Vipusknik 4-2015 Quarterly Newsletter

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Quarterly Newsletter

Newsletter 4-2015

4th Russia Pakistan IGC Held In Islamabad

1st Russia Pakistan Investment Forum Islamabad
Tajikistan President Sign CASA 1000 Treaty In

Belarus Prime Minster Visit

Pakistan Prime Minster Visit UzbekistaT
API Ground Breaking Ceremony
Russia Invests: Pakistans Gas Pipeline

Association of Pakistani Graduates from Russia & CIS

4th Session: Russian-Pakistan Inter-Governmental

Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific and Technical
Cooperation. Islamabad 2015

Page 2

4th Russia Pakistan Inter Governmental Commission

Report: Dr. Shahid Hasan

Direct flight
5 Working Groups
Enhancing cooperation in Oil, Gas,
Energy, Trade,

standing on Science and Technical cooperation and the Protocol (Joint Statement) on
conclusion of the 4th Session of the IGC. The Working Group on Energy, comprising the
Ministry of Water and Power and Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources also
signed a Protocol (Joint Statement), engaging the Russian counterparts in energy sector.

The 4th meeting of the Pakistan-Russia

Inter Governmental Commission (IGC)
on Trade, Economic, Scientific and
Technical Cooperation was held here
from 18-20 November. The Plenary
session marked the conclusion of the
IGC meeting on Friday.
Finance Minister, Senator Mohammad
Ishaq Dar led the Pakistan side while
the Russian side was headed by the
Mr. Viktor P. Ivanov, Minister / Director Federal Drug Control Services, Russian Federation who shared outcome
of the 4th IGC with the media after
conclusion of the Plenary.
Underscoring the importance of having high level contacts between the
two countries for further strengthening of ties, the two sides reviewed the
bilateral relations and discussed possibilities of enhancing cooperation in
finance, trade and investment, science
and technology, industry, energy, oil
and gas exploration, food and agriculture, textile, drug and narcotics control and other areas of mutual cooperation. The Russian Co-Chair proposed
to have direct air link between Moscow and Pakistan. The Pakistan CoChair welcomed the proposal which
aims to enhance business to business
and people to people contacts between the two partners.
The Inter-Governmental Commission
expressed satisfaction at the progress
made in finalization of the long outstanding DRAFT Agreement on settlement of mutual financial claims and
obligations, Memorandum of Under-

Minister Dar also appreciated the largest investment of Russia in Pakistan through Inter
Government Agreement on North South Gas pipeline on 16 October 2015. Both sides
agreed to developing a timeframe for the north-south gas pipeline and to setting up of a
monitoring mechanism.
Minister Dar stated that it was encouraging to note that over 60 delegates from the Russian Federation including officials and the experts participated in the 4th IGC at Islamabad. On the sidelines of the IGC, holding of first ever Pakistan Russia Investment Forum at
Islamabad with wide representation of the private sector and the business community
from Russia and Pakistan was appreciated. Mutual desire was expressed to enhance bilateral trade relations and investment, particularly in the field of energy and agriculture.
The Russian side appreciated high quality of Pakistans agricultural products and expressed an interest for an increasing their exports to Russia. The Commission also decided to look into the possibility of establishing five working groups on (a) Finance and Banking, (b) Industry (with sub group on Pakistan Steel Mills), (c) Food and Agriculture, (d)
Transport and Logistics and (e) Education including professional training.

Page 3

Underscoring the importance of having

high level contacts between the two
countries for further strengthening of
ties, the two sides reviewed the bilateral

relations and discussed possibilities of

enhancing cooperation in finance, trade
and investment, science and technology,
industry, energy, oil and gas exploration,
food and agriculture,
textile, drug and narcotics control and
other areas of mutual
Russian Co-Chair proposed to have direct
air link between Moscow and Pakistan.
The Pakistan CoChair
welcomed the proposal which aims to
enhance business to


Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif has said that the economic indicators of the
country are fast growing and Pakistan is becoming an attractive destination for foreign
investors, especially in the field of energy. The Prime Minister said this while meeting a
Russian delegation led by H.E Mr. Victor P. Ivanov, Co-Chairman of the Russian-Pakistani
Intergovernmental Commission on Economic, Trade and Scientific Cooperation, at PM
House this morning.
The Prime Minister said that Pakistan and Russia relations were entering into a new
phase of strong relationship, which would usher in a new age of fruitful benefits for
both the countries. The Prime Minister said that Pakistan has taken a firm stance on
terrorism and extremism to ensure a peaceful, stable and investor friendly environment.
The terrorists hideouts and infrastructure has been dismantled through effective offensive, added the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister said that the Pakistani nation owns
the war on terrorism, led by the present government.
H.E Mr Victor P. Ivanov said that Pakistan is a strong country with rich history and there
exists a huge potential for mutual trade between Russia and Pakistan. He said that there
is a need for establishing direct flight between Moscow and Islamabad to especially benefit the traders and investors of both the countries.
Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif extended his invitation to Russian President
Vladimir Putin, for inauguration of North South Gas Pipeline, which is the largest investment by Russia in Pakistan. The Prime Minister further said that Pakistan attaches high
value to its partnership with Russia in all areas including Bilateral Trade, Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation. Pakistan supports an Afghan-led and Afghan-owned
solution for peace in Afghanistan, which is good for the entire region and the world.
Mr Muhammad Ishaq Dar, Minister for Finance, Mr Mifta Ismail, SAPM/Chairman BOI
and other senior officials of the Government attended the meeting. Members of the
Russian delegation included H.E. Colonel General Mikhail Y. Kyiko, Deputy Director, Deputy Federal Minister of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation, H.E
Major General Vladimir Z. Vysotskiy, Chief of the International and Legal Department of
the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation, H.E. Mr Alexey Y. Dedov,
Ambassador of the Russian Federation and Mr Maxim A. Marchenko, Official Representative of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation in Pakistan.
Page 4

business and people to people contacts

between the two partners. the InterGovernmental Commission expressed
satisfaction at the progress made in finalization of the long outstanding DRAFT
Agreement on settlement of mutual financial claims and obligations, Memorandum of Understanding on Science and
Technical cooperation and the Protocol
(Joint Statement) on conclusion of the 4th
Session of the IGC. The Working Group on
Energy, comprising the Ministry of Water
and Power and Ministry of Petroleum and
Natural Resources also signed a Protocol
(Joint Statement), engaging the Russian
counterparts in energy sector. Minister
Dar also appreciated the largest investment of Russia in Pakistan through Inter
Government Agreement on North South
Gas pipeline on 16 October 2015. Both
sides agreed to developing a timeframe
for the north-south gas pipeline and to
setting up of a monitoring mechanism.
Minister Dar stated that it was encouraging to note that over 60 delegates from
the Russian Federation including officials
and the experts participated in the 4th
IGC at Islamabad. On the sidelines of the
IGC, holding of first ever Pakistan Russia
Investment Forum at Islamabad with wide
representation of the private sector and
the business community from Russia and
Pakistan was appreciated. Mutual desire
was expressed to enhance bilateral trade
relations and investment, particularly in
the field of energy and agriculture. The
Russian side appreciated high quality of
Pakistans agricultural products and expressed an interest for an increasing their
exports to Russia. The Commission also
decided to look into the possibility of establishing five working groups on (a) Finance and Banking, (b) Industry (with sub
group on Pakistan Steel Mills), (c) Food
and Agriculture, (d) Transport and Logistics and (e) Education including professional training. Both sides decided to hold
the 5th session of the Inter-Governmental
Commission in 2016 at Moscow, Russia
on mutually convenient dates. Both sides
decided to hold the 5th session of the
InterGovernmental Commission in 2016
at Moscow, Russia on mutually convenient dates

Russia- Pakistan Relations:

