variables but this sector did not develop in our country expectedly. There are some
problems in R. R. Apparels Ltd to develop its business more like illegal practice in
different governmental offices, lack of better transportation system and lack of
modern working system of different organization related with import and export
activities of R. R. Apparels Ltd and many more.

Actually governmental intervention in this sector is very much essential. If

government create better opportunities for the owner of the garments company in
case of import and export activities like faster Customs activities, install modern
technology, change the old Procedure of official activities etc then it will better for
import and export activities of R. R. Apparels Ltd. Beside this the company needs to
ensure their effectiveness in all the activities to perform better in this sector.

5.2. Recommendations:
As R.R. Apparels is a commercial organization in our country and wanted to make a
surplus over their business, they needs to take some initial steps to solve their existing
problem. Though the officials of the company were gave positive information about

the company in most of the cases. Bur I think they need to immediately focus on their
problematic areas. According to my point of view I point out some significant
recommendation in their perspective. I believe that if they can take initial step to solve
that problem, I hope that they will be able to remove their problem. Some of the major
recommendations are given below-
• The company needs to maintain all the rules and regulation of import activities
properly that is taken by our government for all of the garments company.
Because the mean value of this issue is 3.7 that is in moderate position.
Though it is in moderate position, the company needs to improve from this
• Buyer is the king of ready made garments business. So that the company’s
needed to continue a better a relationship with all of their existing buyer and
tries extend this relationship with other new buyer.
• In case of export duty, the mean value is 2.36 that are too low. So that the
company needs to pay attention in this sector. Otherwise the government can
take any type of legal action against the company.
• According to survey and research it is found that the performance of the notify
party that means C & F agents is not good. In of research the mean value of
this sector is 2.267 and the value of standard deviation is so low that is .827.
For this reason the company needs bring change in their notify party.
• The information section of the company is not strong. Because most of the
officials of the company agreed in this regard. For this reason officer of the
company can not effectively and timely communicate with different
• The company needs to hire more skilled and experienced merchandising and
commercial employee to effectively deal with buyer and properly maintain
import & export activities.
• Governmental intervention is very important to reduce the complexity of EPB,
Custom and foreign especially.


1) Chandra,W.,P.,(2006),International marketing ,11th edition, Tata McGraw-

Hill, India, pp-(271-292)

2) Bari,M.,A.,(2006),Business monitoring and recovery,7th edition, University

press Limited, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp-120-126, 205-207.

3) Malhotra N., K., (2008), Marketing Research an Applied Orientation, 4th

edition Prentice Hall of India, PP-(106-106,335-356,468-476, 638).

Report and Statements:

• Annual Back to Back L/C of the year 2009

• Annual financial statement of year 2007-2008

Web References:
•, Access time: 20th September, 01st October, 15th October.
•, ,,
Industries-Pvt/2745326, Access time: 20th September, 01st October, 15th October.

Annex-1: Hypothesis, Variable, Constructs, and Operational definitions.

Hypothesis 1 Constructs Operational definitions

The performance of Import -Due time
import and export -Lead time
activities of the “R. R. -product quality
Apparels” depends on the -Rules and regulations
import activities. -maintain insurance
Hypothesis 2 Constructs Operational definitions
The performance of Export -shipment on due date
import and export -ensure product quality
activities of the “R. R. -Maintain all rules and
Apparels” depends on the regulations
export activities. -Timely send all the
papers and documents
-Timely inform the buyer
Hypothesis 3 Constructs Operational definitions
The performance of Bank -submission of paper
import and export -maintain regular
activities of the “R. R. activities
Apparels” depends on the -Timely withdraw paper
bank activities. -effective communication
-proper financial
-Timely withdrawn of
Hypothesis 4 Constructs Operational definitions
The performance of BGMEA -UD completion
import and export -proper measurement of
activities of the “R. R. yarn
Apparels” depends on the -Consumption sheet
BGMEA activities approval
Hypothesis 5 Constructs Operational definitions
The performance of EPB -approval of the quantity
import and export of yarn
activities of the “R. R. -checking the quality of
Apparels” depends on the yarn
EPB activities -UD approval for
-BL submission
-Invoice and packing list
- GSP withdraw
Hypothesis 6 Constructs Operational definitions

