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AMMJ Knowledge Centre

Past Issues
January 2014 AMMJ:

September 2013 AMMJ:

Petrochemical Complex Ratchets Up Reliability

Simplify Work Order Priorities
Successfully Applying CM to a Mill in the Mining Industry
Assets Exposed - How Vulnerable Are Your Production Processes
Change Management In Reliability
A Decade Of Fruitful Network Asset Management In CLP Power
Contamination And Bearing Life
Too Many KPIs - Testing The Value Of Key Performance Indicators
Spur/External Gear Pump Vibration Awareness
Maintenance and Reliability News
Bentley Be Inspired Award Winners
Equipment, Services and People News
Spare Parts Inventory: An Exercise In Risk Management Part 2
Challenges and Practices In Fleet Maintenance Parts Management
The High Cost Of Poor Materials Management
Product Dependency On Equipment Maintenance Management
Product Assurance Capability Quantified

November 2013 AMMJ:

WIIFM - What Is In It For Me

Maintenance Plan Development - Template At Your Peril
RBI - An Introduction To Risk Based Inspections
The Value Of Finding Many Root Causes vs One
Criticality Analysis Based Maintenance
Learn To See The Future Of Your Operation, Plant & Equipment
Fault Diagnosis Of A Hot Metal Ladle System Using Infrared
Maintenance Workshops
Maintenance and Reliability - NEWS
A Cost Effective Solution For Perimeter Protection
The New Leader
Equipment & Services for Assets, Plant and Buildings - NEWS
Spare Parts Inventory: An Exercise In Risk Management
Warehouse Safety Part 2: Selecting The Right PPE
Stores, Purchasing, Parts, and Materials - NEWS
Assessment & Measurement of Asset Deterioration Of Flood &
Coastal Defence Assets
Maintenance and Occupational Safety and Health
Six Ways To Improve Your Oil Analysis Program

May 2013 AMMJ:

Maintenance Planning - The Perfect Job Plan

Top 5 Challenges In Mobile Asset Management
Practical Maintenance Strategy Design For Capital Expansions
Maintenance Strategy for a Heat Recovery Steam Generator
Mean Time Between Failure - Part 2 - Actions
Fast learners - Low RPM vibration applications
Ohhh That Budget !!!
Supporting Root Cause Analysis: A Managers Perspective
Choosing the Optimum Maintenance Interval with Weibull++
The AMMJ Knowledge Centre
M & R 2013 - Maintenance and Reliability Listing
What Is The Secret Of Successful Outsourcing
Fast Thermal Imaging Cameras
Equipment & Services for Plant and Buildings - NEWS
5 Techniques You Should Not Use for Spare Parts Management
Warehouse Safety: Conducting a Job Safety Analysis
Improving Spare Parts Management at Large Railroad Operator
Diving Deeper - 6 Steps Beyond the 5 Why
PdM Secrets Revealed 5th Edition
Predictive Maintenance Planning With Fuzzy Neural Networks

July 2013 AMMJ:


9 Leadership Principles for a Maintenance & Reliability Program

Day In Life Of A Maintenance Planner - What Does A Planner Do
Back To The Future - Asset Management
5 Tips To Prepare For Root Cause Analysis Success
Risk Intuition - Blurring The Lines Between Procedure & Practice
Unlocking The Value In Your Organisations Information Assets
How RCM Can Be Implemented Successfully
Ultrasonic Condition Monitoring
The Perils Of Mean Time Between Failure - Part 1
Maintenance and Reliability - NEWS
Upgrading Of An Existing Hydraulic Actuator
Driving Asset Performance
Selection of Bearing Type
Equipment & Services for Plant and Buildings - NEWS
A 63 Page Practical Guide To Shaft Alignment
Maintenance Labour Hours Analysis - Schedule Compliance
Asset Identification, Tracking, Monitoring and Management


Balancing Using Your Mobile Phone

Risk Mitigation Through Strategic Maintenance & Reliability
Lifecycle Cost Analysis - The Key to Asset Sustainability
Enabling Mobile Workers in Asset Intensive Industries
Inspection and Condition Monitoring Products & Services
8% Operational Efficiency Improvement at Griffins
Does it pay to design for reliability and maintainability
Thermal imaging - great tool for predictive inspections
Condition monitoring protects Londons Thames Barrier
The Humble Stethoscope
In Touch - Adapting mobile devices to industrial applications
From Green To Gold
Calculating Wrench Time For a Maintenance Crew
Circuit Breaker Health Using a Vibration Analysis Approach
A Multi-state Preventive Maintenance Policy

March 2013 AMMJ:

