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LTU Product Description

Life Tune-Up. This is one of the single most popular, and important programs we offer. Version 1.0
worked on the following areas, all at once:

Self Esteem

Self Control

Self Image

Self Respect

Self Discipline

Positive Attitude

Positive Thinking

Sense of Self Worth

Happiness & Joy

Peace and Serenity

Version 2.0 includes all of these, and adds the following also:

Overcoming procrastination

Overcoming anxiety

Self reliance

Liking yourself

Loving yourself

Being a good person

Feeling good about yourself

Winners mindset & attitude

Doing the right thing

Taking care of yourself

Success programming

Accepting responsibility for yourself

Ego balancing

Being fun and fun to be around

Enjoying socializing with others, and doing so more easily

Enjoying life

Version 3 transitions the program from 3rd Gen to 5th Gen, allowing it to be offered in a single stage
format without losing any power or effectiveness over its previous six stage format. New in Version 3:

Overcoming Guilt, Shame & Fear

Improve your health

Wisdom improvement

Maturity improvement

Self validation

Self forgiveness

Taken together, these focus points produce a stunning positive effect in a persons life. The end results of
this program are often quite amazing.
Technologies used in building this program include:





HyperSpeed (HST)


Self Optimizing Scripting (SOS)


The Naturalizer


The Optimus Engine V 2.0

AM Product Description
This is the long awaited, long anticipated Version 6.0 of the Alpha Male Subliminal Training set: the
pinnacle of subliminal alpha male training, the best of its kind, and by far the most advanced, powerful,
effective, successful and life changing alpha male training you can find.
Version 6 of the Alpha Male subliminal training set now incorporates the following advanced technologies:

The Naturalizer: Makes the process of change and growth so natural that it is much less
likely to trigger resistance.

Self Optimizing Scripting: Makes the program actually tune itself to your minds optimal
data processing speed.

HyperSpeed Technology: Causes the self optimizing scripting to automatically and

constantly adjust itself to your current state of awareness, so that your mind is always processing the
subliminal at its optimal speed.

The Optimus Engine V. 2.0: Causes a massive focus on the goal. Makes getting there
much more automatic and virtually irresistible.

And the newly developed Slipstream Technology, which causes challenging changes to be
brought into existence in such a way that most types of resistance are bypassed completely.

Whats new in Version 6 of the Alpha Male subliminal training set?


An improved on circle of friends manifestation sequence, so that the friends you manifest are
genuine, long term friends who will help you for the long haul, instead of stabbing you in the back.


Self forgiveness.


Forgiveness of others without allowing them to walk on you or mistreat you.


Letting go of the past.


Maturity improvement.


Wisdom enhancement.


Self-healing, emotionally and mentally.


Trauma and abuse healing.


Supply your own love, affection and attention.


Overcome any victim mentality you may have when you start the program.


Refuse to justify actions that are not moving you forward, or accept that behavior from yourself.


Kill excuses and refuse to accept them from yourself or anyone else.


Seek the challenge. (Yes, the entire script, which has been heavily modified and optimized from
the program that is available in the store.)


The notorious Optimus Engine 2.0. Aimed strait at making you an Alpha Male!


Overcoming guilt, shame and fear. (Again, heavily modified and optimized from what is available
as a separate program in the store. This was one of the most requested features of the new
version, and one of the primary reasons a new version exists. This was worked into every stage of
the program, from foundation building to refresher.)


Self validation. (This ones BIG!)


Maximize rate of growth, healing, self-improvement and change.


Optimize script to be more comprehensive, more specific and more positive in impact and effects.


Optimize scripting for [surprise! Youll have to use the program to discover what this one is].


Improved scripting for overcoming procrastination.


Approaching focus, for making it easier to approach others, especially attractive females.


Approval seeking destruction.


Self-empowerment/self empowering.


Only works for heterosexual males of at least 18 years of age.