The performance of Chamber of Commerce -Certificate of Origin
import and export and Foreign Ministry -Utilization sources
activities of the “R. R. -Export permission
Apparels” depends on the -Export duty
chamber of commerce and
foreign ministry activities.
Hypothesis 7 Constructs Operational definitions
The performance of Customs -Customs duty
import and export -GSP submission
activities of the “R. R. - UD submission
Apparels” depends on the - Dipo selection
customs activities -Notify party activities
Hypothesis 8 Constructs Operational definitions
The performance of Information system - Mail handling
import and export -Message distribute
activities of the “R. R. -Keep related documents
Apparels” depends on the safely
information system -Communication among
all offices
The performance of Buyer and transportation -Time to time
import and export communication
activities of the “R. R. -offer new style
Apparels” depends on the -Consciousness about
relationship with the buyer quality
and transportation -Bill payment
company activities
The performance of BTMEA -BTMEA collection
import and export -relationship with the
activities of the “R. R. supplier of yarn
Apparels” depends on the - relationship with
BTMEA activities accessories suppliers
-Weight of yarn
Performance - overall satisfied
- continue job
- referred the

Annex 2: A questionnaire for measuring the factor that affects the
performance of import and export activities of the “R. R. Apparels”
Dear Sir,
I am doing a research on the performance of import and export activities of “R. R.
Apparels Ltd.”. There are several factors related to the performance of import and
export activities of R. R. Apparels Ltd. That’s why I prepared questionnaires which
will be a guide to note down each factor that affect the performance of import and
export activities of R. R. Apparels Ltd. Please give your honest opinion.

# How long you related with this organization?

(1) 1-3 years (2) 3-6years (3) 6-9years (4) 9 years above
# In which level you are work in?
(1) Higher (2) higher middle (3) middle (4) lower

# In which side of the company you are dealing with?

(1) Commercial (2) merchandising (3) factory (4) marketing

For the following question mark from 5 to 1 scale 5 = strongly agree, 4 =agree,
3 =neutral, 2 =disagree, 1 =strongly disagree.

Scale SA SD
1. R. R. Apparels import their raw materials and 5 4 3 2 1
accessories in due time

2. Generally Lead time is lower when import 5 4 3 2 1

accessories from different countries

3. Quality of product is highly ensured by the 5 4 3 2 1

company’s own authorized personnel

4. All the rules and regulations of import properly 5 4 3 2 1

maintain by the company that was taken by
Bangladesh government

5. R.R. Apparels properly maintain their financial 5 4 3 2 1

transaction with foreign supplier and makes
insurance when import any raw materials.

6. R. R. Apparels always try to finish their 5 4 3 2 1

production task before shipment date.

7. The company try to maintain all the formalities 5 4 3 2 1

of shipment in due time.

8. It giving higher priority to maintain the quality 5 4 3 2 1

of its finish product, so that the buyer can trust the

9. R. R. Apparels tries to maintain all the rules and 5 4 3 2 1
regulations of export of the country.
10. The company sends all the necessary papers
and documents to the buyer in due time.

11. The company always informs the buyer about 5 4 3 2 1

the movement and position of the shifted product.
12. R. R. Apparels submitted all the export L/C 5 4 3 2 1
and other related papers in due time to the banks.

13. Properly maintained day to day’s banking 5 4 3 2 1

activities and transactions by the company.

14. Timely withdraw all the related papers from 5 4 3 2 1

the banks to submit in other operating

15. R. R. Apparels timely and efficiently 5 4 3 2 1

communicate with suppliers and buyer’s banks for
different activities

16. The company tries to timely make payment of 5 4 3 2 1

supplier’s banks.

