Strongwind Response & Monitoring

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Strongwind Response & Monitoring

By: Lorne Jacobs, Kerry Morris, Michael Murphy, and Sarah Nichols
Staffing Binder

Executive Summary
Strongwind Response & Monitoring is a dynamic organization that provides monitoring services for
providers. We contract with dealers of these alarm systems to contribute added support to their
products. We use the most updated technology to rapidly answer distress calls including burglary, fire,
medical, and distress calls. Our employees are put through a rigorous training system that allows them
to be prepared to direct these distress calls to the correct local authority. Strongwind Response &
Monitoring partners with existing alarm system companies in order to provide accurate, reliable
responses to the triggering of the alarms.
Our facilities are open 24 hours, 7 days a week. We believe that no emergency is planned. Thats why we
find it a priority to be readily available.
In order for our operation to run smoothly, we need efficient, forward-thinking employees. The
departments within our organization include accounting, human resources, sales and marketing,
response center staff, and an executive team. Most of our positions are full-time. However, there are a
few part-time positions available with our Customer Service Representative position and our Response
Center Specialist position. Because we are open 24 hours, 7 days a week we need people to fill in all
available hours.
Strongwind Response & Monitoring was founded in 1981 by Ronald Dahl. Ronalds family home caught
on fire when he was just 13 years old. Ronald himself saw how long it took for the fire department to
show up because of delayed response times to his familys alarm system. Ronald saw the need for rapid
responses in terms of emergency cases, so he founded Strongwind Response & Monitoring at only 26
years old. Strongwind Response & Monitoring was founded in Syracuse, and still remains in Syracuse at
113 Green Street. The strategy has recently changed with the push to expand out of Syracuse and cover
more of Central New York.

Mission Statement
Strongwind Response & Monitoring is an organization concerned with the quality of service for our
customers as well as the people who rely on the rapid response of our Response Center Specialists. It is
our duty as distress responders to always be alert at any time for emergency situations and be adequately
equipped to act upon those situations. Our employees are the life force of our company and our primary
duty is to ensure they are properly trained and ready to work hard in order to achieve maximum quality
of work. We will always be there to help in emergency situations!

Goals and Objectives

Strongwind Response and Monitoring wants to become a nationally recognizable organization. We want
our reputation to exceed itself, and we want our company to be considered one of the best response
companies in the world! Not only do we want to give quality results to our clients, we want to protect the
people who install these alarm systems and save lives. We consider our companys product one of the
most important products available. Our goal is to perhaps contract with all of the largest alarm companies
in the country in order to positively affect as many lives as possible.
Our executive department is most concerned with what is best for Strongwind Response and Monitoring
as a whole. Our CEO is concerned with having a positive brand image and producing the best product
possible. Our CFO is concerned with cutting costs where possible and accurately reporting financial data.
Our Human Resources Manager is concerned with hiring quality employees and increasing employee
satisfaction and reducing turnover. Our Response Center Director is concerned with making sure our
response center is running smoothly and making sure the Response Center Specialists are appropriately
trained in order to provide the best response service possible. Lastly, our Director of Sales and Marketing
is most concerned with getting Strongwind Response and Monitorings name out there in a positive light,
and creating more clients for our company.
Our accounting department is made up of payroll, accounts receivable, and accounts payable. The
accounting departments goals and objectives are to process payroll accurately and quickly, process
invoices effectively and precisely, and to pay off incoming invoices in time and in regards to which invoices
are more important to pay off first. The accounting departments main objective is to make sure that no
invoice goes unpaid, and to always send out timely reminders to our customers.
Our human resources department is made up of a human resource generalist, a benefits and
compensation specialist, and a talent management and recruitment specialist. The human resource
departments goals and objectives are to complete clerical duties accurately and keep all paperwork
organized, to keep our employees benefits and compensation fair compared to their current knowledge,
skills, abilities, and other characteristics, to recruit the most qualified people for our positions and make
sure all of our employees training is up to date. The human resource departments main objective is to
make sure that employee satisfaction is above 80% at all times. The human resource department does
this by sending out bi-annual surveys on what the employees think our company can improve on in making
their job more enjoyable.
Our response center department is made up of the positions of response center supervisor, response
center specialist, network administrator, software director, and software developer. Our response center
departments goals and objectives are to oversee the running of the response center as to assure that it
runs smoothly, to receive no customer complaints on how their experience with our company goes, to
have the network never fail, and to update our current software in order to achieve the needs of our
customers. The response center hopes to answer and/or make at least 300 phone calls a day and affect
each and every one of those calls in a positive way. All positions in the response center work together in
order to achieve this goal.
Our sales and marketing department is made up of the positions of account manager, sales
representative, marketing coordinator, marketing consultant, and customer service representative. The
sales and marketing departments goals and objectives are to acquire at least one new customer a week,