* 8 Steps to Maximise Uptime & Minimise Downtime

* Shutdowns - Why Are You Shutting Down
* Value Generator For Rail Fleet Services
* Increasing Mining Field Maintenance Productivity
* Asset-centric Approach Targets Business Challenges
* The 2013 Maintenance Seminars
* Maintenance Backlog In Schools
* The Elephant In The [Store] Room
* 2013 Listing and Reviews of CMMS and EAMs
* How Long Does It Take To Service A Car
* Cleaning Rolling Element Bearings
* Are We Ready For BLAST
* Safety Standards - Precursors To A Productive Plant
* Resource Optimization in Maintenance Scheduling
* Implementing TPM - Learning From 2 Companies
* Improving Productivity of Mining Machinery Via TPM

AMMJ Knowledge Centre - Past Issues

January 2013 AMMJ:


5 Key Requirements for Effective Linear Asset

Condition Improvement Instead of Just Condition Monitoring
Partnering Transition From Projects to Operations
Top 10 Reasons Why Maintenance Planning is Not Effective
Mobile Video Streaming In Equipment Maintenance
Logistic Support System - Reduce Life Cycle Costs by 54%
How to Keep Your Motor Running
Prevention Is Better Than Cure For Oil Giants
World Class Machinery Repair - Demand It
Was The Problem Really Solved
Damage Mechanisms of Indentations in Raceways
Effective Contract Strategies for Turnaround Maintenance
Integrating CMMS and Energy Efficiency Management System
Why champagne should be poured differently

October 2012 AMMJ:

* The reliability of protective systems

* Implement and maintain a planning and scheduling system
* The meaning of life (cycle)
* Stop committing industrial suicide on reliability cliffs
* Using key performance indicators to track asset criticality
* Lubricating electric motors
* Boxing the chimp - lessons from the London Olympics
* Risk and accountability in utility network contracts - part 2
* Decision making in the management of assets
* Do I need dedicated planner schedulers in my organisation
* Using android devices to manage safety inspections
* Proposed research on CBM for vessels main propulsion
* Research on aircraft structural rating system construction

August 2012 AMMJ:
* Asset value, risk & decision making
* The dos and donts of effective maintenance planning
* Risk and accountability in utility network contracts
* CMS preventive maintenance provisions rile biomeds
* Grease analysis in the field helps to improve lubrication
* Offshore platform and field life assessment & extension
* Implementation of energy optimisation programs
* Heat and Bearings: coping with shaft expansion
* Maintenance Crisis - 10th Anniversary

* Maintenance management and TPM Case Study

* Managing Maintenance Tools
* Paper mill saves money using SPM
* True value of maintenance activities
* Best workscope management for shutdowns & outages

May 2012 AMMJ


Setting The Right Standards In Asset Management

Wrench Time For Projects
Thermal Imaging For Electrical Inspections
The 2012 Condition Monitoring Listing
Capital Replacement Planning
Electric Motor Testing
Wise Warnings - Early Problem Detection
Applied Condition Monitoring In Railways
5 Ways To Prevent Plant Turnaround Failures
Theres Something In The Air - Part 2
Fixing Shafts During Machine Repair
Reliability Via Infra Red Thermography
LV Electric Shock Mitigation
Maintenance Strategy Optimization
Setting The Right Standards In Asset Management
Maint. & CMs Contribution to Business Improvement

March 2012 AMMJ

Lifecycle Costing: A Case For The Crystal Ball

Maintenance Leadership
The Rogues Gallery: A List Of Characters You Might Recognise
Never Say Naver Again
Managing The Lives Of Our Assets
CMMS System Optimization, Need For Clean/Accurate MRO Data
Getting Back to Good Engineering
Developing Value Added Services
Theres Something In The Air - Part 1 Understanding Ultrasound
Golden Opportunities - Avoiding Bearing Failure
Raising The Bar
Joel Leonards Corner
Resolving Hydraulic Leaks
Identification Of Bearing Assembly Defects
Preventive maintenance scheduling for a multi-component system

January 2012 AMMJ


Smooth Operator - Operator driven reliability

Defects In University Buildings
Risk Management for Turnaround Maintenance
Quintessential Asset Management
Maintenance Managers Guide to Vibration Analysis
2012 Maintenance Web Links
Why Procurement Decisions Need to Take Into Account TCO
Optimizing Asset Reliability
DSM Methods For Planning & Scheduling
Dont Hit That Bearing

October 2011 AMMJ


Revolutionising Technical Fleet Management

Six Secrets Of Making A CMMS Work
Safety & Equipment Reliability In The Food Industry Through ME
Troubleshooting A Hot Bearing
World Class Maintenance
Reliability Centred Maintenance - A Cost Saving Measure
Vibration Analysis & Related Techniques In Condition Monitoring
Tips for Fighting The Epidemic of HVAC/R Moisture Challenges
Dynamic Life Cycle Costing for Mining Operations
Remote Monitoring Service for Critical Assets