Partnership for Trade and Investment
By Ashique Hamdani
A new era of Russia Pakistan relations
was initiated by Ms. Benazir Bhutto,
than Prime Minister of Pakistan in
1990, by sending a message to
Moscow for setting up the economic
coordination between two countries.
In 1991, again she sent the high-level
economic delegation to Russia and
Central Asia after the collapse of Soviet Union. Russia offered Pakistan to
install a commercial nuclear power
plant and to launch Pakistan's second
satellite, Badr-B, from its Baikonur
Cosmodrome for the lowest possible
charges, however after the U.S. intervention the plans were not implemented. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif

attempted to warm the relations up with

Russia In 1997. He paid a state visit to
Russia in April 1999, this was the first visit
to Moscow, paid by a Pakistan's Prime
minister in 25 years. During this visit, it
was decided to establish Russian Pakistani Intergovernmental Commission on
Trade and Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation. But this commission
couldnt be functionalised during the entire period of Gen Pervez Musharraf.
Russia condemned the military coup d'tat against Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in
1999 to remove him from power.
upon cooperating in economic developHowever, Russian Deputy Minister of
ment, and to work towards peace and
Foreign Affairs Alexander Losyukov paid a
prosperity in the region.
state visit to Pakistan on 19 April 2001.
During this visit, both countries agreed

Page 5

Bilateral relations between Pakistan and

the Russian Federation were reactivated
after the 3-days official visit of Russian
Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov in 2007.
He was the first Russian prime minister to
visit Pakistan in the post-Soviet-era in 38
years. He had "in-depth discussions" with
President Pervez Musharraf and Prime
Minister Shaukat Aziz.
The major focus of the visit was to improve bilateral relations with particular
emphasis on ways and means to enhance
economic cooperation between the two
countries. Under the Presidency of Asif Ali
Zardari and Prime Minister Yousef Raza
Gilani, relations between Pakistan and
Russia have improved significantly.
Significant changes accrued in 2011 as
Russia revisited its policy and President V.
Putin publicly endorsed Pakistan bid to
join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and said that Pakistan was a very
important partner in South Asia and the
Muslim world for Russia. Putin offered
Russia's assistance in expansion of Pakistan Steel Mills and provision of technical
support for the Guddu and Muzaffargarh
power plants and Russia was interested in
developing the Thar Coal Project. Russia
strongly condemned the NATO strike in
Pakistan in 2011, and the Russian foreign

Page 6

minister stated it is unacceptable to violate the sovereignty of a state, even when

planning and carrying out counterinsurgent operations.
Pakistan and Russia wrapped up their first
strategic dialogue on 31-August-2013. At
the talks held at the foreign secretaries
level in Moscow, the Pakistani side was
led by Foreign Secretary Jalil Abbas Jilani
and Russias First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Gennadievich Titov
led his side. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Igor Morgulov also participated in
the consultations. The dialogue, the Foreign Office says, lays an institutional

framework for building closer relations

between the two countries through discussions for cooperation in political, economic, defence and other sectors. The
two sides exchanged views on regional
and international developments. Broadly,
Pakistan and Russia agreed for more highlevel contacts, closely coordinating positions on regional and international issues,
and expanding trade and investment relations and cooperation in the field of energy and power generation.
A breakthrough in relations between Russia and Pakistan was made possible by
the annual quadrilateral summits between Afghanistan, Pakistan, Russia and
Tajikistan, which included bilateral
meetings between the presidents of Russia and Pakistan. Initially (in Tajikistan,
2009), an expansion of Russia-Pakistan
cooperation was reflected in the establishment of more trusting relationships at
a higher level, the signing of several
memorandums of mutual understanding
and a number of other specific agreements. Even at that time, substantial discussions were under way at a meeting in
Dushanbe between the presidents of Russia and Pakistan regarding the possibility
of really combating drug trafficking
(including the direct and active participation of Afghanistan in this process), terrorism and extremism, the involvement
of Gazprom in Pakistani energy projects,
the possibility of developing regional
trade, the creation of a favourable investment

climate and a number of other issues. Both Mr. Shah

Mehmood Qureshi and his successor Ms. Hina Raban Khar,
as foreign minister of Pakistan made their best efforts for
activation of inter-Governmental Commission between Russia and Pakistan. The expansion of bilateral relations continued at a similar summit in Sochi in August 2010. At that time
during bilateral meetings between the presidents of Russia
and Pakistan, opportunities to collaborate in the financial
sector were explored (the opening of branches of Russian
banks in Pakistan and Pakistani banks in Russia), the admission of Pakistani students to study in Russia and many others. Most importantly, however, was the decision to hold
the first meeting of the Russia-Pakistan Inter-Governmental
Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific, Technological
and Cultural Cooperation in September 2010, which took
place as planned. On the Russian side, the commission was
headed by the Minister for Sport, Tourism and Youth Policy,
Mr. V.L. Mutko, while the Pakistani side at that time was
headed by the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Hina
Rabbani Khar.
It would be impossible not to mention relations between
the military leaders of the two countries, in particular about
the visit made to Moscow at the beginning of October 2012
by virtually the most important military official in Pakistan,
Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, Chief of Army Staff of the Pakistan
Army. The arrival of Air Marshal Tahir Rafiq Butt, chief of the
Pakistan Air Force, in Moscow in August 2012 to celebrate
the 100th anniversary of the Russian Air Force also indicates
that there are real prospects for military-technical cooperation between Russia and Pakistan.
It should also be noted that during the visit made by the
Russian Foreign Affairs Minister S.V. Lavrov to Pakistan at
the beginning of October 2012, three Memorandums of
Mutual Understanding were signed - in the areas of metallurgy, energy production and railroad transportation.
Intergovernmental Commission on trade, economic, scientific and technical cooperation between Russia and Pakistan
(IGC) has emerged as leverage platform. The second IGC
meeting took place in Islamabad on September 10, 2012,. N.
M. A. Khan, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Pakistan, cochaired the meeting from the Pakistani side. Among the
topics discussed at the meeting, there were issues related to
trade, economic and cultural development. Also, priority
areas of business and investment cooperation were identified, among which there were fuel and energy complex,
metallurgy, and mechanical engineering. In conjunction with
the IGC meeting, V. L. Mutko met with the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Pakistan, Ms. Khar. Mr. Mutko also met with
the President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Mr. Asif
At the meeting, the Chairman of the Russian Business Council for Cooperation with Pakistan (RBCCP) Late G. N.
Seleznev presented a report on RBCCP activity. The report
covered current issues related to mutual trade and economic relations. S. Mikaelyan, Director of the St. Petersburg
branch of RBCCP, took part in the IGC meeting as an expert.

The third session of the Russia-Pakistan Government Committee for

Trade and Scientific Cooperation took place in Moscow under the
chairmanship of Vitaly Mutko, Russian Minister for Sports, and Mohammad Ishaq Dar, Federal Minister for Finance of Pakistan, on November 28, 2014. Mr. Mutko is the co-chairman of the Committee
from Russian side and Mr. Dar is the co-chairman of the Committee
from Pakistani side.
In the course of the session a broad range of issues related to bilateral cooperation was discussed.
It was observed that Russia-Pakistan partnership developed under
uneasy circumstances. In 2013 bilateral trade increased by purely
symbolic 1% to $ 547,1 million. But in 2014 Russia-Pakistani trade
reduced considerably to the total of $ 379,7 million after the 3d quarter having plunged by 16% compared to the respective period last
year. Russian export to Pakistan totaled $ 118,1 million, down 25%,
Russian import from Pakistan was not above $ 261,6 million, down
Both parties agreed that to rectify the situation serious steps must be
taken. Among priorities are several joint energy and infrastructure
projects, cooperation in the realms of metallurgy, broadcasting media, supplies of Russian civil aircraft and helicopters, import of Pakistani agricultural products into Russia. in conclusion of the session
Mr. Mutko underlined that Russia-Pakistan cooperation had a huge
potential and good prospects. It was also noted that the Russian Federation favored Pakistans joining Shanghai Cooperation Organization
(SCO) as a full-member. Both parties signed the Final protocol of the
Third session of the Russia-Pakistan Government Committee for
Trade and Scientific Cooperation.
One of the leading Russian experts on Southern and Central Asia, Professor Vyacheslav Belokrenitsky, who as much as five years ago wrote
that "strengthening Russia-Pakistan relations would enable Moscow
to equalise their chances with China's in a multilateral dialogue on the
expanses of Central and Eastern Asia. Secondly, it would enable Russia to make it clear to India that the time has passed, first and foremost, for its interests in terms of Russia's priorities regarding South
Asia to be taken into account. If New Delhi is going to strengthen its
strategic partnership with the United States by entering into an exclusive long-lasting peaceful nuclear cooperation agreement with them
and opening up the way for cooperation with the West in the military
-technical sphere, can it rely on the fact that Russia will still refrain
from military cooperation with Pakistan that would be to Russia's
advantage? The point here, of course, is not that the vector of Moscow's military-technical cooperation itself will change, but that the
implementation of certain corrections is possible and even necessary".
Page 7