to come up with a new low-cost marketing idea at least once a week, and to keep all customers welladjusted and happy with their new product. The sales and marketing departments main objective is to
make sure that companies across the nation that sell alarm systems have heard of Strongwind Response
& Monitoring, and we hope to have this achieved by the end of 2020.

Organizational Chart
Human Resources Manager
Response Center Director
Director of Sales and Marketing
Senior Accountant
Accounts Receivable
Accounts Payable
Human Resources
Human Resources Generalist
Benefits and Compensation Specialist
Talent Management and Recruitment Specialist
Human Resources Assistant
Response Center
Response Center Supervisor
Response Center Specialist
Network Administrator
Software Director
Software Developer
Sales & Marketing
Account Manager
Sales Representative
Marketing Coordinator
Marketing Consultant
Customer Service Representative

Employment Application


Benefit Package

Medical: Preferred Provider Organization - The insurance company negotiates a discount with
select physicians and hospitals. Employee chooses a provider from pre-approved list. Employee
can still be referred to a specialized physician by the pre-approved provider either within or out
of the pre-approved network. Employee pays a co-payment for each visit, and the insurance
covers the rest. Monthly contribution made by employee.

Available to employee, employee and children, employee and spouse, and family

Employees are eligible the first of the month after one month of service.

$10 co-pay each visit to a provider.

Dental: Fully-Funded Employer Plan - Strongwind Response & Monitoring covers the full amount
of dental costs. Monthly contribution made by employee.

Available to employee, employee and children, employee and spouse, and family

Employees are eligible the first of the month after one month of service.

Flexible Spending Account: Employee makes a monthly contribution on a pre-tax basis into a
flexible spending account. This account can be used to cover additional costs involved with vision,
dental, and medical. Strongwind Response & Monitoring pledges to have the money on hand to
reimburse employees for these expenses.

Available for both employee and dependent care spending, with different maximum

Rollover feature available.

Employees are eligible the first of the month after one month of service.

Retirement: 401(k) Matching - Employee makes a monthly contribution into the 401(k) account
with pre-tax earnings. Strongwind Response & Monitoring matches this amount by 5% on a taxdeductible basis.

Available for employees.

Rollover feature available.

Employees are eligible after six months of service.

Bi-annual enrollment.

Life Insurance: Employees can voluntarily enroll. It is completely employer paid.


Limited to a certain amount of coverage.


Short-Term Disability: Required by New York State. It is completely employer paid.


Available for employees.

Use it or lose it - No rollover feature here. This is in order to increase employee

satisfaction and reduce stress.

Accrued after the first of the month after one month of service.

Employee has four sick days available every six months. This would not be subtracted
from that employees paid time off amount.

Holidays: Strongwind Response & Monitoring recognizes six company paid holidays. These
holidays include: New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day,
and Christmas Day. On these days, employees are expected not to report to work.

