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December 13 Vestry Meeting after 10 am service
December 20 Greening of the Church after 10 AM Service, Coffee Hour to Follow
December 20 Abbreviated ECW Meeting, During Coffee Hour after Greening of the Church
December 24 Christmas Eve Dessert, Fruit and Cheese Reception Following Service
December 13 Morning Prayer/Communion, 8 am and 10 am, Mother Johanna
December 20 Holy Eucharist, 8 am and 10 am, Mother Johanna
December 24 Holy Eucharist, 5:30 pm Christmas Eve, Mother Johanna
December 25 Said Eucharist (no music), 10 am, Mother Johanna
December 27 Morning Prayer, 8 am and 10 am, Andrew Chattin
January 3 Holy Eucharist, 8 am and 10 am, Mother Johanna
January 6 Feast of the Epiphany, 6 pm, Mother Johanna
January 10 - Holy Eucharist, 8 am and 10 am, Mother Johanna
January 17 - Holy Eucharist, 8 am and 10 am, Mother Johanna
Vestry Nominating Committee You have put forward five names for consideration for the vestry nominating
committee. A ballot will be included in next weeks bulletin. Please vote and give your ballot to Dave Wells or Harvey
EMMAUS CHILDRENS GIFTING - If you are supporting the Emmaus effort to support children in need, please
have your gifts into the church office by this Sunday, Dec. 13th. Thank you for supporting this community effort.
We still need donations for Christmas Flowers. The special envelopes are available in the pews
Clynk, Clank, Clunk! Recycle to Help the Rectors Discretionary Fund (RDF)
Did you know that St. Dunstans is a member of the Clynks beverage can recycling program from Hannaford? Labels
and green recycle bags are available in the kitchen. Fill the bag with your redeemable bottles and cans and drop it off at
Hannaford to help the RDF. This is an ongoing program and you can participate any time. Please see Treasurer
Muffet Stewart for further information.
December 20 ECW Meeting to Be Held to Finalize Charitable Fair Giving
Join us for a brief ECW meeting after we decorate (green) the church on Sunday, December 20.
Over coffee hour, we will discuss the net sales total we have to work with and finalize the amount to be given to the
charities selected for this years fair. The Christmas fair committee is adjourning for the holidays and will be leading a
more detailed discussion and recap of the fair at our January general meeting. The nominating committee for 2016
officers will also provide an update at the December 20 meeting.
ECW Bulletin Board on Hiatus for the Holidays!
With the reconfiguration of the Sunday School area, the ECW bulletin board has been retired for the holidays. Please
see the coffee hour sign up on the vestry and service schedule bulletin board by the back door to sign up for remaining
2015 coffee hours. A sign up for 2016 will soon be posted as well.

A Christmas Affair
After our Christmas Eve service, we will once again be enjoying a lite reception. Offerings will include desserts and
baked goods, lite protein such as deli meats and/or deviled eggs, fruit and cheese. A sign up is located on the bulletin
board downstairs by the door. If you would like to bring something, please sign up so we can plan accordingly.
Anything is appreciated, but most importantly, plan to come so that you can partake of the beautiful service and
As requested, Prayer Request Cards are now on hooks in the pews, as well as on the table at the back of the nave.

A note from Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry:
With the sudden dip in temperatures we would like to ask for contributions of warm winter hats for adults and
children. These could be hand knit or new, purchased hats and may be left at the pantry any Monday, Wednesday or
Friday morning until 11 AM. A full tummy and a cozy warm hat can do so much for one's sense of well being as we face
the colder months. Thanks for your help.
Please continue bringing plastic grocery bags and food for the Little Red Wagon. Thanks!

Remember to wear your nametags each Sunday!

Lay Ministers:
Altar Guild
Lay Reader
Lay Readers
Chalice Bearer
Coffee Hour


Morning Prayer/Communion
Holy Eucharist, Rite II
Georgianna Pulver
Marian Wells
8:00 Service
8:00 Service
Mother Johanna
Mother Johanna
Marion Frehill
George Stevens
10:00 Service
10:00 Service
Mother Johanna
Mother Johanna
Deacon Joan Preble
Diana Gazis
Dianne Kelley, Harvey Kelley, Jim Newett
Tracy Shaffer, Karl Haller, Sarah Whalen
Jim Newett
Diana Gazis
Dan DeLong
Dave Wells
Andrew Chattin
Dianne Kelley
Dan and Mary DeLong
Jerry Whitney, Harvey Kelley
Jo Cooper

If you should have an emergency, you may contact: Reverend Johanna-Karen Johannson, Priest 902-1013; Senior
Warden Dave Wells at 667-6206 (h), 610-3709 (c); Junior Warden Harvey Kelley at 422-3115 (h) or 266-5148 (c)
For pastoral needs: Deacon Rev. Joan Preble at 667-4068. Ann is in the office Thursdays from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.
Our email address is: stdunstansellsworth@gmail.com.

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