Appreciated or Depreciated - Native's Views On Foreigners Doing Polynesian Dancing

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Appreciated or depreciated – native’s views on foreigners doing Polynesian dancing

Interview in Papeete Tahiti Nov 15th 2005 with

Kainuku Matani
Tahitian Maohi
• Leader (ra’atira), choreographer and composer of Nonahere
Dance Group
o Nonahere won the 2nd place in amateur category in Heiva 2005 and
was nominated to compete in the professional group in the future
• Singer of Grand Ballet de Tahiti Dance Group
• School teacher of the children with learning disabilities
• Founder and President of the ACATN, Association Culturelle et
Artistique de Tahiti Nui
o Aims of the ACATN are to promote the culture and the arts of
Tahiti, to permit for young people to be artists, to learn culture and
arts from other countries and islands, to organize cultural and
artistic activities and to promote the tourism
• Former dancer of Hei Tiare and Jasmina dance groups and
former dancer and singer of Te Maeva dance group

What do you think about foreigners how to teach it. For the Tahitian
doing the Tahitian dances? spirit and life, it’s important to keep
That’s good for two reasons. First, the dance authentic. We have to
Polynesia is like an idea of the protect the dance by establishing the
paradise for the foreigners and it’s frames; the terminology is not ready
good, because the people need to yet but our Ministry of Culture is
have illusions to dream and to create. working on it currently.
The Polynesian culture is very
interesting for the foreigners, our way Do you think it’s appropriate for
of life attracts their attention and they the foreign dancers to do public
like it. The second point is when the performances and shows with
Tahitians see a foreign dance group, Tahitian dances?
Why do you dance, what does it they start to value more their own Yes, because we have to go forward
mean to you? culture and to understand it’s besides our differences. It makes the
I do it for the spirit; it’s the way of life something very precious. whole thing to go forward. I accept
for me. It’s also fun. For me leading a all the people to make our dances. It
dance group is a way to do social What would be the most is essential to realize about the
education and make people to grow to appropriate role for the foreigners dancing that the group is significant,
another level. I hope we will go with to do your dances? not the individuals. For performing
the Tahitian dance towards similar To extend, to share and to make the the technique should be mastered,
philosophy known from Hawaiian Hula; Tahitian culture more known. By it’s important to do the dancing well.
I’m slowly preparing the people for ourselves we cannot go everywhere. After that the chorographical or
that. The Tahitians have the candle of This is the mission of all the actors of creative part is free.
the culture, but they just need some the Polynesian music and dance.
help to light it up. What aspects the foreigners
In order to protect the dances from should understand and know
What are the most important foreign misuse, would you support about the dancing in order to do it
aspects of the dancing generally for establishing an international legal properly?
the people of Tahiti? frame or agreement that the They have to know the language to
Nowadays they do it for fun, personal Tahitian dances are intellectual be able to comprehend what they
improvement and health, like sport. property of the indigenous people are dancing; that is also the way
There are also economic reasons; of Tahiti? they can start to understand the
some do it for competition, some for No, I don’t think we need to protect culture. The language is the basis
traveling. Unfortunately they don’t do it the dance that way, but we need to for the dancing and the key for
so much for the culture or self teach it properly. For that we need to understanding our culture.
expression. The society is not going establish common terminology and
forward with the culture, the people frames for the Ori Tahiti as an art
doesn’t feel the dance like a way of life form. There are a lot of people who
anymore. knows the dance, but they don’t know
What way the foreigners can be or two dances, but not doing the
disrespectful when doing your whole show by copying other groups.
dances? But if there is a copyright, it should be
Aroha means literally ‘bent face’, so it respected.
refers to the tolerance, respect and
humbleness. If they don’t respect the Is it important to ask permission for
culture and if they don’t dance with copying?
emotions and feelings it’s Yes, it is very important. This is
disrespectful. It’s very important to respect. At least it’s important to let
have the emotion and feeling when the artists know when using their
dancing in front of the audience. It’s material.
respect to emote the feelings of the
dance. Is it important to mention the How well do you think your
source (choreographer, composer opinions represent the general
Are there any sacred dances, etc.) when presenting the copied opinion of the Tahitians?
stories, songs or legends that dances? I think the majority would agree with
should not be used by the Yes, very important, this is showing me. □
foreigners in order to respect your respect.
For me no, I think the culture is for Is it fine to modify and to do
everybody. changes to the original
Do you think it’s appropriate for the It’s fine. It means that also others can
foreign dancers to teach Tahitian be creative. But if someone copies the
dances for other foreigners? dance and says it’s his own
Yes it’s fine, it just depends on the choreography, it means that person
attitude. If you know the dance, then has some problem with himself.
why not. The language has to be
understood though. Conservatoire of Would it be recommendable for the
the French Polynesia is the place to foreigners to preferably create their
get the diploma. For the foreigners the own choreographies?
teaching system should be established Yes I would recommend that, it’s cute.
in the dance schools of their own We can have different ideas and then
countries. we can compare, this will help us to
know where the skill level goes.
Do you think the foreign teachers
should be some how monitored or According to the fact that there are
certified? growing amount of interested
I think it would be good. We have a foreigners practicing your dances,
academy for the certification and it what would be your idea of
takes eight years to get the diploma. promoting it properly?
Another kind of certification system is My idea is to promote the dance and
also under development. The ones culture by organizing festivals and
who want to establish a school should meetings so people can connect and
have performing experience and the meet. That way they can share the
diploma. knowledge and learn from each other.
It’s good when the foreigners come to
Do you think it’s appropriate for the the Islands to learn, or when the
foreigners to charge money for Tahitians go abroad to teach. This will
performing and / or teaching your also make Tahitians to realize many
dances? important things about their own
Yes of course, because the group culture and dance.
must live. You need money to buy
instruments, costumes, etc. It’s fine Would you be personally interested
when the money is used for the same in promoting the dancing for the
thing, and not earned for the money foreigners?
itself. Yes, by organizing festivals and
meetings so the foreigners could
What do you think about foreigners come to Tahiti. I could also travel
copying the dance choreographies abroad to give workshops, preferably
from DVDs and videos? with few dancers and musicians so
It is basically fine when they don’t do the teaching could be done with © Interview and pictures by Karoliina
business with that. They can use one individual instructing. Auvinen, Polynesian dancer from Finland,

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