17. R. R. Apparels can make bank purchase for 5 4 3 2 1

the necessity of hard cash and withdraw money

18. Properly complete all the formalities to 5 4 3 2 1

complete utilization declaration form by the

19. Proper measurement of yarn is always passed 5 4 3 2 1

from the BGMEA officials accurately.

20. Consumption sheet of exported product is

accurately passed from BGMEA officials in due 1

21. Approved the quantity of yarn timely and 5 4 3 2 1

accurately that is used by the company from
export promotion bureau.

22. The company withdraw of yarn quality 5 4 3 2 1

certificate from EPB according to the requirement
of Export L/C.

23. UD approved by EPB officials for completing 5 4 3 2 1
Customs activities

24. Timely collect bill of lading from transport 5 4 3 2 1

agency and approved by the EPB officials

25. GSP withdrawn from EPB on due time to 5 4 3 2 1

maintain customs activities

26. Timely issued certificate of origin from 5 4 3 2 1

chamber of commerce

27. Honestly show the utilization sources of yarn 5 4 3 2 1

and accessories to issue CO

28. Taking export permission from ministry of 5 4 3 2 1

foreign affairs against each export L/C

29. Timely provide export duty to NBR on due 5 4 3 2 1


30. Timely paid Custom duty to get custom 5 4 3 2 1

clearation to take and loading of goods
31. GSP submitted to port office to get permission 5 4 3 2 1
to load goods to ship or air.

32. Properly select store dipo for storing goods at 5 4 3 2 1

the port

33. Notify party of the company properly 5 4 3 2 1

maintains their task satisfactorily.

34. Officials or R. R. Apparels properly handle 5 4 3 2 1

mail and disburse message among all the offices
of R. R. Apparels

35. Officials keep all the import and export 5 4 3 2 1

documents of the company accurately and safely.

36. R. R. Apparels tries to maintain better 5 4 3 2 1

relationship with all of their buyer.
37. R. R. Apparels offer new styles of product to 5 4 3 2 1
their buyer.
38. Company has better relationship with 5 4 3 2 1
transportation company through timely and faster
39. Officials of the company collect BTMEA 5 4 3 2 1
timely from yarn suppliers in due time.

40. R. R. Apparels checks the weight of yarn 5 4 3 2 1
through their merchandiser.
41. I am overall satisfied with the performance of 5 4 3 2 1
R.R. Apparels Ltd.
42. I want to continue my job with R.R. Apparels 5 4 3 2 1
43. I referred R. R. Apparels to Buyer for their 5 4 3 2 1
choice of the company for giving order of product.

Utilization Declaration
UD Authenticated Authority:
1 Name B A N G L A D E S H G A R M E N T M A N U F A C T U
2 Address E R S & E X P O R T E R S A S S O C I A T I O N
(Bgmea 23/ P A N T H A P A T H L I N K R O A D
Complex) 1


3 Application Revd
. no. No.
(for office use Date:

4 UD no B G M E A / D H K / U D / 2 0 0 8 / 4 1 7 1 /
(for office use

5 UD version ENGLISH

6 Name of Unite M / S R . R A P P A R E L S L T D

7 Factory A - 1 4 0 , A - 1 4 1 ( P A R T ) B S C I C
. Address
K O N A B A R I , G A Z I P U R , B A N G L A D E S H

8 Phone 9 2 9 8 2 0 5 F A X 9 2 9 7 5 3 9

9 Head Office A - 1 4 0 , A - 1 4 1 ( P A R T ) B S C I C
. Address
K O N A B A R I , G A Z I P U R , B A N G L A D E S H

10. Phone 9 2 9 8 2 0 5 F A X 9 2 9 7 5 3 9

11 Bond / C U S - B W / D A T E
. License. No

12 Vat Reg. No 5 1 5 1 0 1 2 1 5 5 D A T E 0 1 / 0 7 / 0 3

13. Membership. 4 1 7 1 Year 2 0 0


Lien Bank Information:-
14.Bank Code 15.Bank Name 16. Address 17.Phone 18.Fax
3037 Jamuna Bank Dilkusha Branch ,33 9565608 9562485
Ltd Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka 1000

