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Shadow of Doubt: Probing The Supreme Court, an investigative book written by Marites
Daguilan Vitug and was published in early 2010. It tended to exposed informations concerning
the highest court of the country, the Supreme Court, informations that the justices does not want
to be publicize. Vitug, upon writing the book, hoped that this spurs a national conversation.
Marites, the author, is the editor in chief of Newsbreak ( and has written
for national and international publications on Philippine security, governance and social issues,
politics, and the judiciary. Shadow of Doubt was a best seller book which highlighted some of
the well-known justices of the Supreme court. But it did not escaped criticism from no other than
the Justices of the Supreme Court, in fact, Vitug faced libel cases as a consequence thereof. They
were worried that the public might lose its confidence in the Court. However, this does not
stopped the book from getting the attention of the people. The book contains nine (9) Chapters
Chapter 1

Parting the Curtains

Chapter 2

Father and Daughter

Chapter 3

Mortal Combat

Chapter 4

Packing the Court

Chapter 5

When Justices Flip-Flop

Chapter 6

The Chameleon

Chapter 7

Punos Quest

Chapter 8

The Successor

Chapter 9

Lost Momentum


Guardian of Public Interest.

It may be confusing as it looks like, but, upon reading, readers will understand where the
authors point came from. The book could be an eye opener on how, the justices of the Supreme
Court, the last bulwark of democracy, uphold the law and be loyal at the same time. Vitug
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wanted transparency and stated that the vitality and power of the Court, like any other institution,
will be better served when the public knows what is going on.
Vitugs not so good experience from former justices of the Supreme court led to the existence of
this book. Sometime in 2008, she was apprehended by the Justices when she wrote an article
about an alleged bribery of a lady justice who was later known as Justice Consuelo YnaresSantiago. She claimed that two things have stayed with her from that experience. First, Justices
could not comprehend how journalists work. Second, they used the prism of the court that
journalists should only write stories that they have first-hand knowledge of, that they witnessed.
In other words, for the protection of the Supreme Court, Justices deserves special treatment.
Justices of the court, especially the Supreme court were acclaimed of their strong character. They
are no ordinary men and women, They are the pillar of the entire justice system. However,
these characteristic that sounds music to the ears was disrupted by Vitug. She let the world
knows how they work which was intended to be confidential. There were instances that the
authors position was in favor and against the Justices but more often than not, it looked like she
was against them. She focused mainly on the anomalies, conflict of interests and how politics
emerged with their jobs.
Former Chief Justices of the Supreme Court including former Presidents were the ones who was
hit so hard by Vitug.
First, she compared President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo to her father on how they treated the
Justices of the Supreme Court. She said that the two were totally different. She pinned point
how GMA reached out to them using back channels to gain their loyalty and to have a favorable
decision whenever needed. While her father, Diosdado Macapagal, attacked them on his
speeches and even questioned their impartiality when he didnt get a favorable decision from the
Court. Both were negative instances for the executive department and the judiciary, a clashed
between the two departments of the Government.
Vitug have mentioned events when the Court ruled against the President which, at first glance,
looks that she is praising the Court. Under GMAs administration, she lost on her campaign to

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amend the Constitution and the court ruled in favor of FPJs citizenship. This proves that Chief
Justice Panganiban, whom she favored over Puno, was independent.
Mentioning a case that was ruled in favor of GMA but affected the judiciary was during the
EDSA II when GMA took her oath as President instead of Acting President. Vitug mentioned
how the judges tackled the matter but the Chief Justice acted differently on what they have
concluded and even reasoned out that he was swept up in the euphoria. The legitimacy of GMAs
presidency was put on doubt but was later on resolved by the Court in favor of her. This is a very
rare instance when the Supreme Court is confronted with a case in which the Justices have little
or no precedent to guide their decisions.
Another was, when impeachment complaints were filed against Chief Justice Hilario Davide
which put the Court in a chaotic state. The impeachement was used to obliged the court to issue a
report with regard to Judiciary Development Fund or JDF but the court refused to do so
reiterating fiscal autonomy over the matter. Vitug contended that the Supreme Courts lack of
transparency wrapped the impeachment complaints against the Chief Justice.
Also mentioned therein was the anomalies and conflicts in the appointment of Justices in the
Supreme Court. She briefly discussed how a judge or member of the bar reaches the Supreme
Court. She established her position that the appoinment of the justices was not only based on
their credentials but it is also politically influenced wherein the most important factor was that
you must be known personally by the President with the approval or endorsement of the council
because no matter how good your credentials are but you did not possess the qualification
mentioned, your chances of getting in is very little.
There were cases also that the Justices Flip-flop. Vitug mentioned some well-known cases
wherein the Justices commited it. They reversed a decision which seems to be unreversable that
the reader will really find it disappointing. They even decided a case in favor of an influential
person which seems that they did it for the protection of their own interests, to the prejudice of
an ordinary person. A situation that the people least expect it from our court of last resort, the
Supreme Court.
One of the highlightof Vitugs work was former Chief Justice Reynato Puno whom she quoted as
having been a two-chambered personality: one where his lofty principles stay, and the other were
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personal interests reside, and neither collides with the other which is a not so negative yet not
even a positive characteristic. She, perhaps, wanted that these two characteristics collide to have
a better result.
Combining all of these, negativity about the justices of the Supreme Court happened under the
administration of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. Vitug opined that these weakened the
countrys institution because personal considerations came first which did not spare the judiciary.
Vitug on the finale of the book stated that A bouquet of challenges faces the Court, and keeping
its integrity, amid doubts over some of its Justices conduct, stands out among those challeneges.
The Court cannot afford to sweep away integrity issues if it is indeed the ultimate guardian of
public interest.
The author, was, unquestionably persuasive with her work on establishing that the Justices of the
Supreme Court are, most often than not, doubtful on how they uphold the law when personal
interest comes in the picture.
The authors contentions has indeed persuaded me on her point of view with regard to the
seemingly untouchable department of the government.. However, what I have read was what I
have already assumed to exist even before the book existed, thus, it was not so disappointing to
read at all.
I admire Ms. Marites Vitug for her wonderful work because it let me know some things that I
was not aware of. One of which was that GMA was supposed to take her oath as an acting
president only. Things could have been different if such really occured. Another was, the
appointment of Justices of the Supreme Court, which made my dream of becoming a Justice of
the Court seemingly shattered into pieces.
It was my first time to read a book which discussed informations only the insiders knew. It was
also the fist book I read which was written by her. I may not know her but I liked the way the
book was done. From the title of the book, which made me decided to read it, to the title of its
chapters, which made it even more interesting and the way she interconnected events and people.

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I considered this work of Vitug, not as an attack to diminish the integrity of the court but a
reminder of their duty, that as the ultimate guardian of public interest, they are the one who were
expected to uphold the law for the benefit of the sovereign people and not for their personal
Vitug may have informed the public through her work of the things that were kep secret or
confidential for a very long time but it could have been better if she balanced her view over the
matter. She criticized the justices on their doubtful works but barely mentioned their
contributions to our country. Nevertheles, I still do believe with the integrity and power of the
court in deciding cases they handle. It may be influnced by a well-known politician or even the
President himself, but as long as their arguments and decisions are not contrary to the law, the
same, from my point of view, still deserves to be respected notwithsating the fact that the Court
is facing such challenges.
As a law student, despite the fact that these kind of doubtful situations exists, I am still an
admirer of the judiciary and still, I am more than willing to be a part of it.

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