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Unit Number and Title:
Unit Level:
Module Tutor:
Date Set:

BTEC Higher National Diploma (HND) Hospitality Management

Unit 6; Room Division Operations Management
QCF Level 4 (R/601/1792)
Dr. Sam Hazra
1st September 2015
Key dates

Distribution date
Submission date:
Return date:

14th September 2015

2nd December 2015
4 weeks after submission

The aims of this assignment are to measure the outcome of students learning in terms of
knowledge acquired, understanding developed and skills or abilities gained in relation to achieve
the learning outcomes.
This assignment also aimed at investigating the role of the front office in the management of a
hospitality operation. The central focus of this should be on the aspects of planning and managing
rooms division, the different areas of knowledge, skills and understanding that contribute to
effective management and business effectiveness.
This assignment will measure learners at outcome levels, all learners must achieve outcomes 1 to
4 outlined below. The assignment comprise of an essay to be written under several broad topics as
the main requirements of the assignment. Relevant areas for discussion have also been identified
under each broad topic.
The beginning of each section should outline a general introduction to the broad topic with the
objective of providing a contextual background to the areas of discussion to follow.
Relevant references and academic quotes and the use of case examples are required as evidence of
broader reading and research.

HND HM; Rooms Division Operations Management; Unit 6;

Specification of Assessment


Using the relevant current issues, theories and literature, write an essay comprised of the
following broad topics/sub-sections:
Wherever possible you should answer the above requirements using practical examples from
following organisations.

Hotel 3*or 4*or 5*(only one choice from this)

Ship floating resort hotels
Boat luxury yacht
Timeshare complexes right to use at a particular time in a year
Student Hall residence conference delegates

LO1 Understand services provided by the rooms division in diverse context

1.1 Discuss accommodation and front office services for different organisations
1.2. Analyse the roles and responsibilities of a range of accommodation and reception services
M1: You should adopt a suitable strategy to identify responsibilities of reception service staff of
an organization of your choice
1.3. Discuss legal and statutory requirements that apply to rooms division operations
1.4. Evaluate services provided by the rooms division in a range of hospitality businesses

LO2 Understand the impact of contemporary management issues on the effective

management and business performance in the front of house area
2.1 Assess the importance of the front of house area to effective management
2.2 Discuss the key aspects of planning and management of the front of house area for a given
hospitality operation
2.3 Critically discuss the key operational issues affecting the effective management and business
performance of the front office area for a given operation

HND HM; Rooms Division Operations Management; Unit 6;

LO3 Understand the factors that contribute to effective management and business
performance in the accommodation service function
The following 3 criteria should be covered through Power-Point Slides.
Your presentation should include EVERY member of your group and ideally will be presented
using Microsoft Power-point Slides. There should be a maximum of 20 slides for the complete
presentation in groups of 4-5 learners to demonstrate the following criteria 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3. Note
you will be assessed based on your own performance, and contribution in the power-point slides
and presentation, though the activity can be developed in groups. Consequently you will be
assessed and graded individually. You can choose a particular example or a range of examples to
raise your case. It would be highly recommended to have references on the slides, and at the end.
3.1. Assess the importance of property interiors and design to effective management
3.2 Discuss the critical aspects of planning and management of the accommodation service
function for a given hospitality operation
3.3. Analyse the key operational issues affecting the effective management and business
performance of the accommodation service function for a given operation

LO4 Be able to apply techniques to maximise and measure occupancy and rooms
4.1 Perform revenue/yield management activities to maximise occupancy and rooms revenue
M2: Identify and apply appropriate techniques that can be used to assist maximising occupancy
and room revenue
4.2 Discuss sales techniques that rooms division staff can use to promote and maximise revenue
D3: Credit will be awarded to demonstrate creative and out of the box thinking
4.3 Discuss the purpose and use of forecasting and statistical data within the rooms division
M3: Identify limitations of employing such techniques and justify whether forecasting should be
employed despite apparent limitations. Present and communicate appropriate findings
4.4 Calculate rooms division performance indicators to measure the success of accommodation
HND HM; Rooms Division Operations Management; Unit 6;