In terms of an employees beliefs, an employee has the right to submit a request for a
holiday not listed to be considered a paid holiday. If this holiday is approved, the
employee will then have to select one of the six holidays listed to remove from their paid
holidays off in order to receive the new holiday off.

Flextime: Employees can submit a proposal to their supervisor asking for flextime. The employee
will still work the same amount of hours, but the range of hours can be changed.

Employees are eligible immediately.

Paid Time Off and Sick Days: Employee starts off with fourteen days paid time off. As years of
service is increased, the amount of paid time off is also increased.

Employees are eligible immediately.

Telecommuting for one day a week is also included in the flextime agreement. This day
must be pre-approved by a supervisor and work must be completed in Strongwind
Response & Monitorings monitored network.

Tuition Reimbursement: Employees can take classes at an approved university. Employer will
reimburse the cost of the course by 70%.

Must receive an A grade in the particular course.

Class must be related to position held at Strongwind Response & Monitoring, or related
to a position the employee would like to be in at Strongwind Response & Monitoring.

If employee leaves Strongwind Response & Monitoring within one year after partaking in
the tuition reimbursement plan, employee will have to pay Strongwind Response &
Monitoring the full amount of the cost of the course.

Additional Benefits:

Company Card: To be used for business purposes. This includes but is not limited to
business lunches, gas payments, travel expenses, and office supplies. Receipts must be
saved by the employee and turned into accounts payable.

Stock Option: Employee has the option of deciding to buy Strongwind Response &
Monitoring stock in order to have more of a say in the company.


Medical: Preferred Provider Organization - The insurance company negotiates a discount with
select physicians and hospitals. Employee chooses a provider from pre-approved list. Employee
can still be referred to a specialized physician by the pre-approved provider either within or out
of the pre-approved network. Employee pays a co-payment for each visit, and the insurance
covers the rest. Monthly contribution made by employee.

Available to employee, employee and children, employee and spouse, and family

Employees are eligible the first of the month after one month of service.

$15 co-pay each visit to a provider.

Dental: Partially-Funded Employer Plan - Strongwind Response & Monitoring covers up to 80% of
employee dental costs. The employee is responsible for the rest of the cost. Monthly contribution
made by employee.

Available to employee, employee and children, employee and spouse, and family

Employees are eligible the first of the month after one month of service.

Flexible Spending Account: Employee makes a monthly contribution on a pre-tax basis into a
flexible spending account. This account can be used to cover additional costs involved with vision,
dental, and medical. Strongwind Response & Monitoring pledges to have the money on hand to
reimburse employees for these expenses.

Available for both employee and dependent care spending, with different maximum

Rollover feature available.

Employees are eligible the first of the month after one month of service.

Retirement: 401(k) Matching - Employee makes a monthly contribution into the 401(k) account
with pre-tax earnings. Strongwind Response & Monitoring matches this amount by 3% on a taxdeductible basis.

Available for employees.

Rollover feature available.

Employees are eligible after six months of service.

Bi-annual enrollment.

Life Insurance: Employees can voluntarily enroll. It is completely employer paid.


Limited to a certain amount of coverage.

Employees are eligible immediately.

Short-Term Disability: Required by New York State. It is completely employer paid.


Paid Time Off and Sick Days: Employees start off with ten days paid time off. As years of service is
increased, the amount of paid time off is also increased.

Available for employees.

Use it or lose it - No rollover feature here. This is in order to increase employee

satisfaction and reduce stress.

Accrued after the first of the month after one month of service.

Employee has three sick days available every six months. This would not be subtracted
from that employees paid time off amount.

Holidays: Strongwind Response & Monitoring recognizes six company paid holidays. These
holidays include: New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day,
and Christmas Day.

In terms of an employees beliefs, an employee has the right to submit a request for a
holiday not listed to be considered a paid holiday. If this holiday is approved, the
employee will then have to select one of the six holidays listed to remove from their paid
holidays off in order to receive the new holiday off.