Buyer’s Information:-
SL 19.Buyer 20.Address 21. 22.Pho 23.F 24.
Name Country ne ax
72058 LE MANS CEDEX 02,

Export L/C Contract:-

SL 25.Master Export 26.Date 27.Value 28.Curre 29.shipment 30.Expiry
L/C Contract /P.O. ncy Date Date
26125NM803418 28-07- USD USD 21-01-2009 11-02-
2008 144100.00 2009
(+/- 5%)

Import L/C :(Back to Back L/C/Sight L/C / USANCE L/C :-

SL 31.Foreign 32. Import L/C No 33.Date 34.Value 35.

0 Bangladesh 303708040547 11-09-2008 USD USD
1 30,667.50
0 Bangladesh 303708040548 11-09-2008 USD USD
2 22,680.00
Grand Total = USD 53,347.50
(Contd ..P/2)
(Page -2)
Import Without L/C Against Contract –Raw Materials
Imported Free OF charge / cost
Value of CM/CMT basis

Notify Party Information:-

SL 36. Notify 37. Address 38. 39. 23.F 24.
Party Country Fax ax
41 Port of O
Country F R A N C E

42 Ultimate F R A N C E
(Country of

43 Descriptions of Readymade Garments:
Sl Style/Order no Hs code Description of Quota/non Quantity Unite
garments quota
0 SONO/49503, 61.05.10. MEN’S SWEATER N/Q 26200 PCS
1. 49504, 49505, 00/
49506, 49507, 61.09.90.
49508, 49509, 00
49510, 49511,

44. Garments size chart and ratio:

0 SONO/49503, 49504, 49505, 49506, 49507, MEN’S 26,200 PCS
1 49508, 49509, 49510, 49511, 49512 SWEATER
½ Sleeve width 15.50 16.00 16.50 17.00 17.5
Body length 65 67 69 71 73
½ Chest 49 51 53 56 60

45.Description of Importable Raw Materials (Yam ):-N/A

a)Yam :
SL Styl Description of Qty HS Descript Constructio Qty Consumpt
e/ garments (Dozen / Code ion of n and Trade ion per
Pcs of yarns Name unit (pcs)

b)Imported Accessories :
SL Commercial Supplier Address Country Quantity
Description Name

46. Description of Local Raw materials:- As approved by Utilization permission Committee

Vide letter no :

BGMEA /CUS/CON/2008....................... /R.R APPAREL /


a) Yarn :
Style /Order Description of Qty HS Description of Yams with Qty Consumptio
no Garments Code of Construction and trade n PER PCS
Yams name if any
SONO/49503, MEN’S 26,200 5509.32 1) 100% Cotton dyed yarn 13050. .4981
49504, SWEATER PCS .00 (30/2 combed) 22 Lbs Lbs/pcs
49506, 2) 70 D/2 100% Nylon 6300.0
49507, yarn (Dyed yarn in cone) 52 Lbs .24046
49508, Lbs/pcs

b) Accessories:
S HS Commercial Supplier ‘s Address Country Quantity
L Code Description Name

47. Description of Raw Materials from other UD

SL UD No . Date HS Code Quantity Description of Yarns


48. Total Yarn:

SL Description of Yarns Quantity Country Supplier ‘s Name and Address
0 100% Cotton dyed 13050.00 Banglade SANZI TEXTILE MILLS LTD.
1. yarn (30/2 combed) Lbs sh A-23,S-6 Bscic Industrial Estate
Kalurghat, Chittagong.
0 70 D/2 100% Nylon 6300.00 Dong Bang Textile Ltd.
2. yarn (Dyed yarn in Lbs Sonaichori, Baro-Awlia, Sitakunda,
cone) Chittagong

(Contd ..P/3)

(Page -3)