July 2011 AMMJ


A Guide to Increasing Productivity of the Maintenance Department

Improving SCADA Operations Using Wireless Instrumentation
Lubrication Reliability
Maintenance Planning Is Too Hard In My Workplace
How long Should A Bearing Last
2011 Listing of Condition Monitoring Equipment and Services
Maintenance Decision Project At A Chemical Plant
Simple Solutions To Big Problems
Remaining Strength Prediction For Corroded Steel Plates
Spares Criticality Has Many Dimensions
Total Productive Maintenance 20 Years On

AMMJ Knowledge Centre - Past Issues

April 2011 AMMJ ammj242.pdf

Maintenance Engineering and Engineering Economics

Impact of Reliability Centred Maintenance
Protection Of Drives
Lessons Learnt In 45 Years of Condition Monitoring
Fit at 50 - Keeping Aging Transformers Healthy For Longer
Role of Vibration Monitoring In Predictive Maintenance - Part 2
Machinery Troubleshooting - First Impressions
2011 CMMS and EAMs Listing

February 2011 AMMJ

Laser Cladding - A Versatile Proactive & Reactive Technology

Mine Loader Failure Prediction
Strategic Maintenance Reporting For Sustained Improvement
Whats The FRACAS - Failure Elimination Made Simple
Mill Downtime Tracking Database Analysis
Forecasting Underground Electric Cable Faults
Role of Vibration Monitoring In Predictive Maintenance - Part 1
Six Tips to Improve Your MRO Spare Parts Management
V-Belt Maintenance
CM Is An Insurance Policy
Green CMMS The Engine of Sustainability

October 2010 AMMJ


Use Business Common Sense To Improve Maintenance Practices

Determining Spares Inventory & Costs For Conveyor at Mine Site
Performance Indicators what you need to know
Bolt Loosening and Bolted Flanges
Reliability Analysis
Using A CMMS To Single-handedly Manage Shutdowns
Implementing an Integrated AM System at Energy Australia
Troubleshooting Bearing Temperatures
Maintenance of Offshore Wind Farms
KPIs for High Performance Teams
Integrate Your Maintenance System

July 2010 AMMJ

Intelligent Maintenance Systems: The Next 5 Years and Beyond

Lessons From A Successful National CMMS Implementation
Asset Management and What Are The Most Critical Elements
Improving Our Capability for Managing Condition of Our Assets
Risk-Based Approach To Prev. Maint. Reviews at Sydney Water
A New Activity Matrix - Why Being Proactive Is No Longer Enough
Guiding Principles For Maintenance Planning And Scheduling
Use Of An Asset Productivity Index In Benchmarking Performance
Electrical Damage To Rolling Element Bearings
Non-Stop Crushing At Somincor Mine

April 2010 AMMJ

Maintenance & Reliability Best Practices

AM Lessons From Aviation Industry
Predictive Maintenance Benefits
Truth About Inventory Theory
Crack Detection Mining Mills
How Often Is Repair Stopped
Ready Set Print
False Brinelling
AM Plan for PPP
Gold In That Machine
Reduce Maintenance Costs


October 2009 AMMJ


* Changing The Perception Of Condition Monitoring

* Using Thermography To Inspect 20,000km of Overhead Wires
* When The Bubbles Burst - Managing Pump Cavitation
* PM and Repairs of Mining Machinery Using PDAs
* Maintenance Strategies for a Plant System at Ok Tedi Mine
* Machines Get Health Checks Online
* Maintenance and Reliability Web Links
* Lets Talk - Applying The 6:1 Rule for Preventive Maintenance

Deliver the Reliability You Want

Good and Not So Good About PAS 55
Living RCM
Maintenance History
Medical Centre Maintenance
Part 1 - Supporting Ship Availability
Return On Asset Reliability
Snakes and Ladders
What Is Reliability

July 2009 AMMJ


Motivating Maint. Craftsmen - Do We Know What We Are Doing?

Reducing Maintenance Costs In Tough Economic Times
CM Increases and Maintains Efficiency in Paper Production
Machines Talk and It Pays To Listen
Are You Doing Too Much Preventive Maintenance?
How Do CI Management Philosophies Relate To Maintenance
Healthcare and Maintenance
RCM and HAZOP - Is There A Need For Both?