Flextime: Employees can submit a proposal to their supervisor asking for flextime. The employee
will still work the same amount of hours, but the range of hours can be changed.

Employees are eligible immediately.

Telecommuting for one day a week is also included in the flextime agreement. This day
must be pre-approved by a supervisor and work must be completed in Strongwind
Response & Monitorings monitored network.

Tuition Reimbursement: Employees can take classes at an approved university. Employer will
reimburse the cost of the course by 50%.

Must receive an A grade in the particular course.

Class must be related to position held at Strongwind Response & Monitoring, or related
to a position the employee would like to be in at Strongwind Response & Monitoring.

If employee leaves Strongwind Response & Monitoring within one year after partaking in
the tuition reimbursement plan, employee will have to pay Strongwind Response &
Monitoring the full amount of the cost of the course.

Additional Benefits:

Company Card: To be used for business purposes. This includes but is not limited to
business lunches, gas payments, travel expenses, and office supplies. Receipts must be
saved by the employee and turned into accounts payable.

Stock Option: Employee has the option of deciding to buy Strongwind Response &
Monitoring stock in order to have more of a say in the company.

Salary (and Hourly who average 35 hours/week):

Medical: Preferred Provider Organization - The insurance company negotiates a discount with
select physicians and hospitals. Employee chooses a provider from pre-approved list. Employee
can still be referred to a specialized physician by the pre-approved provider either within or out
of the pre-approved network. Employee pays a co-payment for each visit, and the insurance
covers the rest. Monthly contribution made by employee.

Available to employee, employee and children, employee and spouse, and family

Employees are eligible the first of the month after one month of service.

$20 co-pay each visit to a provider.

Dental: Partially-Funded Employer Plan - Strongwind Response & Monitoring covers up to 60% of
employee dental costs. The employee is responsible for the rest of the cost. Monthly contribution
made by employee.

Available to employee, employee and children, employee and spouse, and family

Employees are eligible the first of the month after one month of service.

Flexible Spending Account: Employee makes a monthly contribution on a pre-tax basis into a
flexible spending account. This account can be used to cover additional costs involved with vision,
dental, and medical. Strongwind Response & Monitoring pledges to have the money on hand to
reimburse employees for these expenses.

Available for both employee and dependent care spending, with different maximum

Rollover feature available.

Employees are eligible the first of the month after one month of service.

Retirement: 401(k) Matching - Employee makes a monthly contribution into the 401(k) account
with pre-tax earnings. Strongwind Response & Monitoring matches this amount by 2% on a taxdeductible basis.

Available for employees.

Rollover feature available.


Employees are eligible after six months of service.

Bi-annual enrollment.

Life Insurance: Employees can voluntarily enroll. It is completely employer paid.


Limited to a certain amount of coverage.

Employees are eligible immediately.

Short-Term Disability: Required by New York State. It is completely employer paid.


Paid Time Off and Sick Days: Employees start off with seven days paid time off. As years of service
is increased, the amount of paid time off is also increased.

Available for employees.

Use it or lose it - No rollover feature here. This is in order to increase employee

satisfaction and reduce stress.

Accrued after the first of the month after one month of service.

Employee has two sick days available every six months. This would not be subtracted from
that employees paid time off amount.

Holidays: Strongwind Response & Monitoring recognizes six company paid holidays. These
holidays include: New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day,
and Christmas Day.

In terms of an employees beliefs, an employee has the right to submit a request for a
holiday not listed to be considered a paid holiday. If this holiday is approved, the
employee will then have to select one of the six holidays listed to remove from their paid
holidays off in order to receive the new holiday off.

Flextime: Employees can submit a proposal to their supervisor asking for flextime. The employee
will still work the same amount of hours, but the range of hours can be changed.

Employees are eligible immediately.

Telecommuting for one day a week is also included in the flextime agreement. This day
must be pre-approved by a supervisor and work must be completed in Strongwind
Response & Monitorings monitored network.

