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The Maycomb Tribune


Maycomb County, Alabama Monday, August 18, 1935 2 pages


Tom Robinson convicted of raping Mayella
By Braxton Underwood

The Maycomb Tribune

Maycomb, Ala. After three

presented vastly contradicting

hours of deliberating, a jury of 12

testimonies. The defence denied

found Tom Robinson guilty of

any allegations against Robinson,

raping Mayella Violet Ewell.

arguing instead that Mayella had

Mayella, nineteen, had allegedly

been beaten by her own father

fallen victim to Tom last August

after he caught her tempting the

after seeking help with a chore.

Negro. In the end, the prosecution

claimed victory and despair

Throughout the trial, witnesses

of prosecutor Horace Gilmer and

Atticus Finch and Tom

Robinson at the defendant's

washed across Robinsons face as

testimonies from the prosecutions

he heard his fate.

two witnesses, Sheriff Heck Tate

defense attorney Atticus Finch

rape scene by Bob, where he

and Mayellas father, Bob Ewell.

The trial opened with similar

Tate deposed that he had been

observed Mayellas injuries. On

with a great surprise. The

cross-examination, he revealed

defendant, whose testimony

that the right side of Mayellas

largely contradicted the

the longest of any trial involving a

face was beaten up.

prosecutions, claims that

Negro. After three hours, the

Mayella had kissed him after he

guilty verdict was read and each

busted the chiffarobe and was

juror assented their agreement one

Ewell testified that she had asked

caught by her father, who beat her

by one.

Robinson bust up a chiffarobe for


Afterward, victim Mayella

her in exchange for a nickel, but

was attacked upon returning with

brought to the
The ensuing deliberation was

Although we didnt win, the

Given Robinsons testimony

lengthy deliberation is a sign of

and inoperative left arm, Finch

progress in racial relations, which

argued that it is unlikely he had

will hopefully herald the dawn of

I turned around and fore I

beaten the right side of Mayellas

a new, unbiased jury system,

knew it he was on me. Just run up

face; instead, it is more plausible

says Atticus Finch. This trial has

behind me, he did, said Mayella.

for a left-handed man such as Bob

risen in the context of a universal

On cross-examination, attorney

Ewell to hit ones right side.

debate of racism and equality. It is

the money.

Finch asked Mayella a series of

not time to worry yet, as I will do

questions revolving around did

After resting his case, Finch

your father beat you?, to which

delivered a closing argument in

the victim gave no response.

hope to aver Robinsons

innocence, urging the jury not to

When it was Robinsons turn

to testify, the court was greeted

make a decision based on skin

color but rather on the facts

my utmost to bring Tom Robinson


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