Alpha Male 6 is definitively the subliminal mind/body/emotion training program for the man who wants to
become dominant, command respect, become a stronger, better person, make himself healthier
emotionally, be more successful and attract the attention and interest of the ladies. An alpha male.
Specifically, Alpha Male 6 is designed to give any man who uses it the self image, self esteem and self
respect of an alpha male, while simultaneously bringing his attitude, thinking, body language, responses
and actions around to match. When you have finished using this incredible program, you will:

Have let go of any negative self image, attitudes, thoughts and beliefs about yourself.

Have a powerful, positive sense of self respect, self esteem, self image and self worth.

Have unshakable self confidence.

Be unaffected by rejection.

Treat women as people to enjoy the company of, without taking them too seriously, needing them,
or being easily upset by them.

Have released expectations towards women, which often lead to bad choices, actions, attitudes,
thinking and responses.

Be self sufficient and self reliant mentally, emotionally and otherwise.

No longer be, or come across to others as needy.

Take good care of yourself, your hygiene and your appearance, not just because you want to be
attractive to beautiful women, but because it makes you feel good about yourself.

Be able to effortlessly approach any woman you want and the more attractive you find her, the
easier it will be.

Be selective about whom you spend your time with, and which women you give your time,
interest and affections to.

Exude an aura of confidence, commanding presence and authority, which gets you respect,
attention and obedience.

Exude an aura of sexiness that makes you much more attractive to the beautiful women you
encounter. The more beautiful they are, the more attracted and interested they will be.

Have a Zen attitude, which keeps you calm when other guys would lose control, thus
demonstrating your self control and mastery of the situation an Alpha male trait.

Display graceful, confident body language, which broadcasts your power and dominance to all,
but especially females (for whom body language is a very important way of communicating, and thus
determining the men they are interested in).

Display the attitude, thinking, actions and speech patterns of an Alpha Male.

No longer seek approval from others, nor be concerned with what they think of you or what you
do or say.

Be your own man, who does what he wants, when he wants, how he wants, where he wants.

Be in control when dealing with women, and especially beautiful women or women you are
interested in.

Be entirely unconcerned about getting the girl or achieving sexual interaction, which will make
the ladies perceive you as higher status, higher value, and more worthy of both.

Be easily able and willing to walk away from people and situations you dont like, and TELL HER
NO whether its to her asking for sex or anything else.

Be in complete control of yourself and your environment, and YOU will be the one who controls
when, how, and with whom you have sex.

Develop and display a fantastic sense of humor, which will make you socially popular and
attractive to others, especially beautiful women.

Be entirely comfortable in social situations of any type, whether they are familiar to you or not.

Be a better, higher and more refined quality of man.

New inclusions from Version 5.0:


Acceptance of, and feelings of deservedness of, being treated well


Deserving respect from others


Self love and liking yourself


Valuing yourself


Extended ego balancing


Strong, centered masculinity and masculine presence


Destruction of negativity within you concerning yourself and others, and replacement with


Self acceptance with continual striving to be better than you are


Destruction of laziness


Motivation boost


Doing what needs to be done, because it needs to be done, and that is the way of the Alpha


Extroversion enhancement and training


Self forgiveness


Social stability, skill and strength


Overcome abandonment issues


Success training




Self trust


Self image of man, instead of boy


Leadership training and development


Decisiveness training


Authenticity and congruence training


Destruction of jealousy and possessiveness, and replacement with self security, self reliance and
self satisfaction


Constant self growth and progress


And more!

There is a lot of material here. Fitting it into just six volumes was very difficult. Unlike other so-called
Alpha Male Subliminal Programs offered as single CD programs, this one covers EVERY ASPECT of
the transformation from average guy to an Alpha male. Also unlike them, it does not create just a
superficial temporary change. This is a genuinely life changing program, and long term results.
If you use it properly, this program WILL change your life FOREVER. You WILL become a new man!
Alpha males tend to become involved with women much more easily, much more successful in life, and
get the respect and cooperation of members of both sexes. Whether youre interested in being successful
with the ladies, improving your position in business, or making yourself a better, stronger, healthier man,
you will join the exclusive group of alpha men who love what this program does for them! Now more than
ever, theres no reason you cant be the man you want to be, and have the life you want to live!