Tajik President Visit Pakistan; CASA-1000 Signed

Pakistan and Tajikistan signed number
of agreements aimed at broadening
bilateral cooperation. Pakistan desires
an early implementation of CASA-1000
power project a project of regional
energy cooperation among Tajikistan,
Pakistan, Afghanistan and Kyrgyzstan
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif told
Tajikistan President Emomali Rahmon
Thursday. The project will enable Pakistan to import 1,000MW of electricity
to meet its growing energy needs
Pakistan and Tajikistan signed a number of agreements aimed at broadening bilateral cooperation in the areas
of trade, energy and connectivity.
Addressing a joint press conference
alongside the Tajik president, Prime
Minister Nawaz Sharif said Tajikistan
and Pakistan share brotherly relations
and the latter serves as a gateway to Central Asian states. Electricity for development, economic growth,
He expressed satisfaction that bilateral trade between the
job creation, and modern life.
two countries has risen from $15 million in 2011 to $89
million in 2014.President Rahmon said the visit of TajikiThe Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan are two countries in Central Asia enstan delegation to Pakistan is a sign of thriving bilateral
dowed with some of the worlds most abundant clean hydropower rerelations between the two countries.
sources with water cascading from the mountain ranges and filling the
rivers every summer. Both of these countries have a surplus of electricity
during the summer. Nearby in South Asia, Afghanistan and Pakistan
suffer from chronic electricity shortages while trying to keep pace with a
fast-growing demand for it. Pakistan cannot meet its citizens electricity
needs, especially during the sweltering summer months, leading to frequent power cuts that hurt industrial production, sometimes close small
businesses, and lead to job losses. Meanwhile millions of people still live
without electricity altogether.
A new electricity transmission system to connect all four countries,
called CASA-1000, would help make the most efficient use of clean hydropower resources in the Central Asian countries by enabling them to
transfer and sell their electricity surplus during the summer months to the
deficient countries in South Asia. The CASA-1000 project would also complement the countries efforts to improve electricity access, integrate and expand markets to increase trade, and find sustainable solutions to water
resources management.
The two sides earlier held
delegation level talks in Islamabad today to explore
ways to promote bilateral
cooperation in various
fields, Radio Pakistan reported.
The two delegations discussed ways to enhance

cooperation in energy, security, trade,

cultural and communication fields. They
exchanged views to increase contacts on
people-to-people basis between the two
countries and exchange of delegations.
They also discussed matters relating to
counter-terrorism and controlling human
and drug smuggling.
Page 8

TAPI Project: Ground Breaking Ceremony Announced

The ground breaking ceremony of Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India
(TAPI) project, a 1,735 kilometer long gas
pipeline project, will take place in Turkmenistan on 13th of December, 2015.
Turkmenistan Ambassador to Pakistan
Atadjan Movlamov said while addressing
a function on Wednesday.
The trans-national gas pipeline project
among Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India (TAPI) is vital for economic
growth of regional countries, the Minister
of Inter-Provincial Coordination Riaz
Hussain Pirzada said while addressing
24th Independence Day celebration of
Turkmenistan in Islamabad.
He said TAPI project is vital for Pakistan's
energy needs and would strengthen fur- and Turkmenistan.
ther existing relations between Pakistan He said the project would be beneficial for

economies of the both countries

Kazakhstan Want to Join TAPI Pipeline: Erlan Idrissov

ASTANA Kazakh Foreign Minister Erlan Idrissov took part in the
third Summit of Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF), held Nov.
23 in Tehran, stressing that Kazakhstan is willing to supply up to
3 billion cubic metres of natural gas annually through a proposed
pipeline from Turkmenistan to Pakistan and India.
Hosted by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, the summit was
attended by representatives of GECF member nations Algeria, Bolivia, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Iran, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar,
Russia, Trinidad and Tobago, the United Arab Emirates
and Venezuela, as well as individuals from observer nations Azerbaijan, Iraq, Kazakhstan, the Netherlands, Norway, Oman and
Peru. The participants discussed the prospects of gas industry
development and the benefits of using it as an alternative energy
source. Issues were also raised concerning ecology, dynamics and
balance in the gas energy market, gas industry expansion, pricing,
coordination among forum member states, investments and optimising gas consumption.
Kazakhstan is currently in 18th place globally and third among the
Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries in terms of
proven recoverable gas reserves, with more than 6 -7 trillion cubic metres.
In this context, he stressed Kazakhstan is interested in the main
TAPI gas pipeline from Turkmenistan to Afghanistan, Pakistan and
India whenever it is built.
Discussions are currently taking place with the Indian side about
the possibility of increasing the capacity of the pipeline, taking
into account the potential gas supplies from Kazakhstan. Our

Page 9

country is ready to transport up to 3 billion cubic metres annually

through this pipeline, he said. The minister also spoke about
Nurly Zhol, an ambitious government programme to develop the
countrys infrastructure, which, among other areas, will focus on
gas exploration.We will continue to play an active role in establishing and transporting the main gas stream between Europe
and Asia, North and South, while remaining a reliable partner for
everyone involved in the gas industry, he said.
The GECF consists of 18 main and observer members with its
permanent secretariat positioned in Doha, Qatar. Previous summits were held in Doha in 2011 and Moscow in 2013 with the
purpose of developing mutual understanding and dialogue between leading gas producers, consumers and governments on
global gas policy issues, according to the forums website.
GECF members account for 42 percent of global gas output, 70
percent of global gas reserves, 40 percent of pipe gas transmission and 65 percent of global trade of liquefied natural gas, according to the forum website.

The First Lady Of Azerbaijan:

Gift Distribution At Edhi Homes, Lahore
The Gift Distribution on behalf of Mrs.
Mehriban Aliyeva, First Lady of Azerbaijan
and President of Heydar Aliyev Foundation
and goodwill Ambassador of UNESCO and
ISESCO was arranged at Edhi Homes, Lahore. The function was attended by the
Minister for Excise & Taxation of Punjab
Mian Mujtaba Shuja-ur-Rehman, the Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Dashgin Shikarov, politicians, media representatives and the embassy officials. Addressing the audience Ambassador Dashgin
Shikarov conveyed the affection and solidarity of the First Lady and people of Azerbaijan with beneficiaries Edhi Homes. Talking about the activity of Heydar Aliyev Foundation (HAF) the Azerbaijani ambassador said that the foundation is contributing to the
social and economic development of the country by implementing
various projects in education, public health, culture besides implementation of number of large scale projects in Azerbaijan and other countries of the World including Pakistan. He highlighted the
shared religious and cultural values of Azerbaijani and Pakistani
peoples and stressed to further strengthening of ties between the
two brotherly countries. In his welcome remarks Mian Mujtaba
Shuja-ur-Rehman expressed gratitude to the First Lady of Azerbaijan for gesture of love to children of Edhi Homes. He apprised the

audience that the Heydar Aliyev Foundation has been extending its
cooperation in various projects of Edhi Homes. Mr. Mian Mujtaba
Shuja-ur-Rehman also mentioned that recently the President of
Pakistan Mr. Mamnoon Hussain awarded Hilal-ePakistan to Mrs.
Mehriban Aliyeva for her services to Pakistan. At the end of the
function the Chief Guest and the Ambassador distributed gifts
amongst the children of Edhi Homes. The function was concluded
by concert programs where the children of Edhi Homes demonstrated their dancing and musical skills to the distinguished guests.

