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The Paschal Mystery

Fall 2015
Final Exam Study Guide

For the Final Exam, be sure to familiarize yourself with the terms and concepts from
lecture, classroom discussions, and activities, as well as your readings from the text
and from the Bible. Content from the text book will cover all sections, except for the
very last, Section 5, Part 2, on the Triduum. (This will be covered next semester.)
It is recommended that you study in groups or with a partner, and that you compare
and collate (Look it up!) your lecture notes. Please note that PowerPoint
presentations from lectures will NOT be posted online.
The Final Exam will consist of 200 Scantron questions, worth 1 point each, plus one
five paragraph essay, worth 50 points. For the essay, 3 out of 6 possible topics (see
below) will be on the Exam; you will choose one of these.

Essay Topics:

2. Discuss the Incarnation of Christ. Be sure to:

Explain the meaning of the phrase Christian Anthropology. How does this
differ from Anthropology as a Social Science?
Explain the dogma of the Incarnation. What is the significance of Christ
sharing with us a human nature?
Address some implications of Christ sharing with us a human nature. Hint:
Think Neil Armstrong.

3. Discuss Christs passion and death. Be sure to:

Address the question, Who really killed Jesus? Should the Jews be held
collectively responsible for Christs death? Why or Why not? Who is ultimately
responsible for Christs death?
Explain how Jesus suffering and death were a part of Gods plan, and not
the result of chance in an unfortunate coincidence of circumstances.
Explain the Christus Victor theory. According to this theory, how does Christs
death on the Cross save us? Hint: Think Gran Torino.

4. Discuss Christs Resurrection. Be sure to:

Explain why the Church insists upon the physical Resurrection of Jesus as a
historical fact. What are some historical and logical arguments in favor of
What are some of the qualities of Jesus resurrected, glorified body?

Explain how Jesus Resurrection is a proof of his own divinity and a promise of
eternal life for Christians.

5. Discuss the Apostle Paul. Be sure to:

Provide some basic biographical information about Paul. (Where was he born,
what was his trade, etc.)
Discuss Pauls background. How does his Roman citizenship, education, etc,
make him an ideal apostle and missionary?
Discuss one of Pauls missionary journeys. Where did he go? What did he do?
What is the significance of this journey for the larger evangelizing mission of
the Church?

5. Discuss the Last Things. Be sure to:

Explain the Catholic teaching on death and judgment (particular and

Explain the Catholic teaching on heaven, hell, and purgatory.
Discuss two or three images of heaven OR hell OR purgatory from scripture
and/or culture, and explain how they support and/or detract from the Catholic
understanding of these spiritual states.

6. Discuss prayer in the Christian tradition. Be sure to:

Define prayer as St. Therese of Lisieux/the Catechism define it (a paraphrase

will suffice).
Explain what is meant by kataphatic and apophatic expressions of prayer.
Explain either 1) one form of kataphatic prayer or 2) one form of apophatic

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