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Biography of Alleged Suspects

Manuel Third Jimenez III

- Manuel Third jimenez III is the businessman- husband of
Ruby Rose Barrameda-Jimenez. They were married on August
1, 1999 in Las Pinas where the Barrameda family comes from.
In their almost 8 year marriage, they had 2 daughters, Marga
and Martha.
- On January 2007, according to the sister of Ruby Rose, actress
Rochelle Barrameda, Ruby Rose and her husband were
involved in a domestic violence that prompted Ruby Rose to
file a custody case against her estranged husband that was
eventually dismissed by the courts. Hence, Third Jimenez had
sole custody of his 2 daughters.
- Its is alleged in a letter found among the possessions of Ruby
Rose that Third Jimenez had a concubine that he was living in
with at the time he and Ruby Rose were involved in a
domestic violence.

Manuel Jimenez II
- Manuel Jimenez II is the 67-year-old lawyer-businessman
father of Third Jimenez and father-in-law of Ruby Rose
Barrameda- Jimenez. He lives in BF Homes, Paranaque with
his wife and at the time of the disappearance of Ruby Rose,
with his two granddaughters with her and his son, Third.
- He is said to be the co-owner of BSJ Fishing and Trading
Incorporated with his Brother, Lope Jimenez.
- He is alleged to be the co-conspirator with his brother Lope in
the murder of his daughter-in-law, Ruby Rose.
- He surrendered to authorities and is now under hospital

Lope Jimenez
- Lope Jimenez is the uncle of Third Jimenez and Brother of
Manuel Jimenez
II. He is said to be the co-owner of BSJ
Fishing and Trading Incorporated with his Brother, Manuel
Jimenez II.
- Both Lope and Manuel claims to be estranged from one
another and have not spoken to each other for many years.
- Its is alleged that Lope was the one who paid 50,000 pesos to
the 4 henchmans 2 days after they killed Ruby Rose.
- As of to date he is at large.

Manuel Montero

Manuel Montero was the chief operation manager of BSJ

fishing and Trading incorporated.
He claimed to be the one to make the steel case where the
body of Ruby Rose was cemented.
In 2009 he resigned from BSJ Fishing and Trading Incorporated
but Lope Jimenez did not allow him to leave. Hence, he left
without permission and went into hiding. For fear of being
found and killed by the Jimenezs he surrendered to
authorities and confessed to the crime of killing Ruby Rose. He
confessed in details how he and his companions killed and
disposed of the body of Ruby Rose and who asked them to do
After his confession in 2009, he was made state witness and
placed under police custody but in March of 2013 he
disappeared. He eventually recanted his statement that linked
the Jimenezs and others to the murder of Ruby Rose.

Eric Fernandez
- Eric Fernandez is the personal driver of Lope Jimenez. He is
one of the 4 who killed Ruby Rose and remains at large until

Robert Obet Ponce

- Robert Ponce was an employee of BSJ fishing and trading
incorporated. He is one of the 4 who killed Ruby Rose and
remains at large until today.

Lennerd Spyke Descalzo

- Lennard Descalzo is the close-in bodyguard of Third Jimenez.
Its is alleged that he personally choked Ruby Rose with a rope
that cause her to suffocate and die.
- He was found while hiding in Bataan.

Rudy Dela Cruz

- Rudy Dela Cruz was an employee of BSJ fishing and trading
incorporated. He is said to be the one who procured the
materials for the steel case where the dead body of Ruby Rose
was placed and the steel drum.
- He remains at large until now.

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