Association of Pakistan Graduates from Russia and CIS is organizing Russian Film Show in Lahore at Bahauddin Zakariya University in collaboration with Embassy of Russian Federation. His Excellency Alexei Dedov, Ambassador of Russian Federation will inaugurate the Russian Film Show. A large number social; activists, civil society and artist from film industry will participate in show.
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Belarus Prime Minister Andrei Kobyakov Visited Pakistan

Pakistan and Belarus agreed on a road map for economic cooperation
to increase their bilateral trade up to US one billion dollars, with a
focus on industrial cooperation, agriculture and infrastructure development.
The document to this effect was signed by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and Belarus Prime Minister Andrei Kobyakov in Islamabad.The two
sides also signed seventeen other agreements, MOUs and protocols
on cooperation in diverse fields. These relate to collaboration and
cooperation in trade, economy, industry, agriculture, agricultural research, investment, science and technology, textile, healthcare and
A contingent of tri-services guard presented guard of honour to the
visiting dignitary, who also reviewed the parade. The national an-

thems of both the countries were played.

Prime Minister Sharif introduced Prime Minister Kobyakov and his
delegation with the members of his cabinet. Later, the two Prime
Ministers proceeded for one-on-one talks. After the meeting, PM Nawaz said he had a very productive round of talks with the Belarusian
PM and the two dignitaries reviewed progress and agreed on concrete steps to further enhance their bilateral cooperation.
Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif said during the talks the two
sides also discussed regional and global issues, besides taking decisions to further fortify their ties that encompass many new areas. He
said it was the third high level exchange between the two countries in
the past six months and was reflective of the importance the two
sides give to their robust relationship. The premier apprised Mr Andrey Kobyakov about the upcoming visit of Pakistan's Chairman of the
Foreign Affairs Committee to Belarus. PM Nawaz recalled his visit to
Minsk in August this year terming it as productive, and said the highlevel visits between the two countries had extensively contributed to
the strengthening of bilateral relations.

He expressed satisfaction over the outcome of the first Pakistan-Belarus meeting of the Joint Economic Commission
on August 7th and added that the second meeting of the
Pakistan-Business Joint Business and Investment Forum and
the inaugural session of Pakistan-Belarus Business Council
were most encouraging

Page 11

Ambassador Shikarov Invites Businessmen to Participate in

Pakistan-Azerbaijan Forum April 2016
Ambassador of Azerbaijan Dashgin Shikarov has invited the Pakistani businessmen
to participate in the exhibition and forum
being planned for April 2016 in Azerbaijan
and Pakistan.
He was talking to the LCCI President
Sheikh Muhammad Arshad here at the
Lahore Chamber of Commerce & Industry. LCCI Executive Committee Members
were also present on the occasion.
The Ambassador said that proposed exhibition and forum will provide Pakistani
entrepreneurs an opportunity to establish
close contacts with their counterparts in
He said that Azerbaijan is keen to
strengthen trade & economic ties with
Pakistan. He said that joint efforts from
the business community of both sides can
help tap huge potential exist in both

countries. He said that bilateral trade between the two countries could be flourished
through exchange of trade delegations and holding of single country exhibitions.
Speaking on the occasion, the LCCI President Sheikh Muhammad Arshad said that both
Pakistan and Azerbaijan have good diplomatic relations and enjoy strong bonds of Islamic brotherhood but these ties are hardly reflected in two way trade. He said that in
2013, the value of total exports of Pakistan to Azerbaijan was dollar 49.7 million which
shrunk to dollar 27.7 million in 2014.
The LCCI President said that it was very unfortunate Pakistan does not figure prominently among the trading partners of Azerbaijan. He said that the main reason of such a
low level of trade is lack of proper information about each others markets. He proposed that the commercial sections of our respective embassies should share market
survey reports with their national chambers.
Sheikh Muhammad Arshad said that in order to increase private to private contacts and
bilateral trade, we need to provide every possible assistance.
Sheikh Muhammad Arshad said that the ground realities favour trading of such products which are light in weight and costly in terms of value. Since the businessmen
choose to get their shipments airlifted because of difficult and risky land routes, so, we
need to identify more such items like sports goods, technical/medical apparatus, tobacco and precious stones etc.

CIS Medical Alumnae meeting held in Lahore

A large numbers of physicians in Lahore graduated from CIS /
USSR, held a special meeting to establish working relationship
with Association of Pakistani Graduates from Russia & CIS.
Meeting was presided by Dr. Ajmal. APGR-CIS was represented
by Dr. Shahid Hasan and Mr. Imtiaz Ul Haq. Medicine in Russia
has been attracting international students since Soviet days.
Thanks to Russian, international students from developing countries were studying in Russia without paying any tuition fees. Russian medical universities have been and remain one of those
leading institutions in Medical studies. The books and textbooks
issued in Russian medical schools have been translated into dozens of languages. Russian degrees have gained global recognition, and topped UNESCO and WHO ratings. Participants of the
meeting praised Russian institutions and medical colleges for
their contribution, commitments and dedication for developing

Page 12

Pakistan and Russia signed an agreement

for laying a $2.5 billion pipeline to carry
imported liquefied natural gas (LNG) from
Karachi to Lahore.
Sidestepping the normal bidding requirements, the agreement was signed as a government-to-government deal. Moscow
would provide a loan of $2bn in return for
the award of the contract to state-run Russian firm RT Global, an arm of Russia State
The Russian company will be responsible for
laying the 1,100km pipeline, which will be
called North-South Pipeline. It will be capable of carrying 12.4bcm (billion cubic meters) per annum to connect LNG terminals
in Karachi with consumption centres near
The agreement was signed by Minister for
Petroleum and Natural Resources Shahid
Khaqan Abbasi and Russias Energy Minister
Alexander Novak. Prime Minister Nawaz
Sharif attended the signing ceremony.

Under the commercial agreement, Pakistan

will provide 15 per cent equity and the Russian company 85pc. Russia will invest $2bn
and the project is expected to be completed
by Dec 2017. The project will be carried out
on the build, own, operate and transfer
basis. It would be run by the Russian firm
for 25 years to recover investment with
profit, before handing it over to a Pakistani
entity, informed sources said. The Pakistan
government will provide a sovereign guarantee for the loan.

The two sides had agreed during a recent

meeting between President Vladimir Putin
and Prime Minister Sharif in Ufa to award
the contract to the Russian firm without
bidding against which the Russian government would extend financing.

An official statement quoted the prime minister as saying at the signing ceremony that
Pakistan wanted to develop a multidimensional relationship with Russia in various fields trade, defence, energy, infrastructure and culture.

The project indicates the likelihood of Russia providing LNG to Pakistan at a later stage
and also Pakistans desire to diversify its
economic and trade relations.

Pakistan had signed a similar government-to

-government agreement with China for
laying a $2.5 billion pipeline from Gwadar
Port to Nawabshah in Sindh. Economic and
trade relations between Islamabad and
Moscow have remained severely affected
for about five decades because of cold war
tensions, even though Pakistans two major
ventures the Pakistan Steel Mills and
largest hydrocarbon producer Oil and Gas

Russia is the worlds second largest natural

gas producer and is looking for new markets
after its recent conflict with Ukraine which
caused deterioration of its relations with
Europe, its major hydrocarbon export market.

