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Section A: Reference of Article

Author (s) and Affiliation (s) : Fatemeh Ghabeli, Naeime Moheb, Seyed Davoud Hosseini Nasab
Title of Article

: Effect of Toys and Preoperative Visit on Reducing Childrens

Anxiety and their Parents before Surgery and Satisfaction with the
Treatment Process


: Journals of Caring Sciences

Volume and Page Numbers

: vol. 1 and 8 page

Year of Publication

: Februari 2014

Section B: General Methodological Issues

For each criterion, check the appropriate box, according to how you think it is addressed: ( Y=
Yes, S= substandard, N= No, NC= Not Clear, NR= Not Reported, NA= Not Applicable, NQ=
Not Qualified to Assess)
Tidak tersebut
A priori hypothesis clearly stated
[ ] [ ] [ ] [] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Populasi pasien RS.
Source population identified


[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

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Inclusion criteria described and

appropriate (same in all groups)


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Exclusion criteria described and

appropriate (same in all groups)


[ ]

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[ ]

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[ ]

Number of excluded or refusal

(before study) reported

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]


[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

Withdrawals (during study)

reported,explained, and reasonable

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]


[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

Withdrawals equal in groups

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]


[ ]

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[ ]

Sample size preplanned to provide

adequate statistical power


[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]


Anak usia 3 8 tahun

yang akan melakukan
operasi telinga, hidung,
atau tenggorokan
beserta orang tuanya.
anak-anak yang
menjalani operasi
darurat, anak yatim,
anak-anak cacat mental,
dan warga negara asing.
Tidak tersebut.
Tidak tersebut
Tidak tersebut
60 anak usia 3 8 tahun
di RS. Tabriz
Amiralmomenin (Iran)

Statistical analysis appropriate


[ ]

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[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

Adjustment for multiple


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[ ]

Adjustment for important


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[ ]


[ ]

[ ]

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Results verifiable from raw data

[ ]

[ ]

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[ ]

[ ]

Section C: Check type of study, and follow instructions:

Type of Study Check Instructions
Type of Study

Independent T-Test
Tidak tersebut
Tidak tersebut
Tidak tersebut


Assessment of a diagnostic procedure

[ ]

Fill in sections D to F

Controlled trial of intervention

[ ]

Fill in sections G to I

Cohort or prognostic study

[ ]

Fill in sections J to L

Case-control study

[ ]

Fill in sections M to O

Cross-sectional study

[ ]

Fill in sections P to R

Clinical or descriptive study

[ ]

Fill in section S

Other, specify; (Quasi Experiment)


Fill in section S

Section S: Conclusions and assessment of the article

I. Strengths of the paper (Kekuatan dari makalah):
Kekuatan makalah ini terdapat pada penjabaran material dan metode yang digunakan
untuk menentukan kelompok kontrol, melakukan pretest lalu mengolah data
menggunakan SPSS ver.13. dan menggunakan beberapa alat penelitian sehingga
menghasilkan hasil yang valid.
II. Weaknesses of the paper (Kelemahan dari makalah):
III. Reviewers conclusions (if different from authors)(Kesimpulan reviewer (jika berbeda dari
Berdasarkan temuan, memberikan mainan untuk anak-anak dan menginformasikan
orang tua tentang informasi medis memiliki pengaruh besar dalam mengurangi
kecemasan anak-anak dan meningkatkan kepuasan orang tua dengan proses perawatan
yang diberikan.
IV. Clinical relevance (Relevansi klinis):
Highly relevant
Questionable relevance
Not qualified to evaluate
Penelitian ini sangat relevan dikarenakan realita dilapangan memang banyak anak dan
orang tuanya yang mengalami kecemasan sebelum dilakukan operasi pembedahan
karena kurangnya pengetahuan dan tidak adanya tindakan untuk membuat klien merasa
tenang. Maka dari itu dilakukan kunjungan preoperative dan aplikasi mainan untuk
mengurangi rasa cemas pada anak dan mengukur tingkat kepuasan orang tua terhadap
perawatan yang diberikan.
V. Scientific merit (Manfaat ilmiah):
Very good
Scientifically admissible
Scientifically inadmissible
[ ]Section S: Conclusions
VI. Type of study (Jenis penelitian):
Randomized controlled trial conducted & interpreted properly
Controlled trial with evidence of comparability of groups
Well-designed cohort or case-control study
Case series or cohort study without controls
Opinions of competent authorities based on clinical experience, descriptive studies,
research, or studies not classified in the preceding categories
Other, including substandard of the above


Jenis penelitian diatas termasuk dalam Quasi experiment karena menggunakan pretest
dan kelompok control.
VII. Recommendations concerning possible additional specialized reviewer (Rekomendasi mengenai
kemungkinan penambahan resensi khusus):
Tidak ada.
VIII. Should any article referenced in the article be added to the list of papers to be criticized? If yes,
Tidak ada.

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