Tuition Reimbursement: Employees can take classes at an approved university. Employer will
reimburse the cost of the course by 40%.

Must receive an A grade in the particular course.

Class must be related to position held at Strongwind Response & Monitoring, or related
to a position the employee would like to be in at Strongwind Response & Monitoring.


If employee leaves Strongwind Response & Monitoring within one year after partaking in
the tuition reimbursement plan, employee will have to pay Strongwind Response &
Monitoring the full amount of the cost of the course.



Departments and Positions

Potential Salary Amount

Human Resources Manager
Response Center Director
Director of Sales and Marketing
Senior Accountant
Accounts Receivable Specialist
Accounts Payable Specialist
Human Resources
Human Resources Generalist
Benefits and Compensation Specialist
Talent Management and Recruitment Specialist
Human Resources Assistant
Response Center
Response Center Supervisor
Response Center Specialist
$11-$14 per hour
Network Administrator
Software Director
Software Developer
Sales and Marketing
Account Manager
Sales Representative
$20,000 base + commission
Marketing Coordinator
Marketing Consultant
Customer Service Representative
$12-$15 per hour
*Strongwind Response and Monitoring has elected to put forth a pay leader policy where
applicable in order to recruit retain high-level talent.
*Based off of Glassdoor average salaries by job position and area.


Policies and Procedures

1. Holidays and Holiday Pay: Since Strongwind Response & Monitoring is dedicated to always being
there for our customers and is open 24 hours 7 days a week, Strongwind Response & Monitoring
will be open on holidays. Strongwind Response & Monitoring recognizes 6 paid holidays: New
Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.
On these days, employees will be expected to work. To reward our employees for taking time
away from their families on these holidays in order to help benefit the company, our employees
who work on these days will be compensated with holiday pay. Holiday pay for hourly employees
will be time and a half. Meaning, for every hour that the employee works, they will get paid an
extra half hour of their set wage. Hourly employees who work on holidays will also receive a gift
card for $25. Holiday pay for salaried employees will get a bonus of $100 of working on a holiday
and staying for a minimum of 6 hours.
2. Overtime Pay: Hourly employees who work over 40 hours (according to the Fair Labor Standards
Act) in one week will receive overtime pay. Once an employee hits the 40 hour mark, each
additional hour worked for that week will be paid time and a half. Meaning, for every hour that
the employee works, they will get paid an extra half hour of their set wage. If in any event that
Strongwind Response & Monitoring is short on the number of hourly employees needed for a
particular week, the employees chosen to work overtime hours will be picked due to seniority in
that particular position (how long the employee has worked in the position they currently hold).
3. Paid Time Off: In the event that too many employees ask off a particular day (such as a holiday),
the paid time off for that particular day will be rewarded to the employees with the most seniority
(time spent) in their current position. In special cases, paid time off will be awarded due to
manager discretion. Paid time off requests must be submitted within two weeks of the upcoming
requested day, and managers must either accept or deny that request within 5 days of receiving
the request. In regards to holiday paid time off requests or popular paid time off requests,
managers must use the seniority system when making decisions.
4. Dress Code: Strongwind Response & Monitoring wants to appear professional at any level in order
to attract and retain customers. Professional attire is required for all employees. This can include
dress pants, slacks, khakis, dress skirts that lie just above the knee, blouses, suit jackets, buttonup shirts, etcetera. In addition, low-cut tops, see-through material, sun-dresses, tee-shirts, and
shorts are all not acceptable as professional attire. Manager discretion will be used in special
cases. Employees may not have any facial piercings. Tattoos, if inappropriate, must be covered.
5. Substance Abuse and Smoking: All employees will be drug-tested when the employee is offered
and accepts the position; Strongwind Response & Monitoring believes in a drug-free workplace.
Because of this, there will be random drug tests conducted every month. 5 employees will be
chosen at random for monthly drug screenings. If a drug test is found positive, the employee will
be terminated. If a drug test is found inconclusive, the employee will be able to retake the drug
test. Strongwind Response & Monitoring also believes in a smoke-free workplace, so no smoke
breaks will be permitted. However, employees will be permitted to smoke on their set break
and/or lunch break accordingly. Smoking must take place at least 15 feet away from the building.