April 2009 AMMJ

February 2010 AMMJ

Russian Roulette - Pulling The Trigger On Reliability

Shutdown Planning In Remote Sites
Managing and Supporting Ship Availability - Part 2


Why You Would Be Nuts To Keep Squirrel Stores

Using RCM to Change Their Maintenance Culture
Enhanced Efficiencies While Reducing Costs Using PDAs
A Blueprint For Setting Up An Asset Management System
The Predictive Maintenance Crystal Ball
Lifecycle FMECA
Importance of Setting Levels of Service For M & E Plant Assets
CMMS - Who Is At Fault
Overview of Vibration Analysis

AMMJ Knowledge Centre - Past Issues

February 2009 AMMJ


Maintenance Scheduling
Developing Maintenance Strategy & Setting Performance Targets
Maintenance Strategies and ISO 17359
What Is Equipment Reliability And How Do You Get It? Part 2
PAS 55:2008 - Life Cycle Optimised Asset Management
Mobile Fleet Budget & Availability Forecasting Using RCM & RBD
Risk Based Maintenance Management In The Cement Industry
Core Principles of Reliability Centered Maintenance
Production Data Analysis For Asset Management Decisions

October 2008 AMMJ


Best Practice Maintenance Planning

Why Do We Need A CMMS?
TPM - The Pinch and Point Solution for Lean Manufacturing
Work Priority The Relative Ranking of Importance
What Is Equipment Reliability And How Do You Get It?
A World Class Approach To Asset Management
Inventory Control Strategy Study For Airlines

July 2008 AMMJ


SOPs for MRO Storerooms Lean and Reliable Practices

Performance Benchmarking Update Expectations and Reliability
Management Can Help Workers Increase Projects Wrench-time
A World Class Approach to Asset Management - Part 1
Unsung Heroes - Can Maintenance Change The World?
The Elusive Weekly Maintenance Schedule
The Evolution Of Maintenance
Downtime More Important Than Uptime
Making The Unreasonable hReasonable

April 2008 AMMJ

* Holy Grail of Maint. Planning: Integration With Operations

* Are You Getting Enough From Your Condition Monitoring Program
* A Journey To Predictive Maintenance
* Web Enhanced Learning in Maintenance & Reliability Engineering
* See The Smallness in Enterprise Asset Management

* Rotable Plant Management In A Lean Maintenance Culture

* Analysis Of Work Order History

February 2008 AMMJ


Utilising Benchmark Metrics to Build and Manage

Tinker Air Force Base Lubrication/Oil Analysis Program
Battling The Skills Shortage
Asset Management 101 Fundamentals - Level of Service
Measuring Shock Pulse at a Paper Mill - A Case Study
TPM Implementation - The P5 Critical Success Factors
A FMECA of a Cement Plant Rotary Kiln Drive System
Vibration Based Monitoring And Analysis

October 2007 AMMJ



Maintenance Crisis Progress Report

The Rise and Rise of Tier 1 ERP Maintenance Systems
Delivering Maintenance Through People
Parts Management Agreement Worth Its Weight In Gold
Beyond EAM) - Asset Performance Management
The Ups & Downs or Reliability & CMMS Implementation
Front-line RCA: Info & Insight From Those Closest To The Work
When Inventory Optimization Doesnt Optimize

July 2007 AMMJ


Developing Asset Strategies And A Zero Based Budget

Implementing PDA Inspections Barrick Goldstrike Mine
Can Operations Manage Maintenance?
Effective Management Of Contract Maintenance
Putting The Total Jigsaw Together: PAS 55
What Else Can I Inspect?
RCM In Front End Engineering and Design Capital Projects
Airbus A380 Maintenance Concept Development

April 2007 AMMJ

* CMMS 9 plus 50 questions

* What is Predictive Maintenance
* Enterprise Reliability


The Partnership Organisations

Utilising A CMMS
Reliability Tools
Selecting A CMMS

February 2007 AMMJ


Asset Management An Insurance Perspective

Major Overhauls In Maintenance Legislation?
Aurora Health Care
Maintenance Budgeting - Electricity Networks
Detective Maintenance
Condition Monitoring Case Study
Shutdowns, Turnarounds And Outages
Live Condition Based Monitoring
Managing Water Utility Networks
Keeping The Peace

October 2006 AMMJ

Lubrication Excellence
Reducing Failures At Canadian Kraft Mill
Watchful Eye
Control Room Data
Lean Reliability
Sharing Reliability
Improving Plant Maintenance
Ash Grove Cement

July 2006 AMMJ

* Asset Basic Care

Wireless Live Video At Yarra Water
The Internet Meets EAM
CMMS Implementation Happy Ending
Maintenance Excellence Self Assessment
Where Did All The People Go
Reducing MTBF By 400%
Everybody Has An Excuse
US Naval Air Systems Command RCM
Audit Of Maintenance Strategy

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