49. Shipment Information:

Shipment 21.01.2009

50. The above Declaration / in formation furnished is correct Necessary

bond has been executed and sample of garments signed by the
designated representatives of UD issuing authority will be submitted to
customs /port at the time of Export. H Alf – Yarns statement of import &
export as per
Performa duly authenticated by lien Bank will be submitted to Bond
Commissioner ate


(1) This UD has been issued in terms of notification of NBR under SRO
no. 271-Law / 94/154 Dt .19.9.94 for the stated raw material, for
import, steerage and export of ready garments as per Master L/C
(2) The UD has been issued as per documents & declaration submitted
by bonder.
(3) Bonder wills Remain Responsible for any untrue statement or
submission of false document and will bear all consequences for
any irregularity detected in future.
(4) In case of discrepancy in H.S Code the same may be corrected by
Custom Officer not below the rank of Asst. Commissioner
51. Condition if any........................................................................


nominated nominated officer

(Signature with (Signature with

Seal ) Seal )

Ref no: BGMEA /DHK / UD / 2008/ S /.........................................

Date: ------------------

Copy for kind information and necessary action to:

1. M/S .R.R Apparels Ltd. plot # A- 140, A- 141 (part ) BSCIC , Konabari
,Gazipur , Bangladesh.
2-4. Commissioner Custom House Dhaka / Chitagong / Benapole.
5. Joint. Commissioner, ICD Kamalapur, Dhaka.
6-7. Joint Commissioner, DEPZ Saver, Dhaka, CEPZ Chitagong ,
8. Commissioner, Bond Commissioner ate, Custom House
Shegunbagicha, Dhaka.
Lien Bank: Jamuna Bank Ltd, Dilkusha Br., 23 Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka.

BGMEA’S nominated of
(Signature with Seal )



01 FE-M-PULFJ-CEFANIE,400197898/99 LADIES 2,800 PCS

SIZE/MEAS 46/48 50/52 54/56
½ CHEST 52.50 56.50 62.00 0.686 Lbs/Pcs Total Yearn
1920.80 Lbs

½ BOTTOM 44.00 47.00 52.00 100% COTTON DYED YARN
(30/2 COMBED)
SLEEVE LENGTH 59.00 60.00 61.00
Body LENGTH 64.00 65.50 67.00


½ WAIST 40.00 42.50 45.00 0.68 Lbs/Pcs Total Yearn
2380.00 Lbs
½ BOTTOM 40.00 42.50 45.00 100% COTTON DYED YARN
(30/2 COMBED)
SLEEVE LENGTH 43.50 48.25 53.00
Body LENGTH 51.00 56.00 61.00
03 FE-M-PULFJ-CONSUL,400200474 LADIES 9,420 PCS
½ Chest 36.50 40.00 42.00 45.50
½ BOTTOM 33.00 36.00 36.50 41.50 0.5308 Lbs/Pcs
Total Yearn 5000.136 Lbs
SLEEVE LENGTH 69.50 69.50 71.50 73.00
Body LENGTH 57.50 59.00 60.00 60.50
04 FE-P-PULFJ-CONTACT,400200475 LADIES 9,610 PCS
½ Chest 34.50 36.50 40.00 43.50
½ BOTTOM 30.00 33.00 36.00 37.50 0.307 Lbs/Pcs
Total Yearn 2950.27 Lbs
SLEEVE LENGTH 44.50 46.00 46.30 48.00 2/30 100%
Body LENGTH 52.00 54.50 55.00 58.00


NAN207288V US$ 41000 303709040003 US$ DONG BANG
VETIR/ZIMO 241000 PCS 5 4138 1) 2/32 SMM 100% ACRYLIC (DYED YERN IN H
DT 08-02- 2)100% ACRYLIC MELANGE 2/36 SMM (DYED
2009 885 LBS
303709040036 US$ SANZI
DT 08-02-09 5484.30 100% COTTON DYED YARN 20/2 (CARDED) =30
303709080037 US$ LABIB
DT 08-02-09 21500 2/30 100% VISCOSE DYED YARN IN HANK (DA
303709120005 US$ DAEYU (DEPZ)
DT 09-02-09 16254 100% NYLON 70 D/2 (DYED YARN IN CONE) =

