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People should understand autistics, because its a way to help them integrate.
Communication is very important in human relations. Its important to know that
people with autism may have also a mental deficiency (60% have above 50 IQ
score, 100 is considered a medium score). Its good that parents and specialists
acknowledge that the mental deficiency cannot be cured not even through the best
programs, not through the best specialists in autism. The level of mental deficiency
offers more clues about the starting point of the program and about the future

People with a small mental deficiency obtain 52-67 at the IQ tests. Children with a
small mental deficiency can achieve an independent level of functioning at 9. For
example, they can dress themselves and take care of their personal hygiene. They
can communicate through complex sentences and can posses pretty high work
abilities. Some children with high abilities can use them to earn their own money for
living. Although, because the severe difficulties regarding language and
understanding social behavior, few of them get to value their talents socially.
People with a medium mental deficiency obtain 36-51 at the IQ tests. They can
wash themselves, can dress themselves and have simple conversations, having low
abilities regarding reading.
IQ between 20 and 35. These persons act in an automatic way just in restrain
domains, such as washing their face and hands and making simple shopping. Social
abilities are very low, and their vocational activities imply a close supervise.
People with above 19 or less are considered to have a profound deficiency. Their
deficiency is so pervasive, that it makes them to depend on others in almost all
(Teaching Strategies for Parents and Proffesional, Austin, Pro-Ed, 1980)
For people with autism, life is naturally chaotic, some situations seem to be
generated by hazard.
There is a difference between test intelligence and world intelligence (Uta
Frith). There are cases when people cant do complicated math on paper, but can
manipulate money with a big easiness. In autistics case, they can do complicated
abstract operations on the paper or even in their mind, but they cant manage at
all with money, for example. They have no practical sense. They have an
extremely high abstract intelligence, but we can say that they have social
deficiency. Its important to be noted that people with autism have specific
difficulties in reading faces and understanding emotions beyond perception. Its
hard for them to understand emotion, to mark meanings to literal perception. They
dont have the capacity to reach beyond the information given.
The difficulties in the interpretation of perception are an essential aspect for
understanding the different cognitive style, that we have to keep in mind when we
work with people with autism. This different cognitive style is found through the

main characteristics of the scientific definition of autism the qualitative

differences in communication, social and behavior interactions and stereotypical
and limited centers of interest.

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