Page 13

Development Company came into being

with financial and technical support of the
erstwhile Soviet Union in the 1960s.
The two sides have been cosying up over a
couple of years and have signed a few
memoranda of understanding in recent
weeks enabling Russian energy firms to
enter Pakistans oil and gas exploration and
production sectors through government-togovernment contracts.
A Russian delegation, led by Energy Minister
Alexander Novak, arrived in Islamabad on
Thursday night for signing the agreement. It
held a meeting with Petroleum Minister
Khaqan Abbasi and Prime Ministers Adviser
on Foreign Affairs and National Security
Sartaj Aziz.
The Russian firm is expected to begin work
on the project in about four months and
complete it by the end of December 2017.
The Second phase of the project involving
the setting up of compression stations is
expected to be completed by May-June
2019.Pakistan is expecting President Putin
to pay a landmark visit to Islamabad for
performing the ground-breaking of NorthSouth Pipeline early next year, the official
statement said.


The 1st Pakistan-Russia Investment Forum was
jointly organized by the Board of Investment
(BOI) Pakistan and Russian Business Council for
Cooperation with Pakistan, in Islamabad at
Marriott Hotel on November 19, 2015, on the
sidelines of 4th session of Pakistan-Russia Intergovernmental Commission on trade, economic,
scientific and technical cooperation. The Forum
was co-chaired by Finance Minister of Pakistan
and Federal Minister Drug control services,
Russian Federation, who is the co-chairman of
Pakistan Russia inter-governmental commission. The Forum was attended by around 80
businessmen from Russia and around 130 local
businessmen. In opening remarks Dr. Miftah

Ismail, MOS / chairman, BOI highlighted that

the existing trade and investment figures between the two countries are not reflecting the
real potential exist. He highlighted the potential
exist in Paksitan in terms of natural and human
resources. He invited the Russian as well as
Pakistani investors to invest in Pakistan as prospects of co-production;

Page 14

would be stepping stones for setting up direct contacts between the business and investors community. The Minister also offered the supply of LNG gas to Pakistan. He
particularly mentioned the agreement signed last month for establishing north south
gas pipeline and asked the business representatives of both the countries to work on
other possible areas of cooperation such as banking i.e through opening of banks
branches in each others country, furthering cooperation in sectors like Electro energy,
infrastructure, oil & gas, transport, agriculture, agriculture, telecommunication and
other areas of mutual cooperation. He mentioned that Tomorrows meeting of IGC will
testify these agreements at governmental level. The Minister also appreciated the economic policies of government of Pakistan and expressed the hope that the rising trend
of Pakistan economy opens new avenues for business communities to enhance trade
and investment which is ultimate objective of this forum. (Continued to page 18 )
joint ventures with local partners are promising
in the country. The Russian Minister highlighted
that this first investment forum has provided an
excellent opportunity to businessmen and investors from both sides to interact and explore
possibilities of joint cooperation trade & investment. He showed his confidence that this forum
will further cement our bilateral trade & investment relations as a number of CEOs and companies representatives of both the countries are
gathered here to discuss avenues of cooperation in various sectors. He pointed out that the
existing volume of trade and investment is not
commensurate with the available potential in
both the countries.
The Russian Minister emphasized that establishment of air links between the two countries

Page 17

Mr. Habib Ahmad Hosted Dinner in the Honor of Russian Delegation

Mr. Habib Ahmad, Honorary consul of Russia federation in Lahore
Pakistan, hosted a dinner in the honor of delegates of 4th session
of Russia-Pakistan Intergovernmental Commission on trade, economic, scientific and technical cooperation. In his welcome address Mr. Habib Ahmad has expressed his hopes that Russia
would play a vital role in assisting Pakistan in overcoming crisis of
shortage and economical stress.
he said that relations
and Russia were
marked by mutual
political H.E Mr. Victor P. Ivanov, the Minister of the Federal Drug Control
and economic issues. Services of the Russian Federation and CO-Chairman of the RusSpeaking on the oc- sian Pakistan Intergovernmental Commission on trade, ecocasion, head of the nomic, scientific and technical cooperation will grace the forum
Russian delegation, said that Russia had focused on the priority of high diplomatic

relations with Pakistan. He also stressed on

exploiting the intense and vast economic
potential that existed between the two
countries. Thanking all guests and hosts for a
wonderful reception hosted in his honor, Mr.
Victor P. Ivanov, assured of his best efforts
to enhance socio-political relations between
the two countries.

Page 16

Page 17

While addressing the forum Finance Minister of Pakistan appreciated both sides for organizing first ever
Investment Forum and expressed his confident t that
this initiative will go a long way to promote business
and economic relations between the two countries.
The Finance Minister also appreciated the efforts put
by chairman BOI, advisory to Prime Minister on foreign affairs Mr.Tariq Fatmi and Russian team for resolving 17 years old issues relating to outstanding
claims of Pakistanis and Russian businesses. The Minister endorsed the views of Russian Minister that the figures of
bilateral trade and investment are far below the actual existing
The Finance Minister appreciated and thanks the Russian side for
establishing north south gas pipeline and invited Russian side to
upgrade Pakistan Steel Mill to make it a profitable entity. The minister shared the economic achievements of the present government particularly in the areas of energy supplies and promising
future economic outlook of Pakistan with special reference to facilitation to be provided by China Pakistan Economic Corridor to obtain 7% GDP growth. The Minister invited specific proposals with
regard to facilitation required from the GOP in the areas of regulatory framework, administrative climate and any other area of cooperation.
Representatives of relevant Ministries/Departments from both
sides have given detailed presentations in their respective sectors

Russia Pakistan B2B Meetings

B2B meetings were also held during - 4TH SESSION OF INTERGOV COMMISSION ON TRADE, ECONOMY. More than 80 businessmen/investors participated and held detailed discussions
with their counterparts for mutual benefit and enhancement of
Investment & trade.

each country can get the maximum returns on their investments.

They suggested that the government had a significant role to play


Pakistan has offered Russia to privatize the Steel Mills, Russia has
agreed to provide different types of aircraft and cooperate Pakistan
in energy sectors. Pak-Russian intergovernmental commission was
held in Islamabad, after the session, Finance Minister Ishaq Dar and
Russian delegations chief addressed from a joint press conference.
However, Ishaq Dar said that progress has been made in resolving
the trade dispute between Pakistan and Russia for 20 years, whereas, Russia has agreed to complete North gas line project on time.
inance Minister said that Sindh government has not given any response over privatization of Steels Mills so far. The chief of Russian
delegation said that new areas have been identified for cooperation
with Pakistan.

in bringing in investments from abroad with policies such as; tax

incentives, and other administrative areas to facilitate investors. In
brief the focus of presentations was on the following main questions:
Emerging scenarios of potential in each country
and highlighted huge investment opportunities in these sectors 2.
Plans of respective governments to enhance capacity of
and lucrative incentives available for investors to invest in the main various sectors and allied infrastructure
sectors tinted by the presenters from both sides are as under:
Facilitations measures and investment initiatives by both
Pakistan side highlighted investment opportunities in the following countries
Available comparative advantages in both the countries
and prospects for future investments in various sectors
Petroleum and natural resources
At the end, the vote of thanks was delivered by Mr. Iftikhar Babar,
Food and agriculture
Secretary, BOI which concluded the first Pakistan-Russia Invest4.
Industries and production
ment Forum.
Information technology
Russian side identified following sectors for mutual cooperation:
Oil & Gas
Trade industrial potential of republic of Tatarastan
Industry & machinery
Cooperation in drugs, railways, irrigation of Baluchistan
Science & education
Capacity building of Pakistani workforce
The presenters highlighted the diversified opportunities that exist
in both the countries and how the businessmen and investors from
Page 18

The SCO BRICS First Forum of Small Business held in Ufa:

Governor Baluchistan, SMEDA and APGR-CIS participated

The first forum of small business regions of the participating tives of government and business leaders from Brazil, China, Incountries of the SCO and BRICS is held in Ufa, reports "Interfax" dia, South Africa, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan,
with the opening ceremony.
51 regions of Russia and Belarus, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Great
The event started on the territory of the Congress Hall with the Britain, Canada, Turkey , Uganda, Italy, Serbia, Austria, Malta,
opening of the inter-regional exchange of business contacts of Mongolia and Ukraine.
entrepreneurs, exhibition of IT-technologies, industry, mining and It is planned that the plenary session, participants will discuss
processing of raw materials, the environment and tourism.
issues of cooperation between regions of the participating counThe forum was attended by more than 1.5 thousand. Representa- tries of the SCO and BRICS in the field of creating a favorable
business environment, support mechanisms for the formation of
the inter-regional projects.
The program also envisages holding a panel discussion on the
legal, financial and infrastructural support of small business, strategic partnership between large and small businesses, special
economic zones and IT-technologies; presentation of investment
projects by regional member countries of the SCO and BRICS.
Pakistani delegation was headed by Governed Baluchistan
included the representative of SMEDA, Association of Pakistani
Graduate s from Russia & CIS and business community .

