Encryption Project

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What Is Encryption?

• Encryption (and decryption) are the processes involved
in the science of cryptography. Take a message in plain text
and encrypt it so it cannot be understood except by
someone possessing the decrypt key. This has been used
for over 2,000 years.

• Basically, there are two encryption methods that

use keys - symmetrical (with a secret key) and
asymmetrical (with an open key). Each method employs
own procedures, key distribution modes, key types and
encryption/decryption algorithms.

 First Symmetrical method:

• Symmetrical method uses a single key for encrypting
and decrypting data. These keys are widely used for storing
and protecting confidential information, since the keys are
not very long and large amount of data can be encrypted
very quickly.

 Second Asymmetrical method:

• Asymmetric method uses two key public and private
for each (sender, receiver), so if sender want to send
message to the receiver side it use the public key of
receiver and the private key of it to encrypt the message.

Speech Encryption:
 Encryption is a much stronger method of protecting speech
communications than any form of scrambling. Voice encryptions work by
digitizing the conversation at the telephone and applying a cryptographic
technique to the resulting bit-stream. In order to decrypt the speech, the
correct encryption method and key must be used.

 Encryption algorithms:
• Block codes: the most widespread algorithms, they encrypt data
by blocks of certain sizes and transform that data with keys into
blocks of the same size.

• GOST: soviet algorithm created by KGB at the end of 1970s.

Works with 64-bit blocks. Key length - up to 256 bits. Despite several
security holes found, still considered to be rather dependable. Official
encryption standard of the Russian Federation.
• Twofish: algorithm that replaced Blowfish, authored by Bruce
Schneier as its predecessor. Considered to be hack-proof (no known
incidents of code-cracking).

• Serpent: developed by Lars Ramkilde Knudsen, a famous

cryptographer and crypto analyst, known for successful cryptoattacks of
several popular codes, who worked and lectured in Norwegian, Swedish,
and Belgian universities. Currently, Lars is a professor of math at
Denmark's Technical University.

• BruteForce: a method of cryptoattack used most often. It was

coined "brute force" because an attacker tries to pick the key by randomly
combining different symbols, numbers and letters (naturally, this is done
by computer). To pick 128-bit key with BruteForce attack, it will take
several years on average. The more characters used in the password
and/or key the longer it will take to crack the code (up to hundreds of

• Dictionary attack: a method of crypto attack that uses a

regular dictionary that contains popular words. This attack method is
worthless when "meaningless" passwords are used.

• Tea: strong algorithm (Tiny Encryption Algorithm). Its most

prominent feature is a very small size. Tea is very simple, does not use
table values and is optimized for 32-bit processor architecture, which
makes it possible to use it with ASSEMBLER, even when the code size is
extremely small. The drawbacks include slow work and the need for "data
scrambling" since no tables are used.

• RC4: a stream encryption algorithm used in many network

security systems (for example SSL protocol used in Netscape and
Windows NT password encryption). The major advantages of this code is
very fast speed and adjustable key size. This algorithm was developed in
RSA by Ronald Rivest. RC stands for "Ron's Code" or "Rivest Cipher". Used
to be the intellectual property of RSA up to 1995.

• 3DES: uses DES algorithm, by is applied three times with

different keys, which increases dependability when compared to DES but
does not change the situation radically (still vulnerable).

• Rijndael: algorithm, developed by Joan Daemen and Vincent

Rijmen. Meets AES standards (Advanced Encryption Standard). Uses keys
of different sizes (128, 192 and 256 bits) and equal-size blocks.

• DES: outdated encryption standard used in the USA. Due to

security compromises (cracked by any modern computer within 2 days) it
was replaced by AES. Developed by National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST).

• CAST: a rather dependable algorithm with key length up to 64

bits. Developed by C.M. Adams and S.E. Tavares, who offered it at AES

• Encryption algorithm (code): a math function that encrypts

and decrypts data. To encrypt data, one has to provide a key that is made
of symbols.
• Blowfish: one of the most powerful block encryption algorithms,
developed by cryptography guru Bruce Schneier. Block size is 64 bits, key
size - up to 448 bits.

Note: our next step in the project to find the best encryption algorithms that will
be using it to encrypt the voice, after reading every algorithm individually and know
the advantages, disadvantages and robustness of it and if it can be applicable to our

Languages offered can we using it in programming will be

MATLAB OR C/C++, visual basic, assembly.
NOTE: we can migrate the algorithms depending on the application
that we can do it.
o The DSP chip we can use it in our project:

To choice a DSP chip from many available devices requires a full

understanding of the processing requirements of the DSP system under
design .

Requirements such as:

The most cost effective solution.

Flow data into and out of the processor, it related on the real time and
who data is flowed.

Software development tools the DSP chip supported.

Hardware testing tools to make test before the final shape.

And many requirements must you are take in you account.

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