DT 09-02-09 6560 30/2 100% VISCOSE MELANGE = 1600 LBS
303709060003 US$ SAPPHIRE (PAKISTAN)
DT 10-02-09 4500 20/2 100% COTTON COMBED MELANGE YARN
303709040043 US$ J.M ENTERPRISE
DT 15-02-09 1785 ACCESSORISE
303709040074 US$ SUN RISE
DT 04-03-09 30890 ACCESSORISE
DT 15-03-09 10476
DT 04-03-09 8500
14001-0162601ABO US$ 15864 303709040090 US$ MASUMA KHATUN TEXTILE
BEST MOUNT 87751.20 PCS DT 15-03-09 2385 100% ACRYLIC MOHARILIKE 1/5.5 NM (DYED
= 1170 LBS
303709040089 US$ SANZI
DT 15-03-09 11506 100% COTTON DYED YARN 20/2 (CARDED) =45
303709040096 US$ M I YARN
DT 17-03-09 21000 70% ACRYLIC 30% WOOL 3/32 = 10500 LBS
090216DOKAI01423 US$ 26689 303709040067 US$ LABIB
BLUHM KOLN 149626.46 PCS DT 01-03-09 2720 2/27 100% ACRYLIC COTTON LIKE DYED YAR
= 1432 LBS
303709040080 US$ SHOVON YARN
DT 09-03-09 8370 100% ACRYLIC 2/32 SMM (DYED YERN IN HA
303709040080 US$ SHOVON YARN
DT 05-04-09
DT 23-03-09 6375 100% ACRYLIC MELANGE 2/32 SMM (DYED YE
=3750 LBS
303709040108 US$ TOTAL TERM
DT 22-03-09 5029.19 ACCESSORIES
LIC0138003715 US$ 36242 303709040114 US$ SANZI
SDV 167932.20 PCS DT 25-03-09 36582.0 100% COTTON DYED YARN 20/2 (CARDED) =20
35001- 0040944AGS US$ 40375 8500 PCS 303709040122 US$ SANZI
VETIR DT 02-04-09 10965 100% COTTON DYED YARN 32/2 (COMBED) = 5

FEPRC 2008
o & Date and Invoice No Bank Ref No & Realized Amount Date Of 1.Freight Net Fob Value
ed Country Date & Value Date Foreign Bangladesh Realizatio Paid
Currency Taka n 2.Commissi FOreign Bangladeshtak
on currency

GP000023194 RRA/01/08 3037161004659 $ 20421.15 1395785.602 22-02-08 $20421.15 1395785.6025

02-08 DT 28-01-08 DT.12-02-2008 5
$ 20634.00
R 2008086 RRA/03/08 30371610004891 $ 5447.80 372520.56 26-03-08 $5447.80 372520.56
03-08 DT 14-02-08 DT.11-03-2008
$ 5527.80
DHK/0708528 RRA/04/08 30371610005096 $ 52190.33 3569818.572 30-05-08 $52190.33 3569818.572
04-08 DT 05-04-08 DT.22-04-2008
$ 55050.00
08-0307 RRA/05/08 30371610005318 $ 35569.74 2732970.26 06-07-08 $35569.74 2732970.26
06-08 DT 24-04-08 DT.15-06-2008
$ 35648.00
08192 RRA/06/08 30371610005201 $ 20731.05 29-05-08 $20731.05 1418003.82
05-08 DT 28-04-08 DT.14-05-2008 1418003.82
003289 RRA/07/08 3037-0151-08 $ 22707.83 1552080.181 13-06-08 $22707.83 1552080.181
05-08 DT 12-04-08 DT.29-05-2008
08240 RRA/08/08 3037-0158-08 $ 3077.98 210533.832 24-06-08 $3077.98 210533.832
05-08 DT 15-05-08 DT.12-02-2008
062945 RRA/09/08 30371610005274 $ 54074.20 3698675.28 28-07-08 $54074.20 3698675.28
06-08 DT 19-05-08 DT.01-06-2008
08-0289 RRA/10/08 30371610005283 $ 42428.37 2902100.508 23-06-08 $42428.37 2902100.508
05-08 DT 20-05-08 DT.09-06-2008
062942 RRA/11/08 30371610005274 $ 9872.00 675244.80 28-07-08 $9837.00 675244.80
06-08 DT 19-05-08 DT.01-06-2008
159 RRA/12/08 3037-0157-08 $ 4717.22 322186.126 $4717.22 322186.126
05-08 DT 25-05-08 DT.10-06-2008
3535 RRA/13/08 30371610005336 $ 34571.32 2364678.288 07-07-08 $34571.32 2364678.288
06-08 DT 29-05-08 DT.02-07-2008
003496 RRA/14/08 3037-0176-08 $ 11007.26 752896.584 08-07-08 $11007.26 752896.584
06-08 DT 29-05-05 DT.24-06-2008
$ 11800.00