Page 19

Page 20

Annual Forum was conceived as a platform of interaction of regional

governors, the federal government, big business, expert bodies and
entrepreneurs of the SCO and BRIC for building inter-regional business cooperation. Organizers of the forum were intended to find
common ground regional companies from Russia and the SCO and
BRICS understand what prevents the interaction and how to eliminate or simplify the administrative, logistical, and financial and other

1500 participants, 80 speakers

The first forum of small business regions of the participating countries of the SCO and BRICS
The plenary session Head of the Republic of Bashkortostan Rustem
Khamitov said he did not expect such a large number of participants
and is pleased that the event is so strongly supported by both Russian and foreign regions. The forum was attended by over 1,500 people from 46 Russian regions and 19 countries. Ufa was visited by
delegations from Afghanistan, Belarus, India, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Latvia, Malta, Mongolia, Pakistan, Serbia, Tajikistan,
Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine and South Africa.
The speakers at the forum were the heads of the regions of Russia
and member countries of the SCO and BRICS, as well as heads of
relevant ministries and expert agencies. At the plenary meeting, the
State Secretary - Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the
Russian Federation Oleg Fomichev, General Director of JSC "Federal
Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises"
Alexander Braverman, Director General of the Agency's strategic
initiatives to promote new projects Andrei Nikitin, Head of the Republic of Bashkortostan Rustem Khamitov , Chelyabinsk Region Governor Boris Dubrovsky, the governor of the province of Baluchistan
(Pakistan) Muhammad Khan Achakzai, Prime Limpopo province
(South Africa) Chupa Matabata Stanley and others.

mat of B2B negotiations. The forum also served as the exhibition

business regions.

19 INFOPARTNERS, 75 journalists, publications

The first forum of small business regions of the participating countries of the SCO and BRICS
In the days of the forum on the site has 75 federal and regional journalists, including 6 members of the press tour, arrived in Ufa from
Moscow. Information partners of the Forum were 19 media, including the news agency Regnum, Rossiyskaya Gazeta", "Business
Journal", RIA "FederalPress" and others.
After three days of the forum in the federal and regional mass media
published 736 materials, including about 30 stories on TV Mir24,
Russia 1 Bashkortostan, Russia 24 Bashkortostan, BLS, All Ufa, UTV.
On the opening of the Forum reported leading news agencies, newspapers, business portals, TV channels: Interfax, RIA Novosti news
agency, Tass, PRIME, RBC, RIA FederalPress, Kommersant,,, Rossiyskaya Gazeta,,,, Business Journal, to, Public Television of Russia, Vesti
FM, and many others.
Since the beginning of 2015 came in 1276 with reference to materials online.
The first forum of small business regions of the participating countries of the SCO and BRICS became the absolute leader in the number of publications in comparison with forums and conferences on
the same theme, held in Russia in 2015, beating the nearest
"competitor" is more than 2.5 times.

10 meetings, 4 of the Agreement

The first forum of small business regions of the participating countries of the SCO and BRICS
During two days of intensive work was held ten meetings. Participants discussed issues of cooperation between regions of the participating countries of the SCO and BRICS in the creation of a favorable
environment for business, talked about best practices in the areas of
legislative, financial and infrastructural support to entrepreneurs,
strategic partnership of small and large businesses. Separate sections
were dedicated to the development of businesses with the tools of
franchising development of interregional cooperation in the IT
sphere, the theme of clusters, technology parks and special economic zones as the infrastructure for the development of small and medium-sized businesses.
In a formal setting was signed four cooperation agreements, including - with foreign partners. In addition to the breakout and other
meetings at the Forum was held more than 90 meetings in the forPage 21

Bashkortostan - Baluchistan
Prospects of Bilateral Inter-regional Relations
President Rustem Khamitov and Governor Muhammad Khan
Achakzai Explores Opportunities in Ufa Meeting

Dear Mr. Governor! Dear colleagues!

With great pleasure we take you in Ufa, the capital of the Republic
of Bashkortostan. Our country is one of the largest regions of the
Russian Federation. We have 85 regions, and we are in seventh
place in the Russian Federation in terms of population. In our
country 54 municipalities and 9 municipal districts. Lives have 4.1
million people.
Our core competencies - oil production, oil refining and petrochemicals. We - the number one in the Russian Federation for the
production of fuel for cars. In addition, we have developed engineering, agriculture, and mining. We have a strong education system: we have seven federal universities, about a hundred colleges
and almost 2,000 schools.
Of course, we are considering the possibility of cooperation with
the provinces of Pakistan. During the summit of the SCO and BRICS
meeting were presidents, heads of states of our country. They
agreed to cooperate on a regional level. We, of course, must follow these requirements.
Is this your first time in our country, Mr. Governor. And we, unfortunately, were not in your province. Therefore, we must now establish a business relationship, so that our business has developed
rapidly. You have just seen our possibilities. I am confident that, as
in your country, we will certainly see your options.
Today - the first step for the establishment of such relations, as
well as in Ufa, Pakistan was the first step in entering the family of
the SCO countries. For us it is a historical event.
Once again, thank you for your visit. We will do everything to ensure that the business of our country, the Republic actively cooperated with entrepreneurs in your country.

Dear Mr Rustem Khamitov

We express our gratitude for being invited to visit your republic. I
note that we are second day in Ufa and we are very impressed
with what I saw here.
We are impressed by the beautiful city and the people living in the
region. Impressive architectural appearance of the city.
Yesterday, we take great pleasure visited the Museum of Archeology and Ethnography of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
Our region is located in Central Asia, and we still have never been
so far away from this country, especially in the north of Russia. We
see Russia as one of the most powerful countries in the world. We
know and appreciate its contribution to the peace process.
However, we know that in 1980-1990, in Russia was the economic
downturn. Similar processes occur in other countries. For example,
in the UK there was a crisis, coupled with the decline in the coal
industry. Another example - Japan in the 1970s, began to experience a powerful economic downturn. In this situation, the creation
of such organizations as the SCO and BRICS, we perceive as timely
a phenomenon of great positive significance.
We see that the economic developments in Brazil and in the UK
are about the same way.
We see the role of the SCO member states and the bloc BRICS as
very significant for small countries that can be supported. Because
you are for us - highly developed countries in economic terms.
If we combine these great technological achievements of China's
economic experience, the results can be very significant. There is
no doubt that this is a very good association of countries, because
it is present China as the second largest economy in the world.
Thus, countries can help each other economically. And when that
union will be on his feet and will gain power, it will support not
only those countries that are part of this association, but also
around the world. (To be continued Page 23)
Page 22

90th Anniversary of ROSSOTRUDNICHESTVO celebrated in Karachi

Russian Center for Science and
Culture in Karachi in collaboration with Pak Russia Friendship
Society and Association of Pakistani Graduates from Russia &
CIS celebrated 90TH Anniversary of its parent organization
October 2015.
Mr Oleg Avdeev Consulate
General of Russian Federation,
Mr. Yury Zozulya - Director
RCSC, Dr. Kaiser Bangali Advisor
to CM Baluchistan and Dr Zahid
Hasan President of APGRS addressed the event. Inauguration of
Office of Pak Russia Friendship Society and Association of Pakistani Graduates from Russia & CIS were also organized.