You are required to write conclusions to your assignment (D1). The conclusion allows you to have
the final say on the issues you have raised in your assignment, to summarize your thoughts, to
demonstrate the importance of your ideas, and to propel your reader to a new view of the subject.
It is also your opportunity to make a good final impression and to end on a positive note. Your
conclusion can go beyond the confines of the assignment. The conclusion pushes beyond the
boundaries of the prompt and allows you to consider broader issues, make new connections, and
elaborate on the significance of your findings.
D2: Take responsibility for managing and organising activities throughout the assignment. Provide
appropriate table of content, proper referencing and demonstrate an effective approach to
independent research
Important: You are required to give acknowledgement of any secondary data by using
appropriate referencing system (Harvard Reference System). Any material which is taken from a
secondary source, i.e. book or website, must be rephrased in your own words and acknowledged

Assignment submission instructions

1. Go to the following website:
2. Click on Create an Account
3. At the bottom of the page you will find a list: Students, Instructor, and Teaching assistant. Click on
4. On the new page you will have to provide this information:
Class ID
Class enrolment password
Your first name
Your last name
Email address
Your password (it must be 6-12 characters long and contain at least one letter and one
Select a secret question and write down your answer
5. Click on I agree Create Profile
6. Done.
a. You are now registered and can enrol into other classes. In order to do that, click on Enrol
in a class. Enter Class ID and Enrolment password for that subject.
7. Please make sure you download and attach an assignment cover page from the e-learning. Cover
page can be found under Instructions tab of the student area (e-learning).
If you still have any questions or need any help, please visit our Academic office.
HND HM; Rooms Division Operations Management; Unit 6;

Achievement of a Pass, Merit and Distinction grade

A pass grade is achieved by meeting all the pass criteria defined in the assessment criteria for each
individual unit.
All the assessment criteria and merit grade descriptors need to be completed within a unit to achieve a merit
All the assessment criteria merit and distinction grade descriptors must be completed within a unit to
achieve a distinction grade.

Plagiarism and Collusion

Any act of plagiarism and collusion will be seriously dealt with according to the regulations. In this context
the definition and scope of plagiarism are presented below:
Using the work of others without acknowledging source of information or inspiration. Even if the words
are changed or sentences are put in different order, the result is still plagiarism (Cortell 2003).
Collusion describes as the submission of work produced in collaboration for an assignment based on the
assessment of individual work. When one person shares his/her work with others who submit part or all of
it as their own work.
Extension and Late Submission
If you need an extension for a valid reason, you must request one using a coursework extension request
form available from the college. Please note that the lecturers do not have the authority to extend the
coursework deadlines and therefore do not ask them to award a coursework extension.
The completed form must be accompanied by evidence such as a medical certificate in the event of you
being sick.

Support materials

HND HM; Rooms Division Operations Management; Unit 6;

Abbott P and Lewry S Front Office: Procedures, Social Skills and Management
(Butterworth-Heinemann, 1999) ISBN 0750642300
Allen D Accommodation and Cleaning Services: Operations Volume 1 (Nelson Thornes,
1990) ISBN 0748702903
Allen D Accommodation and Cleaning Services: Management Volume 2 (Nelson
Thornes, 1990) ISBN 0748703314
Baker S, Topping S and Cullen S Rooms Division Operations (Hodder Arnold, 1995)
ISBN 0340567708
Baker S and Huyton J Principles of Hotel Front Office Operations (Thomson Learning,
2000) ISBN 0826447090
Bardi J A Hotel Front Office Management (John Wiley & Sons, 2002) ISBN 047101396X
Braham B Hotel Front Office (Nelson Thornes, 2004) ISBN 0748716327
Branson J C and Lennox M Hotel, Hostel and Hospital Housekeeping (Hodder Arnold,
1990) ISBN 0340525185
Dix C and Baird C Front Office Operations (Longman, 1998) ISBN 0582319315
Fellows J Housekeeping Supervision (Longman, 1986) ISBN 027302552X
Jones C and Paul V Accommodation Management (BT Batsford, 1985) ISBN 0713448075
Webster K Environmental Management in the Hospitality Industry (Thomson Learning,
1999) ISBN 0304332348
Wood R and Verginis C S Accommodation Management: Perspectives for the International
Hotel Industry (Thomson Learning, 1999) ISBN 1861524897

Websites British Hospitality Association Caterer and Hotelkeeper website Hotel and Catering International Management
Association Information Commissioners Office Institute of Customer Service JohnsonDiversey cleaning and hygiene
specialists People 1st (formerly Hospitality Training

HND HM; Rooms Division Operations Management; Unit 6;

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