6. Background Check: All employees will have a background check completed when the employee
is offered and accepts the position. Manager discretion will be used when making decisions about
the background check. If the manager decides that the background check on the employee was
too extensive, the offer will be retracted.


Outline of Departments
1. Executive Team (CEO in Charge)
2. Accounting (CFO in Charge)
3. Human Resources (Human Resources Manager in Charge)
4. Response Center (Response Center Director in Charge)
5. Sales and Marketing (Director of Sales and Marketing in Charge)


Staffing Needs & Levels

Staffing Needs/Levels
Human Resources Manager
Response Center Director
Director of Sales & Marketing
Senior Accountant
Accounts Receivable
Accounts Payable
Human Resources
Human Resources Generalist
Benefits and Compensation Specialist
Talent Management and Recruitment Specialist
Human Resources Assistant
Response Center
Response Center Supervisor
Response Center Specialist
150 full-time 15 part-time
Network Administrator
Software Director
Software Developer
Sales and Marketing
Account Manager
Sales Representative
Marketing Coordinator
Marketing Consultant
Customer Service Representative


Job Advertisements
Hourly Employees
The brunt of our workforce is made up by our Response Center Specialists and our Customer Service
Representatives. The relatively low level of experience and skills needed to staff these positions mean
that we can attract primarily from the local area. Our Talent Management and Recruitment Specialist will
attend local job fairs to increase area awareness of our organization. To attract these employees,
advertisements will be placed in the smaller local papers, that we would not use for salaried positions.
Salaried Employees
We recognize that recruiting for local employees can take place primarily locally, whereas higher-level
positions can become more of a national search. Because of this, we have decided to advertise for our
positions in the Syracuse local newspaper, on, on, on, and on To attract recent college graduates our Talent Management and Recruitment Specialist
will travel to in-state colleges and universities. When hiring for executive level roles we realize that we
will have to broaden our search to find the best qualified candidate, with the possibility of staff traveling
to meet potential candidates.
Strongwind Response & Monitoring advertises for vacant positions on its company website, on, on, on, on, and in Syracuses local newspaper.



Job Description



Structured Interview Questions

Name of Interviewee:
Name of Interviewer(s) and Title(s):

Account Manager Structured Interview Questions

1. What do you know about Strongwind Response & Monitoring?


Why do you want to work for Strongwind Response & Monitoring?


What kind of experience do you have in management positions?


What kind of experience do you have in sales?


What is the difference between marketing and selling?


Tell me/us about a time where you developed a successful client base for a company?


Have you ever had a client base that you helped develop be unsuccessful? Why do you think that


Tell me/us about a time where you had to discipline an employee.


How have you motivated your employees in the past?

Tell us about a sales campaign in which you had to manage and coordinate a diverse team of



Tell us about a time where you finished a successful sales campaign on a tight budget.


If we were to ask your past employer and employees about you, what would they say?

Do you have any new ideas for Strongwind Response & Monitoring in regards to a successful sales

Tell us about a time where you could not successfully acquire a new customer. How did you deal
with rejection?

What do you think are the most important skills for a Account Manager to have? Do you believe
you possess these skills?


What do you believe are the biggest challenges a Account Manager would face on a regular basis?


What would you say your biggest strengths and weaknesses are?


What do/did you like about your current/past position?


Why should we hire you?


Do you have any questions about the position?