Governor of Balochistan in Ufa

We believe Pakistan is a
developing economy. But we have a significant potential. We
have a very strong industrial sector. We see ourselves as an important country in Asia not only geographically, but also as a
country that has good relations with its neighbors. Therefore, we
believe that there are some areas where we can talk about investment opportunities. Some industries cannot compete with
European goods, but they can develop successfully on our territory, taking into account factors rather cheap labor.
The corridor between Pakistan and China - a very strong economic factor. It can be compared with the Trans-Siberian Railway. Therefore, there is investment. The province of Baluchistan
is also involved in this process. Balochistan is very well located,
since it has access to Central Asia and China. The Central Asian
delegation very impressed with this project, as well as considering the corridor as an opportunity to resolve economic issues.
Considering all these factors, it appears that the combination of
the SCO and BRICS may be important for Balochistan. The province is rich in minerals - there are iron, copper, manganese, cobalt and gold. All this is a lot, but it is necessary to extract from
the depths. We are very pleased that just last week Russia signed
a contract for laying gas pipes in our region from Karachi to Lahore. We can also cooperate in the military-industrial sphere. We
believe that you and me might have been co-operation in these

areas. Just three weeks ago I met with the Russian Ambassador
in Pakistan. He also sees great opportunities that may be relevant to our economies. The same evening we took a large delegation from Australia. And for dinner, we talked about cooperation with the SCO on all sides. Your representative was very happy with this discussion. This economic cooperation will contribute to the strengthening of peace in our region. At the plenary
session you have touched some problems, which we found interesting. Colleagues also raised interesting questions. For example,
a representative from Italy said that about 60 percent of gross
domestic product accounted for a small business. Pakistan is also
close to this figure - 58 percent. In this part, too, can share their
experiences to help our businesses. There was an impression
that China, too, is in the process of reform. So you can use them
and our experience. Of course, the exchange - this is a very good
experience of cooperation. Today, Ufa I heard many interesting
facts that, perhaps, a decade would not have heard.
So let me invite you as a guest to visit Pakistan and Baluchistan
province. Yes, of course, we are interested and Russian culture.
We know writers, scientists, composers. With us came two representatives of small business. They are willing to share their
experiences with colleagues from Bashkortostan. We are very
pleased that the representatives of the private sector of our region and your participate in the conference.
Page 23

PM Nawaz Sharif Visited Uzbekistan

Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif visited Uzbekistan
recently. The visit is part of regular high-level exchanges between the two brotherly countries.
The prime minister was accompanied by a high-level delegation
including Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Foreign
Affairs, Adviser to the Prime Minster on National Security and
Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Aviation and senior
officials. According to a press statement from the Foreign Office,

beneficial cooperation with all the countries in the region.

The prime minister's visit to Uzbekistan was reflective of this high
priority and broader commitment to further deepen Pakistan's
engagement with Central Asia, it said. During his stay in
Tashkent, the prime minister had meetings with President Islam
Karimov, covering all aspects of bilateral relations.
Leaders of the two countries reviewed the evolving regional
peace and security scenario and discuss ways in which the two
countries can work together and better coordinate to confront
Pakistan attaches high importance to its deep historical bonds
terrorist threats in the region, said the Foreign Office.
with Central Asia and is committed to expanding mutually-

Pakistan Turkmenistan: cooperation in science

A three-member delegation from Turkmenistan called on Pakistan Science Foundation (PSF) Chairman Prof Dr Muhammad Ashraf on Tuesday and discussed avenues of cooperation between
Pakistan and Turkmenistan for development of science in the two
brotherly countries.
The delegation comprised Turkmenistan Deputy Minister of Education, Turkmen Ambassador Atadjan Movlamov and Turkmenistans National Institute of Manuscript Director Dr Ashyrov Annagurban. Senior officers from Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Inter-Provincial Coordination and PSF were also
present. The delegation is on an official visit to Pakistan for 1st
Meeting of Joint Working Group on Cooperation in the fields of
Education and Science and Technology (S&T) between Pakistan

and Turkmenistan on November 24-26.

The PSF chairman briefed the delegation about the PSF mandate,
programmes and international liaison with S&T organisations of
many countries. He said that PSF has signed MoUs of cooperation
with S&T organisations of China, Turkey and USA etc. Dr. Ashraf
said that PSF was established in 1973 under and Act of Parliament on the pattern of National Science Foundation of USA for
promotion, development and funding of scientific research.
Pakistan and Turkmenistan have already signed agreement of
S&T Cooperation in 1994 and practical steps are needed to materialise this cooperation, he maintained. The delegation was informed that 100 scholarships were available in Pakistan for students of OIC member countries and Turkmenistan can avail its
share. The meeting concluded
that education, particularly
science education is the only
way to the national development and both the brotherly
countries will take practical
measures for cooperation in
the fields of education and
Page 24


A book of condolences was opened at

the Embassy of Russia in Pakistan for the
multiple victims of the air crash of Russian plane that occurred on October 31,
2015 in Egypt.
Mr. Sartaj Aziz, the Adviser to the Prime
Minister of Pakistan on Foreign Affairs
signed a book of condolences along with
other heads and representatives of diplomatic missions and international organizations in Islamabad.
The Consulate General of the Russian
Federation in Karachi also opened a condolence book following the crash of a
Russian airliner in Egypt on October 31,
2015. A large number of diplomats, official and other distinguish personalities
including Mr. Abdullah Hamed Salim Al
Shamsi, Acting Consul General of the
Sultanate of Oman, Mr. Shah Ahmad
Saeed, Consul General of the Islamic

Republic of Afghanistan, Mr. H.M.B.

Herath, Consul General of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka,
Abdullah Al-Khaledi,
Consul General of
the State of Kuwait,
Mr. John A. Tucknott,
Deputy High Commissioner of British
Deputy High Commission in Karachi,
Mr. Abdul Rauf Tabani, Honorary Consul of Belarus, Mr. Akira Ouchi, Consul General of
Japan, Mr. Giulio Iazeolla, Acting Consul of Italy, Mr. Emil Wyss, Consul General of
Switzerland, Mr. Murat M. Onart, Consul General of the Republic of Turkey, Mr. Mu
Yong Peng, Deputy Consul General of China, Mr. Carsten Mueller, Consul & Deputy
Head of Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany, Mr. Syed Arifullah Hussaini, ViceAdmiral, Commander Karachi, and Mr. Rudy Kurniady, Consul of the Republic of Indonesia, signed a condolence book.

