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Dark obsessions Focus group

Me and my partner organised and held a focus group based on the film
opening we created for our film, Dark Obsessions, and aimed to gain helpful
constructive criticism from our target audience which could help us to make
improvements in the future. We screened our opening and gave our audience
an insight onto how we created the film opening and then gave out
questionnaires for them to complete to give us a brief idea on what they
thought and whether they enjoyed it or not. In order to ensure our focus group
wasnt biased and we got a wide range of feedback we tried our best to vary
the demographic of the audience there, for example we chose people of a
range of ages that belonged to both genders. Our focus group carried out in
school where students and teachers came along to watch.
The presentation we showed to our audience gave them a brief analysis on
how planned, filmed and edited our opening scene. We also mentioned some
of the difficulties we faced and what we aim to do with our opening in the

After screening our opening the questionnaires were handed out and we
asked everyone to fill it out in complete honesty to help us make
improvements in the future. Altogether 15 people completed our questionnaire
to make sure it was fair and our results would vary.
1. Our questionnaire began by asking the target audience how the
opening made them feel. They were given a range of different options
from tense, to confused, to happy. Overall the majority of the audience
said they felt scared/tense. These are the results we wanted to receive
as they conform to the genre of our film which is a thriller.
2. Next we decided to make our answers more free/broad by coming
away from multiple choice questions and asked the audience what they
enjoyed most about the screening and what they found made it more
engaging. Out results varied from the music to things like the dark
lighting was effective. I am pleased with these results as it signifies to
me and my group the music is in synch to the shots.
3. The third question asked what the audience feel needs to be improved.
Most of the people who filled out the questionnaire said there wasnt
much more we could do to make it more engaging. As pleased as I was

Dark obsessions Focus group

with these results I needed some sort of negative feedback to help me
make improvement in the future. One person said the shots were to
fast which could be improved by taking out some of the jump cuts to
slow it down in general. Although he/she said this I feel jump cuts are
crucial as they help to build tension. Another person said we could
have made it longer but as we were restricted to a certain time limit we
was unable to do this but it is definitely something we could aim to do
in the foreseeable future.
4. We finished our survey by asking what genre people thought our thriller
film, Dark Obsessions was. Everyone answered by saying either thriller
or horror. This was satisfying as the majority of our audience guessed
correctly. This connoted to me and my group overall we done a good
job on our opening scene.
Photographic evidence of both our questionnaires and focus group can be
seen below:

Dark obsessions Focus group

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