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basic citation information for the source, 2) information about the sources

intended audience, purpose, and context, 3) discussion of how you see the
source fitting into your paper
Source 1:
Alonso, Mara A. Prez. "Metacognition and Sensorimotor Components
Underlying the Process of Handwriting and Keyboarding and Their
Impact on Learning. An Analysis from the Perspective of Embodied
Psychology." Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 176 (2015):
263-69. Web.
This source is aimed at educators and anyone else concerned with the
processes of learning. It delves into the psychology behind handwriting vs
keyboarding, pointing out the significant problem of the American education
system that has recently removed handwriting from the national standards
to be replaced by typing classes in many states. I plan to integrate this
source as background information about the psychology of handwriting and
the effects it has on both long and short term memory, compared with the
lost benefits of typing.
Additional source with similar subject matter:
Mueller, Pam A, and Daniel M Oppenheimer. "The Pen Is Mightier Than the
Keyboard." Psychological Science 25.6: 1159-168. Web.\
Source 2:
Jerry E. "Memory on Trial: Witnesses of Crimes are being Challenged as
Frequently Fallible --- Courts Allow Defense to Give Psychologists'
Testimony about Unreliable Recall --- the Effect of Personal Biases."
Wall Street Journal, Eastern edition ed.: 1. Mar 02 1988. ProQuest. Web.
11 Nov. 2015 .
This is a newspaper article from 1988 about eyewitness testimonies. It
uses one specific case as an example, but the main point is that there is too
much credibility and reliance on eyewitness testimonies in US courts. The
case mentioned was one of the first times a psychologist had argued in a
trial for the unreliability of memory. Though potentially biased, being a
newspaper article, it contains valuable facts about the process of screening
witnesses and the psychology behind remembering events. I plan to use this
as evidence of the issue of memory in the court systems.
Source 2:


WRONGFUL CONVICTION RATE." Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology
97.3 (2007): 761-806. ProQuest. Web. 11 Nov. 2015.
This Journal provides statistics of wrongful convictions in the US,
particularly rape and murder cases in the 1980s. I plan to relate this data to
the unreliability of eyewitness testimony due to poor memory. It focuses in
part on the moral obligations concerning the wrongful conviction rate,
attempting to justify it to some extent. No court can be perfect. However, I
will ask the question: Is it significant enough to make a change in the court
concerning witness testimonies?

Handwriting has a more beneficial effect on the memory that typing
Many schools are moving away from teaching handwriting classes
The lack of handwriting skills in the next generation could lead to
poorer memory skills
Misremembered testimonies have become a problem in courts
The impact of handwriting on memory plays a role in the
misleading testimony of witnesses in court
Somewhere, reforms must be made

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