SM Product Description
Sex Magnet for Men Version 3.0 will take your results from running the Alpha Male training and
turn you from an alpha male into an irresistibly seductive Sex Magnet. Not only does this
program work to make you a calm, natural, smooth operator when it comes to finding,
approaching and seducing beautiful women, but it goes far beyond that in several directions.
It actually turns the tables and gets beautiful women to approach, pursue and try to seduce
YOU! And in Version 3.0, you will see this happening sooner than it happened in Version 2.0,
more frequently, and more obviously, too.
Imagine, if you will, a man who can do what he pleases and have whatever woman he wants. He is
extremely attractive and desirable to beautiful women sexually, and easily forms a deep sexual
connection with them without even trying. His personal energy is such that beautiful women instantly
notice and find him unmistakably sexually attractive, not even fully understanding why. His body
language, attitude, actions, speech and choice of words tells them that he is the man they want to sleep
with, and they are safe and welcome to approach and initiate what they want with him. His gaze pierces
through to the heart of the matter, and communicates his status, desires, masculinity and sexuality
immediately and comfortably. Without even a word, he can and does instantly convey to her that she is
going to be his lover, and in doing so, make her quickly want the same thing he does. Presuming, of
course, that she didnt already!
This is the Sex Magnet. A man completely comfortable with himself, and around beautiful women, who is
not just the object of their sexual interest, attention, efforts and desire, but for whom it is normal. A man
who has nothing to lose and nothing to hide, so he is completely and unashamedly honest when he tells a
woman he wants her and that shes not the only woman he may be enjoying. A man who knows how to
touch women to relax and arouse them with such skill that they melt and hungrily give themselves to him.
But even as amazing as this would be if that was all there was to this program, theres more. A lot more.
Because such a man must be supremely self confident in general, socially and sexually. He must be able
to perform at will, on a moments notice, whenever the opportunity arises, and keep himself until he
chooses to be done with what he is doing. He must be able to approach, indicate his interest, escalate to
sex and then pull the trigger smoothly, quickly, and decisively. His sex drive must be the equal of any
sexual situation in which he finds himself, and any woman with whom he intends to be sexually intimate.
And he must be able to do all this naturally.
This program is intended to attract (and manifest) beautiful women who want to have sex with the user
and then get both of you to keep going until sex happens. It is the absolute epitome of what many men
want in life: a potential gateway to unlimited, enthusiastic, animalistic sex with multiple beautiful women
who want it as much or more than they do! Dont get this program if you are interested in having just one
sexual partner, because thats very unlikely to happen. Also dont get it if you have a partner now who
would not be okay with you having multiple other lovers. If, after using Alpha Male and Sex Magnet you

dont achieve sex with beautiful women, you really just dont want it. That is doubly true of Sex magnet
Over the course of all six stages, the program works to manifest into your life multiple beautiful women
who will very much want and need to have physical penetrative sex with you. By the end of the program,
you should be comfortably able to seduce pretty much anyone you want. Even better, you wont always
have to, because theyll also be coming to and trying to seduce you instead! James Bond meets Hugh
Hefner. Its a beautiful thing.
It also allows you to say no to sex if you choose to, because you have sex on your terms, when you want
to, with whom you want to, where you want to and why you want to. Understand the power this gives you:
to be able to say no to a woman regarding sex she is willing to have with you means you now have the
sexual power instead of her, and that in and of itself is an incredible aphrodisiac to beautiful women. They
are used to having all the sexual power, and that is the last thing they really want!
New in Version 2.0:

Increased projection of auric sexuality and attraction of women, while projecting a strong signal of
heterosexuality and repulsing interest and advances from other men.

Suggestions to keep your vehicle and living spaces clean and orderly to maximize your chances
of successfully having sex with any female who enters them.

Increasing skill and success at seducing women into having sex with you.

More aggressively acting to get out and take advantage of opportunities to socialize with, meet,
and seduce beautiful women.

In social situations, more aggressively find, meet and seduce women who are attractive to you.

Boldly, directly and aggressively pull the trigger when you have a chance to have sex with an
appropriate woman.