Performance Review Strategy

Our company recognizes the importance of consistent performance appraisal in the successful
management of our employees. To better recognize the differences in the positon there are two forms,
one for hourly employees and a second for salaried employees. Keeping with how important we feel these
reviews are, the raises for our employees will be tied to how they perform on these reviews. These reviews
will allow the company to identify employees who are struggling, and pinpoint the areas they need growth
and ways that they can improve. All employees are to be graded by their direct supervisor, and have a set
time where that supervisor can review the results with that employee. The administration of these
performance review is a responsibility of the Talent Management and Recruitment Specialist within the
Human Resources department. They will ensure that all reviews are taking place, as well as be in charge
of the entering of results into the HRIS.
The initial review will be given to both salaried and hourly employees three months from their first day.
This is a sort of probationary review, and will not have any sort of pay consequences. The purpose of
this initial review is to see how employees are performing, have a formalized setting where they can share
their feelings about the position, give management an idea for how they can improve going forward. Six
months from their start date will mark the beginning of their regular performance reviews and gives an
opportunity to review the growth from the initial review. Six months from the second review, and
occurring at or near an employees one-year service with the company, will be a performance review
strong performance at which the employee will be able to increase their pay rate. The reviews will
continue on a twice yearly basis, with every other the employee eligible to receive a raise at, as long as
the employee stays in that same positon. Employees who move into a new positon will have their clock
reset and will have a probationary review three months after starting the new positon. The
administration of these tests will be identical, with the differences lying in how employees are effected
by the score of their evaluation.
Hourly Employee Review
The hourly employee performance review grades employees on a scale of 1-5, 1 being poor and 5 being
excellent. Employees are given a numerical grade and comments on six areas as well as an overall score.
An employee who scores an overall rating between 3.0-3.49 will be given a 50 cent raise to their hourly
wage. An employee who scores an overall rating between 3.5-4.49 will receive a 75 cent raise. Employees
with an average score above 4.5 will receive a $1 raise to their wage. Supervisors will be advised that
ratings of 5 should only be given to areas where employees have gone above and beyond, as well as
encourage those receiving the highest scores to consider higher positions. Following the scoring,
supervisors are encouraged to develop a set of goals for their employees to accomplish by the next
reviewing period.

Salary Employee Review

The salaried employee performance review is much more extensive than the hourly one, but still grades
employees on a scale of 1-5. In addition the salaried review has sections only to be filled in for those
employees with supervisory responsibilities. An employee who scores an overall rating between 3.0-3.49
will be given a 2% raise to their salary. An employee who scores an overall rating between 3.5-4.49 will

receive a 3.5% raise. Employees with an average score above 4.5 will receive a 5% raise to their wage. As
above supervisors are encouraged to give 5 only to their highest performing employees.






Reference Page

These are the sources we used to help develop our salaries/compensation for each position:

glassdoor. glassdoor, inc., n.d. Web. 15 Apr. 2015. <>.

O*NET OnLine. O*NET, n.d. Web. 15 Apr. 2015. <>.

These are the sources we used to help develop our job descriptions for each position:

CareerBuilder. CareerBuilder, n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2015. <>.

Chron. Chron, n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2015. <>.

O*NET OnLine. O*NET, n.d. Web. 15 Apr. 2015. <>.

Monster Jobs. Monster, n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2015. <>.

SHRM Online. SHRM, n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2015. <>.

These are the sources we used to help develop our benefits package:

"How to Build a Competitive Employee Benefits Package." Inc,. Inc., n.d. Web. 3 Apr. 2015.

"The Basics of Employee Benefits." Entreprenuer. Entrepenuer, n.d. Web. 3 Apr. 2015.

This is the source we used to help develop our performance appraisals:


"Performance Review Forms." Performance Development. MIT, n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2015.

These are the sources we used to help develop our structured interview questions:

Chron. Chron, n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2015. <>.

SHRM Online. SHRM, n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2015. <>.

This is the source we used to base our organization off of:

Rapid Response Monitoring.










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