VIPUSKNIK: Dr. Najam ul Sahar

Renowned physician, scholar and Soviet Graduate Mr. Najam ul
Sahar born on 7th March 1957 in Lahore. He is Vice President of
Association of Pakistan Graduate Russia and CIS. He did his MD in
1981, from University of Moscow, USSR. He also got Diploma of
interpreter Russian-English languages in 1980
He is Co-author of a number of research papers published in
leading medical journals of USSR and Romania. He was Honored
with authors certificate by USSR Central Board of Inventions and
Discoveries in 1983.
Besides practicing family medicine he has been translating Russian literature into Urdu language. He translated following books,

which have already been published in Pakistan:

Master aur Margarita translated from Russian novel Master e
Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov. Urdu translation was first published in 2011 by Sang-e-Meel.The translation earned score of
high rating reviews on print and visual media. Novel became popular among readers and twice new editions have been published.
Behar e Tanhai translated from Russian novel Chelovek Amphibia by Aleksander Belyaev. Urdu translation has been published by Sang e Meel in 2014.
Meri Akhri JungAfghanistan; Soviet Afwaj Ke Inkhala Ke Baad
translated from Russian book Moya Poslednya Voina
Afghanistan bez Sovetskikh Voisk by soviet general
Gareev M A.Urdu translation has been published by
Jumhoori Publications in 2015 and has attracted attention of readers and critics during book fair at expo center Lahore.
Mukhtsir roosi afsnoN ka majmuaA collection of Russian short storiesNoseandPortrait by Gogol,
Anatomichisky zhenikh by Belyaev and Chestney Vor
by Dostoyevsky.urdu translation submitted for publication.
Khargosh aur Azhdha translated into urdu from Russian
novel Krolike e udave by Fazil Iskander.submitted for

Page 25

Page 25

Russia Pakistan: 4th Inter Governmental Commission

Page 26

Yuri Kozlov Visited Lahore, Sargodha , Gujrat Chambers:

Met with Businessmen
Trade and business relations between Pakistan and Russia
are significantly improving but yet we need more direct
link between business communities of the both countries.
It was expressed by Mr. Yuri Kozlov, head of Trade Representation of Russian Federation in Pakistan during his visit to various chamber
commerce of Industries in Punjab.
Mr. Kozlov visited chambers of commerce and industry in Lahore, Sragodha, and Gujrat He explained in detail
the huge opportunities of bilateral cooperation between the two sides and
said Pakistan Steel Mills and Guddu
Power Plant in Muzaffargarh were the
examples of cooperation and close linkages. According to him, Pakistan can be
assisted in various fields including geology, transport and infrastructure development. Information about major Russian companies is available on our website with their field of expertise, he
Russia is agreed to provide Pakistan
technical and financial support for mega
transnational projects such as KarachiLahore gas pipeline, CASA-1000 power
supply and TAPAI gas pipeline.
Conner of Association of Pakistan Graduates from Russia and CIS Dr. Shahid
Hasan said on the occasion that businessmen could avail huge opportunities
in Russia and proposed a Pak-Russian
trade centre to further strengthen economic relations. Sheikh Muhammad

Arshad, president LCCI, Mukhtar Mirza president SCCI, Mr.

Muhammad Ijaz president GtCCI warmly welcome Russian
envoy and ensured full cooperation for promoting trade
and business between two countries.

Page 27

Lahore: celebration of Award

for Mr. Habib Ahmed

A grand ceremony to celebrate awarding a Russian Medal to Mr. Habib Ahmed, The Russian
Honorary Consul General in Lahore by Russian
President Vladimir Putin for his noble services to
bring closer relation between two countries, will
be held in Lahore. Governor Punjab and Ambassador of Russian federation in Pakistan will be the
Chief Guests of ceremony. Association of Pakistan graduates from Russia and CIS hails decision
of President of Russian Federation and congratulated Mr. Habib Ahmed. APGR&CIS viewed that
with the efforts of Mr. Habib Ahmed, both countries has now come forward in the fields of economic development, cultural and technical cooperation
Mr. Habib Ahmed praise Russian president Mr. V.
Putin for his contribution and said Pakistans
progress and prosperity is linked to regional
peace and stability, and also depend upon close
cooperation with regional countries and the international community. Both the countries have
immense potential for economic and commercial
relations. He said that Pakistan was facing great
challenges like natural calamities, energy crisis
and terrorism. Despite all the crises, the democratic government is committed to reviving the
economy and eliminating militancy and terrorism, he said. I am sure that with the common
efforts, we will be able to overcome these crises.

A delegation of the Trade Development Authority

of Pakistan (TDAP) has visited Moscow and Saint
Petersburg from 14 to 18 September 2015.


Mr. Vitaly Vovk, Minister for Industry of Belarus called on Khawaja Muhammad Asif, Federal Minister for Water and power. Areas of mutual interest and
bilateral cooperation in the field of energy, defense and technological development came under discussion.
It was apprised that Belarus was equipped with modern technologies in coal
mining , dam construction and agriculture sector development. our technology is European base, having good quality and low price , the Minister said.
Speaking on the occasion, Minister for Water and Power said that Pakistan have
a lot of potential for the foreign investors, the policies of the government are
business friendly. He urged the Belarusian Minister to come and make investment in energy and agriculture sectors in Pakistan.
Both the side agreed that people to people contact and exchange of delegation
might be increased as it would lead to amplify trade and business activities between the two countries.
The Minister also accepted the invitation extended by the Belarusians Minister

Page 28

Painting of Mr. Yuri Kozlov: Exhibition @ COMSATS

Association of Pakistan Graduates from Russia and CIS in collaboration with COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, is organizing
painting exhibition of Mr. Yuri Kozlov at the Art Gallery located in
university campus in Islamabad. Mr. Yuri Kozlov was born in Moscow.
He graduated from the Economics Faculty of Moscow State University in 1980.
He served Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, worked
on the development and improvement of
trade and economic cooperation of Russia with the countries of South Asia. Since
2011, he is serving as head of Trade Representative of the Russian Federation in
the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Page 29

Russian Consul General participated in the Sindh Madressatul

Islam University Seminar
Consul General of the Russian Federation Mr. Oleg Avdeev participated in the seminar organized by Sindh Madressatul Islam University. The topic of the seminar was Higher education in Pakistan: the way forward. Mr. Oleg Avdeev spoke on the seminar
panel which discussed Pakistans cooperation with international
partners in education. Consul General of Russia Mr. Oleg N. Avdeev in his speech said that research and higher teaching are a
great source of Pakistan, but it requires more practical touch and
establishment of more educational institutions in Pakistan. He
said that there was only one university in Karachi that has singed

Pak Russia Language Club

launched in Karachi
A young Pakistani entrepreneur
Ms. Huma Ghouse, has launched
Pak Russia Language Club (PRLC)
to teach Russian in Urdu language.
Huma herself started to learn
Russian at National University of
Modern Languages, Islamabad
and then got admission in Peoples' Friendship University, Moscow, Russia.

MoU with Russia. He offered SMIU to send a batch of its students

to study for few months in Russia. "These exchanges could be
very fruitful as we have space research and technology, hence
they can benefit from it. He said that we are working with Pakistan on these lines to establish linkages between both countries
and we are offering ten free scholarships to Pakistan's students.

Russian State University of Humanity (RSUH) organized Pakistan
Festival by presentation of Pakistan culture, stalls, Pakistani food,
music, concert and documentary films. A large number of Russian
students participated festival. Mr. Awais Qadir, President of Pakistan Students Association Moscow played a key role to introduce
cultural heritage, music, beautiful landscape. and beautiful diversity. Festival was also attended by foreign students studying in
Moscow. Pakistan Festival held at Chayanova Street, Moscow, on
10th October, 2015.

With Pak Russia Language Club,

her inspiration is to teach business and communicative Russian for travelers to Russia and other
CIS countries. She thinks that emerging economic and diplomatic
cooperation between Russia and Pakistan essentially increase
strength of Russian language in our bilateral relations. She claims
that Russian language will be future business language of Pakistan
along with English.
Pak Russia Language Club is currently established in Karachi but she
intent to enhance it in other region of Pakistan.
Page 30

Russia , CIS, SCO, BRICS

SME , small and cottage industries, business women, social enterprises, trading companies, consultants, trade bodies, associations and others

Business with Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan,

Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan

Business Visit / Exhibition

Study Abroad

Trade Delegation

Medical Tourism

Economic Forum

Work Permit Facilitation

Company Registration

Youth & Cultural Tourism

Licensing/ Trade

Business Russian for Traveler

Russian GSP+ for Pakistani


Product Catalogue in Russian

Shipping & Logistic Solution

Russian Social media Online/

Sovereign Management
Consultancy FZC, UAE
UAE: +971556252741

AG International


Page 31

Association of Pakistani Graduates from Russia and CIS

Chief Editor
Dr. Shahid Hasan

Editorial Board
Ashique Hamdani,
Saleem Malik,
Engineer Iftikhar Ali

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