Be naturally playful, happy and seductive with women you are attracted to.

Respond to rejection differently than before: now, not only disconnect from negative emotional
responses, but keep trying different things until you succeed.

More automatic seduction response to women you want to have sex with.

Focus is not just on having sex, but now pushes you to have sex multiple times with a woman you

Increased focus on anxiety and fear destruction.

Approach anxiety is more aggressively dealt with.

Easily and automatically start conversations with women you are attracted to, and when you do,
have them be fun, interesting, playful and seductive conversations.

Sexual self confidence gets a major boost.

Balancing the ego with humility to produce genuine self confidence, which women will find even
more attractive.

Become more perseverant and persistent in trying to get what/whom you want.

Sexual Ultra Success programming need I say more?

Causes women you attract to want to give more sexual pleasure than they get, so its not just
about them using you for sex.

Women will be approaching and trying to seduce you earlier in the program, and more

More assistance for virgins, sexually inexperienced men, men who have a fear or resentment of
women and men who have a fear of sex.

Handle rejection by disconnecting from it emotionally, and continuing to try different ways to get
what you were trying to get in the first place, until you get it.

Causes sex to be better, gives you better sexual stamina, self control, confidence.

When you do choose to allow yourself to achieve orgasm, causes a complete orgasm with full
release of sexual tension, energy and maximum pleasure while allowing you to continue to have sex
for as long as you want afterwards.

New in Version 3.0:


Sex Magnet V3 is now built in 5 th Generation format, making it many times more powerful and
efficient than before.


Now includes the Optimus Engine Version 2.0. This has the effect of automating the results
achievement process to a large degree.


Five different major script optimizations (which required approximately 250 hours of work to
accomplish) make the program vastly more focused, consistent, specific and powerful.


For the first time ever, two different self optimizing scripts are in use simultaneously in the same
program, allowing different parts of the program to operate at different speeds and in different ways.


The addition of the entire script of Overcoming Approach Anxiety, with all the optimization the rest
of the program received.


The entire script of the famous Overcoming Guilt, Shame and Fear, with all the optimization the
rest of the program received.


The entire script of the much loved Natural Seduction For Men, with all the optimization the rest of
the program received.


The program now limits its own use to heterosexual males 18 years of age or older.


Sex Magnet now generates not one, but seven different energy auras designed to cover a variety
of important influences:

Comfort Make attractive women naturally and automatically feel more comfortable
being around you, consciously and at levels they dont even know about.

Approachability Signal to her that you are approachable, and she can and
should come over and talk to you (and seduce you!).

Sexual interest Trigger her sexual interest and get her attention through
your energy aura without her even realizing what is going on.

Sexual arousal Cause your own energy field to naturally and automatically
adjust itself to get her to respond with natural, automatic sexual arousal, and
trigger your own sexual arousal in order to motivate and empower you.

Display of masculinity Project a strong, masculine presence with your aura.

Display of high masculine sexual value Communicate subconsciously to

others that you have high masculine sexual value, which makes other men
admire, respect and follow you, and women desire and seduce you.

Raw animal magnetism Get her right where it counts, and trigger a primal
and instinctual sexual need response in her below even the level of her
subconscious mind, purely in the area of instinct.


Sex Magnet 3 now includes a special enhancing technology that significantly improves the goal
achievement results in ways that are both very subtle and very powerful.

Sex Magnet Version 3.0 pulls out all the stops. Takes advantage of every possible way to focus on, and
achieve the goal. Optimizes the script to such a ridiculous degree that it more than tripled in length. Puts
it together in the most advanced, complex, powerful and effective subliminal build format in the world. And
then adds in everything you need to overcome what was holding back some people in Version 2.0. You
would have to fight this program tooth and nail for it to fail. I held nothing back. The lengths to which I
went to make it as powerful and effective as possible are ridiculous. And here it is. The father of all sexual
alpha training programs.
If seeing is believing, imagine what its like to be doing instead! Get your copy of Sex Magnet 3.0 now,
and stop watching others do what you wish you were doing. Start doing and experiencing it for

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