Ruth My Best Age

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Im going to make a speech about the best age .

Firstly, I wouk like to draw your attention to the fact that a recent research has found that the
best age is when you have just passed your prime. Thats to say, around your thyrties. As you
can see Im not a spring chicken, because I have lived over four decades. Although, Im
usually mutton dressed as lamb, trying to hide my wrinkles and grey hairs.
Isnt it true that our live change enormously over each year? For this reason, In order to make
my point of view clear, I would like to tell you. I strongly believe that each age has a silver
linning and also situations that fills us with dread. So life has ups and downs.
Secondly, regarding the topic. Im going to speak about my life briefly.
I dont have any memories of before I was four years old. If I had had them, they must have
been so gloomy, due to the fact that in the first years of babys life they have a lot of ache ,
such as, stomachache and toothage and they spent most of the day sleeping
After that, we have the teenage period, I remember I felt down in the dump, because of the
hormones, despite the fact that my parents were trying I understood every change I was living.
I couldnt avoid feeling miserable on some occasions.Furthermore, the high school period
was my rebellion time. My parents didnt allow me to do many things, for instance, go on
excursion or go to parties after eleven oclock, so I had to go back home at the best and fun
moment of the party. Also I remember having to wear uniform with a skirt and tie and even
now I continue to hate skirt.
On the other hand, the advantage were that I was only in charge of cleaning my room and
studing. That means, I have a lot of free time to chat and surf on the internet. The greatest
human invention. Its goes without saying, Im used to playing video game since I was 15
years old and that point fills me with optimism and hope that I probably wont ever lose my
young main.
Lastly, living my prime. Its really a wonderful decade, you have money and enough time and
what is more, you dont have many responsabilities. Its a perfect time to discover the world
travelling as a backpacker, in order to save money or go to a resort if you have a high salary.
If I had the power to come back to this period of my live with the knowledge that I have today
I would have traveled around the world. But unfortunately I have just passed that period and
now I have a lot of responsabilities with my relatives, job, morgage and so on.
Besides, the time of my monologe is up, so by 2025 I have a prediction that I definetely wont
have bored because I will be playing with my grandchildren and I will probably have traveled
around the world with my loving husband.
To sum up, I would like to advise you to live as if this was your last chance. Life should be,
as happy as possible, for everyone at any age.The only moment of happiness is the present,
the past gives regrets and the furure uncertainties.

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