Ghosts Like Us: Firstly Scenes!

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Ghosts Like Us

Ghosts Like Us is a tabletop RPG where players take on the roles of ghosts who are haunting a property. Think The Shining, Paranormal Activity, Poltergeist, some of the Scary Movie series or any movie where a group of humans newly enters
a haunted property, only to find that they are not welcomed by the presence. The goal in THIS game is to rid the humans
in the funniest way possible. Be competetive, cooperative, whatever. Just have fun.

Firs tl y

Sc e n e s!


Move-in day! (The new family is moving in to

your haunt.)
Strange happenings (The new family is noticing certain strange things. There are skeptics.)
Undeniable Truth (They now accept there is a
presence in the house.)
Search for a Solution (They will try to find
ways to rid your presence.)
Employing Solution (Do they leave or get rid

Name your guy/Nom de guerre.

How did he die? (try to make it silly)
What evidence relating to him is hidden
around the property?
How can he be destroyed?
Assign skill points to your three attributes. Kinetics, Influence and Psychic Vibrations.

All start with 1 success in each, distribute 4 points

among the 3 stats. These all start as successes.
No GM, no Dice. Use coins to track! Everyone has
coins. Each time you spend a success to accomplish a task, flip the coin or token over. It is now a
fail. If you spend a fail on a task you fail to accomplish the task but it is flipped to become a
success. Different difficulties require different
amounts of successes and failures. Other ghosts may
lend a hand!
1 Successes. Move a can, make someone
irritable, whisper in the dark, read surface emotions.

Scenes should go approximately in this order, but use

whatever works.

of you forever? Good luck!)

Human stats are: Physical, Cunning, and

Heart. Each human also has 4 points to distribute
among each stat starting at 1. Humans are played by
each player that is not active in the current scene.
Any opposed actions should be done through silent
bidding (each player secretly writes down how many
successes to bid and turns it over at the same time.
Greater number wins, ties go to the ghosts.) If one
of a humans stats drop to 0 they are out. Whatever that means. Human stats reduce at a rate of 1 per
scare. If you need filler humans, stats are are P2 C3

2 Successes. Throw a footstool, make someone violent and angry, tell them to get out, read
surface thoughts
3 Successes. Knock the dresser over, briefly
possess someone, read subconscious thoughts.

4 Successes. Break the windows to the car,

make someone do something horrid, reach into
the aether to answer questions.
5 Successes. Bring down the house, Make
someone permenantly insane, contact reinforcements from hell.

Ghosts Like Us is protected and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit

Wan t R an d o m P l o t G e n e r a ti o n ? O k .
Ro l l fo r t he se o n a r e g ul ar six - s i d e d d i e .
Oh no,

1. a family of four
2. a football team
3. a team of investigators
4. a bunch of on-the-run criminals
5. a bunch of hipsters
6. goth kids

is/are moving-into/spending-a-lot-oftime around our:

Spooky Pictures and stuff

1. abandoned Mansion
2. abandoned Asylum
3. haunted Hotel
4. creepy Forest
5. abandoned Ship
6. abandoned Prison

It only makes sense to

1. scare them away.

2. make them murder each other.
3. welcome them! (We cant help that were scary.)
4. make them one of us.
5. get them to solve our deaths. (skip next step)
6. make them go insane.

Otherwise they may find out about

1. the Indian burial ground.
2. the hell-nexus.
3. the box in the attic.
4. the secret room in the basement.
5. the power they might gain.
6. the Amulet.

Just one problem,

1. one of them is psychic.

2. one of them is protected.
3. one of them is reeeeally stupid.
4. theyre super religious.
5. we like one of them.
6. theyre remodeling.

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