No & Date and Invoice No Bank Ref No & Realized Amount Date Of 1.Freight Net Fob Value
orted Country Date & Value Date Realizati Paid
on 2.Commissi Forieng-Currency

KS3590025149 RRA/15/08 3037-0187-08 $ 26689.00 1822858.70 07-08-08 $26689.00 1822858

1-06-08 DT 09-06-08 DT.06-07-2008

$ 28260.00
B 08-0339 RRA/16/08 30371610005336 $ 24840.77 1699108.668 25-07-08 $24840.77 1699108
9-06-08 DT 12-06-08 DT02-07-08
$ 24919.20
00003603 RRA/17/08 30371610005345 $ 19252.27 1316855.268 08-07-08 $19252.27 1316855
4-06-08 DT 18-06-08 DT.02-07-2008
$ 21560.00
A0129390 RRA/18/08 30371610005363 $ 38953.53 2660526.099 22-08-08 $38953.53 2660526
4-06-08 DT 19-06-08 DT.06-07-08
$ 39159.00
GOA16635 RRA/19/08 30371610005354 $ 29856.00 2042150.40 16-07-08 $29856.00 2042150
4-06-08 DT 21-06-08 DT.03-07-08
$ 29856.00
KS53590009700 RRA/20/08 3037-0218-08 $ 31137.85 2126715.155 06-08-08 $31137.85 2126715
2-07-08 DT 24-06-08 DT.21-07-2008
$ 32943.00
GOA16635 RRA/21/08 30371610005381 $ 33679.20 2303657.28 23-07-08 $33679.20 2303657
8-07-08 DT 26-06-08 DT.10-07-2008
$ 33679.20
C-08333 RRA/22/08 30371610005489 $ 13617.87 930098.47 04-08-08 $13617.87 930098.
2-07-08 DT 15-07-08 DT.23-07-08
$ 14183.34
023880 RRA/23/08 3037-0213-08 $ 6757.08 461508.564 05-09-08 $6757.08 461508.
1-07-08 DT 18-06-08 DT 20-07-08
$ 7286.00
72155 RRA/24/08 30371610005372 $ 11871.82 810845.306 28-08-08 $11871.82 810845.
4-07-08 DT 29-06-08 DT.10-07-2008
$ 12075.00

00003795 RRA/25/08 30371610005434 $ 33925.56 2317115.748 31-07-08 $33925.56. 2317115

2-07-08 DT 07-07-08 DT.17-07-2008
$ 35926.00
GOA16709 RRA/26/08 30371610005443 $ 39592.80 2704188.24 31-07-08 $39592.80 2704188
6-07-08 DT 10-07-08 DT.17-07-2008
$ 39652.80
GOA16790 RRA/27/08 30371610005498 $ 8641.20 590193.96 07-08-08 $8641.20 590193.
4-07-08 DT 17-07-08 DT.24-07-2008
$ 8701.20


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