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Alex Bohnsack

Ingram UWRT 1103

Topic: Social Equality
Question: In 2015 what forms of discrimination do people still face? Is
the millennial generation any closer to ending inequality and
getting rid of white male privilege?




White AntiRacist Activism:

A Personal
Roadmap by
Jennifer R.
Holladay, M.S.
(Crandall, Dostie
& Douglass
Books, Inc.,

The excerpt from this

document that is being cited
is essentially a
manifestation of the
privileges that are afforded
to Holladay, a white woman.
In the text, Holladay
includes interactions with
people of color who, for
instance, see her
complaining about one time
that she was profiled, and
remind her that some
people face these kinds of
discrimination everyday.
Holladay also defines and
lists examples of the
differences between white
privileges and white
perks. While some of the
things listed seem
mundane; they serve as
window into a reality that
anyone of color might face
in their life.

This type of information is

important because it acts as
almost a baseline for the
types of privileges and perks
that white people are granted.
Even in 2015 there are still
people who refute the idea of
white privilege. Often a
person is simply refusing to
acknowledge the
opportunities they are
afforded simply because of
their skin color, however it
still proves to be a
controversial subject. Having
a comprehensive list of
privileges and perks one race
receives over others helps to
back the truth of white

Alex Bohnsack
Ingram UWRT 1103
"Justice On Trial:
Disparities in the
Criminal Justice
System." The
Conference on
Civil and Human
Rights. Web. 23
Sept. 2015

This text was deemed useful

due to the tilted social
sphere that the nation is
currently in. Due to recent
incidences that involved
racial profiling and police
brutality; Trayvon Martin,
Freddie Gray, and Mike
Brown, there is clearly a
racially charged trend that is
being document. This trend
is racial discrimination.
Racial profiling and police
brutality have been harsh
realities for decades, but it
has not been until recent
years that it has found its
way into the headlines.

It felt necessary to mention

this type of discrimination
because the seriousness of
the matter. For if someone
cannot turn to the police for
protection; then who can they
turn to? What does this say
about our society and does it
play a role in furthering the
stereotypes of white officers
and black thugs?


Although it is not a scholarly

journal, this manifestation of what
this women views as male
privileges sheds light on different
aspects of certain opportunities that
men are afforded over women. This
means that she strays from the
black and white idea of the
have/have-not. She of course, many
of these are highly subjective
statements it still brings to light the
feeling of second class citizenship
that women might feel living in a
mans world.

This online journal is a perfect source

to understand one of the extremes
surrounding the idea of male
privilege. The passionate writing is
also an example of a first hand
account of an individual that has been
held back in life to due her gender.
This journal keeps helps keep in mind
that even though there is a large
portion of people that dispute the idea
of a privilege given to one gender
over the other.

"Female Privilege
Checklist: Balance
of Power." Men's
Resistance. 12 July
2010. Web. 13 Oct.

Much like the source listed

above, this article is created
by an oppositionist to the
idea of privilege granted
only to men. In a ninetyseven-point checklist, the
author details what some
might be able to argue are

As a response entry to the

afore mentioned journal entry,
this entry helps to show the
other side the argument on a
more personal level. This
source is evidence that are
people are there that might
not dismiss the idea of male

This article includes a long list

of examples of police brutality
and also includes the
sociology behind why people
do the things they do. It helps
me, and in turn the reader,
understands how society still
has discrimination.

Alex Bohnsack
Ingram UWRT 1103
social privileges granted to
only women. A noticeable
difference between these
two arguments is that the
male privileges are granted
with more physical
concepts; such as being
favored in the workplace or
respect in history. The
opposite, the female
privileges are more of an
idea, created and
highlighted by male society.

privilege, but they are

identifying social privileges
that women are granted and
men are not.

"Gay and
Outside the
Workplace." Center
for American
Progress. 19 July
2011. Web. 13 Oct.

Something that is often associated

with white male privilege is
something known as cis
privilege. It is the idea that peoples,
in this case looking at males, who
do not identify as gay, transgender,
queer, pan sexual have a privilege
attached to their sexual
identification. This is important to
keep in mind because it is not only
race and gender that the typical
John Doe profits off of, there is
also sexual identity.

At this point I am unsure how much I

want to focus on more aspects of
privilege/ discrimination. Meaning, I
am focusing on the idea of male
privilege, however I am not sure if I
want to dedicate as much time to
other aspects such as sexual
identification, race, or mental ability.
That being said, this is still important
to note that a man of these so called

Wildman, Stephanie.
"Privilege in the
Workplace: The
Missing Element in
Law." Texas Journal
of Women and the
Law 4 (1995): 17188. Print.

This journal analyzes the legal

element of privilege and
discrimination in the workplace on
a legal level. In the time it was
written there was even still more
ground that had to be covered.

This scholarly journal provides

example of transition over time,
meaning it can serve as example to
show what steps are being made to
combat inequality in the work place

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